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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10625007 No.10625007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey amigos, how y'all doing?

>> No.10625014

I loved this cartoon as a kid, then I grew up and watched a lot of better 80s/90s cartoons and holy shit did they rip a lot of stuff off

>> No.10625019

Which better cartoons?

>> No.10625026

Cowboy Bebop ripped off Outlaw Star.

- Posted from a reverse time universe.

>> No.10625025


>> No.10625028

I ain't no space cowboy.

>> No.10625033


>> No.10625040


Gungrave was shit. Watch some real anime, like Tenchi Muyo.

>> No.10625047
File: 84 KB, 600x442, dirty-pair-TV-1-screenshot08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop were just Dirty Pair but with men to appeal to the gay audience.

>> No.10625061

Ripped off, or blatantly reference?

Either way, it was made for an American audience who wouldn't be familar with its influences.

>> No.10625065

what's the most /jp/ related episode? I say Speak Like a Child

>> No.10625067

I jerked off to the slutty cowgirl with the open top and no bra like crazy.

>> No.10625073

I loved this cartoon as a kid, then I realized I hated anime that fucks around for most its episodes and then tries to throw in a plot near the end.

Besides those and Trigun, are there any other good Space Westerns?

>> No.10625074

It's funny because because most gay men idolize women, not men.

>> No.10625079

The one where Faye went to the city of men and no one wanted to fuck her except that guy with the tits.

>> No.10625081


Babylon 5.

>> No.10625083

Speaking of this, I asked a gay lady which Dirty Pair she'd take to dinner on the Twitter:


>> No.10625085
File: 70 KB, 375x576, Moonzerotwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon Zero Two.

>> No.10625090

¡Bien, gracias! Un poco depre porque mañana es lunes, pero dentro de nada es Semana Santa y será genial.

>> No.10625129

Fuera, indio.

>> No.10625149

¿Perdona? Soy cien por cien blanco y español, mis antepasados conquistaron el mundo. Back off if you don't want to get hurt, nerd.

>> No.10625172

Get out of here.
And take your horrible video game with you.

>> No.10625197

>I loved this cartoon as a kid

Way to make me feel ancient, asshole.

>> No.10625208

At least you'll be dead soon.

>> No.10625211

recommend 80/90 anime pls

>> No.10625212

I was born in 1989. I'm probably one of the older people on /jp/.

>> No.10625218

I'd say most regulars are in their early or mid twenties, and there are many who are older (!bar, Cudder...).

>> No.10625223

You should get over believing this.

>> No.10625229


>> No.10625231

I've said regulars, not /v/ kids who come here to shitpost on spring break. Most people here are at least college students.

>> No.10625238

95 here
And I thought I was old...

>> No.10625243

You just made me realize people born in 1995 are 18 now... what the fuck.

>> No.10625245

People that admit to having jobs, a facebook account, more education than a GED, being under 20, or being female are not allowed on /jp/, because they're invariably shitposters of the worst kind..

>> No.10625256

NEETs are the true shitposters.

>> No.10625258

>having jobs
>more education than a GED
>being female
Well, that's your opinion. Most people here are in work or education and you don't see them blog about it. NEETs, on the other hand...

I bet there are also plenty of females that aren't attention whores and don't mention they're girls.

>> No.10625260
File: 32 KB, 370x377, 1360357871574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[green]People on /jp/ younger than me.[/green]

>> No.10625266

The sad thing is you're probably telling the truth.

>> No.10625267

This. Jesus. I don't even mind NEET blogging, but it's backfired. People seriously think NEETs are the majority and that everyone who isn't a NEET needs to leave. No, we're just normal posters like everyone else. If anything I'd imagine working instead of shitposting 16 hours a day makes you less bitter and a better poster.

Look at the occasionally EET/corporate NEET/school/whatever threads we have. They're usually popular because there are actually a lot of people here who are ordinary human beings. NEET is not a status symbol, neither is being unusual.

>> No.10625273

Normal human beings don't enjoy /jp/ content. Just admit that you're attempting to be hip because nerdy stuff is the in fad.

>> No.10625274

Why wouldn't he be? That makes him 17/18.

There were 17/18 year olds on 2003 4chan.
There were 17/18 year olds on 2004 4chan.
There were 17/18 year olds on 2005 4chan.
Why is it so surprising that there are now 17/18 year olds on 2013 4chan?
Like it or not, old people leave and new people discover the site. This isn't Something Awful where your regdate is super important. How you act is what matters.

