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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10574379 No.10574379 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10563224

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10574388

Hey, I had just finished cropping my screenshot. Yours is cuter though.

>> No.10574389

I love ラヴレッシブ

And its heroines. Fuck the haters, it is entertaining.

>> No.10574395

It has haters?

>> No.10574397

What a fucking awful screenshot.

>> No.10574398

Didn't your parents ever teach you not to bully?

>> No.10574403

Some people criticize it for its generic plot, generic heroines, and generic heroines. Fuck them, I love it.

What else am I suppossed to read until Lovesick Puppies? Hapymaher? Shooting myself would be more pleasant (unless there are good heroines in it, then I will [play it). Good heroines make a game worth playing.

>> No.10574406

The guy reading through Hapymaher said there were a couple of good heroines. And the lewd tachi-e he posted were nice.

>> No.10574409

That seems like a weird thing to criticize a moege about. Also, I like the heroines in Hapymaher but I decided to spend this month reading things on my backlog.

>> No.10574419

There are at least three of us reading it, unless the one guy dropped it.

Anyway, it has Maia, who is a miracle of the universe. The others are fine, too, but I'd say the game is worth playing even if just for her.

>> No.10574439

Oh, well, "generic" doesn't mean anything anyways.

>> No.10574457
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My guess would be that there's at least four, but I'm going very slowly due to other ones I'm reading right now and getting ready for finals.

>> No.10574497
File: 671 KB, 1024x812, Windows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to VNs, so I'd really appreciate some recommendations.

I plan to start with Narcissu as my first. Somebody recommended it to me and it sounds like something I'd enjoy.

>> No.10574502

Maybe you'd like something like this:

>> No.10574506

I'll look into it. I'm not just looking for eroge, if my post didn't make that clear.

Thanks a lot for the recommendation!

>> No.10574512

try boku no pico

>> No.10574514

I'd recommend something more along the lines of http://vndb.org/v1292

>> No.10574515

Sure thing! Would you like me to share pictures of myself masturbating to these? Maybe in a skirt?

>> No.10574520 [DELETED] 

Ahhh, I was already done with over half the game when I realized she had no route...
Only true left now, I went through chapter 1 to here again to check phone logs to unlock more moeka stuff, but at least I got the route for Christina opened on the way..

I guess I'm pretty much finished with this though.

>> No.10574521

I'm kind of late, but thank you for this. This is exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.10574522
File: 756 KB, 1021x571, bestgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh, I was already done with over half the game when I realized she had no route...
Only true left now, I went through chapter 1 to here again to check phone logs to unlock more moeka stuff, but at least I got the route for Christina opened on the way..

I guess I'm pretty much finished with this though.

forgot picture I have shamed family

>> No.10574540
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>> No.10574560 [DELETED] 

pls dont spoil the bad end

>> No.10574693

Yeah, that's a good one. Try True Remembrance after that, and also Planetarian.

>> No.10574703


I assume you're the person I was speaking with the other night. To the other person, Hapymaher does have good heroines in my opinion, but good is obviously pretty objective. Like the other guy said and I said the other night, Maia completely steals the show in my opinion. The atmosphere in it is really nice too, but the main complaint against it which I can agree to is not enough images, which makes it a bit too text heavy at times. That said though it doesn't really bother me especially since the theme of it is something I enjoy, anyway.

I heard good things about プリズム◇リコレクション! but I haven't played it yet. Though it's main complaint is there's no small chested heroines, but if you're looking for a moege or charage, it might be worth checking out if you haven't already.

>> No.10574707
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But I hate this girl. She's treating me like a child. I just want to punch her face in.

>> No.10574942

I'm doing a doujin run right now. People have pointed out Sono Hikari, Sono Tsubasa, Fata Morgana, and Mushi no Me thus far. Is there anything else still likely to be in stock worth looking into from the last 2-3 years? Minus Studio Beast's stuff.

>> No.10574951

She gets cuter when she starts really wanting the dick. I didn't like her at first but now I do

>> No.10574956

The original Futaba Channel pissed me off. I wanted to kill his friends so badly. I can understand random strangers raping him as a loli but those guys were assholes.

I did really enjoy the 3rd though, where the girls become models together and get fucked by a thousand different guys, or become lesbian lovers, depending on your choices. Either end was a good end.

>> No.10574987

>I did really enjoy the 3rd though, where the girls become models together and get fucked by a thousand different guys, or become lesbian lovers.
I know what I'm playing next.

>> No.10575010
File: 299 KB, 1024x576, reo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ophilia so fucking much.

So fucking much.

And all of them as well!

>> No.10575111
File: 97 KB, 820x642, lookintomyeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a breather from love-ressive/hapymaher/bokuten and spice it up a little with this... Hope it's not a landmine, no impression yet.

>> No.10575135
File: 402 KB, 639x479, themask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Utawarerumono. Far far better then I expected. And the rpg tactic game is awesome, too.

...except I got stuck. I can't beat this battle. Anyone did it? Is there any trick behind that? I usually win over the first part, but I usually lose 1 or two party members and then Diy finishes me off.
Hard Mode 2 btw.

>> No.10575196

well, it's very much to be expected to be a vn many with how it odes nothing special, it's pretty much catering to fans of stuff like IS and other ridiculous LNs and manga where guys get fought over

and there are a lot of people that REALLY hate that

and i mentioning IS specifically because I'm wondering if anyone knows when the non-limited edition without the dvds and shit will be on pre-order at amazon or if I have to wait until it comes out

>> No.10575217

The heroines are more like comedy actors doing a shtick than love interests. It isn't that similar to that things you're describing.

Also I don't know shit about IS, so sorry.

This game is the front runner for best reaction images in a game in 2013.

