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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 281 KB, 800x800, 25983735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10675321 No.10675321 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread on autosage.

Patch 1.17 is out, get it here.


>> No.10675363

>Patch 1.17
So, what's new?

>> No.10675381 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your chained general threads. "Autosage"? What the fuck, really?

>> No.10675385

Visitors won't stay in your house anymore and the devs added a new item.


>> No.10675981
File: 557 KB, 1024x768, larnniere, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, I can't kill Larnniere. 1 nuke just never does the job. Which is weird, because I've always killed her and Lomias this way before....

>> No.10675991
File: 679 KB, 1024x768, fucking hell you made me grind 24000 at early game, dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, goddamnit, I decided to go for broke. I was unpleasantly surprised, however, to find that there was no way I could make two nukes go off in quick succession.....

>> No.10675999
File: 545 KB, 1024x768, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...And planting a second nuke after the second one gives too many turns for Larnniere to recover.....

>> No.10676025
File: 554 KB, 1024x768, I wonder wtf these are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I decided, keeping rigidly astute to the core /jp/ values, to give the fuck up and simply resolve to, one day, hunting her in Party Time quests. And so, I begin my Elona game. Wish me luck, /jp/!

On a side note, I wonder what the fuck these are? Whatever they are, they made the difference between dying and surviving a nuke. Which makes me want to steal them from her but, unfortunately, they are way too heavy for me to steal successfully at this point.

>> No.10676026

It's not autosage, it's a bump limit.

>> No.10676027

Fuck you.

>> No.10676049

So how much of it is in English? And how much of the English is actually readable?

>> No.10676135

About half of it is translated and about half of that is pretty badly translated

>> No.10676168
File: 3 KB, 145x97, chara_328&329_maidsannAlternates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10676183
File: 5 KB, 195x97, ServantAlternates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Text got eaten here.

This happened to me too yesterday. I've seen Connery survive the nuke before, but Larnierre surprised me. I don't know if they gave her whatever resists it (fire?), or if they just increased life values.

100% until the 2nd part of the game, and the wiki has stuff up on the missions for that if you make it that far. There is some of the most confusing engrish you will ever see in the 2nd part, but the guys doing the developing on that part are nice to even try. The original developer dropped the game a couple years ago. The english guys working on the source code decided to do a java port to make it easier to develop for, and it's been several years since they started.

So yeah, if you like the game enough to make it to the 2nd continent, you'll be alright. There are actual storyline cutscenes in the game (first part included) but they're disabled if the game is displaying english. Most people don't even notice there's something left out.

Also, since I'm a major sprite whore, I was checking out the popular monster girl sheet. I was thinking I had some stuff that's probably better than a few of the included monsters, but I'm not sure what the best way to share it would be. 1 sprite at a time would be too spammy, but writing over the sheet isn't fair to the person that made it. I might make a mosaic with chara_# next to the sprites or something.

>> No.10676200

So how often does this game crash in wine? Is it tolerable

>> No.10676208 [DELETED] 


>> No.10676216

Works fine, no crashes yet, bit slow though

>> No.10676392
File: 839 KB, 1291x801, 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what?

>> No.10676430

Kill a god

>> No.10676485

If you have a decent collection, the easiest way would probably be to distribute it as a picture that you could merge down on the old sheet in any layer supporting picture editor. At that point people could pick and choose what they want easily.

If you have a huge collection, and want to do something a little bit more spiffy like a pick and choose for each sprite on the sheet I could try to either find some suitable tool, or bang out some quick java/c# app.

>> No.10676523

Now what?

>> No.10676535

I'm the person that made the spritesheet.

Feel free to make your own version. Frankly, I just searched best I could for proper replacements. Replacing when I found a suitable sprite. I tried to keep the more similar sprite if I had a choice of two or more however the only time I particularly remember making that type of choice was with the minotaur. There's a holstaurus sprite, but the other female minotaur sprite I found was more similar to the original minotaur.

Due to me just replacing with the sprites I was able to find, the quality of sprites vary significantly. I scoured the entirety of an uploader and pixiv for sprites and I don't know where else to search. I really don't like the spider and centipede sprite at the least.

Beyond that I stuck with keeping around the original HD(nicknamed bobblehead in the /vg/ roguelike general) sprites for most of the NPCs.

The only changes I really have planned for the sprite sheet currently is adding in that female chained up Ebon. When looking through the uploader, I did not realize she was actually Ebon and so I didn't add her.

Also thinking about it, I might replace the black lion with the male black cat sprite from that image. I used the famale one, but I didn't consider the male one as well.

>> No.10676551 [DELETED] 

why u post dis shit in /jp/

>> No.10676573

>There are actual storyline cutscenes in the game
Dude, like really?
Why would they disable them?

>> No.10676716
File: 1 KB, 48x48, up2970_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheet I use is actually something like you described, and it works great for me. I can work with alternates on different layers, moving one up to the top if I feel like something different. Something like that with the alternate sprites for the girls' sheet would work fine for some people, so I'd have to see if people complain.

It's too niche for it's own thread on /vg/, and doesn't fit well in with the roguelikes. It fits the board a lot better than most of the first page threads, anyway.

It's the most popular sheet, so whatever can be done to make some small improvements helps out the most people. I'll throw in some stuff that provides some alternates. There are a couple I have that might work with the theme for the monsters that are missing, and I can replace some of the bobbleheads as well. This is assuming I finish before the threads die.

I never saw a real reason, but maybe Noa's translators couldn't handle all the text.


>> No.10676733

I remember I played this game once but I stopped since I had a little girl as a pet and she suddenly got lost and dissapeared.

>> No.10676805

If I have food or raw equipment that speeds attribute growth rate up for 2000 turns when eaten, how should I use those turns the best? I know it's Negotiation for CHA and probably Mining for CON, but what about the rest? Gene Engineer for INT, Harvest Time quests for WIL, tying things up in a sandbag for STR?

>> No.10676818

go to the bartender and revive her/summon her back

>> No.10677332
File: 443 KB, 1024x768, compost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who owns a farm in Elona+? Can you tell me what a compost does? I just guessed its function, but I thought you would place some rotten food on it like the ranch's jerky rock... So, my question is, what happens now? I put rotten grapes on each compost in the pic.

The icons beside a skill represent the stat it uses. The armor icon represents con, the key(?) icon is for dex, the ribbon is for charisma, and so on. You will notice the same icons popping up in a lot of things - it's the stat they're using.

>> No.10677335

Proprietary software?
Will not use.

>> No.10677456

Happened to me too. Had to put the nuke right next to her before it killed both of them. She showed in a party time a while ago and I was strong enough to barely kill her but she didn't drop another dagger surrounded by wind.

>> No.10677467

I hate having my character look all big and low res compared to the crisp NPC sprites. Is there any way to fix it.

>> No.10677536
File: 952 KB, 1147x870, 2013-03-29 11_03_55-Adobe Photoshop CS4 - scut.psd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using my own sprite sheet since June 2012 and wasn't even aware of the monster girl sheet until last thread www. There is a demand for a modular sprite sheet? I'm still not happy with the NPC selection on mine but maybe someone cares for it?
Have you tried switching the PCC show option under screen & sound for Elona+?

>> No.10677584

Wow. Set it to reduced and it looks much better. Thanks.

>> No.10677709
File: 635 KB, 1024x768, Finally!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....And thus I fulfill my promise to klll Larnniere.Thank goodness for my Fairy resistances and DV, I was able to manage switching Larnniere's target between me and my pet little girl when one's hp got too low.

>> No.10677791

Did you get from 2-14 in the span of a couple of hours? I must be shit as this game.

