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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10672697 No.10672697 [Reply] [Original]

Hello jp I´ts almost my firs time here so please be gentle.

I would like to know if you guys think i'm a otaku.
I have never sen myself as an otaku but last week when one
of my workmates come over to my house/ room
(I'm still living whit my parent on the weekends)
and said "oh, i never realized you where an otaku.
This is the first time I'm in a otaku's room."

So where should i start?
I'm 21 years old and I have worked as a Swedish
soldiers for almost a year now and I work in one
of the more physically demanding parts of the armed
forces so i had to work really hard both physically
and in school to get this job.
My hobby's are hunting, training, building and repairing stuff, take a
beer whit my friends, reading manga,
look at anime, play Touhou and visit cons a few times
a year whit the association (group?) Touhou Sweden which I chair.

This is probably to little for you guys to make an accurate picture of me
so feel free to ask anything.

>> No.10672703

You're not Japanese, you're not an otaku.

>> No.10672721

If you enjoy being outside, you're probably not an otaku. Really nice set up you have there though.

>> No.10672730

You're as much of an otaku as most people here.

>> No.10672737

So you need to be Japanese to be an otaku?
I thought that you just had to be obsessed whit Japanese stuff or something like that.

>> No.10672743

In Japan, an otaku is just an enthusiast, usually to an obsessive and perhaps creepy level. In the west, an otaku is anyone who likes anime.

>> No.10672747

I'm also undure about the exact definition of otaku, and weeaboo for that matter. Anyone care to clarify?

>> No.10672748

That's not really true. You can have any interest in hobbies that take place outs

>> No.10672755

Is that Steelseries shift

>> No.10672762 [DELETED] 

Does it feel good killing animals?

>> No.10672774

>insinuating the Swedish army has engaged in actual military activity in... a hundred years?
It's a job, mang.

>> No.10672777

i'ts a steelseries g7 whit cherry mx black switches but i have just bought a Razer BlackWidow Ultimate 2013 - Elite whit cherry mx blue switches

>> No.10672779

He was talking about the hunting part, I guess.

>> No.10672785 [DELETED] 

If most of your leisure time involves Anime/Manga I guess you're an Otaku.

If not, then you aren't.

>> No.10672804

Nowadays, being an otaku doesn't necessarily implies being a shut in, though. Train otakus or idol otakus, for example, goes outside quite considerably.

>All those Griffons
Why would you do that to yourself, man... ;_;

>> No.10672809

I think it's like 40% but it's hard to measure because sometimes it can go a week or so whitout me doing anything manga/anime related and after that i can play and read anime related stuff for four days straight whit my friends.

>> No.10672819
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>> No.10672817

1/10 for all touhou figures

>> No.10672823

not to mention there're only 2 good ones out of all off them

>> No.10672826
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you are truOtaku and a man

not a pathetic child like most of /jp/
you're welcome here

>> No.10672828

Is it happening?

>> No.10672834 [DELETED] 

I see 9 good ones.

I think you have poor taste.

>> No.10672842
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Remi is on a whole other level. :P
Is being labeled as an otaku that bad? i take most labels as compliments, "nerd" "gamer" "otaku" "loli lover"

>> No.10672844

Op, why are you so bothered with the prospect that you might be an otaku? Are you that insecure about it? Not trying to be hostile, just curious about why you think it's a bad thing.

>> No.10672846

I think he came from the NEET thread since someone mentioned the army.

>> No.10672847
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He means because they are griffon quality. The problem is that they have the largest line of scale Touhou so autists who want to collect a full set but don't want to deviate too much in style end up getting a bunch of them.

>> No.10672856

We have lots of military here.

Or at least, we used to. Maybe the endless shitposting drove them off with all the others. It's hard to tell.

>> No.10672861

well I'm not really bothered whit it i don't care if someone puts a label on me.
i just thought that otakus was almoust sickeningly obssesed whit japanese (anime, manga) stuff

>> No.10672863

Military and military. As if they'd all be the same.

