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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 880x480, average milk poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10661722 No.10661722[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>milk spammers

>> No.10661725

oh hello warosu how are you doing today

>> No.10661725,1 [INTERNAL] 

100% accurate

>> No.10661725,2 [INTERNAL] 

You mean all 2 of them, the 3rd being milk herself?

>> No.10661725,3 [INTERNAL] 

milk is /jp/ related she's a net idol!!! i love you milk!!

btw where did you get my pic

>> No.10661725,4 [INTERNAL] 

I have short hair and I'm fat.

>> No.10661725,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty sure most of us *ironically* spam her as a way of cyberbullying her

>> No.10661725,6 [INTERNAL] 

why you bully little girls?

>> No.10661725,7 [INTERNAL] 

milk is a full blown full grown raging cunt

>> No.10661725,8 [INTERNAL] 

Feeler when you check out a milk livestream that was posted last year and there were literally like 50 people spamming the chat with neo/jp/ memes

Totally caught me by surprise... I can't believe there are more than two people who spam those threads

>> No.10661725,9 [INTERNAL] 

daily reminder

>> No.10661725,10 [INTERNAL] 

Good times. I hope she streams for us again in the future.

>> No.10661725,11 [INTERNAL] 

milk thrad soon guys :)

>> No.10661725,12 [INTERNAL] 

please dont post my pics on /jp/

>> No.10661725,13 [INTERNAL] 

i love you milk!!

>> No.10661725,14 [INTERNAL] 

Please make a milk thread right now.

>> No.10661725,15 [INTERNAL] 


I think I was there for that.

She couldn't get her n64 emulator working or something.

>> No.10661725,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,17 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, fuck off. I am the TRU milk spammer.

>> No.10661725,18 [INTERNAL] 

Stop trying to steal other people's credit, retard.

>> No.10661725,19 [INTERNAL] 

He's the one trying to take credit for my work, shitlord.

>> No.10661725,20 [INTERNAL] 

No, he isn't. Drop the act.

>> No.10661725,21 [INTERNAL] 

This isn't Something Awful, dipshit.

>> No.10661725,22 [INTERNAL] 

He is.

I've never been to SA, faggot.

>> No.10661725,23 [INTERNAL] 

Jens Faden

>> No.10661725,24 [INTERNAL] 

>I've never been to SA, faggot.

Hahaha look at this newfag thinking he's defending himself when he's actually just pointing out how new he is!

>> No.10661725,25 [INTERNAL] 

Please remove this thread from the archive, warosuman!

>> No.10661725,26 [INTERNAL] 

Fug off, fake!

>> No.10661725,27 [INTERNAL] 


Are you fucking telling me /jp/ is the only board who spews "/jp/ only" mem-mays? Are you fucking telling me all the "spam" was "milkychan daaaaaisuki DESUUU >_<!!!!1!" and not ironic trolling from the regular users here?

Are you fucking telling me you really look like that anime picture in the OP?

>> No.10661725,28 [INTERNAL] 

Stop taking credit for my threads, retard.

>> No.10661725,29 [INTERNAL] 

I will fuck you up.

>> No.10661725,30 [INTERNAL] 

No need to get so mad, impostor. :)

>> No.10661725,31 [INTERNAL] 

You are the impostor.

>> No.10661725,32 [INTERNAL] 

Good lord, guys. Really?

>> No.10661725,33 [INTERNAL] 

It was posted on /jp/ and there were people saying really lame stuff like 'which Touhou' so I thought they browsed the board. Sorry mom!!

>> No.10661725,34 [INTERNAL] 

I love you milk!

>> No.10661725,35 [INTERNAL] 

This is completely your fault you stupid fucking whore.

>> No.10661725,36 [INTERNAL] 

Stay out of this, you dumb whore.

>> No.10661725,37 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for confirming you're the impostor.

>> No.10661725,38 [INTERNAL] 

You're the one that confirmed you're the imposter for not understanding that milk threads are ironic and nobody actually likes her.

>> No.10661725,39 [INTERNAL] 

Keep impostering, kid.

I love you milk!

>> No.10661725,40 [INTERNAL] 

That just makes you more pathetic than I had previously thought.

