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File: 438 KB, 1024x576, reo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10603509 No.10603509 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10587510
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10603519

I was just about to do it.

>> No.10603522

I don't like this picture. Can you make a new one?

>> No.10603524

I was too, I had a screenshot ready since the beginning of last thread.

>> No.10603532

Great start guys.

>> No.10603528

maybe you can use it next time.

>> No.10603530


You guys don't usually get mad at me when I make it. Sorry

>> No.10603540

I just started CHU→NING LOVER
It's pretty cute

>> No.10603533

Just finished Luna's route in TsuriOtsu.
To be honest I didn't like it much.
The protag was way too faggy and subservient. I'm not interested in fashion design either.
Luna is awesome and all but the protag is too much of a fag for me to enjoy it.
I guess the game isn't for me. Too bad since I really enjoyed the prologue.

I think I'll play Ursule route, hopefully the protag isn't subservient in that route.
I have no interest in playing the other two routes since those heroines didn't appeal to me.

>> No.10603536
File: 71 KB, 800x600, shikkoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Shikkoku no Sharnoth, what can I expect?

>> No.10603545

Isn't it kind of weird to complain about a trap protagonist being a fag?

>> No.10603546

What is the game in the OP? Google tells me nothing.

>> No.10603559


>> No.10603563

I feel like some chuuni fun, what is the best game with a dose of chuuni? Keep in mind I have never played one.

>> No.10603570

Dies Irae

>> No.10603575

>The protag was way too faggy and subservient.
>too faggy

Are you John Peters? Anyway, it's like he lusted after the cock and he was assertive when he needed to be. I thought he was fine.

>> No.10603577

Dies Irae. The pinnacle of chuuni.

>> No.10603584
File: 858 KB, 2272x1704, DSCN0073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The protag was way too faggy and subservient
Well thats like the whole point of the game
And be warned Luna and Ursule's are the best routes by far, if you leave the other two you may be dissapointed

>> No.10603598

Whoops wrong picture
I was going to ask you guys to share your collection

>> No.10603599

A trap being a fag? Oh no!

>> No.10603603

>The protag was way too faggy and subservient.
>Too bad since I really enjoyed the prologue.

I don't understand you, the protag was the most subservient in the prologue considering he was pretty much giving up on life and just following people's orders. And you enjoyed that even though you say you don't like the protag being subservient?

>> No.10603609

I don't buy eroge games and when I do I only do it digitally because shipping is too expensive.

>> No.10603634

Translate it weeaboos.

>> No.10603642
File: 58 KB, 1089x797, collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10603652
File: 1.21 MB, 2592x1944, shitty collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only own physical copies of these, but I also bought himawari and aqua after on dlsite. It's kind of hard to buy much when I don't have a job.

>> No.10603653

You spelled baldr force wrong.

>> No.10603659

I started playing it but I've put it off to play another PSP game since my memory card is only 2GB and I hate switching ISOs. I only just started Moe's route so I can't really comment on the route quality. I mean it seems fine so far, there was a pretty cute shopping trip.
I find it funny that I like the additional girls more than any in the original beside Nokia. First I just picked it up for the Hai route but Meru and Moe ended up being really cute. It's weird, I don't usually like the "don't treat me like a kid!" thing Moe has going on and Meru pretty much has no special traits beside being a voice actress but I really like them. I'm going to save my favorite for last and play Moe -> Meru -> Hai. I have no interest in Yura because I don't like reverse traps.

>> No.10603664

Out of curiosity, about how much is it to ship a VN to America? Say I had it shipped through Tenso.

>> No.10603683

But this is overdoing it. He literally start to think he's a girl. He couldn't even get an erection.
I've played other trap eroge before and they don't go that far, this is literally just a yurige except they gave one of the chars a dick.

But seriously, all the characters (Luna, Ursule and Nanai are the best) are fine, except for the protagonist.

I don't like it when he literally turned into a maid in mind and body. He turned into a mere maid with total devotion to his master. That's what pissed me off.

>> No.10603686

Tenso charges by weight, you can look at their tables. I don't buy VNs but 4 CDs was 1500 + 490.

>> No.10603699

Unfortunately the game isnt for you then.
>He turned into a mere maid with total devotion to his master
Because that was a big part of why the game was good (popular)

But I think you may like Ursule route because there its more Yuusei than Asahi

>> No.10603753

If only he was actually turned into a girl that would be my fetish.

>> No.10603762
File: 31 KB, 345x182, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a corrupt save?

I can't read moon unfortunately.

>> No.10603774

It's saying there was an error while loading save data.

You were loading a save from chapter 7, weren't you?

>> No.10603776


I had to reload a save from the rooftop where you encounter Shogun.

>> No.10603781

Thought so. The english patch makes it so that chapter 7 saves are unloadable for some reason, so you'll have to play through all of it in a single session.

>> No.10603795

Oh, I didn't know a well renowned game was chuuni. Read the description, seems like it is what I am looking for.

>> No.10603847

Which other characters in well known VN did the VA of Maou in G-senjou play?

>> No.10603862

I asked this in an older thread, but got no answer, so I'll ask it again:

Is there any game where the MC isn't a passive, dense faggot? I want to self insert. I want to be a sickcunt who takes advantage of the fact that a whole bunch of girls are into me. There has to be nukige with MCs like this, right? A tag on EGS or something would really be helpful.

