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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10597504 No.10597504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's your favorite mahjong yaku? i like ippatsu, haitei raoyue, and daisengan

>> No.10597509
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I like pinfu sanshoku and retard master.

>> No.10597519

i like OP's tits

>> No.10597537

That feeling when you have 456s456m56p and you draw a 7p.

>> No.10597545


I like OP's ass, mouth, and pigtails.

11/10 wud fug

>> No.10597564
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Every time.

>> No.10597637
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>> No.10597674


I'd Yaku this Subara so hard.

>> No.10597679
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>> No.10597701

spamming open tanyao as dealer
going for kokushi every round
calling kans in double riichi
discard dora as the first tile, win with uradora 3

I wish tenhou had chat

>> No.10597706

Why are Sakis so lewd?

And were all men in their world castrated through magical lesbian powers or something?

>> No.10597715

Oh man there have been so many moments where I wished there was an in-game chat. I'd love to see their reactions when I pull the biggest load of bullshit out of my ass.

>> No.10597722


I heard the strongest mahjong in Sakiverse is an old man, I've not seen confirmation though.

>> No.10597734 [DELETED] 

The manga is made by a hiki girl that is undoubtedly lesbian or at least bi, of course everyone is gonna be lewd as hell. If I remember correctly men and women tournaments are separate for high school though, it's why tacos' boyfriend couldn't play and there was some chat about that Ryuumonbuchi player possibly being a guy.

>> No.10597741

>The manga is made by a hiki girl
Ritz said himself that he was a man, now, that people draw him as a high schooler girl is other thing. Please don't spread misconceptions.

>> No.10597749
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still would fug

>> No.10597754

I love that cut so much.

>> No.10597759

Ritz is either a girl or a very feminine guy, saying Ritz is a guy could always have been to avoid stalkers. I won't take his/her word for it until they actually show themselves somewhere. Besides, it's more fun to assume it's a girl.

>> No.10597766

>Besides, it's more fun to assume it's a girl
But that would mean she's a lesbian and probably fucked with Igarashi too. Disgusting.

>> No.10597780

Igarashi doesn't seem as lewd as Ritz, we all know what the Achiga chapters would be like if Ritz had her way with it.

>> No.10597786
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>> No.10597790

By lewd you mean fanservice or all the yuri thing? For me Achiga was gay as fuck, like, a yuri with mahjong, unless Saki that actually focuses more in mahjong and ass shots. I think both mangaka are perverts in their own way.

>> No.10597797
File: 207 KB, 512x512, 9419513b561c35cae748f0e1da65c7b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

フナ9 is the hottest saki.

>> No.10597804

I meant fanservice yeah, Saki is all about the tits and ass. Achiga is written by Ritz, just illustrated by Igarashi.

>> No.10597812
File: 59 KB, 634x718, Hiroko_av3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funaQ? more like funaCUUUUUUTE!

>> No.10597815

She's ugly, but I like her.

>> No.10597816


Where the hell did that come from?

We never even saw a guy who could beat a low tier girl.

>> No.10597817

Maybe Gunpowder.

>> No.10597838
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It's not ''people'', it's Owada Hideki..and he probably knows her.

>> No.10597849

Right, because the guy who made Punie and Legend of Koizumi is a reliable source.

>> No.10597845

What if he just did that to make Ritz feel moe?

>> No.10597859

I'd make Ritz feel moe.

>> No.10597861


It's not like everyone knows about that oneshot.


What do you mean?

>> No.10597866

>what's your favorite mahjong yaku?


Junchan with Sanshoku and iipeko is better, but a lot rarer. Chiitoi is the best single yaku though.

>> No.10597909
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funakubo is not ugly!

>> No.10598240

It's hilarious how when I first tried playing Mahjong without reading the rules and just randomly call pon/chi/kan until I could call tsumo or ron. I ended up in furiten a lot, but my hands were at least mangan or higher when I did have a legal hand... Way higher than I do now and actually try to strategically crafts hands...

