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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10712729 No.10712729 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm walking home today and some fucker bumps into me and instantly starts talking shit to my face about Taoism being the best religion. I tried to stay calm and explain to him that Buddhism was actually the best religion, but he wouldn't take a hint. He started throwing around words like 'yin-yang dualism' and I fucking lost it. Punched him right in his Tao-loving face.

I hate Taoism so fucking much.

>> No.10712737

But anon, most places where Taoism is a thing it's also mixed with Buddhist tradition. They're almost never practiced in a pure form. It's almost impossible really since they've mated and mated again and again over the ages! In Japan; Taoism, Buddhism, and Shinto live together in one big happy mixed family.

I don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.10712779

If he was actually a Taoist, he wouldn't haved flipped his shit on you.

>> No.10712786
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Taoism thread?

>> No.10712796
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Oh hell no.

>> No.10712802


>> No.10712806
File: 4 KB, 600x413, Aeons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valentinianism is the best religion. Just look at this pantheon.

>> No.10712811

Dio can be in any animu he wants, faglord.

>> No.10712814

That was Dio stupid
And the fact that you thought that would be funny leads me to believe you're either a retard or female.

>> No.10712826
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He's google.

>> No.10712822

I confused them? Time for rewatch marathon.

>> No.10712842

Consider your self lucky if true. I live in hick town, and am Rinzai Zen. Have been called a satanist for the enso tattoo on my shoulder blade.

>> No.10712859


Stop walking around with your shoulders uncovered, you harlot.

>> No.10712880

it was 122 degrees out, and I am in good shape. I can pull it off. Most of the locals wear wife beaters anyway.

>> No.10712887

a /jp/ user is fit? how? what? I don't even.

>> No.10712893

It's not that hard to figure out.

>> No.10712898

He's a crossboarder here for the weekend

>> No.10712926

Last time /jp/ really worked to find out how many of its posters were n33ts and had truly crippling social issues, the number of just over 15%. Most of /jp/ can handle them selves.

>> No.10712929

only surveys are truly reliable

btw i'm the queen of england

>> No.10712938

And yet the last time we did a poll to find out how many virgins are here it was 85%

You really can't look to statistics to get info on this place.

>> No.10712945

Please make sure to quality check your posts in order to make sure you are not abusing chan features such as spoilers, as you have done in this post. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community.

>> No.10712946

it may astound you to learn that many EETs are also virgins

>> No.10712955

The only statistic that truly matters is how many /jp/ers are content with their lives, chose to be where they are by choice and see no need to brag about it.

I'd say less than 1% are in the above situation.

>> No.10712984

How big of a failure do you have to be to not get laid while living as a normalfag?

I'm a longtime friendless NEET who is hardly a good looking guy and even I've had a few chances come my way. Of course I never acted upon them because I am true /jp/ but still.

>> No.10712998
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>> No.10713006

I lost my wizardry a while ago, work, and have my own place. Does this make me unfit for /jp/?

>> No.10713012

maybe you should not be a Buddhist/Taoist in a small town. The nail that stands up gets hammered down .

>> No.10713013

Have you never heard of work from home jobs? You are employed, yet you rarely leave your room. Not really any opportunity to have sex there.

>> No.10713009

No. Get the fuck out.

>> No.10713016

Mind if I quote you on that in my book of wise sayings?

>> No.10713050
File: 343 KB, 920x632, 1357271066554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get along pretty well as far as I can see

>> No.10713061

wait, why do you have daoists?

>> No.10713074

Well, I have Christians, started praying as soon as I locked the basement door.

>> No.10713228
File: 207 KB, 850x610, sample-730f6c896b22ad9df77dd005e09cb7f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like that thing about taoism and buddhism mating. Tell me more.
