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File: 1.39 MB, 1530x1755, 1362786399760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10639558 No.10639558 [Reply] [Original]

NEET/Hikkomori Lifestyle Thread.

Please discuss your NEET/Hikkomori lifestyle.

>> No.10639566 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 355x414, Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.10639574

I wish I could have been a TEENEET

I didn't find out about the whole "you can drop out when you're 16 and then turn around and get your GED" thing until I had already graduated

>> No.10639580 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10639589 [DELETED] 
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I can't stop eating Kit-Kats. I don't even like them. I just force myself to keep eating them.

>> No.10639590
File: 52 KB, 310x370, 1356204428090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'im going to take a nap because life is boring

>> No.10639591 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 633x758, Feely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf but you have your japoo buddies who will always be there for you

>> No.10639595 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 400x476, ishiggyggyshigyg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This life is obviously not for you

>> No.10639599

By the way, this post is real. I'm not the other guy spamming.

>> No.10639601

This thread is giving me a case of the feels

>> No.10639603 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 836x902, feely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly don't know what spam is.

>> No.10639616

I got sick.

>> No.10639617

Why don't you go outside? It's spring, you know...

>> No.10639624

You're spamming feels. Please obey the local feel limit. Anything above two feels per hour is spamming.

>> No.10639634 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10639629

I went outside yesterday into a forest and ran off, crying because I saw some teenagers having fun. I hope they fucking die

>> No.10639635

it's autumn

>> No.10639636

It's not funny. I have a serious distrust of people enjoying themselves and laughing. It's the main reason I don't go out

>> No.10639637

More to do on the internet than outside

Outside is only fun if you have money

>> No.10639646


Seeing happy people makes me happy for a bit, then it makes me sad.

>> No.10639651

How can I get a cute NEET girlfriend? I don't want to do anything lewd with them, just talk about stuff.

>> No.10639654

You can't. They don't exist

>> No.10639658

NEET girls only like working men so they can support them.

They aren't stupid

>> No.10639662

I hate seeing people having fun too. Whenever someone mentions they have friends or girlfriend I get mad internally and want to punch them. I didn't use to be like this...

>> No.10639664 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10639665

Surely there's a dating website with some NEET girls on.

>> No.10639673

Relationship discussion doesn't belong neither in this thread or this board.

>> No.10639674

You're on the wrong half of the earth. Go north, anon.

>> No.10639675


its because they objectively think are better than you for having things and relationships, thats why people suck. Every opportunity to rub in your face are not wasted.

>> No.10639682

Only exception are richNEETs.

>> No.10639684

I only get annoyed if they start implying they're the same as me.
>yeah man my feels my gf left me a month ago I haven't gotten laid in 2 weeks I'm like a half hiki the only time I leave my room is to go to class

I wish I could slap them across the face for even thinking they're tru

>> No.10639696
File: 818 KB, 2289x1527, a1bf0fe72dfba28367a19ad325cc6734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make money as NEET without autismbux?

>> No.10639694

Highschool was boring but not boring enough for me to want to drop out. I didn't have anything better to do anyways.

>> No.10639697

Yeah but had I quit I could have started NEETing sooner instead of spending 7 hours a day daydreaming and counting the minutes until I could go home.

>> No.10639699

Sell drugs.

>> No.10639703

Something else?

>> No.10639708

Rob people who sell drugs.

>> No.10639706

Well I guess if you had something you would have preferred doing it would have worked out better for you. But I had nothing to come home to. Everyday I waited for school to end, and when I got home I just thought "Now what."

>> No.10639707

I wish there could be a touhou adventure in an American city it'd be like that Muppets movie

>> No.10639711

Well, aren't we choosy.
I dunno nigga, damn. Start a business or something if you've got access to capital (family?)

>> No.10639712

Something that doesn't involve crimes? (or at least, something that doesn't involve non-digital crimes)

>> No.10639716

Technical trading systems.

>> No.10639724

No way, my family has pretty much no capital.

>> No.10639732

What sort of business?

>> No.10639734

Then get a loan and either start a business or invest (Bitcoins jumped from $10 to $60+ since October. Thinking about going this route myself since I've got nothing to lose.)

>> No.10639741


But conversely it's just as bad to assume you know their circumstances, and judge them on these assumptions, when they don't provide full details.

>> No.10639747

What are your talents?

>> No.10639749

Spring? It's been snowing for the last 3 days. It's -3°C outside. Canadian East Coast a shit.

>> No.10639753

I don't think I have any.

>> No.10639758

I wish I could be a businessNEET but I have no talents or skills and the whole risk of failure thing terrifies me.

Normals love giving you all the details

>> No.10639765

Do banks even lend money to NEETs?

>> No.10639779 [DELETED] 

Making your way in the world today
Takes everything you've got;
Taking a break from all your worries
Sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?

All those nights when you've got no lights,
The check is in the mail;
And your little angel
Hung the cat up by it's tail;
And your third fiance didn't show;

Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came;
You want to be where you can see,
Our troubles are all the same;
You want to be where everybody knows your name.

Roll out of bed, Mr. Coffee's dead;
The morning's looking bright;
And your shrink ran off to Europe,
And didn't even write;
And your husband wants to be a girl;

Be glad there's one place in the world
Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came;
You want to go where people know,
People are all the same;
You want to go where everybody knows your name.

>> No.10639784

Well, you're a NEET. It's time to get cracking on some self improvement.
If you learn to code, you can sit on your ass all day while making money. But that's only if you're good.

It's great assuming you can cover all your living expenses. If anything, you should embrace failure and learn from it.

Assuming you've got good credit and some sort of business plan, I don't see why not.

>> No.10639786

College dropout. Ennui has firmly set in. Feel depressed or bored all the time. As much of a waste of space as I am, I'd like to think that if my dad and childhood friend hadn't died growing up I would've turned out just a bit better.

>> No.10639790

Suppose I'm a rich NEET, how can I get one then?

>> No.10639792

How do I turn coding into a business?

>> No.10639795

I live in New England where it seems to be eternal Winter, I just want it to get warm so I can finally go outside again.

>> No.10639801

You'll earn peanuts this way. In the olden days of 2011 with an efficient Radeon I had to mine ~1.5 weeks for a single bitcoin and they halved that quota recently.
But I support your notion of entering it as a another pyramid schemer. Seriously, I have nothing against bitcoin as a giant scam but as a 'legit' currency it would only benefit organized crime and money launderers, and those stupid idealistic libertarian kids help them without realizing it.

>> No.10639802

Indie videogames? You know, like Minecraft

>> No.10639807
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>> No.10639808

First you start trying to learn how to program on the internet, then you realize you're shit and remember you were horrible in math anyway, then you give up and shitpost in /prog/ threads

>> No.10639810

Why would you even bother asking here then? Ask your personal assistant to arrange a private matchmaker or engage an online service to that effect. Family members certainly would object to you marrying a NEET girl if she's from a shitty background though.

