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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10683034 No.10683034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you NEETs enjoyeeing your lifetime?

>> No.10683043

Yea.. Only I wish /jp/ would stop bullying me because I got a pussy.

>> No.10683045

Sometimes. Sometimes it goes by to fast and it feels like it's only 2 hours a day. It feels like it's February but Easter is tomorrow.

>> No.10683049

>stop bullying me because I got a pussy
Well you should have kept your dick if you didn't want to be bullied.

>> No.10683056

Im enjoyeeeing my afterlife
Cats are common NEET pets, dont worry about it.

>> No.10683057

-hic- yea...

>> No.10683059

No because my parents are forcing me to go back to uni this summer. Learning for free online isn't good enough for them, I need pay tens of thousands of autism bux to get a piece of paper instead.

I just wanna NEET, man.

>> No.10683083


What program?

>> No.10683084

ill bully your pussy

>> No.10683095

I'm thinking about going outside next week. It's a friend's birthday and I want to give her a present. The problem is I don't know exactly where she lives, so I'm just going to try a bunch of the houses in her street. Could be scary so I might need to get drunk first.

>> No.10683100


>> No.10683130

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10683133
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>> No.10683135

anyone else terrified of the idea of getting old enough to be elderly?

>> No.10683138

I'm already dead.

>> No.10683140

Most of us will probably be dead at this point.
But the idea of being a grumpy old man feels somewhat weird.

>> No.10683147

i want to die before this happens

>> No.10683148

I'm amused you think you'll be healthy enough to live that long as a worthless shut-in NEET.

>> No.10683164

The most autistic one available.

>> No.10683165

I wish I could be forever a NEET.

>> No.10683186

I watched The Dark Knight Rises last night.
Bane voice was pretty dumb, better voice could have been picked. Many inconsistancies. Scarecrow is brought back but not Joker (yes i know actor dead but you could have done a from behind shot or something) And a nuke in the air over water wouldn't have a significant mushroom cloud because there isn't anything to throw up into the air. How does Batman survive nuke? Unfortunate they are going to milk Robin ark.

>> No.10683212

Cats are shit.

>> No.10683213

So hows a girl pee in a bottle anyways.. Its kinda difficult if you ask me. Whats the alternative?

>> No.10683218

Use a funnel.

>> No.10683222
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>> No.10683239

i'm gonna go walk to a big hill and climb it and see if i feel better

>> No.10683274

who gives a shit

>> No.10683284

dont bully

>> No.10683295

Eh, considering how I ended up here, not really, but it hasn't been entirely awful. Taking up uni in may, then full time in august...

Cat is in the way of my keyboard though... tried to move her, but she just went back to where she was. Rinse repeat...

>> No.10683356

Nope, I can't figure out why I suck at video games despite playing them for years.

I just want to load up CS:S and do memory maps for hours to get better

>> No.10683370

>Nope, I can't figure out why I suck at video games despite playing them for years.

me too

>> No.10683421

Why not just ask her? It's really that simple.

>> No.10683449

>How does Batman survive nuke?
He ejected out of the plane sometime before the nuke set off and let it continue on autopilot./spoiler]

I agree that the writing was pretty wonky overall, though.

>> No.10683492

I'm so pissed I spent my first aid check all out on stupid shit and I got another check today for $693 totaling $1500 that I could have spent on a gaming computer. I'm so FUCKING pissed that I'm stupid.

>> No.10683523

Not really
I have no way out other than getting a job and realistically I'm just not going to be able to work at some factory for $10/hr for the rest of my life when I feel like quitting after 3 months. And nobody here would ever be willing to pay for my education and debt scares me so I'm not taking out a loan (probably too stupid to get a useful degree anyway).

At this point its kind of like playing a game only because you're doing well but you aren't really having fun.

>> No.10683524

I'm bored

Anyone got a post apocalyptic manga suggestion?

Please spoonfeed me

>> No.10683531

Oh wait on second thought I'll just buy the vita.

>> No.10683534

make sure when you buy it you future proof it

I bought one for $800 and it's already lagging behind

playing games on 1280x720...

>> No.10683543


Or maybe I'll save it since I'll get more anyway.

Yeah I didn't want to cheap out on the parts.

>> No.10683612
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drifting classroom, if you dont mind old stuff (early 70s)

>> No.10683619

I posted in the last NEET thread but I was too scared a /jp/ise would bully me and my post I made.

>> No.10683638
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I'm scared. I always got great grades in school and finished 29th in my class of 310. I was always ambitious back then but now I'm scared. Even though my parents are perfectly willing to pay for my college, my car, etc, I don't want any of it. I'm too socially anxious to go to college or get a job. All I want is NEET peace and I'm never going to get it.

I flew too close to the sun and now it's coming back to bite me in the ass. What do I do /jp/

>> No.10683647
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how much better would your life be if you were a small cute girl?

>> No.10683650

I remember I was in the bottom 10 of my Senior Class of 100.

I was so glad to be done with High School. Such a hassle.

>> No.10683655

If you choose the path you don't want, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You have to bite the bullet if you want to live how you want.

>> No.10683662

Hey man
I was like 4th from the bottom or something, down there with the mexicans who hardly spoke english.

I've always had trouble with giving a fuck about anything.

