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File: 265 KB, 1278x720, 341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10642046 No.10642046 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10617700
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10642053

You might want some private time with me afterwards ... if you know what I mean.

>> No.10642055

I got to the second ark of higruashi and started getting bored.

I don't want to go back to playing stupid games with these girls after that exciting last part.

I also am extremely confused as to why keichii is alive, or what point in time this took place? Is it all just extra game stories added in or shit. Is there some reason why am I back in time, is it just an alternative ending or something or is it actually going to go farther into the story somehow?

>> No.10642061

Different scenarios in the same time frame. That way you get to see more sides to the events happening and figure it out.

>> No.10642085

This picture is far too lewd in my opinion.

>> No.10642107

You are sooooo pure anon!

>> No.10642115
File: 269 KB, 800x600, Nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Riki is such a clingy nutcase?

>> No.10642125

Sounds like an interesting concept. How is it?

>> No.10642158

Why are you such a filthy peasant?

>> No.10642165

Fuck off weeb.

>> No.10642352

That is a HORRIFYING mental image.

...so why am I so turned on now?

>> No.10642358
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One day

>> No.10642369
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>> No.10642457

>Something like Alicesoft or Eushully can and does get away with it but your average moege maker will probably be lynched to death.
Speaking of Alicesoft and NTR, I wonder if they'll keep Shira's backstory in Kichikuou for Rance 9.
That was pretty rageinducing.

>> No.10642515


>> No.10642518

Yes. I've been waiting.

>> No.10642519

How was the trial?

>> No.10642522

Is there a setting to change the font for it in the actual release?

>> No.10642526

What was it?

>> No.10642529


>> No.10642689
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>> No.10642702

What happened to these two anyway? Any news yet?

>> No.10642747

You think someone would post "one day" and ";_;" for games that have had recent news about them?

>> No.10642749


>> No.10643385

Why there's nobody interested on the new Makura anyway. Trial was pretty good.

>> No.10643408

So I recall a few threads back someone recommended reading Kyonyuu fantasy for the story despite the nukige sounding title. What should I expect from it?

>> No.10643410

I'm interested. Not much else to look forward to this month anyway.

>> No.10643416

Irresponsible Captain Tylor the eroge.

>> No.10643420

It's probably one of the only games worth paying attention to this month. The rest will probably be hit or miss for the most part.

>> No.10643450

If you played Daibanchou, its like PGG except worse.

>> No.10643600
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Pretty good, I loved it, nice cast of characters. It had some drama but for the most part it was entertaining. Yuki is a god tier osananajimi, with the voice of one too, and Karakouji isn't bad for a main heroine. The MC has some personality too

>> No.10643612

I'm looking to play Imo Bilizer over spring break. Any one play it yet?

>> No.10643648

>main heroine
I'm always wary of charage with a main heroine. This isn't one of those things that will try to guilt me into picking one girl, is it?

>> No.10643654


>>10643416 gave a very apt description, hope you like breasts, as the name is meant to be taken at face value.

Going to take my time with Lovesick Puppies, might give others a quick run before this.

>> No.10643670

I downloaded it, but I haven't installed it yet
Post your impressions when you play it

>> No.10643673

It was pretty bad.

>> No.10643748
File: 128 KB, 641x521, 無題33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm downloading End Sleep trial right now. When I finish it (this weekend hopefully) I'll write a review of it.

>> No.10643752

Really? I liked Imouto Ijime sort of...it was short and a decent eroge. Do you suggest any alternatives to Imo Bilizer with loli or imouto themes?

>> No.10643758

Wanko to Kurasou was OK in my opinion. I wish there was multiple arcs though. That kind of made me mad...

>> No.10643776

You actully liked Imouto Ijime? You'll probably like anything then.
Try Riaimo though.

>> No.10643786

Wow that was a pretty mean comment. Was Imouto Ijime really that bad?

>> No.10643815
File: 523 KB, 740x555, 妹選抜☆総選挙.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. I just know it felt really bad and it was totally forgettable. But, 十人十色 and all that.
If you really like imoutos I guess a company like Latte would be better to follow.

>> No.10643819

I played the game about two years ago. I think of course if you're looking for something ero only then it's a good game but if you're really into fluff and plot then I guess it's terrible. But if you're looking for a light hearted eroge it's not too bad.

>> No.10643827

I can agree with that I guess. It wasnt amazing but I don't think it was too bad. Just a simple short game.

>> No.10643841

Well, this is coming from someone who prefers onee-san types instead, so I don't really know...
The girls from Imosen had me charmed though. They were really cute. I guess that's what you mean by fluff.

>> No.10643851

I like fluff a bit but sometimes I just like ero. I think a really good eroge has both qualities though. Thanks for sharing! Maybe that's the game I'll pick up over break. How long does it take to complete?

