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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 555x342, aaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10646568 No.10646568 [Reply] [Original]

does this shit annoy anyone else? i get major butthurt every time.

pic very related

>> No.10646576

What do you have against samurai dude?

>> No.10646577
File: 41 KB, 281x596, how to spot shit 2 MING DYNASTY SAMURAI WARRIOR Movie Quality Halloween Costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10646579

If such things annoyed me, I would avoid looking at them. It's a good thing I don't give a shit.

>> No.10646580

Damn, I need one of those like NOW.

>> No.10646585
File: 18 KB, 400x406, how to spot shit..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rustle nothing which haven't already been rustled by these pictures.

>> No.10646589

Life is generally more easily manageable by not giving a shit.

>> No.10646594

forgot to add info on this. it was advertised as "MING DYNASTY SAMURAI WARRIOR Movie Quality Halloween Costume".
and not only is the armor way off, but the sword is just... wtf...

>> No.10646592

Easier in some ways, harder in others.

>> No.10646602

I wear one of those like everyday. It bloats my yamato damashii. That being said, I got a stupendous idea. I will begin to apply Hagakure into my shitposting.

>> No.10646604

You are a such a nerd... I go grab a beer for you too.

>> No.10646609

most people isn't really going to be able to tell the difference since Japan and China are probably the same shit for them and they just want something that's exotic and like the movies

>> No.10646612

I find it hard to believe that anybody genuinely, truly gives a shit about something like this.

>> No.10646617

Why, exactly, would you get "butt hurt"

Or did you mean you were going to buy it like an idiot, but can't because your mom put you on one of those university freshman allowance cards that only lets you buy stuff from the bookshop and the cafeteria? If so, your mom's a smart lady.

>> No.10646618

>You are a such a nerd
probably very true. please send the beer to kansai gaikoku daigaku....

>> No.10646625

Wait. The ming had samurai?

>> No.10646626

i take offence to the cost i guess.

>> No.10646628

Then don't buy it. Problem fucking solved.

>> No.10646630

are you kidding though? you want a fucking suit of armor in a costume store?

>> No.10646633 [DELETED] 



>> No.10646633,1 [INTERNAL] 

oh no not my precious japanese culture ;_; fuckin baka GAIJINS

>> No.10646633,2 [INTERNAL] 

Are you actually stupid, or just pretending to be?

>> No.10646646

Just wait until OP sees that Korean Iado ripoff that involves combat-rolls and backflips.

>> No.10646720
File: 98 KB, 497x580, Korean!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it makes me very angry and upset. Those darn Koreans are always planning and scheming, always.

>> No.10646720,1 [INTERNAL] 

huurr durrr stupid people exist we're not equal hurrrrr

>> No.10646723

How sad is a country which has to steal its history from a neighbor he claims to hate.

>> No.10646728

So wait, this thing is korean?

Might explain why he looks like a pirate, lol.

>> No.10646733

The less you care
The happier you will be

>> No.10646738

He looks like Zorro to me.

>> No.10646741

>How sad is a country which has to steal its history from a neighbor he claims to hate.
It's so sad that it's Korea.
They don't have any fashion sense when it comes to traditional attire.

>> No.10646780
File: 465 KB, 600x3000, 1124614787453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so sad that it's Japan.

>> No.10646786
File: 120 KB, 557x640, kanamara_25[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't have any fashion sense when it comes to traditional attire.

>> No.10646790

Can I whine about British influence over everything now?

>> No.10646791


I don't think any sane Japanese would deny the heavy influence of Chinese culture in Japan.

>> No.10646812

Hahaha oh wow.

"Ramen is Japanese"
"Sakura festival only exists in Japan"
"Tea cerimonies are Japanese"
"Penzai is Japanese"
"Hand fan is Japanese"

>> No.10646816
File: 136 KB, 900x900, dol[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanbok is beautiful.

>> No.10646837
File: 27 KB, 340x344, korean-gat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you updated your picture, monkey.

But it is still wrong.

>> No.10646840


According to you?

>> No.10646853


>> No.10646880


michael lives!

>> No.10646891
File: 108 KB, 1120x720, 1360068429277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As though any Asian cultures are worth a damn.