>> No.10575223
File: 990 KB, 816x649, shufflekaedemoonlight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the Kaede route on my first run through Shuffle! (yes, I know I'm a decade behind)

>> No.10575228
File: 1.33 MB, 1032x603, ガルーダさん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine. I fucking love Garuuda-san

>> No.10575313

>yes, I know I'm a decade behind)
Are you stupid?
It doesn't matter whether VN is old or not, fiction is not a little girl, it doesn't age

>> No.10575315


So, what did you think?

>> No.10575383

it does matter because no mayumi route happened until more recently

>> No.10575432

Loving the sprite work in addition to everything else. I love it when games actually move the sprites around and change expression once or twice per sentence.

It feels kind of dull to see the same 4-5 expressions and the same one for 15 minutes straight.

>> No.10575488

>I love it when games actually move the sprites around and change expression once or twice per sentence.

In Pricolle character sprites changed like 4-5 times per line, makes for slow reading. Don't want to skip ahead at normal reading speed because that means missing out on sprite action.

>> No.10575500
File: 573 KB, 814x641, valusia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Valusia. It wasn't worse than the earlier entries and I enjoyed it quite a lot but it took me ages. I'm not sure if it was the story structure or I've just read too many WaB titles right after each other.

Out of curiosity did we actually see Toto earlier or was this the first time?

>> No.10575514

Finished Bokuten. The guy who said that there's no happiness allowed was correct alright.

The setting was retarded though.

>> No.10575534

Would you recommend people to read it? Or was it just one of these vn you read because you have nothing else to read

>> No.10575550

If you mean the character itself, it was the first time, but who she's implied to be or be a manifestation of was referenced before.

>> No.10575555
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If you can bear a retarded setting and actually have a thing for bitter story then go ahead.

As I don't really like either I can't say it was worth it, especially the way they did some of the endings. Oh right, and the fact that the best girl was a sub character is also a minus.

>> No.10575558

Sorry. I'm probably self conscious because I'm still very much a VN noob.

One aspect I'm frustrated with is that this novel made a big deal at the beginning about there being magic in the universe, but it's left that theme severely underdeveloped so far. Also, I don't think Kaede is going to end up being a personal favorite. I don't think she has enough distinctive about her personality to make her stand out in my memory long term.

>> No.10575566 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10575572
File: 57 KB, 320x454, 1359616937543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we talk about eroge in this thread too?

I've been really into this game recently. It's not for everyone but it caters to me very nicely. The music is also surprisingly neat. It doesn't sound 100% like synth like most eroge; the traditional-sounding music is actually quite good for a game like this.

>> No.10575592


I meant the character in any variations since they made a big point about her form changing.
In one of the webnovels M "kills" it in Inganock's main computer off-screen.

>> No.10575611


Yeah, as long as it's a VN.



>> No.10575623

Thumbs up if you hate scat but love netorare.

>> No.10575629

I love everything except scat, heavy gore (I can do light gore), and vore. Vore is objectively the worst.

>> No.10575641

More or less the same as me, also add necro, heavy torture and anything you can see as too extreme.

>> No.10575649

Yeah, that was what I meant by it's not for everyone.

Japanese players seem to handle that content a lot better than English-langauge fans. I wonder why that is. I have noticed that a lot more games these days tend to put that stuff into their titles than before. At least that's what it seems like.

In any case I like it a lot. It's too bad because the game's presentation is really cool. But yeah, I'd say 75% of the scenes in the game contain that kind of content so probably a no-go for most fo you.

>> No.10575656

The only thing I don't like is vore. It's not that I get grossed out by it, it just does nothing for me.

>> No.10575669

Well, it's supposed to be (one of the manifestations of?) Thoth Hermes, the commander of the Society, so it's referenced throughout Sharnoth as well. According to Hilda in the webnovels he's supposed to have three bodies or something like that, with Toto possibly being one (she mentions the Melchior body as being in Valusia). Among his nicknames there's also the name of Kerkan's madchine, Laudatores, but honestly I'm not sure if they're supposed to be the same.

>> No.10575678

I can do necro (as long as you don't describe the smell) but the only heavy torture can be okay, depending on what kind of torture.

I have never met anyone, even on 4chan, that liked vore.

>> No.10575695

I have a pure love fetish.

>> No.10575699

You're cute.

>> No.10575745

not as cute as you ♥

>> No.10575875

I played it on hard 1 XD, ages ago. So I can't give you any advice, sorry.

By the way, no news for utawarerumono 2? I kinda have faith in leaf for a title with "2" in it after toheart2 and wa2.

>> No.10575891
File: 954 KB, 1024x768, 2013-03-06-231543_1024x768_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, I have a version of this (Dream of the Red Chamber VN) that I stalled, but mine doesn’t have voices. I guess now I have to spend hours on a fruitless search.

>> No.10575904

I was crazy enough to go through 5, but that was a long time ago. I hated the system myself in the end because it was so retarded in the higher difficulties. The Mutikapa runaway episode in particular still gives me nightmares

I didn't have much trouble in that particular chapter though, for me the game ended up revolving in getting mutiple hit upgrade as fast as possible and creating tank/healer/ranged formations like usual fare in any SRPG.

>> No.10576532
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>> No.10577119
File: 962 KB, 1024x768, 2013-03-07-042642_1024x768_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, found the second edition on 115 since torrents were dead, but a lot of the voice tracks are just missing/not playing. Damnit. Maybe this version is bugged, the search continues.

I’ve been meaning to read this for a year or two now. My habit of stalling games has gotten less bad, as well.

>> No.10577264

I am liking Love x Aggressive a lot less once you actually have to pick heroines, I hate the fact that you have to reject them cold.

>> No.10577461

I love you.

