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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10721090 No.10721090 [Reply] [Original]

I miss the time when you could post a random image on /jp/, and go back half an hour later to find 20 posts worth of on-topic discussion.

This is not a metathread. If anything, it's a test.

>> No.10721094
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>le /jp/

>> No.10721152

Has /jp/ ever really been that way?

>> No.10721211


A few times I decided to be a faggot and use /jp/ (and pre-split /a/ before /jp/ even existed) as a kind of a short-term image hosting service. Okay, some of it was OC, but mostly I was making reposts of reposts. I'd be fine with the threads being ignored and safely pruned a few hours later, but no, they always got responses. People saw a picture and interpreted it as a sign that you can talk about what it described underneath. And they did.

Now, it seems like no-one wants to talk anymore.

>> No.10721212
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>> No.10721215

Yes, but only for very loose definitions of "on-topic."

>> No.10721232

I think this topic might fail now because you're explicitly drawing out posts, and people might be embarrassed to oblige you as it could come off as artificial.
I hope this thread does get a lot of posts, though. We haven't had any good discussions lately.

>> No.10721257

I agree it would be a crappy way of drawing out posts, but I'm not. I was honest here, it was just a test (and I didn't even say what I was testing). The test is now over, and so is my interest in the thread.

Not that I won't stay around if people actually do start talking. It will depend on merits of their posts, though. I feel no responsibility or attachment here.

>> No.10721296

Check out this 2012 newfag /q/ueer going on about quality while making shitty, worthless metathreads. Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.10721304
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That was fucking adorable.

Can you make another?

>> No.10721625

That's because 70% of all threads are now spam which is posted over and over until it isn't fun anymore, or it probally never was fun to begin with.
This scared away most awesome people who would turn a lame thread by an outsider into a 200 post discussion about anything you could imagine

>> No.10721682

>post a random image on /jp/
>go back half an hour later
I hate it when people do this. It's irresponsible and pure laziness. If you make a thread you should try to encourage discussion yourself, not rely on other people to do it for you.

>> No.10721697

Then again, meta threads such as this one always had the most replies within the shortest time.
/jp/ used to love nothing more than discussing how bad /jp/ is

>> No.10721696

get wreked fukin punk ass fuckboy

>> No.10721739
File: 152 KB, 560x530, 2zghuev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10721742

>It's irresponsible and pure laziness.
Just where do you think you are?

>> No.10721744

Why is the "Ronery" region in 3 colours? DIfferent kinds of ronery?

>> No.10722768


>> No.10722776

Canada is fucking shit.

>> No.10722797

Hence why quebec wants to seperate.
I wish there were otaku political parties. I'd vote for that.

>> No.10722799

Actually, it's not only /jp/. The 'plague' have pretty much taken 4chan.

This is the year of normalfags and social networks, at this point we cannot really do anything against it.

>> No.10729091

How is BC deep?

>> No.10729105

>muh freedums
