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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10639404 No.10639404 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you ever actually played Idolmaster?

Apart from the xbox port, it can only be played at the arcade, right?

>> No.10639407

There's an Idolmaster General there.

>> No.10639417

makes sense.

waaaaait a minute are you trying to cheat me again.

>> No.10639422

isn't the head supposed to explode because of the large difference in pressures?

>> No.10639442

The human body isn't that weak but the vacuum should make you vomit, urinate and defecate simultaneously, also your saliva and sweat should start boiling because lower pressure lowers boiling points

>> No.10639449


No. There was a NASA astronaut who got a hole in his suit one time. He wound up being fine.

>> No.10639452

In Touhou they opened a window and it was fine. But they made a light-hearted remark about it so it was whimsical.

ZUN isn't a hack, you guys.

>> No.10639460

Could all the idolmaster fans on /jp/ be... *gasp* SECONDARIES?

>> No.10639461

No, that's completely wrong. It's also on the PS3 and PSP.

>> No.10639467

>isn't the head supposed to explode because of the large difference in pressures?

>> No.10639468

Do you know how hard your skull is? It would take more than a vacuum to destroy that

The collapsed lungs, on the other hand...

>> No.10639473

Has anyone ever actually died in space?

This is probably a stupid question.

>> No.10639481


>Proponents of the Lost Cosmonauts theory concede that Yuri Gagarin was the first man to survive space travel, but claim that the Soviet Union attempted to launch two or more manned space flights prior to Gagarin's, and that at least two cosmonauts died in the attempts.

>> No.10639484

as far as confirmed deaths go however, there's the Soyuz II

>> No.10639486

>Soyuz II

er, Soyuz 11 actually

>> No.10639494
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>> No.10639495


>> No.10639497
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>> No.10639498


How come Yayoi has such big arms?

>> No.10639510

There was a guy who was exposed to a total vacuum for less than a minute, and his head didn't explode.

He reported feeling the saliva on his tongue evaporating before blacking out.

>> No.10639534
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have we been to other planets yet

>> No.10639544

depends on what you mean by "we"

if by "we" you mean humanity and its robots then yes

if by we you mean actual people then no

>> No.10639551

We originated on another planet

>> No.10639548

There's projects to send people to Mars, but otherwise no. What's the point? The only reason we sent people to the Moon was so Russia and America could find out who had the biggest dick, after having captured all the Nazi rocket scientists. There's really no need to send humans when we could send robots.

>> No.10639559

that was a leak in his suit right?

i'm suggesting the very sudden change in pressure as shown in OP. what happens after 5 minutes after death? will the corpse explode?

>> No.10639571

Vacuums don't fucking make people explode anon.

>> No.10639578

There will be no exploding
In a regular vacuum your body would probably continue to dehydrate until you're a prune

In space it'd probably freeze over too

>> No.10639579

I heard that the Earth is overpopulated and we'll run out of resources soon. In fact, some experts at Tel Aviv University think certain groups of people should stop breeding, that way it'll balance out our research usage. That sounds like a great idea.

>> No.10639594

great now how are we going to enforce it

forced sterilization?

also overpopulation won't be an issue if technology will allow resources to be utilized more efficiently, as it has in the past

>> No.10639596

Do your part for the good of humanity, /jp/. Don't have kids!

>> No.10639602
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>some experts at Tel Aviv University think certain groups of people should stop breeding

I bet I already know what groups they want to genocide through breeding...

>> No.10639704

I don't have an xbox or a ps3.

How will I ever play idolmaster?

>> No.10639718

mmm space lobster

>> No.10639727

PSP emulator. And PSP games are translated (some of them only partially though).

>> No.10639752
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Your body can withstand several dozens athmospheres of pressure without collapsing in itself, it can also structurally withstand vacuum.
You won't explode.

>> No.10639757

Kill yourself out of /jp/ crossboarder.

>> No.10639767

I can't even dive down 9 feet without my ears feeling like they're going to explode

>> No.10639780

Since when is idolmaster not /jp/ related?

I suppose that since it's also an anime, it goes on /a/?

Well so much for discussing any VN with an anime adaptation on /jp/ again.

Or maybe you think it goes on /v/ because it's a game? Then apparently Touhou should go with it.

>> No.10639799

Yes, but all the fluids in your body will be sucked out from all the tiny openings in your skin, and your entire body will look like a suction mark.

>> No.10639803

There is nothing in the rules that say idolmaster belongs here.

>> No.10639804


Don't bother, the retard you're replying to thinks Higurashi shouldn't be posted here.

>> No.10639825

Accusing someone of being a crossboarder is not about whether or not something's on topic, it's about whether the posting style, memes, and images used by the poster indicate that they're from another board.

>> No.10639838

fuck you science

i want chihaya to explode but you keep saying no

>> No.10639840

What memes did OP use? What is his posting style like?

Tell me, oh master of deduction.

>> No.10639849

You can tell hes not from /jp/ as he doesn't even know about the PSP games, let alone just playing the second on his ps3.