>> No.10683691

Yeah, I was in a crappy charter school and probably ranked the lowest white person in the class. Everybody else in the bottom 10 were black delinquents that always interrupted class or never did anything/showed up.

I usually did my homework but my major downfall was never studying for test or exams. When I was at home I just preferred to play videogames or something.

>> No.10683703

Define: Bite the bullet

>> No.10683711

I did my homework maybe 15 times total out of all 4 years and I don't remember ever actively studying. If it was an interesting subject I'd do ok on the exams but if it was something like math I'd impressively fail. I wasn't the brightest kid either.

Thank god for no child left behind, I was able to scoot through school half asleep and depressed by relying on the sympathy of my teachers.

>> No.10683715

How do I stop thinking?

>> No.10683727
File: 411 KB, 713x400, averageneet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was watching the sakura con livestream and I see this attention whore claiming to be a /jp/ NEET.

>> No.10683729

Did animewee(d/b)lord420 make it to sakuracon this year?

>> No.10683732
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He also wrote and put this in front of the camera

>> No.10683735

trying way too hard.

>> No.10683736

>If it was an interesting subject I'd do ok on the exams but if it was something like math I'd impressively fail. I wasn't the brightest kid either.

Same here, I was competent at subjects like English and Social Studies/Economics, but if it was something cryptic like Math or Science then the teacher just sounds like an adult straight out of Charlie Brown, all that would go through my head is videogames, anime, and Ultraman.

>Thank god for no child left behind, I was able to scoot through school half asleep and depressed by relying on the sympathy of my teachers.

Preach it brother.

>> No.10683741
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>> No.10683742

This makes me ill.

>> No.10683744
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Yes he was there yesterday. Ryo was there today too.

>> No.10683746


Why are some people so good at video games while I struggle? I ask people I sometimes play with how they get such high kill streaks and they just say " Practice" or "You just have to get a feel for it"

Makes me so upset. What is their secret?

>> No.10683761

Did anybody see ticks or tokiko there? I really want to go and take pictures of them next time. It would be pretty epic, you have to admit.

>> No.10683762

22nd birthday coming up, still fucked up. The world is so so so fucking different from what you imagine it to be when you are younger, you think you'll get your dream job, that effort will be rewarded.
Then things go to shit, you loss the desire to even put in effort.
I have put on weight, my health isn't too good and my eyesight is still get worse from sitting at the computer all day everyday in a dark room.

I didn't think this would be where I am when I got to this age, I have like 20 piss bottles on my room floor and shelves, and plastic bags filled with rubbish near the door.
I've started drinking everyday too.

Shit, I get pahetically jealous of anime character living happy highschool lives, and I wasted mine fruitlessly, I did nothing when I used to go to highschool, not a single friend, not a single romantic moment or exciting event.

>> No.10683766

The key to getting better is every time something goes wrong you figure out what you should try and do to prevent that from happening. If your reflexes and aim are only so good that is that, though.

>> No.10683772

I think that would be really cool actually. Being a wise old man. But ill be dead within the year anyway.

>> No.10683769

Become a normal

Some people are just better at things than others. Its called talent and no its isn't fair.

Its a pretty terrible feeling to play a game 7 hours a day for over a year only to be beaten by some normalfaggot fratboy doing a quick game before he jumps in his M5 and picks up his bros while heading to the club.

I thought I was the nerdy type and yet I don't even get the perks, just the cons.

>> No.10683770

Even people who had friends and fun in high school forget a lot about them four years later, unless they kept in touch the whole time. But that isn't that common.

>> No.10683773


I wish hard work rewarded everyone equally. I hate the fact that I have to practice ten times as much as the next guy just to be at the same level.

>> No.10683774

who gives a shit

>> No.10683779

NEETbros care ;_; don't hurt my feelings tsundere bro.

>> No.10683780

No they don't, you pathetic faggot. Die as soon as you can.

>> No.10683781

fuck off no one cares

>> No.10683784

Y-You t-too.

>> No.10683792

Please go back to /r9k/.

>> No.10683789

I love you anon, don't mind the bullies.

>> No.10683791

Stop stuttering like a faggot too. Maybe you need to rethink coming to /jp/ because no one wants you here.

>> No.10683796

Bully my Anonymous friend one more time motherfucker, see what happens.

>> No.10683797
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fatNEETs report in

>> No.10683799

Go back to where you belong.

>> No.10683800

I went to the store for some tea and the cashier girl was weird. I carry coins in a film canister and when she saw she asked if I was a cameraman and then asked if I had any more canisters.

I probably won't be going back to that store for a while.

>> No.10683801


Being a NEET is no excuse to be fat.

>> No.10683802

I wish I could eat

>> No.10683803


>> No.10683804

>I carry coins in a film canister

>> No.10683806

What's wrong with being fat if you never leave your house?

>> No.10683808
File: 196 KB, 625x483, kill with brick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to all fatNEETs and falseNEETs!

>> No.10683809

Don't listen to him. The sooner you die, the better.

>> No.10683810


Who said I don't leave my house? I'm NEET not a shut in.

>> No.10683811

But the truNEET lifestyle is all about hedonism

I gorge myself on burgers until I can hardly move then fap before going to sleep. Honestly I should be a lot fatter than I am.

>> No.10683813

fakeNEETs please leave

>> No.10683814

Why even go outside when you don't have something to do outside?

