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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 948x1263, Otaku_Murderer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10689200 No.10689200 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about Japanese crimes, urban legends, and ghost stories, /jp/!

>> No.10689206

One day in Japan a japanese man walked outside and then a skeleton popped up.

>> No.10689233
File: 79 KB, 500x621, 041609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP image is Tsutomu Miyazaki, the Otaku Murderer:

This is a composite sketch of the Fox-Eyed Man from the Monster With 21 Faces case (poison Pocky!):

Here is an urban legend I thought was funny:

>> No.10689259

When I grow up I want to be like him

>> No.10689255 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 312x312, canyoufeelitmrkrabs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10689282

The yakuza were supported by the US government because the crime organisations supported the far right party (LDP). To this day, the LDP is considered the party of the yakuza, but they still maintain power. So in a sense, all of japanese crime is the fault of the USA empire.

>> No.10689297


>> No.10689308
File: 59 KB, 500x500, spooky question girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do japanese ghosts have napkins on their heads

>> No.10689315

Those pictures at the beginning of the article are actually from a TV drama about her murder.

>> No.10689314

Anime, manga, eroge, etc. industries exist to keep the Japanese people from breeding.


>> No.10689335

I love going through Wikipedia reading this kind of stuff, even though it makes me sad and scared afterwards. This story was particularly unsettling.
Check the japanese version for photos and youtube where someone followed the path of the murderer.

>> No.10689341



>> No.10689350

>Junko Furuta aka Concrete Girl Raped Doggy Style

There's something dryly amusing about how it goes from that story to captions like that. It's like an article on the Holocaust followed by "HOT YOUNG JEWISH TEEN TAKES IT UP THE ASS".

>> No.10689355
File: 2.99 MB, 400x333, 1342551369874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10689360

>"This is the beginning of the game... You police guys stop me if you can... I desperately want to see people die, it is a thrill for me to commit murder. A bloody judgment is needed for my years of great bitterness."

Couldn't he just have downloaded a Cradle of Filth album or something?

>> No.10689379
File: 34 KB, 300x857, nevada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she getting out this year?

>> No.10689403
File: 164 KB, 1061x1167, Nevada-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got out a while ago. I remember the day this thread came on /jp/.Anyone have any news on her?

>> No.10689419

what the fuck is nevada-tan

>> No.10689425


could you be newer of a fag?

>> No.10689445

They should be thankful that the first reply wasn't about OP being called a weeb. Now that would've been very nu-4chan.

>> No.10689450

get out crossboarder.

>> No.10689492

God damn it, put some kind of tag next to links like that.

>> No.10689499

"bestgore.com" seems pretty telling of what will be on the site.

>> No.10689532

I am really tired, so I didn't read the whole url, jp being a worksafe board and all that. Ew. Don't think I'll get sleep for some time now...

>> No.10689591

some of those images gave me an erection particularly the ones where she's clearly being tortured, but her corpse was kind of gross I don't like dead bodies they can't feel pain anymore.

also this thread is too spooky and there's a thunderstorm outside pls don't try to scare me /jp/..

>> No.10693383
File: 1.07 MB, 1516x2962, 1363193038145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some creepypasta from 2ch.

>> No.10693432

any more? I really enjoyed these. Kind of lateral thinking

>> No.10693449

>They were recovered upon his arrest. He charred her remaining bones in his furnace, ground them into powder, and sent them to her family in a box, along with several of her teeth, photos of her clothes, and a postcard reading: "Mari. Cremated. Bones. Investigate. Prove.

>> No.10693459

Normally I hate stories with a twist or a gimmick (No John, you are the demons) but these were fun to think about. Thank you.

>> No.10693460

One day, OP was a faggot...

>> No.10693513 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 600x901, junko_furuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10693544

There used to be a blog I followed called Saya in Underworld that was dedicated to Japanese ghost stories and urban legends and creepy kopipe, pictures and video from the Japanese side of the Internet. But it's down now. Does anyone know if there's anything else like that around?

>> No.10693549

Oh yeah, it even had the stories from the thread mentioned in >>10693383, if memory serves correctly.

>> No.10693558

I don't understand any of these.
How do I get smarter?

