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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 106 KB, 550x500, ericaisveryupset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10707072 No.10707072 [Reply] [Original]

My waifu just got a dakimakura which I think i'd like to have but i'm a huge poorfag ($100) who lives with a roommate, so it's not really a viable option right now.

These things seem to sell out stupid fast though, am I missing out on my only chance? Will they just be completely gone in a year or two? Wat do?

>> No.10707097
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Just suck it up and buy it. Worse case just hide her under your bed, or in your closet. Now stop being Beta and just buy it already.

>> No.10707106
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Shit this creep'd me out dude

>> No.10707118 [SPOILER] 
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Sorry kind of a creepy dude. But still trying to help.

>> No.10707144


Well like I said, i'm poor at the moment. If I had money I would also live alone and not be ashamed to buy hug pillows of characters from my chinese cartoons.

>> No.10707181

Go back to /a/.

>> No.10707188
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Still just save up a bit and work to afford it.

>> No.10707203


I'll try.

I'm just afraid it'll go out of stock the moment it comes out of preorder this month.

>> No.10707216

Are you trying to cram as many /a/ memes as you can into one post?

Go away.

>> No.10707217

What pillow are you looking for exactly?

>> No.10707314
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Sorry. I only browse /jp/ occasionally. Didn't mean to be a huge square.

>> No.10707325

Dayum. That shit is expensive.

>> No.10707342

Please do not misuse the spoiler function.

>> No.10707345 [DELETED] 


>> No.10707373
File: 50 KB, 720x720, ericayawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you see my problem! Even if I saved for a few months it would probably be long gone.

>> No.10707398

You could always pawn some things to get some extra money for it.

>> No.10707414

Pawning isn't worth it.

They'd rip a regular person, and they'd slaughter a beta.

Also, 100 bucks isn't that expensive if its quality. If I knew you, I'd probably buy it for you as an early birthday gift or something like that, OP.

>> No.10707434
File: 96 KB, 579x800, ericablush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aw, you sound like a pretty good friend.

>> No.10707468

faisal shazad

>> No.10707481

So what are the chances of finding this in a year or so?

I don't know a whole lot about dakis, a few SW ones came out in June or so and only some still seem to be around.

>> No.10707507

Sell shit online. If you don't have shit, do a little bit of crime.

Actually, if you look sad enough, you can panhandle. It helps if you or someone you know has an old car. If you don't have that, get your hands on a gas can. Go to a gas station and say that your car is out and ask people if they can spare a couple dollars for gas. Once you've made 20+, buy a little bit of gas (to ease any suspicion) and go to another gas station. Don't make this a habit because people catch on REAL quick.

>> No.10707510

Please do not abuse the crossboard feature.

>> No.10707520


You what mate?

>> No.10707526

por que

>> No.10707697
File: 32 KB, 240x192, 1364505251355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a pedophile.

Sage for pedo thread.

>> No.10707759
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>> No.10708024 [DELETED] 


THIS would be pedophile, and is also an objectively better character than OP's waifu.

>> No.10708032 [DELETED] 


THIS would be pedophilia, and is also an objectively better character than OP's waifu.

>> No.10708065
File: 54 KB, 299x999, 10216405a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so beautiful, $100 is nothing for your waifu OP.

I want to hold her and sug and fug her all night

>> No.10708917
File: 470 KB, 850x566, ericahai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


S-she's 17. Legal here.


It is when you only have $40 to your name.

>> No.10708956

kimi you are rorikon evil pedo baka!

>> No.10708958

Post the animated one.

>> No.10708972

Why is her teeth brown?

>> No.10708978

but wont it be awkward when you bring a girl home and she sees youre anime girl pillow

>> No.10708983

9500JPY is cheaper than average for an official 2way tricot.
Though, well it's not pearl roica, A&J2way or any upgraded 2way from the looks of it.
Not sure who those chara-ani fags are, I only buy onahole and onahole related accesories.

Stop being underage and have a bank account that can overdraft already.

>> No.10708996
File: 51 KB, 190x190, 1307462856229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be nice but and I could even afford it. Too bad my mother would throw me out if I had it in the house.

>> No.10709028


Just keep it in the box until you get your own place.

Or don't, so I have a better chance of getting it later.

>> No.10709118

If you're looking for a cheaper one, HobbyHeart has it for $40.

I don't understand how people can't hide their dakis. I've had one for about 4 months now and my parents have no idea. I just keep her covered up when I'm away.

>> No.10709224

I like to gut my dakimakuras so I can climb inside them myself

>> No.10709243


>this guy

Wow thanks, why are they so cheap? Must be bootlegs or something since you have a material choice, right?

They still any good?

>> No.10709263

Why are people responding to this. Notice how there is like 3 sages in the entire thread. Please just go back to /a/, you will get more replies anyway.

>> No.10709285

Because dakimakura are on-topic in /jp/.

I actually thought it was a sparky thread at first.

>> No.10709322 [DELETED] 

Epic use of hidden surprise bars, m8.

>> No.10709451


>go to /a/
>"offtopic take this shit to /jp/"
>go to /jp/
>cough in the wrong direction
>"stupid shit go ask /a/ kiddy"

Guess I can't win. Does anyone at least know anything about hobbyheart's quality? It's pretty obvious they're bootleg. I'm pretty suspicious given that the real one hasn't even come out yet, how could they have gotten a high res image by now?

>> No.10709456

epic greentext friend

>> No.10709468

Why is this thread still alive

Is janitor-kun sleeping?

>> No.10709473

Because dakimakura are on-topic in /jp/.

>> No.10709491

/a/ is full of casual buyfags that shun dakimakuras and only buy shitty figurines.

>> No.10709494
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>> No.10709560

You have a roommate and you live with your parents?

>> No.10709631


That's a different poster. I didn't magically trip over the money last night.

>> No.10709666

17 years old is still a child you pedo

>> No.10709689


She is not a child she is a magical girl

nice trips

>> No.10709952
File: 76 KB, 400x500, 368875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm pretty suspicious given that the real one hasn't even come out yet, how could they have gotten a high res image by now?
Check Danbooru, the pictures are there.

I got one with peach skin for $40 (with shipping). I haven't had any other dakis so it's hard to compare. I noticed a few loose strings around the opening, and there's a bit of fading on her coattails. Honestly it was the best $40 I've spent in a long time, I love it despite the average quality. Also, make sure you have the right pillow size, my cover measured 140 by 47 cm which was too large for the pillow I had.

>> No.10709984

What do you guys do when your lady friends come over to visit?

Oh wait...

>> No.10710085

They bring their dakimakura over and we have a tea party, why?

>> No.10710493

So creepy, but I know that feel.

>> No.10711361

I have both a peach skin and a smooth knit (1 way tricot).
Peach skin is almost as good in term of softness, however peach skin doesn't stretch, and seems to be thicker than smooth knit. Also after 1 year I can clearly see the colour fading away a little.
Simply put, the difference between smooth knit and peach skin is the same between a thin silk cloth and and a thick blanket of equal softness.

Peach skin is a good temporary solution, but if you can get 2 way tricot, then forget about peach skin.

Also I'd advice against velour and other bullshit materials.

Oh, btw, you also have to consider buying a pillow, and the top quality ones also fall into the 100USD price range once you add shipping costs.

But in your case just getting the cover before it goes out of stock is what matters.

If you get your hands on it, get an appropriate detergent, and avoid exposing the daki cover to the sun.