>> No.10677867
File: 560 KB, 1030x793, 2013-03-29 14_32_22-ElonaPlus 1.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time 598 hours I've seen a potion of descent outside of a wish. This magic vendor is rank 400 now, wonder if that has anything to do with it?

>> No.10677923

How good are fairies? That racial penalty looks pretty crippling to me.

>> No.10678045

Can you abuse potions of descent with Mutants? Or do you lose the mutations when you delevel/not gain a new one when you level again.

>> No.10678161

I don't really know if it uses fixed levels for gaining/losing them. If it works like normal feats you probably don't lose one deleveling from say level 3 to 2, nor would would you get another slot going back to 3 from 2 as the counter would reset when you get the slot, meaning 3 more level ups would still needed after each slot gained. A blessed potion of descent level up probably counts towards the level ups though.

>> No.10678409

Game keeps track of mutation levels that have occurred. You don't get mutations again.

>> No.10679471

Fairies aren't very good because they can't take a hit mid and late game

>> No.10679624

No, about a whole day or something. You know, it's not about competition here. As long as you enjoy the game, it doesn't matter if you play for a whole month and still only reach lv. 6. Some game types can do that to you - like being a merchant-ish character. I just made my Fairy Claymore more combat-oriented, that's why I stormed through a lot of levels pretty fast.

>> No.10679630

How is this game?

>> No.10679639

Actually, when I look at the timestamp... I guess that was just a few hours... Fuck, what happened yesterday?

>> No.10679669
File: 516 KB, 1024x768, cha-ching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ho ho, 1 Escort and 2 Before Too late quests from Noyel to Lumiest just gave my my biggest payoff in just 1 minute of playing. I've still got 1 escort to derphy and an ecologist to port kapul, both worth more than 10k each.

I think it's time to buy me that museum.

>> No.10679737

Err...Is that Mad Scientist guy worth keeping?

>> No.10679751
File: 453 KB, 1030x793, 2013-03-29 18_51_54-ElonaPlus 1.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is, I get paid less than 10k to kill gods.
Put him in the dojo for collection, not worth keeping in your team.

>> No.10680027

How do you make that fuck ton of cash on your hand? It can't be from doing cheap-ass quests like that.

>> No.10680078
File: 480 KB, 1030x793, 2013-03-25 10_10_47-ElonaPlus 1.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A single dungeon clear can give a maximum of 999999 gold, this starts at around rank 300 dungeons.

I also have a level 210 rouge warrior with 386 CHR and 271 negotiation as my shop keeper, which can sell anything for huge profit.

If that wasn't enough, I kill merchants for a chance of getting a portion of their held money as a drop, the spell writer has around 10 million gold from my spellbook buying, I can sometimes get back 500k killing him.

>> No.10680093

When you kill merchants, other than the karma hit, does any other penalties apply, like their wares being more expensive the next time around? Needless to say, I'm not planning to making my game based on good behavior, if no big penalties apply.

>> No.10680123
File: 363 KB, 1030x793, 2013-03-29 19_04_36-ElonaPlus 1.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't noticed any penalties other than the -10 karma. I've even killed my own black market vendor and it hasn't dropped shop rank and always respawns with (100) friend for impress. Sorry I'm going to sleep now.

>> No.10680184

So for some reason it seems like people throw rocks at may more when I play on a grand piano then on my harmonica. Any possible explanation?

>> No.10680302

I've made about 6 characters now, but I always keep dying, even if I'm level 5 in a danger level 1-2 dungeon.

Am I prioritizing the wrong stats? I'm going for Con > Str = Dex > *, Playing a predator, because warriors have reduced dex.

Also, is there any way to tell NPCs apart? I'm looking for the pet/follower resurrection npc in the port but I can't find them in the sea of useless npcs.

>> No.10680307

The value of the instrument factors into your success.
If you have a cheap grand piano and an expensive harmonica then you would have more success with the harmonica.
What material the instrument is made of makes a strong difference in the price.

>> No.10680399

That's not what I meant. I want to know the fastest way to make attribute experience if I have limited time.

The bartender is always at the pub.

Could you give me the lastest version of the bobblehead spritesheet?

>> No.10680701
File: 491 KB, 1584x1200, monster girls sheet alternates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm actually not sure if I did the replacements over the most current sheet, but this is taking forever so I wanted to at least show something for it. The .png should work fine for writing over whatever. It's not finished, and I didn't take out all the doubles since I kind of was just skipping around. The mouse one has extra black on purpose, since the sheet I used had a misaligned sprite below. The extra black should write over the lower sheet. There are several that are just alternates, and aren't meant to replace anything. I just decided since I had them, I'd provide a choice.

Things I apologize for: Roomba cat, DEMON QUEEN, any touhou or anime crap that made it in, nudity on a christian imageboard.

There are a few I still wanted to replace, we'll see if I get around to it or not. Cerberus, fire crab, and several other monsters could probably go.

>> No.10681113

For the original Elona, a person once overhauled nearly every character sprite and its compilation became known as the HD Elona sprite sheet. This is just all those sprites added onto the Elona+ sprite sheet.

Guy who keeps and maintains the monster girl spritesheet.

So far it seems our tastes in sprites vary significantly. I dislike replacing the bobblehead sprites for NPCs generally because I prefer trying to keep a cohesive style among them. Though I'm probably going to drop that rule for the monster girl sprite sheet eventually on sprites that I really like.

I don't replace monsters with new sprites if the new sprites aren't female in some way as that's not the purpose of the monster girl sheet however. Also I dislike the younger sister blended into monsters sprites as I think they're creepy.

Though their are a few sprites I do like in your collection.

The Samurai Miko and Royal redhead adventurer sprites I've always liked, but never put in due to the consistency rule I've been breaking lately so there's no real reason for me to not use them anymore.

I'll probably use the Shena, Tanuki, Mushroom, Treant, Shade, Mefan, Fugitive Ninja, Abyss Princess, Ebon, Juere swordwoman, and female beggar sprites as well from your collection. Never really liked any of the Shena sprites I've seen, but at least yours showcases the ass. Also, your female beggar is in the wrong place, she needs to go to the left one spot.

Thanks for the sprites I haven't seen before. Also I should probably just start using the Kaneda and cub sprites.

Also, if there are comments or notes besides sprites, try putting them into google translate, some sprites have particular sprites they're intended to replace. That female scholarly looking sprite you're having replace the mad scientist is actually meant to be Ultima. And the sprite you have for Hel is actually supposed to be a female Gavela from what I recall.

>> No.10681138

Oh yeah, some more comments, you're having the Nightmare sprite, a centaur, replace Baphomet, a goat demon which also had its own monster girl design already. Demon Queen is replacing the male demon ruler, not the female one there. Not sure if the Asianish dragon girl would be a good replacement for Cacy who is a chimera. And you're using the Anubis sprite for the yandere sister which I find odd.

>> No.10681161
File: 7 KB, 128x192, 089d74925769c69942130c8d7b5d3edc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The replacements that weren't monster girls were mostly from my main sheet, where I thought they looked better than the originals. That would be up to whoever would use the sheet. Some others could be in the wrong places by accident, like the Anubis sprite, or could be misplaced depending on whether I was using an old sheet as the original. Whoever does whatever with that sheet doesn't matter, so if you want to use some of those and dump others go nuts.

If anyone has the Lomias sprite with him holding the beggar meat, can you post it up? Looked all over my sprite folders for that and I seem to have lost it.

>> No.10681254
File: 6 KB, 306x18, giraffe gold bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10681300

The giraffe has finished eating a gold bar.