>> No.10693561

Read them over and over again.

>> No.10693566

Is there a solutions image for this? I get most of them, I think, but I wanna make sure I've got the right answers.

>> No.10693576

It's in the archive, the old 4chan one.

>> No.10693620

I'm afraid I can't find it... would you be so kind as to provide a link?

>> No.10693637

>that last one

>> No.10693643

chanarchive.org 4chan/x/36427

>> No.10693658

Oh, silly me, I was looking for the image, not the original posts. Thank you.

>> No.10693725

people on /x/ are kinda stupid, arent they

>> No.10693735

They seem pretty average to me.

>> No.10693993

So, exactly what that poster said.

>> No.10694076


>> No.10694575
File: 85 KB, 640x480, tfw crying catholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10694627
File: 39 KB, 371x720, Junko Furuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see someone post that "schoolgirl in concrete" guro doujin I start dumping pictures of Junko.

I guess I'm a moralfag because it sickens me that gore fetishists exploit her death like they do.

>> No.10694642

>it sickens me that gore fetishists exploit her death
Why? It's not like she minds.

>> No.10694647
File: 24 KB, 249x349, 249px-My_Neighbor_Totoro_-_Tonari_no_Totoro_(Movie_Poster).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10694655


How do you know faggot? i'm sure she would object if she could

>> No.10694657

She's dead, buddy.


>> No.10694678

What's that series of murders that this movie is apparently linked too?

Someone posted something about it on /a/ once but I can't remember the details.

Something about that caste of Japanese people who were shunned because they were tanners and butchers, and that stuff isn't kosher with Buddhism, and in the 50's or 60's some kids were killed and one of those shunned caste guys was convicted of the crime and apparently this whole incident was referenced subtly in my neighbor Totoro which somehow equates to people thinking that the girls in the movie were really dead the whole time.

>> No.10694682

IIRC those were part of traditional attire for corpses in the olden days, along with white kimono. That's why you see so many ghosts wearing them.

>> No.10694693

Sayama Incident

>> No.10694699

thanx d00d

>> No.10694706
File: 77 KB, 717x417, Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 12.25.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10694715

White is pure. They wear white kimonos and the hats are just for decor.

>> No.10694726
File: 37 KB, 404x600, yureisankakuboshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Appears to have already been lost to the mists of time.


>> No.10694741


>> No.10694743

What's even more disgusting is that they make money off of it.

>> No.10694749

I actually think that one was meant to be a tribute to her.
What better way to mourn a person than to ejaculate over their death.

>> No.10694752

>I actually think that one was meant to be a tribute to her.

It really rustles my jimmies when people say this. That doujin was not a tribute, it was wank material for gore fetishists.

>> No.10694753

When I was an ALT, there was a hilarious/horrifying "lol police are dumb" murder in the prefecture where I lived just a few years ago.

Apparently there had been a long, bitter divorce case recently concluded where the court found in favor of the wife, so the pissed-off husband decided her lawyer was to blame and went over to the guy's house in the middle of the night with a knife to settle the score. He managed to get inside the house, but woke the family and the lawyer's wife was able to call the cops while the lawyer and the guy struggled in the entrance hall.

They were still fighting when the police showed up and apparently the lawyer was getting the upper hand, until the cops in a brilliant flash of judgment deduced that the guy WEARING FUCKING PAJAMAS was the criminal and restrained him - basically holding him down for the disgruntled guy to take a shot at him, which he did. The lawyer was DOA by the time they got to the hospital. The guy is still in prison, and the Keystone Cops caught shit for it for a long long time. I don't know if they shitcanned the geniuses who essentially got that guy killed though.

>> No.10694756

I'll be waiting with a shovel to pay "tribute" to every orifice in your corpse after you die, then.

>> No.10694772

I'll enjoy it.

>> No.10694787

>meet a cute Japanese girl named Junko
>my friend keeps telling me she can't stop thinking about Junko Furuta when I mention her

I can't marry this girl if I keep thinking things like that about her.

>> No.10694802

It's okay, I'll marry her instead.

>> No.10694827

...How does this even happen? Japanese police are shit-tier.

