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File: 274 KB, 384x448, violin music is good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10564763 No.10564763 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>10531490

Talk about Touhou and other STGs. Chat with fellow players, blog about your progress, plead for help on problematic spots, and so on.


New challenges for this thread!

Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal/Lunatic without bombs!
1. Every shot-type is welcome
2. The run must be done within the thread, no old scores.
3. Either screenshots or replays will be required for posts with scores.
4. Bomb usage isn't allowed.

Special challenge: Gunbird 2 on Marion!
1.Tiebreaker on clears will be lives > score.
2. The run must be done within the thread, no old scores.
3. Screenshots or .inp's will be required for posts with submissions.
4. You're allowed to use Marion.


Previous challenge winners:

Scoring challenge: UFO Normal
1,043,215,920 (SanaeB) >>10550408

Special challenge: Crimzon Clover Unlimited mode
873,041,437,550 - Stage 5 (Type-Z) >>10553340


You have time for until this thread ends (i.e. it hits the bump limit).

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks for participation, everyone.

>> No.10564772

I agree with the filename :)

>> No.10564776

Given the complainments in the thread before, I'd like to say that I don't have any kind of ownership to these threads, I'm not any evil IRC overlord who decides whatever you get to do. -You can start a new one when I'm asleep with challenges you'd like, just announce the winners of the previous thread.

>> No.10564781

but I like your challenges. They make me do unfamiliar things

>> No.10564879
File: 339 KB, 1837x480, Stage 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal

Collection-based ReimuA. Two useless deaths. Bad cancels. Looking forward to seeing more grazing-based play from the few EoSD oriented players we have.

>> No.10564883
File: 110 KB, 640x480, eosd normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my epic score for eosd normal. But you can't save a replay on practice mode? so you can't prove you didn't use bombs.

>> No.10564926
File: 370 KB, 700x700, 164a4b888429f042bff55393100255b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way you cherry picked a few lines I wrote without adding in anything anybody else said.

For example the WR comment was said sarcastically in reply to various people saying they could consistently dodge Shou's 2nd non but didn't want to prove it.
I replied with "I've beaten the world record on EoSD, I'm just not going to prove it"
See how that suddenly changes everything?

><[not gonna namedrop]> I know you've played for longer and still suck.
The guy called me a faggot before I even said a word to him. Apparently that's fine by you and not worth mentioning at all. It wouldn't make my comment look as bad if you had said that, but obviously, you knew that and that's why you chose to do it the way you did.

><[not gonna namedrop]> My attitude is fine. No need to get upset because I have a different opinion on things and don't call myself shit all day.

I don't know about everyone else but I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.10564937

There is a replay patch here:

Some people have trouble using it though, so I'll just trust that you won't cheat on this one. It should be rather distinquishable from the final score if you abused bombs or not.

>> No.10564945

Who the fuck cares about your conversations on irc, this thread is about discussing stgs, not metadiscussion about how people don't treat your right in various communities.
This pseudo name/trip/avatarfaggotry is getting annoying

>> No.10564969

Then ignore me, you autistic fuck. I'm not going to stop talking about it until I'm satisfied with the outcome.
>This pseudo name/trip/avatarfaggotry is getting annoying
No idea what you're talking about here. Posting a pic every now and then isn't avatarfagging.

>> No.10565004

It is, that pretty much how avatarfags work.

>> No.10565015

is this the mame version of gunbird2?

>> No.10565037

The mame version is welcome.

>> No.10565065

marion's voice is so annoying

>> No.10565352
File: 270 KB, 1280x479, Stage 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal
Died to Patchouli's penultimate card again. What?

>> No.10565397
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Scoring Lunatic.

>> No.10565421
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Scoring Normal.

>> No.10565503
File: 189 KB, 638x478, Stage 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal

Alright, ReimuB seems to have the edge over thigns as long as Bury in Dick doesn't fuck you up. Some portions of the stage become considerably harder, and I had to suicide once for collection (fourth kedama wave after midboss)

Will this eventually lead to a deadly dance? Oh, I wonder.

>> No.10565519

For comparision, have a ReimuA score without the suicide. Entering Patchouli with a slightly higher score on this one, but ReimuB's speed and higher amount of graze gained from the spell cards win the battle for her.

I did lose around 1M from the cancels on this one, but I could say the same thing about the ReimuB run, so I'll just ignore that.

>> No.10565522
File: 189 KB, 640x480, Stage 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, the image.

>> No.10565528
File: 106 KB, 640x480, score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>666 graze

here's mine. Scoring Normal
Marisa A

>> No.10565586
File: 107 KB, 640x480, challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565594

I tried Scoring challenge but Patchy wrecked my ass everytime and kicked me back to the main menu so no score. ;_;

>> No.10565599
File: 355 KB, 665x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this was the first time I tried to play for score, so it was a nice change of pace, even though I had no idea what I was doing.

>> No.10565600

Keep trying until you win.

But don't do it mechanically, a change of strategy from time to time is advised.

>> No.10565606

Oh, I didn't see no bomb usage!
Be right back

>> No.10565617
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>> No.10565685

Touhou is shit. Ibara is better.

>> No.10565692

Yagawa is shit. Ikeda is best.

>> No.10565701

>Ibara is better.
Obviously, but with a shit port and SH3 emulation being laughable, it's unsurprising no one talks about it.

>> No.10565777

There isn't anything stopping you from saving up and buying a PCB.

>> No.10565783

No game is worth what those things costs imo. Depending on your economic standing, you might find it worthwhile though but even in that case, it's too much of a gamble to throw hundreds of dollars at a game you may or may not like.

>> No.10565908

I wasn't complaining about it, just pointing out that ppl don't talk about games with bad ports, outside of how bad the port is. Ibara is the 1st PCB I plan to get when I finally decide to buy a supergun, but for now I'm fine with the port.

>> No.10565984
File: 108 KB, 638x479, eosd4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scoring Normal. Need more point items.

>> No.10566120
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Streaming TD in honor of Miko's day.

>> No.10566138 [DELETED] 

Where are you guys getting all this graze for EoSD Normal Stage 4 challenge?