>> No.10683816

Just because you don't leave your house doesn't mean you should neglect your health.

>> No.10683817

Reminds me how every Saturday I go to the same store, in the same drug dealer style Hawaiian shirt, to buy the same thing, at the same time, and I always have exact change. The price always comes out to 4.20 and I always have a new bandage on every time.

I hope it'll start freaking them out.

>> No.10683819

Same, only I use the leftover burgers to fap when I'm full and have them when I wake up, salty burgers are nice too.

>> No.10683820

These newgrounds flash games are just pure art. I am saddened by the fact that not many can realize it.
What else can reflect surrealism, drama and humor like this?

>> No.10683821

The sooner I die, the better.

>> No.10683822


Go for walks
Go to the gym

>> No.10683823

My diet stinks and I drink a lot of soda, but I'm still on a good 128-130lbs. No fatty here.

>> No.10683824

I like him.

>> No.10683826

So they don't fall out of my pockets, so I don't have to fish around for them in my backpack, and so I know where all the change is for a snack. I only carry quarters and dimes.

>> No.10683828

You disgust me.

>> No.10683835


You ever actually been to the gym anon? It's enjoyable.

>> No.10683840

Too much people.

>> No.10683841
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>> No.10683836

Yeah I have a no-leftovers policy
I don't waste food either

Not everyone is a normie who has to be in shape for his gf

>> No.10683839

Waste of money.

>> No.10683844

dyel tryhards please leave and take your /fit/ propaganda with you

fucking weekend neeters

>> No.10683847

I'm so fucking sick of these subhuman socialNEETs shitting up my /jp/.

>> No.10683848

How is a poor NEET supposed to afford a gym membership?

>> No.10683852


My parents pay for mine.

>> No.10683855

I never leave the house yet don't get weight, you just have to not eat much.
Going outside is a waste of time, energy and money in case you go to the gym or something.

>> No.10683856

Still too populated and social. Leave falseNEETs.

>> No.10683857

Is that a finn?

>> No.10683859

Conner isn't a Finnish name.

>> No.10683863

Leaving the house tomorrow to go see a movie, I'm so nervous.

Do any NEETs have advice on a safe and peaceful lone trip to the movies?

>> No.10683865

Working out is too expensive and there isn't a lot of point in it.

I saved up and bought a rack a few years ago and did the whole workout thing before it got so popular with nerds around 4chan. I guess it felt kind of nice to see gains and feel stronger but:

1. Not a lot of point in being stronger when you don't do anything that requires strength
2. You have to eat a lot and eat at certain times and only certain things and the whole ordeal is annoying and expensive (sometimes you just don't feel like eating, you know?)
3. Whats the point in having an attractive body if you're the only one who sees it?
4. Once the motivation to work out leaves you... Thats it

>> No.10683869

How long are you going to keep up your propaganda?

>> No.10683870

>Whats the point in having an attractive body if you're the only one who sees it?
If you want to be attracted to yourself.

>> No.10683874


Lifting teaches you how to stay dedicated. At least for me it does.

>> No.10683875

There are still countless possibilities.

>> No.10683877

I'm not him but its pretty common knowledge at this point that finns are terrible people who shitpost constantly and look ugly as hell

>> No.10683882

I'm incredibly narcissistic and I love the euphoric feeling I get after a workout. And being strong feels good even if you don't use your strength.

I gotta say the eating part is by far the worst of it, though. Stuffing your face until you feel like vomiting trying to gain weight is a bitch.

>> No.10683883

We haven't spoken in months.

She also changed all her passwords for some reason, so I can't just get it from one of her accounts.

>> No.10683891


If you see the exit door open from the outside, run away as fast as you can.

>> No.10683892

Just got my ps3 back through mail, dude from ebay hacked it for $45 which I think was a good deal. I am gonna play the neptunia series and then play a bunch of other jrpgs. life is gud

>> No.10683898

kinda gets boring. Even more so now that my moon teacher is sick. I kinda miss going to moon class on Wednesday i_i

>> No.10683895

I haven't seen the movie, but didn't they make Bane English?

I thought he was Mexican or Caribbean or something, and based on those lucha libre wrestlers.

>> No.10683896

SocialNEETs please head back to /r9k/

>> No.10683899

i like lifting. it makes me feel good. as in physically good, beats fapping imo
also i'm narcisistic and i like to admire myself on the mirror

that's why i lift

>> No.10683900

Go either to the last showing or during the afternoon on a weekday at least two weeks after the movie's been in theaters. There should only be a few other people.

>> No.10683902

Yet another thread gone to shit because of the truNEET vs fakeNEET shit. Thanks, guys.

>> No.10683905

don't act like a retard.

>> No.10683906


>> No.10683907
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Courtesy of /tv/.

>> No.10683908

It was ruined because of the people posting about their gym experiences when nobody asked or cares.

These kinds of posts need to be posted in /fit/.

>> No.10683910

I promise i'll be on my best behavior.

>> No.10683914

Why don't fakeNEETs just fuck off back to /r9k/ then?

I don't want to hear about what you're buying your gf for her birthday or how you're looking forward to going to class next week.

>> No.10683917

People obviously care you autistic fuck, look at all the posts.

And I know what you're going to say, so spare me your no true scotsman bullshit and go away.