>> No.10577575

Does anyone else just roll up a random nukige on vndb and crack into it? I find the search, and playing a game that is often unplayed at all by any of the vndb crowd exciting. Afterwards I check the nips opinion on the game.

>> No.10577630

Those are not normal Chinese hair color.

Which one is which again? Is Daiyu the black-haired one?

>> No.10577641
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A Chinese VN? That's actually pretty neat.
I thought the VN thing was only popular in Japan.

>> No.10577677

I'm liking it more now that I get to reject some of them. I guess if you liked them all it's gonna suck.

>> No.10577722

How comparable are English and Chinese VNs?

Assume I'm biased against OELVNs.

>> No.10577740
File: 301 KB, 640x480, Image71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to replay this. holy shit, the nostalgia. and sari.

>> No.10577878

Is that the renewal version?

>> No.10577906

yeah, the version from http://tss.asenheim.org/game_nir.php

other than the few scenes that were censored in the original english release being untranslated it's playable and in english.

the expanded music and new music tracks really made a difference for me.

>> No.10577962
File: 695 KB, 1024x768, 2013-03-07-093217_1024x768_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the only one I’ve played. There’s a *few*, but this one is probably the most prominent. Obviously it’s rare.
I’m still waiting for that Taiwanese VN about 1920’s Republic of China to come out
I mean, seriously
How can that go wrong?

Just like America, they have a weeaboo crowd.

This is Daiyu

>> No.10577980


Oh god, put-together older woman. My penis fiends for source, please.

>> No.10578009

>Just like America, they have a weeaboo crowd.
American companies don't make VNs to sell.

I don't know how you could ever find out about such a thing.

>> No.10578036

nocturnal illusion.

game link included in >>10577906, though it's an online thing. original game is a bitch and a half to run on any modern system.

>> No.10578046

I remember someone ported the translations to the renewal edition of the game. Same with MayClub.

Forgot the site though.

>> No.10578058

Man, it's been voiced too? I'm tempted to replay it in japanese for maximum nostalgia goggles

>> No.10578121

there's some sort of "port" but it's a hybrid.

it uses renewal's graphics and music, but it has no voices, no new music tracks (uses only the original 10 out of 21), no new cg and no extended storyline, probably because it reuses the old scripts.

the online version is much closer to the true renewal port, since it has all of those things.

>> No.10578206

Ping pong pantsu

>> No.10578267

Does anyone happen to have a download link handy for Higurashi Rei (Comiket 71 release, untranslated sound novel)? I don't care whether it's a direct download or a torrent. I keep looking around, but the torrents have no seeds and the files are no longer hosted...

Saikoroshi actually has an english patch, which is why I want it...

>> No.10578394

>I don't know how you could ever find out about such a thing.
Like how I find out about anything else: someone on the Internet talked about it.

Also, it seems maybe not all roles in this Dream of the Red Chamber VN are supposed to be voiced, only the main characters. Disappointing.

>> No.10578454

Better ask /vg/ then.

>> No.10578461
File: 336 KB, 1284x724, snap920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Augment.

To the two anons that asked in last thread, yes it's all happy ends.

As for my final impressions, it's no kamige but definitely enjoyable.
This game reminds me of Akatsuki no Goei in more ways than one. Like AkaGoei, the character banters are this game's strong point. Unfortunately it also suffers for being abrupt and rushed too.

Now the story isn't incomplete or something, they did conclude the story but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. It feels like you're reading the synopsis of the plot instead of the actual plot. It's a shame since the plot/mystery was pretty good too.
The most problematic of all is the Augment chapter. Not only is it not really needed, the extremely rushed way it was done leaves more questions than it answered.

Anyway it's worth it for the character banters, I find it really hilarious. Not to mention the protagonist is awesome.
Just don't expect much of the plot/mystery and you'll enjoy it.

>> No.10578478
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>> No.10578515

I find the tachi-e of that game more fappable than the actual hcgs.

>> No.10578518
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, cannot into highschool art projects.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got the first past chapter out of the way in Kara 2; now onto the meat of the story.

Reiji is unexpectedly moe in this game.

>> No.10578524


oh is dededededen out

>> No.10578561 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10578564
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>> No.10578571

After seeing the first h scene for each girl I agree

>> No.10578631

I've played and finished a random nukige where my vote is the only vote. Maybe I should go an update tags/screenshots or something too.

>> No.10578676

I do like them all, I am thinking I might actually 100% the game.

>> No.10578711
File: 106 KB, 600x337, 12ap_07_1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamidori is actually pretty entertaining, I'm surprised I spent 5 hours playing it. Finding ingredients and encountering challenging monsters sure is fun. I'm curious about how similar is this game compared to Recettear.

>> No.10578721

Not very. The storefront is not managed by your marketing skills and following trends but by character experience and natural ability. It's more about the SRPG part, as mediocre as it can be.

>> No.10578728

Yeah eushully games aren't very good

>> No.10578741

Well, I'll go off and specify that Kamidori isn't very good in anything it tries to do. It's still an enjoyable game overall although Eushully has done better story-wise before.

>> No.10578748

I just finished it too and I have almost the same impressions.

>> No.10578788
File: 47 KB, 370x231, tAG_127483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through "your diary" right now, so far it's entertaining.
Too bad it's not fully translated yet.

>> No.10578900
File: 10 KB, 200x150, B00BJ73S0Ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone will be surprised but Kajitsu anime has been confirmed, just like that producer leak some time ago suggested

>> No.10578902

Fuck, as if a translation wasn't bad enough.

>> No.10578911

Hide and ignore, hide and ignore.

I'm actually excited for it, but I serriously hope the designs look a lot better than the ones in the first opening, maybe the rakuen ones will look good.

>> No.10578918


Delicious. Suffer more, please.