>> No.10639816

You don't really need advanced math for programming.

>> No.10639817

That's a whole different level of rich. Is that really how rich you need to be to get a cute NEET girlfriend?

>> No.10639819


There's 3 inches of snow outside.

>> No.10639824

Do any of us look like we're well versed in the ways of love? Why do you even want a NEET gf so badly?

You probably meet on the internet anyway. Just mention how much money you make every once in a while and hang around weeb centers like this one and eventually a few gold diggers will sniff you out and want to exchange skypes.

>> No.10639846

Even if you don't have them on full-time staff the idea still stands. Find a service and pay them to do most of the work for you. Wealthy people get others to help act as their brain and brawn especially in areas they aren't particular learned or comfortable in.

>> No.10639856

That seems like a bit of a long shot, I'd also need a good idea for a simple game, which I lack, s-sorry.
I also fear that people in China will both out code and undercut me.

>> No.10639858


shot answer: no
log answer: yes

>> No.10639865
File: 17 KB, 564x475, weather phoenix - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty nice out here.

>> No.10639869

Wasn't there a website out there where you can work on small projects from home for money? Wish I'd remember the URL.

I wasn't planning on mining, I'm aware of how unprofitable it is right now (unless you buy an ASIC card). I was planning on buying and holding them. They can only go up!

>> No.10639880

I wish I could fuck the girl in the picture but she isn't real.

>> No.10639886

I have ever talked to a girl before and I'm assuming they are cute like in anime, that's why I want one.

Do I actually have to give them any money? Can I just pretend that I'm rich and have a job?

>> No.10639896

>she isn't real

What are you talking about? She's right there in that picture.

>> No.10639903
File: 185 KB, 704x3199, 1352948062296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any success stories about turning their life around? How did you do it and what gave you the push?

I'll be a NEET and semi shut-in of 2 years very soon, and I feel like once I reach the 2 year mark it'll be really hard for me to get a job since I've never been employed so nobody will want me. The thing I dread most is when I finally get a job interview and they ask me "so, what have you been doing for the last 2 years?".

>> No.10639905

I don't think he's talking about mining them himself. Just buying and hoping it keeps growing.

Nowadays, bitcoin mining is all about FPGA/ASIC rigs. Even huge botnets can't really compete with those.

>> No.10639906

But that picture only exists on my screen. Even if I printed it I still wouldn't be able to fuck the girl, only the paper she is printed on. I don't want to fuck paper and I don't know how to do it, nor do I want to.

>> No.10639914 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 752x975, loliiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They can be anon, they can be.

>> No.10639911

You should get a 3D printer.

>> No.10639917

Stop thinking in the physical world, that's just something that your mind invented. If you explore your mind you will find she is real and you can fuck her.

>> No.10639920

>I'll be a NEET and semi shut-in of 2 years very soon, and I feel like once I reach the 2 year mark it'll be really hard for me to get a job since I've never been employed so nobody will want me. The thing I dread most is when I finally get a job interview and they ask me "so, what have you been doing for the last 2 years?".
Just say you traveled the world or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.10639922

Please leave. This thread is for NEET discussion, not tips on how to make yourself seem more appealing for employment.

>> No.10639924


Start trying, then.
You won't get a job by just sitting around, so go out and look for a job.
If they ask what you've been doing, make something up.
Lying is incredibly easy.

>> No.10639927


winning lotery.

>> No.10639930

>"so, what have you been doing for the last 2 years?".

>> No.10639933


but lying is wrong anon.

>> No.10639944

If I had a 3D printer I'd print out a gun or something. Fucking plastic is probably a bad idea.
I don't want a tulpa.
But the girl in the OP isn't a loli.

>> No.10639950

My dick is hard as diamonds.

>> No.10639962 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 800x1067, 136352331964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with money even loli become available

>> No.10639963

I'm not talking about a tulpa. Just concentrate and route around in there until you find her. Then you should be able to take it from there.

>> No.10639970

Celebrities have already proven you can't buy your way out of jail.

>> No.10639967

My idea of a NEET success story is when he figures out how to live on his own and never work and figure out a way to enjoy cool hobbies

>> No.10639977

Please respond, this is important.

>> No.10639971 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 1200x825, 1359280604600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a truNEET.

Ask me anything.

>> No.10639975


but we dont have fame, deals in obscurity out of public eyes are more successful.

>> No.10639979

why are u always so steamy

>> No.10639981

How big is that shit pile on the floor?

>> No.10639989

Yes you can just pretend to have money, a lot of guys do this to get laid.

But all it'll do is get you laid. Depends on how long you can hold up the jig.

>> No.10639984


Cuteness is expensive, if you have something she wants, she will be the cuteness incarnate.

>> No.10639988

Why do you have vampire teeth?

>> No.10639991


I'm a truNEET too.

>> No.10639992

Why are you still on /jp/?

>> No.10640001

Is watching a little girl playing from your window a truNEET violation?

>> No.10640002
File: 89 KB, 545x717, seifuku (3850).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How old are you?
How many neet years?
Whats the last VN you played?

>> No.10640004

Thank you.

But I don't want to get laid. I just want someone I can talk to every day.

>> No.10640008

It would have to be a pretty elaborate lie to explain why I haven't been doing anything for almost 2 years. I'm usually good at making excuses, but I can't think of any lie that could believably cover this up.

>> No.10640010

Don't lie TruNEETs are extinct.

>> No.10640012

>I just want someone I can talk to every day.
Get a friend, then.

>> No.10640015

Your best bet is probably the internet.
/r9k/ has weird ideal mate threads where a lot of NEETs meet each other, heaps of girls there.

>> No.10640016


Just because you're a falsNEET doesn't mean truNEETs don't exist.

>> No.10640019


Not if we extract their DNA and implant it into a embryonic cell. We just need to find a fossilised truNEET.

>> No.10640031



>> No.10640033

tried for a year to get a job
took a year off for reflection on life via vacation to glorious country of interest
if they press you anymore you don't have to tell them shit right?

>> No.10640030

truNEETs are endangered but they aren't extinct yet

I have footage

>> No.10640035

Please upload it.

>> No.10640045

>You don't really need advanced math for programming.
dude if you're incapable of following simple instructions yourself, you won't be able to write instructions for the computer

>> No.10640046 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1412, 1359281105658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to wrap myself warmly in a cold room

I am truTOILET trained

They aren't vampire teeth, they're truNEET teeth

Because I am a truNEET

I don't watch people from my window so I don't know

8 NEET years

>> No.10640051

What are the teeth used for?

>> No.10640054

That's what I want but they have to be a cute girl.

Thanks for the advice.

I'm going to sleep now, goodnight /jp/!

