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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 311 KB, 1282x795, rona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10585582 No.10585582 [Reply] [Original]

Do you still play Elona?

>> No.10585600

too random for me

>> No.10585604

too boring for me

>> No.10585606

I was actually wondering if people still played that.

>> No.10585608

Too autistic for me.

I'm going back to lunatic touhou scoring.

>> No.10585620


I was beginning to think nobody wanted to be Alabama anymore.

>> No.10585629

Stop talking yourself, you goddamn tripfag.

>> No.10585631

I'll talk to whoever I damn well please.

>> No.10585635

One of the dungeons was bugged for me so I stopped.

>> No.10585641


You should try it out sometime.

>> No.10585647

>doesn't know about white ren
get out newfag

>> No.10585650

you mean the moongates? They were never translated correctly and all you got for text was garbage

>> No.10585658

I don't know why anyone would still want to be that person who I don't know who it is, but good luck to them in their endeavors.

For some reason, I post in an Elona thread. I guess I do miss those threads.

>> No.10585662

Wow, that screen reminds me of this ascii text-based thing I played a loooong time ago. Or was it ega? I forget. Whatever.

Really difficult game. Granted I was just a kid and not a particularly bright one, but I remember it being ridiculously hard.

>> No.10585663

Look at this pathetic tripfag talking to itself.

Disgusting go back to /abv/ you gay fucker

>> No.10585671

What the fuck is /abv/? They keep adding shitty new boards, and I just don't know why.

>> No.10585675


Don't be silly. Everyone on /jp/ is White Ren. Even you, Anonymous.

>> No.10585682

It's a public tripcode.

Guy was a famously "epic" little bitch before that, though, and got banned for it. Report their posts, I don't know why that trip itself isn't just banned but anybody using it is a "shit poster."

>> No.10585691

What's with all the "scare" "quotes"

>> No.10585696

I already knew that. I just made you waste your time. Owned, faggle

>> No.10585704
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Quotes scare you? What?

>> No.10585706

>Guy was a famously "epic" little bitch before that, though, and got banned for it.

I've only ever been banned three times. Once was during the split, once was for posting that girl from Mai Hime getting eye-socket fucked on /a/, and the last was because someone confused me with Anonymous of Germany.

History is written by those who witnessed it.

>> No.10585713

My experience with Elona.

Go outside, fight monsters, die. Go outside again, fight different monsters, die.

Go outside, run real fast to get to the nearest town, have no money to actually buy anything, go outside, fight monsters, die.

Run out of food, starve, have no money to buy more, go outside, fight monsters, die.

This a game for masochists or something? I honestly don't understand.

>> No.10585716

No, it was a plot dungeon.

>> No.10585718

>History is written by those who witnessed it.
That point falls apart because the holocaust never actually happened but it's in every history book.

>> No.10585719

Get a gun and ammo in the puppy cave and hold down "F." Firearms make early game easy. Alternatively, roll a musician, make lots of money, buy elite items from merchants, then inherit it all on a character that can actually use it.

>> No.10585723

Too grindy for me. Then, to top it off, the random roguelike aspects will shit all over your hard work. Nothing about it feels satisfying at all.

>> No.10585728
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>> No.10585732

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.10585763

I'm playing it right now actually. I just finished clearing Lesimas and now all 3 of my ranches are full of imps, imp eggs, and imp shit.

>> No.10585793

I'm suffering teleportitis right now. What is the cheapest way to uncurse Frightening items?

>> No.10585798

Change their material to something edible and then eat them.

>> No.10586224
File: 41 KB, 229x210, 未命名 (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

create fairy pianist.
grab in puppy cave a lot of ice magic books
be a strongest

>> No.10586293

Waiting for some significant Elona+ updates so I can make a new character. My current ones has 264 healing skill which has become bugged out, skill wont rise unless wearing very specific items like the <Hiryu-to>, weird.

Though I've always wanted to try a Golem for that dim immunity, more so when almost all Elona+ enemies seem to inflict it.

>> No.10586416

also in Elona+ you can buy new pet in slavemaster. A Necromancer. Awesome pet for newbies or more. She have descent HP, such more skills for low lvl pet, heal, party heal, chaosballs with some control magic, death skill and good potential for gene engeneering.

>> No.10586481

it has not been translated to English yet, right?

>> No.10586513

Most Elona+ discussion is in the /vg/ roguelike thread now.

I enjoy it, but I'm guessing most of /jp/ has forgotten about it which is a shame since Elona+ adds a lot of stuff and drastically improves the grinding. Also, development on the third continent is starting.

As of version 1.10(current version is 1.15555), some of the dialogue has been translated. Not very well though. Some of the sidequests and the South Tyris main quest specifically. Though the translation looks like it was simply done in google translate, at least the developer cares enough to actually try.

>> No.10586517


make a fairy pianist, go play piano in town, someone throws a rock and you die

>> No.10586731

It's a learning game, like all Roguelikes. You get hurt/killed by something, you learn to avoid that. You get something cool from an item, you learn how to replicate that. You have to figure out how to proceed based on what happens to you.

Or you can be like everyone else and read the wiki. You pussy.

>> No.10586734
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>> No.10586746
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Best Goddess

>> No.10586751

I still do.

Play ElonaPlus, though. It's better in every way. Less arbitrary bullshit. Less Harvest abuse. can actually level up without worrying about monster power levels scaling up faster than you do. more content.

>> No.10586752

I tried giving this a go a year or two ago, but I couldn't really get into it. I think the controls or something confused me. I liked that whole rotary thing, but it wasn't the sort of roguelike I was used to.

Does this game have fun non-combat stuff? I keep hearing about how you can adopt a little girl. I'd love a roguelike where you just walk around town and never do anything.

>> No.10586753
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>> No.10586755

But that's not Kumiromi.
Stamina regen + Zero shoot spam with a godly Shotgun = dead everything

>> No.10586758
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Coconut Crab!

>> No.10586757

every single fish I ever gave her was rotten.

after she gave out the final reward, I summoned her with Wish and killed her for the godloots.

>> No.10586760

I think the best class overall is Golem Pianist. You get awesome weightlifting right from the start, good complement of skills, you're way tougher than average, and you get Riding right off the bat so you can leg it over to Yowyn and fix your shitty speed at level 1.

>> No.10586762

Non-combat is half the game, and is especially important to growing your character and getting dosh. Trading, farming, mining, fishing, playing music, escorting people, you can do plenty of things that don't require fighting.
You can play the game and barely touch combat outside of running away from enemies, but you'll never finish the main quest. Which is fine, since the boss is tough as shit for most and the second continent is even harder.

On the other hand, if you don't kill things you'll never evolve your little girl into a Valkyrie.

>> No.10586813

Is she carrying a nuke? For the longest time I thought it was some kind of cargo piece or something.

>> No.10586833

There is a bunch of non-combat stuff you can do. One guy spent a couple hundred hours just farming, I personally like to do a bit of everything, like crafting panties for my home, fishing/cooking to stock up my shop and playing music for random junk.

I like the stamina regen for fishing and cooking, its really tedious without it.

They seem like one of the best from an "end game" perspective. 150 life is pretty hard to earn for other races and being a Golem is the only way to get dim immunity, which ironically makes them good mages even with 70 mana as dim mess's up spell casting badly. If playing Elona+, their base speed isn't even a issue in with all the new speed gaining methods and new pets to ride.