I've been trying to stream those little strobe things shots (enemies which appear right after the midboss but throughout the stage) but when I do that I can't seem to get to the top to collect point items before they fall off.

I'm an honest to god shit player so any advice on the best grazing techniques for this stage would be really appreciated.
I'm guessing there are also some Patchouli spells that I should try and drag out as long as possible for grazing?

>> No.10566160

dodge bullets, get close to bullets don't die though, and remember, practice makes perfect :V

>> No.10566233


Use ReimuB, milk Patchouli's nonspells and the laser spellcard. That's about it.

>> No.10566242

<%SeppoMobile> I wanted to ban you ever since I saw you join the chat

Quality IRC mod right there.

>> No.10566275

I speedkill every card and time the Patchouli noncards as low as possible without doing anything fancy. There would be some graze to gain during the stage, but I'd rather not go into it unless really necessary.

I can try getting you some replays later.

>> No.10566517

~Damage Control~

Maybe you should get a trip if you're so desperate about saving your image on an anonymous website.

>> No.10566700

Ok so I played a little of gunbird 2.
The bomb seems to do some damage but am I correct in guessing that it's mainly for survival and scoring?

With some of the bullet patterns (like the second form of stage 6 boss) I can't surviving without a bomb unless there are safespots.

>> No.10567135 [DELETED] 

I get the feeling the only reason there's a non-touhou challenge in this thread is to stick it to the guys complaining about it yesterday

That's not nice

>> No.10567163

If I wanted a trip, I would have made one a long time ago.

>> No.10567422
File: 73 KB, 578x768, gunbird 2 marion anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scoring Challenge Normal: 49,704,580


Special Challenge: 1,227,900 (2-1)


>> No.10567555

Or it could be that Gunbird 2 is a fun game and OP would like to see more people play it from time to time.

>> No.10567562

More's the shame, since you can't be filtered.

>> No.10567738

What a shame.

>> No.10567811

Yeah now that the IRC regime is in full force, next challenge is going to be Galaga or Space Invaders.

>> No.10567848

These threads have gotten progressively worse since these IRCfags have started bringing their drama onto here.

>> No.10567880

things have never not gotten progressively worse

>> No.10567882

You act as though it's more than 1 person causing all the drama.

>> No.10567913

You people who replied to the one that started it are no better than him. Take your drama back to IRC. The thread doesn't need to see it.

>> No.10568072

I sympathise with you anon, really, I do. I would've been more than happy to continue talking about Touhou on an IRC channel specifically made to talk about Touhou, but unfortunately, you're not actually allowed to talk about Touhou there. Well you are but only if you agree 100% with what everyone there says. I know, it's silly right?

I'd like to clear up a common misconception. It's often said that the good players on IRC dislike the newer players and won't help them. Not true. The real touhou IRC is thriving with genuinly good players, and they will provide helpful information on things you're having a difficulty with.
The other wanna-be IRC however (refering to #kusoplay here, if it wasn't obvious enough) will give answers like "lol dodge the bullets". They're quick to give out these "witty" little one liners, but as soon as you say anything back they act like children and throw a tantrum. The irony of it all is that this channel is filled with nobodies.

I've rambled on for a little longer than expected so I'll summarize this quickly. Seppo is a faggot.

>> No.10568127
File: 2.52 MB, 400x225, 1357275255993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the good work

>> No.10568148 [DELETED] 

still more peeved at every joe soap crossboarder shitting up the thread with their horrible streams but looks like i'm the only one

>> No.10568187

They've gotten progressively worse because everyone keeps talking about IRCfags and how apparent drama in IRC is leaking onto /jp/. Except the reality is that it's the people not on IRC complaining about the IRCfags; I'm sure if it were actually in-drama they would actually just bitch about it on other IRC channels; the only "drama" being posted on /jp/ is stupid bickering between /jp/-goers and said IRCfags and people namedropping every time its convenient. It's like how Poosh complains that anons from /jp/ shit up their board when in reality it's just them shitting everything up themselves.

>> No.10568322

If you don't like it you can generally sell it for what you paid for, minus the shipping.

>> No.10568365

I'm having issues updating Hisoutensoku to 1.10a and I'm also having issues with MoF. I don't hear any music when I play MoF.

>> No.10568672

I'm having issues watching the replay with finalburn alpha

>> No.10568865

You definitely aren't the one bringing the IRC drama to /jp/ by whining about it here every time someone steps on your toes there.

>> No.10569549

Less drama, more gameplay. Streaming some hard mode PCB for a bit

>> No.10570557
File: 189 KB, 640x480, Stage 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal

Eh. Playing it safe during the noncard. Lovely 99,000 cancel from the final card. Really bad start.

This was an interesting watch. Thanks!

>> No.10571194

Scoring Challenge Normal: 51,374,700


>> No.10573121

stupid question: do you guys use gamepads or the keyboard for this?

>> No.10573129

Most people seem to use a keyboard.

>> No.10573170

Using the focus is pretty damn awkward on a keyboard.

I end up using my middle finger for that, which makes it impossible to quickly use a bomb.

Why can't we change the damn controls?

>> No.10573188

Middle finger? How can you fuck up this badly?
Are you some sort of super-retard?

>> No.10573220

i asked because i bought a gamepad for playing snes games more comfortably, and i got the idea to try it with 2hu too.

when i tried i realized that you can easily configure the controls for joysticks/controllers. it seemed like you were supposed to play this with a controller.
also it seems a lot more comfy to use the analog stick and the R/L for focus. (though i'm generally a pretty bad 2hu player so go figure)
i just wondered what /jp/ does.

>> No.10573262

Middle finger for focus, index finger for shooting.

How am I a retard?

>> No.10573292

Shift-Z-X. Use your ring finger to focus, faggot.

>> No.10573541

It's awkward and Shift is too far away. I can't play this shit.

>> No.10573574

I've started playing with an arcade stick and I feel like I can control things better and do more active dodging, but I'm still shit and haven't actually managed to get any farther in any game than I can on the keyboard. It's like I feel like I'm doing better without seeing any real indication of doing any better.