At least in my games I want to be a sickcunt ...

>> No.10603879

Not many it seems:

>> No.10603903

That's not the only name he uses.


>> No.10603917

Hm, it feels like I heard this voice before.

Oh, Lawrence in S&W. Yep, that’s it. Thanks.

>> No.10603918
File: 535 KB, 814x633, chaoshead1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Chaos;Head for the first time. I like this girl already.

>> No.10603946

I made an investment and bought an adapter that houses two MicroSD cards, I bought 2 16GBs and never had to worry about storage on my PSP again. This was like $20 in total in Amazon.

>> No.10603955
File: 1.85 MB, 713x1180, garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly interested in selling some of this shit since I can't read most of it.

>> No.10604000

>an adapter that houses two MicroSD cards
I actually didn't know they even made those. Honestly it's more me being lazy and not just ordering a bigger one off Amazon rather than a price problem. As it is now I can barely squeeze two ISOs at a time on it (if I'm lucky) and it's really annoying considering how many PSP games I read/play a month. All the ISOs on my computer add up to about 90GB so I don't think I'd be able to fit them all in anyway, but even space for three 1+GB ISOs would be nice. Maybe I'll at least buy a 32GB sometime.

>> No.10604007

I take it you saw >>10595666?

>> No.10604010

Why did you buy those in the first place if you can't Japanese?

>> No.10604014

I wasn't in the previous thread, but I did see that part in the game if that is what you are asking.

>> No.10604023
File: 717 KB, 2560x1920, 100_1090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get them before they go out-of-print, and I also love package design.

>> No.10604024

Ah sorry. I just kind of assumed you were in the same economical pinch as I am.

Which is why it saddens me to see the collections here, too. I need a job.

>> No.10604040

>Which is why it saddens me to see the collections here, too.
Yeah, sometimes I really want to stop being a dirty pirate and actually buy things. Well, I doubt I could be the type that buys before playing (do people really do that?), but for some VNs I've finished I almost want to buy them as a sort of "thanks" to the developers, even though they'd probably stay in their box and never get replayed. The problem is, I'm not necessarily poor, but I am quite stingy. And when I consider buying one, I start thinking "man, think of all the stuff I could buy with that money". I know it's terrible especially considering I don't really have a hobby one would normally spend money on beside VNs, but I can't help it.
It's not very far-fetched to picture myself buying drama CDs, artbooks, manga, etc. though, mainly because a lot of things I want aren't scanned/uploaded. And they would of course be much cheaper than VNs.

>> No.10604053

>for some VNs I've finished I almost want to buy them as a sort of "thanks" to the developers

I know this feelio

>> No.10604145

Once I have a real job my plan is to pirate all the VNs I want to play each month and then buy whichever one I liked the best. But right now I'm a broke student and can't afford it.

>> No.10604406

I'd buy it.
If I had any money.

>> No.10604610

Why exactly does this look so weird?

>> No.10604621

Mouths not moving.

>> No.10604637

Whoa, something about that looks kind of bad. I'm not sure what it's called, but I liked how it looked in Witch's Garden and a few PSP games I played.

>> No.10604651

This, the character designs are okay but the lack of mouth movement kinda hurts it. I think I could get used to it but as of now I don't like it. It doesn't look like it will be a game worth remembering in the story department either but then again I am talking out of my ass.

>> No.10604674

Inanimate mouths, and overly...animated animation, however it's awkward how they just snap back to their default position, it's kind of unsettling in my view.

>> No.10604686

Eroge veterans, I have a question.

Is there ever a point in which you stop listening to every spoken line? I just can't keep on reading to the next line as someone is speaking.

>> No.10604697

Depends on how important the line is and how much I like the VA.

>> No.10604701

I just skip minor character lines usually

>> No.10604702

If it's one of my favorite VAs I'll obsessively listen to every spoken line like a creep. Otherwise I'll just go on once I've read the line.

>> No.10604705

Learn Japanese, become eroge master, move to Japan.

>> No.10604710

It just takes away from the atmosphere too much for me I guess, I still listen to them even if I don't like the VA.

>> No.10604717
File: 781 KB, 1024x576, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have used this as the OP instead. I forgot I took this screen shot.

>> No.10604721
File: 848 KB, 2560x1920, 100_1088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I obviously can't take all that with me.

>> No.10604725

It depends on the type of game too for me. If it's a serious VN or a particularly dramatic scene I'd be more inclined to listen to all the lines compared to a random moege or something. I guess it boils down to how much I care about being "immersed" in it.
Also, kind of unrelated but in those types of moments where I listen to everything, it really kills it when the protagonist isn't voiced (which is like 90% of the time). I do like unvoiced ones better in pure romance games because I can better self insert. But I don't like it when they bother fleshing him out, basically make him into an actual character instead of a blank slate, then don't give him a voice. Although, I find myself disliking male VAs far more often than female ones, so I guess I'd prefer having a no voice protag to one whose voice I hated.

>> No.10604727

>listening to every spoken line
I never did this.

>> No.10604747

What are some good VN for Android devices?

preferably free or at least cheap and in english?

>> No.10604749

There's an android version of Himawari, which is easy enough to read that it might as well be english.