>> No.10643863

It's not awfully short like Imouto Ijime, but it's not really long anyways. Maybe a couple of days if you take it easy.

>> No.10643871

I was wanting to play the latest instalment in gears of dragoon and I was wondering if I need to play any of the earlier games? From what I can tell they don't seem related story-wise but I want to make sure just in case.

>> No.10643877

If there's something in Visual Novels that really pisses me off then it's that none of the female Characters that kill innocent people get properly punished for their sins. Every time someone kills for whatever silly reason hundreds or thousands of people, it always ends in them saying something like "oh I'm sorry for only thinking about my own goals", get a slap on the hand and they live happily ever after with the MC.
What the hell?

I mean, I'm really fine with serious stories where people die, and sometimes evil girls who kill people turn me even on, but this sort of unfairness and injustice just makes my blood boil.

If one of the girls, no matter how cute and loveable she acts, kills or tortures people who don't deserve it, then I want her to suffer the exact same fate as her victims. But something like that doesn't seem to happen from what I've seen.
Often the author uses some tragic past as an excuse so the reader can relate to the girl, but do you really think that gives the characters the right to get out and massacre everyone? Or treat human lives like garbage that they can throw away? I'm sure I couldn't love a girl like that.

Ah damn it, this makes me too frustrated. Maybe I should just take a break from VN's for now.

>> No.10643879

Each of the games stories are stand-alones, you just miss all kinds of world building and references to old games and how stuff could relate to each others.

>> No.10643885
File: 211 KB, 385x562, FSN-Sakura_Matou Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A heroine killing the people who tortured her turns me on a lot. And if she's being mind-controlled by an unknown entity, I don't really mind, pic related or maybe Renn.
Of course mennstrual bitches like, say, Mia from DS have no excuse.

>> No.10643883

Did you just read fate stay night or something?

>> No.10643884

You need to read this one

>> No.10643886
File: 263 KB, 800x600, capture_001_15112012_143525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to every Dies Irae girl ever.

>> No.10643892

Yeah, when they just get a slap on the wrist, it can be rather frustrating, especially when it's THAT one character that everyone hates.

This isn't something limited only to visual novels or female characters, though.

>> No.10643895

I'm curious, what games are you talking about?

>> No.10643897

They didn't get a punishment?

>> No.10643899
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Looking out of the window it seems like this school floor is near the stratosphere or something.

>> No.10643919
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Well, yes and no.
Some girls died in most endings, while the route heroine always got a relatively "happy" ending with MC, except the final ending where pretty much every mass murdering antagonist / heroine gets absolved of their sins.

>> No.10643929

I just call her the main because the trial was kinda her mini route where she went full teenage angst.

>> No.10643931
File: 421 KB, 800x600, happy ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happiest ending in our times

>> No.10643946

I wish I could read something with ridiculous chuuni stuff like Dies Irae again, there wasn't been anything like this in a while

>> No.10643962


Hime is so slutty.
And it's all for the better.

>> No.10643968

Let me guess. Rewrite?

>> No.10643970

Maybe go read some of the older chuuni stuff, I doubt you have read them all.

>> No.10644062
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, hoshina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you have a fetish if you already know which girl you want this early in the game.

>> No.10644091

I wanted her when I first found out who she was voiced by, before I even downloaded the trial.

>> No.10644173

If I have one criticism of Dies Irae than it is that the generic tragedies feel completely weightless. Sure burn down the city. The people living there didn't have a single face between them.

>> No.10644196

It is a big plus for me too. I would like this character otherwise though.

The game is pretty good so far, once you get out of 空小路 drama it gets better. I don't really like Maruna either though.

>> No.10644205
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x768, 人類半分滅んでしまえばいい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got around to reading the first one, and looking forward to Hime in the second.

>> No.10644318

You should also add that since it counts as redone universe, it doesn't count.
Kasumi is super bad end, Kei route ends with a new ritual and Marie leads to KKK. Save fore Rea, they all suck.

>> No.10644411

Didn't read it yet, but doesn't Zero Infinity fit there?

>> No.10644505

Yeah, the atrocities felt completely weightless to the degree that I started to wonder if the whole town was an illusion or something

>> No.10644605

it's ridiculous chuuni alright, only with SCIENCE in place of nazi occultism.
Nut it doesn't really reach Dies Irae levels, you should expect an inferior version in writing.
On that note, there was also that other game with vampires before that

>> No.10644619

VN's with nazis are the best (not daiteikoku though because it's shit)

>> No.10644654

Are there any VNs with heroines who are genuinely the antagonist?

