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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10606004 No.10606004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10606010

/r/ the one with facts about negro crime.

>> No.10606008

What is the male normalfag carrying?

>> No.10606015

Looks like a football.

>> No.10606012
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, 1362297441146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mind blown. Laughed hard.

>> No.10606013

Looks like a rugby ball.

>> No.10606017


>> No.10606025


>leaving the house


>> No.10606020


>> No.10606021
File: 90 KB, 405x412, 1339749717812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10606024

my first thought was that it's his dick but I guess a football makes more sense for the context.

>> No.10606028

Do I believe the american or the euro?

>> No.10606030

My touhou folder actually is called '2hu'

>> No.10606034

Us truhikkis, amirite

>> No.10606035

Mine's called Touhou Assorted, since I have seperate folders within that folder for individual characters.

>> No.10606038

I went to the shop today and the two shop women were talking at each other and I didn't know what to do so I just stood there for like thirty seconds and it was really awkward.

>> No.10606040

Why are all shut-ins portrayed as ugly? I'm pretty attractive and it's statistically likely that at least half of you are, too.

>> No.10606041

Who gives a shit

>> No.10606044

Even if we had the same distribution of attractiveness as normalfags (which I doubt, I'm sure a lot of people here ended up weird because of their appearance), we don't take care of ourselves. Who the fuck bothers showering or shaving when you sit inside all day?

>> No.10606049

>Who the fuck bothers showering or shaving when you sit inside all day?

I do, and I know I'm not the only one.

>> No.10606046

Hey bozo, maybe you shouldn't just intrude on other people having fun.

>> No.10606047

pic proof?

>> No.10606048

But he's walking around outside.

>> No.10606057


>we don't take care of ourselves.

Maybe you don't, and that's fine, but I shower and shave my neckbeard regularly. I like feeling clean.

>> No.10606051

We don't know that.

>> No.10606052

Not doing those things makes you itchy and uncomfortable. Terrible for taking it easy.

>> No.10606054 [SPOILER] 
File: 381 KB, 960x1280, 5.7sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10606056

>and it's statistically likely that at least half of you are, too.
so more than half of the population is attractive?

>> No.10606066


This is not me. Please stop this rampant impersonation or I will call the police.

>> No.10606060

would suck

>> No.10606062

That's the way society views shut-ins. Clearly, every single shut-in or person who plays video games must be fat and ugly.

I like showering and shaving. Maybe it's just me, but I feel disgusting after not showering or shaving away my facial hair. It gets all oily, and just generally feels nasty.

>> No.10606064

You could be a cute girl.

>> No.10606067

Showering and shaving are normalfag related habits

I only shave because if I don't my face itches all the time and I start breaking out in pimples.

>> No.10606068


>> No.10606070

Looks like a samefag

>> No.10606071 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 604x453, 5.7firebird2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been there done that

>> No.10606076




Looks like someone can't read timestamps.

>> No.10606078

You guys obviously haven't been shut-ins for long. You eventually get over that feeling.

>> No.10606079

It's entirely possible to post within the same minute. The wait time is only 45 seconds.

>> No.10606081

I took my first shower in 6 days last night just because I was too lazy and had no reason to those 6 days, I still shave too. I have to, my body hair grows so fast and I hate it all. I sometimes just stop caring since I have no one to impress before getting back into the flow of doing it every sunday-wednesday night like usual. If I feel really shitty on a Saturday morning sometimes I'll take for the hell of it too.

>> No.10606082

What was he doing outside?

>> No.10606084


>> No.10606083

The wait time is 30 seconds.
The sage wait time is 60 seconds.

>> No.10606087
File: 139 KB, 561x370, themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNIX timestamps are the number of seconds since 1970-01-01.

Those posts were 12 seconds apart.

>> No.10606090

Seven years now. Small time, I know.

>> No.10606091

I get over the itchy and oily feeling from not washing, but I can't stand having a moustache. Hairs get in my mouth.

>> No.10606093

I have shut-in experience for 6 years. At first I let myself go, but now I try to keep presentable, because I don't want to annoy people with my ugly appearance.

Sadly I have to leave my apartment to go shopping. Otherwise I would probably go full outcast mode too.

>> No.10606097

>I don't want to annoy people with my ugly appearance.

This is me too.

I like having long hair because I enjoy playing with it and I get to feel like the little girl, but if I go outside people look at me and they think, "Look at that boy who looks like a girl! He's so ugly!"