Class's in Elona+ actually have their own secret hidden "feat", so its worth picking a class for the bonus then paying for the skills you need. http://waa.ai/9Vp

>> No.10586851

Fairy pianist is pretty good too, if you can boost pickpocketing well enough you can easily survive lower levels with some choice gear.

>> No.10586859

the class bonuses are pretty small. I'd rather take better starting skills, I think. Makes the early-game easier, and the early-game is actually the hardest part. Lategame, even snail tourists do just fine with enough grindan.

>> No.10586862

1.0s per piece of gear is crippling, though...

>> No.10586863

if you think about it, stamina regen reduces your opportunity to sleep, which means you get crappier stats. not so great in the long run.

>> No.10586869

It's not that crippling until you're trying to kit out a high level character and at the very very beginning. You can usually find some essential light equipment on adventuresses which is easy stealing to start out.

>> No.10586878

I just started playing Elona+ yesterday and kept dying while fighting the easiest of monsters.
Then I checked my equipment and realized my armor vanished. What the fuck?

>> No.10586876

I just played it briefly and I had a lot of fun.

A lot of the Engrish confuses me though, as well as some of the bizarre items (glass gloves? What?). Is there any way to see more about an item, or should I just assume most things are decoration?

Ragequitting for the time being because a slime killed me, I'll probably make a new character later. Any particular newbie tips beside what's on the Wiki?

>> No.10586890

Depends on your play style I guess. I've got a ton of stuff to pass down to any new character I might make, so the early game will be easy. I suppose if you make new characters often class skills are better, though I've spent 500 hours on my current character and like the extra accuracy archer gives me even if its small.

You mean for the potential gains? I get my stat potential from blessed potential potions and skill potential from blessed scrolls of growth/level up points/plat. I didn't even know stamina had some effect on how often you need to sleep.

>> No.10586888

can't use most artifacts (unless you use up super-rare flying scrolls), and that sux.

also you can't use medium/heavy armor for constitution gain.

>> No.10586896

Both valid points.
Though neither are really required for playing a character int he vein.

>> No.10586894

probably you got burnt by something that destroyed your armor. pay attention to the message window.

also, stop doing combat if you're dying a lot. early-game should mostly be hanging around the towns doing noncombat quests.

>> No.10586902

when stamina is regenerated the hard way your hunger/sleep meters go up. so more stamina expenditure = eat more (stat gain) and sleep more (potential gain/faith gain).

>> No.10586925

Oh thanks for the tip. In that case being able to eat more often is somewhat useful, my character is a Juere which doesn't need to eat as often but that is kinda detrimental now that I have infinite food for stat gains. I level up so often from the void that I just use level points for skill potential, but a new character would defiantly want to sleep more often.

>> No.10586978

From my experience then you must avoid absolutely everything, have no money to buy food, starve to death, and die. What drove me to try fighting monsters again the last time before I deleted the game was I was starving and had no money to buy food.

I guess perhaps there's some way of earning money that doesn't involve fighting monsters you can never hope to beat at level 1 but after running around for 4 or 5 hours I never found it.

The game is a pain in the ass and as I said earlier, it must be for masochists.

>> No.10586982

How mature is the Java port?

>> No.10586999

I'm guessing you never saw the quest boards in the towns. they're full of easy fetch/delivery/escort quests with zero risk.

>> No.10587002

it's shit.

main problem is the graphics engine is screwed up right now, nothing's accelerated, and it's super slow even on modern hardware.

>> No.10587011

Don't be a mage for now. Do what >>10586760 says and make a big dumb Golem pianist you'll be able to ignore lots of early game trouble, try roll for high str and con.

Look for a throwing weapon like a shuriken and use a 1 handed weapon with a shield, don't go to the enemies just throw until they're next to you, only then should you melee them.

Don't fight slimes with melee or they will acid your gear, throw all day stay off the puddles, you've got poison res so kobolds are less of a trouble raid the first floor of puppy dungeon for SCROLLS identify them until you find an oracle one they will always be identified from that point on so keep selling them, keep entering/exiting the first floor of puppy dungeon to reset the place for more oracle scrolls don't go deeper.

Do non combat quests or low rank hunter ones once you got some gear, identify gear you want to wear to avoid curses, there is probably more I'm forgetting so just keep learning.

I actually tried it a few months ago, ran poorly at the time, probably hasn't improved that much since then.

>> No.10587069

Back when we still had Elona threads on /jp/, people used to just aim for sex slaves and such. What the fuck was that about?

>> No.10587095


Got kind of tired of the game after I realized that the game pretty much wants you to exclude yourself from Combat in the mid to late stages of it. So your job much amounts to being an incredibly hard to hit asshole who can maintain range while the pets zerg rush and crush.

>What the fuck was that about?
As I kinda said,pets are the most important aspect of this game. What better pleasure is there knowing that your waifu is an eldritch abomination who can suck you off 29 different ways while also being able to kill multiple Spiral Kings without breaking a sweat and not letting a hair on your head get even blown by the wind?

>> No.10587737

They aren't terribly rare, I think. Ether material stuff isn't really bad to use either due to how slow the effects are and that the cure potions aren't really all that rare either.

I had a 0.9s GAU-17 on my fairy.

>> No.10588325
File: 803 KB, 1584x1200, MonsterGirlPreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pet waifu thing is probably easier now with the monstergirl spritesheet some guy compiled.

>> No.10588402
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>That troll

10/10 would impregnate right along side that Valkyrie looking slut below the giant white wolf

I want to load up my old and decrepted save file now.

>> No.10588416


Also I just noticed too

>That Orc replacement

Kenkoku Cross would be proud

>> No.10588443

>Hot Soup Processor


>> No.10588447

Can someone stream themselves playing this game?

I like watching other people play roguelikes.

>> No.10588491

Ha, completely forgot that Elona development stopped. I remember how people were crying it was the end of the world on /jp/ when this happened.

>> No.10588506

I remember that too.

You nerds were PISSED.

>> No.10588514

im still pissed

>> No.10588513

Yes, it's a nuke.
She's heading through Vernis,
and by the angle I'd guess towards Port Kapul or derphy.
Which is strange.

>> No.10588656

Well shit, Nyarlko's there.

>> No.10589497

Must the sexualize everything? Ehekatl looks dumb with those fatsacks.

>> No.10589511

I decided to watch a Let's Play of this to get a rough idea of how an experienced player plays the game. Unfortunately the one I found is by some Englishman who sounds like he might be 50, and he does everything so slow. Two hours of footage and he's level 2 and hasn't done anything. I'm used to roguelikes being slow-paced, but is this normal?

>> No.10589552

No, he is very slow.

>> No.10589637

What is the cheapest way to cure my ether wind ailments and diseases that made me violent? Im talking about mutations and diseases in the feats tab.

>> No.10590036

Play some blackjack and win potions of cure corruption with 4 consecutive? wins. Or something.

Then bless them afterwards.

>> No.10590117
File: 103 KB, 800x500, 1267987759061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love puppy cave
and steal some stuff
but packback me rape
hes squash me puff

>> No.10590119

nice haiku dude

>> No.10590613

what's the highest level pet with standard slots?