>> No.10573619

i think the only difference is that d-pad/anaalogstick/joysticks are controlled with one finger while the arrow keys are controlled with four.
so with controllers you can't make the stupid mistake of forgetting to lift your finger sometimes. you are always clearly going in one direction.
but then again only beginners would fuck up like that i guess.

it does seem more fun and intuitive.

>> No.10573627

meant to reply to >>10573574

>> No.10573802
File: 155 KB, 1176x494, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this awkward/far away

>> No.10573865

I play using the numpad on my keyboard. But I'm shit, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.10573943

I control movement with home/pgup/pgdn/end, and use `/1/q for focus/shoot/bomb. This way I can restart with maximal efficiency

>> No.10574193
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Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal
ReimuB because Undine. Death on Undine. No replay because the patch refuses to work.

>> No.10574221

Is it just me, or does the vertical monitor dll add a bit of lag? I'm constantly fucking up in MoF and that shouldn't be happening.

>> No.10574274

it's harder to move the middle and ring fingers independently than it is to move the index and middle fingers independently

>> No.10574286
File: 475 KB, 742x750, 1301367349330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming Soldier Blade 2-minute Caravan Score Attack runs.
twitch antsants

I'm a little rusty (and I've had a bit to drink), but I'll try my best! Current high score (just for the night) is 526600; I'm sure I can beat that.

>> No.10574327

Well fuck you nerds then

>> No.10574686
File: 1.54 MB, 960x1042, 20130306_141803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking nothing, my keyboard has an ISO layout so it's even further and I have small hands. Stop complaining.

>> No.10574696

Um, why don't you just press shift with your little finger? I did that from the start.

>> No.10574705

Sounds super awkward. I have middle on shot and index on bomb. I have my ring finger on focus.

However, having to use constant fire (C) in FW is a huge son of a bitch, and I dislike activating trance mode in TD.Z

>> No.10574715

cute hands dude

>> No.10574727

Grow some manly hair, fag.

>> No.10574787

In terms of difficulty, where would TD hard be placed compared to, lets say, EoSD/SA/UFO normal?

>> No.10574814

stream please

>> No.10574889

My shift key has the same size as the Z key. There is a </> key in between.

>> No.10574909

what if he can't

what if it's a girl

>> No.10574924

>playing with an arcade stick and I feel like I can control things better
>I'm still shit and haven't actually managed to get any farther in any game
>It's like I feel like I'm doing better without seeing any real indication of doing any better

It's obvious you are just trying to rationalize wasting around 100 bucks on a stick because you thought you'd be super pro or something. Holy shit, just fuck off to your fighting games already.

>> No.10575009

nobody said he bought it for this game.

>> No.10575064

I laughed really hard. And by the way, regardless of whatever control method you use, you'll never be good at these games. Quit. Now.

>> No.10575122
File: 189 KB, 640x480, Stage 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal

Suicide usage. Death to the penultimate card was a failure, death to second noncard was intentional. (cancel > point-items. EoSD scoring a shit.) Bad grazing, missing some point-items during the stage again. 55M is there, I'm sure.

>> No.10575160

Where do you guys look when dodging? I'm trying to get Marisa's first spell card, Milky Way, down but I'm having trouble balancing my vision between being not focused on my character (preventive) and focusing on my character (for close dodging).

>> No.10575230

So I'm playing IN and I suck.
I was only able to get one neutral ending so far and that was with Reimu and Yukari on easy.

Is there anything more to it than throwing spell cards and using spells when things go to shit?

>> No.10575339
File: 356 KB, 640x480, th044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One step forward, two steps back.

>> No.10575700

IN a shit. A SHIT.

>> No.10575873

You guys sure are mad.

>> No.10575914

Man, EoSD sucks MAJOR ass.

>> No.10575948

Not as much as UFO though.

>> No.10575976

Anyone else just think that IN looks like shit?

Even the aesthetic of EoSD and PCB was better in my eyes...

>> No.10575977

I am so sorry for your lots. I actively avoid keyboards with the shitty canadian/whatever layout like this.

>> No.10575980

I didn't realize everyone had a problem with a key between shift and Z, I couldn't imagine having a big fat shift key like that.

Well, whatever, they both beat stick.

>> No.10576148

You could try to dodge maybe. Sarcasm aside, you can avoid making things go to shit by looking ahead for bad spots and avoiding them earlier. This will also help you use normal bombs instead of deathbombs

>> No.10576156

In general, look about 1/3 of the way up the screen. On that spell though, you have to sort of strafe back and forth since things come at you from the side. Learn to dodge the big stars with your peripheral vision and just focus on not getting walled by the horizontal ones. Even on lunatic, the spaces between the big stars should be large enough that you don't have to do much focusing on your character sprite.

>> No.10577453

Watch a replay video of it to improve by a jump if you haven't done so already

>> No.10578198

How do you get alternative endings? Bombs on stock or what?

>> No.10578275

Bad end is what you get when you clear the game using continues.
Good end requires you to clear without continues.
Different characters have different endings.

>> No.10578280

TD also has a bonus ending I think, requires you to have already cleared with that character and have at least 3 (?) bombs in stock when you clear.

>> No.10578283

"By the way, if you clear the game again with 3 or more bombs in stock for a character that has already cleared the game without continuing you will be able to see a different ending from usual"

>> No.10580102

No one ever streams anymore.

>> No.10580164


>> No.10580272

The age of streams is over.

>> No.10580380

I actually stream every couple of days or so, but I don't always post the thread because it feels spammy if I post more than once every 50 posts or so :(
Anyways, if you're still around, I'll stream for a little bit just for you


>> No.10580419

2 bombs.

>> No.10580878

jp pls strm

>> No.10581157
File: 1.25 MB, 1447x1447, 1344799396992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunatic EoSD, Expect so many stage 1 restarts you'll want to close the tab.


>> No.10582668

Which TH game has the nicest looking danmaku patterns/visuals? TH08?

>> No.10582911

Ten Desires

>> No.10582994

Which stages in particular?

>> No.10583090

IN for me.

>> No.10583110

The photo games.

>> No.10583376

Which Touhou has the biggest dick?

