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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1064156 No.1064156 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious what the nerd level of /jp/ is for things outside /jp/'s usual content. What nerdy things do you like other than VNs, figs, anime, and tohou?

Myslef, I'm a computer nerd, I was in a Linux User's Group for a while. I can program a bit of Java, C, C++ and bash shell scripts. I play games occasionally but I'm not really a gamer(casul DS owner). I like planes but don't go airport-watching. I know far too much about military hardware. I've been called a shutterbug but I don't consider myself a photographer. I like architechture and industrial design stuff and took some course in school.

Oh, and most importantly, I wear glasses. Nerrrrrrrrd.

How about you?

>> No.1064158

I work out and fuck chicks.

>> No.1064160

I like hentai

>> No.1064165
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Dumb tool.

>> No.1064169

get out

>> No.1064174

- Cooking, with a special interest in "low cuisine". I talk about food like we talk about Touhou here. Food>Sex.
- Music. I've been a gigantic music nerd since I was 15 or so.
- Politics and Ethics. Yes, yes I know.
- Traveling/languages/culture. I come from sort of a restless/rootless family so it's in my DNA.

Ironically I loate both /mu/ and /ck/, mostly because of the retarded userbase. /trv/ is boring.

>> No.1064191

normalfags get out

>> No.1064193

I'm a video game/anime nerd. I also watch Star Trek and the such. I dip into the computer stuff every now and then but I'm no PC technician. My life is devoted to video games. I love nothing more than to have a control in my hand. Its like ecstasy for me, people tell me I need to get a life but fuck them

I like being the way I am.

Did I mention I hate hipsters,scene kids and normalfags who go around using the word "nerd" just because they watched one episode of star trek or because they played Halo a few times. Being a nerd is not a fashion accessory. Stop trying to jump on the bandwagon of something you have no interest in.

>> No.1064201

being a nerd is the cross i will always carry.

>> No.1064208

- Traveling/languages/culture. (Speak 4 languages not much but it's a start one day i'm gonna learn japanese [lol sure])
- PC nerd build my own PC, can program a bit of Java C C++ and an even smaller bit of PHP etc...
- Gamer nerd Cod 2/4 clan, CoH etc...
- Stak Trek fan too, not a crazy trekie or something but i watched it a lot would like to own a federation uniform
- Science and Weapons(Casual)(i sometimes go and play airsoft with some guys, I mostly watch National Geographic and Discovery Science/History .

>> No.1064210

I'm more geek then nerd.

>> No.1064218
File: 70 KB, 360x200, Yukkuri_MarisaReimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys so fucking proud that you are a nerd?
Learn to be a normalfags when your outside in the real world.

Take it easy in the meantime.

>> No.1064221

>Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU.
Cool story bro

>> No.1064223

whats the difference

>> No.1064225

Nerd are the one that learn in school.
I had a C/B all the time. I never learn anything and since i live in croatia and my school i lol i wasnt there 1/3 of all the classes and i still passed the grades.

>> No.1064228


Fuck off! I hate people like you. You think your way of life is the only way and you force it upon everyone else. People like you are just as bad as Jehovah Witnesses. I bet you were one of the "popular" kids in high school too.

GTFO /jp/

>> No.1064230
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Awesome isnt it?!

>> No.1064232

This explains a lot actually.

>> No.1064233

mostly hobbyist programming skills (C, C++, Java), a few web-related stuff (Flash, CSS, HTML), PC gamer and tinkering with the insides of a PC.

tl;dr /g/ /v/

>> No.1064234

I am a nerd of all trades. More or less than the only things that don't apply to me are things that could conceivably be considered useful, e.g. knowledge of actual science as opposed to Star Wars science, or programming ability, or just knowing how to work a computer for shit other than illegal downloads and video games, shit like that.

I'm a movie buff, history buff, big reader (sci fi and fantasy especially on top of classic literature and other stuff people wouldn't scoff at), watch all sorts of sci-fi, I build elaborate lego kingdoms and act out storylines when I have the room, I still play with actual action figures (Spider-man and such), and most of all I play a fucking obscene amount of video games.

So, yeah. Only problem is my memory is terrible so I forget details of everything incredibly fast, and certain things like the internet and video games wind up monopolizing all my time and choking out all my other hobbies and interests most of the time. I really need to set aside more time for reading. Oh, and I guess I don't look like a stereotypical nerd. Still perfect 20/20 vision too.

>> No.1064242


Geez, there's a lot of shit this morning

>> No.1064246

NEWS FLASH! The real world is OVERRATED!

>> No.1064247


All that rubbish people know about Touhou and Visual Novels? Thats geeky.

All that rubbish people know about coding and cooking? That nerdy.

How useful it is determines the difference.