>> No.10590639

Hel, I believe, but they are not very good. Get a super-dragonewt or seraph instead and gene-engineer the missing parts

>> No.10590775
File: 202 KB, 420x688, 1362723626245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elona+ version 1.16 is out, and now you can throw furniture.
The watertub-pocalypse is here.
God help us all.

>> No.10590806

Attribute now costs 50 stamina, RIP unarmed combat.

>> No.10590871

Updated from 1.12 to 1.16, my HP went from 6894 to 10023, MP from 4081 to 6279 and evasion from 447% to 654%. Maybe I can finally brute force Yerleswood.

>> No.10590886

Oh wow, scroll of name is sold at magic vendors now.

>> No.10590889

Urm, how come no one is playing Elona+?

>> No.10590893

Don't get me wrong. I would like to try it.

>> No.10590905


>> No.10590950
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not very subtle.
I really hate contracting so many diseases. At least I managed to win a potion of remove corruption playing blackjack, still I must farm chips now.

>> No.10590961

Floor 160 of the void and nothing is giving me AP, worry.

>> No.10591042

I actually encountered a Cirno dungeon once. I think it was some Jap's thing, I don't really understand how the whole online aspect of Elona works.

I got iced really fucking quick.

>> No.10591059

Moongate dungeon likely.

Those are player made dungeons with custom content including sprites and NPCs. You should save them if you come across any interesting ones, you can use them as custom pets.

>> No.10591407

It lasts 100 turns

>> No.10591421

There's a new version of that monstergirl spritesheet for it.

>> No.10591454

And it only stacks up once, so it's almost useless now.

>> No.10591509

>Faas the arena master starts to eat a green pea.
Only one?

>> No.10591590

fucking /b/tards

>> No.10591641

Is there any way to determine the value of items you come across? This game has a lot of junk/decorative items that always sound appealing, but then they turn out to be worth nothing.

>> No.10591677

Most equipment is generally worthless unless you have a shop since the player can only sell them at 5% of their base cost. Exceptions are types of equipment with much higher than normal values. Kite shields, plate mails, bulletproof jackets, pope robes, vindale cloaks, feathers, seven league boots, speed rings, aurora rings, and fairy hats. Sense quality is considered useful for discerning the artifacts from the crap equipment when doing dungeon runs so you don't burden yourself carrying tons of junk equipment.

Furniture in general isn't worth much except for a few particularly expensive types with good quality and material. They aren't worth the weight in general especially since you can't sell them in your shop.

Generally you get a better idea of everything's value as you play the game. The most valuable things you'll find are generally useful and rare potions/scrolls which when identified are identified at first glance whenever you discover them in dungeons.

Pure selling fodder consists of ores(mica, rubynus, etc. not ore piece which is just junk) and monster parts.

Generally, people make gold with performing or fishing now.

>> No.10591694

Thank you very much, I'll keep this in mind.

Also do identified potions and scrolls remain identified? As in, if I find out a Blue Potion is a Potion of Cure Major Wound, are all Blue Potions now shown to me as Potions of Cure Major Wound? What if I buy them in a shop?

>> No.10591796

Yeah, identify once and a potion or scroll is identified forever. Same with rods and spellbooks.

>> No.10591904

Is there anyway to examine stuff on the ground, but not pick it up? I want to see if the loot is any good but not pick everything up every time.

I also seem to remember people turning their homes into some sort of Brothel with slaves being fucked everywhere.

>> No.10592056

Press X to bring up the examine menu.

Elona's controls are fairly intuitive and compact once you get them down.

Q(uaff), W(equipment), E(at), R(ead), T(use)
A(bility), S(earch), D(rop), F(ire), G(rab/pick up)
Z(menus for various things), X(examine), C(haracter), V(spells)
Hold shift to move faster.

>> No.10592340

I got a few spells from dreams (such as Identify, Nightmare, Incognito, and Wizard's Harvest), but I'm a Juere Warrior with only 10 MP. Most of these take at least three times my MP to cast. Is there any way to increase my max MP? Sorry for asking stupid questions, but I'm just starting out.

>> No.10592424

Leveling up is the most significant increaser of your HP and MP.

But most of those spells you won't bother casting. If you've started as a Juere, it won't be that hard for you to segue into casting later on, but just focus on hitting things for now and try magic when you're more experienced with the game.

>> No.10595226

What is the most appropriate way to level up your allies?

>> No.10595361

anyone knows any cute pets? Descent in combat, famale and cute

>> No.10595395


>> No.10595408

Gene engineering and herbed food

>> No.10595409

gene engineer them with stuff like Yith.

>> No.10595443

Does Elona+ work on it's own or do I need to extract it into a copy of Elona and overwrite files?

>> No.10595453

It works on its own

>> No.10595457

Really? The folder seems smaller then the Elona one. Well thanks.

>> No.10596135

Elona + 1.16 is out!

>> No.10596280

Old news.

>> No.10596461

How do you install these?

>> No.10596478

Are there any decent spritepacks for Elona+? Most of the old Elona ones didn't work.

>> No.10596500

Dump it in the graphics folder and name it character

>> No.10596534

I tried getting in to this, took me a while to get all the keybinds down and whatnot and actually learn what to do(escort quests for money). But I got frustrated not knowing any of the mechanics or what to train. Eventually ran into an escort quest that was impossible to complete in time that autosaved in the middle and I just dropped it. It looks like it would be fun though if you know what you're doing.

>> No.10596572


If you REALLY have trouble with it use Wizard mode till you get the hang of things then start again.

>> No.10596576

Pretty sure regular graphics pack works with +

>> No.10596593

Despite putting in absurd amounts of time into this game I've never run into any living weapons. I feel kind of cheated.

Perhaps I'll roll a new snail tourist and try my luck again this year.

>> No.10596619

Well considering how fast snails move, you couldn't have gotten very far, stopping to take in the sights and everything.

Har har.

>> No.10596625

Strange, I've gotten 16 living weapons in 500 hours, Elona+ though, not sure if they're more common in this. Most were from a rank 600+ black market vendor, the rest were from random merchants. Seeing as scrolls of name are sold at magic vendors in 1.16, I might do something with all these living weapons, but I think the name lists changed due to new effects added in +.

>> No.10596629

Rank 600 vendor? Holy shit.... Highest I ever got them to was 200 I think.

>> No.10596631

No, leveling slows down later in the game, but it shouldn't be like that in the beginning. But that's the thing, it's not all about leveling. There are all sorts of stuff to do. I was around level 60 when I was taking on level 200 dungeons just because of the other stuff I had acquired.

>> No.10596746

I just loaded the last save I played in November sometime and it was a level 4 Mutant Thief. That sounds real shitty. Is there anything that makes this a good race/class combo?

>> No.10596824

That you can pickpocket without sneaking into the theive's guild/being a criminal and will one day have all those nice extra slots?

Nope, nothing really special with that one,

>> No.10598185


>> No.10598260

Too autistic for me. Something I thought that wouldn't be possible.

>> No.10598361

I tried savescumming with scrolls a bit in pre-1.1 plus before they were on the vendor. All the lists I could find were either completely wrong or at least 80% wrong, but maybe I was doing it wrong (some matches seem to suggest otherwise, 20% or so would be immensely higher than random chance).