Why the fuck would you do this if you don't even like her?

>> No.10661725,41 [INTERNAL] 

today i got a new milk picture :)

totemo ureshiinda!

>> No.10661725,42 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,43 [INTERNAL] 

Comb your hair.

>> No.10661725,44 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just gunna ask it.
What is so great about milk?

>> No.10661725,45 [INTERNAL] 


Absolutely nothing. Just ignore the few imbeciles.

>> No.10661725,46 [INTERNAL] 

bump :)

>> No.10661725,47 [INTERNAL] 

Still waiting.

>> No.10661725,48 [INTERNAL] 

i love you milk !

>> No.10661725,49 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,50 [INTERNAL] 

I love you, milky-chan!

>> No.10661725,51 [INTERNAL] 

You just called her a whore.

>> No.10661725,52 [INTERNAL] 

that feel when black swan plagiarized perfect blue and it got a bunch of awards while satoshi kon simply died without due credit ;_;

>> No.10661725,53 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up weeb

>> No.10661725,54 [INTERNAL] 

make me

>> No.10661725,55 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,56 [INTERNAL] 

it really is mysterious how the milk spam stopped after I got your picture :)

>> No.10661725,57 [INTERNAL] 

How do you guys deal with the fact that the "best" era of the internet (for us 20 somethings) is more or less over?

NicoNico went downhill after 2007 with the whole copyright thing

/jp/ fluctuates between alright and shit, but the best era is more or less gone

Touhou is in decline

Being otaku is being popularized and exploited by hipsters

2ch is also facing a similar decline in quality with the large numbers of normals and middle/high school kids

I can only think of 2chan when it comes to communities that are relatively good at staying the same.

>> No.10661725,58 [INTERNAL] 

What Nico copyright thing? I still see plenty of MADs.

>> No.10661725,59 [INTERNAL] 

niconico was launched in 2006 so saying it's peak was in 2007 is absurd and stupid. copyright laws hardly matters in japan and so what if you can't steam anime on niconico? there's a million other ways to get it.

2ch/2chan, you're wrong. why? cause those boards have diverse topics and the moderation aren't subhumans like on 4dchan. 4chan is fucking shit cause moot has the brain of a child, he's an example someone who won the lottery when they're a stupid loser. did you see this faggot go onto a stage and do gay hand gestures while numbling, farting, and looking like a mongoloid? that guy is fucking stupid and he's the reason why 4chan is shit. that problem doesn't exist on 2ch/2chan cause people can just go into topics they enjoy and enjoy them.

instead on 4chan the moderation allow everyone to post 200 off-topic replies ruining any thread they want and think making an off-topic thread is the problem. NO YOU FUCKING 50 IQ CHIMP, an off-topic post is worse than an off-topic thread. an off-topic thread can have high quality discussion while an off-topic replies are always SHIT. if there wasn't so many fucking 50 IQ subhumans on 4chan constantly making off-topic replies, NOT THREADS, then 4chan would actually be okay.

find a topic you enjoy and talk about it with others = enjoyable
find a topic you enjoy and have many others complain and make off-topc replies = SHIT

>> No.10661725,60 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,61 [INTERNAL] 

This post is literally filled with low-esteem and newfaggness.

>> No.10661725,62 [INTERNAL] 

>>NicoNico went downhill after 2007 with the whole copyright thing

Pretty much. They're Youtube level now when it comes to copyright. I barely go there anymore compared to the past.

>> No.10661725,63 [INTERNAL] 

no it isn't cause the japanese copyright isn't even close to what the RIAA has youtube go through.

on youtube they have programs test audio to match with copyrighted material and remove the audio. someone else can copyright your voice and then get youtube to delete your material with it. nicnico isn't anything like youtube. whatever you're missing on niconico can be found else where or doesn't even matter/need to be viewed by anyone.

>> No.10661725,64 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah that's true.

I guess the only difference is that Nico actually cares about copyright now. Before you could watch tons of Western TV shows, movies, and documentaries on there for free, but they've wisened up now I guess. I guess this is because they're interested in making money from Westerners too now.

