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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10594535 No.10594535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The old thread has hit the limit, so let's have a new one!

How are you feeling today, /jp/?

>> No.10594542


>> No.10594548

laid in bed all day. My internet is not good enough to torrent at the moment so I just read spice and wolf

>> No.10594550

What the fuck is wrong with you? It's only on page 4.

>> No.10594552

What do you plan to eat?

Did you enjoy it? I've only ever watched the anime.

>> No.10594556

I couldn't sleep at all and I've been awake for about ~35 hours or so now.

I wish I could get hallucinations like this but it doesn't happen for me.

>> No.10594557

Nothing until my parents wake up.

>> No.10594562

Made internet friend.

>> No.10594567

Yeah, the first three books holo is a tease as usual but there is more character development on holo's part for book 4.

>> No.10594574

Congratulations! What are they like?

Ah, I'm glad. I might give them a read at some point. Do you own physical copies?

>> No.10594571

It's really cold and dry here so I've been getting my annual nose bleed. Thinking of investing in a humidifier but it's already March so I might as well tough it out.

>> No.10594576


He's a little hard to talk to but really cute.

>> No.10594583

But you are my friend as well anonymous.

>> No.10594584

I own physical copies except I'm too scared to ever get them dirty or get grease on them or tear a page or something so I usually read the scans. Occasionally I kiss holo on the physical copies but thats it.

>> No.10594592

I bet she'd like a kiss. I've kissed my cute Ran mousemat many times.

>> No.10594600

I have 3 or 4 different copies of the first Spice & Wolf novel. Japanese, English 1st edition and English 2nd edition.

What does your Ran mousemat look like?

>> No.10594601

if I die and wake up in gensokyo will I still be able to see her? to kiss her? to remember her?

>> No.10594610

are there any textual differences of the first edition?

>> No.10594617

I'm fortunate, as the picture I used was already posted today: >>10594496

It's that, but she's in the bottom-right and the hand is in the top-left. It's landscape, so it was hard to get the hand at the correct height for that distance, but it's pretty cute!

>> No.10594635

Not that I know of. I only got the 2nd edition so the covers would match the others.

>> No.10594636

is the government still giving you autism bux?

>> No.10594643

I got sick.

>> No.10594645

the 1st edition has the shitty 3DPig on it right? I'm pretty sure I got the 2nd edition with the real holo on the cover, with the shitty american removable dust cover.

>> No.10594656 [DELETED] 


>> No.10594657


Please feel better soon, Anonymous!

>> No.10594660

Yeah, the first one came with 3D as the cover and 2D as the dust cover, then they decided to swap it from the second book onwards. I wish publishers would be more consistent.

>> No.10594667

they only swapped it because people like us complained with angry letters. God, it really ticks me off with the holo wannabe, just looking at her makes me want to punch something.

>> No.10594664

you ARE sick

>> No.10594688 [DELETED] 


The old one is only on page four. There was no reason for you to make this thread yet.

>> No.10594687
File: 30 KB, 400x309, 1354578306036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday, I went to Little Tokyo because my sister had a date there. So we went our separate ways. The whole day there I spent my time looking for Touhou related goodies(at least bootleg shit), but could hardly find any. The only merchandise I could find were Touhou games, PVDs, and shitty fanart. I asked one the clerks who worked at Jungle Anime Store why there isn't much Touhou stuff, and he said that not a lot of people request Touhou merchandise. And then I remembered that /jp/ never goes outside. Because of your hikkimoriness, /jp/, you ruined my day.

>> No.10594691


Get bent, nerdmaster.

>> No.10594694 [DELETED] 

you can't post in it if it's not on the front page

>> No.10594705

how long until I starve to death? I haven't eaten in 3 days because of no money.

>> No.10594710

NEET here. Great thread, OP (as usual).

>> No.10594711
File: 36 KB, 333x461, meinthemiddle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what comicet is for

or what? did you expect super awesome niche stuff to be sold in your average store somewhere?

also, what does your girlfriend having a date has to do with you going there?
are you Conjoined

>> No.10594714

I'm sick too at the moment, anon. I fear sleeping with Angelia-chan in case she gets germy.

>> No.10594717

I don't think his sister is his girlfriend.

