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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 390x390, japanese bird falling asleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10632900 No.10632900 [Reply] [Original]

Why are japanese actors so bad at acting, /jp/?

>> No.10632908

I don't know, they just are.

Maybe it's because they try to act like anime characters in real shows too? Nobody actually acts like that.

>> No.10632913

How is it even possible to be bad at acting?

Is acting human really that difficult?

>> No.10632915

they act really unnatural

>> No.10632917

>watching japanese movies
>this board

why do I come here

>> No.10632925

dramas not movies

>> No.10632934

I love Japanese acting and comedy because it looks like it's being done by actors. Westerners go too deep. It's unhealthy.

>> No.10632936 [DELETED] 


It pisses me off how anime artists are unable to make legitimate expressions, so they just over-emphasize everything and cover their asses by claiming it's a 'caricature.' This lazy mentality is holding the industry back.

>> No.10632939 [DELETED] 
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>I like Japanese things because they are really shitty.
>Western counterpart is too good and I don't like that

Do you fucking weaboos listen to yourselves? Holy crap.

>> No.10632941 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should be watching live action entertainment then.

>> No.10632943


>Calling someone a weeaboo on /jp/

>> No.10632948 [DELETED] 


What kind of horrendously retarded two-point logic is this?

You assert that:

1) I hate anime because of one thing I mentioned being bad

2) Instead of making a criticism of something I enjoy, I should go do something else because nobody insults anime cartoons on my board!!!

This is normie rhetoric but it's not really surprising to see it here considering how normal-ridden the board is lately.

>> No.10632950


Are you new? No weeaboos on here.

>> No.10632951

Maybe you just have to no reference point for how real Japanese people act, so when they don't act like Americans it's unnatural to you?

>> No.10632956 [DELETED] 
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Yes, so what? You gonna lord your join date over me, champ?

>> No.10632957 [DELETED] 

Fuck off normalscum
Us weeaboos rule this board

>> No.10632971 [DELETED] 

I don't think so. They're not nearly as expressive.

>> No.10632968

Japanese live action is shit. But Anime is really good. Dunno why it is like this.

>> No.10632975

Japanese voice actors are really good at hot blooded screaming.

>> No.10632979

I don't watch many JDramas or movies, but from the few I've seen (mostly the ``classics'' such as the battle royale movies and densha otoko), the main problem really seems to be overacting. They exaggerate every expression and it just comes off as incredibly fake.

>> No.10633012

Ring Zero and Ring 1 had a good acting.

>> No.10633027


I liked the acting in this movie

>> No.10633049

You're watching the wrong movies.

The Japanese tend to like melodrama and so J-dramas and television will have a lot of over-the-top emoting. If you watch something like All About Lily Chou Chou or Still Walking, you'll see that they can be incredibly nuanced and moving.

In my own experience, I have to say that a good Japanese film is often more memorable to me than a good American film. There's something about their directing and aesthetic.

>> No.10633058

The description seems good enough, I'll watch this tomorrow/later today when I wake up. Thanks in advance, Anonymous.

>> No.10633062
File: 25 KB, 343x248, Neandertheels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why Japanese actors are so bad is because they grow up watching anime and reading manga.
So they think acting is acting like an anime/manga character, rather than as a real person.

>> No.10633258

It's hard to emulate emotions when you have none yourself.

>> No.10637269

What a rude bird, falling asleep during breakfast.

>> No.10637282

Oh anon, you are so cool ♥

>> No.10637285

what is schizoid

>> No.10637289

Why are you judging Japanese acting by human standards?

>> No.10637300

The Japanese are extremely repressed. Oriental people also lack empathy and other emotions.

It's like getting children or autists to act, you just end up with bad roleplaying.

>> No.10638519
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, I understand. Im gonna be super deluded..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think thet are actually bad at acting. It depends on what kind of shows or movies you're watching. If you're watching movies or tv shows like Kamen Rider, than yeah the acting is going to suck. If you watch movies like Departures than you're going be able see a clear differince in the acting.

I do see this in a lot of works though.

>> No.10638529

Do people in Japan care when there's an anime or dorama adaptation of a book or comic and they completely cast the wrong person? Because I fucking hate when there's a Western cartoon of some comic and they give everyone the wrong voice, or when they make a film of a book and they cast some whiny little faggot as the protagonist when I imagined him a lot better in my head. Are the Japs just so used to it happening that they don't care, as long as they get the gender right?