>> No.10640056

How does one go into being a butler?
Seems nice, plus I sort of like housework and cooking.

I know it isn't necessarily NEET, but it seems easy and forgiving.

Maybe I could work for some pretty, young NEET girl.

>> No.10640057

anzu a SHIT, you are not a truneet you are just a nerd

>> No.10640063

they have butler college

>> No.10640064

if i was a anime i would like to be a butler, but in real life it seems pretty shitty

>> No.10640059

>but they have to be a cute girl.
Good luck with that.

>> No.10640062
File: 146 KB, 700x897, 33724346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am the other truNEET.
They can be used for lots of stuff, but mainly for biting open plastic packages, chewing, and in rare cases, fighting other truNEET over territory.

>> No.10640067

You may not know this because you sound like a fuckin nerd but

Girls make awful friends

>> No.10640070

Cute girls probably wont care about you as much, I used to have a "friend" like that and I was pretty much used as a pack mule for stuff.

Aint going back to that again.

>> No.10640072

I'm actually thinking about investing in Bitcoin too. Probably around 1k at most.

I'm really scared of it not going up anymore, though. It went up to 64USD not too long ago and then immediately went back down to 60. More and more ASIC rigs are being shipped out too...

>> No.10640074


>> No.10640090
File: 98 KB, 414x600, push2_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you take on the beachmaster of /jp/?

>> No.10640107
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I was born with a rare dysfunction, my truTEETH are very small and my jaw doesn't open very easily.
As a result I was protected as a youngNEET and didn't learn to fight either.

I wouldn't stand a chance to the other truNEET.

>> No.10640124

It's almost at 65 now. I'm kicking myself for not holding onto my coins instead of spending them. Last time I bought them they were at 47.

>> No.10640127

I just wrote a paper about how much I love to crossdress and prettycure. I submitted it to my teacher because It's due today and I have nothing to write about. I hope she understands.

>> No.10640130

Sounds like a cheeto deficiency

>> No.10640140


what did you spend them on

>> No.10640149
File: 127 KB, 440x477, 34299170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We don't have cheetos where I live. Not even doritos. Hell, not even mountain dew.
However, I'm better at taking it easy than most other NEETs and truNEETs because they have much more chocolate around here than they do in the United States.

>> No.10640158
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1304868599530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight Im taking it super easy. Drinking coffee, browsing, listening to music and feeling relaxed. Maybe I'll blast some bakas in BF3 later on. Its a good night to take it eezy.
If you didnt write it in a creepy manner it should be fine.

>> No.10640160

A couple things from silk road, but oh well. At least it'll be a good week.

>> No.10640163

to those of your who don't have a proper desk setup for a desktop/laptop computer, does it hurt your back to use your laptop for prolonged periods of time

>> No.10640175

My brother threatened me to stab me with a screwdriver earlier and I said that he should do it and even spit in his face, but he didn't do it.
What a coward.

Maybe I'll find someone else to stab me

>> No.10640179

So today I went job hunting for the first time in several years and got a few interviews.

Those fuckers had better hire me because I don't know how much longer I can do this...

>> No.10640187

My condolences.

>> No.10640186

NEET for over two years.. I can't go on like this, started working out about a month ago and applying for the army in a few months. I just need something more to wake up to than video games.

>> No.10640192

Thats why you aren't a truNEET
How old are you?

>> No.10640195

There were some weaboos in signals, engineering and armor over in the army here. If you can't become a commissioned officer I hope you're smart enough to at least avoid the vocations most likely to get you blown up. Good luck.

>> No.10640200
File: 45 KB, 554x439, 1362967774350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What best describes the life of a NEET?


>> No.10640206


Words doesn't describe the lifestyle. You must live it.

>> No.10640207

I wish you nigNEETs would stop spamming your shitty music

>> No.10640209

21 in May. Been NEET since mid 18s, I was in uni but never went and used my loans to pay for games and shit, I got a job about 4 months after I officially left uni but was ill for 6 months and everything went to shit from then on. Been claiming jobseekers for like 8 months now and my parents pay for food etc.

Where's here? I'm in the UK and probably going for infantry, depends what I think after doing basic training.

>> No.10640214


>NEET since mid 18s

But that would make you over 200 years old!

>> No.10640217


Sorry, I'm not very good with numbers, I mean over 100 years old.

>> No.10640216

How hard is it to get in?

>> No.10640219

Ahh you knew what I meant. If I was a vampire or some shit I'd be NEET, that shit would be pretty good.

Not too difficult, the mental side is pretty simple, basic maths, problem solving & deductive skills. You can take the sample test online and I got 100% on everything. The hard part is the physical, you need to do 50 sit ups & 44 press ups in under 2 mins each, run 1.5 miles in under 9mins 18s (It's more for normal army but if you want to join paras that's what you need), carry 2x20KG Jerry Cans for 150 Meters and lift a 40KG bag of sand over your head. I'm not obese or anything but I'm overweight so I'm working on burning as much fat as I can.

>> No.10640221

Why not join the navy instead?

>> No.10640222
File: 768 KB, 317x360, 1344216833650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Each morning I wake up and start my truNEET day with this song and I listen to it as I dance from the bed to my computer.


>> No.10640227

I've thought about joining the marines but I'm not sure if it's right for me. I know I want to be on the front line, not doing shit like engineering or logistics. I'm going to a careers office and see what they have to say. I haven't even decided if I'm going TA or full time yet.

>> No.10640229


>you need to do 50 sit ups & 44 press ups in under 2 mins each, run 1.5 miles in under 9mins 18s

No wonder American ground soldiers are so pathetic. I could do that easily and I'm a fat piece of shit. How is it even possible to not be able to do 50 sit ups in less than 2 minutes? Even elderly people should be able to do that.

>> No.10640230

I'm so gassy tonight. Letting off some real stink bombs in here.

>> No.10640235

Dude I can smell it through my computer.
What the hell man this shit reeks.

>> No.10640234

There is some training involved, anon.

>> No.10640238

me too

>> No.10640236

This is UK, not USA. That's just to get into basic training, you have to actually pass the training too and depending on what role you want there's more or less physical or mental stuff.

>> No.10640237



>> No.10640242

I have horrible cardio (although I'm in good strength) and can run a mile in under 7, those really are awful standards. I'm pretty sure there were high school students running in the 6, but I'm not sure. I know I'm not fast though.

>> No.10640246

The idea is you just have to have basic fitness to get in then once you're in and taking part in training you'll either advance or drop out.

>> No.10640251

The goody-two-shoes in your old colonial family. AKA Canada. If you want to see the front lines for fuck's sake at least go in a Chally. Chobham is a lifesaver it seems. I've heard about the time one was stuck in a ditch and got hit by dozens of RPGs but came out just fine.