>> No.10594718


I wish my sister was my girlfriend.

>> No.10594721

Watching Welcome to the N.H.K. for the first time. I'm about half-way through.

It started out great, as I could relate to the main character. But then "she" got involved in his life and now he has a cute girl that loves him and I can no longer relate to him as he's not a hikikomori and no one will ever come to rescue me from my loneliness. I'm responsible for rescuing myself but I know that will never happen and it drives me into an even deeper state of depression.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish the series.

>> No.10594731

I wish I could be a girl and rescue cute /jp/sies.

>> No.10594739 [DELETED] 

Do your job and delete this thread, janitor.

>>There was a sticky that said we're allowed one NEET lifestyle thread. The fact that the sticky is gone doesn't change what a staff member decided (think: junior idols, roleplaying).
>Yes, this is still the rule despite the sticky not being there anymore. Keep it to one thread and properly name the thread in the subject field.

>> No.10594741


/jp/sies don't want to be rescued.

>> No.10594744

I'm not sure what rescue means but I would just want to live with them and fall in love and do lewd things all the time.

>> No.10594748

I am not a girl, but I can play psychologist with you, sure

just tell me what bothers you and your dear friend anon(me) will find a useful solutions to all your problems

>> No.10594750

The old thread is on auto-sage. /vg/ rules there can only be one thread at a time but it's fine to have more as long as only one of them hasn't reached the bump limit.

>> No.10594754


I wrote girlfriend?

is this the influence of eroge?

>> No.10594755

/pol/ here, you are only allowed to be a NEET if you don't take any taxpayer money to be a useless piece of shit.

>> No.10594757

I don't like being a hikikomori because the loneliness and feelings of uselessness get to me. My mental and physical health are deteriorating and I'm no longer able to properly concentrate anything (and if I try I just forget everything, like character names).

>> No.10594758

I'm sad and I don't know why.

Please help, anon.

>> No.10594766

how do you know about /vg/'s rules? do you crossboard you filthy mongrel?

>> No.10594768

Why are you quoting my post?

>> No.10594782

then if you don't know why there is no problem

just force yourself not to be sad. duh.

no you don't. it's a delusion. unless you suffered some physical trauma to the head or overdosed some pills there is no way you can get memory problems

also, doing something useful will make you feel less useless. learn something and then use what you learned, for example, learning japanese can enable you to translate VNs and that's VERY useful, right?

>> No.10594778 [DELETED] 

I don't. My parents let me live in their basement and buy me food. Unless it was my only option I just wouldn't feel right about receiving welfare money, despite having crippling social anxiety.

>> No.10594787 [DELETED] 

This isn't /vg/, crossboarding shithead.

>> No.10594804 [DELETED] 


>> No.10594799

If it's a delusion, how do I get rid of it? I'd need to do that before attempting to learn Japanese, else I'll get nowhere.

>> No.10594800 [DELETED] 

>tfw want to be NEET but can't so I envy /jp/'s lifestyle even though you all probably hate me

feels leshiggyfrogatello.jpg man

>> No.10594825

I don't know how. I mean, I'm not really sad but I keep crying for some reason and I can't control it.

>> No.10594829

If you haven't learned anything for a while then trying to learn anything can make your head go doki doki

so what? just force yourself and keep going

the more stuff you learn the easier memorizing new things will get
your mind probably just got a little rusty from all that taking it easy, and you took it too seriously and misinterpreted it as "lel brain damage"

>> No.10594838

I see. What's something simple I could try starting with? Learning Japanese is a big thing. I'd like to start with some little things. Can you recommend any?

>> No.10594856

it gets better

>> No.10594852

yes, you can control it. there are no problems, only solutions. what makes you cry? get rid of it.

and even if you somehow end up crying anyway, then just wipe away tears and continue doing what you were doing. don't want the the water to obstruct your view, right?

if you think it's some sort of eye disease, then go to the doctor, check your eyes

>> No.10594867

That's what I do but it still makes me sad and all I want to do is sleep or kill myself.

>> No.10594891


kill yourself stormfag

>> No.10594934

Feeling depressed since i haven't study my Japanese in like 25 days now. FUCK WHY WASN'T I BORN JAPANESE? WHY? here's something i made so that you may all feel the same sadness and pain as i have: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0RdY3iZMXAT

>> No.10594937


Oh dear.

