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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10613724 No.10613724 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/.
I'm majoring in japanese language, and for my thesis I need to translate a 10-15 pages long untranslated Japanese short story. Do you gentlemen know where I could find some list of japanese short story writers? Or something along these lines.
I'm already looking into Jun Tsuji, Yumiko Kurahashi and Yumeno Kyuusaku, but I'd like to hear if you had any more suggestions.
Thank you!

>> No.10613754


>> No.10613762

go fuck yourself.

last japanese major i met couldn't even introduce herself properly.

you picked a shit degree and most of the people on this board know it better and they're fucking bludgers.

kill yourself

>> No.10613763

I think you should try to translate some hentai doujins. There are lots of untranslated ones.
I'd award you a PhD and give a blowjob if you do so

>> No.10613766 [DELETED] 
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>I'm majoring in japanese language
>white people

>> No.10613774

Last japanese major you met was a dumb fuck then. Stop trying to assume shit about me. I picked the degree I liked the most and stuck with it for three years.
I'm not here to compete with anyone, if you know japanese better than me then good for you, I ain't even mad.

>> No.10613779

What do you do in a Japanese major?

I have always considered taking a course in it.

>> No.10613784

you don't even know the shit i put up with

>> No.10613789

are you an interviewer for japanese-related jobs?

>> No.10613793

Don't even get me started. Half of the people who study with me are spineless weeaboos who're only studying it because of muh mangoes and super giant robots.

In my course we study the language, the history, the arts, the philosophy, the literature, the religion and some basics of classical japanese. I'm not sure it would be the same in every university though.

>> No.10613795

Yukio Mishima and Osamu Dazai is two good old writers, Kenzaburo Oe got a few short storys, but they tend to be on the longer side.

>> No.10613797

> studying it because of muh mangoes and super giant robots
I am studying it because of muh mangoes and super giant robots, and i am proud of it.

>> No.10613804

I forgot to specify but the short story I'm looking for has to never have been translated in any foreign language. So maybe some less known author would be nice. Thank you for the suggestion though, I loved Mishima's Confessions of a Mask!

>> No.10613810

At least I hope you don't show up in class wearing cat ears.

>> No.10613807

>spineless weeaboos who're only studying it because of muh mangoes and super giant robots.
Everyone here is like this.

>> No.10613808


OP, you are a faggot, >>10613762 is right because even though you claim >>10613774
and this >>10613793 but then you are COMING TO 4CHAN FOR HELP WITH YOUR COLLEGE WORK!

How fucking retarded are you? College is meant to prepare you for your real job. When you get to your real job are you going to come and post on 4chan and tell them to help you with that too then?

Get retk'd faggot.

>> No.10613815

This is obviously not the only way I'm researching on short story writers, Anon. I'm doing my own shit, which is why I've said I'm already considering three authors.
I just came here to hear your opinion. Don't be so angry, Anon.

>> No.10613825

I don't think the all the winners of the Noma Literary Prize have been translated into english, but I don't know who of them that's written short novels and not been translated, but it might be a start to find something.

>> No.10613827

Thanks. I doubt any university in my country has a course like that though.

>> No.10613833
File: 4 KB, 240x160, 1334450470847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Retarded people make me angry, so pls don't be retarded anymore.

You are still coming to 4chan for advice, which doesn't bode well for your real work ethics since it implies you have no real friends to ask which means you are a social retard which means you won't be able to handle real world work.

>> No.10613837

Thanks! I'll certainly look into that! It looks like a great place to start looking into writers less known here in the western part of the world.

Where are you from, anon?

>> No.10613843

>you have no real friends to ask which means you are a social retard which means you won't be able to handle real world work.
at least he's fitting in right now

>> No.10613848

I do have friends, everyone of which is currently working on their own thesis. Only a handful of them is particularly knownledgeable about these kind of things, and I've already asked them.
As I already stated, this is not the only research I'm doing. If this offends you personally, please feel free to sage or leave the thread as much as you'd like.

>> No.10613850

>leave the thread as much as you'd like.

Yeah, that made no sense, but you get my point.

>> No.10613855

instead of replying to obvious trolls, go fucking google it or some shit

>> No.10613856

Ireland. I already have an engineering degree and worked in ericsson for 3 years before having enough money to start NEETing it up.

>> No.10613860

>If this offends you personally, please feel free to sage
It appears that you are new around here. I suggest lurking at least three years before posting again.

>> No.10613868

>that face when nobody knows what lurking is

>> No.10613879

What do you plan on working as after you're done?

>> No.10613990

I'd like to translate books.

>> No.10613993

That's your thesis, really? I could easily do that in a couple days and I didn't need to go to college for that.

>> No.10614000

That's nice op and I'm happy for you.

So whats your backup plan?

>> No.10614002

Good luck with a usless degree.

>> No.10614016

Why would you major in a language? You could've just study the language on your free time for like 5 years+ instead for the same effect and getting a good job in the process.

>> No.10614036


Hey he loves what hes doing enough to get a degree in so let him be.

>> No.10614070

He mentioned three years, so it's probably one of those countries who have a three-year degree that no one cares about and a subsequent two-year master's degree, hence the ridiculously low thesis requirements since it's basically assumed you'll advance your academic career afterwards if you want to make anything out of it.
The thesis at the end of the two years specialization is the regular 200-300 pages study kind of deal.

>> No.10614081

The library.
At least at mine it has a massive Japanese section.

>> No.10614099


btw, thats a bit too harsh though

>> No.10614120

How's that harsh? It's what /jp/ is interested in, if one asks here, he should be expecting this exact answer.

>> No.10614121

Yes, that's precisely the case. After the thesis I'm gonna continue studying for another two years, that time with a proper thing at the end.

>> No.10614134

How proficient are you in the language as of now? You could translate the prologue of Muramasa or something.

>> No.10614152

I'm currently translating a book as a hobby, and I can read mangas without the use of a dictionary. Books are still a bit hard, but with a dictionary and due time I can manage. I'm thinking of trying for the Nouryoku Shiken N2 next year.

>> No.10614152,1 [INTERNAL] 

>majoring in Japanese
>studied it for 3 years
>books are hard to read

>> No.10615725

translate a kawaii manga ^_____^

>> No.10619583

>stuck with it for three years
>three years
>I'm thinking of trying for the Nouryoku Shiken N2 next year.

you're joking right