>> No.10583397

Unzan, obviously.

>> No.10583414


>> No.10584900

I have a question about MoF.
I still haven't cleared it so I probably shouldn't be concerned with score but what is the strategy to keep your faith from plummeting during those rough bullet segments in stage 4?

>> No.10585374

careful faith collecting and bombs. you will use a lot of bombs in stage 4. For example, you don't dodge momiji, you just bomb the shit out of her. and bomb the shit out of the part that comes after her. to give an example.

>> No.10585410

I've always felt that way. Eiren and Kaguya's are particularly pretty, and Marisa's are nice too.

>> No.10585438

I like IN's and PCB's, but I'm shit so my opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.10585538

Is that what you do? I actually got to the point where I can dodge her bullet storm completely 3/5 times. I guess it would make sense to bomb and gather all those points. I'll try it out next time. Hopefully it will improve my runs.

>> No.10585644

yuyuko's first non always looked particularly elegant to me

>> No.10585919

IN because of Last Words.

>> No.10585925

Collect faith at a steady pace by planning ahead, don't die, and don't bomb. When you do bomb, plan a deathbomb, because bombing costs you a ton but deathbombing costs you nothing.

>> No.10585975

A shit quality stream is up:

>> No.10585983 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1280x1024, 54534690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal
Again a death on Undine, but since you time it out anyway, and the Water Elf cancel shenanigans ended up working out flawlessly, it's only a 0.5M mistake.
You could probably take advantage of tactical suicides in the stage.
I could graze more or collect more, but doing both would be hard.

>> No.10585995
File: 134 KB, 1280x1024, 54534690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal
Again a death on Undine, but since you time it down to the last second anyway, and the Water Elf cancel shenanigans ended up working out flawlessly, it's only a 0.5M mistake.
You could probably take advantage of tactical suicides in the stage.
I could graze more or collect more, but doing both would be hard.

>> No.10586301

Yes, what he said. Not death bombing can be a costly affair especially on lower difficulty settings. On Lunatic, you gain faith rather quickly so it doesn't hurt as much but even still, you'll want to get your faith up as fast as possible so try to deathbomb every time to cancel bullets.

In addition, I'll add some more MoF knowledge to the table. Notice how bosses drop point items that are yellow around the edges? Normally, when you defeat a spellcard, it drops point and power items but if you defeat a spellcard with full power then the boss drops these extra point items for you in place of the power items. You'll therefore want to moderate your bombing in the stages so that you can pick up the items you want and cancel the bullets you want and still reach the boss with full power so you can get those juicy extra items.

Trust me, they are worth a lot. In short, you'll want to use bombs to collect items and cancel but only barely enough to accomplish those things since you'll want full power for the bosses.

Of course this is higher level stuff and probably not something you'll want to be concerned with for 1cc'ing purposes. Just throwing it out there so you know it. Might help you improve your score a little bit in the earlier stages where you can likely survive most things pretty well. Good luck with your playing :)

>> No.10586345

Thanks for the input guys. I appreciate it

>> No.10586526
File: 102 KB, 640x480, Patchouli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I think you could collect more in the stage rather easily. Reaching 200+ items before Patchouli (missed some items, died in the stage) isn't too hard.

However, you probably could possibly skip some points to graze more. I don't know for sure, since I haven't tested it around, but it's something that would sound like a thing that might work.

Suicides in the stage? Ehh, I'd be against it, since I doubt it'd be possible to outcome the 1,554,350 value from the power items with suicides. Maybe with more grazing-focused play.

I can't try around much now, I don't have applocale at work and the input lag is killing me. Looking into it later.

>> No.10587024

it depends on what my goal is for the run. I bomb if I play for score, but I obviously dodge if I do a No Bonb run.

>> No.10587976

since I finished pcb, I'll be trying out gunbird for a bit. I'm comically awful at the game, so expect lots of stage 1 dying. Advice is welcome if any of you are skilled in this game

>> No.10588337
File: 167 KB, 451x267, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>advice is welcome

Spent 20-30 hours on savestate practice, get 2-ALL

>> No.10588356

DDP was my first STG, and it took me almost 150 hours just to see 2-4. I don't even enjoy the game, and as a matter of fact, I hate it. The only reason I've even been playing it is so I could prove myself to a tournament-going bastard. But now that I see that the average time for a 2-ALL is roughly one week of practice, I feel even more shitty about playing the damn thing.

The worst part is, I can't stop playing. All the time I've put into the game and learning the scoring system would be a waste, and even though I do hate the game right now, I'm still having a little bit of fun with it.

>> No.10588490

DDP 2-ALL is harder than GB2. Psikyo games are mostly tapping and remembering where the safespots/instalasers/impossibly fast shit is and what to do when they come up. Though GB2 is pretty tough for a Psikyo admittedly. I also doubt you spent those 150 hours grinding through savestates until you're consistent on everything either. 150 hours where 80% the time is spent on things you already find trivial (ie. most of the first loop) is really not that much.

>> No.10588725

Don't encourage people to cheat

>> No.10588854

Don't discourage people from efficient practice

>> No.10588871

>The worst part is, I can't stop playing. All the time I've put into the game and learning the scoring system would be a waste
this is the worst feel.

on the other hand, the best feel is when you finally have that one really good run where everything comes together.

ganbatte anon-kun

>> No.10590453

I'm currently trying to beat Esgaluda II on my iPad on harder modes. I know the pattersn, I just need to keep on trying!

>> No.10591715


How do these games even work on iPads and the like?

Do you hook up a controller/keyboard or whatever?
Please dont tell me it's touch based.

>> No.10591745
File: 489 KB, 1272x477, Patchouli is a Linux lover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoring challenge: EoSD Stage 4 Normal
57,889,450 - http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=27301

Didn't bother suiciding or doing anything besides the basic stage supergrazes.

>> No.10591879

It's touch based.

>> No.10591917

Why even bother at that rate?

God, that steams me up big time for some reason.

>> No.10593147

It's actually a very nice and novel control scheme. If you haven't tried it before, I'd recommend at least one go before you write it off.