>> No.1064251

I have to agree on this. Airsoft is quite shit. I only been there like 3-4 times dan it's shit.

>> No.1064253

jack of all trades master of none

>> No.1064323

OP here, I forgot completely about my western sci-fi interest. I'm not much into it anymore, but back in the day, I was really into Star Trek and X-Files.

I taped EVERY episode of Babylon 5, starting in third season during first on the PTEN run and then the previous eps when it re-ran on TNT. I swear Bab5 is one of the few good memories of my teen years.

Ahhhhhhh, Londo......

>> No.1064332

I can't see anything five meters away from me if I take my glasses off.

>> No.1064334

Uh, I use Arch Linux and am one of the top players in an organized CoD4 tournament. I know basically how Linux works, but have no idea what happens inside the kernel sans modules. I built my own computer for $1,000 two years ago. I papercrafted a Timber Wolf, Waha, & Maneki Neko, and currently am working on a YF-19 (damn fuselage). I know how to use Avisynth and do some freelance work encoding Anonymous' translations. I own a $300 scanner from way back in 1995 and still use it. No matter how long I use the computer (14 hours straight, amirite), my eyes are still 20/20.

But I go outside, have a job (network administrator, lol), and have friends that are not interested in comics, anime, mangoes, or toehoes. Most of the stuff we do is centered around the expensive 'sport' of Paintball.

(my X7 resembles a H&K UMP. Yay.)

>> No.1064338

I'm a huge music nerd. Other than that I just play videogames all day.

>> No.1064340


>> No.1064346

I've heard the oppisite, useful skills like coding or real scientific knowledge is geeky,

Trivia and love of science fiction and fantasy is nerdy/dorky.

I've heard this from a couple of people, including one of my IT teachers.

>> No.1064354

Your contentness is leaking through my screen. Nice life.

>> No.1064359


>> No.1064361

Also a C++ programmer. I frequent /prog/. Physicsfag working in optics. Major interest in german WWII history (the weapons and strategy, not Hitler and shit). Japanese speaker. Chinese cuisine fan.

>> No.1064372

>You think your way of life is the only way and you force it upon everyone else.
Just like you're trying to force being a hikki in order to be allowed to stay here?

>> No.1064378

Not the guy you're replying to, but being ronery and not being female are the only two requirements.

>> No.1064384

I'm fine with that.

>> No.1064385

Being ronery is not a requirement you dumb faggot.

>> No.1064387

casualfags get out

>> No.1064392


Eat shit and die then normalfag. You got a girlfriend? You go to /r9k/, it really is as simple as that.

>> No.1064395

I can't do anything.
No programming, no job, no hobbies aside from listening to music, no friends.
I don't watch movies, I don't play online games.

>> No.1064396


the only requirement is to not be a giant faggot

if you're normal keep it to yourself, if you're a girl keep it to yourself, don't shit up the board and don't be a retarded faggot

if that's too hard there's always /b/, /r9k/, /a/, /v/, i could go on...

>> No.1064398


JP sure is casual and normal today.

>> No.1064400


>> No.1064404

thanks to burningfaggots like you. /m/ turned into a trainwreck.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.1064406

I know cocksucker, but I wasn't going to distinguish being 'ronery' and 'happy in solitude' as they've molded into the same kind of thing given that 'ronery' is a neologism in itself.



No girls allowed (as they are whores).

No non-ronery, non-happy-in-solitude fags allowed either.

Case closed.

>> No.1064407

That's the type of reply I was looking for.

I'm not >>1064218 btw. I just think that people who push being hikki as a requirement as bad as people who are blatant about their real lives. It all creates unwanted drama and shitposting.

>> No.1064411


But usually we don't start shit over stupid things like that. OH MAN I LOVE MY LIFE BUT THIS GUY SAYS WE'RE ALL LONELY I BETTER TEAR HIM A NEW ONE I AM NOT LONELY HOW DARE HE

>> No.1064416

I also enjoy playing violent rape eroge.

>> No.1064419


what is a burninfaggot and fuck you i ditched /m/ years ago that shit's all on you and whoever else stayed

>> No.1064422

Do you guys find that you can only get off to more violent porn these days? I like to see women get degraded to be honest, it's the only thing that can turn me on.

>> No.1064423

Sometimes it feels like I've read every scifi book ever written. Read lots of comics when I was a bit younger, and still have a head full of absurdly detailed knowledge.

I like languages, but it's a comparitively recent thing, and I only speak a couple decently.

I work out a lot and a know a a fair bit about that kind of thing. Maybe not normally nerdy, but I'm not just some fag who learns everything from /fit/, I'm fairly serious, so I guess my level/type of interest in it makes it nerdy.

