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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 124 KB, 450x800, kazamitattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10635717 No.10635717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you ever get a tattoo of your favorite Touhou?

>> No.10635731

Tattoos are for the lowest trash

>> No.10635728

Touhou is a passing fad. Why on Earth would you get a tattoo of it?

>> No.10635733

surely not as lame as that

>> No.10635742
File: 230 KB, 375x445, 1360459746422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would get a tattoo of ths face

>> No.10635744

Tattoos really are disgusting. It's like a more humiliating version of body graffiti. Only a true masochist would voluntarily get one.

>> No.10635745

I don't want to deface my body.

>> No.10635749

My body is a temple

>> No.10635754

Tattoos make my skin crawl. Just... ink under the skin that shouldn't be there, it's horrible. And never mind my extreme needle phobia.

>> No.10635755

Why on earth do people like Touhou so much anyways?

>> No.10635760

It's just the latest thing. Why did so many people like Pokemon? I mean sure, it was a fun franchise, but not to the point of dwarfing other/similar/better franchises.

>> No.10635765

A lot of the obsessive fandom is because of the large cast of characters all with strange designs and abilities, Gensokyo, and the music. Also memes and porn. Pokemon would really be the most accurate thing to compare Touhou to.

I like Touhou by the way.

>> No.10635762

Isn't it weird how the more detached someone is from the social world the more against tattoos they are? On any other board there are loads of people with them.

>> No.10635769

not if my favorite 2hu was as shitty as yuuka

>> No.10635781 [DELETED] 

Get out of /jp/, filthy kikes.

>> No.10635798

How tattoos are anti-semitist?

>> No.10635815

I've always explained it as the most enjoyable slice of life franchise ever.

Does Allah allow you to get your ass tattooed with bombs and all sorts of plastic explosives, Ahmed Mustafa-kun?

>> No.10635817

JEWS are forbidden from getting any tattoos.

>> No.10635822

Sucks for them

>> No.10635835 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't know. I'm not a shitskin.

>> No.10635838 [DELETED] 

No thanks, I'm not trailer trash. Ask me again when I've lost every last bit of self-respect in a few years.

>> No.10635867 [DELETED] 

I bet the guy giving him the tattoo though he was a fag.

>> No.10635881 [DELETED] 

Obviously. Tattoo parlors are for bikers. They don't take kindly to anime shit.

>> No.10635887

Seems like something only autists are able to fan over.

>> No.10635890

They gave my mom a big goofy tattoo of Pepe Le Pew on her ankle so they're probably used to people getting stupid shit plastered on them.

>> No.10635920
File: 416 KB, 1179x1575, gshg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think little single image tattoos like OPs look like vandalism on a really nice building. It doesn't help the aesthetic at all. But yakuza-style full body tattoos can be beautiful; they're like a really nice garment. I prefer blemish-free bodies, but if you're gonna do it, go all the way, man.

>> No.10635938


I will brutally murder you and rape the body

>> No.10635941

Back left looks so great. Do you have any more pictures?

>> No.10635943

I mean it's cute enough I guess. If I was going to do something it would be a nice simple clean piece like that. People who huge ones always confuse me.

Also what's with all the trailer trash/white trash comments? You realize the implication of such terms that lower class whites are equal to their racial inferiors, right? You might as well be saying nigger.

>> No.10635951

Worse than nigger, as they had the potential to do better/started from a higher position. The sentiment is the same reason that treason is seen as such a big deal in most places.

A nigger is a nigger by it's very nature, can't be helped.

>> No.10635973

Except the Touhou games are actually fun.

>> No.10636162

What's a touhou?

>> No.10636242
File: 684 KB, 909x1342, cf5fa24345883093fd954feec0ef56d2448042ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10636346
File: 332 KB, 968x1296, 1362345640396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering it. Nothing as flamboyant as character art, though - not only would I be too embarrassed to show my torso if it was covered by a full-back piece of a magical loli vampire or whatever, but most tat artists can;t really seem to get the art style down pat, so I'd be afraid of getting something that looks horrible disfigured. See pic.

The character sigils from The Grimoire of Marisa look very nice, though. Understated, and could pass in many cases (Remilia, Yukari, Meiling) as Celtic folk art or whatever. Which would make for an interesting conversation if a skinhead took notice.

Only if the tat was an impulse decision made by an 18 year-old vapid cunt who wanted to get a big sunflower on her cankle.

>> No.10636350

it's a photoshop

>> No.10639145
File: 49 KB, 611x676, VSDE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a representative symbol is discrete and personal.

>> No.10643107


>> No.10643109

No, tattoos are fucking disgusting.