>> No.10638531

>the main problem really seems to be overacting. They exaggerate every expression and it just comes off as incredibly fake.

This is how Japanese people act in real life, though.

I made a post about this recently: >>10625032

>> No.10638549
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I really dislike the exaggerated reactions, especially in comedic stuff.

>> No.10638550

Autists hate acting.

>> No.10638562

guys, it's called DRAMA.
they're purposely doing it.

>> No.10638574

How does it feel to make shitty over the top theories that only make sense to you?
Pretty good eh? Fuck you're so full of yourselves.

Also, Japanese acting is probably no better then any other. Stop judging everything by American standards, because Americans have the best acting in the world due to a long movie traditions and a specific culture.

>> No.10638587

>americans have the best acting in the world due to a long movie traditions and a specific culture
>a long movie traditions and a specific culture
>a specific culture.
i might be mistaken but what did america actually done worthy in the movie history other than serializing and creating a movie industry? Of course i'm not including France, Russia and the other countries.

>> No.10638592

France has the best movies actually...then China/Taiwan/Hong Kong.

>> No.10638593

They produce a lot of movies, they produce the best movies, they have high standards for acting, they have celebrity-oriented culture, they have hollywood, etc etc.
Basically, if you want to make a career in acting you should go to America.

>> No.10638597

French movies are terrible

>> No.10638596

I don't know about that. But take a look at Spanish/Brazilian/Indian/Polish/Serbian/Greek/Italian movies and you'll see that Japan is not that bad at all

>> No.10638600

>they have celebrity-oriented culture
That's what I hate the most about it. They should be worshiping the characters, not the actors. I feel the same way about otaku who worship seiyuu instead of the characters they voice.

>> No.10638599

>they produce a lot of movies
that is true.
>they produce the best movies
ha ha no.
>high standards for acting
as using cabaret singers and workers?
>celebrity-oriented culture
many of the countries had one.
>they have hollywood
india also have one.

>> No.10638603

Americana? The Golden Age of Hollywood?

I'm not an American, but I have to give the Americans credit for not only creating the motion picture industry, but basically setting the standards for what films (old and new) should be like. That's not to say there aren't some creative minds in other countries, however, particularly for certain genres. Italy made the best Westerns and gore/exploitation films.

>> No.10638605

okay, believe what you want

btw are you a butthurt American or just USA hater?

>> No.10638606

yes, it's shit, but it does help accelerate the industry

>> No.10638607

I can tell you that Chinese have actually quite large and unique horror industry regardless of their reputation as mammy country.

>> No.10638611

no i'm just someone who has knowledge over the movie history.

>> No.10638610


I liked this one

>> No.10638613

Different strokes for different folks

>> No.10638880

Hong Kong movies are great

Stephen Chow my husbando

>> No.10638898

Japanese can act too.

See Oldboy.

>> No.10638907

kekekeke that's Korean fucking idiot

>> No.10638971

Japs overreact too much.

It's their "culture" I guess.

>> No.10638976 [DELETED] 

I like Kitano's acting

>> No.10638982

It's weird because the voice acting is usually okay. I mean it's unnatural but in a good way. While the facial expressions and body language are just completely awkward. I don't think it's about cultural differences either because street interviews and such don't give off that feeling, many non-mainstream movies too.
Dramas are always the worst.

>> No.10638993

Why would you worship a generic character archetype? Why wouldn't you worship a great actor with good control over his voice?

>> No.10638996

That reminds me, I think the most awkward acting I've ever seen may have been in The Spirit of Capitalism.

>> No.10638997

*The Capitalist Manifesto, fuck.

>> No.10638998

At least they're emotive, which is more interesting than "I. Am. Acting."

My nephew just asked me to read him a storybook with one of those little hand puppets. It was in front of everyone and I was so embarrassed that I did it in that ironic, deadpan way like when you pretend to be angry on /jp/. After I'd finished he said, "That was a crap story." and now I think he hates me.

>> No.10639012


Further proof that /jp/ ruins lives.

>> No.10639021 [DELETED] 

Japanese bird shedding mortal coil.

>> No.10639031 [DELETED] 

God yes, it's fucking god awful.

