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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 640x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Aria_Season_2_The_Natural_Ep16_Subbed_(881E7B23) x.mkv_snapshot_22.01_[2013.03.02_21.20.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10633902 No.10633902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In 2017, a kissless wizard I will turn to be.

>> No.10633902,1 [INTERNAL] 

yfw when in 2017 everyone on this site will have stayed the same age and youll be one of those creepy 'old guy' posters

(I'm banned someone please post this for OP along with a good pic reminiscent of olde/jp/)

>> No.10633925

At least you'll be able to attend the annual /jp/ meetup on the astral plane.

>> No.10633927
File: 100 KB, 456x366, 1352028218854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever feel lonely?

I don't feel lonely, but I worry that I might in the future.

>> No.10633927,1 [INTERNAL] 

So am I the only one who keeps getting 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable errors?

>> No.10633932

shut up

>> No.10633942

I wonder how my thoughts will be as an old man

I wonder if I'll be a 40 year old regretting how I lived now

>> No.10633947

You'll feel lonely only after you got attached to people once.
It happened to me and it was not pretty. I do not recommend it.
Why do people go around calling themselves your friends and then stop talking to you anyways?
I'm mostly over it by now, but it still makes me angry.

>> No.10633950


I'm far too hardcore for such petty human emotions. When I feel the slightest inkling of loneliness (note that I don't actually feel lonely because of my aforementioned cool dude status) I go for a walk outside and think about how superior I am to all the pleb normals.

>> No.10633950,1 [INTERNAL] 


Some people are getting it but I'm not.

>> No.10633971

life it ain't real funky

unless it's got that thrill

dig it

Pop Life

>> No.10633973



>> No.10633974

teach me your ways, senpai

how do i become hardcore?

>> No.10633990
File: 308 KB, 712x480, aria1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10633997


Thank you for your replies.

I can't imagine myself having conversations with other people IRL, so I wonder if I'll be happier if I just stay hiki. I've tried talking to my mom but most of the time the words won't come out, and if they do, they sound slurred and mispronounced.

>> No.10634006


Okay, but promise not to tell anyone else because if everyone is hardcore then the hardcore are no longer hardcore comparatively, and that isn't hardcore.

It's a state of mind, man. Like, you aren't allowed to care about what normals think.
When you go outside, just wear whatever you are currently. Don't shower or brush your teeth, because people don't do that for themselves - they do it to appease The Man.
That's the other part of being hardcore: The Man is always trying to keep you down in a number of ways. Essentially, whenever something bad happens to you The Man is behind it. Well, maybe ZOG sometimes, but that's another lesson.
So don't be afraid to shout it to the world. If you stub your toe, let them know that you know about the conspiracy; shout it out loud. There are lots of other important lessons, but I won't burden you rookies with them just yet.

>> No.10634048

the astral plane, for late at night

the astral plane, or i'll go insane

>> No.10634050
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I promise.

Thank you for the lesson.

>> No.10634051

I've been a walking joke for my entire life. Maybe I actually should have been untidy to avoid all the hilariousness. Age has taught me to automatically respond with hostility or nonsense.

I ain't trying too hard anymore.

>> No.10634082

your face when in 2017 everyone on this site will have stayed the same age and youll be one of those creepy 'old guy' posters

(I'm banned someone please post this for OP along with a good pic reminiscent of olde/jp/)

>> No.10634087

There will be a privileged group of elder jpsies, like gurus

>> No.10634087,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10634093

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10634095
File: 52 KB, 339x298, orinsuicidehotline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10634118

Le honk cat face

>> No.10634118,1 [INTERNAL] 