>> No.10661725,65 [INTERNAL] 

At least on Nicovideo you can watch clips of anime and shit. For example all funny scenes by a certain anime character in one video. On youtube a 1 minute Simpson clip will get removed. It's ridiculous.

>> No.10661725,66 [INTERNAL] 

bamp for my net idol bros :)

>> No.10661725,67 [INTERNAL] 

stop deleting my net idol threads!

>> No.10661725,68 [INTERNAL] 

that was copied from someone else's post

>> No.10661725,69 [INTERNAL] 

I guess...

>> No.10661725,70 [INTERNAL] 

I guess dude.

>> No.10661725,71 [INTERNAL] 

Can't have their pictures lost around the archive.

>> No.10661725,72 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,73 [INTERNAL] 

Milk spammers are so ugly.

>> No.10661725,74 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,75 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,76 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,77 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,78 [INTERNAL] 

How are my warosubros doing today?

>> No.10661725,79 [INTERNAL] 

pretty good

>> No.10661725,80 [INTERNAL] 

Good to know. What did you do today?

>> No.10661725,81 [INTERNAL] 

Le white trash face.

>> No.10661725,82 [INTERNAL] 

fine thank you

>> No.10661725,83 [INTERNAL] 

Hey pal

>> No.10661725,84 [INTERNAL] 

Kill milk.

>> No.10661725,85 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,86 [INTERNAL] 

i'm fine thanks


>> No.10661725,87 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,88 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,89 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,90 [INTERNAL] 

tally hooooooooooo

>> No.10661725,91 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,92 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,93 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you for derailing that shitty thread, milk spammer.

>> No.10661725,94 [INTERNAL] 

Don't encourage subhumanism

>> No.10661725,95 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, let's pile up shit upon shit.

>> No.10661725,96 [INTERNAL] 

I was fine with it when there were only four to five posts but he just kept going and going and going.

>> No.10661725,97 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,98 [INTERNAL] 

which thread

>> No.10661725,99 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,100 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,101 [INTERNAL] 

good milkday

>> No.10661725,102 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,103 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,104 [INTERNAL] 

milk !!oZZ9KfyjMKY
milk !!m7+6d0dy5bp
milk !!Hx9evYBkk8E

Are they all real? Why does this bitch have so many trips?

>> No.10661725,105 [INTERNAL] 

Because she keeps using dictionary words that people crack, or she forgets them since she's an airhead.

>> No.10661725,106 [INTERNAL] 


That's pretty cute

>> No.10661725,107 [INTERNAL] 

I'll keep bumping this until no more milk threads are being made

>> No.10661725,108 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,109 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,110 [INTERNAL] 

I'm about to make a milk thread

>> No.10661725,111 [INTERNAL] 

did you guys get any new milk pictures today?

>> No.10661725,112 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,113 [INTERNAL] 

Wasn't milk an actual dookie poster back in 2011 or 2012? I'm posting dookie poster instead of shitposter because that word has been smashed into the ground and no one knows what it fucking means anymore.

>> No.10661725,114 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,115 [INTERNAL] 

milk the ilk

>> No.10661725,116 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,117 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you keep bumping this?

>> No.10661725,118 [INTERNAL] 

read some posts above

>> No.10661725,119 [INTERNAL] 

I love you, milk!

>> No.10661725,120 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,121 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, but how is bumping this thread going to get me to stop posting milk threads?

>> No.10661725,122 [INTERNAL] 

You have to believe.

>> No.10661725,123 [INTERNAL] 

Believe in what?

>> No.10661725,124 [INTERNAL] 

The milk spillers.

>> No.10661725,125 [INTERNAL] 

But how is bumping this thread going to get me to stop posting milk threads?

>> No.10661725,126 [INTERNAL] 

You have to believe.

>> No.10661725,127 [INTERNAL] 

I don't understand.

>> No.10661725,128 [INTERNAL] 

You just need to believe.

>> No.10661725,129 [INTERNAL] 

where are the milk nudes

>> No.10661725,130 [INTERNAL] 

Mush's hard drive. He told milk he'll post them on /jp/ if she ever tries to break up with him.

>> No.10661725,131 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,132 [INTERNAL] 

Anything is achievable.

>> No.10661725,133 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,134 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10661725,135 [INTERNAL] 