I want to blend in. Please don't look at me, people. I'm nothing. Pretend I'm invisible.

>> No.10606095

you aren't a truNEET until you go at least a month without bathing

>> No.10606113

>I have to leave my apartment to go shopping.
and you're a NEET because you dont work on the weekends

>> No.10606120

Somebody has to do the shopping.

>> No.10606126

That's what I want most of the time when I'm out anywhere. Just pretend I don't exist at all. I hate when people look at me.

>> No.10606129

I don't know where you live, but if I was out with one of my friends and I saw some awkward weeaboo loser walking around, I'd make fun of him.

>> No.10606133

I know people like you. Prissy little normals.
I like how quickly you get quiet when I purposely go and stand 2 feet behind you in line. Usually stops the snickering pretty quick.

>> No.10606135

Not everyone is as socially anxious as you. If someone came and stood right next to me, I'd confront him. I wouldn't just stand there and take it and wish I was at home playing Touhou.

>> No.10606138

Way to be wrong, I've been a shut in for about 10 years, I take good care of my self. I'm pale as a ghost, but I work out, so I'm thin and fit, I also shower every day, and shave once a week.

Maybe you're just the person giving us shut-ins all a bad name.

>> No.10606145

>Maybe you're just the person giving us shut-ins all a bad name.

How would that even happen?

>> No.10606146


>I'd make fun of him.


>> No.10606154

>If someone came and stood right next to me, I'd confront him.
how dare someone stand next to you in line!
if someone did that to me, i'd punch his lights out

>> No.10606165

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.10606162

>If someone came and stood right next to me, I'd confront him

>N-Not everyone is as socially anxious as you

>> No.10606169

I used to shower everyday. Then I started showering every other day, and then every two to three days, and then every three to four days, and so on.

>> No.10606170

How ISN'T this otaku culture?

>> No.10606176


I like to pretend my favorite female character is taking a shower with me but it's really awkward even in my head

>> No.10606179

It's fun to make other people feel bad in modern society. For starters, it boosts your own ego and self-confidence. And on another note, it makes you feel good knowing that some nerd probably cried himself to sleep because of you.

>> No.10606181
File: 164 KB, 600x839, 1363052334049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually shower every morning, but it depends on the state of my hair dryer. At the moment it's broken and I cannot be fucked to towel dry my hair.

>> No.10606182

That isn't just modern society
Ever heard of stoning?

Weak normals always feel more powerful when they can gang up and harm someone innocent or alone. Chimps do the same thing a lot. Strange how people hardly ever attack if they're by themselves though.

>> No.10606184


>It's fun to make other people feel bad

Not really. Get a hobby.

>it boosts your own ego and self-confidence.


>some nerd probably cried himself to sleep because of you.


You're boring.

>> No.10606188


I understand you're trying to pull off some pseudo-edgy 'troll' thing, but if someone made fun of me in public (not that this has ever happened) it would not bother me. Why would I care about their opinion?

Ridicule never comes from a logical place anyway.

>> No.10606194


But that is ugly. Might not be "fat", but you are still ugly as fuck.

>> No.10606207
File: 158 KB, 391x401, 1362649650743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10606203

looks better than you nerd

>> No.10606211


How do you know?

BTW, I'm a little girl

>> No.10606215

>Ridicule never comes from a logical place anyway.
It usually comes from a logical place and for a good reason when you stop hanging out with irrelevant retards.

>> No.10606213

Who are you people? I seriously thought I was on another board until I saw the URL.

>> No.10606218

crossboarder scum

>> No.10606219

I shave my crotch area. If I go for 5+ days without bathing, my inside thighs/crotch area becomes sticky and smelly, and eventually feels like industrial strength lubricant. I can't go for weeks without bathing any more. It causes rashes.

>> No.10606227


>but if someone made fun of me in public (not that this has ever happened) it would not bother me

I'm the same way, I don't give a fuck. If you are truly anti-social, truHikki, truNEEt, you don't give a fuck what other people think of you and are happy with the way you are.

And I have been made fun of in public, but it never bothered me or emotionally scarred me or anything like that.

>> No.10606229

can't you see i'ts a plastic vagina??

>> No.10606233
File: 95 KB, 1598x708, ugo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't understand either, I'm 1,85 meters and 95 kg of pure, hairy muscle and autism, my back is so wide that I could carry 2 men on it.

It sucks when you want to be a little girl but you're suited for bearmode, not gonna try with HRT because I'm too manly, literally, and would look like this or worse.