>> No.10593405
File: 97 KB, 297x246, 1359078460494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good run. I give up.
Regards: 54M guy
PS: MATSU gets over 65M in his WR run with NBND conditions for the stage. Mind boggling stuff.

>> No.10594495

What's the appeal of playing for scores as opposed to survival? I never understood that.

>> No.10594515

After you can beat a game without dying, you can try to beat it without dying EVEN BETTER.

>> No.10594517

Hey guys. How do I into 2hu?
I played #6 about six thousand years ago, but I don't remember where I got it. I found a torrent but I'm not sure it's legal and I'd rather not risk it. How much do the games cost? Will I have to get them imported? If so, where can I buy them? Alternatively, is it just freeware? That'd sure as hell make things easier...

So yeah, I wish to legally acquire the little girls.

>> No.10594521

The number you get at the end of the game is the measure of how much you love the character that you are playing as. Higher number = more love.

>> No.10594591


>> No.10594646

omg i need halp ;w;

I finally got one of my achievements today, getting to Okuu on normal. I saved the replay, but the replay didn't save correctly, because it shows me dying in 2 spots where I didn't, getting a game over early and making me unable to view the rest of the replay.

Is this normal? Is there a way to fix it? ;_; I wanted to cherish this moment forever.

>> No.10594672

You just imagined getting to Okuu. Sorry.

>> No.10594676

It's normal. Watch from stage 5 without fast-forwarding.

>> No.10594675

Watch the replay from Stage 5.

>> No.10594791

As the posts above mine said it, watch it without fast fowarding. If it still messes up, you may have an actual messed up replay.

>> No.10594809

Thanks guys it worked ;o;!

i'll continue to lurk these threads, have fun dodging bullets everyone! :3

>> No.10594865


fuck off

>> No.10594881

Please be kind to each other.

>> No.10594928

Playing for survival is boring, playing for score is fun. Simple.

I also don't play games unless they have good scoring systems.

>> No.10594942

/jp/ should be a bloody place

>> No.10594950

>I also don't play games unless they have good scoring systems.
Then why are you posting in the Touhou gameplay thread?

>> No.10595084

I guess it'd make sense... but how much time does a person have in their life? How long would it take to be good enough at a game to clear it without dying on the highest difficulty? And then the amount of time it takes to master the route that nets you the most points? That would probably change your approach to the game by a lot.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't like sitting on one game for a year.

>> No.10595111

>Maybe it's just me, but I don't like sitting on one game for a year.
STGs are a journey of self improvement and discovery.

They're very obviously not for you. And that's fine.

>> No.10595114

To add to what the others said, you can start the replay from stage 5, and fast forward until just before the end of stage 5.
It'll save you some time.
Also, cut the emoticons.

>> No.10595120

>They're very obviously not for you.
How did you end up with this? I'm all for 1CCs, but I just don't understand why people love playing for scores so much.

>> No.10595208

Pretend I said "scoring" and not "STGs". I subconsciously equate the two.

>but how much time does a person have in their life?
It doesn't matter as long as it's spent doing something that person enjoys.

>That would probably change your approach to the game by a lot.
It does. That's why simple survival players and scoring players don't usually see eye to eye.

>> No.10595709

You don't have to play for a year, you can get top scores in just a couple of months. It depends on how much natural talent you have. :V

>> No.10595853

I wish I had natural talent... Then I could be like those guys who get WRs on their first credit.

>> No.10595859

first 1cc, good feeling


getso panicky in stage 6

>> No.10596729

:V hi pofv

I can see the sarcasm in your post, but natural talent is usually the deciding factor on whether or not somebody is going to be a world class player. Most players end up being talentless peons who think that scoring is a bad thing, when in reality, they are everything that is wrong with STGs.

>> No.10596874

It's Nautral, not Natural. Learn your terms.

>> No.10596965

Nautroll Talent.

I miss Naut, what has he been doing recently? Is he still great at Marisa? He hasn't been around in awhile, and I'm worried, but he's probably just out at a tournament laughing at /jp/sies. ;_;

>> No.10597317

He's playing WoW

>> No.10597346

No, it's natural.

>> No.10597567

Nautral ~T~alent.

>> No.10597731

What the fuck. I thought his goal for this year was to URA-ALL Ketsui.

What is he doing? Dear lord, no. My life is over.

>> No.10597772

Shmups gay and boring, WoW fun.

>> No.10597947

But WoW? Really? There are plenty of other games out there if he's bored of dot dodging. Maybe he should spice it up and play a first person shmup, like Quake 3 Arena.

>> No.10598234

He also said he was going to get over three billion points in Futari Ultra. Talk is cheap.

>> No.10598464

And you thought he was serious when he said that. People are funny.

>> No.10598654
File: 329 KB, 640x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scoring Normal, MarisaA.

>> No.10598750

What is an Ura Loop/route/thing?

I saw it mentioned for a few games now, but specifically I want to know what constitutes an Ura Loop in DoDonPachi DFK.

I mean, I know about the alternate route for destroying the silos(i assume that's URA?), but then sometimes I don't get the alternate route in some stages then in later ones I get back into the alternate route somehow.

So what is URA, and if there's any DFK players, what constitutes an URA clear?

>> No.10598887

Ura is the special/harder loop. Requirements are enter ura route, collect all bees in all stages, and clear the first loop with a maximum of 1 death 2 bombs.

>> No.10599071

DFK has 2 versions of the second loop, Omote & Ura, Ura being the harder one where you face Hibachi at the end. You need to trigger the alternate route to be able to collect enough bees (45 I think) to enter the Ura loop.

>> No.10599270

How bad am I /jp/? I've been playing for two months.


>> No.10599284

Incidentally, the deaths and bombs requirement are lifted from the iOS version. Still have to get every bee though.

>> No.10599302
File: 631 KB, 640x480, 1cc IN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I forgot to put it on mediafire.


>> No.10599410

I'll watch it...



>> No.10599418

You'll watch it now.