>> No.10578928

just finished reading rewrite
kinda different from the usual Key novels
chuckled at the oppai end

>> No.10578943

what's the recommended play order for rewrite?

>> No.10578954

I was thinking of playing baldr sky dive1, but since grisaia is getting anime I'll finish that first. So how hard is it language-wise?

>> No.10578966
File: 71 KB, 527x500, gZA9T6H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uninstall route.

>> No.10578971

just look at the walkthrough that comes with the translation patch

>> No.10579154
File: 326 KB, 957x1200, B00BJ73S0M.09.MAIN_SCRMZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime of Grisaia finally officially announced

>> No.10579172


Sakura, please stop touching Saber with your slut hands.

>> No.10579173

At least check the last couple of posts before you post "news" dumbfuck.

>> No.10579200

Subahibi next patch when?...

>> No.10579245

There are about 5 good anime studios and the chances of it being one of them is pretty slim.

Every time someone asks this question I have to wonder what's going on inside their heads. Like, what kind of answer are you expecting? It's harder than Flyable Heart but easier than Muramasa.

>> No.10579294


>> No.10579311

Grisaia anime huh. Yeah I think I'll pass.

>> No.10579539

I have serious doubts that they can do a good job with it.

>> No.10579610

I haven't watched many anime adaptions of VNs, but every single one I actually have watched have been pretty terrible. Maybe I'm just a pessimist but I can't seem to muster up any excitement.

>> No.10579616

The S;G adaption was pretty good.

>> No.10579751

Grisaia anime? Blasphemy... Oh well, Who is going to be voice of Yuuji?

Continuing on 終末少女幻想アリスマチック, I've been a little slow so still not much of an impression yet, other than the basic background techno bubble (13-dimension universe).

>> No.10579851

>It's harder than Flyable Heart but easier than Muramasa.
flyable heart is harder than muramasa.
the machine translation version XD

>> No.10579888
File: 353 KB, 800x600, I want to see this animated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>voice of Yuuji
Oh my fucking god, please no.

I'm wondering if they're planning on animating the whole series. Don't know about Rakuen but at least Meikyuu's Grand Route could work as a movie sequel similar to how Haruhi did it.

I think UBW's adaption was great. Feels more like it was made for fans of the game rather than the anime audience. The story's quite bare bones due to obvious length restraints but animated Archer and Gilgy battles were pretty damn awesome. Some part of me actually wishes to see an adaption for Dies Irae because of UBW.

Phantom of Inferno's second adaption was also quite faithful to the original, though they dramatically changed Ein's ending at the very last minute.

>> No.10579898

I have to wonder why you included that XD. Were you worried that your joke wasn't witty enough, so you put it in to make it come off as 'mocking'? I thought it was witty enough, you didn't have to do that.

>> No.10579905

I didn't think he was witty.
It was an extremely dry joke.

>> No.10580408

Please be conscious of spoilers. Anyone who's past the first few chapters can infer how and why that image is a content spoiler.[/spoilers]

>> No.10580482

Sorry about that.

>> No.10580578

KnS 2 was great, awaiting the OST and the sequel that better fucking be made.

>> No.10580643

ufotable does a good job with the Type-Moon IPs in my opinion. I don't know which other studio could match them in quality adaptations.

>> No.10580691

Yes, ufotable was one of the studios I was thinking of. Others would be Kyoto Ani (not their style) and Shaft (they've got too much on their plate right now). Slightly lower tiered ones would be A1 Pictures, Prodution IG, Bones, Madhouse, and Sunrise (certain branches), and White Fox. Hopefully they'll get one of these studios but more likely we'll end up with shit like Studio Deen or satelight.

>> No.10581527

Just finished Yu-No. I couldn't be assed to get the good endings so I'll ask my question here:

Do they ever realize that there's a good chance that Takuya is Kanna's father?

>> No.10581543

What bullshit.
Bones and madhouse are leagues better than kyoani and ufotable. A1 isn't even made up of house animators you retard. Having a shitload of money to burn doesn't give your studio the edge. Shaft has good animation? Are you serious. Deen has produced shows with better animation than shaft like R.O.D and Jigoku shojo. They just have no money like the rest of the studios. Japan has a lot of studios that can animatr well if they are well funded.

>> No.10581563

Isn't that outright stated somewhere, anyway?

>> No.10581568

>Isn't that outright stated somewhere, anyway?

My concern isn't whether it's true or not because the author makes it pretty obvious even when it's not out right stated, I'm curious as to whether the characters themselves made the connection.

>> No.10581572

I agree with you that Bones and Madhouse are way better than Kyoani and that Shaft is pretty much shit. DEEN is just notable for the rather mediocre adaptation they did with Fate/stay night. I have minor complaints about ufotable, like the hackjobs they shat out during parts of Fate/Zero and that they take their long ass time to do shit well, I guess. As long as they have competent directors/storyboardists not awfully distorting the original works I think most people are happy.

>> No.10581595

Ah, I misunderstood what you meant.
In that case, I don't believe so but it's been a while.
The good ends sort of circumvent the epilogue from happening and pick up after the end of the 2 days or what not, so unless I'm misremembering some important there's no real way for them to know in Kanna's good ending.

>> No.10581644

>Bones and madhouse are leagues better than kyoani and ufotable.

Hahaha. No. Kyo Ani consistently makes high quality, good anime. Ufotable has done wonders with Type-Moon's cluster fucks. Madhouse can be very good, but they also make tons of shit. Bones animates well but they are in serious need of better directors and script writers.

>A1 isn't even made up of house animators you retard.

Prove it. Even if it's true, what's your point?

>Shaft has good animation? Are you serious.