>> No.10605031
File: 160 KB, 806x648, 天使の羽根を踏まないでっ+014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished 天使の羽根を踏まないでっ

Went in without really expecting anything too interesting but ended up with one of my new favorites. I was really impressed how great the atmosphere of the game was and there were few scenes that literally gave me goosebumps. The contrast between the first route split was quite interesting as well and it made the game feel really fresh. I don't think there was any point in the game where I actually felt bored either which is quite impressive considering how easily I tend to get bored reading VNs.

I felt it was really unique compared to anything I've read before. Most of the scenario didn't disappoint either.

This also made me actually like a VA who has made me drop 2 games (plus really hate a character in a game I really liked) recently. Really makes me want to give those games another chance later.

But right now I really want to go and read Asairo that's apparently from the same author. I just hope everything clicks as well as with this.

>> No.10605034


I am an anal-retentive completist when it comes to games though.

>> No.10605035

When the plot is going strong and I’m reading fast because of it, I normally don’t wait.

>> No.10605048
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>> No.10605066


>> No.10605072


>> No.10605093
File: 86 KB, 800x600, 289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Nega0, it had one of the most interesting plot I seen in an eroge in a while.
The final could have been stronger though and the gameplay was a chore.
But I really liked what the plot did during the middle part, it would be hard to talk about it without spoiling the game heavily but Nega0 is a very interesting meta take on the conventions you usually see in that kind of stories.

The writing is also generally pretty good, it's very apparent that the writer is a woman though and she really gave priority to the heroines, well it's not without a reason either.
That kind of josei like writing is probably not for everyone, people who read Startrain will know what to expect though and unlike it Nega0 actually has a very interesting plot and isn't teenage romance forever (well it has a lot too, especially during the first route)

Well the main problem with Nega0 is that the first route give a pretty wrong idea of what it really is, I'd advice anyone who would try it to at least get on the second route.
It's not an amazing eroge but it's definitely one of the most interesting one I read in a while.

And now to finish Hapymaher

>> No.10605098

Okay that silly zoom made me laugh.

>> No.10605104
File: 156 KB, 810x652, 296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I will start Fata Morgana since I bought it, hopefully I didn't waste my money

>> No.10605110


>> No.10605122
File: 250 KB, 1282x723, Sengokuhime 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one do I choose?

Does the story change depending on what house you start with?

>> No.10605124

Date, dude. What kind of choice is this?

>> No.10605149

Shimazu is the easiest since you start in a corner.

>> No.10605169

Where is Hokkaido?

>> No.10605175

I''ll just roll a dice then.

>> No.10605218

Pastel Chime 3 Plus Contents is going to get released tomorrow.
Hope someone mirrors it.

>> No.10605259

I guess they didn't include it since it wasn't that relevant in the sengoku jidai, it was just Ainu territory with the exception of Matsumae

>> No.10605340

Ah yeah, really check Asairo if you liked it, really Shuumon's best work. Also itsusora if you liked the more plot-oriented bits of tenshihane.

>> No.10605354

What's that Jisatsu thing in the corner? Surely you don't own the actual game (especially considering how amazingly expensive it is now)?

>> No.10605368

Talking about it, is it any good?

>> No.10605432
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, MUSUME3D 2013-03-13 15-55-32-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Itazurakko's twins good ending. Don't think I'm going for the other ones...

Why the fuck would they pull "lol they're not your real daughters, your girlfriend had other relationships after you", solve the dilemma in less than 5 minutes and then throw you to the ending? I'm not really expecting stellar storytelling from company like Real but god fucking damn it, that only left a bitter aftertaste.

Even after the "reveal" it was such a huge wasted opportunity NOT to include a wedding scene in the epilogue. Oh well, at least it served as a nice distraction from other plot heavy games.

>> No.10605441
File: 68 KB, 341x480, 2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not, but that book is probably even rarer.
The cover art alone was worth it, I feel.

>> No.10605456
File: 253 KB, 1059x1517, vu98g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I somehow managed to stray from the actual subject.... That booklet was distributed before the release of the game as a way to promote it. It has character introductions, cgs, and sample text.

>> No.10605463

Anybody ever play Photo Kano? If so how does it compare to Amagami? I'm pretty bummed out they went for 3D models when the 2D art in Amagami was so superb, but the game is getting a Vita version next month so I was thinking about picking it up.

>> No.10605465

do you live in Europe or overseas? I might be interested in some of that stuff if you want to get rid of it

>> No.10605489

land of the free, man

>> No.10605505

one of the creators of Hapymaher snaps against some guy who said on twitter he pirated the game, scroll down to the nira guy and related replies

>> No.10605549

Why didn't you just link the tweet?

>> No.10605559

What's a decent nukige with decent art(cute highschool or younger girls with non-oversized breasts) that has scenes of them liking sex with several men at once? Or something along those lines... It doesn't have to be exact, but I'm having trouble finding one.

Or perhaps a good bondage nukige where the girl is a total masochist.

>> No.10605560


>> No.10605594

so you could follow the back and forth of replies, I don't know how to link a whole discussion on twitter. but this >>10605560 will do I guess

>> No.10605674

I don't think we're ever going to get a game like what you're looking for due to a certain minority group's animosity to anything that could even smell like ntr. Your best bet would be rape vns like the ones that Liquid makes.