Why also are they so far behind in terms of CG effects and just special effects in general?

As well as that, the clothes look like props made specifically for the movie and things like that, that's probably the main reason I have a problem watching anything live action from japan.

>> No.10639035

We had a thread about CGI a few days ago.

I think they do good physical effects and make good props (this is the country that invented kaiju and tokusatsu, after all), but I agree their CGI is usually shitty.

>> No.10639034

>At least they're emotive
No they are not.

>> No.10639042 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 300x482, PatrickStewart3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese actors are bad in the same way that Shakespearean actors are bad.

Neither are actually bad though, it's just a way of acting. Both tend to exaggerate the emotions of their characters and do very expressive facial expressions. This is useful in stage acting but it doesn't translate very well when used in TV shows or movies, especially when we're so used to actors that intentionally behave as realistically as possible.

We expect the actors to respond in a realistic way to even the most bizarre or supernatural situations, but this is a pretty recent change. This shift is especially apparent in sitcoms, the older I Love Lucy style of sitcom where they're exaggerating their behavior, occasionally looking at the audience, and pausing for laughter would be horribly received today because most people prefer the sitcoms that have no laugh tracks and use a more awkward and deadpan type of humor.

>> No.10639049

What movie is that?

>> No.10639052 [DELETED] 


>Why also are they so far behind in terms of CG effects and just special effects in general?

This doesn't make much sense to me either. Isn't Japan known for their advanced technology? It's strange that their toilets are more high tech than my computer and yet the special effects in their movies look like something from a show in the 80s or 90s.

>> No.10639053

>Japanese actors are bad in the same way that Shakespearean actors are bad.
More like
>Japanese actors are bad in the same way that school's theatre actors are bad

>> No.10639064

>Oriental people also lack empathy and other emotions.
I bet you don’t think this is racist, too.

>> No.10639089
File: 78 KB, 838x983, 1360905913687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know who you sound like.

>> No.10639105

The japanese bird does not look like he is falling asleep. It looks more like it was in the middle of rubbing on the melon for stimulation pleasure

>> No.10639107

It's because they didn't let the Jews bankrolling the American movie industry into the country.
Good foresight on their part, too, now their children aren't being brainwashed by the Jewish media.

>> No.10639111

>Japan known for their advanced technology?
It's a myth.
>Why also are they so far behind in terms of CG effects and just special effects in general?
This does not make movies better nessisarly.
I happen to think it makes most movies worse.
CG killed cinema.

>> No.10639117 [DELETED] 


It's cultural. Chinese and Japanese people in particular are raised in cultures that strongly pressure them to succeed and outspoken behavior is seen as rude. The end result is that living in a culture like that will develop a lot of very stoic people that suppress their emotions.

You could say that westerners are rude and arrogant and that wouldn't be incorrect or racist. We're raised in a culture that encourages charismatic behavior and speaking your mind is valued more than obedience. Most people who are raised in a culture like that will end up being very arrogant and rude.

>> No.10639126

CGI isn't realistic enough to warrant using yet. If you can tell something is fake (99.9% of cases), then you shouldn't use it.

It's fine for removing things or adding small details, but if you have an underwater submarine and it has all these shiny shaders that make it look like it's from a computer game, then you're doing it wrong. Film an actual submarine, make a model made of real submarine, or even just get some stock footage. God damn I fucking hate CGI submarines.

>> No.10639137

The only right answer in the entirety of this thread and the entire board of /jp/ as a whole.

>> No.10639143

It isn’t, though. It’s a (sidetracked) justification for the “Japanese can’t act because they lack emotions” argument.

>> No.10639151

But it is correct.

>> No.10639179 [DELETED] 


> If you can tell something is fake (99.9% of cases), then you shouldn't use it.

Idiot. I haven't seen such a post in a long time that made me think "this guy is underage".

>> No.10639201

I'm 23 leave me alone.

I don't mean in the sense of "that doesn't look like a real <x>", because trolls and fighter spaceships don't exist in real life. I mean it doesn't look real, period. Models and rubber suits exist in the real world so they look real. Shiny aliens do not.

>> No.10639205

All Japanese actors are autistic.

Btw, I think I have Asperger's Syndrome. But there is something that bugs me: I can understand facial expressions, irony and metaphors just fine.

Do I qualify?

>> No.10639211

>I can understand facial expressions, irony and metaphors just fine.

