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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 8 KB, 400x300, Cave_Story_title_screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10570505 No.10570505 [Reply] [Original]

You will never play Cave Story for the first time ever again.

>> No.10570510

But I never played Cave Story before.

>> No.10570516

I've only played a little bit of Cave Story. Never really got into it.

>> No.10570520

I only found out about the fourth ending a few weeks ago.

tl;dr: go through hidden passage when you first enter Sand Zone, beat Curly to her house, she doesn't end up in hospital, give the Cure-All to Booster so he doesn't die, ????, profit.

>> No.10570548

I cried when pic related died. The little furry loli didn't deserve that.

Also, Sue is a good loli despite being a nigger.

>> No.10570552
File: 4 KB, 512x256, cs_toroko_compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic.

>> No.10570554
File: 461 KB, 587x597, punpun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never experience abandoning Curly in a flooded chamber for the first time again
Thank god.

>> No.10570556

Frankly I can't comprehend what kind of gamer you are if you can't appreciate Cave Story.

>> No.10570563

You'll never fuck a rabbit and steal her lipstick...

You'll never find Curly's robotic panties...

... for the first time again!

>> No.10570568

It's not that great, and in fact if you ask me it came out at a time when the "indie" games movement was getting huge and that's really why it was so popular.

It was fun but I didn't bother playing through it for any other endings or items.

>> No.10570569

The Spur was a piece of shit.

If you don't care about that difficult ass secret area, Curly's gun is the best weapon in the game. You can FLY with that shit.

>> No.10570574

The second visit to the egg corridor was a bitch

>> No.10570580

You will never save professor E. Gadd yourself and receive a shitty unfinished upgrade for the first time again.

>> No.10570597

fuck you

>> No.10570603

That was so depressing to me I almost quit playing. I don't know why, it was such a simple moment, but I really liked her.

I was so happy when I learned you could save her.

>> No.10570612

I liked the Spur. It was fun taking out lots of enemies at a time like that, and not having to worry about xp.

Blade and Nemesis are the best weapons by far, though.

>> No.10570618
File: 27 KB, 667x667, 3r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently beat this fag for the first time, felt good.
Although hell theme is now burnt in my brain.

>> No.10570620
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>> No.10570629

Such a weird boss. For the first fifty tries, he was impossible and took me weeks to beat. Now I can beat him without taking any damage, and it makes me wonder how I ever found him tricky in the first place.

>> No.10570630

>give the Cure-All to Booster so he doesn't die
He dies if you try to save him. Just ignore him when he falls down and he'll be fine later.

>> No.10570632

Does Curly have curly hairs down there?

>> No.10570639


Get out.

>> No.10570643

I loved the music but I hated the trend of people using it outside of Cave Story, e.g. in ROM hacks and YouTube videos. It doesn't fucking work outside of Cave Story, it just sounds annoying as shit.

>> No.10570647

The Nemesis was kind of tricky, though. You had to keep avoiding the pieces of triforce, that sucked.

>> No.10570651

I meant experience points.

(sorry if you were being silly and I ruined your joke)

>> No.10570653

The Triforce invented triangles.

>> No.10570659

I hate that kind of shit.

Some faggots used Umineko music for a Phoenix Wright fangame. It was awkward.

>> No.10570661

It was some dumb YouTube hoax. Some guy said you could stop Curly from hurting herself, give Booster the Cure-All straight away, then some different shit happens and you get a new ending.

It was actually a pretty well-made hack. I was honestly fooled at first, but then I noticed one of the new pieces of dialogue had "mimiga" in all lower-case. Aeon Genesis wouldn't make such a grave error.

>> No.10570667

I saw the boss theme used in a Mario 64 Let's Play. Not an arrangement or anything, the original track.

It was very strange.

>> No.10570674

How is this Otaku Culture?

>> No.10570676


>> No.10570683


/dg/ - doujin games & VNs

I hate you, moot.