Most of the times, it seems that the "evil" or the "opposing faction" heroine falls in love with the MC and sides with himin the middle of the route.

I'd like to see a VN where she doesn't change sides until the end, or doesn't change the sides at all.

>> No.10644660

How does that relationship work? But I'd go with Muramasa, Kanae route kinda fits.

>> No.10644670

It doesn't have to involve much of a relationship.

There just has to be attraction and/or she has to be the main heroine, as every route needs to be a heroine route for some reason.

Alternatively, they can be romancing in the beginning and then fighting in the latter parts.

>> No.10644687

Never7 seems alright. I've only finished the Yuka good end, but it seems like there's still quite a bit more to do. Walkthrough looked a bit confusing, so I'll probably consult it after a couple more endings.

>> No.10644695

Kurumi and Izumi (cure) are locked till you've inished teh previous routes, so take it easy.

>> No.10644698

By previous, do you mean all the other girls, or their normal route?

>> No.10644699

For Kurumi you need to finish three routes, four for Izumi, sorry for the confusion. And if you get teh walk, remember you need Izumi cure, Izumi's other route is more of a joke route, fun if you hate that one other guy.

>> No.10644717


You chose the right girl.

>> No.10644733

>fun if you hate that one other guy
Who doesn't hate that annoying bastardin Never7?

>> No.10644802

I'm gonna read dracu-riot. It better be good.

>> No.10644811

You could read tenshin ranman or noble works instead.

>> No.10644816

Doesn't look like there is anything good this month either, so I think I will pass I guess. Next game I will get is probably Photo Kano Kiss.
It's not that great. Noble Works is a lot better.

>> No.10644929

Does anyone like Little Busters? I played a bit but haven't really put myself into it yet. I like the anime though.

>> No.10644938

It's the best VN I've ever read.

>> No.10644994

It's very spotty. The parts written by Maeda are great, the rest not so much. Though I personally liked Sasami's route as well.

>> No.10645066

I really enjoyed it. The routes themselves weren't too great, but refrain is excellent.

>> No.10645121

Thank you! Has anyone played on Haruka's route yet?

>> No.10645157

Sorry for asking to be spoonfed. If you get mad at people easily, please don't read my post.
What are some fully translated visual novels for beginners? I have only read katawa shoujo

Serious answers please. Sorry once again.

>> No.10645172


>> No.10645176

Fate Stay Night
If you like creepy and mystery perhaps Higurashi.

>> No.10645181

I don't have it saved, but in /vg/ there's a VN general with a pastebin with recommendation images and stuff.

>> No.10645211

Thank you all very much. I suppose I should have said no Clannad, Air, FSN, Uta, Little Busters, or any "discussed" ones. None of those appeal to me.

Thanks again, you all are nice people.

>> No.10645233

Considering how different all of those are from each other, if none of them appeal to you, you probably won't find many VNs that do.

>> No.10645241

But that's like half of all the translated VNs worth reading right there.

>> No.10645251

With how limited the pool of translated VNs is, if it's not being discussed, that probably means it's shit.

If you want to be hipster, I'm afraid you're going to have to learn Japanese.

>> No.10645270

I see. Though I have been looking through the reccomendation image, and Yume Miru Kusuri and G-senjou no Maou appeal to me.

I'm not trying to be hipster, I just don't feel that into all the "mainstream" vns. Not because they are mainstream, but because they just don't appeal to me.

>> No.10645304

You should really go by genre instead of popularity, then. At least that makes sense why you aren't interested.

>> No.10645481

What VN's have the best love stories?

>> No.10645495

This one for sure:

But seriously, I have no idea how one would even begin to define what the "best love story" would be.

>> No.10645500
File: 174 KB, 848x477, toki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Visual Novel gave you the longest lasting feelings, /jp/?
In my case, it's White Album 2. I read it right after closing chapter got released but even now whenever I occasionally listen to one of its soundtracks, the emotions, painful feelings when I watched Setsuna suffering and even the rage toward Haruki and Kazusa will all come back to me in an instant. What's wrong with me? ;__;


>> No.10645524

Any suggestions for good wife / girlfriend simulators? preferably in english?

>> No.10645534


This one: >>10645500

>> No.10645544

I would have to say KiraKira. It's been a few years now since I read it, and yet a couple of the scenes from Kirari's route still haunt me to this day, probably because it caught me completely by surprise.

On that note, I really wish Setoguchi were still writing VNs.

>> No.10645555

as sad of a vn as it was, it was nice

>> No.10645558

Amagami for me.

>> No.10645565

> dat greasepaint

Is this game about lolis playing American football?

>> No.10645569


Sounds like someone didn't like Midori no Umi/

>> No.10645571

No fetish needed. She looks fiiiiine.

