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10596753 No.10596753 [Reply] [Original]

What is the difference between japanese and chinese?

>> No.10596758


>> No.10596756



>> No.10596759

What is the difference between d and b?

>> No.10596764

Japanese - Minasan, korawa kayrai mona riprusan~
Chinese - Shi shong, chin jang, ping pong, shi sjo

>> No.10596766

how do you do the backwards "d"?

>> No.10596772

q p d b q b p d b d p q b d p b q d b p b d p b d p q b d p b d b p

>> No.10596775

The chinks were first, also Mao hats.

>> No.10596789

first in what? being obnoxiously proud and shit?

>> No.10596790

What are you talking about
How do i do japanese with my keyboard

>> No.10596794

Hi OP,
The Chinese simplification for 龍 is 龙
The Japanese simplification for 龍 is 竜

Although you might also see 竜 in Chinese sometimes.
Hope this helped!

>> No.10596792
File: 26 KB, 300x477, Learn chinese quick and easy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10596814


Or you, you know, Wikipedia. Quit being lazy.

>> No.10596851


>> No.10596861

Japan sent scholars to China to learn and they brought back characters with them to expand their own language. China is still butthurt about it to this day.

>> No.10596863

Holy shit, are you a hacker?

>> No.10596866

That doesn’t make sense. Why would they be butthurt about influence and spread of their culture on the region? That only reinforces ethnocentrism.
What they are butthurt about is the rapid advancements Japan made in the Meiji era when they ganged up on China together with Europe and America.

>> No.10596883

only one of them is useful for my chinese comics, porns and cartoons.

>> No.10596905

The Japanese have FREEDOMS

>> No.10596910
File: 7 KB, 500x333, Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese is becoming an increasingly popular foreign langauge, and it will be no doubt useful to you in the near future when China becomes a major world power. Japanese on the other hand is a dying language spoken by inbred island people who like to live inside their own little bubble. Japan thinks that its culture is superior to every other culture and shamelessly steals ideas from other and better countries. Even their culture was stolen from China and Korea, but it didn't stop them from massacaring the people of those countries in WW2.

>> No.10596961

At least this part is true
>Japan thinks that its culture is superior to every other culture and shamelessly steals ideas from others

Japan has the 'anything that's yours is ours as well, but anything ours is ours only' mindset.

>> No.10596975

unsimplified characters are much more beautiful i almost wish they never touched.

what they did to the "kuni" character is unfortunate. like taking the balls off a dog. its a mangled mess, but in the end youre glad it happened.

>> No.10596985

The Chinese poop on the streets.

>> No.10597011

國 → 国 makes sense though. You’ve got jade (representing king/emperor) encircled = country.

>> No.10597016

There isn't one.

>> No.10597017

Hey, they stole that "center of the world" mindset from China. The bastards.

>> No.10597595

sure dude, whatever you say.

>> No.10599154

Hopefully unsimplified characters will go extinct. Besides HK and Taiwan the CPC has been trying to eradicate it from the mainland. It symbolically reverses the retarded thinking of the past. One of the reasons why Chinese was so complicated in the first place is because asshole scholars didn't want even 'women and dogs' [sic] to be able to learn it. The fuck? The easier and more functional a language is the easier it is to spread. The easier a language spreads, the more influential the origin country is. As a halfy forced to learn both simplified Chinese (I ignored traditional) and English from childhood, I'd take English anyday. More efficient and straightforward.

>> No.10599195

>efficient and straightforward
HA! I laughed. I'd say the only language that has more exceptions than English is Japanese.

>> No.10599207
File: 18 KB, 500x315, Lojban_flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lojban doesn't have these problems.

>> No.10599219

>I'd take English anyday. More efficient and straightforward.
I don't know about straight forward. English is a mess, It's one of those languages where you can muddle through it and people will understand you though. like "Me eat fish"

The idea was that without the common folk being able to read and write they wouldn't have the tools to organize and rise up on-mass.

The peasants already mostly spoke the same language give or take so the language was already spread and that gave it power, but the power of long distance communication, or the storage and sharing of ideas in writing? that was for the people in charge and would ensure they stayed there.

>> No.10599226

What's the difference between English and Finnish?

>> No.10599250

English is a clusterfuck.
one, ten one, two ten, three ten, four ten
one, ten, twenty, thirty, fourty, one hundred, one thousand, eleven etc.

>> No.10599259


for all the talk about japanese using syllabaries it has contextual pronunciation too like pa and ha
not to mention intonation . . .

>> No.10599336

True, but it's not any where near as varied in it's weirdness as English.

Japanese is weird for all the OTHER reasons.

>> No.10599358
File: 82 KB, 292x302, whywouldyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you don't want to even start on Chinese... Lots of characters have different contextual pronounciations AND meanings. There's not nearly enough defined grammar rules to help you out on that clusterfuck either.