>> No.10694828

>judge sides with woman in divorce
>police "accidentally" let the fucker who made it happen get what he deserves, and prevents him from doing further wrong upon mankind
>police get an angry letter written to them, and nothing else happens

All is well in the land of the rising sun.

>> No.10694884

Killing another person outside of wartime, self-defence, and pure accidents should absolutely remove all "human rights."

People who harm other people are trash, and should be treated as such.

>> No.10694911

What if you're both into BDSM?

>> No.10694933


>> No.10694941

Just think about them logically.

>> No.10694958

What is your take on killing other creatures?

>> No.10694992

Fuck off with your misogynist shit.

Also, the guy was unemployed after being in prison already for molesting his sister-in-law's kids, and was beating his wife. The divorcing couple were in their 60s; I'm impressed she had the courage to leave him at that age.

>> No.10695004

100% okiedokie.

Inferior beings do not deserve consideration.

>> No.10695495

The guy who wrote that article makes me sick. He's so busy being politically correct that he's got himself all pissed off on his own, even though he's got nothing to do with Junko at all.

I hate self-righteous bastards who think everything is their business.

>> No.10695500

>jp being a worksafe board and all that
Please tell me you are kidding. At basically all times, the majority of /jp/ completely ignores that. Many of them don't even bother to spoiler their images.

>> No.10695520

I don't know what you're talking about. He didn't sound angry to me. And it didn't look like he was trying to be politically correct.

It seemed like a pretty unemotional rendering of what occurred. I mean, what was he avoiding saying that would be politically incorrect? I don't get it.

>> No.10695527

He thinks everyone who isn’t edgy enough must be a politically correct poser

>> No.10695564

I'll bet you look down on hypocrisy too. Aint that a laugh.

>> No.10695596

That's not hypocritical, though. Animals aren't people. They don't have the same intelligence as people, so they don't really deserve the same treatement.

>> No.10696019
File: 19 KB, 352x240, USO 05 [Nicko].avi_snapshot_08.40_[2013.04.02_21.50.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch USO Japan! It's an old show.

>> No.10696654 [SPOILER] 
File: 119 KB, 480x530, 獣.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the IQ is the only factor you consider, disregarding pain, instinctive fear and presence of consciousness in some cases? How sad.
I also find it hard to believe that you'd be fine being eaten yourself by a creature of superiour IQ. Sure, you'll unlikely meet one in your life aside from other humans, so you can have a good laugh and fantasize about it in the reply.

>> No.10696738 [DELETED] 

I see no mentioning of the Tsuyama murders.

>> No.10696746 [DELETED] 

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sada_Abe..

>> No.10697142

> I also find it hard to believe that you'd be fine being eaten yourself by a creature of superiour IQ.

Of course I wouldn't. That's wrong.

Once you obtain human level intelligence or above, then you have a right to not be killed. I wouldn't kill a creature more intelligent than humans and I expect the same treatment from them.

Of course they may decide they don't value my life. If that's the case, I have no choice but to defend myself / retaliate. That's just the way things are.

>> No.10697172

Why don't we talk about the scary stuff that's actually interesting rather than boring modern human values?

Anyone got some more stories?

>> No.10697195
File: 298 KB, 1936x2592, Long Wang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you obtain human level intelligence or above, then you have a right to not be killed.


>> No.10697464
File: 758 KB, 509x2907, kisaragi_station_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2/2

>> No.10697462
File: 701 KB, 509x2733, kisaragi_station_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more stuff from 2ch.

part 1/2

>> No.10697473
File: 358 KB, 2304x1728, 1364290278467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10697516

Anyone have a link to that manga based on a true story where a girl is brutally tortured by some dudes? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.10697523

If animals don't like how they're being treated why don't they do something about it?

>> No.10697531

Oh, I see, so the "right to live" is determined by how much you can do to ensure your own survival.

I'll keep that in mind the next time I see a helpless human nearby.

>> No.10697537


you mean this one?

there's also a movie called 'concrete'

>> No.10697553

Ah, thanks. I read this so long ago that I forgot this was the concrete girl and has been talked about throughout the thread.

>> No.10697632

Japan is basically the best place to commit a crime.

Or are there any other places with lax sentences and good prisons?