>> No.10640265

Christ, that would be a sight. I've thought about doing something like Tank Crewman but like I said I haven't really made my mind up yet, thanks for the advice though.

>> No.10640273

hey /neet/ is there a videogame that you'd like to play but doesn't exist?

>> No.10640275

Space flight sim.

Just flying around in space in a first person cockpit. It's my dream

>> No.10640280


Ah fuck. There definitely is a game just for you but I forgot the name.

>> No.10640283

A good action Gundam game.

>> No.10640285


>> No.10640294


>> No.10640299

Do normals respect us more or less than the 'other' NEET that has a bunch of kids and spends all his money on drugs and alcohol and does a lot of crime?

>> No.10640303

more but that doesn't mean they have much respect.

>> No.10640304

the hell is wrong with your link

>> No.10640308


Nah, it's just a plain space exploration game. If I recall it was still in development.

>> No.10640307

I.. I don't know

>> No.10640311

It snowed today. I'll stay inside.

>> No.10640312

fuuuuck I think I know what you're talking about.

>> No.10640317


I want to play an open world serial killer simulator that has an intelligent police AI that will track you in realistic ways. One example might be breaking into a house, killing someone, and then a relative discovers the body the next day and calls the police. If you forgot to wear gloves or if you left behind any other types of evidence then the police AI would use that to track you.

A game like that would be great. I doubt any game developers would ever make it, but maybe someone will create a serial killer roguelike some day.

>> No.10640320

wasn't funny the first time

you're starting to piss me off

>> No.10640323

Do you think there is a way we could pool our resources together to make money?

>> No.10640331


Every NEET uses their computer to mine for bitcoins then we gather up all the bitcoins at the end of the month and divide them evenly amongst the group.

Communism in NEET form.

>> No.10640342

you beat me by fucking seconds.

>> No.10640343


I'll open a paypal account and all of you pool your resources into it.

We will be making money in no time I swear.

>> No.10640339
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Citizen, coming soon.
Use Space Engine to satisfy your hunger for now.

Russians have prevailed again.

>> No.10640341

http://en.spaceengine.org/load Remembered it, that the one?

>> No.10640344

If we had actual skilled NEETs we could start up some sort of small business venture and sleep in the same room and eat the same food to save money and eventually we could start producing something to make money and we'll split things in equal shares so it'll be kind of like a commune full of weirdos.

>> No.10640349

Military recruiters are in this thread.

>> No.10640350


Fucking found it at last


>> No.10640351

I'm sorry anon, at least we know now.

I want to get really immersed though, my game never looks like those screenshots despite tweaking settings around.

>> No.10640352

If someone had the startup dosh we could do tech support over the phone or any other kind of phone service such as phone sex.

>> No.10640359

There's been minor injuries but no one has yet died in an Abrams or Challenger from enemy fire. They say armor are bullet magnets but it doesn't matter so much if the ordnance fired against them don't do shit. The only thing that tankers have died from is friendly fire which is pretty ironic having your own side being the greatest danger.

>> No.10640356

This is what I wish eve was like, proper spacship simulation rather than point and click, I would play the shit out of that.

>> No.10640364

A videogame? I'm sure there are a few artists and programmers here and learning online wouldn't be so hard

>> No.10640374

All of the people who actually have those skills are currently in school or are looking for or have even found careers.

>> No.10640383

How is your boyfriend today /jp/?

>> No.10640387
File: 5 KB, 360x216, mobileinfantry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.

>> No.10640397

he died

>> No.10640399

tgw feel when truNEET as HELL

>> No.10640405

No. They do the dying. Join fleetcom and do the flying with better benefits instead!

>> No.10640408

Infinity:The Quest for Earth

I'm depressed,I'm not a truNEET,but my life is hopeless and without future.

>> No.10640409
File: 19 KB, 600x500, 1344959064204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my fatNEETs at

>> No.10640420
File: 133 KB, 400x304, 1300513353906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That face when fatNEET right now, thinNEET two months ago and probably again in two months or so. the cycle continues

>> No.10640422


You must have some awful stretch marks.

>> No.10640439

it can't be helped!

>> No.10640436
File: 121 KB, 500x497, 1354697426938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it so hard to believe that there are people on /jp/ who are British.

Just the thought that a man who could make any American woman moist with the very sound of his voice would be on /jp/ and talking to someone like me, I'm just a lowly American with a nasally high pitched voice.

I just can't understand it. I try to wrap my head around the idea and I can't comprehend it. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at British people as anything other than gods.

>> No.10640443

Finn detected
Stop trying to start shit

>> No.10640450

If they're such gods why did we win the war?

>> No.10640463

That whole "war" was rigged by jews from the start.

>> No.10640467


I heard people from /jp/ talking on voice chat once and there were several people speaking that had English accents. I felt so intimidated that I couldn't speak and then I panicked and turned off my computer.

>> No.10640469

Are you bulking/cutting or just a fat fuck?

>> No.10640474

How many were really hard to understand even though english was their first language? Going a long time without speaking has really made my speech sound like shit.

>> No.10640472

Because our enemies shot themselves in the foot, leaving us to clean up the mess.
Except for Japan. They got owned hard.

>> No.10640479

Just a fat fuck who gets to the point of thinking "better stop being fat before I get obese" and ends up close to anorexic before repeating it again

>> No.10640480

Being fat sounds like fun
You're covered in one big cushion, you're always nice and warm, you can lay things on your belly as a table, and you look bigger so people are less likely to mess with you.

I wish I could afford it

>> No.10640481

I'm talking about the revolutionary war. You don't remember how we completely kicked those sorry Brit asses then?

>> No.10640485

Why don't you guys go for a jog once in a while.

It gets me really pumped and refreshed, plus it helps stopping me feel like shit the times when I am at home.
My usual routine is grocery shopping early in the morning, going home and making a nice fruit filled breakfast, stretches, then going for a jog.

You can absolutely start out at a small amount, then increase over time.

>> No.10640488



>> No.10640491

It is not.

More disadvantages than advantages (I am not fat, by the way).

Better than what you say, is the fact that you can literally eat an unlimited amount of food.

>> No.10640494
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>It gets me really pumped

I just take pills for that.

It makes me feel energized and happy, it makes my heart beat faster, and it makes me lose weight. It's pretty much the same thing as running but I don't have to leave the computer.

>> No.10640498

Oh! I apologize, not sure why WW2 was the first thing that came to mind.
Yeah, I guess they did get owned pretty hard..what with a bunch of rebels defeating one of the greatest empires that ever existed.

>> No.10640499

Cause I'm fat and like eating all day while jacking it to anime

>> No.10640501
File: 342 KB, 600x900, 389321290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was skeptical so I looked it up.