>> No.10681310

Dat minotaur. Thanks for these, dude.

>> No.10681882

I like the Kaneda bike, thanks

>> No.10681919
File: 2 KB, 96x48, up3856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.10681991
File: 9 KB, 386x192, LittleSisterRide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yessss, that's it. Much thanks. I was thinking about it during the time I spent on that sheet since it seemed to fit the mood.

>> No.10682515

Is anyone else unable to level living weapons in the latest version?

>> No.10682542

1.17fix you mean? Haven't tried that one yet but, I thought it fixed something with living weapons according to the change log.

>> No.10682585
File: 18 KB, 815x63, FOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit not again.

>> No.10682596

Holy fuck that hurt.

>> No.10683017

Does anyone know how much investing is required in order to be able to reserve the Domination Spellbooks from the Spell writer? Also can you still level pets with the dominate spell?

>> No.10684055

I'm pretty sure that what the spell writer has is based off of guild rank and not shop rank

>> No.10684242

When an enemy self-destructs, it does 99,999 damage to itself. HOWEVER, this is kind of a problem now since dungeon bosses can have way more HP than that. Which means bosses that explode when they take damage, like hard gays or bomb rocks, will activate their suicide move and survive it. It's pretty retarded, especially because the new developers have put in god-specific moves that do more damage than that, so if there is a damage limit it's in the millions.

>> No.10684750
File: 407 KB, 1291x801, 018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would make things too easy, it would make any exploder free loot

>> No.10684875
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1327978801506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you guys and your elona threads, I was starting to think I was the only one that played it still.

>> No.10684945
File: 2 KB, 48x48, up1223_HappyBed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10684948

Oops, 4chanX hates Lazarus form recovery.

Infinite self-destructs aren't really the way to go either. I could see them self-destructing at half or less life as a compromise.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.10685259
File: 185 KB, 1029x794, really now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck, man.

>> No.10685304

Next time, use the wiki. It tells you the syntax for wishing for things, especially skills.

>> No.10685350

PROTIP: If you wanna wish for any skill of your liking put skill first then the name of the skill.
Example: skillpickpocket, skillmarksman and so on

>> No.10685363

It does depend on the actual parsing. Sometimes, you can wish for the skill name and end up with something completely different. They list the 100% way to wish for a skill on the wiki.

>> No.10685439

I thought you could only get trap fox.

What happened, did they change it and turn playable?

>> No.10685452

I changed the name and the sprite

>> No.10685472

Hur dur.

It's been so many updates and they never added females. What's up with that.

>> No.10685487

Do those fox brothers make good pets? Good enough to look past the low ass life?

>> No.10685521

It's probably the best caster pet in the game and when it evolves it no longer has terrible life

>> No.10685524

They're incredibly useful as far as I'm aware since their special and very unique skill inflicts a shitton of elemental Scar damage and removes buffs from anything it touches. Once you start to train the fuck out of them they won't even suffer much penalty from abusing that. They start with terrible stats and defense though.

Aside from that, never tried one myself, I know a friend did.

>> No.10685597
File: 502 KB, 1440x800, LittleSisterinterface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like those 2 other guys said but, they also start out with low stats since they're level 1 base. They would probably be holy terrors if you summoned one with a mysterious diary, and dominated it with a rod from Garok's place very early in the game. I don't know if it's gotten easier to grind up pets at low levels, but the little girl in the game I just started has been really strong, so maybe it's worth it to do now.

Redid the Little sister interface.bmp for the more recent elona+ stuff, and as far as I know it works fine.

>> No.10685601
File: 503 KB, 1440x800, Lomiasinterface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the Lomias one, although I don't know why anyone would want to use it.

>> No.10685858 [DELETED] 
File: 875 KB, 1440x800, lomias ui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll use it.

>> No.10685869
File: 950 KB, 1024x768, lomias ui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll use it. Looks quirky.

>> No.10685905
File: 583 KB, 1440x800, LittleSisterInterface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to edit in the the pet has eaten HP bar as well as the defense directive symbol.

You also replaced the HD stat symbols with lower res older ones.

>> No.10686017

I'd just point out that the Lomias interface is missing the sprite for the already eaten HP bar, so I didn't know when my pets are already hungry.

>> No.10686389
File: 392 KB, 1291x800, throw damage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, like this system they set up.

>> No.10686491 [DELETED] 

Is it possible to join more than one guild? If I'm already a member of one guild, and I apply for another, what happens?

>> No.10686559

You are kicked out

>> No.10686610

A new patch is out, it fixes the bug that prevented living weapons from gaining experience and it fixes sand bags

>> No.10686618

Was that bug on 1.16 or 1.17?

>> No.10686691


>> No.10686709
File: 332 KB, 1030x793, 2013-03-31 10_46_21-ElonaPlus 1.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny to use, but not very practical.

Is worth it early on, compared to your normal melee/throwing attacks at least?

>> No.10686789

What was the most amusing moon gate you guys have been in?

>> No.10686841

What was wrong with Sand Bags?

>> No.10686842


>> No.10686847

Sandbagged NPCs would die instead of going back to full health. I'm pretty sure they moved around some times too

>> No.10686850
File: 511 KB, 1030x793, SADER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a screenshot of it but, there was one with all the gods on a sandbag in what looked like a underground military bunker with that blood looking water, it was funny and scary at the time.

This one was fun, really big maze with enemies everywhere. At the end I had to fight these.

>> No.10686853

Do you get skillups from attacking a sandbagged creature?

>> No.10686866


>> No.10687108
File: 539 KB, 700x397, 2013-03-31 13_57_48-ElonaPlus 1.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image of the character riding a dinosaur came to mind when I saw this things speed.

>> No.10687315
File: 476 KB, 1440x800, Lomiasinterface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my layers panel must have been over that part of the image, since I assumed there would be nothing there. I kind of left the normal lifebars like that on purpose, but I can see how that might bother people. Here's the Lomias one again since the other one was redone already. I don't know if the artist did any more stuff than this. Speaking of which...

>> No.10687322
File: 8 KB, 928x32, characteralt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...they already added in some pretty nice replacements for Elona plus, but I liked using these before they did. I'm not sure if they're layered on the character.bmp like that on purpose, but since I have them already aligned on my own sheet, I can provide them if it'd make them easier to add.

>> No.10687531 [DELETED] 

Why little girl got pregnant somehow, when do the give birth?

She just rubbed her tummy tum tum and said "I'm going to have a baby.", is this some sort of indicator?

>> No.10687591

it comes in pretty handy when I'm trying to weaken low-level creatures for capture.

>> No.10687604

I thought about it, and it seems Big Daddies would make the perfect tank. Sure, you get the god-recruiting penalty, but all you lose is 25 pts of Perception and some Firearm skill. In return, you get a level 15 creature that has huge bonus DV and a shitload of health.

>> No.10687666
File: 16 KB, 499x26, dominate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a clever use, might need to do that if I ever make a new character. No need for monsterballs right now www.

>> No.10687838

Take a pet to the puppy cave, let it go hog wild. Feed it the best corpses and food with your high cooking skill. Give it traveling. It's easy to raise a pet.

>> No.10688868
File: 293 KB, 1102x563, herbs_pet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.10688910

So just load your pet up on stomafillia's?
What's an easy way to get those?

>> No.10688948

But wait...I thought stomafillia would only fill up stomachs, not give so many stats.