>> No.10697652

Japan is a weird place indeed. It's almost like they encourage people to murder or be more aggressive. Maybe they miss the old days or something...

>> No.10697660

Rapists are like wildlife conservationists at this point.

>> No.10697663

>lax sentences and good prisons

Japan isn't known for either of those things.

>> No.10697679

Maybe he mixed Japan up with Norway. It happens, I guess.

>> No.10697681

>"This morning my mom told me, 'Poor girl. The girl attacked seems to have died.' There is no sign of my being caught... I thank you, "Bamoidōkishin", for this... Please continue to protect me."

Can a weeaboo please translate this for me?

>> No.10697688

I lived within a five minute drive from Ookubo elementary school where Nevada chumped her class mate until I left for college.

It was a big deal for a little bit, no one remembers about it much anymore.

>> No.10697691
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day there was a man who did not accept me as the strongest, he died.

>> No.10697703

I remember seeing some document where one boy was casually gutted by some gang member. His parents then went 20 years to raise punishment for crimes like that since the guy who killed him played tennis in prison for 4 years and was let free.

Then one Korean guy gets in fight with police officer and he gets 2 years. I don't know.

>> No.10697706

Norway, Sweden.
Japanese prison system is ten times worse in comparasion

>> No.10697724

Connections. This is how most of the world still works, including Japan.
Of course it’s much bigger in places like China where the really rich/powerful can arrange mock trials, but Japan’s definitely not immune to this.

>> No.10697750

I'd like to know of a single place where it doesn't work like that.

>> No.10697820

fucking capitalists

>> No.10697933
File: 490 KB, 500x290, varg laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan is basically the best place to commit a crime.

>> No.10700032

Not sure if this is crime, but definitely wtf


>> No.10700067


Japan is behind 9/11 and several conspiracies to conquer the world.

>> No.10700265



>> No.10700445

Doujin is an abbreviation of doujinshi, nerd.

>> No.10702836

>those youtube comments

>> No.10703033


Issei Sagawa


>> No.10706155


>> No.10706226

You seem to be new to /jp/

>> No.10706605

Unit 731
Human Centrifuges blech!

>> No.10707435

wow can't believe he pretty much got away with that.

>> No.10707470

Why are the people commenting on the images making a bigger deal about the rape than the beating and torturing? I don't understand people. Being tortured is obviously a far worse and more painful experience than being raped. Is it the result of the media making rape out to be somehow worse than torture and murder?

>> No.10707480

I can understand why someone who actually is close to the victim would care, and all... But as for -why- on Earth a single small event like that draws national attention, makes it so every last employer is expected to reject you, etc., I have no fucking clue. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Never seen death before?

In the case of Sano, it's even worse because the guy barely did anything to her. Play it up all you want, but on the scale of things, this is absolutely nothing. But it went so far that the police guys had to quit their jobs and got a terrible reputation just for playing some mahjong.

I'm sorry, but this autism just goes way too fucking far. It's disgusting.

>> No.10707490

Ideas take hold by exploiting weakness in stupid people. Don't go telling people that torture is worse than rape, they'll find an emotional response and in the end your reputation is the only thing affected. Talking to them directly is missing the point.

>> No.10707650

>After his release, he became a minor celebrity in Japan and made a living through the public's interest in his crime.


>> No.10707669



>> No.10707672

I found it pretty fascinating. Why do you say it's disgusting?

>> No.10707676

Well, in his own words he says that Japanese people are very stupid for having the same mentality as he the terrible criminal had.

>> No.10707684

You don't sound very open-minded, friend. Why don't you like Issei Sagawa?

>> No.10707689

Dude, that is what HE himself said. Hontoni. People are stupid

>> No.10707695

Oh, I guess I misunderstood.

I don't get why that guy said that. But I guess some people are just like that.

>> No.10707703 [DELETED] 


>> No.10707706

i don't know if there exists a latin saying for this situation

>> No.10707715

What a shame, it looks like anything other than looking down on the guy is considered "edgy."

>> No.10707768
File: 29 KB, 387x358, 1359290513178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was Japanese...

>> No.10707771

>saging with an image

How new r u?