>> No.10594941

middle button on my mouse stopped working. I have no choice but to buy a new one

thinking about a Logitech G400 what do you guys think?

>> No.10594948

How old is your mouse? Claim the warranty.

>> No.10594952

It's only a few years old, I might look into it

>> No.10594962

G500 is better.

>> No.10594978

I think cheap mice are the best. Don't spend over $11. They are must reliable, comfortable, never seem to break, and if they did, you could easily replace them. The expensive ones are bulky and have a hundred buttons you never use. Then the middle mouse button breaks.

>> No.10594985

If it's logitech you should email them it's broken anyway. They gave me a G500 to replace my G5 even though it was out of warranty.

>> No.10595050

Are there any Irish NEETs here? What kind of autismbucks do you get?

>> No.10595164

Does anyone else enjoy going on ameba.jp to make friends?

>> No.10595168

Hello NEETfriends

I've just been cruising the 4chins and trying to learn japanese. I feel I'm getting stupider by the day; it seems the saying is true 'ignorance is bliss'

>> No.10595280

I haven't had a feeling in three months. My days feel like I'm floating through space. When I still was a falseNEET, I was always depressed because I wanted a GF and was too apathetic to find one. Now I'm completely apathetic to everything.

Is this what being a truNEET feels like?

>> No.10595325

I'm the opposite. I've been a NEET for a year now. I never gave a fuck about anything during that time, just goofed off all day and drank at night.

The past week, I've stopped drinking, and it's made me painfully aware of how pathetic I am. I finally got tired of sitting in bed staring at the ceiling and started drinking again today, but I still feel completely empty.

>> No.10595352

You shouldn't drink. Drugs are false apathy, real apathy can only be achieved by taking it maximum easy. To take it maximum easy, you have to make your mind hard and solid as a dick. Never flopping to either side.

When you feel pathetic, take it easy instead. When you feel like drinking, take it easy instead. When you feel happy, take it easy instead. That is the way of the truNEET.

>> No.10595379

im feeling awful. my grandmothers been a quadrapelegic for almost a year and the realization of that and the monetary problem it creates hits me often.

im sad.

>> No.10595726
File: 817 KB, 1805x2560, 0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to start. I did nothing special today. Woke up around 4PM, played some games, listened to some music, read some websites. Helped with dinner like usual, ate in my room like always. Today was an exceptionally normal day.

At the moment I'm sitting here with the room being illuminated by nothing more than the computer screen as it usually is. The slight chill of the night which I've felt hundreds of times in the past is the same as it's always been. The regular mishmash of songs are playing through the headphones sitting on the desk, just like they always are.

Only one-fourth into this year I already know it will be the same as the last several years. Spring will come in a couple of weeks and bring with it the normal sweet smelling and birdsong-laden air. After that will be summer with its hot days, warm nights, thunderstorms, and the sound of air conditioners and people outside will fill the air. This is how things have always been and this is how they will always be.

Usually I'd sit here, enjoying the muffled sound leaking into the room from these headphones with none of it really making me feel good or bad. Tonight however, I feel fantastic. I full of energy. I feel lighter on my feet. These songs that I've heard hundreds of times before sound beautiful, and the dim bluish light from the computer monitor shining itself onto the white walls of the room seems beautful as well. Everything is just fine just as it is.

>> No.10595756

Help, my parents are gonna force me to take on a job!

>> No.10595765

You could try procrastinating until they die.

>> No.10595780

I'm glad you're happy anon and I hope it stays that way for a long time.

>> No.10595790

Oink oink oink OINKKK?
Sudo, are you still around?

>> No.10595818

My dick feels tingly and it hurts when I pee.

>> No.10595820

I'm going to try and get an adderall prescription

If it doesn't change my life then I'll end it. I figure thats just about the only thing that can turn it around for me and I'm really sick of trying. Better to get it over with quick than to live a long life of suffering.

>> No.10595824
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I?

I know her better than any other woman, after all.

>> No.10595845

>can make your head go doki
>not guruguru

>> No.10595855

I want adderall too but I have no idea how to go about getting it

do I just tell a doctor I have trouble staying focused?