In one encounter within the urban area a Challenger 2 came under attack ... sights were damaged and the tank threw its tracks entering a ditch. It was hit directly by fourteen rocket propelled grenades from close range and a MILAN anti-tank missile.[11] The crew survived remaining safe within the tank until the tank was recovered for repairs, the worst damage being to the sighting system. It was back in operation six hours later after repairs. One Challenger 2 operating near Basra survived being hit by 70 RPGs in another incident.

Didn't expect that. Well done BAE design chaps.

>> No.10640502

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10640503

Maybe being fat is better than you think and they just whine to make you think different. Hell if you get fat enough you can get disability.

Where are the downsides? Once you get disability you get on medicaid by default so health isn't an issue.

>> No.10640511

>Better than what you say, is the fact that you can literally eat an unlimited amount of food.
Not true, since even fat people get to the point of feeling sick. And food is only pleasurable for the first few bites, the rest is just something like a habit. And you can only eat as much as you can afford, then you have to wait until Mommy comes home with more food for her NEETykins.

And then the smell of your room being stinked up by your stinky fat farts. It's not worth it.

>> No.10640516

Health issues, it is harder to move around, it is almost impossible to lose weight.

But eating tasty food is nice. I love soda, for example, but I don't drink much as I don't want to gain a lot of weight.

>> No.10640521

yeah but then people will make fun of you

>> No.10640526

I like soda too

but I drink diet soda so I don't go obese again

when I quit drinking normal pop I lost 80 lbs

4 litres a day will do that to you

>> No.10640531

I'm starting the wonderful merry go round of anti depressants and benzos

I'm hoping one day to get adderal but I heard it was really hard to get prescribed

>> No.10640537

If that was the case then fat people who want to lose weight would stop eating after the first few bites

You invite people into your room? Are you a normal?
I guess I could see a downside if you have people to impress.

>> No.10640540

Not really, because it's habit. And once they take the first bite their thought process is "well I already ruined today I better eat it all and try again tomorrow"!

>> No.10640547

You managed to get benzos prescribed and those are far more difficult to get than adderall. Just go in there and say you cant focus, take ritalin for a month then go back and say you don't like the side-effects and want to try adderall or dexedrine.

>> No.10640552

I drink diet pepsi on fridays and saturdays, usually on weekend mornings a can is refreshing but unless I'm feeling really shit that day I won't be having another can later. That's all I really need when it comes to soda.

>> No.10640556
File: 195 KB, 460x680, 1362935963430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could mother a fatNEET and fill his tummy with delicious treats all day and night

>> No.10640559

>Oh Hikikomori/NEET life must be so fantastic!

Imagine you ruled a kingdom and lived in a Golden Palace with great food, drink, music and whores; you never had to work a day in your life. Your messenger comes and says that a great crisis is going to happen that will destroy your kingdom and life as you know it.

Sure you are having fun with the food and cheap sex, but you always know that this is not sustainable and it's all going to go away soon. You always worry and you increasingly start to lose satisfaction from your daily activities. You want to be able to survive this incoming crisis, yet no one around you is useful in any way except eating, sleeping and fucking.

So you are alone, doing the same routine that does not satisfy you and living with an anxiety knowing that you will be destroyed in the future.

>> No.10640563

Not how it is, kill yourself onto benefits.

>> No.10640567

That sounds amazing, what's it called?

>> No.10640569

Got dropped out of school because of depression and first thing my mother told me(shout at me) was "Now you have to find a job and your own apartment." Am I NEET now?

>> No.10640572

kill her

I am just kidding

>> No.10640578


>living with an anxiety knowing that you will be destroyed in the future

Every mortal has to deal with this though.

There's no reason for NEETs to worry more than any other person. It's incredibly easy to leach off your government, especially considering that most of /jp/ actually is autistic sperglords.

>> No.10640584

How do I get diagnosed with autism when I don't actually have it? How do I act autistic?

>> No.10640582


NO, you are a hobo

>> No.10640583

>It's incredibly easy to leach off your government
I wish this was true in my country.

>> No.10640586

>Every mortal has to deal with this though.

not you are psychopathic

>> No.10640587
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>And food is only pleasurable for the first few bites, the rest is just something like a habit

Food is always pleasurable...as long as you're not really really full. But a normal meal shouldn't make you really really full.

Are you saying that what is considered "normal meal" by most people is merely "first few bites" for you?

>> No.10640594

I've had thoughts about killing my stepfather and myself. I don't really know what I'm gonna do now. I'm lost and none cares.

>> No.10640596

I really enjoy drinking soda as well as eating nice food. What I find myself doing with soda is buying single bottles of sodas that are a bit unusual or rare. For instance, there's one gas station in this town that sells Mexican Pepsi, there's one store that sells soda made by a local beer company, there's a health food store that sells italian soda, ect. This way I satisfy my urge to drink soda, as well as my urge to enjoy different types of drinks. I found a place that carries Fentimans, so I'm going to work my way through their lineup this summer.

I feel like I enjoy those few sodas every month more than anything I'd have a 12 pack of in the fridge.

>> No.10640599

yes, the more they eat the more they eat, due to resignation and shit

well, that is if we're talking about the fat people who feel bad and who try to lose weight

there are also fat people who simply don't care and they just like to eat food often/drink soda, etc. I imagine that this sort of people don't have eating frenzies

>> No.10640601

I don't think theres anything wrong with that as long as you're willing to sacrifice your own life in exchange.

>> No.10640602

This is a good test though

You can either die on the streets or overcome the obstacles standing in the way of your NEET life.

>> No.10640614
File: 67 KB, 735x490, 1363048248047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speed. Anything from adderall to meth will make you feel like that. Speed has been humanity's dearest friend for many years, we wouldn't have won WW2 without it since every soldier was taking it and it's what gave them the energy and motivation to keep fighting during such a dark time.

>> No.10640622

how much does adderall sell on the streets anyways?

>> No.10640640


If they sell it for even half of the price on silkroad then it's too much. Last time I looked on the silkroad it was something like 20 dollars for one 20mg pill. That's pretty ridiculous considering that I get sixty 30mg pills each month for about 70 dollars and that's without insurance.

>> No.10640642

52mg concerta is like 3€ each here. And 104mg hits me every time.

>> No.10640653
File: 35 KB, 561x747, siht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever sighted a truNEET in person?

>> No.10640681

I posted a sure fire method above.

>> No.10640680


I think I may actually have ADHD. How can I convince a doctor to get me on adderall without being turned down?

>> No.10640687

What's the bounty on them anyways?

>> No.10640694

My window won't shut anymore, it's freezing. I have to get a new hot water bottle every half hour. I also found a centipede under my bed the other day and now I'm afraid to sit on the ground.
I-I guess I'm a pretty wimpy NEET.

>> No.10640695


All the autismbux they have on hand at time of capture.

>> No.10640702

Kill yourself, its the only solution.