>> No.10689008
File: 6 KB, 633x114, herb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a normal stomafillia, I combined it with other herbs with the pot of fusion

>> No.10689953
File: 10 KB, 196x83, 132487541345367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I've run into a problem with my elona save.
I was running on 1.17"fix" version when my power went out, I had used the F1 save a few seconds earlier since I was going down lesimas for the first time on that character.
When I turned my laptop back on, the save was blank like in pic related.
When I try to load this file it says "Updating from ver. 0" and then "Please exit the current area and enter the world map once to update game data", then tells me to save in a town in the previous version, even though it wasn't the first time I had started the game on the version. Anyone knows if there's a way to fix this? I really don't want to lose that file...

>> No.10690124

Start up the other file, hit f12 and type in "fixcorrupt1", if this doesn't work then I don't know what to tell you. You might be able to fix it with elosnack...

>> No.10690172

It didn't work, I might indeed have to use elosnack... I don't have a lot of experience with it at all.

>> No.10690222

Is there a lower limit in your gardening skill when your plants will always regenerate when harvesting and never wither? Because I otherwise have no idea how I could get 100 stomafilia and 'other herbs' otherwise. Herb seeds aren't so common.

>> No.10690297

Elosnack freezes and doesn't load the stuff so, it's pretty much over for me at this point.

>> No.10690324

You can try the hard way: salvage what you can.

Make a new save and, one-by-one, copy the files from your previous save, keeping the files if it still loads properly, and deleting the files that causes your save to go wrong. If you're lucky, you might narrow it down to one or two corrupt files (I'm thinking some of the larger files, like inventory), then you can rebuild what you lost by simply using Elosnack on your new save and generating items, experience, pets or what have you.

I'll be honest and admit I've never done it in this scale, but I have been able to transfer inventories and feats between characters using this method. I'd just hate for someone to lose all of the effort they've put into a save.

>> No.10690343
File: 615 B, 17x37, 287-OlderSister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cutie looks a lot like Tama and I like Tama, does she make a good pet?

>> No.10690357

Not very much. She doesn't use any interesting skills, and she has an Archer AI. Her evolutions aren't anything of note, either. For now, at least.

At least the basic evolution of the Little Sister gets Rampage...

>> No.10690362

I'll try that, thanks.
Problem is I've never really used elosnack before so it won't do me much good to have.

>> No.10690372

She doesn't have anything that makes her stand out, unfortunately. Suggestion: Get a fire dragon child, evolve it twice and switch it's sprite out for hers.

>> No.10690548

I might be able to salvage the file, but I need to know something.
Is there any way to make my character spawn in palmia or any other main town so that I can carry over from the old elona, with elosnack? I have literally no idea how to do that if at all possible.

>> No.10690592

Now that's a bit over my knowledge. However, you make your new character go to palmia before doing the transfer you -might- acheive this effect. That is assuming, of course, that the current location is, itself another file. This is quite unlikely, in a design perspective, however. I think your bet bet would be to really study elosnack or ask wherever you can get elosnack support on how to do just that.

>> No.10690600

I'll see what I can do then, thanks for your help until now.
I was also wondering about using the debug mode to teleport myself but there's no notes of such commands on the wiki, any ideas on that?

>> No.10690630

None comes to mind. There aren't a lot of effects already available in game that change your position in the map; only return comes to mind. I've never heard of a wish that can teleport a player to a new town, either.

>> No.10690651

After trying out a few things I figured how to put myself in a town through elosnack...
There seems to be a lot of trouble with the files, a lot of things got bugged out or reset back to 0.
Things like 0.00 weight limit, which nets me an instant 10 speed on the world map, completely lose all spells, abilities, materials, mutations, amongst other minor things such as "age: unknown"
I might really just have to give up on this one.

>> No.10690669

I'm sorry to hear that. But have you tried putting in files one-by-one? As in, first, copy, for example, the inventory file, then check to see if it still works, and if it does, try copying the feats or something...? But if all of the files are corrupted, I suppose there's nothing we can do...

>> No.10690687

I can't say I know how the files work well enough to do that, there's well over 800 files in that folder... so I'm seriously considering dropping it and quitting for a while.

>> No.10690708

That's sad to hear. I wish I could help out more, but I'm not very familiar with the file structure that Elona uses in its save files. Take it easy, then.

>> No.10690712

Shit happens, still, thanks for your time and help!

>> No.10690763

As far as using Elosnack to get a quick start after your previous game, there's a really easy way to do it. You don't have to bother with adding items or stats, you can do that with Wizard mode and wishes. If you don't know how, start up a new game and press F12, then type in 'wizard' in the console. This permanently puts the game in wizard mode, but you can afterwards use Elosnack to disable it. This involves setting the wizard mode value on the smallest sheet to 0 instead of 1, and finding your name on the sheet that contains the character names and setting that to something other than debug.

Anyway, before you disable wizard mode, you can use the F5 key to use all the wishes you want. This lets you wish for skills or other things you not want to have to go through the game for. You can wish for blessed water and potions of descent, and get yourself a couple of levels if you want to do that too. You can also wish for precious items if you want to duplicate something you found randomly in your other game. This can get you as close to where you were as possible, and you should be able to catch up to where you were on the main quest quickly.

>> No.10690773

Not the lost save anon, but I was wondering if there was an Elosnack way of getting pets back in their previous high levels, which may be another one of that anon's concerns, and certainly, would be one of mine, if the same were to happen to me.

>> No.10690823

You can set the character level and stat individually on the cdata.s1 sheet, but you have to change the index at the top of the sheet to the index number of your pet, which is located in the cdatan.s1 sheet. Just match your pet's name to their number. It's limited as far as setting abilities, but you could change levels. You might have to sleep before the changes would show up, though.

One other neat thing you can do with that feature is change pet portraits to custom numbers that the game normally won't let you pick. For example, choosing a NPC portrait, or even choosing a number that's higher than it'll normally let you to to when choosing custom portraits. Normally, the limit is face9.bmp, or u9 ingame. This is displayed as -10 in elosnack. If I set it to -11, I can put a face10.bmp in my user folder, and they will actually use that portrait. Been a while since I did this, but I was setting adventurer portraits and sprites a while ago with this to make them more interesting.

Elosnack does have an auto-backup feature that you can turn on, so you can use that if you worry about messing anything.

>> No.10690992

What value is used to set the impress levels for my pets?

>> No.10691086

It should be on the spreadsheet that's in the same thread on the Elona forums as the most current version of Elosnack, but according to my own (if I'm reading it right) it should be 68.

>> No.10691122

Thank you very much.

>> No.10691326

Can anyone tell me how to get my hands on a cure mutation potion?

I've grown a feather.

>> No.10691467 [DELETED] 

The easiest (take this word with a grain of salt) way that I can think of is to win in blackjack, if I'm not mistaken, _exactly_ three (3) times.

>> No.10691482

Is it worth it farming up a bunch of small medals for a shield tonfa early on?

>> No.10691507

If you're a martial artist then sure

>> No.10691522

Should I get fishing or harvesting? Which is better in the long run?

>> No.10691523

Finally got my character to level ten, and got my first 100k

I then lost it to bandits and deaths during questing.
I then got caught in etherwind and got half a million mutations.

This game is really unforgiving, Time to remake a new character I guess, this one is beyond saving now.

>> No.10691534

For the future, using a Kitty Bank is usually a good idea when you amass money. That or spending it on something you're going to eventually need anyways like investing or deeds.

>> No.10691560

If by harvesting, you mean gardening, then maybe yes, if you're willing to buy a farm in the future. It's incredibly easy to train now, just keep doing the Harvest Time quests and you automatically train it by pulling crop. You also get seeds for completing that quest, which is really sweet. You would want to worship Kumiromi, then, since there are some other gardening-made buffs when worshiping him. If you're playing Elona+, you probably don't have to, since seeds are fuck-easy to get and gardening skill trains faster than anything else, now that performer has been nerfed to straight fuck.