You lack reading comprehension. Who the fuck said anything about animation? Good anime and good animation are two different things. Bakemonogatari and Madoka have shit animation but their still extremely good anime. Grisaia won't need animation prowess either since the majority of the story is characters interacting with each other, which Shaft has prove to be good at animating. As long as they keep their weird-ass shit out, they could potentially make a great adaptation.

>Japan has a lot of studios that can animatr well if they are well funded.

Everyone can animate well with enough money. The question is who can still make good anime with no budget.

>> No.10581695

I have this strange compulsion to take screenshots for games no one has payed any attention too.

>> No.10581712

I must have clicked on the Anime General thread by mistake.

>> No.10581720

Im playing kamidori on chapter 2 , wondering how to get on yuelas route ..

>> No.10581749

グリザイアの楽園 OPムービー

>> No.10581762

Collect an internet browser in the first dungeon. Ask Yuela how to google search when the choice comes up.

>> No.10581795

Song is great but the opening has too much Yumiko.
I know she is the cover girl and all but still

>> No.10581897

I already found FAQ , i mean i just want more in depth info

>> No.10581953

If you found a FAQ and are having trouble finding out when there is like 3 choices in the game, I'm not sure how to feel but I suppose I'll spoon feed anyway. Just go in normal eroge fashion, trigger scenes with who you want, avoid others. In this case if memory serves correct, waking up early will give you a scene with her. When the elf, whatever her name was, asks you to go with her to purify the land, tell her you're busy. Come to think of it, getting on loli route is just not doing the two other scenes, so I guess there really is only 2 choices.

>> No.10582013
File: 322 KB, 798x552, 0d72b1e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MichiruxSachi is the greatest love story ever told

>> No.10582016


>> No.10582022
File: 356 KB, 1056x1500, yande.re 246532 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

『乙女理論とその周辺 -Ecole de Paris-』

Luna-sama is back!

>> No.10582023

I did Chihaya -> Lucia -> Kotori -> Shizuru -> Akane ->endroutes and was satisfied with that order.

>> No.10582081


Haha I looked on 2ch and it apparently continues from that bad end

>> No.10582102


>> No.10582111

I can't decide between Risona and Luna-sama.
Anyway it says "Sequel", I wonder if it's a fandisk or a full game.

>> No.10582112
File: 561 KB, 1600x1200, poverty50097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risona will have a route too I guess

>> No.10582128

Did this even sell

>> No.10582135


>> No.10582137


>> No.10582158

I'm just wondering because I found it pretty bad

>> No.10582183

Of course if YOU found it bad, it must have sold badly

It sold well and was in the top 5 that came out last year

>> No.10582187

Well aren't you a special snowflake.

>> No.10582232

Why do they keep pushing Yumiko on the front?
And why does Kazuki barely appear in it? Honestly it's a bit disappointing

>> No.10582236

I think she's the main heroine, she's on the spotlight a lot during the trial.

>> No.10582240

She isn't, she has the less screentime out of all heroines in the first game and her route isn't important either

>> No.10582250

Well in Rakuen she became a main character of sorts besides Yuuji, since she has all the connections and know how to get the plot going. And they obviously have something going on with Kazuki considering her "part" in the trial.
They seem honestly pretty minor things to be disappointed at.

>> No.10582251

No I mean Rakuen's trial. She's at the spotlight there.

>> No.10582271

On a less plot-intensive note, Lovelycation 2 OP also came out

>> No.10582283

17 0852 12,848 2012年10月26日 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 Navel

Around 20k copies I guess.

>> No.10582284
File: 67 KB, 672x425, jubiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I hope she gets a good role but Kazuki will probably take everything

Even the makers acknowledge Yumiko's weak position

>> No.10582286

you aren't supposed to take those numbers at face value

>> No.10582292

What makes you think I did?

>> No.10582315

There was a guy going "to get the sales number you need to add a digit to the TG points and add them to the PUSH ones", which seemed to me how you got the 20k figure.

>> No.10582366

That's me. I got that method on 2ch.
I tested it on a couple of games and it checks out fine.

5.  1773 24,420 4.  2011年05月27日 カミカゼ☆エクスプローラー! クロシェット
42,150 according to that method
40,000 sold according to the publisher

>> No.10582418

FInished 虚ノ少女. Those people who complained that the ending was sad should go play the first one.
Can't wait for the last part.

>> No.10582442

A single game fitting hardly proves anything, considering you have no way of knowing how those point estimates are made or which shops they take into account or not. If it were that easy everyone would have a pretty clear estimate of sales which isn't the case for the vast majority of games.

>> No.10582463

It's only an estimate nerd, no one is saying it's the actual figure. Chill out.

>> No.10582466

He's not a nerd you fucking fag

>> No.10582482

ahhhhh I can't wait. Gotta play faster. Too many hard words in those notebook entries, man.

Reiji is seriously adorable in the scenes with Yukari at home. I just read the bit where he comes home all excited with his brand new 100-yen coin to show her and gets told off in return. Too much.

>> No.10582484

Pot calling the kettle black homolord.

>> No.10582485

You have the whole rest of /jp/ to call each other funny names, please keep it out of this thread.

>> No.10582559

None of them was sad. The ending of 虚ノ少女 did leave more questions than 殻ノ少女 though. Wonder if it's going to take them another 4 or 5 years to release the next part.

Being voiced by Suwabe helps.

>> No.10582627
File: 111 KB, 774x852, 1360055416665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way for me to get furigana for all the kanji? I can speak Japanese pretty fluently but I never learned how to read or write kanji.

>inb4 learn kanji

>> No.10582642


>> No.10582693

Learn kanji

>> No.10583008

Furigana Inserter.

>> No.10583107

Have your mom read it for you it's what I do.

>> No.10583223

Have you ever played a VN where you really hate one of the heroins and you just want to hurt her?