>> No.10646896

Corean culture is so disgusting. I'm happy communism happend to half of them. It made them at least somewhat interesting.

>> No.10646904

Is that a photograph?

>> No.10646911
File: 406 KB, 593x525, 1292758679018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a photograph, but a demonstration of the superiority of western culture.

>> No.10646918

that was then
this is now

jerking over the glorious past to compensate for pathetic present is a common trait of falling civilizations

>> No.10646923

what's wrong with this pic?

>> No.10646930
File: 629 KB, 1600x2600, 1292761372089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As though the rest of the world is doing any better.
come back when an Asian nation builds a moon-rocket or a designs a stealth fighter.

>> No.10646937

You're just kidding around, right? You do know art is in observation of principle and subsequent innovation, not image quality like a camera, right? It's like with music theory.

>> No.10646940


a/b/v/ stink strong in you

>> No.10646942
File: 147 KB, 748x505, superior japanese culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to 2ch's /nida/, monkey with pig feet.

>> No.10646945

...And anyway Japan's made a bigshot moon mission now. Unmanned, of course, but this time it was strictly for science not as a political race with the stupid sovietskis.

>> No.10646946

also, they didn't have oil paint in japan

>> No.10646948

what is that like a dildo conference

>> No.10646950
File: 908 KB, 900x1135, The_Scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art that's more realistic is inherently better
Crysis 3 is the best video game because it has the most realistic graphics.

Here's a picture from Norway in 1893, they can't even do proportions correctly lmao.

>> No.10646951

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.10646952

>Siding with western culture because of better graphics

>> No.10646958
File: 83 KB, 263x317, 1240358982976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, that is shit.

>> No.10646968

And science, literature, philosophy...

It's no one's fault but themselves that they couldn't discover oil paint.

>> No.10646973

You aren't proving anything with that hideous picture.

>> No.10646975

>Siding with anime, which look better than cartoons.

>> No.10646982
File: 23 KB, 195x300, 1361475274207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10646986
File: 91 KB, 600x600, 600px-Piero_Manzoni_Artist's_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at western art today and look at how far we have come.

>> No.10646987

Unsheathing a sword across your chest.

>> No.10646992

You could say that to all people. It's what you do with that advantage which is the true thing to be proud of.

>> No.10646994

I bet you hate Van Gogh too, huh.

>> No.10647005
File: 158 KB, 1000x1268, 1352506734229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.10647044


>> No.10647046
File: 159 KB, 385x456, duchamp_the_fountain_(by_r_mutt)1336509173685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.10647088


The Dada movement was the beginning of the end of fine art. Comparatively, very few people took art seriously after that point.

>> No.10647188
File: 203 KB, 940x782, 1351602527723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But China was Japan’s offspring all along.

>> No.10647311

I remember when I was a young weeaboo and stuff like this would annoy me

>> No.10647329

What's the correct way?

>> No.10647337

I remember back when "weeaboo" was a joke on 4chan /b/

Now twits use all these intentionally absurd recently made-up words like they were SO serious.

>> No.10647341

Now you're a jaded adult with no emotions?

This shit makes my blood boil. Sorry for committing the sin of having been trolled instead of pretending I'm an apathetic snowflake.

>> No.10647342

Yea, don't you see that life started with god emperor. You dummies.

>> No.10647346

Don't cut yourself, bro.

>> No.10647351

>Now you're a jaded adult with no emotions?
I used to get angry too, and then I realized that if I allowed myself to get worked up over dumb shit then I would spend the rest of my life seething in rage.

>> No.10647353

My life is the internet. This is serious business.

What WOULD you get angry over?

>> No.10647356

oh I love that shit, man, I can have a rage orgasm just scrolling page 0 of /pol/

just whenever I want, it's so convenient

>> No.10647364

I wouldn't really say angry, but things that come out of left field or are difficult to ignore irritate me.

>> No.10647365

I don't know
I mean what am I supposed to get mad about?

Its an incorrect costume, it doesn't really hurt anything.

>> No.10647383

It hurts my Japanese spirit.