>> No.10570690
File: 55 KB, 400x300, kaali bureisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aeon Genesis wouldn't make such a grave error.

"Let's live the three of us together."

>> No.10570911

How isn't it, bubble butt?

>> No.10571112

>Waaaaaah it's not a Touhou thread

>> No.10571126

I want Pixel's dick inside me.

>> No.10571335

As someone that grew up playing all the classic metroidvanias during their release I found cave story extremly mediocre.

Everything in it had been done before but in much flashier ways. Having to stop and recollect all the power up crystals was really bad for the pacing of combat. The I never died and never needed the energy tanks, this made so I can't say it had much challenge.

>> No.10571347
File: 87 KB, 850x850, 10938615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>As someone that grew up playing all the classic metroidvanias during their release I found cave story extremly mediocre.

Yeah, but I wanted to have sex with Misery more than any of the girls there, though.

>> No.10571349
File: 120 KB, 658x606, 6e46295dd8fe2c0385b77a8bf6193018de8e4a6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a pretty easygoing game, but that's what I liked about it. I think it gets compared to Metroidvania games too much. It is inspired by those games, but it's pretty linear (in a good way).

I never really farmed for experience points, I just picked them up as I went along. Blasting enemies was fun enough that it didn't feel like a chore, and the weapon levelling was paced just right so that I didn't realize I was in a Skinner box.

The health pick-ups did come in handy for some of the bosses and the later stages. I replayed the game a few days ago and didn't die once (even in Hell), but the first time I played I died about half a dozen times, mostly due to not having boss patterns figured out.

>> No.10571352
File: 4 KB, 256x224, maria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never wanted to hold Maria in your manly arms?

>> No.10571362
File: 259 KB, 1200x1600, charlottejonathancharlottejonathancharlottejonathan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That version of Maria wasn't in a Metroidvania game though. Just a regular old Castlevania.

Charlotte is where it's at anyway.

>> No.10571377
File: 130 KB, 442x355, 4a0af77145d519b29b594934097886a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Rondo wasn't a Metroidvania!

>> No.10571433
File: 230 KB, 600x800, 2008-03-22-93660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You made me realize that I had forgotten Carmilla from Circle. She was hot; nice tits.

>> No.10571453
File: 40 KB, 250x434, Carmilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should post her real design.

>> No.10571462
File: 71 KB, 135x307, Richter-rondosotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when Castlevania was fun, colorful, and a tongue-in-cheek pastiche of old Universal/Hammer horror movies.

Fuck all this brooding BELTSBELTSBELTS shit.

>> No.10571473

You shitting me?
They could not have picked a worse character designer for a worse game.

>> No.10571481
File: 109 KB, 659x588, Richter_n_maria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Castlevania girl!

Agreed. Which is why, while I didn't particularly like Portrait of Ruin's gameplay(not big on metroidvanias), I liked Jonathan and Charlotte a lot.

>> No.10571498
File: 224 KB, 739x1072, Akumajo_Densetsu_FC_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't really call the anime artstyles of Rondo or Portrait representative of the old Universal/Hammer pastiche style.

That said, I don't really have a problem with any of these artstyles. Except Judgement's epic Death Note art. That blew.

>> No.10571521
File: 111 KB, 460x600, dff587289d7b09e9fbe7dc0f6ff139ba74b9768f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I weird for liking the PS2 3D games? I really enjoyed them.

>> No.10571529

Yeah that's pretty strange.

Although, as uninspired as the level design in Curse of Darkness was (REALLY uninspired), the boss fights were pretty okay.

>> No.10571547


You'd think the Towers of Eternity/Evermore (?) was them making fun of themselves for that but it seems like they were very serious about it.

I liked the Japanese silliness both games had in some of the items and that chair room quest in Curse, though. That and the music, but that's a given for the franchise.

>> No.10571573

Oh yeah, the chair room was great. I always make sure to tell the chair otaku here about that whenever he makes a thread.