That's why I usually loaf around during the last few days of February, May, August and November. Never ever go on a quest or a dungeon crawl during those dangerous days. If something screws you up, you'll get a really thorough fucking.

>> No.10691580

You need to win four times in a row, not three.

The <Shield Tonfa> is pretty good for its damage reduction/negation. It also provides 20 bonus damage that applies to ranged damage as well.

>> No.10691590

Oh, 4 wins is it? I'll delete my previous post to make sure there's no confusion, then.

>> No.10691615

I'd like to caution you, however, that the Potion of Cure Corruption (the potion you'd want to cure those feathers) usually cures 2-3 of those ether diseases at one time, so, if you're planning on holding on to one you want (in my case, the draw rain cloud disease, since it gives me a nice bonus for my swimming), or if this is your only disease, you may want to wait until you sprout more diseases first. I mean, feather's aren't bad, they give you a significant speed boost in exchange for not being able to wear cloaks. I'd understand if you got something really beyond tolerance, like getting the very weak disease while being a melee combatant, or getting an addition to potions or what have you.

>> No.10691726

Am I a bad person for save scumming ether disease?

>> No.10691763

I feel you bro, I also save scummed ether disease to get the rain cloud disease. On my next disease, I plan on getting only either the violence or mana battery one.

>> No.10691832

Can someone explain how leveling actually works?

Level is your your total level and potential is the chance it'll raise through combat?

>> No.10691842

why would you want rain clouds? it's pretty worthless. I use it to pad my disease count so that quaffing a potion of cure corruption doesn't get rid of the actual beneficial diseases (carapace, anger, eyes).

>> No.10691847

you gain xp, and when it reaches the limit, you gain a level. levelling gives extra HP/MP, and a feat every 5 levels. and that's all.

attributes/skills rely on using them until they level up (they have separate, specific XP counts). potential determines how fast they level up.

>> No.10691858
File: 407 KB, 1286x793, プリニー隊.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I actually stumbled on an interesting moon gate dungeon.

>> No.10691889

Does anyone know what the pumpkin with the candle on its head at the bottom of the character sprite sheet is?

>> No.10691901

Hungry demon and grudge evolution

>> No.10691958

What places are guaranteed to have a kitty bank?

Every town vendor I've been too has none at all.

>> No.10691987

There's a kitty bank near the food NPC in Noyel. You need the pickpocket skill to get it, though.

>> No.10691998

The underground area in Yowyn

>> No.10692152

Is there a legit way of removing equipment slots from pets?

>> No.10692198

It doesn't seem like you can yet.

>> No.10692241

I want to marry a little girl.

What admire level do I need exactly? I'm currently at (???) Fellow

>> No.10692253

Soul Mate.

>> No.10692254


>> No.10692356


You can reset slots with the scientist in Port Kapul. costs life though.

>> No.10692381

I can't get rid of the all of the useless hand slots my nyarlathotep has with that ;__;

>> No.10692387

Why do the Little Girls age so fast anyways? I don't remember exactly where she started out but I happened to get her investigate and she's like 19.

>> No.10692402

>hand slots
dude, hand slots are the best slots. just equip as many shields as you can and buff the PV.

>> No.10692409

they start with a random age. if you're really that concerned, hit her with a blessed slow potion. it reverses aging.

>> No.10692634

Don't get a nyarlathotep then. There are plenty of good pets around, like the mucencab, so just choose another

>> No.10692966
File: 390 KB, 1296x806, woooow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn. I wish it was possible to check the status of the creatures you summon from moongates.

>> No.10693202
File: 892 KB, 815x1273, Call-me-a-fag-eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like the cut of his giblets.

>> No.10693445

To get more chances for my Swimming skill. The wet status doesn't come as often as you may expect, and the skill itself trains fuck slow. Even with the rain cloud status, playing normally for a few days have only trained my swimming skill to level 9.

>> No.10693474

Anyone here lived a life of fighting the law? Basically, I'd gotten tired of being a goody-goody and decided one day to fuck everyone up, after finding that me and my team are strong enough to take on guards with relative ease, I knew it was time to nuke Palmia and never look back. Now, my question is, am I going to find it much more difficult at some point because of this decision, or will it be as simple as just the kill all the guards at every town and you can only shop at Derphy deal?

>> No.10693517 [DELETED] 

I still wonder who's allowing this garbage to stay on /jp/. Is it the janitor?

>> No.10693540

If you just want the Nyarlathotep sprite, which is probably the case, you can also just swap it b y extracting the sprite directly from the character sheet and saving it in your user graphics folder, then setting a pet with your favored statistics with that sprite.

>> No.10693574

Every time I go into a moongate, I get instagibbed.

>> No.10693751

You can always wish for redemption to get rid of the bad karma. That, or horde lost items and use incognito to turn them into the guards. Choose "Bury" in all dead adventurer questions.

>> No.10693772

No, I mean, if I intend to keep playing the game with perpetual -100 karma, will I be setting myself up for an ass fucking later on, or will it not be so bad? I guess I'm talking missed opportunity, like not getting good quests because of my bad karma, not being able to access good shops because of my bad karma, not getting special items or pets because of my bad karma, and such unforseen penalties.

>> No.10693829
File: 1 KB, 48x48, up3841_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the only big problem is the shops, which or having to get harassed by guards all the time. It'd be a pain to have to use incognito every time you need to shop for anything.You'd also have to worry about the guards killing pets or people you were escorting for whatever reason.

It actually used to be pretty easy to get karma back, since when you finished Pael's mission you could give her cure corruption potions for a large karma boost. They changed that a bit, but I am sure they don't let you do that anymore.

Actually, I remember something from the changelog in Plus a while back regarding some new skill that they gave to guards, but never ran into it. I don't know if that would make it worse or not.

Speaking of Pael's quest, I was thinking that this sprite is probably Pael's mom after transformation, since the dress matches. The lizard head isn't exactly the most terrifying thing in the world.

>> No.10694089

>Get a fire dragon child
How strong are those?

>> No.10694128

Low level monsters that follow you around like Gwen. They're no big deal, but they're friendly, so they act like another pet but only for the same map. You can still attack and capture them no problem, unless you've gotten too strong and you kill them with one punch.

>> No.10694140

They are dragons that use boost (when evolved) instead of breath attacks, so they are definitely good.

>> No.10694312
File: 3 KB, 48x96, firedragonalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the main problem is the two evolution hearts you need. It's not hard to get them, but it takes some waiting. I used a fully evolved dragon for a while and I remember it being decent but not overpowering. The evolutions seem to be more about making crappy pets decent rather than powering up stuff you would be using otherwise. My strongest pets always ended up being asuras or giants, not counting bell-like pets which are kind of cheap. Speaking of which, has anyone had success with any of the armor-type pets now that they have that extra damage reduction bit? I remember someone saying the murder knight worked pretty well because of his innate time stop or something.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know how to speed up a game that you've been playing for a while? The load time is kind of annoying, especially when I end up save-scumming something (which ends up being often).

>> No.10695096

If pets evolve, do they keep the abilities of their previous evolution? Like, if I evolve the Wizard of Elea, which does a few dart spells, into the monster that does Magic Storm, does my pet lose the darts and they all just get replaced by Magic Storm, or is Magic Storm just added to the number of skills that my pet can use?