My cat sister has a living sword with max resists to most things after autism'ing my way through the lists with name scrolls on her weapon. Pretty surprised they're on vendors, given how overpowered the scrolls are.

>> No.10598433
File: 206 KB, 697x793, void floor 200 vs floor 201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how there comes a point where your character cant reliably train a combat skill due to all normal enemies being too weak to give you any evasion skill or dieing in 1 hit making it impossible to train a weapon skill.

I want to be able to kill the gods and their second form for the super weapons they drop, but how can you become strong enough to fight them if you cant train your combat skills (besides magic on a sandbag)? Also all enemies from floors 1 to 200 of the void die in less than 3 hits and give no AP, but at floor 201 they scale immensely and can 1 hit you in most cases giving you no middle ground to train.

I tried using the lists too in 1.09 and had a similar experience so I just settled for a few elemental damages on a shotgun. While I'm glad there is a way to get the scrolls without having to use a wish, you'd think they would be a medal/music ticket item or make them only sold at souvenir vendors instead, already got 20 of them now.

>> No.10598450

playing instruments for money to buy pets to fight for me is hard and dangerous...

>> No.10598656

Dont forget. Do not perform near high lvl NPC's. Found some #performance equip. Win your Kill Kill Piano or sheya's panty.
Kill Kill piano is awesome. Damage like 1d120 with +damage or crit. And too heavy.
Panty ary good weapon for your trowing pet, which make confuse and fun.
Also kill bards for stragivary violin.

>> No.10598773

Wait, I don't get it, you guys don't just enslave bells and let them kill everything for you? Do you not like to have fun?

I just keep feeding my two bells of termination hero cheese and they seems to be easily able to kill everything that's doesn't get into close range too much...
If I manage to get my gene engineering to 100 and mod some more slots for rubynous gear and an actual melee weapons for them I figure that we could easily be able to take anything that has less than 2000 speed.

Also, if you have trouble starting out, just make a doggod/quickling character

>> No.10599137
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The Elona+ dev nerfed living weapon names sometime after 1.06 since I was able to abuse the list for a good shotgun then.

In 1.16, it's now possible to choose from a much larger variety of enchantments making it much easier to mold your living weapon. However the enchantments have been nerfed in strength and returns are diminishing so no more easy super weapons.

When using pets, I'm going to train and grind up the moe ones, not crutch on bells.

Got through the South Tyris main quest fairly easily with just Passcal as a mount.

>> No.10599261

In the end what kind of armor does one end up wearing for greater bonuses ? Light, medium or heavy?

>> No.10599264

But why spend 500 hours grinding some pet when one could simply capture a higher level one?
I only grind my own skills, attributes, items and just change up pets as needed, although I'm guessing bells of termination are pretty much top tier pets as they start with their speed already being at the cap.

>> No.10599290

It's a labor of love, also it's much easier to grind pets up in Elona+.

If I only cared about killing things, I wouldn't even bother with bells of termination since that'd just take the fun and achievement out of it.

What point is there to just catching a couple of bells of termination and just having them kill everything for you while you hold down 5? Your character just standing there as those bells slaughter everything and he just reaps the rewards. In terms of style, it's just lacking and unfulfilling.

>> No.10599307

>In terms of style, it's just lacking and unfulfilling.

The same could be said of any sort of method of playing that you disagree with.

>> No.10599321

I guess.

I probably shouldn't care if people are fine just playing with bells of termination. If it works for them I guess.

>> No.10599326

Hmm? But it's the most efficient way of playing.
There isn't a whole lot of achievement in elona as you just continuously dungeon hop, hoping to find some marginally better equipment.
Why would you willingly cripple yourself? If you think that is associated with style, why bother with equipment then? If grinding is what you accept as achievement, then having a completely gimped character with no additional power ups, purely made powerful by grinding, would be the only way to go.
But that hardly seems fun to me, but I understand that we might find different things as being fun...

>> No.10599382
File: 446 KB, 1155x635, StatsAndGear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That' not what I play Elona for at this point. In terms of equipment I've already gotten it as good as I expect it to be and I rarely do dungeons.

I don't even grind my character's stats anymore since rampage is so powerful. I'm currently waiting on Irva since I completed the South Tyris main quest already. Also doing fighter guild quests now at a slow pace as well as waiting for a statue of Ehekatl to pop up in a dream before continuing my God loop. Don't do dungeons much since any high level one will level me up if I clear out more than a single floor.

What do you consider achievement in Elona? Do you really just dungeon hop for better equipment? If one only cared efficiency, why play anything and not just watch the ending? Though Elona doesn't really have an ending I guess.

>> No.10599393

so it's an mmo
without the online?

>> No.10599407

That's why the game has been popular here, historically.

>> No.10599424

It's MMO grinding with nethack/Rogue difficulty and punishments. Even if you're not playing on permadeath mode, you can easily lose all of your equip in an instant, which is the same thing, after a certain player level. You will literally reach the point where your equipment is the only way to win, and losing it means losing the game.

Or, you get a whole bunch of charisma and pet to win, which is the 100% guaranteed way to kill every last living thing in existence without coming close to danger.

>> No.10599431

That joke's been made several times, but yeah, it's somewhat of an open world RPG. However it plays like a roguelike in terms of gameplay. Doesn't have permadeath though. It's a decent time passer if you're looking for that. Harsh start though.

In terms of online it actually has some functionality regarding that. You can see other currently playing players' death messages and wishes as well as chat if you press the tab button. Nearly nobody uses the actual chat function though.

There's also moongates, player uploaded areas you can access in game through randomly spawned moongates. The moongate uploader only works in Japanese though. Some are rather elaborate, it's also possible to download other player's custom NPCs from those areas if they put summoning crystals in as well as custom NPCs.

>> No.10599528

How did you get all that gear while having such low attributes and skills?

>> No.10599573

Well first of all, four of them are very easy to get static artifacts. The Sage's Helm and Shield Tonfa from Miral and Garok's workshop as well as the Palmia Pride and Ring of Steel Dragon you get from doing the fairly simple main quest. The Crimson Plate is also a precious artifact, but it drops randomly off blade type enemies.

The seven leagues and vindale cloak I got from the strange scientist. The fact she rerolls whatever artifacts she has at the time whenever you open up the menu is a fantastic boon.

The living shotgun I bought off a wandering merchant, it was originally some low quality material like iron which made it fantastically cheap. The kite shield was bought from my in-house blackmarket vender for several million gold. The bullet was rerolled from some crappy godly ammo in my shop to one with five different types of special ammo.

I stole the bulletproof jacket from an adventurer apparently since it has the it's stolen attribute.

The gloves and engagement amulet I don't remember the origin for however.

>> No.10599603
File: 972 KB, 1271x769, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get in house blackmarket merchants?
When I try to hire someone I only get blacksmiths, magic vendors and such.

And I was mostly referring to how you managed to play for so long while having such low stats.
Do you just rely on your pets to kill everything for you?

>> No.10599640

You need to refresh the list a few times as the shopkeepers are somewhat random, but yeah, you can get in house blackmarket venders.

In terms of strength, I can fairly easily survive and do level 100 dungeons without difficulty with only a mount. I actually actively keep my level down by wearing growth disturbing equipment most of the time, the equipment you see in the picture is stuff I only wear for really dangerous enemies like the final boss and Arma the Tour Guide.

