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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 64 KB, 850x652, games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10578401 No.10578401 [Reply] [Original]

Marisa and Reimu were bored /again/ so they decided to visit Rinnosuke. Upon entering Kourindou, Marisa noticed a GameCube system. "Hey, Kourin! Can we play with that?" she asked eagerly. The shopkeeper looked up from his book and sighed. "As long as you girls don't break it, I'm fine with you using it. But be very careful."

After plugging in the cables (with Rinnosuke's assistance), the GameCube was running. The colorful title screen of Mario Kart Double Dash appeared, with cheerful and silly music playing in the background. "Press the Start button, Reimu!" Marisa said. "Where's the Start button?" Reimu asked. Reimu wasn't as familiar with video games and consoles as Marisa was. "This one!" Marisa pressed the button, and Mario said, "Let's a-go!"

"Okay, now pick which difficulty."
"Hmm...I wanna try 150cc," Reimu said.
"That's a difficult level. Are you sure you can do that? You couldn't even find the Start button," Marisa taunted, and was rewarded with a quick punch to the gut by Reimu. As she fell over, Reimu looked over the character selection. "Who should I play as?" she asked Marisa, who was still hunched over in pain.

After five whole minutes, Reimu selected Baby Luigi and Daisy, who would be racing in the Heart Coach. "Okay, which Cup do you want to race in? Mushroom, Flower, or Star?" Marisa asked. "I want to race in the Flower Cup," Reimu said, and selected it.

>> No.10578402

The first course, Mushroom Bridge, appeared on screen. After Lakitu gave them the signal, the racers took off in a dizzying blur of hitting, speeding, and drifting. "Left, left! Now, go right! Okay, go left again!" Marisa yelled. "You're confusing me..." Reimu said as the Heart Coach crashed into a random green car. Recovering, Reimu pressed down on the A button, speeding up the kart. Carefully maneuvering, she managed to pick up a Star that a team in front of her dropped. With her gained invincibility she managed to move up from 8th to 4th place. Throwing a Red Shell, she passed the team in front of her--Bowser and Wario--and moved into third place, clearing her first lap.

As Reimu began her final lap--in second place--she hit an item box and gained another Red Shell. Waiting carefully, she threw it at the the first place team--Peach and Paratroopa--and passed them, in first place. It was then, as she was getting close to the finish line, that she heard a faint whizzing noise, and then...she was hit by a Blue Shell. Daisy screamed as she was clinging on to the back of the car. Right as Reimu was about to cross, Peach passed her, pushing Reimu into second place.
"Aww!! You almost had it!" Marisa said.
"I'll do better next time!" Reimu said.
Kourin walked into the room with a tray of tea and snacks. "You girls have been down there for a little while. Would you like something to eat?" he asked. The girls got up and joined Kourin at the counter. "Hehe, once we're done eating, I'll show you how a master races!" Marisa grinned. "I bet you're worse than me~" Reimu said, winking. "Hey!" Marisa puffed up her face as Kourin and Reimu laughed.

The End

>> No.10578406

What kind of board is /again/?

>> No.10578414


I dunno.

>> No.10578427

Why would you play Gamecube games with a Playstation controller ?

>> No.10578579

That's a cute story OP! Keep up the good work!

>> No.10578626

Where's the fugging?

>> No.10578642

Your mum was not part of this story

>> No.10578763

Paratroopa and Toad are the only good combo in this game

>> No.10578800


lol epic post anon

>> No.10578811

implying the dual shock is not the finest controller in the history of video gaming

>> No.10579259
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Marisa had won in Mario Kart and Reimu got in a grumpy mood, she wanted to play something else now. She found a stack of board games and picked up the one called Twister before they went to hakurei shrine. "This reminds danmaku slightly, it has colorful circles and my small hitbox might get me advantageous at this." she thought.

Marisa was eager to try this game too and soon they were tangled on middle of the floor, trying to block each other and stretching their limbs to the limit. Both girls really confident about their victory, the witch had even tossed her hat across the room. After 15 minutes they were in a situation where couple of turns would decide the winner, Reimu tried to make her opponent lose balance by pushing with her body. The blonde just gave her a questioning look, giggled and didn't budge, Reimu's cheeks turned rose-colored and she stopped pushing.

It was Marisa's turn now, she had to put her right hand on a red spot, but couldn't simply reach one.
"Looks like you have to give up, but you were going to lose anyway." Reimu said while trying to keep her smile down. Marisa's puzzled look changed into smirk and she looked at her, next thing the shrine maiden knew that there was a hand on her dress-covered butt.
"Hmm, I guess this is red enough!" the witch said grinning. Reimu fell forward from the surprise, out of the game. Marisa laughed and crawled next to her collapsed dark-haired friend.

"Uwah!" the witch yelled when she was suddenly pulled down and pinned to the floor. "That was such an naughty trick, don't think that I can't play like that too." Reimu said with annoyed tone as she started to remove Marisa's clothes. "Eh?" the blonde responded and stared. Then she felt fingers sliding under her bra and screamed "Uaa~~! You're so lewd Reimu!"

>> No.10579270
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Marisa only had her bloomers left when Reimu threw some of her clothes off too, before she leaned closer and said teasingly "You don't seem to resist much." Marisa's blush deepened and she panicked a bit "E-ehm... N-not true!" In reality she wanted to place her hand over her grotch because it was throbbing so hard.

They both came five times that night, the end.

(Someone can write a more detailed ending if wants, I need to sleep.)

>> No.10579302

>over her grotch
Well, I HAD a boner...

