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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10628806 No.10628806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw >>>/lgbt/

>> No.10628814

Please don't use Van for your shitposts.

>> No.10628841

What the fuck is this? I think I'm moving to /ota/. This is too much for me. I don't want to share a site with people who talk about outdoors or frequent /soc/, /lgtb/ and other fucking terrible boards.

The only boards that interest me are /jp/ and /a/, and /a/ is shit and overrun by normals.

>> No.10628843

Then get going, scaredposter. Don't come back, either.

>> No.10628849

/pol/ are already at it. It's gonna be hilarious.

>> No.10628850

Those are pretty much my thoughts.

>> No.10628856

So we can have board for pure faggots but not /l/.

>> No.10628858

so /jp/ spent so much time on the internet they became brainwashed by /pol/?

>> No.10628862

Yes, that's exactly what happened.

>> No.10628859


>> No.10628863
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>> No.10628869

I was already tired of all the normalshit invading this site and moot catering to them, but this is just too much. Social? Outdoors? LGBT? And a couple of hipster boards to appeal more to them (they already have /mu/, /fa/...).

4chan is rejecting its original userbase.

>> No.10628877
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>"It says here you're using my fucking images?"

>> No.10628886
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Get the fuck out JIDF.

>> No.10628887

Nothing wrong with that, anyway. Next you’re going to call train ota ‘normal’ because they go outside, anyway.

>> No.10628888

more boards for kog to use his scripts

>> No.10628891

I don't see anything wrong with the outdoors board
the LGBT one got me a little though

Anyone considered making their own chan? How much programming knowledge would you need? what would you call it?

>> No.10628902

Just use a script (Wakaba, Tinyboard...), you only need basic technical knowledge.

/ota/ should add more boards and become a true alternative to 4chan otaku boards (/bun/ is shit, Tohno is shit, Wakachan/Shanachan is a clusterfuck).

>> No.10628903

You would need practically zero if you use Wakaba.

>> No.10628906

Seriously though, the /lgbt/ board is bad for all the reasons /pol/ is bad.
The rest are fine, though it’s getting a bit weird now with up to 5 video game boards. Then again we have several anime-centered boards from way back.

>> No.10628913

>5 video game boards

Wait. /v/, /vp/, /vg/, /vr/.
Do you mean /games/ for the 5th one or am I forgetting something?

>> No.10628933

I was including /jp/ actually, since the main focus of the board is Touhou and VN, and various other (doujinshi) games are discussed.
But /games/ might count. Then we have four tech-related boards, too!

>> No.10628946

If only enough of /jp/ played the Touhou games or any visual novels ever for that to be true.

>Then we have four tech-related boards, too!

Let's not get too crazy.

>> No.10628947

from what I understand the problem is speed and money not board numbers
plus finding mods/janitors and having a good set of rules seems like it would be a pain

I'll look at those

>> No.10628951

This is meant to be a 2D culture-centred site. At least half the boards should be 2D related.

Why does he keep adding normalfag boards.

>> No.10628955

>Let's not get too crazy.
/g/, /tech/, /prog/ and /comp/.
Maybe count the two /sci/ boards for a total of 6, if you can live with that stretch!

>> No.10628958
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Because moot doesn't care anymore about otaku culture. 4chan is dead.

>> No.10628964
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/q/ is the board for 4chan discussion.

Please take this discussion there!

>> No.10628969
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>that guy with the pink shirt

>> No.10628970

Oh, I thought you were trying to count them among the video game boards for some reason.

>> No.10628974


/q/ is about as useful as a change,org petition.

>> No.10628977
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>> No.10628986

It’s just that I suddenly realised it may have been silly of me to find the new /v/ forks overkill when I considered the prior situation.

>> No.10628989

Moot will never hold a q/a here where he actually answers every question

>> No.10629088

fukin faggots from lgbt ;))) you tell em the truth and homo janitor bans u :(((

>> No.10629104

I just went to /vr/ and that board is shitty as HELL, it's just a bunch of autismal Sonicfags jerking off to THE GOOD OLD DAYS and saying Sony ruined video games and how Sega is the best.

>> No.10629116

There's a cool retro PC game thread up now. A pretty useful "can't remember that fuckin' game" thread was up earlier. People in that thread were super knowledgeable. Might be a fun board.