The main things are cheer, rampage, and special ammo combined with my living shotgun. Cheer to speed up Pascal to like 360 speed, rampage to double my damage, and special ammos to freeze time and shoot three or nine times per turn. To mitigate stamina costs, simply drink soda.

The final boss of South Tyris was actually much easier than I expected. I brought several dozen blessed Jure potions and a stack of soda as well, but it went down in like a dozen turns. Rampage is really powerful.

Whenever I do a high level dungeon, I pretty much direct Pascal into defensive mode, detect objects every floor to find the stairs, then zip down to the bottom and only kill enemies there. I manage to do high level dungeons without leveling up that way.

In terms of surviving, if you bring Jure potions, means of teleportation, and return scrolls, you're honestly never really in danger. There's also the fact you can pray for a full heal, hex removal, and veil buff at any time which most people forget.

>> No.10599658

So rampage helps with ranged damage? I thought it was melee only...
And what is the purpose of not leveling up? I mean, maybe it's because my character is yerles, but I can easily stash 200+ extra skill point ups while giving myself stat potential boosts constantly thanks to leveling up...

I can pretty much clear any dungeon I go into without bothering with any special effects, potions, or scrolls even when I have only one bell with me. I have pretty much killed all non worshiped gods sans siva so I don't think that my lack of strong equipment is really a problem.
I would understand your reservations about using strong pets if you were doing everything yourself, but you seem pretty reliant on your's while keeping yourself week, so I don't really understand your justification for it...

>> No.10599693

Rampage even helps with magic damage apparently.

Also pretty reliant? My mount? I could actually speed myself up to her normal speed if I just used my AP and speed upper potions thinking about it. If I undid my special AP feats which I've discovered is possible since you can only have two at a time I could have like double hers now actually. I don't because I just like saving the AP though. I'm also not at that much danger without Pascal as even at 100 speed since I have little trouble killing things. It's not like Pascal does much damage herself since I don't even have her use a weapon.

I can clear entire dungeons without worrying about stuff, it's just that I don't since everything gives so much experience.

The leveling up thing is just something I've been sticking with for a while now. I know there's no real point to it anymore, but I do it since I have the growth disturbance gear and I've gotten all the feats I've wanted already.

I don't think I'm keeping myself weak, the numbers go higher at any rate albeit slowly.

Earlier on I just accepted we had different views on the matter. Dungeoning isn't what I focus on in Elona.

>> No.10599697

Once I start out, what are the most important skills to try to buy with platinum coins for a beginner?

>> No.10599715

Well alright, but have you beaten siva yet?
I'd wager that with 100 speed it would be pretty much impossible to do, what with him then gaining 20 attacks on you per turn at his damage levels

>> No.10599734

Actually yes, I was cheap about it and just summoned Opatos on him. I remembered doing this to make a point when somebody was complaining about how other people played the game when people were abusing summoning Gods with rods of wishing to clear the South Tyris main quest very easily.

I felt a bit like a hypocrite when >>10599307 chided me so I came to terms that we just had different ways of enjoying the game.

Though I wouldn't bet it'd be impossible to do at a hundred speed without summoning Gods. It'd just take massive grinding in all other stats(mainly the combat ones) to the point you can hit him very accurately and kill him in only a few hits. Stock up time stop ammo, use it repeatedly, and kill him while he can't attack back.

>> No.10599744

You'd most likely run out of ammo unless you do some serious grinding and stock up on fatigue restoring items...

>> No.10599747

Depends, if you chose a slow race, then riding is an ASAP. Sense quality is considered essential for proper dungeoneering. Weight lifting is something you should be training constantly through out the entirety of Elona so get that if you don't have it.

It depends on a lot of factors, your planned playstyle, the class and race you chose, whether you want to prioritize making gold or getting better at combat.

>> No.10599757

Well this is a pure hypothetical situation. Farming artifact ammo with time stop ammo while impractical isn't impossible. It's not like I'd seriously ever grind to the point, just pointing out it's possible.

Also soda is pretty easy to stock up on if you visit both festivals every year.

>> No.10599769

Well I didn't say it was impossible, just pretty much so as the level of grinding to do that would be really excessive.
I mean you have been playing for 4 times longer than me and it would still take you a lot of effort to beat him.
I could pretty much do it already, I've beaten several 350+ level monsters from dungeons with my bells without using so much as a potion.

>> No.10599826

Well yes, the problem I had was I considered using bells of termination to be on the level of trivializing the entire thing, but then remembered I trivialized it even more by simply using Opatos.

To me, there's a difference between just killing Siva by yourself and using bells to do so. However I came to the point that there's a difference between views here and that to you, there is no difference so it doesn't inhibit you.

I plan on resetting Siva's dungeon at some point and killing him legitimately, but that's probably a long time off.

I imagine my character as an adventurer, I even put the slight effort of cropping a random picture and giving her a face portrait. Imagining my character just standing around while bells of termination handle the mightiest of enemies just seems lame to me. That's just me and how I prefer to play regarding enemies at the end game. I could invest in the monster ball shop, buy as many 105+ level monster balls and just catch as many bells of termination as I can and swarm the stronger bosses with them. I probably won't however.

You however play the game without regard to that stuff and more in regards to efficiency. That's your own style, the fact you're at the point you can kill Siva already in so little time is evidence of that. We just play differently.

>> No.10599831

When I played this game I had the two artifact katanas but
that yellow pendant and the claymore are pretty fucking impossible.

>> No.10599866

According to most who've played Elona+ in South Tyris (The current endgame), PV trumps DV and elemental resistance is king. That doesn't mean you can't wear Light Armor, but it's better to use Medium even with magic, since you get an ability to boost your casting ability after you beat Lesimas.

But if you're not going to play in South Tyris (which is fine, since everything there hits like a truck and 90 percent of the content is untranslated still), then DV/Light Armor will get you through all of North Tyris's content more or less. In that case, a Fairy is one of the best end game classes, because of their natural dodge and resistance bonuses.

>> No.10600015 [SPOILER] 
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I prefere a fairy pianist.
Right, she's have some combat troubles in early game, but have a best speed for travel missions and a lot of weightlifting for farming puppy cave. Also you dont need any skills from thief's guild.
And what kind of god are best for fairy?

>> No.10600205

I want to roll a Fairy Farmer next time I play. I still haven't played Elona+, only vanilla.

>> No.10600257

when a skill hits 2000, does it stop contributing to its parent attribute?

>> No.10600261

How do you get points in this game show? I don't get it.

>> No.10600264

have sex while not being dead

>> No.10600269

Oh that sounds pretty easy I bet I could win big money playing that.

>> No.10600277

question: once you've got your fairy bed, seven league boots, aurora ring, vindale cloak, maxxed out kumiromi's secret experience and learnt all the skills, what else is there to wish for?

>> No.10600283

Speed upper

>> No.10600285

burning a wish for a single point of speed seems... meh.

>> No.10600292

IIRC you get 2 bottles

>> No.10600295

still... isn't there, like, something better?

>> No.10600301

Evolution, if you haven't maxed out all positive mutations.

If nothing else, wish for your current God when you have maximum favor at Faith about lvl 60. You can get a unique and utterly useless God Gear gift from them.