>> No.10640703

A pelt in good condition is very expensive

>> No.10640706

We allowed to use .338 Lapua Mag or other overkill rounds on them and still get the bounty? Or does it have to be a pristine pelt and the open casket standrad?

>> No.10640705

Don't worry it's probably already eaten by tarantula under your bed ;)

>> No.10640708


Ordering them off SR sounds too expensive. I'm covered under health insurance right now, so I can get them for cheaper, just hope my parents don't find out somehow.

>> No.10640712

I don't mind spiders though, they are very moe.

>> No.10640714

I meant the one where I suggested taking ritalin first, then switching to adderall.

>> No.10640716


Where do you live?

It's hard in the UK or any part of Europe, but if you live in the US then going to the doctor for your speed is about as easy as getting a medical marijuana card in northern California.

It's so laughably easy that the appointment is really just for show and it gives your doctor an excuse to give you legal speed. There's no legitimate diagnosis process or anything like that, you just go to your doctor and say you can't focus and that's kind of like the code word so that he knows to give you speed.

Now if you live in the UK or Europe then it's completely different.

>> No.10640718

I'm very scared of bugs and spiders.

>> No.10640720

Anyone in north california wanna fug?

>> No.10640722

I want adderall bad but ah fuck I ain't got no insurance man.

Even if I could gamble and do the $100 doctor visit I wouldn't be able to handle the $70 a month on the pills.

>> No.10640726


Varies by country.
Ask your local hunter.

>> No.10640756


>I wouldn't be able to handle the $70 a month on the pills.

If you can get the pills then you can make the money fairly effortlessly.

I don't have insurance either and I have no real source of income, but if I have adderall then I can take a lot, load up some surveys or transcriptions or some other form of mindless online labor, and then I'll be hyper focused on it for hours. It'll feel like the most interesting thing in the world and I'll have made about $100 by the end of the day.

All you really have to do is take the pills and then start doing an unpleasant task, after about 30 seconds you'll lock on, it will feel like the most interesting thing ever, and then you won't want to stop until your fingers are bleeding.

>> No.10640753
File: 407 KB, 686x441, 1363052479025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not funny at all. Don't want some redneck shooting and skinning me while I try to take it easy.

>> No.10640758


are u a gurl?

>> No.10640762

no fucking job, no fucking insurance, no fucking drugs man

that sucks man

>> No.10640763

Stay in your nest

You thought about getting a regular job?

>> No.10640766

I am when I wear a skirt.

>> No.10640783

NEET hunter job may be interesting.

>> No.10640785

I have decided that, starting tomorrow, I am going a fortnight without caffeine, sweets, snacks, or alcohol. I wanted to post this somewhere so I'm more likely to stick to it.

This is a good idea and right now I'm celebrating by drinking all the vodka and finishing off the last packet of chocolate digestives. KANPAI!

>> No.10640791

What are the major downsides to speed again?

>> No.10640786


>You thought about getting a regular job?

Speed is great for a lot of things, but it won't make you like people. Regular jobs would still be terrible since you would have to socialize with coworkers. If it wasn't for that then it would be great for making any type of work feel fun.

>> No.10640793

I want to make some stupid joke but I can't think of anything. Have fun

>> No.10640798

insomnia, making stupid decisions because of mania, heart problems, get kind of sweaty

>> No.10640800

They have them in Japan
They come into your room and yell at you and drag you out kicking and screaming.

I'm ready just in case it happens to me. I have set up boobytraps all over my room just in case the hissing and the smell doesn't scare them off.

>> No.10640806

Holy shit. Why do I imagine it's like that old TV show Cops? It'd be funny and awful at the same time if they were armed like popo though.

>> No.10640812

Still thinking about buying that house.

How are property taxes calculated? The history says the house was taxed as being valued at 200k, even though its being sold at under 50k.

>> No.10640815


Increased heart rate, possible increase in blood pressure, you might have trouble sleeping if you don't have any downers to knock you out, it might make your hands and feet feel a little cold, and that's about it.

Your behavior might change a little since everything feels so interesting. You may notice that you end up rambling about everything and make wall of text posts on /jp/ and you may neglect your hygiene because you became so interested in something that you forgot to get up and shower.

>> No.10640818

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.10640827

I'm a dumb weakling. I need a boost to allow me to operate in the world of "regular people."

>> No.10640825

Reminder that doing drugs is like murdering your own parents, how terrible are you people?

>> No.10640828
File: 200 KB, 1024x683, 1363827922078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mainly lurk r9k

>> No.10640836

I hate my parent's, i'd kill my mom (dad is already dead), but i don't want to go in jail, food is much worse there, and no internet access.

>> No.10640848

Who do you live with?

>> No.10640852

Frig off, shitheel.

>> No.10640866

you dont compete


>> No.10640872

fuck yourself motherfucker

>> No.10640871

> Who do you live with?
I have no money to rent my own apartments without gf, and no gf, though i am not NEET anymore. Situation will not change in years, i think.

>> No.10640874 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640875
File: 139 KB, 755x755, 1354737071184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully!

>> No.10640881 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640885

The NEETs on /r9k/ are all about trying to break out of the NEET way and the whole time normalfags are entering the thread and flipping out.

Then you see people start posting /jp/ images and shit gets bad

>> No.10640886 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640894

You better learn respect, you little r9gayer. I have a multitude of comrades here on /jp/ that will tear your ass inside out without hesitation.

>> No.10640889 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640891 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640893

What's the fastest, least painful way to kill myself /jp/? Preferably uncomplicated

>> No.10640895

holy fug whats going on in this fuggin thread

>> No.10640896 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640897

so many feels

>> No.10640899 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640900


Cyanide tablet.

>> No.10640907


Rest assured, cyanide tablet is an easy, painless way of killing yourself.
I've killed myself 3 times with it already.

>> No.10640901

I saw a video where a guy killed himself with a cyanide tablet in court and it didn't look too painless

He sort of slumped over wheezing and flopped around for over a minute

>> No.10640903

Suicide by cop. You will not feel any pain due to shock, it'll be like falling asleep.

>> No.10640904

>The NEETs on /r9k/ are all about trying to break out of the NEET way
Yeah, a lot of /jp/ is like that too, just look at this thread. Stop pushing your truNEET bullshit on everyone and accept that some people have done it for too long and just can't do it anymore due to ennui, depression, etc.

>> No.10640911

In that case they can go to /r9k/

>> No.10640908

What is a cop?

>> No.10640910

Exit bag. Search the archive if you don't know what that is.

>> No.10640913

you mean
you have no penis?
no balls?

>> No.10640914 [DELETED] 

Yeah, and those people don't belong in the NEET Lifestyle thread.

>> No.10640921

what foes gf have to do with it?

if you are not NEET, how come you don't have money for your own fucking apartment?
are you one of these losers who were forced by parents to go to university?