>> No.10707777
File: 90 KB, 520x650, chuck-norris-chuck-norris-33161514-520-650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10707790

not him, but I think you can actually sage with an image nowadays.

>> No.10707850

I can't help but wonder how they spelt "America" wrong so many times in that article


>> No.10707863
File: 5 KB, 181x179, GODZILLA 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sure, when I started a thread similar to this, I got yelled at.

>> No.10707890

janitor made this thread and removed all the board redirecting replies

>> No.10707892
File: 60 KB, 640x480, Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made the connection

>> No.10707895

That glitch was fixed three years ago.

>> No.10707901

>three years ago
What's it like in 2008?

>> No.10708225

Murakami Sawajiri 22 hours ago

This comment has received too many negative votes

JAPANESE are the BEST and noble ethnic group in the world!We hate Korean and Korean culture! Korean and their culture (eg:K-pop, Shamesung..) are attacking our great empire! GET OUT GOD DAM.N KIM CHI

i'm laughing for real right now

>> No.10708231

who the fuck is cameron

>> No.10708240

I don't know anything about that doujin, her death, her career, or how people can have sick gore fetishes. Just typing that makes me sick.

It's sick that someone would profit of a poor young girl's death.

>> No.10708272 [DELETED] 

I love him. I want to be his friend.

>> No.10709708

shes how i found out about this 4-chan, i was doing a research paper about her for japanese, and /jp/ was linked on a site about her.

>> No.10709714

This is why I love Japan/General, I cherish every bit of Japanese cultural knowledge that I can gain and feel like it really enriches my life. I can't wait to go to Japan myself, maybe I will get to experience some of the crime first hand.

>> No.10709787

I got off with paying restitution for a crime that some poor nigger would have gotten a record for because my parents could afford a hard-ass lawyer


>> No.10709834

They still hang people as a capital punishment.

That and they have a %99 conviction rate.

>> No.10715323

good evening rorschach

remember: the authorities own this place

>> No.10715337 [DELETED] 


There's that word again. I don't think you know what it means.

>> No.10715338

Wait...that's a crime?

>> No.10716602 [DELETED] 

/x/enophile here
pretty good thread guys
just thought i'd let you guys know

>> No.10716602,1 [INTERNAL] 

How is it that when I google Issei Sagawa, the search engine categories him first as a 'Public Speaker' rather than a murderer? He didn't even get any jail time for the crime he committed once he was sent back to Japan he was a free man! He wasn't even institutionalized like he had been in France! To this day he continues to make a living off of society's sick fascination over him canabalising a poor girl who he lured to his apartment under the false pretense of tutoring! I don't understand how or why this could occurre, sure he's from a financially well off family, but how is it that pieces of paper can buy you out of facing the consequences for committing such a hideous and atrocious crime!? In ceartain states within the USA, at least this man would've already gotten a lethal injection by now or at least been in solitary confinement while awaiting it in death row. He's still alive too, I feel like Japan is too lenient when it comes to the punishing those who commit violent crime or crimes of a sexual nature. Nobuhiro Watsuki who was charged with having pornographic material of children will be serving no jail time in relation to the infraction, instead he's simpliy being ordered to pay a measly fine of 200,000 yen (US$1,890). In the USA, criminals who have images of these sorts face a sentence of an additional 5yrs added to their sentence per image/video that can be found in their possession at the time of their arrest. Let's not forget, that although a lot of people are in prison many of them have ceartain standards and lines they will never cross, and once word gets out that someone committed a crime of a sexual nature against a child that person is oftentimes killed by the other inmates. So even just a prision sentence to these men are death sentences. So I don't understand why he's getting away with it? I doubt he'll be capable of fully reforming, at least in California they'll chemically castrate you, I don't see how they can't at least add this to his charges? Even the guys who killed, raped, and tortured (rape is a form of torture as well) Junko Furuta are men who are walking free even today. Not to mention the poor girl's memory is being sullied by a pornographic manga that was published for the sake of monopolizing her murder! I also don't see how the boy's parents who remained silent about the fact that he had a kidnapped girl in his room weren't charged as accomplices to the crime. Saying and doing nothing when you see an injustice being committed is just as bad as if you did it yourself! It's just so heart wrenching...