>> No.10645630
File: 155 KB, 700x480, 01_cg01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but their next game might be. Maybe. Besides featuring yankee imoutos.

>> No.10646055

Read the dialogues.
2ch is going to be entertaining soon

>> No.10646061

Oh boy. This should be fun.

>> No.10646077

Ripping Pure Girl off is the sign of a true eroge connoisseur.

>> No.10646078

Are those by the same writer?

>> No.10646080



>> No.10646085

It was a fun game, but that's a new low.

>> No.10646086

Two identical sex dialogue lines, oh no!

>> No.10646087


>> No.10646090

Ah christ, I actually like this game and that scene. Well, none of the affects the other content so I can't that much.

>> No.10646093


I've frequently thought H-scenes in VNs felt like copypasta. Apparently in some cases they really are.

>> No.10646098

>none of the affects
none of that affects

>I can't that much
I can't care that much

People who actually pay for the games might be a little more pissed off though. This is cosmic cute's first game though, not a good way to start.

>> No.10646103

How the fuck did somebody even make that connection between the two vns? Don't tell me he actually reads all the ero.

>> No.10646106

Japanese-brand of autism.

>> No.10646107

Why would you read Pure Girl if not for the ero?

>> No.10646117

Wasn't it a charage? I don't usually read the H-scenes unless it's a nukige and I want to fap, or the characters are entertaining.

>> No.10646127

It was a nukige

>> No.10646131

Can you post the thread? I want to see this.

>> No.10646139

Seriously, why would they copypaste and risk having something like this happen. Its just ero for gods sake, nobody actually reads it meaningfully.

>> No.10646142


>> No.10646144

I don't get why eroge companies don't just have shorter ero scenes. I don't need 20 minutes to jerk off, even in a nukige.

>> No.10646150

I kind of.

>> No.10646165
File: 451 KB, 1312x2564, 1363943779620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the same thread. How hard can it be to write that stuff anyway?

>> No.10646177

At least this one has the benefit of being made by the same company.
The other one is just straight up plagiarism, which is frankly embarrassing.

>> No.10646186

It's even worse because these lines make that Lovesick puppies girl looks like a pure slut, which doesn't work since she is from a pure love moege.
At least Pure Girl was all about girls being slutty so it made sense

>> No.10646206

But it's really shitty to those who support the company and buy their games. At least give your customers original H scenes if you selling nukige ...

>> No.10646208

>which doesn't work since she is from a pure love moege.
Moege with heroines who can't speak out dirty words pretty much died several years ago so I'm not sure what you are talking about.

>> No.10646218

A virgin girl Yogiri only speaks like this because she is an AV fanatic.
I doubt it's the case with Lovesick Puppies

>> No.10646219

願いの欠片と白銀の契約者 PV1

>> No.10646222

It is a charage and not a nukige, there is only 27 h-scenes.

I feel kind of bad as someone who likes the game though, even if I didn't buy it.

>> No.10646228 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 1024x724, 34277465_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brotherly love

>> No.10646230

She was reading the protagonists porn pretty joyfully early in the game but that doesn't matter. But yeah, those lines are out of place and no one would have cared is the scene was bad but original.

Them niggas just kept getting madder and madder.

>> No.10646242

So what the hell is the point in them plagiarizing the hscenes of all things? Did the writer find it so repulsive to write one that he just stole it or what?

>> No.10646261

All the games have the exact same starting conditions. All of them. And all of them craft a story of what could happen with these starting conditions.

Then you're asked: "What are those starting conditions anon?". Are you a bad enough dude to understand them?

>> No.10646266


I just assumed it was nukige. But okay.

>> No.10646270

I didn't read into what you were talking about well enough, please disregard my post.

>> No.10646279
File: 379 KB, 677x430, currybutt and saten laughing at weebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, we're gonna laugh at you

>> No.10646283

No bully, /jp/.

No bully.

>> No.10646291

Sorry, I am too pure. Can you explain them to me?

>> No.10646293

It's a time loop story

>> No.10646297


Ah, beautiful. Anyone remember Floating Material? That was an amusing series of events.

>> No.10646301

That was mentioned in the Futaba thread, too. What was the story with that one?

>> No.10646326


It started off with making fun of some of its art that was really off and poorly proportioned. From there, it quickly became evident that the creators were tracing, stealing dialogue, and lifting character biographies from other games wholesale. Even their homepage had elements copied and pasted from other websites. Basically, the entire thing--game, company--was sewn together from multiple sources.

New offenses were being found weekly in the months before the game's release. It was quite hilarious.

>> No.10646333
File: 293 KB, 1280x720, 10223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? It must have been a treat to go through that.

Also my 2 cents, as worthless as they are: As long as it is only the ero that was copied I don't see the big deal.