>> No.10695111

Yes, they keep everything

>> No.10695131

Sweet. That means some of these crappy old monsters can become really quite interesting...

>> No.10695384

>Speaking of which, has anyone had success with any of the armor-type pets now that they have that extra damage reduction bit?

It looks like they take around three times less

>> No.10695490

A 1/3 reduction, you mean? And is this before or after PV and all other bonuses get applied?

>> No.10695568
File: 429 KB, 1030x793, 2013-04-02 11_19_27-ElonaPlus 1.17fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good use for furniture throwing. It also trains when throwing at nothing, either bug or DF adventure mode was the inspiration w.

>> No.10695583

I was testing on enemies with no items on

>> No.10697695

It seems closer to about 1/2...

>> No.10697878

Then perhaps it's 1/3 damage, but before damage bonuses are applied?

>> No.10698745

I feel like making 2hu characters for elona. Suggestions?

>> No.10698838

Which character? Your favorite, I guess. You can probably make any Touhou you want, but don't get your hopes up that you can make flashy danmaku in this game.

>> No.10698899
File: 996 KB, 1259x1112, dojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems the dojo has no pet limit...

>> No.10699647

What's that left of the chaos dragon?

>> No.10699667


>> No.10699741

does anyone have a better music pack? both the default one and the mp3pack from Noa's site are getting repetitive.

>> No.10699762

Try the ones on this one.

>> No.10699823
File: 98 KB, 976x553, Clipboard Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.10699842

Huh? What is this? And why can you buy gods?

>> No.10699858

an Elona-themed Eratoho variant. Incidentally Lulwy is Shikieiki-tier difficulty to train.

>> No.10699877
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>> No.10699887

>Trainer: Lomias
I somehow find that amusing.
Oh, and this game's pretty lewd.

>> No.10699899

well, it IS a game about training sex slaves.

unfortunately, development seems to have ceased on this.

>> No.10700420

What the fuck? Quickling Archers are ridiculous.

>> No.10700648

You must have peon-level speed. Just shoot them with magic, and they die.

>> No.10701253

Hey, for the Little Sister quest, are you supposed to catch them with Monster Balls or Little Balls? I'm trying to turn in one I caught with a Little Ball, and the guy isn't interested. It's been a while since I've done this quest, so I'm guessing I fucked up on which capture option to use.

>> No.10701274

You need to get the quest from the strange scientist in the Cyber Dome first before you can turn them over.

>> No.10701283

Ah, that makes sense. Working now.

>> No.10701526

Is there some AI setting I am missing that will force allies to eat food or use potions in their inventory? or is getting a pet that spams heal the only way?
As a side note, it seems like whatever class I end up playing CHA and LER always end up outpacing everything.

>> No.10701545

You must like doing some things that train those skills fast, like performing, and whoring yourself for Cha, and Gerdening and REadinf for Ler.

>> No.10701558

If you have Negotiation, every time you buy or sell you're proccing Charisma growth.

If you have Literacy or Cooking, you're proccing Literacy when you read a spellbook or cook a corpse of an adventurer that you just killed in order to steal all his loot and eat his delicious flesh.

Regardless, you should be highest in either STR/AGI or PER, running up and hitting people in the face or pew pewing with your weapon. You don't kill enough people. You probably let your pet kill everything.

>> No.10701562

Proccing Learning, not Literacy. My Charisma was maximum just running through Puppy Cave, picking up all the rare uncommons that spawn alongside the trash, like rods of domination, blankets, spellbooks, etc. You can make a lot of money scumming Puppy Cave, if you don't stop for trash.

>> No.10701565

Damn I haven't found a rod of domination ever

>> No.10701566
File: 488 KB, 802x600, ikuisbored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any custom NPC packs I should download or anything before playing Elona+?

>> No.10701582

I kill tons of stuff. My character current character is a MA+mage for the elona+ skills and my pets are mostly for looks, not killing.
That doesn't stop me from:
Learning: Gene Engineering, Literacy, Memorization, all Crafts
Cha: Negotiation, Investing

All of those skills are the majority of which end up eating most of my PP for the first 200 hours easily while I use points to pump my other skills.

>> No.10701595


Try avoiding packs as much as you can.

There are lots of godded creatures and let me tell you, they are going to give you more trouble than you can take.

>> No.10701681

I've found one, rewarded one, on my most recent play through. Puppy Cave also likes to do things like spawning two wells on the same level. And altars. If you want to find an altar, Puppy Cave usually spawns em.

Better off burning out the Palmia altar and letting it respawn, though.

>> No.10701815

Are there any graphic packs for making character for Elonaplus? I tried using the one on the old version of Elona's homepage, but there seems to be some kind of issue with it where the body/clothing/eyes don't quite match up.

>> No.10702031

>Regardless, you should be highest in either STR/AGI or PER, running up and hitting people in the face or pew pewing with your weapon. You don't kill enough people.

how do I do this?
when I go to the puppy cave, the named orc rapes me to death, or I run into a couple kobolds who rape me to death, or a hungry ghost that makes me starve to death.

Note that I can kill kobolds in 1-3 hits (usually 1-2), hungry ghosts in 1-2 hits (usually 1).
even with a +23 hit machine gun, and 10 firearms skill, I can very well die to the fucks because I miss 20 times in a fucking row, and my 55 pv does fuckall whereas the -48 dv disease I have means I'm not dodging shit with my 2 dv (my shield skills up fast though).

and it's not like I have problems with any of them aside from the named orc 1v1, where a hero+defender pot will make him fall over easily, but when there's two of them next to me I suddenly can't hit shit and die much faster than I feel I should.

>> No.10702073

Go to a casino and win yourself a potion of cure corruption, then. It's quite easy. And if you have pickpocket, you might be able to steal some light armore and accessories off of adventurers. That's how I get my survival gear.

>> No.10702121

Copy the files in the "oldPCCs" folder over to the "PCCs" folder, overwriting, then unzip the pack into the PCCs folder, overwriting again.

>> No.10702171

Ah, thank you!

>> No.10702500

Are there any corpses that give sound resistance?

>> No.10702513

I'm beginning to think whoring to merchants is the best way to make money early and midgame. seriously you make so damn much money at zero cost. even sickness can be easily cured if you buy up a big stack (100+) of cure light wound potions, bless all at once, and quaff about 4 in a row each sickness.

you can even recycle the money back into merchants via investing, and then basically you get everything they have for free.

>> No.10702628

There is only one reason people would avoid this strategy.

If they don't want their character to be a whore.

>> No.10702726

if it bothers you, only fuck the female merchants.

>> No.10702749

I like to think of it as 'fuck them senseless until they'll do anything you say, including handing over their hard-earned money'.

>> No.10702887

Well, I finally had collected all the gods in my house to form some sort of harem for my fox brother. That is, until one of them choked on a mochi and they all killed each other with their powered up spawns.
I guess I'll have to cage them next time.

>> No.10702943

look at the bright side: god-equipment and god-tablets.

>> No.10703110

>This sword seems to be sentient

What the hell does that mean?

>> No.10703137

It's flavor text

>> No.10703139

it means it's alive.

if you kill shit with it it levels up and gain abilities. keep it. use a material kit if it's a crap material.

>> No.10703167

Also, does scroll of name reroll an equipment's stats?

>> No.10703186

not any more. living weapons let you pick stats, now, and it never gains Bloodsucking until level 11+, so scrolls of name are just a vanity item now.

>> No.10703894


How exactly does it work? Can I choose things like whatever ***** resists I want, or are the choices more limited?