>> No.10629126

If >>>/out/ accepts urban exploring, that might be cool.
It’s basically modern ruins. Sounds pretty outdoors still.
The more I think about it, I can easily accept all of these boards except for /lgbt/ which should just be pruned along with /pol/ and /soc/.
Maybe /3/ and /dg/ should have been merged though.

>> No.10629130

lol that's p funny dude

>> No.10629138

>If >>>/out/ accepts urban exploring, that might be cool.
Yes! They do! There was a nice thread with 300+ posts earlier. But given the nature of the board, it's probably full of outgoing and sporty types. You know. I'd love to go urban exploring with a /jp/sie...

>> No.10629140

oh CRAP i menat to quot >>10629104

>> No.10629141

I wasn't telling a joke. Please don't laugh at me. That's very rude and I'm sure you wouldn't be able sleep at night knowing you made a /jp/er cry.

>> No.10629142

Won't the sports people go to /asp/?
Hiking and camping and whatnot can be solitary activities.

>> No.10629143

What the FUCK? Holy shit, you just totally outed yourself as a newfag. Lurk the fuck more, kid.

>> No.10629147

/lgbt/ needs to be axed not because I hate gays but because it's just /pol/ 2.0 with gay people and hate on people lower than them every 2 posts.

>> No.10629148

I'm just keeping up with the times. I miss being a /jp/edo too.

(/jp/sy is fuckin' gay)

>> No.10629157

I have been here a long time (3 years) I'm not an oldfag but I have never gotten called out for using /jp/er before.

>> No.10629159

It's /jp/sie, not /jp/sy. Your memory is fading, old man. Why not just spend your final days elsewhere? It's clear that you've fallen out of this board's elite culture.

>> No.10629165


Please don't bully.

>> No.10629167

What the HELL is the point of /lgbt/ anyway? Why the HELL do gay people need a whole board to discuss their shit? Won't most of the threads just be them crying discrimination or talking about how much they love cocks? Couldn't they have done that on /b/ or /pol/?

>> No.10629168

Your probably right. I'm so used to seeing the plural form I wasn't sure what the proper singular form was. Still gay though.

Is this the semantics thread?

>> No.10629170
File: 64 KB, 390x310, know-your may mays (grinningman).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have been here a long time (3 years)
my sides have developed cancer and their cells are dividing uncontrollably!

>> No.10629181

/jp/ is only 5 years old...

>> No.10629190

Look mate if you weren't here for the split you ain't shit.

>> No.10629201

That's why I said I'm not an oldfag just someone who has been here a while.

>> No.10629205

Sorry, but my mom said I'm not allowed to talk to retarded British homothugs.

>> No.10629206

you sound like a fag, whose the last person you talked to outside of your home?

>> No.10629207

I was just kidding, buddy, we're good.

>> No.10629214

I talked with my mom in the backyard yesterday.

>> No.10629217

i'm sorry, I thought you were unworthy of using such vulgar language. I'll try to be more observant next time.

>> No.10629223

okay how would /jp/ feel about a chan with 2 image boards (meta and some general board that's for discussion of stuff) and a text board that's kinda like /lounge/ or /vip/ just for taking it easy? at least to start

>> No.10629227

Do NOT impersonate me. I talk to a LOT of people all the time, not just my mom.

>> No.10629235

>whose the last person you talked to

>> No.10629239

Holy crap, it's ws. It's a blue board.

I didn't think moot had the nuts to try to start a board about fetishes and then try to keep it worksafe. Good to see he's finally grown a pair.

>> No.10629242
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Moot made /pol/ to contain stormtards.

Then he makes /lgbt/ to contain tumblr activists

When is he gonna bring back /l/ to contain lolicons? ;_; maybe if we overspam /c/ with enough borderline NWS content we'll get Moot to think about it, if he can make a board called "handsome men" he can make one named "precocious girls"

Ota can't into lewd.

>> No.10629246


>> No.10629250

If moot axed /l/ way back when before he was a total normalfag, I doubt he'd reopen it now.

>> No.10629275

Because /l/ was retard-bait, as was allowing "jailbait" on /b/ for so damn long that vocal people were going to INSIST that it stay. Both groups of tards contribute nothing but image dumps of their favored content, which can be hosted elsewhere anyway, and they always always wind up crossing the line at some point. Make them feel comfortable? Have them stick around? Then enjoy countless illegal posts to the point where you wind up developing a standard procedure for your mods to deal with 'em.

/l/ can stay gone as far as I'm concerned, it attracts too many retards, and too much uninformed negative attention to my cartoon fairies porn.