>> No.10571576

Obviously I won't because I've already played it. Thanks for reminding me though. Oh, how about that secret dungeon at the very end where you have to rescue Sue? That was hard as shit yo.

>> No.10571581

lament of innocence is a great game on @crazy mode. Its very rare to find a beat em up that will throw that much at you.

>> No.10571604
File: 285 KB, 1000x1000, 1359675389057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither played nor cared about it, u mad?

>> No.10571622

No, why would anyone be mad

>> No.10571627


I had a much harder time with Curse's Crazy mode for some reason. I blame the fleamen that could kill you in 3-4 hits. Lament had the Forgotten One and Death, though.

It feels good to be the crazy of Castlevania, that's for sure.

>> No.10571890

what the hell is cave story

>> No.10571988

I really want to play the 3DS remake but apparently it's impossible to find now and expensive.

>> No.10572003


It's some gay Plato allegory.

>> No.10572005

Some kind of epic /v/ meme xD?

>> No.10572017

is the remake 3D?

>> No.10572037

2D but with a new art style.

>> No.10572045

It uses 3D models, dood.


>> No.10572054


>> No.10572056


Blondes are shit tier. Misery is where it's at

>> No.10572059

There's something exciting about the more "modern" music and the same areas being more detailed, but 90% of the charm is lost.

Fuck that noise.

>> No.10572080


I vomited, would not hesitate to vomit again

>> No.10572082

Who cares, it looks like fucking shit.

>> No.10572085

Well, there goes that cute, underdog Japanese freeware game I used to like.

>> No.10572087


Please take better care of your esophagus, Anonymous!

>> No.10572090


What the fuck is wrong with Quote's face?

>> No.10572095


Soulless eyes, just like the game.

>> No.10572097

Is that teaser supposed to be funny? Quote looks fucking ridiculous.

>> No.10572111
File: 3 KB, 160x240, friends2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't look like that.

3D Quote looks like some Frankenstein's monster doll thing.

They should have went for less is more in terms of detail and texturing.

>> No.10572125
File: 214 KB, 400x399, frodo from the lord of the rings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Balrog just fly the Demon Crown off the island?

>> No.10572121


I was mostly calling this remake soulless.

>> No.10572137

Why was Sue a nigger? Damn you, Pixel.

>> No.10572145


Why didn't Charlie swim out the window?

>> No.10572147
File: 1 KB, 48x48, Cave_Story_human_Sue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even make sense. Is she adopted or something?

>> No.10572149

That new art style being 3D polygons.

>> No.10572157

Not him, but why would you want to ''appreciate'' a game like Cave Story?
Are you trying to imply it's on the same level as art and/other superior games? If so, then you must have pretty low standards seeing as it's not that great of a game.

>> No.10572162
File: 28 KB, 620x349, balrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10572167

She was just brown. She came off as a tomboy, so maybe she was an outdoorsy kid and had a dark tan.

>> No.10572169

What the fuck is an "art game"?

Cave Story was charming and fun as fuck. I'd take that over Braid or whatever any day.

>> No.10572171


He's not breaking through walls and he's not red. Also, it's the new "art" and that makes me sad.

>> No.10572206

It's because little brown girls are the best.

>> No.10572231

Do you think Ballos did lewd things to Misery? If I had a kawaii witch nephew and a mind control device, I'd probably do lewd things.

>> No.10572280

>Let us live, the three of us together

Besides maybe being a bit awkward, I don't think this is incorrect grammar.

>> No.10572289
File: 6 KB, 160x240, Ballos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ballos: "Misery, I beg of you! You must be able to hear my plea...that's the kind of woman you are! I beg of you, show yourself to me!! You're here aren't you?! You're standing there invisible, listening to every word I say, and even now you're mocking me from somewhere in this room, aren't you?! Please, appear before me one more time and smile!! Feel free to scold me, even snatch away my life by your own hands if you wish!! I don't want to die alone like this!! I cannot let myself die until I've seen your smile just one more time!! Aah, Misery, Misery!! I offer up this life of mine, I offer it up to you!! I'm begging you, Miseryyyyyyy!!!"