>> No.10599440
File: 134 KB, 332x332, eiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been bothering me for a while. Every time I get to Eiki on PoFV Normal with an extra life in stock she refuses to take any sort of damage at all the first time I reach her, making me utterly fail at beating her. Second round starts, it goes normally, with me being able to beat her occasionally. I once lasted for 3 and a half minutes during first round and she still had 5 goddamn orbs. What the hell is this.

>> No.10599460

This is how PoFV works.

>> No.10599464

That's fine, whenever you get the chance. Thank you.

>> No.10599870

I thought the score is way too low. That player penalty the reason it seems.
You may want to use the default settings next time.

>> No.10599914

Eiki is undefeatable in the first round. she may drop down to half a life, but she will never lose. she takes forever on easy and everything after that, you may as well just suicide unless you're playing for score.

>> No.10599950

Surely she can't be completely undefeatable in the first round? There must be some people who've beaten her there on the higher difficulties.
But yeah, she's a tough nut to crack.

>> No.10600009

I'm not good enough to beat it without the extra lives.

>> No.10600030


You've answered your own question, then. Pretty bad. Don't worry about it though, just keep practicing. The more you learn the game, the easier it'll get, and eventually you'll be able to clear with default lives every time you play.

>> No.10600276

Let's narrow down where you should practice.

-Pay very good attention to start of stage 3. You are fumbling there.
-You can skip the middle of stage 3 practice. I think you have it quite good.
-Don't do that stupid dance in start of stage 4. You need to stream and misdirect bullets a lot at the start of the stage. Wrongly positioned can result getting walled.
-In general, you have to be calm during stage 4. Don't rush to PoC until you have memorized where the enemies come from.
-Don't charge blindly to walls unfocused. Ever. You got lucky there.
-If you think you can't escape after going to PoC to collect items, don't do it. You are not scoring with this route, don't know the underlying scoring mechanics either, but is en route to get all the extends that you badly need for survival.
-Do you restart often in stage 1,2,3? If yes, don't do it.
-I know people are like, bomb,bomb,bomb. Me too. But this time, you need to cut your bomb usage like more than half. Practice a lot of spellcards. Really, just try them and see if you can do it without bombing them.
-Because long window of deathbombs only works in spellcards, dick around during it, but play it safely during non-cards and stage portion.

>> No.10600282

Here's some easy pattern for you to learn, in order of what you should do first.
-All the Reisen's pattern. Gimmicks in Normal, watch how everyone do it and you're set.
-Stage three beginning.
-Keine's cards. They are slow and predictable.
-Boss Keine's non-cards are daunting at first, but destroy the familiar and it becomes much less dense. With Marisa's attack, you shouldn't have problem dismantling the familiars.
-By playing it safely in stage portion of stage 4, you can save 2-3 bombs there. Don't worry about score or extends.
-Reimu's (midboss card) Duplex Barrier is very easy in Normal. Don't bomb that.
-Tewi's second attack is easy too, compared to her previous attack.

Here's some hard pattern that you should skip practicing altogether to save time.
-Eirin midboss non-card. Whether you are playing 6A or 6B, it's hard for beginners.
-Tewi's first attack.

Other than what I have listed, it's on your discretion whether or not you want to practice it. Default lives should be doable if you have learned how not to outright bomb spellcards.

>> No.10600287

Thanks for your help. I don't normally bomb as much but I kept dying when I thought I wasn't going to so I tried to play it safe this time. And yes, I do restart often on the early stages and I'll try to avoid it.

>> No.10600294

I forgot to say, I generally dislike Malice cannon and try to discourage everyone from using it. I prefer not getting silly deaths from running to bullets than marginal damage increase but it's your call. Everyone else have their success with malice cannon except me.

>> No.10600296

Which is generally easier: 6A or 6B? I have 1cc'd it on both but can't decide which one is easier. Also is it considered "cheating" to abuse MAlice cannon? I figured it was in the game so I would use it.

>> No.10600303

Is the malice cannon that thing where you jackhammer shift?

>> No.10600306

>Definition of CHEAT
>transitive verb
>: to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud
>: to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice
>: to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting ><cheat death>
>intransitive verb
>a : to practice fraud or trickery
>b : to violate rules dishonestly <cheat at cards> <cheating on a test>
>: to be sexually unfaithful —usually used with on <was cheating on his wife>
>: to position oneself defensively near a particular area in anticipation of a play in that area <the shortstop was cheating toward second base>

Nope, not cheating. I don't even think it qualifies as a bug.

>> No.10600313

Yeah, you jackhammer Shift to switch between Marisa and Alice.

I'm practicing the Reisen spellcards now. I always have trouble with the second to last one.

>> No.10600314

>Which is generally easier: 6A or 6B?
I don't know in Normal but rumors have 6B easier in that difficulty. Malice cannon is okay.

>Is the malice cannon that thing where you jackhammer shift?

>> No.10600350

Follow the movement. Don't worry about hitting Reisen at all, she will follow you.

>> No.10600527

>Tewi's first attack
You can make this one easier by hugging the left corner of the screen.

>> No.10600529

6A has more static difficulty and generally less Spell Cards. Kaguya has nasty random stuff that can kill you even after lots of practice.

>> No.10600574

Malice cannon certainly isn't a cheat.

The damage advantage gained from using it is really minor in most cases, and high-class shots like Youmu or Remilia can get close to the damage dealt by it. However, it's really powerful when used against attacks which spawn several overlapping familiars on the screen with high health. Take Kaguya's second card for example.

>> No.10600629

Would you consider Marisa B's MoF 3.00-3.95 shot a cheat?

>> No.10600676

No. I'd consider it bug abuse if used for pure survival purposes. The things I'd consider cheating would be savestating to complete full runs, EoSD hitbox patch and Tool-Assisted Slowdown. Pause abuse to a lesser extent depending highly on how you use it.

In the end, achievements and clears tend to be personal things. Community might have some opinion on your clear, but if you consider it okay to clear a game using high amounts of bug abuse and still find your clear a cool, neat thing, sure. Go for it, nevermind what the community thinks.

Opinions tend to alter as time passes. Goals get higher and higher. Every achievement is a milestone of a kind.

>> No.10600689

And I wouldn't consider extra lives cheating either.