On Wrong Planet there are occasionally "What facial expression is this?" threads and plenty of Aspies get them right.

Though you should consider that Asperger's is a communication disorder. If you think you have Asperger's just because you're shy or a nerd or whatever, it may be better explained by something else.

>> No.10639214 [DELETED] 

Please make your way to the nearest NEET thread and don't come out.

>> No.10639219

AT least their voice acting is god tier

some of their live action is off though but I think it's supposed to be so it's hard to say it's bad acting

>> No.10639225

Aspies can also be oversensitive to gestures, altough it's rarer than the type that doesn't understand them.

>> No.10639227
File: 11 KB, 210x240, frank-welker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western voice acting is good too, you fucking weeaboo.

>> No.10639230

I dont think he said anything about western VA being bad.

I for one think they are fucking horrid when they try to dub anything japanese though.

>> No.10639248

I'm from West Europe and Japanese actors are more or less on the same level as national ones.

Sato Koichi in Kagi no Kakatta Heya is an example of good acting in a dorama.

>> No.10639259

No, no. I have almost every trait. I'm not even shy, there must be something wrong with me.

But as far as I can remember, I've never had problems with those things. In Wrong Planet everyone says that you must have problems with ironies and shit to be an aspie, but it only happens in that forum. Other people told me that it isn't necessary.

I'm also gifted (my CI is 160), mainly in the area of communication. Could that have... canceled those problems?

>> No.10639267

Forgot to sage, sorry about that.

>> No.10639299

You could have deleted your post and sent it again with sage.

>> No.10639307

But most people are running an extension that would not see the deleted post and instead would look as if he posted it twice for no reason. So it needed to be clarified for those that would see that.

>> No.10639344

That forum is full of retarded moralfags.


>> No.10639348

Only if they kept the tab open, and even if that's the case there's nothing wrong with they noticing (I both do and see it often with typos and such).

>> No.10639355

Do we ever find out what the mysterious porn was?

>> No.10639373

It was probably "3D loli". His mother lied.

>> No.10639372


Every dub having the same people from the same stock of voice actors gets old really fast.

>> No.10639376

Parents are dicks, more at 11.

>> No.10639426
File: 35 KB, 175x232, 1337088320551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what he actually believes

Go back to your comic books with expressions taken from cheap porno.

>> No.10639446



>> No.10639457
File: 28 KB, 640x360, GNT Pie Throw Hell Game 9.2.08_sub.avi_snapshot_21.12_[2013.01.10_01.34.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its just the methods they use in dramas. It took me ages to figure out these guys were actually acting in most sketches because they were that good. Yet put them in a drama and it goes to shit.

>> No.10639474

no one claims it's a caricature

artwork is better then rl photos precisely because you can put emphasis as you wish


>> No.10639508

>I was wondering if any one could offer me some advice. I believe my 16 yr old son is developing a paraphilia. I have caught him surfing on the internet for extremely innapropriate sexual material, and on confronting him about it, he completely shut down and would not speak to me for a few days. Is paraphilic curiousity common in teens with Aspergers, and if so, do they "grow out of it" or should I be contacting his paediatrician about it to get specialist help? He has not had any behavioral therapy since he was 12, as his doctor said it wasnt necessary any more.
I know he has had 'normal' sexual curiousity for a few years now, but I'm not sure how long this other interest has been going on for as he is really good at clearing his browsing history. I have tried to discuss the dangers of what he was searching for on a few occasions, but he won't talk with me about it. I should also point out his father is not involved in his life, and there is not a male role figure in his life that I feel comfortable disclosing this problem with.

autism runs in family, apparently

>> No.10639518

American actors are also pretty bad. Almost anything on TV is guaranteed to be overacted, poorly written, and just plain shit. Japan will also have good actors and bad actors. I can at least admire them for not taking themselves too seriously.

It's probably scat or watersports. Maybe bondage. I wouldn't know because I'm sure all pornography shocks mothers to some degree.

>> No.10639541

Their writing is way better than western comics though, those make me cringe like fuck. Shitty puns everywhere, in every bubble, I don't get the humor. The worst offender is the writer for the deadpool comics.

>> No.10639550
File: 16 KB, 559x750, batman_tas_05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how every Western comic book character is the same.