>> No.10640915 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640917

You don't dictate what goes in this thread, though.

>> No.10640926 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10640927

Majority rules
I command a force of over 100 battle ready NEETs

Just because you come here to normalfag doesn't mean everyone does

>> No.10640932
File: 186 KB, 512x354, gigs and sudo on patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person you would least trust with a gun.

>> No.10640934

there battle ready NEETs are all fat man children who break after getting a punch

your point is invalid

>> No.10640935

Majority rule my ass, read the entirety of the thread, hell, read all the previous threads and realize that a lot of people have posted about NEET recovery/getting a job and people discuss it with them. Your tantrums have no impact on what actually goes in these threads.

>> No.10640940 [DELETED] 

Just accept that the normies have won. Any true NEET has given up on these threads.

>> No.10640939
File: 20 KB, 337x300, ahmadinejad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad, normie

>> No.10640942

Some NEETs have to work every once in a while but they always come back. They do their thing to get by for a few months.

You don't belong here

>> No.10640944
File: 250 KB, 1200x800, 1350858334193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me in the middle

>> No.10640945

>thinNEET two months ago and probably again in two months or so. the cycle continues

keep telling yourself that

you're going to stay fat forever

>> No.10640946


>due to ennui

Who's ennui? Is it a jewish man? A sorcerer of the occult?

>> No.10640949
File: 76 KB, 704x528, 1334625248435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this thread has gone to shit

>> No.10640951

We found normalscum in the NEET thread again

>> No.10640957 [DELETED] 

This one and the last one and the one before that. I want the whiny normies to leave already.

>> No.10640953 [DELETED] 

What's Google?

>> No.10640954

Oh, so now it's okay to work for a few months as long as you come back? No more truNEET garbage?

Oh boy, wait until I tell all the people in school that they're actually NEETing during the summer! They'll love participating with us!

>> No.10640955

who are you blacking, you racist piece of shit

>> No.10640956

Why am I getting German translations at sadpanda? I'm sure I disabled those in settings.

>> No.10640958

I'm NEET but I consider myself a normal person

deal with it special snowflake

>> No.10640959 [DELETED] 

>Oh boy, wait until I tell all the people in school that they're actually NEETing during the summer!
They're still enrolled in school so they're not NEETs.

>> No.10640960 [DELETED] 


It's Tokiko and his school-pals intentionally shitting up NEET threads. He's the person posting the high-larious 'feel' posts.

>> No.10640964

You people are objectively worse than the feel guy, can we go back to that already?

>> No.10640965

You should consider walking out the door before I throw you out it.

>> No.10640966

>high-larious 'feel' posts.

I'm pretty sure it's some truNEET being butthurt over "normals"

>> No.10640967 [DELETED] 


No, it's actually him. He talks about his epic winz in his steam group.

>> No.10640968

Are we being invaded by /r9k/? Since when was it ok to openly post on /jp/ as a college-going fratboy?

>> No.10640969

show me the door

>> No.10640972

>college-going fratboy
/r9k/ is the exact opposite of that

>> No.10640975

> what foes gf have to do with it?
If we have my salary, my autismbux and her salary, we'd manage to make a living. Rental payment is quite close to average salary in here, and my salary is below average. My brother and sister managed to pay it by sharing apartment with soulmate, but i am hardcore virgin.
> if you are not NEET, how come you don't have money for your own fucking apartment?
If i stop taking Japanese lessons, consider eating shitty food and count every coin, i can rent a room in outskirts of my town. But it will be pain.
> are you one of these losers who were forced by parents to go to university?
I got in university by my own free will, dropped out due to bullies, neeted few years, then reentered it. Even if you have university degree you can't make living on your own.

>> No.10640978

Because Tokike and his shitposting squad are behind every single bad post on /jp/, right? Stay delusional, dude.

>> No.10640979

Post the logs. Let's turn this into a T****** lynch thread.

>> No.10640981

You're admitting to having a steam account? Please leave /jp/, normie scum.

>> No.10640983

that would be the Finnshits

>> No.10640984

Never change, /jp/. Everyone who's a bit different from the ultimate truNEET stereotype that nobody actually is except for pretentious tryhards trying to fit in is a normal. Anyone you disagree with is a normal. Any time you're in an argument, just call your opponent a normal. It's your right as a truNEET. Keep fucking up threads with your constant bitching and then blame the ``normies'' for it. Hypocrisy? Nah.

>> No.10640987
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Any NEETs growing their truNEET beards?

I don't really think that you can be much of a NEET if you don't have the iconic bushy beard and long hair of the NEET. I've been growing mine out for a few months now, it's at about three inches.

>> No.10640991


Look at this whining normalfag
Just head back to /r9k/ with the other normals and soon-to-be normals dude

>> No.10640993

Beards are too itchy and I don't like how they make me look.

I want to be as feminine as possible so I can still fap to myself

>> No.10640994

I only have a problem with people who post /r9k/ self-improvement shit and "feels" in these threads.

>> No.10640999 [DELETED] 


Never tell your password to anyone.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Nameless Book-Reading Youkai: >>10639558 new NEET thread
Nameless Book-Reading Youkai: come fuck with them lol

>> No.10641003

I don't say you have to leave, just remember that here you're a 2nd class citizen. The truNEETs own this zone.

>> No.10641000

I start getting acne on my facial hair area if I let it grow out too much.

>> No.10641004

>The truNEETs own this zone.

haha I don't think so

>> No.10641008
File: 101 KB, 800x473, 1346727845243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not give into the loneliness and get a girlfriend, /jp/. You will regret it.

It's like they say, you don't know how good something is until it's gone. I succumbed to the loneliness and got a girlfriend, but don't make the same mistakes as me.

If you get a girlfriend then it will consume your life. You will lose any money that you were spending on your interests, you will lose all of your time, you will constantly feel smothered, and you will be dragged into social situations because even the most shy woman is still naturally more social than shy men.

You're my oldest friend, /jp/. I don't want to see you suffer. Resist the carnal temptations and treasure the freedom you have right now because that freedom will fly away as soon as you shackle yourself to another person.

>> No.10641010
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>I want to be as feminine as possible so I can still fap to myself

>> No.10641011 [DELETED] 


I don't want a girlfriend but thanks anyway

>> No.10641012

>Resist the carnal temptations

what carnal temptations?

>> No.10641013

If you were so shy then you wouldn't have gotten a gf

Diagnosis: Normality

>> No.10641014

>as you shackle yourself to another person

what about your parents, faggot?

>> No.10641015

What if you get her to support your NEET life by making her get a job?

>> No.10641030


Parents give you free things and expect nothing in return. You can be dependent on your parents, but leaching off your parents never limits your freedom. You can still NEET it up all day and do whatever you want and they will continue to help you out of a sense of responsibility and pity.