>> No.10605756

are you suggesting people who don't like ntr are a minority as far as eroge userbase go?

>> No.10605762

Try reading my post again because that's not what I said.

>> No.10605979

>"I'm a tank. Don't ask anything else!"
>Threatened by a delirious man, Yuunagi Shin'ichi had to carry forbidden intercourse with his family.
>As a result, his older sister killed herself, and his younger sister aborted, secluding herself in a shell of her soul.
Holy shit, I'm definitely getting this on release date.

>> No.10605996

I was under the impression that sort of stuff wasn't particularly uncommon but nothing actually immediately comes to mind for me.

>> No.10606022

Bishop games? Though they usually only have one guy do the raping with only one scene with a group.

>> No.10606045

pretty surprising to hear it was written by a woman
I just thought the OP was funny

>> No.10606053

Have you tried filtering vndb with tags such as "student heroine" "group sex of one female and multiple males" while excluding things like "rape" "married heroine" and such? Then you can decide based on what you see.
It's probably the easiest way to go around it.

>> No.10606065

You will be hard pressed to find consensual sex in a nukige. Even more so if multiple people is involved.

>> No.10606127

>You will be hard pressed to find consensual sex in a nukige
Not really. There's plenty vanilla sex.

>> No.10606134

I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're asking for, but:
Gakuen Injoku Rinbukyoku - Most of it is rape and the girl has big tits, but there's a few scenes where she likes it. Like one ending where she is older and fucks younger boys in a bathhouse. There's also a scene where a boy gets gangbanged (wearing girl underwear) and incest with her brother if you're into that. But the girl is the actual protagonist so it's all from her POV just so you know.
Maneji Ikimasu/Yarimasu/Kimemasu - The whole point is a baseball club manager fucks the members to give them motivation, so it's all consensual. I haven't played the third but I liked the first better than the second. Also it was pretty funny.
Torikaekko Shiyo - It's a swapping VN so no rape, and the other guy had kind of a personality instead of just being a faceless blob. But it's only threesomes, not gangbangs. I thought the two girls were really cute though.
That's all I can remember reading.

>> No.10606149

She is mostly known for having written Startrain and Sukimazakura but yeah she is one of the few female eroge writer and she isn't half bad.

Also seeing the OP you could think Nega0 is a comedy game or whatever, but it's not, at all.
There are jokes here and there of course, especially one of the heroine is pretty funny, but the mood is overall pretty serious

>> No.10606187

just finished Aiyoku no Eustia, trying out MuvLuv Alternative soon.
Soon, as in, today.
Today, as in, in a few hours.

>> No.10606193

Has anyone played Gun Katana? How's the gameplay? I already have it downloaded so I'm going to try it anyway but I'm just curious.

>> No.10606208

>How's the gameplay?
Pretty terrible but kind of addicting. I fucking loved that game but I'm probably wearing nostalgia goggles.

>> No.10606216

Worse than Doom 1

>> No.10606224

Wow, that's a surprise. I was also surprised when I realized the writer for the WAB series was a woman, although less so since some had female protagonists. Most otome games I've played that attempted to have some sort of plot have been pretty terrible, so I guess I have a sort of bad impression of female VN writers.

>> No.10606234

Well I'll at least play a little since I liked the other Black Cyc games I read. I'm on a trackpad so I'm not sure how well it's going to work out, but oh well.

>> No.10606248

Gore Screaming Show had a female writer, same for Flyable Heart and mostly everything in the Unison-shift brand.
Also same for Real Imouto and Shinigami no Kiss

>> No.10606260

speaking of shinikiss, does anyone happen to have the OST for it? I remember not being able to find it when I was looking a few months ago.

>> No.10606271

I fucing love flyable heart

>> No.10606294

All the eroge I've played by female writers (which admittedly isn't very many) had decidedly unerotic H-scenes. Just out of curiosity, are there any that write good ero?

>> No.10606304

How would you classify a good ero scene?

>> No.10606323

Speaking of female writers, can someone name some popular or well liked eroge that were written by female writers? I've never really paid attention whether the writers of the stuff I read are men or a women.

>> No.10606330

I don't know, something fappable.

Not saying the H-scenes in the WAB series are bad, but they're not really what I'd consider erotic.

>> No.10606336

They probably aren't all that popular compared to a lot of releases, but the steam punk series is written by Sakurai Hikaru.

>> No.10606366

The main writer of the Rance series, Tori, is a woman.
Well the series is TADA's but he is more of a game designer than anything.

>> No.10606367

The H-scenes in Gore Screaming Show were awesome.

>> No.10606421
File: 46 KB, 640x480, runes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10606429

My Japanese is pretty bad. What does that say?

>> No.10606437

>I don't know Japanese.

>> No.10606736
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, 1363180585221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Hapymaher, Maia's "route" sure was short.
Overall the story wasn't bad, though it's not exactly the sort of theme that is rare in eroge, but the writing pissed me off a lot which really lowered my appreciation for it.
The soundtrack was great and Maia was a pretty fascinating character so I don't regret reading it but it could have been much better with a more skilled writer.

>> No.10606762

Oddly I didn't have a problem with the writing once I got used it. But I can see how one could take issue with it. It is very verbose.

