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1054856 No.1054856 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1054865

But Ran's already in SWR.

>> No.1054866

Will never happen as long as Yukari is playable.

>> No.1054878

Screw Ran, then. If they take Yukari out, they suck.

>> No.1054875
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>> No.1054876
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>> No.1054879


>> No.1054890

Remove Ran (and Chen?) as Yukari's spellcards. Put another thing to replace them.
Healthy Ran is healthy, by the way

>> No.1054888

Most superior MILF.

You cannot surpass. It is impossible.

>> No.1054908
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>> No.1054993

A patch with Ran

that would be the most suppatenko patch

>> No.1055010

Another train.

>> No.1055015

Milf is film backwards.

>> No.1055119
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>> No.1056522


>> No.1056570

Okay, is there a /rs/ for all of the SWR style portraits yet?
Artist name or something I can search for on rs other than swr?

>> No.1056660

Uploading now

>> No.1056670

Awesome. Thanks.

>> No.1056704
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>> No.1056765

All the character portraits I have (all of them so far, I think) plus other things, like sprites.

>> No.1056810

remove the clothes, and she's all set.

>> No.1056814


>> No.1056907
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>> No.1056925

This pic is all wrong. Everyone in SWR is flat. This is common knowledge.

>> No.1056949

What if Yukari was gapping everyone's breasts?

>> No.1056955

>What if Yukari was groping everyone's breasts?

>> No.1056987

>>1056925 SWR is flat


>> No.1056991

Komachi would like a word with you

>> No.1059311
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>> No.1059315


>> No.1059316
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>> No.1059317

bawww i came ;_;

>> No.1059345

What powers does Ran have anyway? Besides spinning at people in a spiky ball of tails and tail-raep I have never seen/heard of any powers. Well, being a MILF too.

>> No.1059358


Just black magic.

>> No.1059368

So LIT3, Voodoo Dolls, Satanic rituals?
Black magic is pretty vague.

>> No.1059370

Obviously PADDO

>> No.1059373
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A good start at judging her powers would be this picture.

>> No.1059376


Buddhist powers

>> No.1059380


Touhou is always vague on powers.

>> No.1059382

This is starting to sound like Ran has the worst powers ever.

>> No.1059384
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oh god even when she's eating someone's arm

>> No.1059386


I wonder how they got the bloodstain off their clothes. Especially chen since she looks like a messy eater.

>> No.1059397

The food is kosher.

>> No.1059412


She's also really good at math.

>> No.1059417
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>> No.1059418
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Supporting nudity.

>> No.1059423

christ, her feet are tiny.

>> No.1059453


Well she is kinda Chineseish. Foot-binding FTW!

>> No.1059472

no wonder flying's a prerequisite in touhou games. Damn chinese and their crippled foot fetishes.

>> No.1059490
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>> No.1059497
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>Well she is kinda Chineseish.

>> No.1059496



>> No.1059585
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Well, officially Reimu's main power is flying according to her profile in the official encyclopedic Perfect Memento in a Strict Sense.


She still has some boundary powers and other skills like the homing shots and spellcards that aren't listed.

Just like Reimu, despite what they say Ran's main ability is, she has a variety of skills and powers at the level which she can independently perform checks and repairs of the border and Yukari's other chores in Gensyoko.

Yukari once said that Ran could equal her level of power if she followed Yukari's will absolutely, and that fighting on her own would reduce Ran to something that couldn't be even compared to Yukari.

That basically means that when you fought Ran in PCB as an extra boss, that's her weakest... unless Yukari was lying, which is always a possibility.

Still, even if Ran followed Yukari's will, Yukari's always asleep. With no will to be followed, no power can be granted. She's essentially stuck at PCB Extra level unless Yukari actually commands her personally.

>> No.1059621

>She's essentially stuck at PCB Extra level unless Yukari actually commands her personally

Shikigami 「Ran Yakumo」

>> No.1059693

That was possibly her easiest spell card though.

>> No.1059757


Youzi made it all the way to the finals with Ranspam.

>> No.1059779

Reimu is a kekkaishi. In b4 crossovers.

>> No.1059782

She's extremely good at math.

>> No.1060062

She is the nine tailed fox right?
if that is the case, anyone remembering Ushio and Tora would recall exactly to what extent the nine tailed fox is.

(even legends of its appearance far superceed the Orochi)

F*ck, in Ushio and Tora (not comparing BTW), one nine tailed fox equals in power to more than the entire nation of Japan's military might (including special weapons), youkai from NEWS directions, and just about everyone else, and no one could do shit even if they combined bodies, it was all in the end defeated by Ushio with that spear.

If Yukari were to come along, I am sure she wouldn't be able to do much on her own without the gaping thing, but this... Ran can be Hueg!

>> No.1060078
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Ran's strongest power is her ability to smirk

>> No.1060088
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>> No.1060096


Cannibalism, fuck yeah.

>> No.1060101

I want Ran to be my mother. Seriously.

>> No.1060105

There's a line forming after Yukari and Chen.

>> No.1060146

Ran and Chen aren't human, it's not cannibalism.

>> No.1060156


At this point it's sorta hard to see if they got Yuka for dinner.

>> No.1060158

I come from a place where we pride ourselves on standing in line. A nation in waiting if you will. I have all the time in the world.

>> No.1060166
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Fluffy tails~
In other news...

>> No.1060184
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Even if it was Yuuka, 'youkai' isn't a species, so it still wouldn't be cannibalism, any more than any two carnivores eating eachother.
