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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10711110 No.10711110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been playing more eroge recently, only to find out that they make me even more lonely than I was before. I've come to terms with not being in a relationship now, but I'm starting to feel like I'm really missing something. I want someone to spend time with that will be with me forever and love me unconditionally. Does anyone else get these intense feelings of loneliness? What do you do to stop/ease them? I just want to fall in love like a galge. ;_;

>> No.10711120

These feelings are there because you want them to be, because you keep dwelling on them and pitying yourself for not being in a relationship. It's the same reason people feel despair.

If you take it far enough, you might even end up being happy that you aren't in a relationship because the hopelessness feels comforting. It can be a kind of drug.

>> No.10711234


>> No.10711246

Thank you anon. That's somehow comforting to hear, so thank you. Hopefully, I can stop myself from dwelling on it, but it just hurts so much to go to bed clinging to my pillows because of the loneliness. If I had someone I could talk to about this, maybe things would be better, but I have no friends I can trust.

>> No.10711266

Pretty much know this feel. Don't really know what advice to give though. Especially since there's probably only a small chance to meet someone like that.

>> No.10711294


For me, I fell in love with a character. I have a dakimakura of her, I talk with her and snuggle with her every night. I honestly have never felt happier. My advice is find something you really care about. Everything in life is completely dependent upon your perspective. If you think of yourself as a sad, lonely person you'll always feel that way even in a relationship. Don't think you're missing out because most relationships are quite shallow. You have to learn to love yourself and enjoy your own company because that's the only thing you have.

If you need someone to talk to, there's always /jp/.

>> No.10711303

>most relationships are quite shallow
Quoted for truth.

>> No.10711313

Those feelings are normal, so don't fret. I also occasionally watch relationships that really touch me and think "why can't I have that ;_;" but then I remember that the vast majority of people in the world will never find true love and that I'm not alone in that way.

>> No.10711315

le tfwnogf facwe

>> No.10711319

Also relationships are a lot of work and usually nothing like the true love portrayed in media

>> No.10711320

/jp/ ignores me for the most part. I have nothing good to say.

>> No.10711322

get a daki 4 real dude
hug that shit when lonely
see a therapist and talk your problems out there, not in /jp/
trust me, you will actually feel better than any anonymous comment on the internet could make you feel
get on anti-depressants if you feel up for it, or just do the therapy
go 2 a doctor 4 reelio
follow the doctor's advice
feel good mang

>> No.10711323

That's only if you do it like most people do it these days.

All you really need is to have a way to talk to them often, and the internet works well for that. If that's there, then it should just develop without any work. If it doesn't, then it's not worth it.

>> No.10711340

You're just letting go of feelings you had bottled up before. You will get used to it in time. That's how I felt when I played my first eroge.

>> No.10711342

I can't really help you if that's the case. Talk about otaku culture things you like, or maybe indulge in a little off-topic stuff when it's late (it would be better than the shitposts). Talk to your family if you have any; they won't be around forever.

>it should just develop without any work
I don't think that's true at all. Any substantial relationship requires time and commitment. If you're an anxious person like me, even email can be frustrating and tiring.

I think the point is to pick the right relationships to nurture. Unfortunately, if you aren't alright with yourself, any relationship is bound to fail. We have to love ourselves first. I think that's the primary reason why "normal people" have so many problems; they're broken people looking for others to fix them. It isn't going to happen.

>> No.10711360
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you should stop playing sad games

just play happy ones and be happy and fun

>> No.10711364

>time and commitment
Well, yeah. But that happens on its own. Forcing yourself to "work" on the relationship is retarded. Also, most people's lives these days (at least in first world countries) don't really have anything too exciting or substantial in them, so there's no way for a relationship with someone else to become substantial either.

>> No.10711386

ntr all day everyday

>> No.10711398

dont buy a daki OP

try this,

cut down on junk food, infact stop eating anything that is bad for you.

start doing simple workouts at night (push ups,sit ups) do this for a week or two and see how you feel

I guarantee you will feel better about yourself which will then give you self confidence and encourage you to do well in other areas (pursue dat wafiu)

Its never to let to change

>> No.10711403

> Forcing yourself to "work" on the relationship is retarded
It won't come "naturally" for some people. Like I said, my anxiety makes me work in order to communicate with others. And it's quite clear that things don't just "happen on their own" if you've ever had friends drift away from you then you should know--those things are preventable.

>Also, most people's lives these days (at least in first world countries) don't really have anything too exciting or substantial in them
I disagree. I think we are all wonderful people, but we've buried ourselves so deep in trying to deal with the bullshit of everyday life that we've become ugly caricatures. When we were kids, we had dreams. What happened? When the masks come off, there's something beautiful. It's painfully difficult, but I think it's worth it. Even the most meaningless of conversations are precious between the right people.