>> No.10600312

actually the god-gifts are quite good as training gear.

having huge penalties to a skill makes it grow fast.

>> No.10600328
File: 442 KB, 1296x806, elona_screen_042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it seems mutants aren't as useful as they were in the past

though I actually cleared everything up to this point almost flawlessly

>> No.10600377

>having huge penalties to a skill makes it grow fast
Seriously? Does that apply to stats too? Shit, now I need to make a set of cursed training gear.

>> No.10600385

dunno about stats, but Yacatect's gift can easily be abused to get your Negotiation up to 1300+ by buying/selling something that costs 100GP.

>> No.10600388

As of Elona+ 1.16 you can now choose what equipment slots you get as you level as mutant.

Since you're a mutant, I assume you're a dual wielder/quad wielder. You might want to put a shield on one of your arms and possibly find some weapons with good resistances because everything hurts a lot more in South Tyris.

>> No.10600390

I never got to choose what slots I grew and if I use a shield then I will lose my dual wielding bonuses

>> No.10600393

the ultimate mutant build would be 13 shields + ranged weapon + riding to get rid of the speed penalty.

>> No.10600416

So they really are like training weights. Huh. That's cool, I thought they were hopeless vanity projects for a while there.

>> No.10600422

I avoided using bells for the entirety of my play experience, in Elona and then later in Elona+ with the Terminators. It's just a personal choice I guess.

Meanwhile, I killed Siva? (the dog god) with a summoned god simply because I wanted the evolution stone for my pet girls.

Nerfed the lists, huh. Well, my primary intent was only doing it so my cute cat sister would stop getting raped by magic thanks to the benefits of the living offhand weapon (for lack of living shield/armor). It's been quite some time since I played, I think it was up to 1.08 or 1.09.

I want to play it some more but I completely forgot what I was doing and how to play, and my castle is a hilarious mess, half the floor is covered in unorganized monster balls for fusion fodder to keep my girl's stats up to par with their level.

>> No.10600438
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Well shit.

>> No.10600455

Do inform us bout your char's development and misfortunes.

>> No.10600463

oh, hey, Oblivion Light Wenceslas is my dwarf predtor

>> No.10600483

I have seen one "Ice Fairy Cirno"'s last words in the chat a long time ago.

>> No.10600492


Yeah, I got my shit smacked by those weird looking dogs.

>> No.10600501

Well damn, it keeps getting better and better.

>> No.10600519
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Forgot my pic. hue

>> No.10600523
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>> No.10600741
File: 505 KB, 1392x1311, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've completely stopped using pets and focused on my character entirely. At one point my goal was to defeat Yerleswood with brute force, character strength/spells only, I've done that now using crystal spear so my new goal is siva and the actual gods.

But as I mentioned here >>10598433 there comes a point where you cant reliably level some of your combat skills due to the way level/stats vs enemy level/stats influence combat skill gains/AP gains, as a result crystal spear with the <Vital flayer> seems to be my only option as the void doesn't offer a good middle ground to train combat skills.

I started this character in version 1.04 and have updated the save for each new release, its possible that certain things like the void aren't behaving properly in my save due to changes with each update. I also have this bug where my healing skill only increases when wearing the <Hiru-to> and <shield Tonfa>, possibly a save game error? I don't know why it requires those exact items to be equipped now but it started when healing got to around 200+, was hoping 1.16 might fix it but its still bugged out. Maybe I should just make a new character now.

>> No.10600966
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As of 1.12 the void only starts scaling at floor 201.
Shit sucks. I found a way to send my items back to previous versions, but got lazy and went back to 1.14 because my character was way weaker back then.

As for grinding spell levels, pic related. I want to level them too but I love my waifus too much to abandon them.

>> No.10600993

Can you still nuke the first people in your house for broken starter gear?

>> No.10600999

Ah thanks for the void info, that really annoys me as it gets considerably harder at 201, just where do I train now?

Also is that some jap guys character? Crazy, I guess the skill rates where different in old versions of vanilla Elona? Started with Elona+ 1.04 myself, wish I tried it back when /jp/ had all the threads about it, dunno why I didn't.

>> No.10601054
File: 315 KB, 710x796, fuck no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help. I can never get enough casino chips or win blackjack to get Potions of Cure Corruption.

>> No.10601074

Do dungeons for cash, invest in a magic shop until it's around rank 50, then check it every once in a while for potions, or you could get all of the small medals hidden in each town and trade some of them in for potions at Miral and Garok's Workshop.

>> No.10601093

Thank you.
But do I even have enough time for that? If you get enough mutations, it's permadeath, right?

>> No.10601116

You die and you lose your last disease when you hit 17 or so diseases

>> No.10601137

I still play daily, though it does irritate me very often when I finally get cash but then *something* always happens and I lose it.

>> No.10601209
File: 278 KB, 1030x793, 2013-03-12 13_46_07-ElonaPlus 1.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First room on the moongate list. I think they try to cast wish but overcast and kill themselves instead.

>> No.10601214

Moongates, such trolls.

>> No.10601228

first day in 3,6,9,12
also... vandale cloak

>> No.10601242

Is there any way to roll back autosaves or anything?

>> No.10601247

Don't think so, what happened?

>> No.10601249

evade them. If something really bad happens and I don't feel like coping with it I just click X right away. No saving no nothing.

>> No.10601258

Got a wish from drinking in a well, and wished for something randomly not knowing it autosaves right after. Not a biggie.

>> No.10601265

where i can download a latest english version of elona+?
why i can see only 3 skills with a "*"

>> No.10601281

Oh, you can always try and find a wishing moongate room to make up for that one.
Your version of Elona probably doesn't support more than 3 tracked skills.

>> No.10601340

I've seen quite a few of those around, but I just assumed they were death traps so I never went in them.

>> No.10601355

Can confirm this still works, but somehow I managed to fuck it up and only kill Lomias while Elena survived and one-shots me any time I get close to the corpse.

>> No.10601361

I've always wondered how people make those custom wishing NPCs. Any chance you could make your own and use it as a pet?

>> No.10601363

Been ages since I touched this game. Now I see this Elona+, is this the version you would suggest?

>> No.10601374

If you want to be game breaking, just use a memory editor on a rod of washing. I've got several hundred thousand of them in my castle for just that reason.

>> No.10601375

Also you can save moongates can't you?

>> No.10601382


>> No.10601387

You can alter anything that uses numbers, so if you get one of something you can make as many as you want, any other rod you could just give it a million charges but rods of wishing only have one charge so it's hard to pin it down in the editor.

This is how a lot of those screenshots of people with billions of platinum and thousands in their attributes come to be.

>> No.10601399

Ah, so you mean something like cheat engine?

Problem with this is of course finding a wand of wish, then as you said, finding the correct value.

>> No.10601402

You can change another rod into a rod of wishing too

>> No.10601405

Yeah cheat engine works fine.

What I did to get my first one was simply beef up my mana and casting skill, buffed a wizard harvest spellbook to have thousands of charges and bruteforced until a rod finally dropped. There are more intelligent ways to get one though, after that all you need to do is drop it and pick it up until you can pin it down, and duplicate to your hearts content.

>> No.10601450


Whoa lordy, that is gonna take awhile, plus mage characters are are a pain in the ass early on.