>> No.10643127

You'll never get married if you have a tattoo of something as silly as touhou.

>> No.10643184

Why would you get married to someone who wouldn't like your Touhou tattoo?

No wait.

Why would you get married to someone?

>> No.10643196

No sex before marriage.

>> No.10643211

typical homosexual response

Why does the proposition of a long term relationship end before it reaches children with practically every single person who is part of any fandom ever?

>> No.10643225

I'm friends with a happily married couple who met at an anime convention booth. Just because you haven't met a woman who is either interested in or accepts your hobbies, doesn't mean nobody has.

>> No.10643234

Yuuka is as good as Mima.

>> No.10643265

I don't have a 2hu tattoo but for my 4th I'm thinking of getting a Hanny from the Rance series.

>> No.10643268

Great characters.

>> No.10643275

only normals get married

>> No.10643279

He's probably a casual.

>> No.10643287

So edgy.

>> No.10643299


This whole board is full of casuals too. Except for the VN General thread people maybe. Touhou fans really are the worst.

>> No.10643297

Not really, I'm willing to bet less than 1% of /jp/'s typical userbase is married or engaged.

>> No.10643304
File: 72 KB, 400x400, 1291083201444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>met at an anime convention booth
stopped reading there

>> No.10643655


>> No.10649820

That's actually a cute tattoo.

>> No.10649825

The vast majority of people anywhere, including /jp/, are casuals.

>> No.10649876

Full body tattoos makes you look like a lizardman.

>> No.10652500
File: 365 KB, 700x857, Lizards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying you wouldn't want to look like a mother fucking lizardman? What is wrong with you?

>> No.10652505

I don't want a tattoo, but if I did, I would probably get the Kanji for "embarassment"

汗顔 or something

>> No.10652539

Hell no but I saw this one dude with a really gangsta black cross tattoo on the back his finger today.

>> No.10652563
File: 2 KB, 88x88, どやっ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I got some fresh bread at the local bakery.
The shop assistant had tatoos all over his arms, hands and on the neck. It was kind of scary and I had a hard time looking him in the eyes. I even almost dropped the change.
I wonder why people get tatoos. It's so gross and scary and makes you look unfriendly and hard to approach.

>> No.10652578
File: 19 KB, 168x170, Parsee Symbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sigils from The Grimoire of Marisa
Kind of want.

>> No.10652604

Humans are rational, fuck off with your shitty theory.

>> No.10652608

/v/ detected.

>> No.10652610


>> No.10652617
File: 13 KB, 125x125, hina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean this face

>> No.10652621 [DELETED] 

Somebody please respond.

>> No.10652622 [DELETED] 

*whips out dick*
Respond to this.

>> No.10652628

What do you want us to say, "Cool story?" You didn't ask any question.

>> No.10652646

That face is the cutest thing ever.

>> No.10652655

I'd simply like to hear your thoughs.
What do you think is the reason why people get tattoos when they clearly make you look like a violent person?

>> No.10652682

Tattoos are a class marker. They make you look poor.

>> No.10652693

Did you ever take a look at human history?q

>> No.10652716


Can you explain this pic, /jp/? It looks like something I'd see on r9k, if I ever went there anymore, which I can no longer bear to

>> No.10652719

What the fuck is there to explain?

>> No.10652720 [DELETED] 
File: 513 KB, 1390x1410, 1312613309816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what happens when sheltered, coddled teenagers get on the Internet and make image macros to try to explain the way they see the world.

>> No.10652725 [DELETED] 

This is what happens when retarded /jp/ers feel the need to assert their superiority to all things and people normal at every opportunity.

>> No.10652730

If I'm not wrong there's a person on deviantart who searches sexual habits of some species and then draw the males/females like in this image.

>> No.10652736

It's well drawn at least

>> No.10652737

>Humans are rational
Nope, try again.

>> No.10652745 [DELETED] 

This is what happens when a normie is bleeding through his anus.

>> No.10652771 [DELETED] 

Typical shitposter defense.

>> No.10652800 [DELETED] 


You know what's ironic?

>> No.10652830 [DELETED] 

Go on

>> No.10652836 [DELETED] 


nice cope strat

>> No.10652856
File: 31 KB, 166x166, GoMSigil-Yuugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


funny you should mention those, I was thinking of getting the Suika and Yuugi sigils on my arms.

>> No.10652867

I was thinking upper right or left back for the Parsee one.

>> No.10652940

I'd advise against it

>> No.10652948

Anyone planning to get a Sanae tramp stamp?

>> No.10653060


I'd advise for it.

fuck all these haters