>> No.10641035

>Resist the carnal temptations

Don't worry, I'm a vegan.

>> No.10641036
File: 52 KB, 287x229, Saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my parents were like that. My dad hates me and plans to kick me out soon, my mom just goes along with it. I'll probably kill myself when I'm forced out

>> No.10641043

NEET here. Great thread, OP (as usual).

>> No.10641067
File: 238 KB, 550x417, mother-grown-son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's because of your father. I've never heard of a NEET that was able to live comfortably when his father was still around.

The best setup for a NEET is no father and raised by a single mother. Single mothers form a disturbingly close connection to their son and there's this almost incestuous element to it.

The mother never acts on it, but she will give the NEET everything because the close connection between an only child and a single mother has caused her to unconsciously see him as both her lover and her child. The cognitive dissonance that develops from the shame that she would feel if she accepted that she feels that way manifests itself as an intense sense of guilt and she deals with that guilt by coddling and enabling the NEET as much as possible in an attempt to reinforce her role as the mother and distance herself from the feelings of being the lover.

>> No.10641069

seconding this

it's not all it's made out to be

>> No.10641091


any NEETs ever FUG their gammer? ;)))

>> No.10641092

When did you lose faith in humanity, /jp/?

>> No.10641105

Late 80s, I guess? Btw I was 5.

>> No.10641118


I sit on the floor next to my bed on my ass almost all day, switching between indian sitting style and just legs out with the computer on a little table in front of me.

my back kinda hurts sometimes, but its not too uncomfortable. i have two chairs, but i like sitting on the floor.

>> No.10641191
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They look badass. Too bad they got murdered by WORK.

>> No.10641200
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I was raised by a single mother but she recently got a boyfriend, fucking slut I hope she dies

>> No.10641226

That's a lie. Since when did the NEET elites ever lose?

>> No.10641269
File: 140 KB, 582x514, 1362119019811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean to say that some people on /jp/ would not enjoy watching their entire harem getting sliced to bits by an invading force? You mean to say they wouldn't lock themselves in their rooms with their most prized cuddleslaves and have an orgy right until the massacre reached their room? And then when the soldiers did break the door down, that the orgy wouldn't continue even as gallons of blood, gore and cum splattered the carpet and tapestry?

Geez, what weirdos.

>> No.10641277
File: 199 KB, 700x700, 1360567530498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be a forest NEET or will the government bully me into needing a job so I can give them paper money?

I want to live in the forest inside of a cute little log cabin and grow and hunt all of my own food. I could make everything I need and I would have no need for currency.

I just want to be left alone and live in the forest like a hermit.

>> No.10641298

If you own the land absolutely. Otherwise find somewhere far from civilization that some dickass developer or oil company isn't going to kick you out of.

>> No.10641310

only if you pay money first

>> No.10641328


>If you own the land absolutely.

Will they expect money from me every month or every year? I think I have about 10,000 that I'm about to inherit from a dying relative and that should cover the initial costs and the price of some piece of land in the middle of the woods, but I won't have any way to pay yearly taxes if there are any of those.

>> No.10641341

probably yeah

>> No.10641437

Yes. Annually. You can always get the cheapest piece of land you can find to minimize your taxes but chances are it's just going to be a dirt patch next to polluted industrial sites. Maybe you can charge others for setting up camp or hunting at your place? Or even better find a patch of land off that they don't bother to administrate or with an owner cool enough to let you squat.

>> No.10641555

>I've never heard of a NEET that was able to live comfortably when his father was still around.
I guess I'm an exception.

>> No.10641563

No, a recliner is much more comfortable than a desk chair.

>> No.10641636

Any NEETs awake? I wanna talk on omegle

>> No.10641684


I am but I can't find anyone.

>> No.10641689
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>> No.10641705
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It's hard to die in the spring you know

>> No.10641711

I hope he's doing good. I haven't talked to him today!!!

>> No.10641788
File: 108 KB, 372x500, hnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad laughed at my wall scrolls and called me a loser

I just want to take it easy


>> No.10641795 [DELETED] 

Wall scrolls are for losers.

>> No.10641881
File: 197 KB, 334x400, 1353599319129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost 1TB of data yesterday.

>> No.10641902

Should've had it backed up.

>> No.10641910

I don't have space for a 8TB+ backup. I blame this on the company that made the external hard drive though, fucking changing the partition table to something Windows can't handle.

>> No.10641918

Omegle is a prime place for /b/ros looking for shits and giggles. Wouldn't recommend it. Haven't you seen the Omegle trolling logs posted here and in dedicated threads?

>> No.10641931

Do you do anything considered stereotypically masculine? Do you have a girlfriend or other accomplishments he'd value (i.e. sports trophies, grades)? If you get enough of those you can confuse him or just make him think you have a few screws loose compared to just being a big loser. That is if you care about his approval in the first place which you seem to.

>> No.10641946
File: 165 KB, 600x827, 702494562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he's not a Yukari fan.

>> No.10641949


Get that slut out of my sight.

>> No.10641955

She wants the dick so bad. Silly girl. You don't have to spend all that effort as tank crew to get the dick.

>> No.10642012
File: 1.39 MB, 640x360, 13507257976363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rude guy!

>> No.10642029

Hah. Well at least she doesn't deny being a slut.

>> No.10642058

my dad is a loser too so it's okay

I think it's mean though

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

>> No.10642261

I've been thinking about becoming an organ donor but I'm kind of creeped out at the idea of having parts of me inside someone else. Typing this up here made me realize that the people who would get my organs probably would be the type of person who I don't care for. That's enough for me to not become a donor.

If I could be an organ donor strictly for lolis only I'd sign up immediately.

>> No.10642266


Why not doante to science?

>> No.10642270

Science is for fags.

>> No.10642274

What, like for schools? The only way I'd ever want that is if I could immediately become a skeleton hanging in some school somewhere. I wouldn't want people practicing procedures on me or anything.

>> No.10642278


I'm sure there are researchers who could benefit from your organs. You'd be helping the advance of medical understanding.

Surely that would nullify any feelings of uselessness.

>> No.10642279

What is the most recently released video game that's worth playing?

>> No.10642411

I started learning hiragana today.

>> No.10642668

> Parents give you free things and expect nothing in return
They gave me this shitty life, i never asked for this hell. It makes them guilty.

>> No.10643603

1.Learn math
2.Learn how to code

It worked for me. Now I'm only semi shut-in.

>> No.10643698

Yeah, and I plan on making them.

>> No.10644607
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>> No.10645556

how can you compare the 2?

>> No.10646886
File: 1.98 MB, 2464x1648, 5CDF5548[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she Japanese?

>> No.10647772

Asian, certainly. Just has her hair dyed

>> No.10647772,1 [INTERNAL] 

she poops too right?