My weirdest thing is transcribing conversations that I hear in public places, I have stacks of notebooks. I also (less frequently) make detailed notes about certain events or locations.

And stop with the goddamn ronery/normalfag arguments. You're all fucking faggots anyways, just leave it at that.

>> No.1064430

Used to be a nerd. Used to be very good on acads, programming, and trivia stuff.

Lost all interest in life when I was introduced to the concept of hikikomori/NEET/ronery. Currently useless.

I still attend church though, part of the music team (bass/guitar). Oh, PC admin too.

>> No.1064426



>> No.1064431

The best kind is the really heartbreaking stuff that leaves you feeling emotionally ill because it's so absolutely horrible but you can't help but fap to her tears.

>> No.1064432

Christfags are worst than normalfags and casuals

>> No.1064433

I love computers and am fairly knowledgeable about hardware and how shit works in general, but my programming skills are limited to basic scripting. I collect massive amounts of music and movies, both in physical and digital form, and I obsess over keeping the physical copies in perfect condition. Fingerprints and scratches drive me nuts, which is also why I avoid buying stuff from RL music/video stores if the items aren't shrinkwrapped. I HATE it when the staff touches my discs, they seem to love running their dirty, greasy fingers all over the place.

When I don't masturbate furiously over my media collection, I play video games or read the occasional book. I used to read a lot more when I was younger, don't know what the hell happened to that really.

Also, I WEAR GLASSES. Tried contacts once, but I could never really get used to them and I'm ugly anyway.

>> No.1064434

Normalfag here, enormous language nerd. I rage over pronunciation. AKEEHEEEEEEEEKO

>> No.1064435

>And stop with the goddamn ronery/normalfag arguments. You're all fucking faggots anyways, just leave it at that.

>> No.1064437

Oh, cute, it doesn't like Christians! How edgy and original it is!

>> No.1064442

why the FUCK are 'no girls allowed' you pathetic faggots? Are you really that scared, that loathesome and pathetic? We are here and you'd better deal with it, and we can say whatever we like. No wonder you are all virgins. lol.

>> No.1064444

>Normalfag here

Nothing to be proud of on /jp/, go to /r9k/.

>> No.1064447

I'm not a nerd, I'm a filthy geek.

>> No.1064448

Hi there sex god.

>> No.1064457


>> No.1064452

This is why /jp/ rarely accepts women. A lot of you act SO superior just because you have a hole instead of a dick on your crotch.

You make my gender look terrible.

>> No.1064453

You know what's worse than roneryfags, normal fags? You know what's worse than christfags and atheistfags?

It's you. You're worse.

>> No.1064454

I have a feeling that the same person is responding to this thread every time, hence the superfluous use of the word faggot.

>> No.1064463

4chan is only 3 people.


>> No.1064465

You haven't been on 4chan very long, have you?

>> No.1064467


>> No.1064473

ur a fagetsux

>> No.1064469


>> No.1064471

^_^ SUGOI! ^_^


>> No.1064478

Gotta keep /jp/ pure.

>> No.1064480


>> No.1064483
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>I'm curious what the nerd level of /jp/ is for things outside /jp/'s usual content.


>> No.1064487

my god there is a LOT of /b/ up in here today

please find another board to ruin

>> No.1064484
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>> No.1064489

Angryfag here, stop being a spoilerfag.

>> No.1064490

I play video games, and read books, if that counts. Other than that, it's all /jp/ shit.

Also, what is with this new definition of "normalfag?" So anyone who isn't a hikki is a normalfag now?

>> No.1064486
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>> No.1064488
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>> No.1064491

Is he.. melting?

>> No.1064492


Kill yourself.

>> No.1064496

I lol'd.

>> No.1064500


Do you frequent meatholes and facialabuse?

>> No.1064497


>> No.1064498

But I don't have a girlfriend.
Because I'm married. And I have a loli daughter

>> No.1064509

And so a thread about Nerd stuff turned into no girls on the internet IF GIRL IN INTERNET THEN GOTO KITCHEN. How amusing

>> No.1064515


>> No.1064511

Not really. I'm not really into the whole bondage shit, but really rough stuff where the girl ends up crying, I just can't help but masturbating to. Also, as soon as the vomit starts coming I can no longer fap.
For example Max Hardcore in that one hotel room with that one girl who looks like she's being raped, and Karina on Latina Abuse.
Unfortunately it leaves me with horrible post-masturbatory depression.

>> No.1064513


>>1064218 here.
Don't know how a thread about nerd can get turn in normalfags, roneryfags & femalefags argument.

>if you're normal keep it to yourself, if you're a girl keep it to yourself, if your a NERD keep it to yourself, don't shit up the board and don't be a retarded faggot.

Do you guys go out and tell the whole world your a nerd? If your a nerd people are bound to notice and thus you will be labeled as one.