And I do this how?

>> No.10601459

You don't even have to be a mage so long as you've got the essentials skills you can just edit your way to the baseline necessary to do it. I made a character specifically to do this kind of thing so I can just off load their inventory stocked full of the essentials like 100k of all the herbs and 500 alien corpses to please the gods with to any others I make later on.

My level of tech sorcery is rather low, but I believe it's only a matter of changing the value of one rod to that of the rod of wishing.

>> No.10601471
File: 70 KB, 781x668, 542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I do this how?
Change the item type of an item to 290 in Elosnack and it will turn into a rod of wishing

>> No.10601477

You can transfer items? You mean through inheritance or something?
Never tried doing that, always just made a new character.

>> No.10601478

Could you link to that table for me?

>> No.10601488

The excel document came with Elosnack


I'm assuming this is where I downloaded it from since it's pretty new

>> No.10601486

No, you just have to delete (backup it up though) the inv.s1 file in your characters save folder and replace it with the characters you want to transfer over. If you only want certain items from it, then drop them on the ground and then put the original file back.

>> No.10601495

Alright, thanks.

>> No.10601500

\There was some warning that 1.0 version of it messed up your save files big time, but that the newer versions are problem free, that true?

Ah, so you can transfer items around or even bring in a new character to an old game this way, or an old one to a new game. That is interesting.

>> No.10601505

What is the fastest way to acquire magical resistance? Swarms of mages casting magic arrow keep killing me

>> No.10601510

I've never had any problems with it

Eat fairies

>> No.10601514
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>> No.10601518

Don't stop believing~

>> No.10601519
File: 42 KB, 800x660, matisse_itc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick titlebar dude

though you should use this font

>> No.10601521

Not kawaii enough.

>> No.10601579

Question: is spellbook of Harvest the same as Wizard's Harvest?

>> No.10601585

That isn't chiller.

Shit taste.

>> No.10601588

Yeah, that is the spellbook that gives you Wizard's Harvest stock.

>> No.10601601

I believe I read somewhere that elona+ took out rods of wishing from wizard harvest drops. So mind that, if it was your intention.

>> No.10601666

Oh great, can someone confirm?

>> No.10601678

eloina+ version 1.10 update

>Wizard harvest has been nerfed, with wish rods not showing up, or maybe showing up less often. Coins and medals might also drop less often, and gold gains seem to cap at 800 per pile. However, it now has a chance to create ancient books and treasure maps.

So may or may not still need confirmation.

>> No.10601679

yep. not only that, Wizard's Harvest actually goes UP in difficulty with each cast.

it's a pretty crap spell now. You'd still cast it if you can, and you'd still buy the spellbooks when they show up, but you wouldn't go out of your way to seek it out.

>> No.10601700

Great, now I need another way to get rods.

>> No.10601708

Which editor are you using, you should still be able to alter an existing other item into one with the corresponding values for one.

>> No.10601721


>> No.10601720

Using chat engine, guess I should use Elosnack.

>> No.10601732

As I don't have a table for cheatengine on hand, I'd say switching out to Elosnack might be the better option here. Do report back with the results though. I haven't played around with elona+ yet, so it'd be nice to have this documented for future reference.

>> No.10601773

Well the d/l provided with the previous link is down so here's another.


The 800 gold cap is off, I've gotten 1k+ each cast. Medals and PCs drop every now and then, and so do ancient books, but not a single rod.

>> No.10601834
File: 371 KB, 1030x793, siva 4 crystal spears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

33d92 crystal spear and the <vital flayer> against siva who has no magic res, I expected good damage, but this is CRAZY.

>> No.10601880

Are there any moongates that lead to anything but turn 2 Ragnarok, dungeons with level600 monsters, or ridiculously elaborate castles with hundreds of items you will never get?

>> No.10601883

What fonts are you using?

>> No.10601910

Would any of you happen to have the Final Fantasy Tactics character portraits, or something else as nice?

>> No.10601917


>> No.10601923

Its called "Osaka", cant remember where I got it. If you just want to be able to see Japanese text properly when the game is set in English, go to your config.txt and replace "Courier New" with "MS ゴシック" or some other Japanese font.

>> No.10601959

Well I tested it out and it SEEMS to be working so far. Managed to convert a Rod of Holy Light into a Rod of Wishing with 100 charges using Elosnack.

Some things to note though, you should use a rod when you do the editing (unless you know the item appearance value), else you'll end up with a lockpick of wishing..like me. In that instance it doesn't seem like the charges are visible.

You can get the static value files here (second one):


The editor only takes into account items on your person however, so you must be carrying the item.
It also uses the inv.s1 files for the item list.

>> No.10601976

Your work is appreciated, thanks.

>> No.10602002

For some reason, any font I use ends up looking like shit. Thanks anyway.

>> No.10602236

For those discussing rods of wishing, is there any point to not just using wizard mode?

I believe you even turn it off using Elosnack after it's been saved as well.

Just curious.

>> No.10602396
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>> No.10602453

That is charisma for you. I like the message when you lose charisma too

>> No.10602589

Been thinking of getting back into it, however, I have only played Elona, not Elona+. Which one is better?

>> No.10602594

Elona+ is to Elona as Slash'EM is to NetHack.

Answer is Elona.

>> No.10602671

Elona+ contains all of the content of Elona, but basically rebalances a tons of things, including making the game far far less tedious to grind.

On top of that it adds in a proper South Tyris with extra quests, including a second main quest, and is already starting work on a third continent.

>> No.10602690

I thought the additional content wasn't translated?

>> No.10602872

Some of it actually is, albeit very poorly.

However by the time you get to South Tyris, you'll have enough understanding of the game to do most of the quests in South Tyris even untranslated.

>> No.10603886
File: 33 KB, 858x78, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? Why? ...I just... goddammit.

>> No.10603929


>> No.10603982

You should abort it by drinking some poison or sulfuric acid. Dyes works too.

I'm very serious here. If you don't a chest burster is going to pop out.

>> No.10603990

holy shit what a FUCK man
I just wanted to make a wish, but instead I somehow got inseminated by extraterrestrial lifeforms. Truly horrifying.

>> No.10604005

rofl I remember bringing an alien into vernis (or that big one with the casinos and a king).
The city turned into a total chaos, I tried killing all of them with the atomic bomd but some lvled up aliens survived.

>> No.10604035

I like to go to random towns, read high level spellbooks I know I'll screw up on, and summon demons. It never gets old.

>> No.10604514

So uh, what happens if you lose your grand piano? It kinda vanished.

>> No.10604593
File: 773 KB, 1030x800, 1339578782109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like seeing these really dedicated people with stats in their hundreds. I want to go that far with a character some day.

You'll need a new instrument. There's a free horn in the cemetery near Lumiest.

>> No.10604967

Is there any option to change race ingame? I got frustrated and rolled one of the debug races(Doggod I think) for a boost. But they're fast to the point of being untouchable, which makes it pretty boring.

>> No.10604987

There's one that's nothing but doors. It just serves for you to level up lockpicking.

There was another with some weird bondage thing going on.

>> No.10605045

I don't think so, but you can at least rename it.

>> No.10605074
File: 691 KB, 806x632, elonaplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started a new game. There's not much to do when you don't start with an instrument

>> No.10605120

>156 cm
>60 kg


>> No.10605123
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I want a custom portrait.