>> No.10647577

you've watched too much korean propaganda. if you studied at a university, you'd see instantly that japanese history is pretty much isolated from around 900 bc. even the western influence was extremely limited until 1945. however there's been interbreeding between japanese and koreans, but saying that they steal "its history" is incredibly ignorant and shows that you have no knowledge at all.

this is just a drunk scholars opinion though, but fuck.... saying japan stole all its history is so retarded i don't even know where to start

>> No.10647587

Would it be correct say that Japan's culture descended from Korea? That would make sense. You can't really steal history. It goes against logic.

>> No.10647604

This is only what weebs think though. Japan doesn't tell people that. Weebs also want to believe that biscuits with chocolate only come from japan.

>> No.10647605

>you'd see instantly that japanese history is pretty much isolated from around 900 bc
This is absolutely wrong, though.

>> No.10647610

Napoleon was a fag fairy and everyone in europe died from horrible medicinal techniques during the 19th century.

>> No.10647611
File: 5 KB, 170x236, 1298730349974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you trying to prove? no matter what country you're from, the same can be proven for yours. it's easy to make the same pictorial comparison between china and india, is there a point about being butt hurt about that?!? all cultures descend from somewhere and japan is very open about most of it's culture being INSPIRED by china. "oh, no, it so sad and pathetic that they can't make their own culture"- fucking study it a bit before you make a fucking comment. most cultures are affected by other cultures, thousands of years back in time.

if you faggots knew ANYTHING about history, you'd know instantly that korea's culture doesn't look anything like japan's. korea has more or less been ignored by japanese since the yamato stopped fighting with shilla and koguryo. even toyotomi hideyoshi sent his soldiers to korea to attack china, he didn't give a fuck about korea. because china was in the center of civilization according to the asian viewpoint, so why would they care about some hick rural area?

but now faggot korea wants to be seen, so they pretend to be japan... it's so obvious. their martial artists doesn't even use korean clothing or weapons, not even techniques. if they just used hanbok i'd say they'd be following traditions, but those tards always use hakama and clothing VERY DISTINCTLY japanese. no other country has ever wore such clothing.

from a scholar's perspective, korea's claimed per-descendant culture of japan doesn't follow any normal evolution AT ALL! it's pretty much proven 100% that most of the cultural influence to japan was from china, until around year 1000, sometimes through korea, but even that is debated. mostly the korean's acted as teachers of CHINESE culture, and no japanese with any knowledge would deny that.

rusteled like fuck....

>> No.10647617

nope. if you count the 1550's contact with the west, then you're exaggerating. they had contact and to japan it was significant, but compared with other countries, it's contact was very limited

>> No.10647618

>You can't really steal history.

>> No.10647621

What are you talking about?
No one said anything about being apathetic. It's just that there is no reason to get angry only because someone got something wrong.

>> No.10647624

your butthurt is showing

>> No.10647628

i COULD make sense, but it doesn't. many scholars think that a lot of the contact between japan and china was through sea routes, and only some through korean migration to japan.
i think that probably the korean's acted like teachers of CHINESE culture, and japanes made it their own. pretty much like wiggers will never be the same as nigger etc. when someone imitates a foreign culture, it will always be a bit off, right. same with japan.

>> No.10647632
File: 20 KB, 169x194, 1294184076602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well... i've been studying japanese and japanese culture for 5 years now... and it really kicks me in the balls.

>> No.10647636

i know... i'm not going to try to hide it. i'm butt hurt as hell, as if a 1000 niggers hade raped me

>> No.10647637

They mimicked Greeks much. But I don't see that they time warped and ate part of History like Keine would.

>> No.10647640

Is this about the Greek things? Romans greatly respected the Greeks, they wouldn't steal and claim as their own like that.

>> No.10647683

le heracles face

>> No.10647718

I'm white, not a monkey.
What do I need to do to make it look more accurate to meet your standards?

>> No.10647785


China isn’t exactly part of the Japanese mainland, you know.
Thinking Japan had no contact after 9 fucking BC until the modern era, what the fuck?

>> No.10647806
File: 341 KB, 896x651, a7f8395d990dbc683e2b013a4c82689f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10648116

Go back to /pol/