>> No.10595858
File: 33 KB, 640x480, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like your writing style.

>> No.10595862

Since I've been wanting it I've asked a lot of questions in threads about it. As far as I know a regular family doctor can prescribe it. Just mention you have difficulty focusing and pretend you're a happy guy with no depression and no problems with sleeping or eating.

>> No.10595865
File: 121 KB, 500x292, 6047977477_dd8909085a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sour Patch Kids Berries are brilliant.

>> No.10595873

Diabetes. Delicious diabetes.

>> No.10595883

Lately I've been thinking about buying a gun. Some sort of pistol, revolver to carry with me, or an assault rifle to stay at home. I'm not sure why, maybe just because my state has incredibly lenient gun laws. Would sure be nice to have in a time of need, should it ever arise.

>> No.10595887

I feel like going out to get some sweets now for later but I was already outside for the first time in ages this morning and going out again would make me feel even worse.

I've never heard of those sweets before though.

>> No.10595895

Are you incapable of eating in moderation

>> No.10595897
File: 1.11 MB, 800x600, murrica1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the biggest, baddest, murderific thing you can find. It is your right. I suggest you get some rugged user-friendly AK variant and a drug mag for it. Then get a .50 cal anti-material rifle. Then get sidearm with good stopping power namely a .45 or magnum of sorts. Then get body armor and a helmet. God bless Murrica. We /k/ now.

>> No.10595902

Don't eat candy actually. Trying to stay /fit/ and have to be extra careful given diabetes may have a hereditary component. All the bad stuff like that and shit eyes I got from my mom's side of the family. Fuck.

>> No.10595901
File: 23 KB, 592x299, taxi-driver_592x299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen what a .44 Magnum will do to a woman's pussy?

>> No.10595905

You spelt materiel wrong.

>> No.10595910

I spell lots of things wrong. I wonder how many autists I've induced tantrums or heart attacks in because of it.

>> No.10595915

They're very similar to Swedish Fish, just a bit softer and coated in sour crystals. The normal flavors are lemon, lime, orange, and red. This particular version has grape, cherry, blue raspberry and pink.

>> No.10595940

And also there's apparently a straight blue raspberry version. Blue raspberry is the flavor of summer, /jp/.

>> No.10595946

I got that tart taste in my mouth just from reading your post.

>> No.10595955

$250~ would get you (an example of) anything you could really want. And unless they have to send for the item in question buying it should take all of ten minutes (due mostly to the lag of the terrorist watchlist checker freedom machine).

Could easily be done in an afternoon if you have to go outside one day anyway.

They changed the candy I usually get and I'm upset about it.

>> No.10595961

What do you normally get that was changed?

>> No.10595966

Haribo twin cherries.
It's practically gone to something else entirely sometime in the past month.

>> No.10595975

When I opened the bag the sweet fruity smell reminded of a loli. I'm probably going to be aroused while eating these just like I was when I drank that strawberry nectar a while back.

>> No.10595987

I've never had any Haribo stuff. I'm going to start this summer.

>> No.10595999

Don't bother, bringing it up in this thread compelled me to google what the hell is going on with it, and it looks like they're mobilizing some big effort to present a new face. The new twin cherries are trash, so my guess is that the other altered products are as well.

I'll go back to just eating candied ginger or something else I can make myself.

>> No.10596009

I don't really want to go to work, but it can't be helped.

>> No.10596015
File: 41 KB, 221x300, dragi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to like haribo a lot but after a while they all end up tasting very plasticky.

Although these are great but I don't think they're in every country.

>> No.10596018

I like it when they get plasticky

>> No.10596035

on a new fitness kick and up to my 500th kanji with pretty good retention.

maybe get some beer tomorrow but that might ruin the fitness thing so i don't know i'll spend an hour thinking about it

>> No.10596122

My WhatPulse say I average 11 hours 35 minutes on the computer everyday. And I always turn it off while sleeping or leaving.

>> No.10596126

returned to the imageboards after seeing some non-conformist shitposting on my beloved textboards.
it reminded me that you guys existed and I thought I better pop in and say hi.

