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10628875 No.10628875 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite Deus Ex Machina?
You know, the convenient setting that solve everything or make everything possible.

Mine is Eirin, Yagokoro Motherfucking Eirin.
She is the most popular cause of why 2hu grew penis in doujinshi.
She can cook awesome drug for anything.
So far the most convenient character to have in hentai. Salute to you Eirin.
Without you, we wouldn't have 2hu doujin with actual penetration.

>> No.10628908
File: 85 KB, 500x400, 6b433b931c95b28f988f9a30fa2c8bc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forgot Doraemon

>> No.10628911

Why is her NEET mouth open in that shape?

>> No.10629021

Question too difficult.
Anon don't know what is deus ex machina.

>> No.10630339

get out

>> No.10630425

She's not the only reason for penis growth. Yukari messing with the boundaries is a valid reason too.

>> No.10630433

You Yukari fans have to stick your filthy nose in every thread. Why do you try so hard to make it look like Yukari can reach Eirin's level? She just can't. She's nothing but a sad excuse of a master trickster whose number one excuse to save face is saying everything is or went according to her plan. At least she got Eirin to notice her once when her pathetic scheme succeeded in stealing cheap booze from the moon.

>> No.10630447

He asked for deus ex machina. I only mentioned Yukari is just as good an excuse. And what's this talk about Eirin being better? Not only that but Yuyuko and Yukari were pulling the mature young lady look way before eirin showed up.

>> No.10630452

Fuck Eirin. God damn rabbit-torturing bitch just handing out horrible mind break drugs to anyone who asks.

>> No.10630474
File: 397 KB, 800x1086, 1362272457732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just fanon stuff.

Eirin is actually really cuddly anon, why do you think she surrounds herself with super soft things like rabbits?

>> No.10630493
File: 202 KB, 1000x1084, 1354668339690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuyuko and Yukari were pulling the mature young lady look way before eirin showed up.

That doesn't mean they're good at it.

Eirin, on the other hand...

>> No.10630720
File: 208 KB, 500x500, marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you forget mushrooms da ze?

>> No.10630726

Because Marisa is even less worthy of note than Yukari.

>> No.10630745

>That's just fanon stuff.
We're talking about fanon stuff.

Rabbits are servants, and some are playthings or guinea pigs.

>> No.10630759
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I can confirm the validity of this statement. Eirin is beautiful, gentle and cuddly.

>> No.10630766
File: 819 KB, 950x1408, marisa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that while Marisa keeps on being a main character and Yukari having continued presence and Maribel mystery connection, while Eirin is just some forgotten hag

>> No.10630773
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This anon gets it!

>> No.10630786
File: 494 KB, 1000x1412, 1362689315930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa has no personality and she only exists to pander to a westaboo audience. Yukari is canon shit and Maribel is nothing without Renko. It's the fact that Eirin doesn't want to steal the spotlight that makes her that much more appealing. Despite her age and her exploits, she's a humble young lady who enjoys her quiet life making people happy with her medicine.

>> No.10630789

At least from my experience, Yukari's power is treated more as a Deus Ex Machina than Eirin's.

But really, how was the template not mentioned here until now? You can't forget "Moriya Shrine Conspiracy."

>> No.10630802

>Maribel is nothing without Renko
...The fuck? Were we reading the same music CD scripts?

Oh right, you're just talking out of your ass. Carry on.

>> No.10630801
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Well, either that or ZUN just wants to focus on characters that fans and players are more familiar with/more popular/more liked.

The only person that might be able to get into a game is Reisen, and that's quite slim now anyways what with all of he TD And UFO characters.

Unless it's a danmaku duo game, maybe Reisen/Eirin team.

>> No.10630820

>Marisa has no personality and she only exists to pander to a westaboo audience. Yukari is canon shit and Maribel is nothing without Renko.
You actually believe this, don't you?

I almost never see the Moriya's being used as deus ex machina.

>> No.10630844

Are you saying you believe otherwise? Marisa, at the very least, is the shallowest character in the whole series. And that's quite an achievement considering there are characters that don't get a tenth of the spotlight she gets.

>> No.10630856

I do.
No, I'm not going to try to argue with you.

>> No.10630862

Character development is not really all that common in Touhou outside of the backstories in their profiles. And her personality is more detailed than many others.

Unless if you mean something else by "shallow," I'm not really sure.

>> No.10630865

is good that your favorite 2hu is a doctor,
you'll need one when I find you.

>> No.10630915

The backstories aren't really character development because we don't learn so much about the characters and how they've changed over time, but rather what events took place surrounding them.

The games have real character development. Every character undergoes an arc, usually going from "not having tea with Reimu" to "having tea with Reimu". Gripping stuff.

>> No.10630985

I don't know if he said it ironically, but why do you think Marisa is used so much for pairings? Her lack of personality allows the player to self-insert as her. This hasn't gone unnoticed by doujinka, I'm sure.

>> No.10631277
File: 172 KB, 633x385, marisa hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is specifically noted to be a hard working self-made girl who is defined as a kleptomaniac, has a dirty mouth, and is KRAAAAAZY. How is that more relatable and ripe for self-insert compared to lazy girl who is bored all day but magically has extreme holy powers to beat everyone anyways?

>> No.10631365
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Add in Rinnosuke


It's a harem comedy. Solves any kind of yurishit problem. Without him, we wouldn't have entire anthology mangas dedicated to heterosexual touhous.

>> No.10631428

>The backstories aren't really character development because we don't learn so much about the characters and how they've changed over time

fuck you
fuck you
triple fuck you


who the fuck even developed the concept of "character development"? on the internet I've only seen americans do it

>> No.10631445

E. M. Forster did in his book, Aspects of the Novel in 1956. He was from London.


>> No.10631793

>Who is your favorite Deus Ex Machina?

>> No.10631825

I was just about to make that same post.

>> No.10632459

>doujin with actual penetration

OK if it THIS, Eirin is important all of the sudden. Rubbing each other is too softcore, unless Eirin is there to make thing interesting. You can't deny that anon.

>> No.10632463

Human Revolution

>> No.10632522

She's not really crazy, actually she always seems to be pretty calm. Although, she does like blowing things up and stealing things, and gives no shits about any opinions as to whether or not she should. All in all, she strikes me as someone with a lot of confidence in herself, and she explicitly says that she doesn't want her personality to change. Rather, she wants to be a person who doesn't change on either the inside or the outside. It seems to be for this reason that she wants to become immortal, but she has failed at least two attempts at making an elixir in the past. Also, while she does not seem to be affiliated with the humans at all, she still seems more likely to sympathize with them than the youkai, citing the humans' weakness as a reason for them to need protection.

...But yeah, she's totally just an empty character with no personality at all, such that you can insert your own personality however you want. Also yes, that sentence is just dripping with sarcasm.

>> No.10632590


There's nothing wrong with character development inherently, but it's not something that will make or break a series like touhou. To just rule out its existence entirely is stupid, though.

But yeah, with as many characters as touhou has, and the majority of the focus being on a select few of them, I think the series gets by fine as is.

>> No.10633219

Seems like everyone forgot him. /jp/ is strictly for erotic franchises and Doraemon is not one.