>> No.10646340

>Also my 2 cents, as worthless as they are: As long as it is only the ero that was copied I don't see the big deal.
I meant concerning lovesick puppies.

>> No.10646385
File: 140 KB, 810x652, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a recommended order for Amatsukaze?

>> No.10646486

I don't know if there is good order, do them in order you like, although I recommend doing Akebi before Sayos as they share 98% of their routes and Akebi has better final fight and then Sayo has that one small bit of end thats fine to finish with. Personal recommendation for order would be Yuunagi -> Natsume -> Akebi -> Sayo, as thats mainly for the least good route to best route (and increased powerlevel of final boss)

>> No.10646513

im actually re-reading it again for about the 4th time since the set was released.

I'll also re-read it on the final week/s of December, it's become a tradition of sorts for me, to get a bunch of liquor and let it auto-play. I baww HARD by the end of it and it feels great

>> No.10646598

>I'll also re-read it on the final week/s of December, it's become a tradition of sorts for me, to get a bunch of liquor and let it auto-play.

Winter is really the season of White Album, isn't it?

btw, I heard people saying WA2 would get a "fandisk" or some sort (from a magazine article) but then the Playstation 3 version was released. So was the PS3 version actually what they mentioned before?

>> No.10646655

Replaying Ever17 after beating Never7.

How good is R11?

>> No.10646677

best in series

>> No.10646679

R11 would be my favorite Nakazawa VN if it actually had a proper ending. Definitely worth reading though.

>> No.10646781

Without even counting the ending R11 is still full of retarded stuffs.
The best in the series is Root;Double though it's far from being perfect

>> No.10646887
File: 358 KB, 1280x720, oh boy here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would agree if not for the flash-back laden D route. I think the final ending itself was fine but the way there was so painfully boring. The awfully paced true route was almost as long as A, B and C combined while having no proper content to fill in the huge length.

At least it's not as bad as I/O's last routes. I still want to pretend that the game ended with E.

>> No.10646906

I just checked out their eroge board, it isn't very good... I thought it would be much better for some reason. Are message boards better for eroge discussion?

>> No.10646909

Eroge threads in Japan are pretty shitty usually, be it in futaba or in 2ch.
Well it's not like we are much better I guess

>> No.10646922
File: 112 KB, 976x598, 311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started the Maoyu VN.
The soundtrack is pretty nice

>> No.10646932

I feel like Futaba's eroge threads are like how /vg/ would be if /vg/ had more than a handful of games to talk about.

>> No.10646939
File: 154 KB, 976x598, 315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character design is nice.
It's a pretty straightforward adaptation of the original thread so far

>> No.10647066

What is that? Is that an eroge?

>> No.10647069
File: 260 KB, 1366x768, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Yuki's route. The icha icha was great but it was kind of short and not very satisfying. And the protag gets the tragic past treatment because his doggy died. I mean seriously.

>> No.10647081

that picture

>> No.10647089
File: 114 KB, 976x598, 317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's just a doujin VN of Maoyu that Matsuryuu (artist of Cross Channel/Yumina) made.

You can download it there, it doesn't go too far though

>it was kind of short
So I guess it won't be HUGE like WLO, that's actually a bit disappointing

>> No.10647136

Jesus CHRIST, Anon, is that a female nipple?! A fucking female NIPPLE?! In a SFW board! I am OFFENDED. Delete that disgusting shit right now.

>> No.10647289

Calm down, it's nothing you haven't seen before.

>> No.10647366

How many chapters are there? When does it branch off?

I am at the point where Sonya transfers in to Kotaro's class right now.

>> No.10647460
File: 157 KB, 1020x609, twinkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, can anyone explain to me how the ex gauge bonus works?
The value always seems so fucking random.

>> No.10647515
File: 96 KB, 1018x594, SnapShot_033120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much new stuff out which interests me, so I decided to work off my backlog.

I'm currently reading Tapestry at the moment and like it so far. The vertical text is a bit bothersome, but I really like the art style (a real refreshment from all the same-face stuff) and general setting. Might be a good opportunity to try other Light games - not Dies Irae though, I'm not into chuuni stuff.

>> No.10647565

Common route ends after chapter 5, there are about 10 chapters in total I think.

>> No.10647578

I've been thinking of playing Twinkle Crusaders. Should I look around for the remaster edition or go with the original 2008 release? I can't seem to be able to find a torrent for the remaster. What's the difference between those versions?

>> No.10647584

It's rare that Futaba has a good eroge thread so I'll post the link

Some good recommendations there

>> No.10647588

I also gave up searching for Remaster Edition and really want to know this.

>> No.10647589

No difference as far as I'm aware.