>> No.10596127

When I'm not asleep, I'm on my computer.
Some days I sleep over 12 hours, other days I sleep less than 6, and sometimes I don't sleep for 48 hours.

>> No.10596130
File: 309 KB, 800x1030, 21291215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should channel my positiveness into cleaning my room or something.

>> No.10596133

What's the point?

>> No.10596139

I sleep with my laptop next to me in bed just so I can browse a few seconds if I happen to wake up before falling back asleep.

I think I'll stop doing this though because it makes me wake up with headaches sometimes.

>> No.10596144

I want to clean my room but the thought of trying to get behind the furniture and gaps puts me off. I also don't want to start cleaning when it will only be half-done.

>> No.10596150

I used my laptop in bed before sleeping and I ended up playing in the dark for hours and then I woke up with a very painful headache that lasted the whole morning. The back of my eyes also hurt.

>> No.10596151

my temporary neet lifestyle might come to an end

>diagnosed with a brain condition late december
>its basically a low pressure vein thats bled a bit
>spent a week in hospital
>nearly back to normal now
>have to go to see my GP to see if im fir to work
>might have to go back if im good enough

i am enjoying the neet lifestyle, but i dont wanna do it for as long as some of the folk here.

>> No.10596157

Crap, you just reminded me that I made up my mind to tidy my room over a week ago.

>> No.10596166
File: 160 KB, 392x600, imas52253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes things less chaotic. A clean room is a clean mind.

I never clean behind my desk or anything. Just vacuuming, removing the dust and putting away some items that have being lying down on my desks for weeks.

I've been wanting to do this for two weeks now. Start cleaning, anon.

>> No.10596173

But if you clean once, it will be dirty again in a week.

The proper way to clean up is to way until you have to. Like when you can't see your screen anymore, it's time to clean your desk.

>> No.10596178

The proper way to do it is once a week.

>> No.10596181

I don't have any furniture other than a bed and desk so all I have to do really is re-arrange some boxes and tidy up the floor.

>> No.10596188

Only if you have people visiting you. Which shouldn't happen at all.

>> No.10596196

I got two desks, one dresser and a bed. Not that much either. But I also own a cat so I really should clean once a week.

I hate dust and I have a cat. And I like seeing my room clean once in a while.

>> No.10596201

What do you guys do with piss bottles? Lately instead of throwing them away, I've been pissing in them (instead of the normal gallon jug). This has resulted in a dozen or so Gatorade and Honest Tea bottles filled with piss scattered about the room on the floor.

>> No.10596202

To NEET is a conscious choice, those that happen to be but don't accept the lifestyle are simply yet to be employed.

>> No.10596208

I've almost moved my all my clothes to the dirty pile, I don't really want to do the laundry but I can only take so many reuses of clothed. It's starting to smell because they're thrown on the floor.

>> No.10596218

trash bag - > trash can - > trash pick up day they go to landfill

>> No.10596222

What kind of floor do you have? I hope it's not carpet.

>> No.10596223

I don't know what's happened. At first, I took a peek at a video of uncircumcised penis cumming. I enjoyed it. Then I looked for more videos of uncircumcised penis being masturbated and I liked it. Now, I'm looking for videos of tiny uncircumcised penises, and I'm enjoying what I've been seeing.

>> No.10596224

It's important that people don't see you carrying pissbottles to the curb or seeing a curb full of pissbottles.

>> No.10596225

It is a carpet yeah.

>> No.10596229

Any other NEETs ever go through foreclosure? I am right now, it's the most frightening thing in my life.

My father worked for the state of California for over 30 years, he has a muscle disorder that affects his whole body, but mostly his legs. It was alright during most of his early childhood and young adult life, but as he gets older it gets harder for him. It's got to the point where it was too hard for him to work, so he decided to retire.

He gets a small check each month for retirement which is just enough to pay the utilities and get us food. We can't make the mortgage payments on the house anymore and we haven't been for some months. Of course foreclosure was expected at this point.

We didn't really get any notices for a while until about two weeks ago, now we're getting mail all the time about the foreclosure process and it seems to be catching up on us now. We've tried to save money but it's still looking pretty impossible to find any decent place with more than just one room to live with the budget we have.

Thinking about opening the portal soon, sorry for the blog post, just had to get it out somewhere.