>> No.10672868

which is what >>10672834 is implying, professor autistcunt.

i think you have homosexuality. quesq (except that Yukari, the qc, eugghhh), ichijinsha, or no go. well, maybeeee rich reimu as well.

>> No.10672870

I'm not sure what you're saying here.

Anyway, the chances that he came here because /jp/ is the "otaku culture board" are pretty good, and the chances that he came here because /jp/ is the "NEET board" are pretty minimal. I mean, that second one doesn't even make any fucking sense at all.

>> No.10672874
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well i have them because i think they look good and
me and my friend collects them together so we have
something eye catching when we organizes competitions
at various conventions.

(this picture is a bad example)

>> No.10672894

I'm saying that mercenaries usually don't see a problem in attacking other countries, and those of them who do get muted by peer pressure and personal economic despair, which in turn has no value as an explanation.

>> No.10672897

oh my fucking god

>> No.10675329

Why hasn't /jp/ verbally abused this guy yet?

>> No.10675359
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this guy

>> No.10675518

That is one badass hat.

>> No.10675552

can i buy you lol

>> No.10675564

You're not an ani-ota. You're a military ota. Stop confusing yourself with things, OP.

>> No.10675574

If you want to be a TRUotaku, you need to complete all the /jp/ achievements.

>> No.10675588

>If you want to be a TRUotaku, you need to complete all the /jp/ achievements.

>> No.10675612

You have the beard and hair backwards, it should be this way.

>Swedish soldier
So going to Africa to blow negroes' dicks is now Otaku culture?

>> No.10675655

Is that you, Soda?

>> No.10675718

Kom ihåg att du inte kan kalla dig för otaku om du inte lärt dig Japanska än för ändamål relaterat till mediumet.

Du är tredje klass otaku eller andra klass beroende på tiden du spenderat på hobbyn.

För att jämföra:
Första klass: 4500 timmar+(måste kunna Japanska tillräckligt bra för att kunna lira eroge utan större behov av text hookers)
Andra klass: 2000 timmar+
Tredje klass: 500 timmar+

>> No.10675750

Where's the list?

>> No.10675792

8k$+ income every month, is his own boss
learned Japanese to play eroge
has a play time of eroge/VNs equivalent to 5000 hours minimum
has a large ass house filled with merch
expensive sports car with custom paint job of favourite bishoujo(bishounen)
good looking as HELL
completely disregards women
only posts on /jp/ and futaba/2ch when it comes to communities

>> No.10675875

Vilken klass tillhör du då? En annan är ju första klassens otaku. Jag är av det finaste virket; ja, praktiskt taget oförbätterlig. Efter tusentals timmar av svett, tårar och sperma, har jag lyckats nå den högsta och mest eftersträvansvärda klassen.

>> No.10676741

NEET - Not employed, in education or in training.
Hikikimori - Haven't left home for at least six months.
TruNEET - Be both of the above and also be a prick about it.

Eroge Master - Play 5000 hours worth of eroge/Visual Novels

Primary - 1cc a Touhou.
TruPrimary - 1cc all Touhous

And some other shit about dolls or tea or something Idunno.

>> No.10676750
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Where's your ZUN art Reimu fig?

>> No.10676758

Vad i självaste glödheta helevete babblar du om?

>> No.10676765

haha same yolo

>> No.10676779

Oh God these exist?
Got a link to a vendor?

>> No.10676781

I thought Swedish people were supposed to be good at English.

>> No.10676782

I had shelves full of books above my computer once.

After a few years one of them collapsed and I ate more knowledge than even Patchouli could muster.

>> No.10676784

You're probably confusing them with finns.

>> No.10676792

Wait that should be Eroge Expert. My mistake.

>> No.10676807

ebin jus ebin :^)

>> No.10676930

Being in the military is a gateway drug to all things weeb. Especially if you're black.

(Black people have societal pressure that deters them from doing anything moderately "nerdy." After leaving the 'hood, many experiment with anime/manga/videogamesthataren'tmadden during deployment time. At least in the US Army.)