>> No.10683920

i don't get why some of you people get so upset about people talking about weight lifting. most of the stuff posted is something that "nobody asked or cares." and if you are angry about "normalfag" or "not truneet" shit, just take a look at all the <tfw my qt japanese friend didnt reply to me i'm so lonely

>> No.10683922

I want to play games and watch anime but I always end up browsing /jp/ all day.
pls help

>> No.10683928

are you me?
have you tried yanking the Ethernet cable from your computer?

>> No.10683929

the 1s u made teen tryhard

>> No.10683931

Instead of bitching about it why don't you go to a board that appreciates shit like that?


>> No.10683935

Is Bane an actual character? I though they just made up a new villain because they already got through any interesting ones that aren't a girl.

>> No.10683940


Yes, he's a real character. He's a lot cooler in the comic books though.

>> No.10683941

Just spend a few more years on the site until you grow out of it. I already can't stand how shitty all other boards are. You are afraid of missing something, but if you no longer find any value in a board's content, such fears will not arise. With /jp/, it's a slower board, and the jannie deletes all the fun threads anyway, so I don't feel an urgent need to be here all the time.

>> No.10683942

i would just put it on back again

>> No.10683944

Why don't you ever remind me when these things are on?

>> No.10683946

If you understand science, you'll see why everybody you talk to on an imageboard has a humongous penis.
We all know that if a man is doing something constructive, or at all interesting, that he's compensating for something. If a man has worked hard enough to buy himself a cool car, he obviously has a small dick. We know that, it's science, his dick makes him insecure enough to do that. If he makes tons and tons of money, same thing: small penis. If a man becomes president of the U.S.A., or the CEO of a major company, or head man in a gang, why do you think that is? Shame and insecurity from his small penis forcing him to do something else to make himself feel good.

If your brain works on logic, it's obvious that a man with a huge dick would be so secure that he literally does not do shit ever. And what do imageboard users do? Just that. A lot of people here are welfare recipients, and even more just live with their parents. This proves, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that they have huge 15 inch cocks that are also extremely wide.

Thank you for listening

>> No.10683950

By best advice is to just do something, preferably away from your computer. I know that's pretty vague and stupid to say, but overtime I've learned that you just can't rely on browsing the internet to inspire you to do something. If there's a movie I wanna watch but I'm not in the mood to watch it, I'll put it in my DVD/Blu-ray player and watch it. 9 times out of 10 i'll stick with the film from start to finish.

If you wanna do something, just do it, if you enjoy it you'll keep doing it without distraction. Simple as that.

>> No.10683951

you try so hard, maybe you'll one day you feel like you a tru/jp/er, right now it just look like you are a whiny nerd though

>> No.10683952

10/10 post dude


I enjoyed it

>> No.10683960

What does he do?
Just being strong isn't an impressive feature for a villain.

>> No.10683954


>> No.10683955


I don't type with my hands anymore. I just slap my Elephant Cock on the keyboard.

>> No.10683961

pretty good clap clap clap

>> No.10683963


He's stronger and smarter than batman. Every fight between them is pretty close.

>> No.10683965

>just being strong

Why not? In the comics he's pumped full of some drug that is 10x Roids

>> No.10683966

>smarter than batman
amazing bait

>> No.10683970

I like eating because it makes me feel good

The more yummy food and I get a content full feeling and my taste buds love it.

>> No.10683967


Ok, maybe that was an exaggeration. From memory I can say he's pretty goddamn smart. He makes a good challenge for batman at least.

>> No.10683973

he's nothing more than a lunk head

>> No.10683982

Eating is one of the few pleasures I still experience. I've become a bit of a glutton because of this and have gained a good 10lbs or so.

>> No.10683983


According to the wikipedia article bane is pretty goddamn smart in the comic books.

>> No.10683985

/jp/ is a cool place man i think im gonna stay here a while

>> No.10683991

Do you even /co/ ?

>> No.10683997

Don't make me shank you nigga

>> No.10684001

i dont want you here

>> No.10684002

ok but before you have to suck my cock dude

>> No.10684003

Man this thread is awful right now

>> No.10684008

ur awful

>> No.10684019

Weekend /jp/
Normals are out in droves and mistake NEET threads for slice of life blog threads.

>> No.10684020
File: 289 KB, 404x588, 1363935283233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like Touhou

>> No.10684028

The front page is better when isn't full of Touhou. Like, way better

>> No.10684036

Mirai nikki a shit
Yuno a shit

>> No.10684038

Anyone wanna fuck?

>> No.10684039

Like, yeah man. Like, totally bro!

>> No.10684040

ur mom a shit
a big one
a grat one

>> No.10684048

I,m indifferent towards it. At least it's slightly better then the two billion waifu threads on /a/.

>> No.10684044
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, bitch-attention-whoring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this overtime is making me want to go on a journey. I can't even truNEET up a full weekend.

>> No.10684045

I fucked your dad

>> No.10684046

Fuck off, Chad

>> No.10684051

it's like, totally way epicer broski!

>> No.10684062

So? I fucked him first.

>> No.10684076

You are your own father

>> No.10684080


>> No.10684083

whta a twist
sounds like a plot written by hideo kojima

>> No.10684088

It's fine, but I my parents are always up my ass about it. Move back in with us and find a job, they keep whining.

I live in Canada, I can live off its socialism just fine thank you.