I'd generally encourage practicing without them, though, since more strict count of lives teaches management a lot better.

And your runs generally won't be accepted anywhere if you use extra lives, so if you'd like to submit your stuff on some scoreboards, learn to live without them.

>> No.10601180

8 hours into Crimzon Clover Original and I can only reach the stage 4 midboss without continues and a shitty score of around 250,0000,0000.

Sure is different from Touhou...

>> No.10601191

CC Original is easier than Touhou.

>> No.10601245


Probably, it took me 20 odd hours to 1CC EoSD, probably the first shmup I dedicated time to.

I got my first two extends in stage one in CC literally just now, so I guess all that restarting has been paying off.
If only I had a route in mind for every other stage.

>> No.10601393

I hate all games that feature extra lives. I can't fucking stand losing a life before reaching the final boss. I just rage quit when that happens and often delete the game folder. Fuck Touhou.

I like Lotus Land Story, though.

>> No.10601414


I can't stand shitty perfectionists who aren't even good at the game

>> No.10601421

I'm indeed a perfectionist, but that doesn't have anything to do with this.

I just hate losing a life in the 3rd stage because I know I'll need every single one of them for the difficult bosses. I can't keep playing, I'd rather do everything again and get to that part without losing the life.

It's tedious, though, so I just rage quit.

>> No.10601427


>> No.10601435


>> No.10601494

I hit a wall in Mushi Futari on the third stage. I thought I would just practice stages via save states, but it turns out that game can't into saving properly. No idea how I'm going to overcome this... I'm tired of having to replay the first two when I can beat them easily without a scratch.

>> No.10601499


What a shitty attitude.

In any case, you'll probably just get wrecked by the next/last boss anyway due to lack of practice against them.
Does it go against your honor as a shitmonger to bomb?

>> No.10601526

I can't be prepared to use a bomb unless I completely ignore the shift key.

Pic related, it's my shitty keyboard. Look at the shift key. Playing Touhou here is awkward as fuck.

>> No.10601530
File: 63 KB, 998x496, cherry_G80_3000_keyboard_black_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic.

>> No.10601535

>Does it go against your honor as a shitmonger to bomb?
I don't want to waste bombs unless it's absolutely necessary, so I often die without using them. When this happens, I rage quit for a week. It hurts too much, I can't take it easy.

>> No.10601545

?It's okay?
what the fuck is your problem, nerd?

>> No.10601543

Why not use a different key, mate?

>> No.10601548

The shift key is too far away and there is another key in between.

>> No.10601551

I can't go out.

>> No.10601553

No, it's not too far away.

wait wait wait a minute

are you trying to say you are using a single finger for x and shift?
I use 3 fingers-one on shift, one on z, one on x...you're trying to say you're not doing that?

have you lost part of your hand in an accident or are your just clinically retarded?

>> No.10601557

Every Windows game is shit and all the characters are annoying assholes.

The PC-98 games are okay at best.

>> No.10601577

This keyboard is fine, whata fuck man.

You're using 2 fingers for 3 buttons, aren't you?
Just get used to it, I've never played on a keyboard that doesn't have a button between Z and shift and it never crossed my mind as a problem.
Hell, even on my old laptop keyboard that made my wrists explode it was like that.

>> No.10601581

I have three options:

-Index finger on Z, middle finger on Shift. Can't bomb fast enough.

-Index finger on X, middle finger on Z. Can't use focus.

-Index finger on X, middle finger on Z, ring finger awkwardly on Shift. My ring finger hurts.

>> No.10601583

>I hate all games that feature extra lives.

You should play Under Defeat

>> No.10601621


Not even kidding dude, finger stretches.

Hands out in front of each other, palms facing together. Stretch your fingers out slowly as far as they will go and keep them stretched by trying to go further, hold for about 5 seconds.

Then make a fist and squeeze hard for 3-5 secs.
If your hands were as shitty as mine were then your pinky will probably naturally end up under your ring finger. You have to make sure your fist is as square as possible, so pay attention to that first, then squeeze.
Then open your hand and stretch again.
Your hands will actually noticeably get warm if you repeat this, it's pretty good.

Also, fingertip pushups against a wall.
Don't overdo it like I did, I felt pins and needles a little and that's not a good sign at all.

Try doing 8, rest 30 seconds, then do it twice more.
3 sets of 8 I guess.

I had a keyboard like yours and it pained me to use 3 fingers, until I did this stuff.

I wasted a lot of time with numerous other hand stretches but after a two days of these I never needed to do any again and used 3 fingers for the 3 buttons ever since.

Sounds ridiculous, working out for videogame performance, but please give these a try man. I'd really like to know if it helps you too...

>> No.10601633

Never struck you to make use of your fourth finger, conveniently located right on Shift?

>> No.10601639

Why can't ZUN just let us change the keyboard controls?

>> No.10601644

That finger is useless. It can't even move on its own.

>> No.10601652

How'd you cripple it?

>> No.10601660

It's a long sad story anon ;_;

>> No.10601690


ganbatte cripple-kun

>> No.10601789 [DELETED] 

Cripple-kun, have you tried remapping your keys?

>> No.10601798

Cripple-kun, have you tried remapping your keys?

>> No.10601800

What are your best scores /jp/?

>> No.10601877

once i got like 450M on an IN Easy clear :P

>> No.10601881

You can, on a Japanese keyboard.
Alternatively there's also a patch that allows this.

>> No.10602164

a little over 900 million in MoF extra, I guess. scoring is hard, so I haven't put much effort in it, but I like my 1.37b in SA lunatic, too. a reimu solo 2b IN easy. I did it for fun to see how it would turn out. I haven't got any other scores worth mentioning, I suppose.

>> No.10602277

My scoring is bad but ehh... I've got 3.3b on IN Lunatic, 2b on IN Extra, MoF Extra 930m, MoF Lunatic 1b (currently aiming for 1.5), SA 1,3b.

UFO, EoSD, TD and PCB scores are restricted knowledge.

>> No.10602297

Please do not deprecate yourself, your scoring is far from bad.
I also barely got over 900m in MoF Extra.