>> No.10647591

Ah, it is a short game then. The ero and icha icha better be worth it.

>> No.10647592
File: 187 KB, 640x480, 1363978691898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

誰彼~たそがれ~ looks cool
I'll try it

>> No.10647593

The thing about rakuen seems to be universally agreed.

>> No.10647608

That piques my interest for me as well but thinking about trying to find a download for a game over a decade old sounds like a pain. Not that I've actually tried yet.

>> No.10647612

There is a Leaf pack around that is still seeded, should be there

>> No.10647623
File: 168 KB, 1280x960, DRA+KOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dra+Koi. But since the fucking dudes who were making the translation abandoned the project (the patch was 98% complete), i am going slower than i should.

>> No.10647629

They finished the ero for it pretty recently, so now it's just waiting on moogy to do whatever he's spending his time pretending to be doing, which means you might hear about it again in a few years maybe.
I never really was interested enough to actually give it a read though. Is it any good?

>> No.10647631

I thought they were going to try to pitch it to Nitro+ for an official release.

>> No.10647634


Rejoice, because Moogy decided to revive the project. Now all you have to do is waiting 4 - 5 years before JAST will release it.

>> No.10647639

It's pretty good and nicely written, 死ね

>> No.10647644

no bully

>> No.10647654
File: 43 KB, 300x557, 1363982461984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is she from?

>> No.10647676

黙れ, 屑

>> No.10647679


>> No.10647691
File: 466 KB, 1100x1238, 1358253551394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmos no Sora ni.
It's very funny and well written but kind of aged badly.
I'd recommend Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to from the same company personally.

Both are unvoiced too and pretty damn huge, also they take place in the same setting (pretty chuuni setting though both are mostly bakage).

>> No.10647702
File: 110 KB, 800x602, 1363983928860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most real deal shit I've ever seen in my life

>> No.10647776

I don't know why anyone would want to translate it anyway. It was mainly good because of the writing style.

>> No.10647880

Is there any VN that is as fun if not funnier than twinkle crusaders?

>> No.10647890
File: 238 KB, 302x372, グリザイアの楽園   シリーズ収納BOXキャンペーン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>March 22nd

Today is Kazuki's birthday.

>> No.10647899

Was that supposed to be "as funny if not funnier" or "as fun if not funner"? Because the answer will be different depending on which you meant.

>> No.10647909

The first. I apologize, English isn't my first language.

>> No.10647911

The answer is yes either way.

>> No.10647919

Princess Witches is funner and funnier

>> No.10647920 [DELETED] 

I'd suggest the common route of Little Busters.

>> No.10647922

I'd suggest the common route of Little Busters.

>> No.10648137

Might play Lovesick Puppies because of the ichaicha. The plot synopsis sounds fucking stupid, though.

>> No.10648375
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>> No.10648380
File: 36 KB, 640x400, custom-mate-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish ones like this would get translated.

Like simulators where you just live and interact with a wife / girlfriend.

Or do some of those exist and I'm just an idiot at finding them?

>> No.10648408


yeah it's called love plus

>> No.10648417

Look at that fucking smile. Definitely a yandere.

>> No.10648545 [SPOILER] 
File: 697 KB, 794x590, untitled.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The language flowed very nicely, with nothing too difficult. You should check it out.

>but supposedly, the story is incredibly hard to follow

The ending sort of flips everything on its head with a twist that you certainly would not expect. It's the kind of twist that makes the story on a second reread hard to follow. Time paradoxes and a ridiculous chicken vs. egg coming first scenario are aspects of it still puzzling me several days later. It would leave a sour taste in your mouth and I can definitely see why others would have problems with it.

>> No.10648548
File: 138 KB, 320x460, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here i come back,and need a spoiler again.This time i'd like to ask about eiyuu senki, Since this game seems kinda long i will play it depens on ending.So i'd like to ask what happens at the ending.I dont need any spoiler about final boss or something like that, just wondering if main character will go back to his original world or stay with his hero harem.Thanks and sorry as always.

>> No.10648560

I'm starting to get into Key.

I just picked up Clannad. I didn't like the anime very much, but the game is much easier to get into, in my opinion.

How do you guys feel about Clannad?

>> No.10648564
File: 25 KB, 356x169, Error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting this error when I try to save in Katahane. What exactly is the problem?

>> No.10648573

Does anyone know where I can download Kana Little Sister translation? Fuwanovel doesn't have it, and it's one I've always wanted to play.

>> No.10648579

Are we being invaded?

>> No.10648590


Spring break, please endure!

>> No.10648626

How is the Hanabira series?

>> No.10648640

Yes, just ignore them and hopefully they'll pick up that there's a VN General thread in /vg/ for this sort of discussion.