>> No.10684091

I want welfare but I'm afraid the people at the office will laugh at me

>> No.10684095

What? How did you manage get government money in Canada? I even tried the Uncle Remus method with the hospital and everything - it didn't work.

>> No.10684099

Live in Ontario, pretend to be looking for a job

>> No.10684100

if you're white good luck lel

>> No.10684103

Yes, that's what I'm doing. Are you living off welfare?

>> No.10684108
File: 119 KB, 430x390, 1359421455247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a NEET, but being in High School doesn't allow that, I wish I could just drop out.

>> No.10684115

what's stopping you?
Just stay home and go full NEET

>> No.10684116

No, I know people who are doing that though.

>> No.10684120

>high school


>> No.10684122

I've tried I wouldn't leave my room for a full week, and then my dad barged in and dragged me out by force the following week.

>> No.10684127

You should have shat yourself as hard as you could and cried really hard so he backed away from you.

>> No.10684128

go somewhere else then

sit in the library all day

>> No.10684129

my fucking sides
>b-b-but muh waifu!
install a stronger door and repeat

>> No.10684130


>> No.10684131

I-is this what they call a Bateman Otaku?

>> No.10684137

After you turn 16 you can drop out any time. Thank me later.

>> No.10684147


>> No.10684144

I'm almost 17...

>> No.10684152

Oh, thanks. And fuck you too.

>> No.10684153

like I said get a stronger door and you'll be fine. Keep in mind that they might lay a siege on your mancave so stock up on food and batteries while you are at it.

>> No.10684154

Originally intended as a "dark mirror" of the highly disciplined and multi-skilled pulp hero Doc Savage, Bane spends his childhood in the hellish prison of Pena Duro on the corrupt South American island nation of Santa Prisca. He develops super strength through a forced experiment involving the drug Venom. Although his dependency on Venom is an immense weakness, Bane has been one of Batman's most intelligent and physically powerful foes. He is best known for breaking Batman's back in the "Knightfall" story arc.

Although primarily a villain, Bane is a complex character and has worked to take down drug lords. Despite their history, he has sometimes had Batman's financial backing and direct assistance.

>> No.10684156
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>> No.10684162

This seems like my best option.

>> No.10684159

prove he's smart

protip: you can't

>> No.10684163

I see Goku hates women

>> No.10684176

my bellybutton smells

>> No.10684180

My brother is already NEET and if don't at least finish, I'll be nothing more than a failure. My parents are immigrants, so dropping out would just make me typical.
I don't think /jp/ is a good influence and I am sorry for posting this post but I'll post it anyway.
I'm sorry for being disrespectful.

>> No.10684186

Not him, but I think he's leaving stuff out.

The only thing I can think of that will actually get your gubbamint money in Canada is real deal mental illness or EI. So you have to have a job for a while, I think it is a minimum of one full year of working, then somehow get laid off (not fired).

Then you can dick for around while lying to them by pretending to find a job. Some of my parent's friends did it when they gott laid off. My mom needed EI twice and I did the form filling for her and stuff. You have to answer some questions every month or something saying you're trying to find a job on their website online. It gives you jobs that matches your previous occupation as well. It is not permanent, you have to eventually find a job again.

Canada sucks by the way.

>> No.10684212

You can get permanent welfare if you live on the reservation

that requires being native and living in the middle of nowhere though

>> No.10684221

I watched a movie alone once (Star Wars 3, so quite some time ago), because I was really late my friend was already in and the movie started, so I couldn't find him. So I just sat down somewhere. Shit was horrible. And not just the movie. That actually had some nice action scenes.

>> No.10684232

Welfare in Quebec is actually a pretty big joke. It's permanent, ridiculously easy to get (fraud) and the government doesn't actually give a fuck if you fraud.

>> No.10684233

Income supplement I would think. You have to have financial need and a long-term mental disability. Financial need is determined on your family income too which makes it harder to get.

>> No.10684238

>Yet another thread gone to shit because I tried to force my /fit/soc/ shit

>> No.10684255

>tfw my qt japanese friend didnt reply to me i'm so lonely

>> No.10684257

Does the Uncle Remus method really work?

I think I've finally found meaning in life.

>> No.10684268

I wish I would have dropped out from High School. All those years wasted that could have gone towards playing more games, reading more novels, and watching more anime thrown away for a "satisfactory" degree.

>> No.10684272

I meant diploma.

>> No.10684288


>> No.10684298

Why was it horrible?

>> No.10684328

Time to learn French.

>> No.10684333

What's the best time to go to a non-24 hour gym?

I'm too self-conscious to go into a room and lift weights with a room full of people who look like they will judge me

>> No.10684342

Me too. I would've turned around and got my GED and then have been done with school and get started on my NEET career early.

Not like a HS diploma means anything anymore.

>> No.10684344

I wanted to drop out of high school, but my parents didn't let me

>> No.10684345

9am, 12pm-1pm(Lunch time), and couple hours before closing.

Before you go in read the /fit/ wiki and obsessively look up the form so it feels less daunting. I was also pretty self-conscious to go in there but I felt a little comfortable with the exercises and I went in when there weren't many people.

>> No.10684348
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No, not at all.
I cleaned my hikki lair today. It's pretty neat now.
But my mother kinda ruined it when I went to kitchen to get something to eat reminding me of how much of failure I am.
Do you live with your parents, /jp/? How they deal with your reclusion?

