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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 189 KB, 500x450, SnM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10668672 No.10668672 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of dungeon crawlers?

>> No.10668673

We had a giant thread in December-January but the mod deleted it.

>> No.10668678

I liked the Shin Megami Tensei games before they turned into weird dating sims about high school (seriously what the fuck)

>> No.10668691

I wish I had 3DS so I could play EO4.

They don't make enough dungeon crawlers these days. I would like to play one with modern graphics for once, not that I don't appreciate hand-made art.

>> No.10668698

they're shite

>> No.10668703

Your shite you scumbag foreigner!

>> No.10668705

the one's they're having career soft make are still nice
DS2, although not as good as DS1 reminded me a lot of langrisser/growlanser in the plot structure and faction choices
anyways, there's only lke 10 SMT games that are really high school-y anyways you're probably just paying to much attention to persona, which lacks smt in the title in japan and all of the personas have been in high schools

>> No.10668733
File: 55 KB, 400x356, Shin_Megami_Tensei_IV_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But thats only for Persona series, Shin Megami Tensei last game was Nocturne and next one is going to be be the fourth

And Strange Journey is also a dungeon crawler without anything else

>> No.10668737

I love dungeon crawlers. I wish there were more on PC. (Unless I'm missing them all.)

>> No.10668743

Well, Persona's still good. And there's a reason why it's always a high school setting.

>> No.10668749

Any where I can play with a cute girl?

>> No.10668777


>> No.10668778

Could someone mail me a flashcart? Would be nice to actually use my DS

>> No.10668781

sent ;)

>> No.10668788


>> No.10668792

Can you not even spend 15 dollars or did daddy revoke credit card privileges?

>> No.10668795

They are illegal here

>> No.10668804

Ohh, scary.

>> No.10668820
File: 9 KB, 231x231, GIFT_105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is supposedly an item code for etrian odyssey 4
i dont have the game (since it's not out in europe yet), so i cant try it

>> No.10668833
File: 470 KB, 1296x727, 0-mm10_screenshot_00482l5n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might & Magic X this year!

>> No.10668837

I'm pretty sure you can still buy them in the UK. They're just more expensive now.

Alternatively, you could just use a DS emulator on your PC.

>> No.10668840

Too outside to be a dungeon crawler.

>> No.10668848
File: 92 KB, 487x600, Daggerfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was like a ten year period of great PC dungeon crawlers. Get an Underground Gamer account and download DOSBox. If you're willing to be a little patient, do some reading, and get immersed, these games are really fun even today.

>> No.10668852

Daggerfall was fucking boring.

>> No.10668862

From Software the best.

>> No.10668889

How so? These games are generally quite slow, Daggerfall wasn't so bad. You had the fast travel thing so it's not like you had to walk everywhere.

Though I'll admit getting to specific places and people in towns was annoying.


A horse and carriage are definitely the first things you should buy.

>> No.10668905

I really want to make a touhou themed dungeon crawler/roguelike but I can't find anyone to do it with.

I'm just a programmer and I'm not creative enough to make it on my own.

>> No.10668912

But the outside is just how you get to the dungeons.


>> No.10668917

How are you not creative enough to make a game where all you need to do is put a @ in the middle of a maze of #s and have them run into various other letters?

>> No.10668923

Please don't bully.

>> No.10668951

I'm with this guy. For a roguelike you don't need graphics at all.

>> No.10668974

I'm not talking about art, I mean game mechanics and stuff.

>> No.10668976

Just steal that from other games.

>> No.10669011

This, basically. Take your favorite game and just rebrand it as Touhou.

>> No.10669014

Speaking of Touhou dungeon crawlers, are there any?

>> No.10669018



>> No.10669028

Theres also Under the Moonlight

>> No.10669199

Depends. I couldn't get into Etrian Odyssey and Strange Journey so much (even though I only had like a sector or two left to beat the game) but I enjoy dungeon crawlers. I'm playing Dungeon Master right now.

>> No.10669258

Were you the "Shrines of Moriya" guy?

>> No.10669264

gay genre. Truhet here.

>> No.10669269

Mines of Moriya, yes. It's a pun on the mines of Moria from Lord of the Rings.

>> No.10669271

Yeah I got the pun but I thought it was a double-pun with "Shrines".

It should be "Shrines".

>> No.10669295
File: 160 KB, 525x700, 1362551733220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOIV is the best 3DS game out right now. Too bad the new spinoff looks really shit.


>> No.10669688

We can allow dungeon crawlers on /jp/ from time to time. Those are i nthe whole different genre to danmaku, but still equally sexy.

I played EOIV in Japanese when it released, no idea it was the same game, I think it just another pretty rpg. The Japanese game gave no hint either, I though English name would be Yggdrasil and some shit.

>> No.10669924

I'm still waiting for Dungeon Travelers to go up on the PS store.

>> No.10672990

has anyone ever played shining in the darkness?

>> No.10673002

Yes. Haven't played Shining the Holy Arc though

>> No.10673013

I finished IV yesterday (the main story at least) - was great fun.

>> No.10673026

I still need to finish it, I am pretty close to the end I think. You gotta love these games.

>> No.10673465
File: 249 KB, 1024x1024, 30109696_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to invest in a 3DS in order to play EO4 sometime.
But being European I feel that the region lock will bite me in the back some time later down the line and screw me over with the region locking of some splendid titles.

It also sucks because the game will be more expensive than in America (if you ignore the shipping fees), yet there will be no collector's edition.
So it's an inferior product, that is more expensive, and exclusive to a region locked console.

Honestly fuck that. But my love for Etrian Odyssey is strong. Sadly I can't help but to feel I should invest in it eventually.

>> No.10673471

The region lock alone is the reason I won't buy a 3DS until that shit gets cracked.

>> No.10673476

Import a NTSC one, that's what I did and I'm more than happy with it.

>> No.10673489

I have thought about doing that. But the thought of paying shipping fees and tariffs for each and every future purchase of the game puts me off.

>> No.10673496

Think of it that way: games in the US cost $37-39. Games in Europe cost 45€. Even after shipping and taxes you will end up paying less (or about as much if you choose express shipping) than if you bought it locally.

>> No.10675173


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>> No.10676513

Just import it. For some reason Europeans are getting screwed over on a lot of great DS/3DS games these days.

>> No.10676958

I hate to be that guy, but I've been broke for most of my life:

Is there a localized version of the title game? Is the game itself any good?
(Fucking love Atlus.)

>> No.10677056

The title game? It's an NDS game so you can just pirate it and all four games are translated, the last being on 3DS so you can't play that one.

>> No.10680886

Of course. The original games had a really low print (recently reprinted) and I remember EO2 costing like $60 new two years ago. Definitely worth picking up but the games are a massive timesink so be warned.

>> No.10680907

which PC dungeon crawlers do you recommend?

>> No.10680915

I got EO 1 and 2 a few weeks ago for 30 bucks each, new. The reprints have dropped the cost significantly.

>> No.10681950

>the games are a massive timesink

It gets patently ridiculous by the end. The last level are specifically designed to make you waste the most time possible doing repetitive tasks. Bloody stupid.

Game's fun until that point, though.