It's that wise-ass, cocky, slightly-meta character you usually associate with Spider-Man or Deadpool, with the odd pop culture reference (this has been getting especially annoying lately..."Reminds me of a video I saw on YouTube!", "I haven't seen anything this weird since <i>Lost</i>!").

Granted there's not a lot of dialogue you can cram into a few speech bubbles, but you seriously could switch around the speech of the characters that aren't diabolical supervillains or millennia-old demigods, and you'd never be able to tell the difference.

>> No.10639565

I don‘t know anything about American comics, but it seems like it’s all superhero stuff so I’m not very interested.
I like certain European comics though.

>> No.10639573

Everything about manga is better than western comics. After something like WWII, you would need an effective means of escape. That's why it's much more imaginative and powerful. It's also much more visually dynamic and better composed.

I tried reading comic books when I was 10 I knew that western comics were bullshit. Once I got a couple used volumes of Barefoot Gen, I never looked back.

>> No.10639581

Are you and everyone else just equating Western to American/UK in this thread?

>> No.10639585

The only Western comics I liked other than newspaper strips were ElfQuest collections. I read them in the local public library when I was in elementary school.

>> No.10639605

My favorites are Morth & Phil and 13, Barnacle Street, I used to read them a lot when I was little. Aside from that, I'm just not attracted to Western comics.

>> No.10639607 [DELETED] 
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If manga is so superior, how come it's still in black and white?

Checkmate, weeaboos.

>> No.10639632 [DELETED] 
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>Porn is one thing but discussing it on the internet where your naive, innocent autistic son is wide open to predation

What is this person thinking? Autistic men would love to be preyed on, there sure as hell isn't anyone else that would want to fuck them.

>> No.10639644

Yes. That's actually my bad, since I know the French do make some pretty good animation and comics, but I was referring to the American comic book industry. I'm honestly amazed that they're still around and still peddling the same shit.

To put it another way, there's something wrong when both artists and fans try to distance themselves from the whole industry by using the term "graphic novel". It reinforces the notion that comics and cartoons are only for children.

>> No.10639668

Europe doesn't produce anything other than socialism. The only European comic I've ever seen is Coyboy Henk.

>> No.10639692

A girl tried to do lewd things to me once but it just made me uncomfortable. She thought I was playing hard to get but I genuinely wanted her to stop rubbing me. So then I screamed and cried until she left the room.

>> No.10639722

I masturbated to chris-chans sex tapes on more than one occasion if that means anything.

>> No.10639723

Was she a little girl?

>> No.10639743

I once acted nice to a middle aged woman who was all used up and I accidentally made eye contact with her when she was too close and her expression changed and she started playing with her hair.

After that she'd always come and talk to me an stand really close it was pretty gross.

>> No.10639766
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, What the hell!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Autism I've seen, the autism.

>> No.10639768
File: 57 KB, 330x300, 1265590881043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but it would be nice if it was and she was doing it unintentionally.

Like rubbing her cute little girl feet on you or something

>> No.10639772

What's the point of this post? At least stop misusing words.

>> No.10639805

Japanese acting and a lot of the ways characters are presented in anime and dramas is directly stemmed from Japanese plays, kabuki, etc.Overacting was a big part of those and this went on to their other media. I read most of the thread, has no one even mentioned this?

Even shit like characters having trademark poses upon entry and those full body into shots in manga are pulled directly from old play philosophy.

>> No.10639826

I like it when they add some Noh elements, like in Ran. Sadly, no one does this anymore.

I think the problem is the Japanese obsession with box thinking. Once an actor has built up a certain image he has to act that way and may heaven protect him if he betrays the expectations. So the cool guy will always act as a cool guy, whether it fits the role or not.

>> No.10639830

The point of the post is to

>> No.10640026

Why do people imagine 6 year olds when someone says "little girl"? 9-10 year olds are little girls too.

>> No.10640094

I dont know where you get that impression but little girls could mean any age 17 and under.

>> No.10640139

>17 and under
No. Go die in a fire.

>> No.10640166

Yes, 17 as well as 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 years olds are considered to be little girl classification.

>> No.10640198

Why would you classify it with a certain age? I'd say a little girl is someone who's not reached puberty yet.

>> No.10640213

That watermelon looks so good.