>> No.10711401

You should play some awesome RPGs or vidya instead. I've just recently picked up Monster Hunter 3U for the Wii and Ni no Kuni for the PS3.

>> No.10711408

Sadness is the fuel of progress. Happiness is what kept the aboriginals from improving themselves and kept them in a perpetual state of inferiority.

>> No.10711410

Like it or not, it's human nature to want to be in a loving relationship, and regardless of what /jp/ tells itself the majority of us are affected by that innate desire too. Playing games that are all about idealized, fictional versions of that type of relationship are only going to exacerbate the loneliness of not being in one, not necessarily heal it.

But I think the important thing to keep in mind is that relationships in real life aren't really anything like the ones in eroge, trust me on this one. That doesn't mean they aren't worthwhile and aren't worth pursuing (that depends on the person) but don't let yourself think that everyone around you who is in a relationship is experiencing the type of magical ones you see in eroge and you're missing out on that. Because you aren't going to find it in real life, period, though you might find something that eases those feelings of loneliness a bit.

>> No.10711421

Sadness isn't the fuel of progress m8, conflict is.

>> No.10711450

Fictional romance is beautiful because it's ideal. It will only exacerbate our loneliness if we seriously believe that relationships will make us any happier. They don't. At least, not if we continue to believe that we're shitty people.

Eroge romance should hurt a little bit, but I think it's a good hurt. Kind of cathartic.

>> No.10711455

Sadness is a conflict.

>> No.10711464

>eroge relationship.
Aren't you forgetting something important here? They are because precisely BECAUSE it's an eroge (or VN, or whatever).
If real relationships were that nice there wouldn't be any reason for making eroges in the first place.

Also.. like in OP's picture, the girl crying from happiness while kissing is a casual route, but I actually never saw or even heard of that in 3D.

Don't mix both worlds, seriously.

>> No.10711466
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Conflict may be sad, but not all sadness sprouts from conflict.

>> No.10711469

>They are 'good' because
Forgot to add the 'good' word since it's something you aren't likely to type on internet anyway.

>> No.10711473

Actually, there are people who are genuinely happy when at conflict with someone or something, and yet at the same time it also drives them to improve themselves.

I don't think it's really that black and white. Then again, nothing is that black and white.

>> No.10711479

Are you agreeing with me? Then why start your post with "actually"?

>> No.10711542

Then go out and meet girls. It shouldn't be hard.

Major part of being an otaku is that you understand these games are fiction.

>> No.10711550

Like most people in this thread have already said, get a daki of a character you really like. It did wonders for me. Even my therapist is happy that I found 2D love, and thinks it's great that I'm able to get happy over a fictional character. Even if she isn't real, she makes me happy, and really that's all that matters.

>> No.10711570

>even if she isn't real
You'd be even happier if you lost that mentality.

Who says she isn't real anyway?

>> No.10711578

>Even if she isn't real, she makes me happy, and really that's all that matters.
I can cosign that. And don't say she isn't real. The feelings you have are real. That's more than you can say for how you feel towards the majority of "real" people alive (that's just a fact). What you have is meaningful. That is real.

Also, that's cool that you managed to tell your therapist. I'm much too scared to drop something like that.

>> No.10711589
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>Even my therapist is happy that I found 2D love

>> No.10711606

I disagree. For some people understanding that character isn't real is what makes him happy. Like they happy to know that she is just unreachable dream.

>> No.10711609

I should rephrase that. I do believe she is real. The fact that I can touch her is real enough for me. What I guess I meant to say is that she's not a living breathing 3D person.

>> No.10711624

I just tell my self that nobody likes me, nobody will care for me, nobody will love me, nobody will befriend me, nobody will waste their time on me and I feel better because I don't expecting anything from everyone else.

I have resigned my self to that truth. Never have I felt free in my life.

>> No.10711630
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>> No.10711638

I bought a dakimakura of my much beloved character and I don't really do anything with it. She just sort of lays in my bed taking up space and making me look weirder than usual.

Maybe I'm just not the affectionate type.

>> No.10711639

>Like they happy to know that she is just unreachable dream.
I think reachable or not doesn't matter because he/she possesses the dream which is meaningful in itself. Of course the character is intangible, that's a fact, but the most profound experiences are transcendent

I think you're a good guy who's deluded himself into thinking he's worthless. Love yourself before you worry about others. Don't you see that all of your conditions of worth depend on other people affirming your value?

>> No.10711642

That's weird. You should cuddle with her. I was ecstatic when I got mine. It's been over a year and I still feel so happy when I see her smile that I have to hug her and give her a kiss.

>> No.10711648

>I think you're a good guy who's deluded himself into thinking he's worthless.
No, there simply are people inferior to their peers.

Even the most diehard equality nut knows it inside.

>> No.10711675

I would love to believe you but no, but nobody sees me as someone valuable. Isn't that why I'm here and I have hobbies like this? If I thought of myself highly then I would be a full riajuu.