>> No.10606783

I don't mind verbose if it's well done but in Hapymaher's case it just felt like was saying in 3 words what could be said in 1 due his lack of skill

But yeah I'm probably more sensitive to the quality of writing than most, I can really see why people who are less critical than me could love it since Hapymaher does some pretty interesting things.

>> No.10606807
File: 194 KB, 1248x728, kudoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writing bothered me from the moment I started reading the trial. Well, at least it isn't as bad as Iroseka, I guess.

>> No.10606828

Given that it wasn't a particularly long game, it might well be that he was writing that way in order to fulfill a length target. I certainly got that sense in a few areas.

Regardless, I enjoyed it a lot. It's a shame about Maia's route, but it can't be helped I suppose. Here's hoping for a fandisc.

>> No.10606979

Does the writer really drone on like this for the entire game? I don't think I can read it if it's all like this.

>> No.10606998

Yes he does.
Game isn't bad at all if you can steel yourself but yeah

>> No.10607047

oh wow

>> No.10607260
File: 55 KB, 802x601, 1345789549686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10607324

>Majikoi will never be fully translated
>Miyako's route forever 85%
>Tsubame's route 100% translated but they're too lazy to finish editing
>Kokoro's route is centered around pee
Playing Majikoi and lacking the skill to decipher moonrunes is pain.

>> No.10607340

Jesus. I thought people were exaggerating about the writing. Was Hapymaher the writer's first work or has he done other VNs?

>> No.10607350

You've only been waiting a short while for Majikoi. Some of us have been waiting for F/HA since 2007.

>> No.10607351

Who are you quoting mate

>> No.10607369

>Some of us have been waiting for F/HA since 2007.

You know what's funny? In that time, I've now learned enough Japanese to read it, but I can't be assed to because there's so much other stuff to read.

>> No.10607411

Nah he's done plenty of stuff, from moege to science-fiction and they all read differently.
Read through Hapymaher last weekend, had some good to excellent (Maia) characters and a rather interesting plot while also being unnecessarily wordy as hell whoop dee doo. Guess your mileage may vary with this stuff but I found it hard to give much of a fuck since the game is not super long anyway.

>> No.10607418

He wrote Fake Azure Arcology, Re:Birth Colony and Sugar&Spice.
All of them are "wordy" though it's more tolerable in Re:Birth

>> No.10607668

Is there a good charage/moege in which the protagonist doesn't have a personality of a rock and is about as dense as one?

>> No.10607675

Didn't Tori quit recently?

>> No.10607685

That was years ago.

>> No.10607759
File: 33 KB, 480x360, sample02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to check out the old promo video

"hey are you high on crack" is my favorite part.

Short story: http://www.mediafire.com/?x9egsqgy5h8f7fr

>> No.10607765

Recent in the scope of the Rance series. It was between 7 and 8, right?

>> No.10607961

Why did she quit? Was she not happy working at Alicesoft?

>> No.10608145

She retired. I think only TADA is left of the original founders.

>> No.10608185

I miss Shade's work in Rance.

>> No.10608221

Did he not work on the most recent rance or something? Cause he definitely worked on PC3

>> No.10608338

That's his last game at Alicesoft.

>> No.10608356

I thought he left but doing contract work on and off. I think he still plans on finishing the rance series?

>> No.10608521

Wow, all UnisonShift's games?

I always found their characters to have a surprising amount of depth and wit compared to most moe moe girls. Maybe that has something to do with it. The Leyline cast especially impressed me.

>> No.10608611

>Real Imouto
Really? The writer of that one wrote an NTR game before.

>> No.10608840

Just looked her up. She wrote Mashiro Iro Symphony as well, huh? I was thinking of reading that one, but now I'm not sure because I really didn't care for Real Imouto.

>> No.10608856

I know this isn't for requests but I wanted to ask if anyone had a non corrupted version of jp raidy 1, this game is unplayable with all this graphic corruption

>> No.10608900

He posted about it on his twitter, I think.

>> No.10609270

The female writer for GSS wrote everything but the ero scenes, actually.

A few of her games have NTR. Her ero is generally really lewd too. I'd recommend her (おるごぅる) to >>10606294.

>> No.10609374


My body is ready.

>> No.10609381

I like Daitoshokan but an anime would probably feel quite bland.
And I like how they skip the one scenario-intensive eroge they made

>> No.10609401
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>> No.10609406

Because it's harder to adapt, especially since they get a cour and you go and adapt eustia with that.

>> No.10609419

Why not Eustia?

>> No.10609444
File: 256 KB, 806x625, narcissu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing Narcissu, I just wonder if it'll ever go from this letterbox view to something..bigger.

>> No.10609456

Guess the shepherd is ringing on our way again.

I went through half the routes before stopping because... actually, I don't think there was any particular reason and I just distracted myself with other things, but either way, I want to finish the game before the anime starts.

>> No.10609496

Guess which will have a better reception and thus more sales, the high school moe hijinks or the dark fantasy depressing stuff?

>> No.10609526

Well that was quick. I guess a PSP release for Daitoshokan is imminent to bundle with the anime.

>> No.10609527

I think a Eustia anime would be way more popular.