>> No.10572296


I'll take that as a yes.

>> No.10572299
File: 101 KB, 550x715, amoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are belt scrollers /jp/ culture?

Also, does anyone recognize the illustrator who drew this?

>> No.10572310

God damn, that's awesome. It's like if Frank Franzetta became a weeaboo.

>> No.10572414

so, why arent people posting lewd curly brace images?

>> No.10572416

How old was she?

>> No.10572419


>> No.10572420


Old enough.

>> No.10572440

She was old enough for the robot invasion which was ten years prior to the game.

Also she's a robot.

>> No.10572442
File: 415 B, 26x30, Human_Sue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10572446

ive never played it before is it worth trying

>> No.10572447

>Also she's a robot.

Wait, what?

>> No.10572451

oh god. i furiously masturbated to this in my old nintendo power when i was like 13.

>> No.10572469
File: 318 KB, 2320x2131, 1356541897818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10572472

She's a robot.

This wasn't some huge twist or anything, it's one of the first things she tells you. Then there's a whole subplot where you have to drain water out of her.

>> No.10572479
File: 41 KB, 558x390, screen_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're confusing Sue for Curly. Sue is the little furry girl.

>> No.10572508

My bad, I mentally parsed >>10572416 as a reply to >>10572414.

>> No.10572558

She is probably 8-9.

Absolutely perfect.

>> No.10572565

No, but I can beat it for the first time again. I've only gotten the ending that doesn't involve saving curly. Getting through the hell map is fucking hard.

>> No.10572569
File: 18 KB, 267x200, Sue_human_form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10572579
File: 10 KB, 198x254, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10572586
File: 10 KB, 374x400, sue_sakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10572592

I remember playing the game all over again to get the Good Ending. I couldn't beat Ballos at the time, so I gave up, and the game sat unused on my hard drive for 4 years. Then I found my old save a few months ago, and finally beat him.
That ending is shit.

>> No.10572611

What exactly did you want?

I'm a sucker for "the bad guys weren't evil" endings because I have the brain of a six year old. Everyone should be good and happy.

It was a cute and satisfying end.

Also I shat myself when the walls started to close in. I was so worried there'd be another form or something, like there was with the Doctor.

>> No.10572644
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, 2085269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10573344

This piece of shit robot killed Toroko!!

>> No.10573365

Sue being a nigga ruined the game for everyone.

>> No.10574127

I meant from a perspective and it looks horrible. Looks like a month since I last checked there haven't been any new copies in stock. I might just buy it for $60 since it might be highly sought after in the future.

>> No.10575250
File: 79 KB, 747x900, Doubutsu_Monogatari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone paid over $210 USD for a digital print on canvas of this.

That said, I'd like to play Animal Story by Pixel.

>> No.10575257

I was so distraught, I immediately googled to see if there was a way to save her.

When I found out that there was, I deleted my game and started over.

>> No.10575264

stop associating this image with plotholes

there are no plotholes in LotR

>> No.10575274

Not a plothole as I'd define it (an actual impossibility or contradiction in the plot), but it is something stupid and a clear example of shoddy writing.

I see fanboys try to explain it like "b-b-b-b-but the eagles were SCARED!"

You could have at least given them a lift part of the way there, you avian faggots.

>> No.10575281

>You could have at least given them a lift part of the way there, you avian faggots.

What would have been the point of that? To save time?

Time wasn't a factor until Aragorn goaded Sauron into launching his attack on Gondor ahead of schedule. Until then the assault on Minas Tirith was still years away.

>> No.10575283

>The enemy uses all kinds of flying shit to spy on the land
>Huge fucking eagles were supposed to carry a whole team on a stealthy mission
>implying eagles were a good idea

>> No.10575295

``allied planes never flew into germany''
- literally u

>> No.10575299


Quit it with the faggot quotes already.

