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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10701892 No.10701892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Until further notice, we have hidden/disabled access to a majority of the boards archived on Foolz. This was done to limit the amount of load placed upon our server. We are still working on a solution to resolve the connection/throttling issue our back-end server has with the 4chan API.

>> No.10701894
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>> No.10701932


>> No.10701935

Warosu never had this problem.

>> No.10701935,1 [INTERNAL] 

foolz a SHIT

>> No.10701941

About time

>> No.10701941,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10701941,2 [INTERNAL] 

Who would want to keep /q/?

>> No.10701941,3 [INTERNAL] 

u mena ℱoolz?

>> No.10701941,4 [INTERNAL] 

Ask warosuman

>> No.10701941,5 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, are you a hacker?

>> No.10701941,6 [INTERNAL] 

I hacked you're mom's pussy last nite. ;)

>> No.10701956

Go back to shitposting on your cp filled ghost board

>> No.10701956,1 [INTERNAL] 

My mom is dead, dicklicker.


>> No.10701960

Enjoy your dead ghost board.

>> No.10701960,1 [INTERNAL] 

I already am.

>> No.10701970

You're disgusting.

>> No.10701960,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10701965

That creature thing is disgusting.

>> No.10701968

>he doesn't cherish and "enjoy" the child porn on warosu

>> No.10701979

Oh yeah, what do you think about this creature?
*whips out dick*

>> No.10701970,1 [INTERNAL] 

I came on her ashes ;)

>> No.10701975


>> No.10701979,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why did they leave /jp/, /tg/, and /q/ up but take down the boards that only Foolz archived?

>> No.10701982

wow epic quote inside quote dude

what does ""enjoy"" mean?

>> No.10701983
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>> No.10701987



>> No.10701986

It means you masturbate to the child porn

>> No.10701987,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10701990

Foolz LEWD looks nice.

>> No.10701992

True art critics analyze every form of art.

>> No.10701992,1 [INTERNAL] 

No you didn't, I checked :)

>> No.10701992,2 [INTERNAL] 

You don't?

I don't seek out cp, but given the chance, why not.

>> No.10702005

>Why was post ## or thread ## purged from the site?

>In order for us to keep our service online, we must abide by the Acceptable Usage Policy and Terms of Service set by our datacenters. Because of the nature of this site, certain materials must be purged from our servers in order for us to keep the servers online and operational. It should also be stated that any content or material that meets the following criteria listed below shall be purged from our servers as well.

>Rules and Conditions
>Any content that exposes personal information shall be purged
>Any illegal pornographic materials, including drawn artwork in certain circumstances, shall be purged
>Any spam containing excessive advertisement on internal boards shall be purged

>> No.10702000


>> No.10702000,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10702014


>All banned images are visible

Are they talking about what I think they're talking about?

>> No.10702014,1 [INTERNAL] 

EPIC /a/ meme dude.
simply EPIC

>> No.10702018

More like Jewlz.

>> No.10702018,1 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit ROFLMAO

>> No.10702018,2 [INTERNAL] 

Great thread warosu /b/ros :)

>> No.10702018,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10702018,4 [INTERNAL] 


I don't think these boards actually care about being archived.

>> No.10702018,5 [INTERNAL] 

How do photographs of adults posted with their permission fall under these conditions, exactly?

>> No.10702018,6 [INTERNAL] 

I care. I like to look at threads about games on /v/ and /vg/ when I finish playing them.

>> No.10702018,7 [INTERNAL] 


I'm gonna miss /vg/ too, but I don't think the archive was that actively used.

>> No.10702018,8 [INTERNAL] 

I wanted to look up something on the /tv/ archive.

>> No.10702018,9 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe not for a lot of people, but I used it a lot because I prefer archives to actual boards.

>> No.10702018,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10702018,11 [INTERNAL] 

Foolz is still the only one who archives /a/. When the FUCK is warosu going to step up?

>> No.10702018,12 [INTERNAL] 

Warosuman, why are you archving /s4s/?

>> No.10702018,13 [INTERNAL] 

why the FUCK would anyone want to read archived /a/ threads?

>> No.10702018,14 [INTERNAL] 

>[ cgl / ck / fa /

>> No.10702018,15 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10702018,16 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ is objectively better than modern /jp/.

>> No.10702018,17 [INTERNAL] 

There's too much history missing for me to catch up and /a/ is huge.

