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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10571078 No.10571078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Probably not, faggot.

Jesus, what is with you passive girly men? You can't be over 18 years old.

I mean, why fucking ask? You just said you did it.
This is also why I hate NEET threads and ZUN!bar types because they all pull this shit. No doubt you'll find someone to misuse greentext and spoilers with in a minute though.

But before that you'll probably call me mean and tell me no bully while typing a stutter. I'll kill you dude.

>> No.10571081

feeling hurtly

>> No.10571085
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People like you are the cancer killing not only /jp/, but 4chan as a whole, you're trying to hard to fit in and be edgy and honestly it makes you look like a fool. Obviously you shouldn't even be here, which is obvious from your attitude, so why not fuck off to somewhere like >>>/b/ then faggot.

>> No.10571100

Fuck off back to your otaku headphones thread.

>> No.10571104

I'd like to take this opportunity to tell that guy who posted the link to that "Tiger" movie that it sucked. It was dumb and the girl was ugly.

>> No.10571110

Go cry about it on /a/ or whatever, dumb nerd

>> No.10571107

I'm glad I didn't watch it.

>> No.10571117

I love Osaka.

>> No.10571123

Too bad for you this is the only board I browse and I'm never going away as people like you actually have to try to fit in here. You're what doesn't belong here.

>> No.10571130

Fuck all of you.

>> No.10571137
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>> No.10571139

Yeah sure. Don't you have a NEET or >feelio when no qt 9 years old qt loli gf to post in, gaylord?

>> No.10571148

There isn't one around right now and I don't post feels so your just pulling shit out of your ass even more. But since I can take it easy and all you do is cry I'll keep posting in whatever threads I want.

>> No.10571158

A few months ago a shopkeeper thought I was a girl. I was too timid to answer and just looked away nervously.