>> No.10583242

I wanted to kill all the heroines of Bloody Rondo except for one.

>> No.10583264

Yes I hate heroines with tsundere traits when the protagonist have sex with them I like to imagine he is raping them and they are not doing it consensually because I hate them.

>> No.10583294

this aint normal

>> No.10583302

School Days. But I think that was the point.

>> No.10583309

Well excuse the hell out of me mr normalfag.

>> No.10583607

I couldn't stand Licia in Aiyoku no Eustia and wanted to have horrible things happen to her until the end of her chapter for some reason.

>> No.10583616
File: 290 KB, 1279x720, 412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... despite being such a good girl, Maia isn't the main heroine? At the very least Alice seems closer to being the main heroine to me.

>> No.10583629

Alice is the unlockable.

>> No.10583637

I haven't finished it yet, but some people on EGS were speculating that Purplesoft is deliberately holding back for a fandisc. If that's true, then I'm totally okay with it as long as we get more Maia.

>> No.10583693

Rewrite was disappointing. Here's hoping the AB vn is better.

>> No.10583716


Don't hold your breath.

>> No.10583726

it was already pretty much announced that MAeda was working on Key's next vn in a magazine a month or two ago. And then Key came out and said that AB is still being worked on. I'm holding my breath.

>> No.10583730

It's going to be awful unless Maeda is the one writing it and Tonokawa is kept far, far away.

>> No.10583736

I really hope he's doing something original. Something as long as clannad but with less heroines to make room for longer storylines.
Some plot a la Air wouldn't kill it either.

>> No.10583737

Maeda is writing it

>> No.10583767

Is it confirmed that it's AB that he's working on? And exactly how much of it is he writing? Because it's pretty clear that Key doesn't have any other good writers.

>> No.10583778

It's been pretty much confirmed by way of subtle hints and hand waving. I think Romeo would be a good addition to the Key team, I liked his humor on Rewrite.

>> No.10583783

Isn't he writing for Minatosoft now?

>> No.10583784

Yeah, but mixing and matching Romeo and Maeda? That doesn't sound like a recipe for success. And anyway Romeo is writing for Minatosoft at the moment.

>> No.10583787

While I would actually finish Key works if Romeo were writing more for them, I wouldn't want him to become an in-house writer. I like how he hops around.

>> No.10583792


Yeah, his humor is great. I'm not sure what happened with everything else in Rewrite, though. He was in over his head with the setting, probably.

>> No.10583794

Apparently, Romeo is writing for Minatosoft

>> No.10583798

I know. I saw how he joked around being safe at Minatosoft from the curse. But I still think he won't just stay at Minatosoft myself.

>> No.10583799

What curse?

>> No.10583820


>> No.10583826

I regret to inform you that i cannot read that

>> No.10583835

Fuck Romeo's gonna write Minatosoft's next game? Goddamn why does he always work for the companies that I hate

>> No.10583839


What's he going to write? Majikoi Z?

>> No.10583846

It's a school story along the line of "pop and casual genre."
At best, maybe it's something like Tsuyokiss.
At worst, probably Majikoi.

>> No.10583859
File: 440 KB, 696x602, maro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, it's happening again.


Every company he worked for went broke.

>> No.10583868

KEY hasn't gone broke

>> No.10583869

That's because they are KEY.

>> No.10583877



>> No.10583878

i am looking forward to Fata Stay Night.
i have finished Katawa Shoujou.

pardon my newness, i used to play JRPGs until recently.

>> No.10583883


You'd be more comfortable in /vg/.

>> No.10583884


>> No.10583911

So what's everyone's favorite VN?

>> No.10583916


>> No.10583914


>> No.10583938
File: 35 KB, 300x300, ps3deta-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muv Luv Alternative or Clannad; I have a hard time choosing one over the other. It's not a sexy answer, but I can't help being boring.

>> No.10583940

I'm too dark and edgy.

>> No.10583944
File: 401 KB, 1024x597, 1362692627723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second Muv-Luv Alternative, but I absolutely hated Clannad.

>> No.10583947


It's okay, I can understand why some people wouldn't like it.

>> No.10583948

Enjoy waiting for garbage

>> No.10583954

God, I thought I was the only one who didn't think clannad was the best visual novel ever made.
Anyway, my favorite VN is MLA.

>> No.10583962
File: 1.37 MB, 1000x1200, 1362642713773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You certainly aren't the only one.

>> No.10583982


Funny. Clannad was the only tolerable KEY VN for me. I didn't like MLA one bit, though. Opinions, opinions.

Favorite VN? Depends on the genre, I guess. I generally prefer character driven VNs over an elaborate plot, if that makes any sense.

>> No.10583986
File: 384 KB, 800x600, capture_002_22082012_231301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10583991

Interesting. Why did you not like MLA?

I can't choose between good characters and good plot. Both are equally important to me. I think. Maybe plot is a bit more important.

>> No.10584004

Holy fuck that is some sweet shit, rape is awesome.

>> No.10584018

Seconding this.
Probably the most satisfying one I've ever read. Excellent plot, music and characters. I don't think I actually found anyone annoying (except maybe Ichijou at times).
Plus the comedy's awesome too.

>> No.10584023

This is my favorite VN because of all the kawaii girls~


>> No.10584026

>Why did you not like MLA?

The characters were too one dimensional, the protag was the most unlikable guy I've ever encountered (though he's pretty much a copy of Takayuki from KimiNozo) and the pacing was so bad, I had to force myself to read it until the end. Even the more in deph stuff like the political intrigue didn't one bit for me.

I guess I'm simply not the target audience.

>> No.10584040
File: 225 KB, 1040x680, let's go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolotte is pretty fucking adorable, I must admit.