>> No.10702018,18 [INTERNAL] 

Cool /v/ meme dingus

>> No.10702018,19 [INTERNAL] 

Poast tatas Warosugurl

>> No.10702018,20 [INTERNAL] 

Normal English words are now /v/ memes.

You heard it here first.

>> No.10702018,21 [INTERNAL] 

"objectively" is not even in the dictionary DUMBFUCK

>> No.10702018,22 [INTERNAL] 

It literally is

>> No.10702018,23 [INTERNAL] 

you are literally THIS retarded

>> No.10702018,24 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ is better than /jp/ by miles. they have every thread /jp/ does minus 2hu shit and lots of people from /jp/ migrate to it.

the best part is that since it has so many members the worst /jp/ers that we all dislike are like a background noise instead of in your face like on /jp/.

why aren't you on /a/, /jp/bros? we came to /jp/ when wikipedia spam was at its worst on /a/ and stuck around.

it's time to return to the motherland. come home white man

>> No.10702018,25 [INTERNAL] 

Pics, or it didn't happen.

>> No.10702018,26 [INTERNAL] 

that place is dead to me ever since Sheldon left

>> No.10702018,27 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't seriously browsed /a/ since Accel spammer decided to crusade against it. Is it really better?

>> No.10702018,28 [INTERNAL] 

It's fucking awful when you use words and phrases that you've used years, and then suddenly someone starts wailing about how you're using shitty memes.

Actually, these days, something like "wow O.o that was an EPIC meme you posted there :))))"

Which is even worse.

>> No.10702018,29 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ pros: on-topic, engaging, and cutting edge discussion about the latest anime and otaku news. in threads about non-plebshit anime, the posters are up to date on the latest japanese in-jokes.

/jp/ pros: shitposting to piss off janny

>> No.10702018,30 [INTERNAL] 

das it mane

>> No.10702018,31 [INTERNAL] 

It's not getting owned when something you don't want on the board is no longer allowed.

Frig off /q/ jews.

>> No.10702018,32 [INTERNAL] 

I like how gigs is suddenly a valiant anti-NEET thread crusader after crying about not being able to post in them earlier.

>> No.10702018,33 [INTERNAL] 

you like being the public punching bag? neet threads existed before /q/ and you did. stop giving people ammo to dumpster you

>> No.10702018,34 [INTERNAL] 

>stop giving people ammo to dumpster you
The world doesn't work like that. If it does, I'll fix it. Can your bullets bite flesh?

>> No.10702018,35 [INTERNAL] 

Warosugirl show me your oppai

>> No.10702018,36 [INTERNAL] 

( . )( . )

>> No.10702018,37 [INTERNAL] 

So that means we're officially dating now.

Checkmate losers, I'm the admin's boyfriend

>> No.10702018,38 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty sure Big T is going to take her from you. He's the alpha around here, even if he's a girl.

>> No.10702018,39 [INTERNAL] 

In what world is Trevor alpha lol

>> No.10702018,40 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. I'd go underground.

I've seen Trevor owning people from up close.

>> No.10702018,41 [INTERNAL] 

Oh god what a joke, the guy is too funny. I guess every community needs its village idiot though.

>> No.10702018,42 [INTERNAL] 

*slaps u around a little*
*starts to feel empowered*
*colon-conquers u*
*throws u on tha floor where all the NEET is*
*mom puts u in the dumpster for me*
*u die of starvation and dehydration cos ur muscles are so NEET u cant climb out of the dumpster*
*tells Big T*
*he pats my head*

>> No.10702018,43 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10702018,44 [INTERNAL] 

*realizes ur the 14-year-old warosu spammer*
*drops 30 gallons of saved semen on your dead body in the dumpster so that ur will is fulfilled and ur soul can fly*
*ur mama laughs at ur semenous body at the funeral*

>> No.10702018,45 [INTERNAL] 

who is trevor

>> No.10702018,46 [INTERNAL] 

The village idiot.

>> No.10702018,47 [INTERNAL] 

I thought that was gigs

>> No.10702018,48 [INTERNAL] 

I temporarily forgot about gigs, but good point. I guess we have two consistent village idiots.

>> No.10702018,49 [INTERNAL] 

gigs has lost his position now that he's terrified of posting outside of the archive.

>> No.10702018,50 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, you can enjoy CP with your ℱoolz LEWD™ account.