>> No.10648818

Why are you so mean? I just want to make friends.

>> No.10648861


For the past six months, yes.

>> No.10649187

If you do Yuunagi and Natsume's side first, then one of Akebi's best fights gets cut short in the middle.

Meaning once you start on the loli routes and have scene skip on, it'll throw you right into the middle of the fight and it breaks the flow of the badass moment that happens next. That's why I recommend doing lolis first.

And less importantly, I'd personally find it kind of awkward to do Sayo's route after Natsume's for... certain reasons.

Though I guess a certain type of person might actually prefer going for Sayo after that...

>> No.10649241
File: 206 KB, 700x395, outline01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww yeah.

No set release date yet but should be sometime this summer


>> No.10649279

Man, so beside the original 3 girls only Azusa and Yoiko get a route. I certainly liked them both, but I was hoping for some of the other subcharacters as well.

>> No.10649321

No Ayumi route kills me. Kumiko is fine too. I was expecting a bit more from side characters you can't have road's fandisc especially after the route A went..

>> No.10649323

But then they would have nothing left for the NEXT fandisc!

>> No.10649345

Those were my two most-wanted routes. Maybe they're just saving them for a sequel or another fandisc... that's what I'll tell myself anyway.

>> No.10649856

I'd recommend doing Sayo's last personally, it has the whole "true route" feel to it
(Natsume/Yuunagi) > Akebi > Sayo is a good order

>> No.10649899

Aw I wanted Hanako and Kumiko.

>> No.10649969

bump for one answer

>> No.10650056

Takehaya's new eroge (he did Konakana, Asuseka, Kanishino)

>> No.10650098

The connection between Lovesick Puppies and Pure Girl is finally explained.

>> No.10650147

Well at least they have the decency of being apologetic and not throw a hissy fit like that one Bamboo guy.

>> No.10650174

What do piracy rants have in common with copypasted sentences? That's pretty much the standard when blunders involving commercial games get under the spotlight

>> No.10650178

The hero is a lamp

>> No.10650195
File: 103 KB, 816x658, morethan3rounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did Asuseka, Kanishino

Expecting good things from his new one, never did try Konakana though. But this feels it runs down the same vein as koiken?

Currently running down in the Moon side of Tenshi no Hane wo Fumanaide, enjoying it so far even though some bits are quite abrupt.

>> No.10650199


I didn't realize writing ero scenes requires such language depth.

>> No.10650370

What's the recommended order to read the routes in baldr sky 1?

>> No.10650377

It's forced order, so Rain > Nanoha > Chinatsu

>> No.10650390

Ok. Reliving that I don't have to worry about it then.

>> No.10650392

I don't know about language depth but writing ero scenes sure sounds fun for the writer.

>> No.10650395

Same ending as Utawarerumono.

>> No.10650405

I remember the ero in pianono looking like it might have been a little fun to write, but the cgs for those scenes weren't the best.

>> No.10650422

But the protagonist doesn't disappear in the end, he comes back

>> No.10650481

Oh my god so ugly smoothskins.

>> No.10650564

I haven't played Dies Irae or KKK but listening to these Valentine and White Day are hilarious. Light sure put a lot of resources to satisfy their fans, even for jokes.


>> No.10650565

>White Day

>> No.10650569


>> No.10650571

Far more hilarious if you actually know the characters

>> No.10650573

>Valentine day

>> No.10650575

My favourite is the DI movie one, definitely. Wish I remembered how it was called.

>> No.10650587

>Dies Irae
Real deal eroge about Crusades.

>> No.10650593

I like the Beatrice radio ones, even more hilarious because it's supposed to be a pseudo-sequel of Kasumi's ending.

>> No.10650594


>> No.10650603

so he goes first then come back to his hero harem?

>> No.10650607

No, he settles with Himiko.

>> No.10650622

Well, yeah. The very end of Utawarerumono implied the same thing.

>> No.10650629

That's pretty dumb. Why not go the Majikoi "you can put your dick in anything that moves" route?

>> No.10650632

Because /a/ will lay their filthy hands on it then.

>> No.10650642

Is Majikoi really that good, or is it only popular because it got translated and animated? The story doesn't really look interesting to me.

>> No.10650646

>or is it only popular because it got translated and animated?
You hit the nail right on the head there.

>> No.10650656

Because it got translated and animated.

Speaking of which, I've been thinking. When looking at how futaba and the like, is the only reason we can discuss untranslated VNs in (somewhat) peace because of the language barriers leading most of the people to /vg/?

>> No.10650659
File: 7 KB, 698x115, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont choose "thats enough"
does that mean
dont choose "thats enough" for my current playthrough or
dont choose "thats enough" ever, from the moment i install the game?