>> No.10584234 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I know this has been answered a million times, but please tell me the recommend route order for Grisaia no Kajitsu.

>> No.10584250

you mean "too"?

>> No.10584252

If you know, why do you ask? You can always just search the archive, it's not that hard. Here.


>> No.10584268

Oh, I didn't know about that, thank you.

>> No.10584270
File: 585 KB, 646x508, itake nakanojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this VN is pretty good so far http://vocaroo.com/i/s0RdY3iZMXAT

>> No.10584404

For fapping? It'd have to be 絶対★妹原理主義!! I couldn't stop fapping going through Aya's route.

>> No.10584565

Hate to be that guy, but is there any good romance/drama VN, that doesn't spend hours on characterization before something happens?

Doesn't have to be translated.

>> No.10584623

I'm not even dark and edgy but it was great.

>> No.10584638


>> No.10584660

Damekoi maybe.

>> No.10584666


>> No.10584676 [SPOILER] 
File: 166 KB, 800x600, capture_035_12022013_215837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either http://vndb.org/v1913 or http://vndb.org/v3144

>> No.10584732

This. It isn't perfect, but its pretty much the only VN that I could manage to play all day every day until I finished it, aside for stuff where I was playing purely for gameplay like Kamidori.

>> No.10584778
File: 441 KB, 600x450, 1360022525399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


F-For the story...

>> No.10584791


and I'm not even gay

>> No.10584878

>and I'm not even gay
It's okay, we believe you.

>> No.10584885

I suppose it all boils down to what you place more of a value on. CLANNAD was a very family centric title and stressed the importance of ties. There are people who'll buy into that, others who won't. The same thing applies for LitBus and the friendship angle.

Really? I'd call it my favourite BL title, sure, but there are much better titles in general out there.

>> No.10585396

Asuka pls

>> No.10585428
File: 322 KB, 1280x720, snap921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch better have a rape scene.

>> No.10585546 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1258x712, Serenade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit, KnS 2 Spoilers: Currently listening to the Semi-Sequel Drama CD.
Taking place after the True end with Reiji finding Touko's corpse, his screams of anguish, and now he's speaking to Touko. It does not explain whether hes dreaming or Hallucinating. Hes profusely apologizing and begging for forgiveness for failing to save her, she forgives him and starts to leave, he screams after her and it ends with him crying. God damn. Still no OST out, though I did find one of the OP and what I think is one of the ED.

>> No.10585560

But the drama cd isn't after kn2
Did you really listen?

>> No.10585570

>Move to a new town
>Moving again in a few months, don't want friends
>Started playing lots of VNs
>Do nothing but VNs, internet, and a half hour of exercise from noon 'til night.
Dear Christ, what am I turning into? I don't want to be a social recluse.
Sage because I'm being a faggot.

>> No.10585583

Part 10, the rest are either during or prior. If only all VN's shared such quality. Some of the best voice acting I've ever listened to.

>> No.10585593

Living the dream

>> No.10585659

Its difficult to choose just one VN as a favorite. Many different standards to discriminate by.
Overall quality - (Art, Sound, Format, UI, Story) Triple Tie (KnS 1/2, S;G, MLA)
Overall Enjoyment: Againm too many to count, Sekai de Ichiban, AnG, GnC, Root, Dramatical.

>> No.10585749

I am always surprised at how, despite having piles of sexual content, Nitro+ are the opposite of arousing.

>> No.10585765

Have you ever finished a game that was mediocre at best and then thought to yourself "why did 100% this game?" It is a strange feeling.

>> No.10585773

No. Instead I look at a game that's awesome and think, "why don't I complete this game already?"

>> No.10585800
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, capture_019_08032013_220602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking that while I was getting further into 古色迷宮迷宮輪舞曲 until this part was unlocked.

>> No.10585818

Yes, quite a few. Usually if a VN has a true end I'll feel the need to 100% it. Then sometimes I'll get the true end, it wasn't that great, and realize I could have just stopped after I got the endings of the characters I liked and saved time.

>> No.10585823 [DELETED] 

I did it with Princess Evangile. I liked all the characters and Saeki Nao is really nice to the eyes.

>> No.10585829

I recently did it with Princess Evangile. I liked all the characters and Saeki Nao is really nice to the eyes.

>> No.10585936
File: 78 KB, 200x360, kara2_icon_m99y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ohhhhh, that's why he sounded so familiar. I don't watch or play nearly enough stuff these days to pick up on it when it's an established seiyuu using a new name. (Mahiru's was easy enough to realize just by her voice being so unique, though.)

There were a lot of apparent first-time seiyuu (with no other credited roles) in this game, but after hearing them all I can't quite believe they're not all just new stage names for established seiyuu. The guy playing Masaki, as well as Ayato, Karen and Naori, were all like this. Point 'em out if you recognize anyone.

>> No.10585993

No and she not have H-scenes.

>> No.10585998

I can't decide three way tie between MLA, Clannad and Symphonic Rain.

>> No.10586034
File: 438 KB, 1024x576, reo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't quite catch the meaning of this sentence, anyone care to help.

Also bokuko heroines are the best, as is Reo.

>> No.10586036
File: 404 KB, 800x600, 1275165526874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now and forever.

Followed closely by Kara no Shoujo, every other Steampunk game, then Katahane and Symphonic Rain.

>> No.10586037

It’s read RTL

>> No.10586044

Katahane was good! I recently finished it. Coco is goddamn adorable.

>> No.10586048
File: 75 KB, 410x410, siplet-coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ますたー is out.

>> No.10586066

My favorite is MLA, followed by F/SN and S;G.