>> No.10575305

- ralph

>> No.10575306

How exactly is your post relevant to this one >>10575283 ?

>> No.10575311


I hate you, Ralph.

>> No.10575317
File: 36 KB, 449x481, 1280316274873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then provide a dl, weebs.

>> No.10575504
File: 68 KB, 789x398, thirdend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have restarted a hundred more times if it would have saved Toroko, too.

>> No.10575527

here u go bro:

if you are homosex:

if you are virgin:

>> No.10575801

I fucking love the Bubbler

>> No.10575803

Gayest weapon.
Only good for the Ironhead boss.

Are you literally a homosexual?

>> No.10575806

ur gey i beat all of cavestory using it

>> No.10575809

Steam games don't count as doujin soft.

>> No.10575811

Holy shit this is like when I had a friend who didn't you could run in Super Mario World and he also didn't know you could charge weapons by holding the button in Secret of Mana (he just waited).

Are you him? Is that you, Gerard?

>> No.10575814

We're talking about Cave Story, not Cave Story+.

See also: Corpse Party.

>> No.10575823

I'm not your buttbuddy fuck off mate

>> No.10575832

Don't you insult Gerard by calling him my buttbuddy. He may not have known how to hold buttons on video game controllers, but he was a really swell guy and a good friend. We did no lewd activities together. Our friendship was pure and golden.

>> No.10575846

What ever helps you sleep at night dude

>> No.10575847

I've never played Cave Story. :<

>> No.10575852

You should play Cave Story.

>> No.10575856

How's the gameplay?

>> No.10575861

Cave Story is a jumping-and-shooting action game.
Explore the caves until you reach the ending.
You can also save your game and continue from where you left off.

>> No.10575862


>> No.10575868

It's fun if you like Mega Man style games. The controls are really tight.

>> No.10575911

It's really more of a Metroidvania than Mega Man.

>> No.10575927

I prefer black Sue to a white furry Sue.

>> No.10575971
File: 11 KB, 245x253, 1356396351071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'll never experience abandoning Curly in a flooded chamber for the first time again

Shame, it was a really powerful moment, I'd love to get depressed over it again.

>> No.10575979


Weren't you supposed to kill yourself?

>> No.10575993

I typed up a longer explanation at first, but in terms of controlling the character (that is, hitting buttons) I think it's more like Mega Man. You run, you jump, you switch weapons, enemies move in Mega Man-like patterns. I guess you could apply that to the Metroidvania Castlevania or Metroid games, but they generally have more shit like crawling, swinging, ducking, climbing, pushing, that sort of thing.
It's more Metroidvania in terms of the way the levels are set out. Though I think even that isn't accurate. It's clear Pixel liked those games and drew inspiration from them, but you're hardly going from room to room, backtracking and filling in map squares. Most of the time I forget there's even a map system. The only place you really need to explore is the Plantation.

>> No.10576002

You don't really have a choice. It's one of those "Fuck you. You're going to jump around and panic until you run out of air." moments.

I love those in video games, like where the boss kicks your ass but it's supposed to happen or whatever. I think a lot of game designers are scared to do this because it makes people think they're doing something wrong and they might close the game within the thirty seconds it takes, but the ohfuckwhatdoido factor makes it interesting.

>> No.10576018

Not bad, but overrated as fuck.

>> No.10576029


How so?

>> No.10576037

I've never played Cave Story.

>> No.10576049

>>10575847 was cuter.

>> No.10576405

Same here.

Smooth loli ass > hairy furry ass

>> No.10576475

It's a fun, charming and well executed little platformer. It's hailed as one of the greatest indie games, which is a little overblown if you ask me.

>> No.10576698 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 500x281, nigra - Copy (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10577010

Gotta note that the term "greatest indie games" really depends on how widespread the game gets, despite the hipster notion of indie -> obscure -> better. Yume Nikki is the same way. They're both very good, but their status as "one of the greatest" really just means "it's pretty damn good and it's also popular".