And, if you do a computer job, you spend 12 hours a day in front of the monitor during deployment. For me it was only about 20 minutes of work between episodes.

>> No.10676943

I live in a place with so many black people that I guess that doesn't even apply. There are so many black weebs around here it's crazy.

>> No.10676963


It is spelled "with," not "whit."

>> No.10676996
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>> No.10676998

A couple of people I occasionally speak with are some balkan vets who used to post here, and by and large /jp/ has fell out of vogue with them. From what I understand it's only partly due to this place being a wretched hole, the fact that slav chans have been catching on plays a bigger role.

I guess we still have a lot of american/canadian vets though.

>> No.10677015


Do you think that having "weeaboo" interests is common among military individuals, or are they just over-represented on 4chan because its only natural that they'd come here? I've seen people in the military post here that it's very common, and I suppose I have no reason to doubt their word over my own, but it just seems so farfetched given the size of the American military.

>> No.10677022

Not anymore so than any other sort of profession, from what I can tell. I do however think a good many weebs join up in countries like america where there is a good chance they can get quite a bit of money with rather little risk to fund their hobbies/escape homelessness with.

>> No.10677141

That Miko needs to be rescued.

>> No.10677559

Passing from one greasy nerd's hands into your greasy nerd hands wouldn't really be a rescue.

>> No.10677602

From the japanese strict definition, you're well adjusted to society, so you're not an otaku. Unlike the majority of /jp/

From the relaxed western definition, you became an otaku the day you bought your first Touhou figurine. Nice figurines. Do want.

>> No.10677610

If you enjoy manga/anime culture-related stuff as well as japanese games with all your heart, you are indeed an otaku.

That just means he's not a Hikki or NEET.

>> No.10679246

>That is one badass hat.
We have some originals in the group.

and just for the record I'ts not me in the picture

>> No.10679258

nope, but i know him

>> No.10679279

I have 1cc 6 touhou games and 2 of then on hard + some extrastages.

>> No.10679297

You might look like "otaku" for normie, but on /jp/ you're entry level otaku.

>> No.10679305

I have that Necronomicon book too.

>> No.10679312

Remember that those 10% lie in the VN General thread.

>> No.10679318

>on /jp/ you're entry level otaku.

yeah dude I am a tru/jp/OTAKU. anyone else meet the TRUotaku requirements?

☐ Only hit the club on a Saturday night
☐ *MUST* have a twitter, tumblr and formspring
☐ Shitpost on /jp/ at least once a day
☐ Blog about college/work in the NEET general
☐ Pretend to enjoy /ota/ (but know inside it's shit)

>> No.10679327

From a critical analysis standpoint, otaku is specifically a Japanese phenomenon. On the surface level there are similarities between them and "nerds" in the West, but underneath that there are deep cultural differences that distinguish the two. Even the etymology of the slang term "otaku" points to post-WWII conditions in Japan in which housewives would refer to each other as "your house" which may have influenced their children (the first generation of otaku) to use the same term to show solidarity in their hobbies later on.

The most someone outside of Japan will be is a fan. Those that self-identify do not understand the implications and connotations of the term. "Otaku" is not something you want to be labeled.

>> No.10679337

LOL so insecure!

>> No.10679339

According research you don't need to Japanese to be an otaku, but otaku outside Japan are rare.

>> No.10679344
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epic retort shitposter-san!!!!!!!!!! EPIC

>> No.10679347

You're probably confusing "otaku" with "buyfag".
Buying a lot of merch doesn't make you otaku, but many otaku with money buy a lot of merch. But even if you are one, why do you care?

>> No.10679366

Fuck off. Otaku is culture-specific, like Paris syndrome, taijin kyuofusho, or hikikomori. You can have *similar* cases elsewhere (culture shock, beta males, shut-ins) but they're not the same. Only Japanese can be otaku. Westerners can be nerds, geeks, obsessives, fanatics, etc., but they cannot be otaku.