>> No.10684349

early morning, and between 12pm -3pm, at least here
5pm onwards is full of people coming right after work

>> No.10684350


>> No.10684354


>> No.10684355

Stop introducing normalfag culture to the otaku culture NEET thread.

>> No.10684358

Exercising is otaku culture

>> No.10684368 [DELETED] 


>> No.10684369

so is fuckin ur mom LMAFO

>> No.10684373

Fucking your mother at full force in vagina, anus and mouth is also otaku culture.

>> No.10684375


>> No.10684376

I love you, anon-kun.

>> No.10684381
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>> No.10684405

>That actually had some nice action scenes.

Don't you dare defend that piece of shit in any way.

>> No.10684408
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>> No.10684427
File: 176 KB, 616x500, 1908659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Empire Strikes Back > Star Wars > Return of the Jedi > Revenge of the Sith > Attack of the Clones > The Phantom Menace.

Disney's sequels will fit snugly between RotJ and RotS, with either the first or the last movie being worse than AotC.

>> No.10684429

screencap this for future reference

>> No.10684432


What illness did you get diagnosed with when you went?

>> No.10684454

Thank you

B-but I want to lose weight so I can fit into pretty dresses

>> No.10684455

I would put the first movie above ESB, I don't know but it just feels much different from the other movies in a good way, felt a lot more expressive than any of the other movies.
The twin sun scene for example, so well done.

>> No.10684471

I wish the original series wasn't such a pain in the ass to watch theatrically. I just wanna purchase the DVDs and watch in my bed, not a fanedit.

>> No.10684478

I'm really questioning my shut in and NEET ways right now. I'm suddenly thinking of all the things I could have done and all those past dreams I let go of. I spend most of my time in a daze.
I'm feel very depressed and I'm thinking too much.

Help /jp/, I want it to stop.

>> No.10684482

I did for the longest time, mostly because it's more of a self-contained story. I never got all the fuss about how The Empire Strikes Back was the best one. Then one day I was rewatching it and I just came to the conclusion it was an overall better film. The plot was more about the characters than the events. Star Wars was about people blowing up a big space station, The Empire Strikes Back was more about the people themselves. Plus the direction, acting, etc. was all better. Everything just felt more involved.

>> No.10684483

They released DVDs with both theatrical and edited version in them, though I dunno if it's still being sold now that the shitty BDs are out.
Those don't have the theatrical versions do they ?

>> No.10684484

It's very easy.

Just stop thinking and start playing video games.

>> No.10684486

/jp/ how do i let go off hope and the things around me
i want to live forever lost in a daze

>> No.10684487

If you have potential maybe the NEET life isn't for you

I fell into this after realizing I have no redeemable features

>> No.10684498

That's because George Lucas didn't direct ESB. Irvin Kershner did.

George Lucas' intellectual property is always better when he is not allowed to get involved in anything beyond brainstorming and maybe special effects.

>> No.10684493

This is where you finally put a bullet in your head, ahh~

>> No.10684496

This is only good advice if your NEET ways are sustainable.

>> No.10684507

As far as fan edits go, Harmy's Despecialized Editions are actually pretty top notch. As close to the original theatrical releases as you'll get, unless Disney decides to be nice.
They were released as Blu-ray images, so if you have a Blu-ray burner and player you can watch them on your TV. Or just hook your computer to your TV.

I have those DVDs. They're like a sick joke. They have the original theatrical releases on the second disc, but they were shoddy Laserdisc rips or something. They're blurry, low-resolution, and letterboxed to hell (about 30% of the screen is black bars).

>> No.10684508

Please stop discussing western media on /jp/.

>> No.10684509

I see your point and for me it was the opposite actually, liked ESB the most for the longest time and after rewatching them a dozen times I actually started to enjoy the first movie more.
But then again, both ESB and the original movies are good, the only good movies in the whole saga sadly.

>> No.10684514

Japs love Star Wars

>> No.10684512


>> No.10684517

There are a lot of Star Wars otakus

>> No.10684522

>They have the original theatrical releases on the second disc, but they were shoddy Laserdisc rips or something. They're blurry, low-resolution, and letterboxed to hell (about 30% of the screen is black bars).

Didn't you hear? Lucas "lost" all the original theatrical release versions. All that's left is the one with all the goofy CGI.


>> No.10684524

I don't care what gooks like

>> No.10684532

Star Wars is otaku culture

>> No.10684533

Hopefully when George dies Criterion can pick up the rights to Star Wars.

>> No.10684528



>> No.10684529

He also hired other screenwriters. In fact I just looked it up on Wikipedia, and one of the screenwriters was Leigh Brackett, who wrote The Big Sleep (1946), which is one of the best film noirs ever.

>> No.10684537


WATASHI WA 「your father」 DESU

>> No.10684538

No it isn't.

>> No.10684542

Not licking the shit that falls out of a Japanese man's asshole doesn't make you XD stormfront racis you little nigger

>> No.10684545

There are tons of Star Wars otakus

>> No.10684550



>> No.10684556

They are called "nerds" and it goes on /tv/

>> No.10684551

pls be rude somewhere else edgy teen-kun

>> No.10684555

Is anyone else pleased that the prequels exist? It's nice to have something everyone with a brain can hate so uniformly, even on the internet. It's like a pedophile witch hunt except I'm not sitting there feeling awkward.