>> No.10596228

Are you cut by any chance?

>> No.10596231

I don't have that problem because my mom does the laundry.

But I'll get my own washing machine soon. I feel with you.

>> No.10596233

How do you manage to keep it clean with a cat?

>> No.10596234

I'm at a 1:1 ratio, which while it may sound nice also means I don't have to do anything at all so long as I can keep getting new stock. Carting so many all the way down three floors and then having to go outside is so off putting they just pile up, so after a couple of months I have literally hundreds, which only make me want to put it off even more, until it would take an effort over several days and probably a complete box of trash bags to get rid of them all.

I've got around two years of backlog in here with me now, and while I was content to just ignore it I found out we might be moving come summer. Maybe I should just leave this here for someone else to take care of.

>> No.10596235

Hardly. Hence I should vacuum my room once a week or more.

>> No.10596239

It took four years for the sheriff to actually come and evict us after we got foreclosed. If you live in an area with tons of abandoned houses just ignore the bank or whoever because no one is going to buy the house so they won't go through the effort of pulling you out of it.

>> No.10596237

>Maybe I should just leave this here for someone else to take care of.


>> No.10596243 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 325x367, 1362648158766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10596241

You have two years of piss in your room?
Wouldn't leaving it there be a problem for any inspections?

>> No.10596248

I'm a pretty hardcore neet myself, but I never got why people pee in bottles. Do you want to avoid seeing people when you go to the bathroom or are you just lazy?

I have my own apartment and toilet so I never considered it.

>> No.10596249

Yeah, right now we're pretty much in the mindset of trying to stay here as long as we can and just ignore the banks while trying to save any amounts of money we can for when we do finally have to go. Four years gives me a bit of hope, but I'm still scared. The fact that they could just randomly show up one day and order us out really upsets me

>> No.10596252

whats the appeal of uncircumcised ones? I've always found cut ones to look nicer despite being uncut

You are lucky, I don't have a washing machine or anyone to do it for me so every month I have to bring a bag of washing to the launderette and it makes me feel very uncomfortable since a lot of the clothes I've worn for weeks and smell really bad. It's not one of those automatic launderettes its one where you have to hand it to people and they say when you can get it back. I wish I had a washing machine.

>> No.10596253

We've had one inspection in the seven years we've been here and that was only because the ceiling in the apartment under ours came down, and even then they made no effort to check our bedrooms.

I sometimes seriously worry about the weight doing something to the floor, but so far so good.

>> No.10596260
File: 42 KB, 640x427, 1354382490052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in the apartment under you
>all of a sudden the roof caves in
>piss, piss everywhere

>> No.10596261 [DELETED] 

You're not a "pretty hardcore neet" if you have your own apartment.

>> No.10596262

Yes. I also have a thing for phimosis and copious amounts of precum.

I don't know, probably just because it's different from mine.

>> No.10596267

In my previous house we only had a toilet downstairs so I pissed a lot in the sink in the bathroom upstairs because I was too fucking lazy to go downstairs.

>> No.10596268

My country gives housing and autismbux to mentally ill people above 25.

U jelly?

>> No.10596270

What do NEETs wear?

I wear boxer shorts which I change once every few months and I have 7 shirts which I cycle through one per day.

>> No.10596276

What kind of phimosis?

>> No.10596273

What country are you from?

>> No.10596277

Guy he was responding to here, I don't have a washing machine so I have to go to the coin wash.
It's not as embarrassing as handing them to a person but it's a real hassle to bring along the detergent and then attend it so nobody steals my underwear or anything.

>> No.10596278

I only wear clothes when I have to go somewhere, I go naked all the other time

>> No.10596279

In the past when I took these things down en mass, I has similar amusement at the prospect of someone noticing the dumpster being over half full of nothing but piss. Though, I'm not sure how they would have found that out.

Much of the incentive would be lost if I had my own apartment.

>> No.10596281


>> No.10596282

Sup Neighbour. They give autismbux to pretty much anyone who is mentally ill here. Not sure about housing though.

>> No.10596288

Instead of leaving the piss in the open when you leave, you should just stuff it all in the attic.

>> No.10596289

Please just empty them all somewhere like a pool or car.