I love myself, yes. Loving other people always meant sacrificing your love for yourself, even if your love is deemed as worthless.

>> No.10711676

Yeah I've never much been one for "cuddling"
I was that little kid who pushed his mom away when she'd try to hug.

>> No.10711679

How do we define worth? Even easily quantifiable differences between people require interpretation in order to make a value judgement.

Your worth is defined by your conditions. You can't possibly be more worthless than some of the fucks I've had the displeasure of meeting. At least you have the good sense to know you aren't perfect.

>> No.10711684

That's something each person decides for themselves.

If someone sees themselves as inferior, they may either try to improve until they surpass the others, or give up because they want to stay that way.

If you want to be inferior then you simply will be. Nothing wrong with that, since it's totally your choice.

Me, I just don't like being around most people and I think I'm better than them. It's a pretty nice way to live.

>> No.10711689

Go for your sister then as the couple in your OP pic is a pair of sibling as well.

>> No.10711696

Not him but in the world of society your worth is based on how much you contribute.
Good looks, lots of money, intelligence, etc etc. People will like you more for this and give you more value based on it.

As a dumb shitty male NEET I don't have much worth to people but I've long since accepted this fact.

>> No.10711695

Ah, I'd like to add to this that you also have the option of just no longer seeing yourself as inferior. Inferiority is completely subjective, and many times it's the fact that you perceive yourself this way that causes you to be unable to measure up to the others in some area.

>> No.10711708

>nobody sees me as someone valuable
See, that's a condition of worth. You shouldn't need someone to define you. You define yourself. The real question is what's so special about those assholes out there that you need them to validate you?

>Isn't that why I'm here and I have hobbies like this? If I thought of myself highly then I would be a full riajuu.
You're here because you're like me--you have hobbies. That's better than some of those idiots who pretend to like shit. You don't need to have an egoist to be comfortable with who you are.

You really should break that habit. Cuddling feels amazing.

It's true that the world thinks that way, but we don't have to. Worth based on contrivances is truly worthless.

>> No.10711720

Shlock. The smart man is superior to the dumb, the beautiful is superior to the ugly, the healthy are superior to the sick. You know this. It cannot be denied.

The very fact that a mother cannot help hoping her child will be smart, strong and fair over the opposite is evidence enough.

I'm tired of hearing "It's up to you" when strangers scoff at me and people don't even see me as human.

>> No.10711722

>See, that's a condition of worth. You shouldn't need someone to define you.
However, a person's worth is measured by common metrics. You just can't strut your stuff and say you're valuable when most people deem you're not. Like it or not, people define one's worth. You can only build an identity, but you can't appraise its value yourself.

>> No.10711726

You seek comfort in hopelessness. That's fine. Once you drown yourself in it, you will be truly free.

>> No.10711732

>The smart man is superior to the dumb, the beautiful is superior to the ugly, the healthy are superior to the sick.
None of that matters since there is no meaning to life and therefore no being "better" or "worse" at it.

>> No.10711741

Now this thread isn't /jp/ related anymore. Take this to /soc/ or /r9k/.

>> No.10711752

People might judge, sure, but why does that matter so much? And why can't you validate yourself? If I have created something, I have a say in its worth. In fact, I think I should have more say because I understand the intricacies within it. For something like an identity, I think the only person qualified is the person his/herself; everyone else only sees a sliver.

I question the validity of our "common metrics." The normative standards of things like beauty and success are downright absurd.

Self-deprecation and depression is otaku culture, nerd.

>> No.10711753

It's a biological standard people subconsciously hold though. Those traits that increase reproductive+survival capability are always seen as a positive.

By the way, I'm not the original guy you spoke to, just adding my two cents.

>> No.10711760

Oh my, you really went to the next level on that "seeking comfort in hopelessness" thing.

Well, I can relate. Growing up in this world can sometimes be so disgusting that you truly want nothing more than to cease to exist, right there on the spot. Dying isn't enough, it's better to be completely erased. That's what I wanted in the past. I didn't think I could escape any other way.

>> No.10711763

Everything about life is based on being "better" or "worse." Strong animals eat the weak, sick animals die in the wild, etc.

You're confusing nature's law with universal law.

>> No.10711764

>Self-deprecation and depression is otaku culture, nerd.
Thanks for the laugh. This is what second rate otaku really believe.

>> No.10711781

Such a social-Darwinist perspective isn't all that accurate, though. Society helps out invalids and mentally retarded people, the sick and elderly are taken care of, etc. Yeah, they're inferior, but they were truly worthless, we would have adopted eugenics long ago.

I was half-joking, but otaku ARE known for self-deprecation. I don't know about depression.

>> No.10711785

I'm not the guy from earlier. I'm not hopeless and /jp/ would probably consider me a normalfag. I just happen to be a nihilist.

Using biology as a standard for one's personal life is pretty dumb though.

>> No.10711819