>> No.10679374

You don't need to be Japanese, but you need to live in Japan. That's the only way you'll be exposed to a culture to the degree that it shapes your identity into an "otaku." Of course, with new generations of otaku, I guess there could be overseas ones, but with the way the kids are using the term right now, it's unlikely. The problem is that the concept here doesn't even align with the one in Japan. It's like "hentai", only on top of it you have over half a century of history that has shaped the concept into what it is.

Many older generations don't even consider the newer otaku to be "true" otaku. And amongst newer otaku you have terms like "niwaka" that try to separate them further. Thus, how would any foreigner be taken seriously as an otaku?

>> No.10679406
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can you be akiba-kei if u've never been to akihabara

>> No.10679424

>You don't need to be Japanese, but you need to live in Japan.
Not really. Like there was example of one European guy who had website for Sailor moon during 90s.

Otaku isn't really cultural thing, it's psychological. There are probably people who we could consider otaku, but they aren't even aware otaku culture as cultural phenom.

>> No.10679433
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>Like there was example of one European guy who had website for Sailor moon during 90s.

That doesn't necessarily make him an otaku.


These people are apparently otaku and proud of it.

>> No.10679438

>Otaku isn't really cultural thing, it's psychological.
It's both. The two influence each other in a dynamic system. Japanese culture is unique, and otaku culture is born from it. Thus you would expect otaku to come from Japan. You wouldn't have a Japanese "hipster", for instance--neither in the traditional sense nor the term in its modern usage. They may look like one, but they won't actually be one. There's a difference.

>There are probably people who we could consider otaku, but they aren't even aware otaku culture as cultural phenom.
That's practically impossible. Anyone involved in the culture to the point of obsession (i.e. otaku) will be very aware of its movements, moreso than anyone else at least. They will be the first ones to know about the emerging trends and phenomenon. Don't you realize that otaku create otaku culture? It has always been that way.

>> No.10679446

Of course that necessary doesn't make one otaku. Did I say so? He had the otaku mind set. Official definition of otaku is
>- a person with strong affinity for fictional contexts
>- a person who makes use of fictionalization as a way to "possess" the object of his love
>- a person who inhabits not just two but multiple orientations
>- a person capable of finding sexual objects in fiction itself

>> No.10679451

>That's practically impossible.
No if you look the definition in my previous post.

>> No.10679468

Is that the Kokoro Wish guy?

>> No.10679479

That is not a definition, but a set of traits that characterize them. Those traits can be found in anyone who has escapist tendencies.

Read Little Boy by Murakami and they trace the roots of otaku to the post-WWII condition. Azuma attributes it to the postmodern condition. All of this is likely a result of westernization conflicting with traditional Japanese ideals, leaving the people disconnected and disjointed. The lack of a dichotomous (high/low) culture in Japan even since ancient times allows for subcultures like otaku to flourish. This fiction supplies the narratives that have been deeply missed by the Japanese people following defeat in WWII.

tl;dr. It's uniquely Japanese. No other culture possesses the context that led to otaku culture, thus I would conclude that no person separate from the founding culture is an otaku.

>> No.10679515

Yea but you are still missing the point. It isn't cultural thing, it psychological, not limited to nationality. These characteristics are what defines otaku (the context needs to applied).

>> No.10679544

Psychology is dependent upon culture and those characteristics are only a small part of what defines otaku. You can't forget the history that has shaped the term. We have never had nerd serial killers or cult terrorism. They have. These things define the concept. It's rooted into their daily lives.

You're right that it technically isn't limited to nationality, but the exposure necessary to change one into an otaku would be difficult to find anywhere else, especially when foreign consumption of otaku culture is filtered through the respective cultural identity. Besides, I had established my definition in terms of a critical analysis standpoint, which focuses on the sociocultural, rather than psychological aspects.

>> No.10679567

Generally, yes, but there are always exceptions.

>> No.10680188

what kinda person r u irl?

>> No.10680255
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excuse me i dont mean to butt in but is there a place where i can get something similar to the steelseries g7 handrest but on a 10keyless?

my cumstorm qfr is killing my left palm

>> No.10681544 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10681979
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