>> No.10598264

Beginner's luck isn't a joke. One of the first things I learned about was the dora indicator, so I would just force toitoi dora hands and completely disregard defensive play and sometimes finish it.

>> No.10598284 [DELETED] 
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is the next episode coming out soon

>> No.10598287

Last chapter is out so they should be animating it already by now.

>> No.10598459

Honitsu and Chiitoi

>> No.10598540


Achigas are the lewdest Sakis.

Especially Kuro and Ako.

Thai hookers who had 1000 dicks in them are less lewd.

>> No.10599208
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Himeko and Shirouzu are the lewdest, no contest. Kuro and Ako wish they were as lewd as them.

>> No.10599248

Are there lewd breast comparison charts?
Those are my fetish.

>> No.10599256

Saki has what, nearly 100 characters now? It would have to be a big chart. Miko tits has the largest, that's all you need to know.

>> No.10599267
File: 168 KB, 838x1200, Saki - Chapter 100 - 10_en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should count as individual players.

>> No.10599300

jesus what the hell

>> No.10599310

Me too. Petenshi is so good and lewd. I stop scrolling everytime I see OP's image.

Ok, ok, I'm saving it this time.

>> No.10599349

remember when there were those 2 guys at the beginning of saki

and even the taco girl

they were fun characters

I don't exactly like the retarded porn-fest mahjong and the non-funny form of cuteness it has become
I'd like a good mahjong comedy again, but they're all over

>> No.10599361

porn fest?

I don't read the manga, explain?

>> No.10599372

I like how the Achiga manga went. Big chapters, mostly mahjong, not fanservice on every single page. Saki kind of went full fanservice at some point, but I'm hoping it can go back to the way it was now that Achiga has ended.

>> No.10599377


>> No.10599387

well achiga was mahjong, no bullshit

but saki turned into a fanservice manga that makes seikon no qwaser and omamori himari look like children's cartoons

and it stopped being funny and having jokes or silliness and stuff

and all the male characters disappeared, which is just a personal thing because I liked the guy

>> No.10599411

Link me to a random chapter of saki? I've only seen the anime so I'm curious, sorry if thats hard to do or something I literally no nothing about manga online.

>> No.10599437


>> No.10599452

Looks like mahjong to me

>> No.10599457

What 2 guys? There was only the blonde guy.

>> No.10599479

there's literally a double page pread of boobs swinging

>> No.10604790

That site doesn't allow manga with loli in it, huh? What a bunch of disgusting subhumans. I thought I finally found an online manga reader that might actually be more convenient than just downloading them and reading them with CDisplyEx.

>> No.10604843
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Marvelous! desu no~

>> No.10604869

How come the flatter someone is, the less clothes they wear?

>> No.10605090

I like honitsu and I dislike chiitoitsu

>> No.10605299

How do I learn to read people's hands better? I hate dealing into ippatsu every time because I have no safe tiles in my hand.

>> No.10605532

Obviously if they have open melds, it helps. But if they don't you could always see what suit they're not discarding.

>> No.10605535

Hanami-zake is my favourite yaku.

>> No.10606371

The less clothes you wear or the more you take off, the stronger you become in mahjong. You should try taking your socks or pants off while playing sometime.

>> No.10606409

Use suji if you have no 100% safe tiles, people rarely go for suji traps in online mahjong unless you're in higher dan rooms. If they discard a 6p, it's highly unlikely they're waiting for a 9p, but the 3p is still likely because of 12p waits on top of double pon.

>> No.10611191 [SPOILER] 
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My body isn't ready for this.

>> No.10611209
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>> No.10611353
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su ba ra

>> No.10611610
File: 327 KB, 809x1200, saki_achiga-hen_ch20_014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v1 is out, if you're impatient.


>> No.10614040

open tanyao dora 12 is best yaku

>> No.10621059
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>> No.10621059,1 [INTERNAL] 

I want sakijani back.