Also we've got some good content out of it, like the "78 Reasons to Hate The Phantom Menace" article, those Plinkett reviews, and that one "DO NOT WANT" bootleg.

>> No.10684558

You fuckign piece of shit ! If you want to be an epic star wars otacool go to futaba, the jay isnt the place for western garbage

>> No.10684564

This makes me wonder: do Japanese message boards argue about what a true "nerd" is and whether non-Westerners can be considered "nerds"?

>> No.10684570

Can we not talk about Star Wars if we're going to yell at each other? It was just a simple discussion somebody brought up.

>> No.10684574
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>> No.10684575

Yes. The "being a nerd is cool" thing becoming popular isn't exclusive to the west.

>> No.10684581


>> No.10684593

No, we can't talk about Star Wars without pissing off nerds. Watch:

The prequel films were actually fun action movies that revolutionized filmmaking and special effects in the same way the original trilogy did. You only hate them because you had such strong feelings for the original trilogy, and--given that most people on /jp/ are in their early twenties--you're probably just deluding yourself and actually saw the prequel films first. You're just hopping on the "it's cool to hate George Lucas" bandwagon even though you had a good time watching the prequel trilogy.

The above paragraph is complete trolling, but someone will agree with some part of it, and then everyone will get angry. Just wait.

>> No.10684597

I want a fat NEET girlfriend who collects welfare for our many hellspawn and with me illegally living with her

I've seen the money they give to single moms. It's actually not bad, I mean my mom was getting $2700 a month for 3 kids.

>> No.10684598

I had a good time watching the prequel trilogy.

>> No.10684600

the pattern is the same for all. comfort zone

people are willing to live miserable lives as long as they can stay in one place and make everyday the same as the one yesterday.

its a pretty fucked up psychological aspect but oh well

>> No.10684614

please respond

>> No.10684615

Fuck off, no you didn't.

>> No.10684617

The third movie was really good. I liked it much more than the other five.

>> No.10684621

I actually saw the older movies first as a kid.
As for the prequels, I enjoyed them as a teen but with later views I came to those conclusions:
PM was pointless, could have easily started with Clones and the whole plot had nothing to do with SW.
Clones could have been good if not for Christensen, this guy can't act for shit, the "I hate sand" scene made me cringe more than anything I ever watched.
Revenge was the least terrible, and actually pretty good if taken as a comedy, overrall it felt rushed as hell.

So yeah, the prequels aren't bad movies per se, but I would have liked them more if the Star Wars title hadn't been slapped on them.

>> No.10684628

I like the clone wars the best

I wish the clones didn't kill all the Jedi ;_;

killing your own commander is not cool

>> No.10684631
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Didn't they replace the original puppet Yoda in The Phantom Menace with a CGI Yoda for the Blu-ray releases?

Frank Oz must be rolling in his grave.

>> No.10684632

I've never seen Star Wars before.

>> No.10684638

>>>/tv/ fucking nerds

>> No.10684644
File: 162 KB, 600x300, CL_DarkCrystal Labyrinth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same anon that put off watching the Dark Crystal for 20 years too? Dude, just stop missing out on the classics.

>> No.10684640

Do you mean the Clone Wars arc, the Clone Wars cartoon series, or the Clone Wars CGI series?

No matter your answer, your opinion is objectively wrong.

>> No.10684643


You basically want to abandon your human condition.

You can either kill yourself or put yourself into a coma. But both are pretty irrational things to do, only a fool would prefer nothingness over anything.

>> No.10684645

You aren't missing much, first two movies were cool though.

>> No.10684659

I can tell there are normals by the fact that there are people here who like the prequels. These threads should just be called subhuman generals from now on.

>> No.10684668

>Christensen, this guy can't act for shit, the "I hate sand" scene made me cringe more than anything I ever watched.

He wasn't bad. Go rewatch that scene and think how he could have said that line from that script any better. He said it as seriously as a human being could possibly say that line seriously. He must have stomached a lot of pride to do that.

>> No.10684675

The cartoon was good

You don't like Orange butt cheeks?

>> No.10684678

>Revenge was the least terrible, and actually pretty good if taken as a comedy, overrall it felt rushed as hell.

I'm so glad my friend talked over and basically riffed the entire film when we went to see it. It's the one time I was glad to have someone talk over a movie.

>> No.10684680

take your dick measuring to r9k you pleb

>> No.10684690

Subhuman confirmed.

>> No.10684698

I'm not the same guy, but I haven't seen Dark Crystal either.

>> No.10684716

Some clones spared their masters. The more free-thinking ARCs. Other Jedi survived in different ways.

>> No.10684708

I watched The Godfather for the first time last night. As a kid I was poorly cultured and never learned to leave my comfort zone, which sort of followed me into my teen years.

>> No.10684709

Do you mean the 2D cartoon or the 3D cartoon?

The 2D cartoon was fun but it wasn't as good as fanboys seem to think. It would have been better if it was just vignettes of a few battles like how it started out, instead of having dumb arcs about prophecies and new Dark Jedi characters out of nowhere. Though I'll admit I did like Grievous, but they completely fucking ruined him in the movie.
I didn't like the style. Seemed too computery for my tastes (like it was all Flash tweened or something) and it just didn't look right. Everyone was all angular and had definition in weird places (dat Anakin chin). Here's the point where someone tells me it was made by so-and-so who did such-and-such, I don't care.