>> No.10586096

Baldr Sky and Kikaijikake no Eve followed closely by Ikusa Megami Zero/Verita and Amatsukaze

>> No.10586189
File: 441 KB, 1280x720, Natsuha's face when she has no face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that you can change the expressions on characters in Monobeno's CG viewer. For some reason this includes removing features entirely.

>> No.10586191
File: 100 KB, 1296x778, monobeno11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also works the other way around on some CGs, you can do some funky stuff.

>> No.10586201


I see a huge potential for creating a fan game about loli youkai here. You can already do nopperabou and invisible girls with ease, apparently.

>> No.10586211

I knew this was coming. I expected her death to be a given after the events of the last game and the foreshadowing. Rationally I even felt like it would be better for her to die and be free rather than go on living in a shell of flesh that she'd been forced to inhabit.

But I cried.

>> No.10586370
File: 179 KB, 1280x800, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking place after the True end

In the drama CD he found neither Touko nor her corpse. Can you even into listening comprehension?

OST was already out for quite a while. Did you even try?

Seriously, Touko's alive, the corpse's her mother and Naori's her father. Deal with it.

>> No.10586521

Please go back to /vg/.

>> No.10586534

That was from yesterday.

>> No.10586547
File: 55 KB, 750x750, 1360529145854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading saya no uta and got to the part where she asks you if you want to see properly again i said ''what'' outloud and i've been stuck at this screen ever since. i'm afraid

>> No.10586549

say yes

>> No.10586577

it'll last longer if you say you want to stay the way you are.

>> No.10586642

Where can I find the drama CDs from KnS 1 and 2?
Whoa, they really did a good job for first-time seiyuu.

>> No.10586667

KnS 2's drama CD came bundled with first-press copies of the game, so there should be some torrents out there that include it if you look.

The first game had four separate CDs (at least), though, all for separate sale. Those are considerably harder to find. Even I don't have them. Yet.

>> No.10586674

For some reason I really found her h-scenes hot.

>> No.10586675

those and wakana's second h-scene were the only ones I liked at all in that game, but I have to say, the faces looked kind of strange.

>> No.10586677
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, get it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a retarded joke, but I laughed anyhow.

Still, I expect a lot better from you in the future, takoyaki guy.

>> No.10586679

How long is chapter 2? I'm about after the first victim and the prefectural police guy starting his investigation

>> No.10586701

You're a little more than halfway done.

>> No.10586712

What is it with fujoshis and the rape fetish?

>> No.10586715


>> No.10586718

Girls in general, not just fujoshi.

>> No.10586723

This is why I prefer 2D girls.

>> No.10586730

No offense, but how would you know? I'm pretty unconvinced that women in general have this fetish, but I have never talked to many women before, so I would not know. It's curious.

>> No.10586732

Oh finally an update for ハピメア.
The game has a lot of typos so I hope they fixed them, it's pretty annoying

>> No.10586737
File: 35 KB, 490x360, 50-Shades-of-Grey-to-return-to-Fla-library-MB1I75OA-x-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you the current best seller between women, a BDSM self-insert fantasy.

>> No.10586738

How do you even make a typo in japanese? It must be really hard.

>> No.10586743

How is this game or games like these in general from the perspective of a straight guy? I've never actually played Otome games apart from trying shortly one or two that don't have any ero. I've enjoyed few shoujo manga in the past but I'd suppose it'd be quite different when it comes to eroge.

I've seen even bunch of typos where the writer clearly messed up and wrote 言 instead of 行 for example.

>> No.10586742

It's not that hard actually, and plenty of eroge have typos.
Though in some it's more apparent than other, Hapymaher has quite a lot compared to most, especially when you get to the routes.
Then you have eroge like the Akatsuki no Goei series that has a a lot too, especially the third game basically has a typo every other lines

>> No.10586747

hahahaha that's a good one.

Go count the number of (hetero) rape games listed on VNDB alone and then get back to me.

>> No.10586748

I'll be back in a month.

>> No.10586750

Eh, I guess you are right, I forgot about that.

>> No.10586780

He was just saying, he wouldn't expect woman to actually have the fetish too.

>> No.10586807
File: 216 KB, 800x600, 13_20100813223804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10586811

Why would making a typo be hard in Japanese? That’s retarded.

>> No.10586828

I actually liked Mad Rabbit's h scenes too.

>> No.10586835

You're almost done, maybe 1~2 hours left I think

>> No.10586874

Why do people on erogegamescape like White Album so fucking much?
Its writing is very good, characters are believable and sincere even in emotional extremes.
But the story is unbelievably boring, every single fucking character is shining beacon for 'virtues of humanity', the story never even slightly explores any complex themes, so it feels like 'teenagers with raging hormones: the story' at its essence.
Having a non-typical VN protagonist is good, but this story's 'sleep 2 hours per day, be top at work and school easy', handsome, hardworking, kind, protective of his women.... is fucking worse.
I went through three side routes in CC, gave up halfway in Setsuna's route (never got to CODA)

>> No.10586892

>sleep 2 hours per day, be top at work and school easy', handsome, hardworking, kind, protective of his women
That’s not that untypical.

>> No.10586910

>every single fucking character is shining beacon for 'virtues of humanity'
Not even close, every single one of them, except for Mari maybe, exhibited some incredibly repulsive character traits.

>> No.10586957

>But the story is unbelievably boring
Genre is probably not for you.
I found it pretty interesting all the way through and did the whole thing in like a week, never was bored either.

And the characters are far from being beacon of humanity, most of them are selfish, hypocrite or worse but that's what make them feel human.

>> No.10586994


Coda and Kazusa are what made the game so popular.
You complaining without even finishing is pretty retarded

>> No.10587505

I guess we need a new thread

>> No.10587512

So make one.

>> No.10587513

New thread >>10587510

>> No.10587518

Thank god.