Simple example:
This either means I'll return 70K (from a loan) to you or I'll give you another 70K. Thanks to fucking 还. My Chinese uncle told me about a contract law case exactly like this that happened in Beijing. The courts didn't know whether it meant the debtor who already paid 70K was off the hook or that he owed an additional 70K (140K). I don't know what the pioneers of the language were thinking. 真糟糕啊...

>> No.10599364

Chinese: 5000 unique characters and you need to know at least half of them to read a newspaper

>> No.10599384

Suddenly no ambiguity

>> No.10599395

>they wouldn't have the tools to organize and rise up on-mass.
Yeah, and that seriously stifled alot of innovative potential and kept China ass-backwards for ages on end. I can see why uninvolved foreigners wouldn't give a fuck but traditional Chinese has strong historical and political connotations. AKA traditional Chinese is for separatists and regressive, elitist feudal lords. That's as far as the propaganda goes but it does have a point insofar as you are judged on the writing you use especially if you have any Chinese blood in you.

>> No.10599417

长。Tell me what meaning I intended there right now and how I'm pronouncing it. If you know your stuff you know you can't - it depends on the context. Do I mean long? Am I referring to some type of officer or to grow? This kind of thing isn't cute. It's bullshit.

>> No.10599423

All language depends on context, good job.
There is not a single language where you do not get any sort of ambiguity.

>> No.10599429

But there are languages with far LESS ambiguity. English is one of them and just like >>10599219
said it's user-friendly enough that you can muddle through it.

>> No.10599432

Also, as far as contextual pronunciations go, Chinese has *a lot* less than Japanese. Characters can have more than one pronunciation but they are limited and an exception, rather than the norm like in Japanese.

>> No.10599441

Can you guess whether I meant that as in ‘No one but I’. or ‘But I want to tell you something’?

>> No.10599469

Which phrase did you want me to take a guess at? Your last post didn't have a 'but' in it. But seriously, try listing out the English words that have a different contextual pronounciations and meanings. From being forced to learn both from birth, I assure you there will definitely be less than Chinese words with these properties.

>> No.10599478

>Your last post didn't have a 'but' in it
And your last post didn’t have 长 in it.
In modern Chinese characters are often not words on their own anyway but are paired in double character compound words which takes away a lot of ambiguity.

>> No.10599506

Nouns or at leads words which can be nouns should be able to stand alone with a good degree of confidence. You haven't even touched on the different pronounciations. I can't think of anything in formal English grammar (not accents) that forces you to pronounce a certain word in 2 or more different ways based on context. Can you think of a few words like this?

>> No.10599526

Polish as in the ethnicity, polish as in nail polishing
Read this out loud, I read this yesterday
The deserted desert

>> No.10599532

Resume as in résumé which is normally spelled resume
Resume as in continue

>> No.10599544

Anyway, the main thing is not that there are some of these in Chinese, they are relatively few. The hardest part is obviously the opposite, namely that there are a shitton of homonyms.

>> No.10599589

->Polish/polish: you have to capitalize Polish wherever it is so there's absolutely no standalone confusion. Remember we're talking about a word that looks EXACTLY the same here. Even though I don't do it myself, I've heard quite a few people pronounce Polish just like nail polish. So not really a big deal there.
->Read: 'read this out loud' can be pronounced the same if it's past tense. But I get this one.
->Desert/deserted: It has to be the exact same spelling and capitalization.
Just because it's 'commonly' spelled that way doesn't mean that it's proper grammar. Might as well add in 'ain't' and 'irregular' while you're at it. You've never had an anal English prof or workplace? At least them being anal avoids these situations though.

So that's 1 hit. Chinese is worse IMO though.

>> No.10599596

Woops, I meant irregardless. My bad.

>> No.10599606

Shit. I'm not even going to start on them. I gotta go haha.

>> No.10599632

you are a fucking disgrace to your culture. go mingle with the korean dogs

>> No.10599636

English isn't weird, it's just corrupted by all the Latin and romance words that are used in it while keeping their original pronunciations and conjugations. If they were purged, English would be perfect.

>> No.10599644

Think he's just been brainwashed by the commies

>> No.10599649


Have fun.

>> No.10600627

I must be ready for the advanced classes
I didn't even need to tilt my head!

>> No.10602110

The simplification didn't succeed in any of its objectives except making it less of a hassle to write it by hand. Learning it is not easier, reading it is not easier, remembering how to write it is not easier.

A complete failure.

>> No.10602172

Now I'm grateful for the existence of the accent in spanish.

>> No.10604160

It's easier for me to memorize. Things with a shitload of strokes are more annoying to remember and write.