>> No.10596293

leave them next to peoples' doors like a milkman

>> No.10596294

I think the sheer labor involved would result in heart failure for this frail neet. I hope whoever ends up dealing with this is burly enough to handle it.

>> No.10596307

Yes! Something ridiculous like this. It would be a shame for so much piss to go to waste.

>> No.10596308

In summer, basket ball shorts with white undershirts, no underwear. Usually ankle socks. In winter it's the same but with a normal t-shirt and pajama pants added on top, and the ankle socks replaced with calf socks.

Removing that layer of clothing for summer has always seemed lewd, since it's basically my underwear during winter months.

>> No.10596311

My old school uniform.

>> No.10596312

Oversized shirt and underwear, I pretend it's a dress.

>> No.10596318

I only wear a t-shirt and boxer briefs. Every day. I change the t-shirt once a week and the boxer briefs maybe every 3-4 days.

I have a special t-shirt and pants that I wear to go shopping and I use that for months. It never really gets dirty or smelly.

>> No.10596322

That sounds really cute!

Are you cute, anon? I want to see a picture if you are.

>> No.10596329

men aren't cute. they're handsome

>> No.10596331
File: 136 KB, 492x740, 1357698717319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a real good mood today guys. EVERYONE HAVE A GOOD DAY!



>> No.10596350

I don't think a man pretending that an oversized shirt is a dress could be considered handsome.

>> No.10596351

I'm short and lithe with not much body hair.
I don't want to post a picture because I'm scared and this is isn't the kind of board or thread for it.

>> No.10596353

Would email be ok?

>> No.10596359

Even having the picture on a camera is too much, I'm sorry.

>> No.10596367


Fuck those things are sickly. I didn't think I would ever see them again.

>> No.10596369

I understand. One day I will get to see what a cute /jp/sie looks like, I'm sure of it.

>> No.10596373

Can hikki's join in too?

I have a marked presentation to give to my class in two days. The lecturer will get really mad at me if I don't give a reason for not going.

>> No.10596375

You can't even use the, I was just joking nerd it's an online class excuse due to how your phrased that.

>> No.10596376

What? You're not a hikki if you regularly go outside.

>> No.10596382


I guess. I just want to stay in my room though.

>> No.10596390

Are you stupid? You aren't a millionaire just because you want to have money. You aren't a hikki just because you want to be one.

Jesus, kids these days.

>> No.10596391

I'm pretty sure these threads are some kind of experiment. Researchers are figuring out how to deconstruct the whole glorified social status thing surrounding lazy shutins based on responses gathered here.

It answers everything, really.

>> No.10596394


I just wanted to fit in.

>> No.10596397

r9k is the board for that.

>> No.10596398

Like shit.

>> No.10596400

Why would they want to know about the social hierarchy of shut-ins?
I think that the real plan is to discover what makes us tick in order to force us into the slaveforce.

>> No.10596402

Start by not going outside until somebody forcefully removes you from your room. If you want to be a neet and not a hikki, just stop going to your classes and you'll be one sooner or later.

>> No.10596401 [DELETED] 


It's prefer it here.

>> No.10596406

My house is going through forclosure and I have about 6 weeks left before the eviction date.
It's pretty much been decided that where ever my family goes, I can't. Haven't done any looking for jobs or apartments. Despite all that, I'm not too stressed out about it, I kind of just put it out of mind.
I think this might be when I finally end it. Feels odd.

>> No.10596407

it's all a jewspiracy guys

>> No.10596408

I didn't have my heating on and it snowed so my room was a freezer while I asleep. Now I've got a cold ;; feels horrible.

>> No.10596411

Don't jump to weird conclusions.
They have to understand what we respond positively and negatively to first. Understanding the social structure is key to eliminating supportive online communities thus separating the damned from the weak and therefor making it easier to concentrate their efforts on those that are more susceptible to manipulation.

>> No.10596409


Everyone knows it goes like this:


>> No.10596413

behold the fruits of research

>> No.10596424

I want my cousin to visit so we can talk about space again.

>> No.10596427

falseneets/hikkis are lower than normies everyone knows this.

>> No.10596434

You forgot TRUEtruNEET

>> No.10596435


What is the definition of TRUEtruNEET?