>> No.10625278

You are old. Internet belongs to post-2000 kids now. Go get a job, grandpa.

>> No.10625284


More true than you know.


I've never quite understood the 'garbage in, garbage out' nature of /a/ and /jp/. This site has been around for a while now, and any 20-something that began on /a/ in 2004 would of course be well into their mid 30s today.

Don't tell me people get lives and become all normal and shit.

>> No.10625279

I get my hip nerd fix elsewhere. A local nightclub does a nerd night once a month. Basically it's chiptunes and anime songs and people dressing up as Minecraft characters. It's good fun if you're not a jaded shut-in who hates humanity.

>> No.10625294

So you think everyone who is in education or has a job is a normal human being? You couldn't be more wrong.

I've known several NEETs and all of them were complete normals. I know someone who has a job that is completely fucked up. Anecdotal evidence, but I don't think what you say is the norm.

I fucking hate those places, those events and people who attend them.

>> No.10625289

Did you really have to get so defensive?
I understand that youngsters these days try so hard to be individual and edgy, but consider this as a reason why your kind are despised so, sonny

>> No.10625296

>any 20-something that began on /a/ in 2004 would of course be well into their mid 30s today.

The site was more teen-friendly back then. moot is only 25. Mr VacBob is 23 or something. Shii is a little older, maybe 27 or 28.

But yes, most people do leave and also we get new people who start older. It's possible that people in their 30s discovered 4chan yesterday, good for them.

>> No.10625300

I'm 21.

Now it's your turn to be a hypocrite and pretend I'm not an adult.

>> No.10625309

>I fucking hate those places, those events and people who attend them.

They sound more annoying than they are. Once you're there it's pretty enjoyable. Unfortunately most of the people I end up meeting are students who only really care about staying in touch with other students.

>> No.10625310


Is this why the site is becoming safer, more restricted, more observed and "under control"? If it's something like the core userbase aging out, that would be depressing.

>> No.10625313

Take it easy, dude.

>> No.10625317

Maybe. Also public awareness.

moot doesn't seem too bothered if teens post here (and neither should you, as long as they don't act like idiots). He was a teen himself when he started the site, after all.

He actually removed global rule 2 a few months ago, but people complained so he put it back.

>> No.10625321

Everyone gets so tetchy when age comes up.

>> No.10625329


I wish there were some way to reverse it. I was given a janitor-tempblock on a board just now that I can't understand. Things like this keep happening.

>> No.10625338

usa sucks
zog country
shit people
shitiest culture
0 brain
everyoen fat
no mothers fuked in history except native amerikans died of diseas
shit country hated

>> No.10625347

Moot's time has passed. It's time for a revolution.

>> No.10625352
File: 265 KB, 536x609, 1353096833657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ hates rude younglings who call their music dadrock etc.

>> No.10625350


It's a shame they leave, but I hope most have valid reasons rather than just falling out of whatever hobby kept them here, which always seems like BS to me. If someone completely drops something that used to interest them, they probably weren't that interested to begin with.

Speaking of older people discovering the site, I imagine it happens pretty frequently on boards like /g/. I'm always impressed by how many 30+ folks are lurking around there.
A shame it doesn't happen more often on /jp/... Hell /a/ has a few posters in their 50s.

Guess /jp/ is just 'special'

>> No.10625363

>becoming safer, more restricted, more observed and "under control"?
What? This site is more racist and stupid than ever. There are more normalfags too, but other than blue boards, what's "restricted" except the ability to shitpost?

>> No.10625372

anybody else hate moot? If I saw him in the street I would break his face

>> No.10625373

>This site is more racist and stupid than ever.


>> No.10625386

It is. Hell it's causing moot to have a nervous breakdown because everyone is talking about jews and JIDF and shit all time on every board.

>> No.10625413
File: 52 KB, 800x785, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's too old.

We need a loli admin.

>> No.10625416

People just move on, dude. Most newsgroups aren't filled with the same people they were years ago, unless they're crazy people who write about aliens and stuff.

>> No.10625421

I like how he removed /new/ for political/appearance/legal reasons, then all of a sudden he reinstates it as the "Politically Incorrect" board and those idiots are too stupid to realize it's a honeypot.

>> No.10625430

There's nothing wrong with racism.