>> No.10640226
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Their modern culture is based around hand drawn content, so they probably don't practice as much. Most Japanese flicks are based around "cute boys" and it's like they want to show off the boy doing stuff rather than the story.

Hong Kong on the other hand is the opposite and I'm sure there's at least one HK action flick that anyone on jp as at least enjoyed or found interesting.

>> No.10640232

I like Jackie Chan

>> No.10640233

I don't know. I've only watched 1 Liter of Tears and Villain and both seemed pretty top tier to me.

>> No.10640239

Jackie chan movies are alright. Although personally I've seen enough of him and can't take any movies with him in it seriously anymore.

>> No.10640248 [DELETED] 


How is that Japanese man on the left growing such a full beard? Is it fake? I didn't think that Asian people had the genes for growing anything but patchy facial hair.

>> No.10640259

Yeah I seem to have a hard time picturing asian people having full facial hair like that as well.

>> No.10640263

Police Story 1-3, Wheels on Meals, and Drunken Master are the best Jackie Chan movies.

>> No.10640271

Japanese are one of those Asian ethnicities that can grow a full-on beard. In fact, some of them seem to have a permanent 5 o'clock shadow. You're probably thinking of Koreans or Vietnamese. I think it probably has something to do with Mongolian genes.

Drunken Master and Rumble in the Bronx are my favorites. I don't know why almost all of the rest of his movies (particularly the new ones) involve him being a cop or spy.

>> No.10640322

Rumble in the Bronx is too cheesy for me. Whenever Jackie is fighting those gang members, it makes me think I'm watching a Streets of Rage live action movie or something.

I haven't seen any movies he's done since 2001, aside from New Police Story (which was average at best). Is there anything worth checking out, or is all of it junk like I've been lead to believe?

>> No.10640361

>too cheesy for me
But that's his appeal! And it has that grit that his older movies are known for.

>Is there anything worth checking out
Not really. He's only gotten older and he's really lost his touch. It seems all of his movies now are "Jackie Chan is an undercover spy and he needs to keep it a secret from X!"

>> No.10640418

I wish he’d done more films like Shinjuku Incident.

>> No.10640757

I'm saying you're a total Autistic child who acted like a little boy who was being touched inappropriately. Crying and screaming when a girl was being intimate. I'm all for keeping your purity, but what the hell man. Sobbing and screaming until she runs away? That is seriously autistic.

>> No.10642748
File: 19 KB, 500x206, operation condor 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Operation Condor is my favorite Jackie Chan movie. Somehow I feel it's a masterpiece, maybe because of the girls.

>> No.10642803

The question you want to ask is "why are amateur actors so bad at acting?". But that answers itself.

Watch any American TV drama for the same shit. Especially the cop ones.

>> No.10643746

Not really you fucking cunt.

>> No.10643922

You took a long time to respond to him.

>> No.10643930

I'm not that guy, I just wanted to say that to him.

>> No.10643965

>I'm not that guy

Then why did you speak as if you were that guy?

>> No.10643984

I just wanted to say something to him since the original did not seem to respond.

>> No.10644280

>>10639772 wasn't me.

>> No.10646726
File: 31 KB, 640x480, Frustration is rampint..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, really.
Image for you.
Did I?
Crammer mistakes will happen when you stay up to the brink of dawn.

>> No.10646753

>Lily Chou Chou

That's the only movie where I haven't seen typical unnatural behaviour and overly dramatic reactions typical in the actors.

I think although Japanese sometimes appear to be huge idiots in some aspects of culture, I believe they are doing it purposefully in film to create a clear boundary between fact and fiction (movie and reality). They have always favored unrealistic dramatic screenplays since forever; the obsession with true-to-life acting stems from the the west and their hunger to escape their own lives.

Either that or Japan are actually a country of autistic people who cannot emulate human emotion with subtlety.

>> No.10646757

>That's the only movie where I haven't seen typical unnatural behaviour and overly dramatic reactions typical in the actors.
You need to see some more Japanese movies then, buddy.

>> No.10646772

Oh ok. Wanna haave sex?

>> No.10646848

List some then.

>> No.10646914

There happens to be a thread here >>10645383

>> No.10646919

:3 Okay, anon~

Nobody knows
This world of ours
Still Walking
Tokyo Sonata
9 Souls
United Red Army
Shonen - Boy
Shoujyo - An Adolescent

More later maybe.