>> No.10596436

surely non-NEET hikkis are rare, though?
It'd be limited to students/freelancers who work from home.

I'd add ``jobless programmers who've reached satori'' to the top of your list, but then again I'm biased.

>> No.10596439

You fool, there hasn't been a TRUEtruNEET in centuries. We can't even confirm if they actually exist.

>> No.10596445

You wouldn't be here if you had reached satori.
Wishful thinking on your part, perhaps?

>> No.10596446

One of my sisters just found me a job offer, I think I'll just pretend to send a CV.

>> No.10596449

>This thread
I'm glad I don't come here regularly anymore.. It's like a huge parody.

Much better hikki/neet communities elsewhere.

>> No.10596454

Are you both still waiting for us at bun or are you the tohno spammer?

>> No.10596470

I haven't.
I do admire their knowledge, but maybe not their status; I guess they don't belong on the top of the list after all.

>> No.10596477

I think it goes like this:

Forced or false level, subhuman scum. Their social outcast status is a lie.

falseDEPRESSED - "omg my GF left me, so sad rite now, gonna go party with the boyz"
falseNEET - "omg got laid off at work because i was drunk, truNEET 4 life lol"
falseHIKKI - "omg didnt leave my room for a whole day, playing angry bird #nerd #yolo"

Neutral or normal level, the mindless masses. Their social outcast status is temporary.

DEPRESSED - "my gf died, life seems pointless now"
NEET - "life is hard right now, couldn't find a job for months"
HIKKI - "broke my legs, can't leave room"

Superior or chosen level. Their social outcast status is by choice.

truDEPRESSED - "wanted to go shopping, too much work, killed myself instead"
truNEET - "left the house for the first time in two weeks to collect my autismbux"
truHIKKI - "mom, i need some new diapers"

Mystic or enlightened sage level. Their social outcast status is.


>> No.10596495

I angrily agree with this list.

>> No.10596499

Yeah, looks like you've got this one, boss.

>> No.10596503

fuuuuckk. even jp hates me. where is there to go or do without being hated.

>> No.10596502

By that logic, I'm a combination of truNEET and truDEPRESSED.

>> No.10596507


Good list except I don't think truDEPRESSED status is "chosen".

>> No.10596509

You've crossed well past the point of no return.

>> No.10596511

gaia might be a good bet.
Get to play dress up all day in a no bully environment.

>> No.10596512

It is if they choose to not fix it even if the means is there.

>> No.10596522


Why haven't you killed yourself?

>> No.10596524

I don't have the courage to end my life and still hope that I may have a brighter future.

>> No.10596527


Your diagnosis is downgraded to truNEET/depressed.

>> No.10596529

Yeah, there could be some debate about that. The difference between a normal DEPRESSED and a truDEPRESSED is that the normal one is fighting the depression and will get over it in time. A truDEPRESSED chooses to not do anything about it.

A normal DEPRESSED is depressed because of circumstances. A truDEPRESSED has a problem with the world that he doesn't want to solve.

>> No.10596543

Just got back from class. Am NEET until tommrow.

>> No.10596549

>falseNEET - "omg got laid off at work because i was drunk, truNEET 4 life lol"
If he’s laid off he is without work, and thus a NEET.
>HIKKI - "broke my legs, can't leave room"
That’s not hikki, shut up nerd.
Your truLIST is stupid too.

Why is /jp/ so shitty?

>> No.10596554

Because too many have either killed themselves or gotten jobs and moved on with their lives, and the rest were chased away by the newer generation.

>> No.10596561


or school...

>> No.10596563

That NEET feelio when normals come to this thread and say that everyone here is just pretending, we all get jobs or school.

>> No.10596566
File: 201 KB, 664x555, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so meta~

i stayed up late refreshing /jp/ and fapping so im a bit tired, but i'll take a nap later because i don't feel like it right now.

>> No.10596568


But that is half true if you've been keeping up with every single blog thread since blog threads were part of the rules.

>> No.10596568,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Much better hikki/neet communities elsewhere.

>> No.10596568,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this deleted?

>> No.10596568,3 [INTERNAL] 


Here you go, friend. We are all waiting for you there.

>> No.10596568,4 [INTERNAL] 

n-no thank you