I went to see the movie for the 3D series. It was so bad I almost cried. I have no idea why this gets so overlooked in favour of prequel trilogy bashing. It didn't have the Star Wars theme or text crawl, it started with a cheesy cartoon voiceover and then led into a character being introduced from nowhere and Jabba the Hutt's gay cousin. Fortunately I've blocked most of it out of my memory. It was basically a plug for a series I'll never watch, anyway.

>> No.10684718


For people who want to discuss their NEET lifestyle and not Star Wars

>> No.10684724

No, that was me.

I have it mostly downloaded, I'll watch it when I can work up the motivation.

>> No.10684740

I tried watching The Godfather a few months ago, but it was really boring and I couldn't get through it.

>> No.10684749
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Scarface is a good movie

>> No.10684758

Why did you think it was boring? Stuff was always happening and there's a great performance by the cast.

>> No.10684755
File: 394 KB, 1600x1115, furries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Luke, when gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be."
- Yoda, Return of the Jedi

Poor Yoda. A shame he never predicted all the Expanded Universe materials. Then he might have known that there were other Jedi. Also that the Emperor would be cloned. Also that Boba Fett would survive the Sarlacc Pit. Also that his best bud Chewbacca would get hit by a moon. Come to think of it, that whole Yuuzhan Vong deal was a bit more important than the Sith or even the Empire.

Yoda man, you're pretty stupid.

>> No.10684764
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Not even funny as a joke.

>> No.10684769

Jannieshit confirmed for star wars fan

>> No.10684776

i am going to complain about this on /q/

>> No.10684777

It's not a joke

She's a strong independent woman who shows everyone who's boss

>> No.10684778

NEET here. Great thread.

>> No.10684793

thanks i always wait for your approval before posting in these threads

>> No.10684794

She won't be nearly so strong and independent after Kirk shags her. Speaking of which, who HASN'T Kirk shagged? Picard is best though.

>> No.10684796

Complain about what?

>> No.10684798

about your face

>> No.10684806

Kirk was the best captain.
Picard was a British actor playing a French captain.
Sisko liked the Yankees.
Janeway needed Midol.
Archer was Sam Beckett pretending to be Johnathan Archer, for too many fucking episodes.

>> No.10684811

about the imparciality of the moderation
i have a right to express my opinion

>> No.10684822

What are you talking about?

>> No.10684818
File: 34 KB, 579x246, enterprise579_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Star Trek have so many ships named Enterprise, anyway?

I could understand if it was the name of the series like Macross so they made it the flagship name, but I figure this is exactly the sort of shit Star Trek fans *don't* care about.

>> No.10684824

You're just mad your loli threads don't stay up right?


>> No.10684834

Phase II was best Star Trek.

>> No.10684838

It's one of those ship names that carries on throughout the ages due to its fame. Doesn't have to be the flagship necessarily. Navies in the present still follow that tradition too.

>> No.10684839

I've never seen Star Trek either.

>> No.10684842

It's kind of sad thinking that there are people who watched the prequels first.

>> No.10684845

i.e. The British flapship in WW2 was Hood which got it's ass slapped by Bismark. They had a carrier called Ark Royal. That Ark Royal name continued on too. There's going to be another Ark Royal following the recently retired one too.

>> No.10684847

Would you want to be a "Q"?

I'd shrink myself down into a food and get eaten by hot lolis everyday then pooped out

>> No.10684847,1 [INTERNAL] 

I've only seen the prequels

>> No.10684847,2 [INTERNAL] 

What the HELL, janiturd?

>> No.10684847,3 [INTERNAL] 

fucking inconsistent janiturd

>> No.10684847,4 [INTERNAL] 

first janitor to ever enforce the condense your threads rule does it to something that isn't 2hu

>> No.10684847,5 [INTERNAL] 

Nevermind, I guess the janiturd didn't delete that other NEET thread because of the "one NEET thread at a time" rule. He's just throwing an autistic ragefit.

>> No.10684847,6 [INTERNAL] 

That's the idiot OP deleting his threads as usual. He does that so he can have a NEET thread on the frontpage at all times, instead of having to use the catalog.

>> No.10684847,7 [INTERNAL] 

He has deleted all the NEET threads. There was no reason to delete this one.

>> No.10684847,8 [INTERNAL] 

Thank god, finally.

>> No.10684847,9 [INTERNAL] 

oh the irony

>> No.10684847,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10684847,11 [INTERNAL] 

tbh, /m/ has actually started having star trek and star wars threads recently and they could really easily just take it there

but half of /jp/ users think it's cool to hate all other boards regardless of the variable quality of each (except /ck/)

>> No.10684847,12 [INTERNAL] 

like seriously, they've had like 11 star trek generals all to the bump limit

and they don't even care, all they do is complain about the toku fan invasion that happened forever ago

>> No.10684847,13 [INTERNAL] 

Star Trek is /m/ though.

>> No.10684847,14 [INTERNAL] 

So I guess it was a bad decision to delete this thread and make a new one?

>> No.10684847,15 [INTERNAL] 

It was a bad decision to make a blog thread in the first place.

>> No.10684847,16 [INTERNAL] 