>> No.10602371

It's just survival scores mostly. Decent survival scores maybe but compared to people who actually put effort into grabbing them points, something that I find hard to commit myself to, these scores are really nothing in particular.

>> No.10602395

>I can't fucking stand losing a life before reaching the final boss
>I like Lotus Land Story

A stranger person I have never met.

>> No.10602435 [SPOILER] 
File: 458 KB, 800x800, touhou_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, I finally managed to 1cc a lunatic run for the first time, so much joy, happiness, i burst into tear when I saw the ending (last time was when finishing normal and as I play casually that was long ago) .

Oh by the way, it was EoSD Reimu A (no patched)

How do you feel when you achieve something for the first time in touhou, like seeing a good end, reaching a certain score ?

oh, also, the image is kind of spoiling in a way

>> No.10602456
File: 411 KB, 640x480, th576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I just got this off IN easy! It's my new record!

>> No.10602461

I just played EoSD after long time of not playing touhou.

Now I want to kill myself.

>> No.10602473
File: 409 KB, 640x480, th576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got .dat from my girlfend. Here's the real highscore!

>> No.10602480


I don't get it...

>> No.10602483

[06:34] <xxx> I'm the shitposter king

why am I still awake

>> No.10602567

After achieving a huge self-accomplishment in Touhou, I get so joyous that I start shooting out white-coloured danmaku bullets during the ending sequence.

Also, congrats on your clear.

>> No.10602625

thank you very much ^.^

>> No.10603009


Mushi Maniac. I've played it about twice so expect me to suck.

>> No.10603053

Take a good whiff, Reimu. SNOG THAT HARBL.

>> No.10603215

I've just recently started playing STGs, and I thought that Touhou was a nice place to start because most rational people said it wasn't really hard.
After failing twice against Remilia (on normal), I started wondering if the other Touhou games are as hard as EoSD, a game that is supposedly easy by Daimaku standards.
Can /jp/ tell me, so that I can quit before wasting an incredible amount of time practicing?

>> No.10603230

I can't even get past Sakuya mid-boss www

>> No.10603236

Are you dying with bombs in stock? If so, don't.

>> No.10603252

You have no talent. It's time to kill yourself until you're reborn as somebody with natural talent, it's really the only way.

>> No.10603282

If you're already thinking about quitting after just a few tries you may as well quit right now.
Either shut the fuck up and keep practising or give up and stop wasting our time and yours.
Some of the games are harder (SA, UFO for example) and some of them are easier (MoF, TD) than EoSD.
I started with EoSD and I didn't some crying to /jp/ after Remilia beat my ass a couple of times.
If you want to play STGs you better get used to that.

>> No.10603397

you can start complaining once you've been beaten by remilia a couple hundred times

>> No.10603423

>lighting from top-left
>umbrella covering top-right

>> No.10603560
File: 109 KB, 640x480, 6479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10603695

Just a lucky 2.3B in IN Exta, I'm shit.

>> No.10603797

Hey /jp/.

I'm planning to get a laptop in the near future but I was wondering are there any issues running the Touhou games on Windows 8?

>> No.10603815

>using Windows 8
nigga is u serious

>> No.10603861


>> No.10603919

>Windows 8

Are you a masochist or something?

>> No.10603965

Not quite a masochist, I just have almost zero experience/knowledge of Windows 8 so I am pretty clueless. Also, it would broaden my choices if Touhou works well on Windows 8, the Windows 7 laptops are slowly depleting here.

>> No.10604006

except I got mine on a 1cc

>> No.10604012

Failure is a part of learning the game.

Unless you're talented, in which case, fuck off.

>> No.10604017

No need to be so mad about it.

Use credits to finish the game so you can practice stage 6 in practice mode. As someone else said, bomb liberally

>> No.10604019

install SURPRISE

>> No.10604031

1) Pirate Windows 7 Ultimate
2) Install Windows 7
3) Done

1) Get Classicshell or pirate start8
2) Install them
3) Done.

>> No.10604050


>> No.10604083

What are your opinions on best shmups for dreamcast?

I like gigawing2 but i feel like shield x bomb makes it way too easy..
Triggerheart exelica was meh. Ikuruga is bleh.

That's all i've played so far, any recommends?

>> No.10604089

I'm sure Windows 8 will work fine. I once set up someone's laptop that was running it and was pleasantly surprised that all the keyboard shortcuts, run commands and programs worked just fine.

>> No.10604099

Freedom way:
Get linux
Get wine

>> No.10604122

Go play Mars Matrix.

Also Psyvariar 2 seems pretty excellent. Border Down is maybe worth a try.

>> No.10604136

It's easier than Touhou Lunatic probably, but I'd disagree that it's easier than Normal or Hard.

Simple is probably around Touhou Normal though.

I wouldn't say so. Magic team is awful in every other way so in order to be at all competitive with the other choices, they gotta have something going for them.
Though it is kinda sketchy how easily they take down Eirin's (anti-)crescendo spellcard. But killing Mokou's survival card is hilarious.

>> No.10604193

Under Defeat
Psyvariar 2
Mars Matrix
Gunbird 2
Border Down
Giga Wing
Shikigami no Shiro 2
Bangai-O (not really a shmup)

>> No.10604303

The 100M score is from a full run.

>> No.10604475

does full run = 1cc? It's easy to score low if you just continue near the end

>> No.10604521

You do realize that using a continue will cause the score to display a 1 in the last digit? The screenshot shows a 0 so it's obviously a 1cc

>> No.10604534

unless you use 10 continues :D

>> No.10604669

>I don't get it
I think they're posting low scores to show that they're really good at pacifist runs or something, because that's how superplayers play

>> No.10604773

If you could.

>> No.10604808

ooh, yay, 300 posts, now I can finally stop practicing gunbird

>> No.10604812

not till someone makes a new thread mate ;)

>> No.10604826

why are you sageing

>> No.10604851

why aren't you? :V

>> No.10604896

well, whatever dude. I'll be streaming eosd normal for a bit. Nothing fancy, just pleasant conversation with whatever company we can round up at this hour

>> No.10605085

New thread

>> No.10606447


>> No.10606682
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