>> No.10703964

You get to pick from a menu, but it the stuff you get for picking options is mostly random. It's +2 enchant ##, element resistance ##, element attack ## (+50), stat boost +6, combat skill +6, non-combat skill +6, or a the crit/extra damage to race stuff. You'd have to save scum to keep getting the same skill or element over and over.

>> No.10704382

>element attack ## (+50)
Not magic damage though, it only does #

>> No.10705903

I finally understood why people become temporarily insane after sex in Elona. It's the ahegao.

>> No.10705961

That was supposed to go next to the resistance, my mistake. I don't know how to quantify the elemental attack. The resistance is just measured by using the "objet of heart" item.

>> No.10707730

Why did the Elona+ devs remove the shield bonus from the tonfa? they seem pretty useless now...

>> No.10707754
File: 92 KB, 410x201, shieldofthorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The damage bonus makes a huge difference in damage at higher levels. If you want both PV and the damage bonuses then get the Shield of Thorn

>> No.10707949

One good thing about them not counting as a shield is that they don't lower your spell casting chance, shield tonfa gives some basic defenses while letting you keep 100% casting.

In Elona 1.16xmas, is it normal to find potions of potential being sold at default rank magic shops? I've come across 3 of them so far but haven't got the money for them just yet.

>> No.10707976

It's normal, you can even find spell books of wishing too.

>> No.10708097


A better translation for some of the dialogue in Elona+

>> No.10708116

Instead of copy and pasting wouldn't it be easier to just upload the txt file with the translated text and DL it like that?

>> No.10708410

1. Give a pet a fixed artifact
2. Send the pet to the dojo
3. Go to the scientist and pick up a duplicate of the artifact that you gave to the pet
4. Give that artifact to another pet
5. Pick up the pet you sent to the dojo

As long as you don't take the artifacts from either pet, you will be able to have both of them without either one turning into a random artifact. Pretty nice trick.

>> No.10709018

Is there an effective way to train armor?

>> No.10709089

Summon 5 or so asura in the robber's hideout in Vernis and have them beat on you for a while

>> No.10709106

It'd be nice if I could give two ether daggers to my dual wielding pet.

>> No.10709155
File: 211 KB, 599x375, 2_ether_dagger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think you could give a pet two of the same artifact, but it seems you can

>> No.10709208

That's odd, but I guess it makes sense. I should see if I can spawn another ether dagger in Party Time. It probably won't let me.

>> No.10709221

Did pets get way stronger in Elona+? My little girl is way more powerful than I am, It's gotten to the point where I'm completely relying on her to get through any dungeon.

>> No.10709231
File: 454 KB, 708x364, elona94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easier to make pets stronger but outside of that no they haven't

>> No.10709538

Will do, thanks!

>> No.10709602

Thanks, and I also figured out the cause of the discrepancy. It was because apparently Traveler was heavily buffed, so my follower ended up getting double my level because I personally didn't have that skill.

>> No.10710297

The patch notes from one of the versions said something about pets gaining skills 4 times as fast as the PC, so that might be the cause of them leveling up faster than before as well. Traveler is a part of that, but you can really see the difference just going through areas like the puppy cave, with low level characters just shooting up in level. The diary girls and fox brother would end up being seriously strong if you got them early, even well into south tyris.

>> No.10710414

Is there any way to get the fox brother without save-scumming the mysterious diary?

My younger sister is already owning though. shes almost my level (she's 21 and I'm 24) and I gave her the dagger surrounded by wind, so she and my exile just own everything before I can even get to it.

>> No.10710787

So, yeah, my yandere catsister has two daggers surrounded by wind, dual wield, and she basically just face rapes anything that appears.

>> No.10710832

Avoid 2hu cnpcs like Mima and Yuyuko. They are overpowered. Both are from the undeadgod category and Mima actually has that meteor spell.

>> No.10710840

Damn I wish I had the luck of one of my old saves, when I traded an adventurer for a Catsister diary at like level 5.

>> No.10710843

This makes me interested in this game, but I don't know much about it. Could you tell me more?

>> No.10710847
File: 646 KB, 1291x801, hootsoohoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are basically people making these custom touhou NPCs for the game which you can recruit by going in their moongates and activating them from the summoning stone.

>> No.10710850
File: 353 KB, 802x602, Flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also download them, but it might be hard to get one as an ally that way.

>> No.10710851
File: 663 KB, 1291x801, heekoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, you don't actually recruit them by using the summoning stone, but you allow them into your world by using the summoning stone.

Then when you see your favorite 2hu, hope you have a rod of domination in hand. Also, if you try capturing them with a monster ball, it might give you a random cnpc when you open it.

>> No.10710861


Yeah, but I haven't found many. Do you know where I can download some?

Otherwise, I might resort myself to make some customs.

>> No.10710971

Are young ladies any better in Elona plus? I remember they used to just throw random potions, which ended up being a problem more often than not.

>> No.10710989

this game is literally for no-life neets.

>> No.10711098

They throw better potions when they evolve


The bottom one gets stronger as her magic device (or is it Alchemy?) increases

>> No.10711254

Good enough be useful? I'd say yes.
Good enough to be the min-max choice? Doubtful even with both evolutions which is usually the case.

Sometimes I do get surprises like platinum song though.

>> No.10711700

Gonna make a new character for Elona+ but I'm not sure what I should go for. Normally I make some sort of firearms character and bored by about level 9ish, any suggestions on what I should go? How are Claymores as a class?

>> No.10711706

I have no idea why that quoted a post. Oh well.

>> No.10711829
File: 545 KB, 704x399, 2013-04-06 10_25_44-ElonaPlus 1.17fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also interact with your pet and give it a custom sprite/name, so really you can make any of your pets a anything you like. My panic quest Suzaku.

>> No.10712166

If you're bored, you probably need a challenge. Try a pure spellcaster, for one.

>> No.10712351

Living weapons can't go past level 15 now? I'm getting the message 'This weapon can't grow anymore' when using it.

>> No.10712372

I'm pretty sure it's always been like that. With that being said, I did see a hostile young lady using a +74 claymore in a moongate once but I think it was just hacked

>> No.10712428

I see, thanks.

>> No.10712613
File: 155 KB, 1200x703, 059_a_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently having your power go out while having Elona running causes your save file to go bad.

>> No.10712713

I am so sorry

How far in were you?

>> No.10712727

Almost 200 hours

>> No.10712773

As a person who's only 86 Hours in I can't even begin to comprehend your pain.

Assuming you don't have backups though you could always EloSnack your stats back

>> No.10712793

Have you tried loading up another save, F12 then "fixcorrupt1". Someone else lost a save earlier in these threads but this didn't work for him, maybe it will for you. Otherwise this >>10712773

Though really, this is why everyone should backup their save right now. I rar mine ever 5 hours of play, maybe I'm extra paranoid with my 617 hour save however.

>> No.10713356

Trying to get a blackmarket vendor into my house. Is there something I need to do to get one or are they really that rare?

>> No.10713409

Yeah it's pretty rare

>> No.10713628
File: 240 KB, 598x390, itincreasesyourcharismaby0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the most broken weapon you've ever encountered in this game /jp/? This is mine

>> No.10713757

"It brings an end" rock. It was even called Kingdom Ruin.

>> No.10713939
File: 428 KB, 801x598, hammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"brings an end" on mundane items is hilarious.

>> No.10713959

The game doesn't differentiate between custom NPCs for monsterballs, so what you can do is download a CNPC pack (there are a lot of them that include Touhous), get a really weak NPC in a monsterball, and hope it turns into a 2hu when you open it.