>> No.10579318

I hope someone finishes this.

>> No.10579334

What's wrong with that word? Is it too trashy or can't it be used for females? Sorry, I'm not english.

>> No.10579344

I figured you were not OP. He wouldn't write lewd stuff like that...

>> No.10579351

Marisa then went back to Kourindou, got on Rinnosuke's computer and proceeded to take a grate big shite all over /jp/. Reimu and Kourin laughed wholeheartedly in the background.
"Looks like the janiturd will have to clean up this mess!" Reimu exclaimed. In the midst of this internet confusion Yukari broke down the door, got on the floor and walked the dinosaur, everyone soon followed suite. In less than minutes all of Gensokyo exploded into a gigantic totally naked orgy, totally. The end.

>> No.10579409

You're not as good, I want the other Anon to write it!

>> No.10579423
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>> No.10579840

Is it weird if I found the part where Reimu punches Marisa to the gut the cutest part?

>> No.10583372

but then sakuya walked in and kicked reimu in the crotch

reimu, now on the floor, in great pain, asks "why?"

and to that, sakuya answers "who the hell do you think has to fix that? me! me!! i can stop time, but the computers stop along with everything else!"

and then yukari, who reveals herself as moot fires sakuya for revealing publicly her meido status.

>> No.10583400


They like this shit over there, so why don't you go and share it with them?

>> No.10587293

Please don't bully.

>> No.10587354
File: 141 KB, 600x580, 1358591477262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa in house inna woods

Reimu comes in pissed as fuk

Marisa come to the shrine and help me clean you lazy sloot she says

Marisa hella lels and bends over and flips her skirt and tells Raymoo to munch her carpet if she aint gonna do anything useful

turn to page 12 if you want reimu to eat tuna fish taco
turn to page fuck off you homolord and eat a dick if you don';t

>> No.10587516

One day, Reimu was sipping tea at the shrine.
Then Yukari gapped in Reimu's face startling her.
"WhattaFUCK Yukari!?" Reimu screamed.
But Yukari was silent, her face emotionless.
Soon Ran and Chen pounced out of nowhere and grabbed Reimu.
Reimu struggled trying to figure out what was going on.
"You are mine now..." Yukari said, she slowly lifted her dress and whipped out TWO TICKETS TO UTSUHO REIUZI VS. YUUKA KAZAMI ALL STAR DANMAKU BATTLE.
Ran and Chen let go of Reimu and she ran up to Yukari for a hug. Then they had hot lesbian sex.
The End.

>> No.10587517

i thought touhou-project was for collab/quest type things

>> No.10588593

That spaghetti is very phallic

>> No.10593064
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>> No.10593084

do the tuna now

>> No.10593091

at first I was certain it's a penis

>> No.10593100

Your /a/ is showing.

>> No.10593106

Damn nigga you iz mad as HELL

>> No.10593124

>guy 1 makes a neutral comment based on observation
>guy 2 is insecure and interprets it as a personal attack

>> No.10593128
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>> No.10593136

yeah. you're mad that he fucking told you, and now blindly retaliate.

ur status: pwnd4lyfe

>> No.10593139
File: 102 KB, 680x680, 1353955005987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as hell

>> No.10593146

then stop being so mad.

why are you so angry that you have to reply to my posts immediately, even going as far as avatarfagging?

>> No.10593148
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>> No.10593152
File: 500 KB, 342x342, 1348020143604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised you didn't read>>10593064's email. It was a shitpost to begin with.
mad as hell
calm down lets dance the samba!

>> No.10593161
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1230590101426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never read emails, always assume blue email is sage.

you don't have to pretend to be so tough, the more "u mads" you post the more obvious it is you're crying irl.

>> No.10593171
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, 1336003302036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets just hug kay
its okay to be wrong anon
its okay to accidentally take shitposts and shiposters srsly
anon, anon
its okay anon
its okay

>> No.10593180
File: 34 KB, 358x398, 1242222076535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread was a shitpost to begin with. if you took any of my replies in it seriously, you got trolled as fuck.

>> No.10593184
File: 207 KB, 640x436, pow right in the kisser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that so?

>> No.10593192

yeah, so don't be so mad. we're all the little girls here.

>> No.10593195
File: 1.14 MB, 1519x1101, 92001acb27ae300b229e9b5248ebd6de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a cute story that some people turned into horny fanfic then grate big shit all over /jp/ then you getting mad and playing it off as i was just shitposting rofl
pic related
its u

>> No.10593197
File: 141 KB, 886x824, 1349604028961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was the one who turned it into porn

>> No.10593205
File: 134 KB, 264x298, FEELS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the one who made marisa take a grate big shite all over /jp/

>> No.10593210

trying to steal my story now, eh?

>> No.10593214

It was too lewd, I had to clean it up.

>> No.10593223

b-b-b-but lewd is good! if you hate lewd you're obviously some dirty muslim terrorist who wants everyone to dress like sand ninja.

>> No.10593226

Frig off, lewd sympathizer.

>> No.10593230

get out of here, you mudslime.

this is a christian image board, and everyone knows all christians are lewd sexual deviants. if you're not a deviant, you're obviously not a christian.

>> No.10593233
File: 291 KB, 351x1697, jp is crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're only allowed to be lewd if you put it in a comedic sense!

>> No.10593240

>"I want to race in the Flower Cup," Reimu said, and selected it.

Reimu is such a cute girl! She likes flowers!

>> No.10593346

I don't get it. I the shopkeeper still in the same room?