>> No.10639857

If thats explanation was to detailed for you, basically you're a subhuman needs to kill yourself

>> No.10639863

I'm not even the guy who accused OP of being a crossboarder, I'm just explaining to you how it works.

>> No.10639878

Because /jp/ is all about the sony consoles. If you don't have one, you don't belong on /jp/.

Also you said OP could be identified from his "posting style" and "memes" not from his ignorance of the playstation idolmaster port.

>> No.10639902

I'm not even that person, I'm the one that called him - possibly you - out on being a crossboarder, which was obvious just from how completely retarded the OP is. The way the question was worded implies that he also never even bothered to lurk before posting. You would know all of this if you bothered to lurk, kill yourself.

>> No.10639940

I've played all console games.
"The best" version of im@s is the only one I own though.

>> No.10639951

>The way the question was worded implies that he also never even bothered to lurk before posting.

How so? Tell me, what word order do /jp/ posters use?

>> No.10639955

>"The best" version of im@s
im@s 2 of course.

>> No.10639957

You can't be serious, lurk and figure it out for yourself.

>> No.10639961

This thread is getting intense

>> No.10639973

No, really I am serious. I haven't noticed that /jp/ posters phrase things any differently from anyone else.

If they so obviously do, you should be able to easily point it out. If you weren't just making shit up that is.

Now go ahead and tell me, what's so unique about the way /jp/ posters frame their sentences? Does /jp/ have its own special syntax?

>> No.10639995

I don't know why you crossboarders think I automatically have to justify myself, doesn't work like that kid. Lurk and figure it out for yourself, maybe you can check out the archive and see how other idolm@ster threads are started. Couldn't be any more obvious to me, much like how much you stood out from post one.

>> No.10640037

I crossboard but it isn't to /v/ or /a/ or any of the big boards, does that make it ok?

>> No.10640039

Why aren't you saging? Are you some kind of newfag?

As much as you hate this thread you're doing an awful lot to keep it at the top of the front page.

>> No.10640044

No, you must commit sudoku.

>> No.10640041

You can browse whatever boards you want, dear.

>> No.10640055

I take what /jp/ says very seriously
I'm not one of those guys who just 'lie'

>> No.10640111

Why aren't you using the sage feature?*

>> No.10640126

Because I have no objections to this thread being here.

>> No.10640131

I've played it. It's a bit boring. But I like the songs.

>> No.10640147
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I know that some of you guys actually live in glorious Nihon.

What's it like playing idolmaster at a Japanese arcade?

>> No.10640152

I was correcting you, subhuman.

>> No.10645398
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Why won't Chihaya just quit?

>> No.10645435
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>> No.10645437

>too bad its not soundproof.png
I like you.

>> No.10645442

I like Chihaya.

>> No.10645456
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>> No.10645459
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Minase Iori a beautiful.

>> No.10645472

Well mars isn't a vacuum though.

>> No.10645499

What's the best game to play if I want to pretend to be a cute little girl? Serious question, plz rspnd.

>> No.10645512

Mabinogi, Princess Maker, Recettear

>> No.10645525
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I've also heard good thing about We Cheer.

Should I believe the hype?

>> No.10645551

Im@s 2 is on Ps3

Shiny Fiesta is on psp

>> No.10645560

You're forgetting that most of the SP routes are translated and playable on an emulator or a PSP.

>> No.10645578

I think that's only for the first game. The second two have had barely any progress.

>> No.10645588

Perfect Sun is completely done.
Wandering Star has Yukiho, Iori, and Chihaya's routes completely done. Someone is working on the twins route.

>> No.10646038

dude she is cute for a slut

>> No.10646550

I know right? The perfect game to allow me to indulge in my slutty fantasies.

>> No.10646582
File: 2.02 MB, 1600x1097, f13b713e63f1ef62620bb480eb9bb8a51f6d6c8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a Japanese Xbox 360. I bought it for im@s and Live for You. I've owned it for about 4 years. I've beaten all routes except Chihaya, although I've used her as a backup singer before, I'll get to her someday I suppose. She's just so frustrating to work with dammit, because her tension sucks. I also need best endings for a lot of the girls, like Azusa, Yayoi, Miki, Haruka, Makoto, I've only gotten normal endings for them but since I primarily got im@s for the twins I've never been assed to repeat them.

>> No.10646648

Replaying Ever17 after beating Never7.

How good is R11?

>> No.10646709

I first ps
It very hard I can't make decisions fast and I can't do game fast enough
Yes I know cheat pause but still not fast enough for game

>> No.10647763

>There's really no need to send humans when we could send robots.
Not on this time, but in future when we will advance our space travel and space suites technologies enough, who knows? Benefits could be countless, but as I said new technology is a must since what we have now is too expensive to be of benefit.

>> No.10647809

It's OK, simply maintain posts quality and don't be a dick.

>> No.10647811

Only takes one man with a capped charisma score.

>> No.10647840

Will they be all right? Please tell me they will be all right.

>> No.10647872

They're dead Jim.