>> No.10650663
File: 94 KB, 598x600, 1355636619747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a decent VN that doesn't require advanced nipponese level?

>> No.10650668

Ren'ai 0 kilometer was my first and also /jp/ recommended to me. It has fairly easy language.

>> No.10650670

I can't think of any VN that requires advanced nipponese, maybe raiL-soft VNs but I haven't read any. You should be fine with intermediate level

>> No.10650674

well this is kinda suck since himiko worst character in the game,still i will play i guess.Thank you.

>> No.10650676

>worst character
That's not how you spell karl

>> No.10650690

well yes there is some heroes which worse and more annoying than himiko like Lancelot but im pretty sure she is in last 5.By the way do we have any info about GOLD? i guess it will something like shin koihime,with more heroes for fuck and an alternative ending maybe.Well good enough for me.

>> No.10650696

New writer, hopefully the writing won't be so terrible I'll be forced to skip 80% of the time like the first game

>> No.10650707

Agreed,i didnt skip any part but seriously writing is pretty terrible.Also some change at the main story and setting would be better than playing same thing with some new heroes. well i dont think we can see it on 2013 though, since last time they released 2 heroes for per month.And im just hoping that would be a remake,continuation from last game would be very idiotic.

>> No.10650719

Are there any VNs with a well done kuudere/dandere?

>> No.10650755

I would also like to know this.

>> No.10650768

No, there doesn't exist a single one

>> No.10650769


>> No.10650835

What constitutes a well-done kuudere?

>> No.10651286

Spring has come.

Then, recently I've been doing at least one seasonal eroge per. What are some good Spring themed games to play? Preferably avoiding pure moege.

Right now I have Masaru and SoreChiru lined up.

>> No.10651316

Spring games? What about harumade kururu?

>> No.10651315

I got that a lot too. Just save a lot and bear with it, it's worth it.

>> No.10651317

Personally, I hated it. I wouldn't encourage anyone to play that terrible piece of shit.

>> No.10651325

I thought it was good, and an entertaining VN with fun characters. It's certainly no [your favorite VN here], but still pretty good.

>> No.10651326

No bully!

>> No.10651334

Just my thoughts. I liked other Key works though, such as Little Busters, and Rewrite wasn't too bad.

>> No.10651337

But rewrite was shit.

>> No.10651346

And that's your opinion.

>> No.10651355

Actually, I just played that like two weeks ago. That game was my entry into spring.

>> No.10651414

It's the general opinion of people who played it originally upon release in Japanese. Admittedly, the people who played the translation seem to have a different general opinion.

>> No.10651432

Supipara, duh. Isn't the subtitle of that game ~spring has come~

>> No.10651461

>【なつくもゆるる】終わった……。終わったンじゃぁぁぁぁぁぁぁァァ!! おもしろい! 超おもしろいシナリオが終わったんじゃ! ファック! 素晴らしい! しかし終わったのは声優さんに読んでもらう分だけで、戦いは続くが、とりあえずは終わったッ! がんばった、僕! ファッキン寝るっ!

The writer for Natsukumo Yururu just finished. I don't know how things are usually done in the eroge industry but I'm a little surprised how they still have so much work to do with the deadline coming up (~3 months until release date). I suppose this is why delays are so common.

>> No.10651479

I haven't gotten around to playing Harukuru yet, but the writer seems like a cool dude.

>> No.10651484

That writer sounds awesome.

>> No.10651493

More Japanese people need to use the word "fuck".

>> No.10651498

Most understandable comment ever.
I hope it delivers, I liked his other works and he seems insane enough.

>> No.10651543
File: 71 KB, 527x500, notverygood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I read the translation and I was thoroughly underwhelmed.

>> No.10651546

Those of you who are blocked from EGS and the like, where do you get your proxies? It's getting pretty irritating to have to go through a dozen or more of them on one of those free proxy lists to find one that will work for a day or so at best.

>> No.10651548


This site works pretty well for me.

>> No.10651563

That's one of the lists I was complaining about, actually, along with ProxyNova. I was just wondering if there were a better way that I wasn't aware of.

Oh well, I appreciate it anyway.

>> No.10651633
File: 101 KB, 903x711, police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been 'reading' a couple of Lune teambitters games as a break.
They were pretty entertaining, especially soretsuma, it went a bit crazy in some scenarios. And man this guy has a sassy sprite.

>> No.10651703

New thread

>> No.10651723

Lune just can't into NTR, it's a shame.

>> No.10652060

Try Tsuyokiss.

>> No.10653431
File: 854 KB, 1200x750, 1048879-ONRTA5I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone plays Hapymaher?

Hatsukoi 1/1 has amazing animated sakura BG