>> No.10609545

in Japan? I have a hard time believing that

>> No.10609599

On the other hand, the studios that could do the setting justice are probably out of August's reach. Better do something safe with a 1 cour charage adaptation

>> No.10609620

Why not a fortune arterial anime

>> No.10609635

because there is probably already one?

>> No.10609637

I don't know if this is one of them posts in the vein of Tsukihime, but there is one.

It was just poor. At least the VN is getting translated.

>> No.10609670

Who cares about that? We've all read it already,

>> No.10609685

finally a game that simulates my uncut dick

>> No.10609695
File: 40 KB, 500x375, 1354386460816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ I'm trying to install Muv-Luv, however when I get to disc 2, it tells me to insert it despite it already being inserted(mounted).

Even running the installer under locale and disabling my anti-virus doesn't work, I feel like I'm going crazy here.

>> No.10609697

You should not read muv-luv read another game.

>> No.10609700

Shut the fuck up.

I'm not sure. Installing it was really easy for me. Good luck anyway.

>> No.10609702

Go back to /a/ you little punk.

>> No.10609707

I sit in these threads to build up a backlog of VNs as I can't read Japanese yet. Also if I'm being honest I can't stand the /vg/ threads.

>> No.10609733

Turns out locale didn't work, I needed to change region.

Just praying my music's metadata doesn't shit itself when I switch back after install.

>> No.10609849

And to my dismay, you can't play it using applocale.

Well I'm not changing my beautiful '\' to an ugly yen symbol, I refuse.

>> No.10609871

Just change it. It's not a bother if you want to continue playing visual novels.

>> No.10609943

You tell him, boy.

>> No.10609939


>> No.10610039

Your probably right but I think Eustia in the right hands could be anime of the year candidate. A one cour Eustia anime would be really bad tough, they would have skip a few chapters.

I have anticipated a Eustia anime since I read it but I do realize that it is probably for the best if I never see it.

>> No.10610051

>one cour Eustia anime would be really bad
It won't be bad if they only animated the prologue + 1st chapter.
All the chapters are standalone anyway.

>> No.10610068

So it looks like the sequel of Tsuriotsu will have an entirely new cast except for the protag and Risona (who will be the main heroine).
No Luna-sama will be able to endure but at least Risona will be there

>> No.10610072

Needs a sex scene with Aion.

>> No.10610079

Then the story would make no fucking sense. They could probably take out Eris' and Irene's entire existence but they still need to make chapter 5 and 6.

>> No.10610083

You kind of need Irene, because of the whole Tia is a child from heaven and her part in chapter 5.

>> No.10610090

You're right but her chapter doesn't have to exist.

*chapter 4 and 5

>> No.10610098
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, Best Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also best girl

>> No.10610100

That's for 2nd and 3rd season. Look at how LN get adopted.

>> No.10610105

>but her chapter doesn't have to exist.
It gives you insight on the city and its traditions, that's important for the lore at least, and obviously it builds up Irene, who ended up more relevant than Fione/Eris.
Otherwise you get soem random girl who was referred as holy maiden doing shit in the last bunch of episodes.

>> No.10610108

I agree.

>> No.10610114

Eris' route too is important with the gang war and stuff.
All the chapters are needed, skipping one would be retarded

>> No.10610121

Well, I was still arguing the point that if it was one cour with no extra seasons. Your way makes sense if they squeal fish bit I don't think it could get a sequel after the prologue and 1st chapter.

Her chapter is great and I loved it but in under 13 episodes it would probably be on the cutting room floor.

>> No.10610139

What VN has the most intriguing/unusual story in your opinion?

>> No.10610144

Saihate no ima is quite out of it, but I'll go with forest.

>> No.10610158

This thread makes me wonder why there isn't any WAB series anime. I think Inganock or Sona-Ny could make a pretty decent one if done right. I guess LNs are safer bets.

>> No.10610163

I'm pretty sure they really aren't all that popular

>> No.10610173

WAB is pretty niche even in the already niche medium (though I'm not sure how well it sells). It's also closer to proper literature, which makes it even harder to express in a different medium.

>> No.10610178

I figured they were popular in japan as they are popular in these threads but now that I think of it that is a poor assumption to make. Making a WAB anime would be risky and have a chance of being really bad if done wrong.

>> No.10610207

Sona-nyl and Gakthun actually sold quite decently, this is why Sona-nyl is getting a psp release and Gakthun a FD
Actually I'm pretty sure Son-nyl was announced as Liar-soft best seller

>> No.10610223

Yeah Ima and Forest are quite out there.
Though the story of Ima in itself isn't unusual, it's the approach that is very different from the usual

Also sorry for being repetitive but the story of Nega0 that consisted of showing a story full of clichés and deus ex machina to then remove them one after the other felt pretty fresh to me (putting this in a spoiler just in case but I'm not spoiling anything about the story of Nega0 itself).

>> No.10610305

Damn... I was kind of hoping it'd be more similar to a fandisc and have a route or two with some side characters from the first game. Actually, I'd rather have a fandisc than a sequel if they're having a whole new cast except the protag + Risona. Oh well.

>> No.10610323

Is there any particular reason why Sona-nyl sold better than the others? I've only read Celenaria and a couple chapters of Inganock.

>> No.10610340

It managed to attract a solid female user base

>> No.10610373


I'm not far in but it has a much stronger story hook than the two previous entries. Especially ヴァルーシア felt too unfocused with too many characters doing their thing.