>> No.10713986

get a reakky weak CNPC**

>> No.10714004

A scythe that made me float, dealt magic AND sound damage and also had It brings an end.
Too bad I had it before I found out about elona+ and also in my old drive.
I think the name of it was Body Eyes.

>> No.10714068 [DELETED] 


>> No.10714094

A living stone.

>> No.10714111
File: 15 KB, 400x300, amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lazy older sister is rideable.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

>> No.10714198

Is it possible(In Elona+) to keep building favor with a God till you think they have enough to award you all Gifts,Pray and then get them all at once? Or is it limited to some one Gift per pray always thing?

>> No.10714528

Sadly, you can't get them all at once. You can get their 4th reward (by talking to them first) plus your pray reward at the same time, though.

>> No.10714598

Well shit

Guess i've been doing all this favor building with Lulwy for nothing then. Just gonna have to grab the Black Angel then and read up on how the Dojo works so she doesn't fall completely behind my current Pets.

>> No.10715745
File: 6 KB, 562x14, assassinated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, I wasn't even aware it was possible for you to get assassinated randomly.

>> No.10716087

Going by wiki info, praying each time should reduce your favor by 15%, then you need to offer around 4 times to be able to pray again. Lucky for you it's Lulwy, so you can just buy favor back at a couple blacksmiths. If you want the god reward, make sure to remember to summon them before you pray, since it's hard to remember to do sometimes. It's a serious pain to have to do favor runs again when you already hit your target.

That message shows up when you die by a death sentence hex, from an executioner or something. Not sure why it would happen in in the Mages Guild, but whatever.

>> No.10716148

It happens randomly if you are wearing doomed items

>> No.10716233

Actually, the little sister is "comfortable" when riding too, but it'd be a real pain to get her speed up high enough to be a good mount. Same with young ladies. I hadn't found a sprite for other riders, but the little sister obsessed artist made a riding sprite which I posted up here: >>10681991

By the way, does anyone know the Pixiv account of the person that did all the younger sister sprites? The uploader doesn't contain artist information, so it's tough to get other stuff from decent spriters.

>> No.10716315
File: 2 KB, 97x48, 19226702_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, took me a few clicks on japanese labeled Pixiv image tags after I posted it to find him.

>> No.10716344
File: 221 KB, 404x300, Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help find where this is?
I thought it might be in South Tyris, but looking at the map on the wiki, I don't see any snow.

>> No.10716506

If you try to open a map that you opened in another continent, it tells you it won't work there. So if it opens, it's where you are.

The wiki map might not be current enough for whatever version of Elona you're using as well. I'm pretty sure the place you're looking for it just to the northwest of Noyel.

>> No.10716575
File: 146 KB, 540x428, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like the spot, near Noyel.

>> No.10716734
File: 104 KB, 552x329, ss (2013-04-07 at 01.38.08).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to start a new character, namely a Fairy FistWizard named Magical Punch. First drink from the well in Derphy is a Wish, and this is what I get.

>> No.10716773

Ah, thank you very much!

>> No.10716795
File: 28 KB, 845x49, 16064 points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the highest you've been able to score at a party time quest /jp/?

I have around 152 effective performing, use the <Stradivarius>, ensemble with a 239 performing pet while riding at 938 speed and have stamina regen from Kumiromi, highest score so far.

Maybe I should just dominate a full party of scaled up rogue warriors to see what an ensemble with them would be like.

>> No.10717091

Hrm...Someone should make an updated elona+ map...
I can't really recognize most of it when finding treasure.

>> No.10717150

Elona+ uses 1.22 as its base version. The 1.17 update changed the over world so the map for it.

>> No.10717245

It seems like Elosnack is not compatible with Elona+, which is a shame, all I was gonna do was change some of the adventurer's title since they're all really fucking retarded.

>> No.10717343


Did they change something for 1.17? I'm getting perfect results on 1.16.

>> No.10717350

It works.

>> No.10717503

First time playing here.
I'm thinking about picking either Farmer or Warrior.
Which one is better?
Or rather, what you guys suggest?

>> No.10717527


Also keep in mind that you probably won't get very far with your first character before rage quitting. There's a lot to learn and adjust to concerning Elona. From Mutations,to dungeons,to gear, to even just simply earning money.

>> No.10717577


The main thing to get used to is that if you want to try to go out and kill monsters like you might expect in a fantasy game like that, you'll get raped mercilessly. No matter what class you start out as, you end up having to build up cash by doing a lot of quests and avoiding fights until you can get some basic equipment. Your first pet might be able to help you some if you're playing Plus, since they get stronger a lot faster in more recent versions. For other stuff, check a guide for a few things but resign yourself to the fact that your first character will be a mess and try to learn while you try to have some fun.

>> No.10717920

Is there an easy way to get the blue capsule things that doesn't involve hoping you get attacked by bandits and then hoping one of them drops it, cause I am just not having any luck with that.

>> No.10717926


>> No.10717991

Carry more cargo, its almost guaranteed that bandits will spawn after a few moves if you're over the cargo limit. Note that the first turn after dropping the cargo will still use your burdened speed, so make sure its not 10 or something crazy low that will get you killed.

>> No.10718323

Oh, you mean those things used to recruit Kaneda Bike?
I rarely found them in Puppy Cave.

>> No.10718360

Forget Kaneda,you want Blue capsules because they restore your Stamina to max when you chomp on one which means you're free to spam SP moves if you have at least over 5 of them. He's a shitty pet anyway only good for the unique sprite he has.

>> No.10719051

This thread's autosaging, by the way.

>> No.10719397

How do I get to see more books up for reserve on the spell writer?

>> No.10719675

Not sure, I think it goes up as your guild rank goes up.

>> No.10719782

I'm already at guild rank 60 and there's still no change to what I can reserve. I even raised its shop rank to 200.

>> No.10719943

Ah, I think I've figured out what's the problem. It seems that you can only reserve books that you have read. Does this mean I've only read four god damn spellbooks in my entire 250hrs into this game? God damn.

>> No.10719950

I found an adventure with a Skeleton Key, and I have the option of trading him some potions of cure corruption for it. Is it worth it? How rare are those keys?

>> No.10719970

I usually have a hell of a time finding them, and they seem to only randomly show up on adventurers. Those potions are fairly easy to replace with poker, so go for it.

>> No.10720271

Well the key is listed as a precious item, so I'd say pretty rare.
All it does is increase your chance to succeed at lockpicking, so I'll let you judge for yourself if it's worth it.

>> No.10720367

I've never seen this item in all of my saves, ever. Fuck me. And I've always put importance in my lockpicking skill.

>> No.10721270

Man I really wish this game was more forgiving with Pet Stat growth or something.

Aroung the 50 mark is where generic enemies pretty much just sky rocket over your pets and there's nothing you can do about it. Primarily in my opinion because it's just downright impossible to improve their stat potential. You can fuck around with Gene Engineering but even with that you'll just hit a wall where you're signing off objectively better Pets so that another one gets raped a little less faster. Kinda depressing

>> No.10721324

You can throw potential pots on them, you know? It took me 10 blessed potential potions to raise a pet's attribute potential from hopeless to superb. And I believe they receive double the effects from food and other stat raising potions.
Like gaining 20 speed for one blessed Hermes Blood for example.
Also, you can train a pet's skill potential in the dojo by giving the trainer there a bit of money. The cost for training your pets using the dojo was reduced in Elona+, if I remember correctly. You may want to get the Discarded Ranch first if you have too many unwanted pets in there or just simply abandon them, because everyone you left there will be part of the training, resulting in bloated training prices.

But yeah, I have to agree that it's a load of work to raise a pet from the ground up.

>> No.10721512