>> No.10605129

What do you do when you start with an instrument? Sit there and spam it?

>> No.10605164
File: 542 KB, 693x395, 1.16 void floor 201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to use my Elona+ 1.16 save on version 1.10 so I can have the old void back, save not compatible of course.

What version of original Elona do you guys think is best, 1.16reloaded fix2b, 1.22 or something else? Not in the mood for balance, just want a CRAZY experience. Elona+ isn't letting me have fun at high levels anymore.

>> No.10605205
File: 461 KB, 802x602, yum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's for dinner?

>> No.10605216

Someone please stream themselves playing this game.

>> No.10605528

Just go to youtube and watch a let's play video

>> No.10605566

I've watched all of them. At least the ones by PlumpHelmetPunk, Exoterius, WhiteScottishBiclops, and TheUberHunter. I don't think there are any more.

I like watching people play games, though it's not something I do often (online or offline).

>> No.10605629

Huh. These types of games are usually extremely boring to watch.

>> No.10605640

Boring games are my favourite to watch.

Lately I've been watching through this Pathfinder campaign:

When I get really into it, I pretend I'm there playing with them.

>> No.10605646
File: 337 KB, 806x632, doushio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I wish for?

>> No.10605652

To be the little girl.

>> No.10605664

Seven League Boots.

>> No.10605671

I don't understand why not download the game. It is like 20 mb

>> No.10605678

I don't enjoy playing games. They're too stressful.

>> No.10605690

Raising your stats is fucking hard, I can't raise them at all.

>> No.10605722
File: 487 KB, 799x696, cursed rotten grotesque acicd slime meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your fridge.

>> No.10605734

What is forbidden meat, cuisine onii-chan?

>> No.10605742

Woah, are you too tense?

>> No.10605811

Changes your sex, or turns you futa or genderless if cursed.

I'm saving them for Kumiromi.

>> No.10605814
File: 169 KB, 589x897, 4 Dimensional pocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use the fridge to store Yerleswoods corpse which is 40.8s in mine.

>> No.10605843

I wish I could make myself dedicate the time to build an actual nice looking house. Then i'd be compelled to buy shit for it.

>> No.10605975

You'd think after nuking a place it would be irradiated for a while.

>> No.10606272

What's the best all-around god?

>> No.10606316

I put "health" once, thinking it would cure my Etherwind ailments, but all I got was a healthy leaf...

>> No.10606322


>> No.10606414

Anyone else got a bunch of visitors in their house that won't leave? Seems like a bug.

>> No.10606428

I had that happen once. I just killed both of them. Guess the word spread.

>> No.10606457
File: 269 KB, 686x421, please go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what version were you on? I've got 2 citizens, 4 guild trainers, 1 punk and a Mysterious producer. This hasn't happened to me before so I'm guessing some version between 1.10 and 1.16 must have introduced it?

>> No.10606468

1.10 on plus.

>> No.10606481

Oh, hasn't happened to me on that version before, guess I'll have to kill them, thanks.

>> No.10606737

Is there any way to grow limbs without being a mutant? I want to tri-wield.

>> No.10606856

I think I just got raped by a house guest. And all I got from the deal was 50 gold.

>> No.10607470
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>> No.10608995 [DELETED] 

My little Chiruno is so balanced.

>> No.10609002
File: 621 KB, 1296x806, chirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little chiruno is so balanced.

>> No.10609119

Some guests arrive just for sex. Yes, it's fucked up since it doesn't even tell you that you're about to be fucked, and if you meet them right after entering your house, it autosaves afterwards so you can't reload to save your precious virginity.

Lesson here is trust no one and kill beggars, fuck them they don't need 20 percent of my money.

>> No.10609300

show us your spells

>> No.10609378

Just got a wish on some well. Do I need to include the equal sign for the secret character wish? Or 隠しキャラ would be just fine?

>> No.10609394

Do you have the insane book and are you playing in Japanese?

隠しキャラ is fine, yeah

>> No.10609402

Ok, I've killed these visitors twice now but they have respawned for 3rd time as if they're hired, really must be a bug. Damn this could get bad if anymore show up.

>> No.10609409

I think it is. A Mage guild trainer, a random citizen and a rapist and currently living in my house.

>> No.10609416

Crazy right? I'm thinking about submitting the bug on the Elona+ wikiwiki, but I'd have to use Google translate or something.

>> No.10609417

Oh, you need to read the book first? If that's the case, guess I'll wish for something else.

Anyway, assuming that I need to get the book first, would switching the game's language to Japanese just to read it be okay? Or will I need the game to be on Japanese too to wish for it?

>> No.10609425

The wish doesn't work in English

>> No.10609462

Okay, thanks.

>> No.10609467

Did you try moving the house?

>> No.10609487

Na, maybe I should try that. Checked the bug reports and I think a jap guy has reported the problem for version 1.11, but its still persistent.

>> No.10609618

I'm making a pianist. Do I just go into Pub and start playing?

>> No.10609619

If you want to get wrecked. Practice for followers first.

>> No.10609653

It's annoying for sure. I can't even hire any more people because they are counted as permanent residents.

>> No.10609758

I killed them all then used a deed of removal to move my home, spent a few days away but they're back. The only other way I can think to fix it would be to initialize your home, but that would remove all items in it and reset its appearance, too tedious as new visitors might come and stay afterwards.

>> No.10610126

Where may I hunt faeries?

>> No.10610437
File: 1.97 MB, 1296x2419, chirunospell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10610480

Are you using magic as your main source of damage? If so you had better get in the mages guild right away to reserve spell books.

>> No.10610560


I only use magic on harder monsters. I've been farming puppy cave for spell books/donation items so I haven't really been using my magic much.

And yeah, I'm 2 points away from the mages guild... but luck hasn't been going my way for a while since I can't find any more ancient books.

>> No.10610611

The "new" purpose of the Wizard Harvest spell in Elona+ is to give you enough books for the Guild quests. I don't really remember if the plat/medals rewards were nerfed along with the wish rods, but it might be worth your time to use those harvests if you're close.

>> No.10610695


Thanks, I'll try that.

>> No.10610835
File: 469 KB, 694x395, sage of elea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it an oversight to let the player dominate panic quest monsters but not challenge quest/ void ones ect? Don't use pets much now, but its fun to collect scaled up ones for EX monster battles, japs have 500+ speed little girls or something.

>> No.10610888

Is it viable to keep one pet and just constantly level it, or it is just flat out better to replace them as you go.

>> No.10610912

Better to just replace in most cases, though some pets like bells are good to level as speed is hard to raise, low stats/skills don't really matter when they attack/heal so fast, plus you can gene engineer stats if needed.

That said it can be too easy to use the most optimal pets, so sticking with a little girl or whatever and leveling them up might be more rewarding, I've mostly stopped using pets for the sake of challenge though.

>> No.10611335
File: 701 KB, 1287x803, rona3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to be done.
Also, what is that inhuman superfast thing

>> No.10611571

Go play at the little sister mansion.

>> No.10611883

This is strange... I gave for over 2000 favor to my god and didn't receive my first gift... did I do something wrong?

>> No.10611890


Nevermind, I forgot to pray.