>> No.10610396

yeah I agree in that it felt the most "complete" out of her works, the story was focused and yet it managed to stay varied and interesting. It also helps that I loved Elisia's internal monologues.

>> No.10610401

Could someone post the latest picture with the Japanese eroge popularity rankings for each year?

>> No.10610408

I was playing 輝光翼戦記 天空のユミナ.
It was very fun.
But then it suddenly started crashing.
So sad.
Now it's not fun anymore.

>> No.10610407
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>> No.10610411


>> No.10610413

What's with this opening?

>> No.10610420

>VenusBlood -frontier-
Isn't that just a tentacle nukige?

>> No.10610430

That song is so annoying on the ears that I love it.

No moving mouths is still weird.

>> No.10610438

It has gameplay, slg type, that is pretty good and the writing itself isn't half bad.
Also the soundtrack is awesome

>> No.10610462

Alicesoft's next game:

>> No.10610486

Sounds like Stereolab making a moe song.

>> No.10610529

So is it worth playing even if you aren't very into tentacles?

>> No.10610579

I can't see myself playing that, even if March sucks. Something about the art and animation style gives me the willies.

>> No.10610580

It was at least the most fun 2012's.

>> No.10610597

Thats pretty much the most common misconception people who haven't played VBs have about the series, and it probably will never go away.

Pretty much agree and Dual/Ninte-tail eroges have to have one of the more underappreciated OSTs in them.

Yeah I'd say so, go for it if you like slg gameplay and some fantasy and action, it's suprisingly enjoyable

>> No.10610612


>> No.10610634

I'll check it out then. Which one is the best to start with?

>> No.10610662

The art style is fine, it's just that the way it's animated looks weird, especially since they don't seem to be animating the mouth during speech. I have no idea why they wouldn't be animating mouths, since it seems like a basic detail.

Or maybe there's a true route which reveals that all the dialogue was done through telepathy or some other ridiculous twist, I don't know.

>> No.10610665

Empire is usually good starting point as its where it started to get its gameplay nailed down. So I would so Empire -> Abyss -> Frontier is good order, and if still interest remains you can go and check the older ones then. It probably goes without saying but each game has had better gameplay than the one previously came, although plot-wise Abyss probably was my favorite

>> No.10610673

This is where the series actually gets good and it has the best story to booth.
Abyss is pretty nice too but the gameplay is very different, it's closer to something like Gatekeeper.
Frontier basically refines the gameplay of Empire and make it more challenging so it would be hard to go back if you play it first

>> No.10610681
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Finished 終末少女幻想アリスマチック, frankly it was tiring to trying to finish it. They tried to mix it up a little with some event variation but the dialogue couldn't really keep a hold of interest. At best a C-.

Time to enjoy some shuumon

>> No.10610694
File: 241 KB, 1672x499, supposed protagonist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some other ridiculous twist
Now that I notice, isn't there two different males on the opening movie, none mentioned in the official site? Or am I thinking too hard about things I shouldn't, such as art inconsistencies, in an attempt to try and get some sort of interesting plot out of a seemingly average game?

>> No.10610711

Those are two different girls, supposedly there is 1 guy for every 4 girls. It might be a moege with two protagonists. mit b cool

>> No.10610760

The way the male in the left's shoulder is positioned makes it look like his jaw is really curved in.
Also, I wish there was a way to turn off the animation. It's kind of creepy without moving mouths.

>> No.10610786

I can see her pantsu.

>> No.10610804

>It was just poor.

You mean just like the VN?

>> No.10610903
File: 53 KB, 1278x718, oh fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what emptiness feels like, huh?
To avoid the topic, I still haven't managed to play the videos in the movie gallery, nor did they play during the game.

>> No.10610916

Was that KnS? I think I only got access to it after the true end.

>> No.10610919

Kns2. The gallery shows up and I can play the movies, but they just don't work. Wish I could just open the movie file, I downloaded the opening movie.

>> No.10610932

Do you get sound but a black screen? It might just be your codec configuration.

>> No.10611065

O, it makes the attempt to open them, but then goes back to the movie screen. I think it did the same in the main game, but the other videos with the staff play just fine.

>> No.10611139

So the boob-suits in Muv-Luv... do I have to deal with them throughout the whole VN? They're very distracting.

>> No.10611286

The true end was shit sad but somehow satisfying at the same
Just hope the final part comes out in the next couple of years

>> No.10611320

They become purple and less transparent later on, if that helps. Otherwise they're there forever

>> No.10611556

Yeah, even Reiji feels the same hen feels somewhat fulfilled because he finally ound Toko but that hasn't made him happy at all.
Not to mentioon Naori and the baby deal.

>> No.10612941

How was the Madou Koukaku trial?

>> No.10613029

Shit "rts".

>> No.10613070
File: 75 KB, 533x400, c753494sample10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The h-scenes in the Lovely Cation 2 trial were pretty damn awesome for vanilla. insider's ero writing is getting much better and Iizuku Tasuku is becoming a god-tier ero artist.

>> No.10613126

There were H-scenes in the trial? It didn't show up for me during Seine's route. Granted, that's the only route that I have played so far.

>> No.10613139


You access them through the omake section from the title screen. You get 1 h scene per heroine.