Why so serious?

>> No.1064516

If I had it my way every thread on 4chan would be like that. Women ruined 4chan.

>> No.1064518

Hikkifags and normalfags for you.

The real /jp/ users are too busy with their touhous and VNs.

>> No.1064525

But then who was vagina?

>> No.1064519

>Women ruined the internet.

>> No.1064520


>> No.1064521

Aside from animu I only read non-fiction books, mostly economics and political science with a little bit of philosophy when I'm in the mood. Too bad my only cultural intake aside from those is animu.

>> No.1064523

My life's dream is that I'll live long enough to help terraform Mars.

>> No.1064524

That's what I meant, more rough sex, when the girl starts crying I can't help but fap. It helps me alleviate my misogyny, I actually started laughing while fapping during one of the facialabuse shoots. It reminds you how worthless women really are to sell their dignity like that.

>> No.1064527

>why the FUCK are 'no girls allowed' you pathetic faggots?

Lurk moar.

>> No.1064531


>if your a NERD

take your illiteracy back to /b/ or /r9k/, you're not evolved enough to post on other boards

>> No.1064530

Why do threads like these devolve into misogyny and "waaaah you no play in my sandbox?"

>> No.1064534

It's 4chan.

I don't advertise what I do in my time away from 4chan if it's unrelated, but people really do need to take it easy.


>> No.1064538

sup woman.

>> No.1064539
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>> No.1064544


Because there's one guy who wants to work his extreme misogyny into absolutely everything, most of the rest of /jp/ seems to actively want to be trolled, and today everything happened to coincide with a hefty dose of /b/. The result: a shit sandwich.

>> No.1064551


Do you really think there is just one person on /jp/ that is misogynistic? Also, same person.

>> No.1064552

It's not too much.
Since guns were brought in: I own a few, and most of my money gets spent on guns/bullets.
I play some video games, I don't like to think I'm as bad as the majority of /v/ though. I do some PC gaming and such, and at work I play my DS. I also own a Wii which hardly ever gets played because most games are shit.
I do some political reading(currently reading Locke's "The Second treatise of Government") but often times I only read about 10 pages at a time, while when I'm reading a non-shitty fiction book I can read for hours on end.
I also spend at least 3 hours a day on the computer, much much more on days I'm off from work, although that's probably the majority of 4chan.
Those things I consider pretty normal though, and the only thing I really try to hide from people is my /jp/ side.

>> No.1064550
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>Women ruined 4chan.

No they didn't. There were girls browsing 4chan long before the newfag flood bagan and moot became the master of memes. Most of the time you couldn't tell that they were female.

Attentionwhoring, e-hugs, "lol u tk him 2da bar|" and "4chan - your friendly internet community ^___^" ruined 4chan.

>> No.1064553 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 850x600, 1217598958276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like stuff where I see my favorite yuri characters who I deem pure and holy being horribly violated to the point where my stomach feels upset.

>> No.1064566

>I like stuff where I see my favorite yuri characters who I deem pure and holy being horribly violated to the point where my stomach feels upset.

Everyone likes that.

>> No.1064562

Why the fuck did I click.

I knew who it would be. I knew who it would be. The one fucking character it hurts my sould to see horribly raped, so I can't bear to look at it.

But I fucking clicked.

>> No.1064578


Most of 4chan is misogynistic. But it's this one guy who wears it like a badge of honor and tries to work it into absolutely every thread he ever posts in. I didn't mind so much when he did it in threads that were past the bump limit, but when he does it like this he's just bringing out the "i'm a girl lulz i have a vagina i swear ^_^" and that is ruining /jp/ so he needs to be banned along with the rest of them.

>> No.1064587


We say no women because ALL of you are arrogant,pretentious and treat everything like a fashion accessory and/or a party.

At one time or another.

>> No.1064589


hahaha, oh wow! That's me you're referring to I think from the hikikomori RPG thread.

And the funniest thing is, I haven't even posted in this thread yet.

Enjoy being a butthurt girl.

>> No.1064591

Who's this*?

>> No.1064592

I'm know too much about coding/OS/hardware internals and some EE and how things really work and how i can alter that behavior. I don't know if i am a nerd, but it's highly likely for that to be true.

>> No.1064596


>> No.1064605
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>> No.1064608



>> No.1064625


>> No.1064629


>> No.1064637

Sure is summer around here.
Even /jp/ is infected.

>> No.1064646


Same tripfag.

>> No.1064659
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Not very bright, are you?

>> No.1064657

Hahaha oh wow

>> No.1064666

Sometimes /h/ has "Let's piss off /u/" threads and most of it is rape.

>> No.1064693
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>> No.1064939

Does anyone here go to 2600 meetings?

Okay, or anime club.