>> No.10613178
File: 103 KB, 1296x756, Jutaijima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here has played Jutaijima?

I'm going for the harem ending (after I collect myself) since I've completed the solo endings for the girls. Never been one for harem endings but the cgs had me enticed to continue. Plus the harem ending is pretty much the only ending that rounds up the plot from the looks of it.

My rating goes blue>tomboy>sensei>green>red. I'd easily trade my top favourite for any of them though. Blue being top because there is something about blue hair, the beauty mark and gorgeous hips that attracts me to the character Butcha-U created. They were all pretty good though. Especially the tomboy. Green and the Sensei, much to my surprise were a lot better characters than I expected as well and Red has her charm if you like the whole mindbreak/revenge genre.

>> No.10613324

Any NTR?

>> No.10613326

It's a pure-love nukige. Take a guess.

>> No.10613335

What a shame. I think more people would buy it if it had NTR.

>> No.10613345

Are you the president of Elf, by any chance?

>> No.10613347

I wish, that would be awesome.

>> No.10613349

I gotta start laying off the moege, I am not feeling the warm fuzzy feeling you get during a cofession scene anymore.

>> No.10613355

Dammit Pastel Chime 3 Plus only has additional hscenes for the heroines.
I wanted a hscene for the subchars. ;_;

>> No.10613363

I stopped playing pastel chime 3 because ririamu was 1 affection point away from the next level and it drove me crazy.

>> No.10614141
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>> No.10614157

Someone here still laugh at jokes like that? It's so damn cliche already. Really japs should stop that, I think that they so dull stupid every time this imouto dialogue pops up.

>> No.10614158

You are a gay.
A big gay.

>> No.10614257

Hey /jp/, I wanna read a VN after having read some manga in Japanese. Any recommendations? I was thinking about School Days, do you think that's okay for an intermediate reader?

>> No.10614261

Yeah School Days is pretty easy.

>> No.10614318

School Days is really easy, though for a starter the choices might go too fast. Luckily you can rewind whenever you want. I personally didn't like the game and dropped it after one ending.

Midori no Umi and Caucasus (which is easy for IG game) are rather good starter stuff too, though don't expect too much in terms of story from either. Caucasus' flags will also make you rip your hair off.

If you're confident you could also try out Baldr Sky or Root Double, which both are easy as fuck considering they're scifi titles.

>> No.10614319

Read school days dude.

>> No.10614402


>> No.10614413

Don't listen to them. School days is one of the most difficult to read VNs out there. You should start with something easy like 信天翁航海録

>> No.10614667

KKK's white day movie, you know you've been waiting for this

>> No.10614673

>What a shame. I think more people would buy it if it had NTR.

Play xx kanojo no tsukurikata 1 and 2. There are certain dates where you get to let other guys fuck your girl.

>> No.10614766

Well... That was strange

>> No.10614793
File: 28 KB, 650x359, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, they actually went and made it after the valentine one. Thanks for the heads up

>> No.10614804

They did the same with Dies Irae last year.
One of the best thing about this series is the after-care Light gave it

>> No.10614875

wich girl from VN wud u fug

>> No.10614901

It's been in production for so long now. That, and there's all these rumours flying around that the writer, Orochi, basically screwed the rest of the Shoujobyou team over in monetary matters. It being released any time soon (or ever) doesn't look likely, unfortunately.

>> No.10615532
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>> No.10616139
File: 192 KB, 1280x800, nanafushigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally actively playing my first visual novel in Japanese, of course my speed is terrible, but I'm grasping mostly everything. Going for Tochika's route, have high hopes for the blonde loli.

>> No.10616185 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10616217

I love that artist. I haven't read Miko Mai or asuseka yet but akikon and that game were very pretty. I hope he does more.

>> No.10616252

That's an interesting choice for babby's first eroge. I don't recall that game being particular popular here or in moonland.

>> No.10616268

I kind of thought so, I tried some moege but while I like moege they were just too uninteresting to have to look up every word. Also it's at my grammar level, even if above my vocabulary level. It's nice so far.

>> No.10616266

I think it was pretty good

>> No.10616270
File: 345 KB, 1280x720, protag's shock that she has breasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get your hopes up, she isn't even really a loli.

>> No.10616276

I knew it was too good to be true, but that's a nice dress and I have yet to encounter a dancing scene in eroge so I'm still looking forward to it.

>> No.10616312


> I have yet to encounter a dancing scene


>> No.10616324

Like I said, it's my first Japanese VN and I had only read about 12 English ones.

>> No.10616326

He did say he was a babby. I dont know how many dancing scenes in translated VNs there are, but they usually appear in moege most of the time which is not usually target for translation.

>> No.10616335

I just realized I have read too many titles with the name princess in them.

>> No.10616398

If you want I can read out loud for you.
I've always wanted to snuggle with someone under a blanket while reading VN's.

>> No.10617066
File: 172 KB, 620x455, c744700package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs seem to be looking forward to this game. Anyone played the trial?

>> No.10617169


That sounds really sweet.

>> No.10617328

Will we stroke each other's penis when a h-scene shows up?

>> No.10617557

Nope, but the art looks nice so I'll give it a try. Not much else this month anyway.

>> No.10617701

New thread.
