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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10566557 No.10566557 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ like Babymetal?

If you havn't heard them, have a listen!

>> No.10566576

I want my time back.

>> No.10566594

I love them mate.

>> No.10566654

I am sorry, That's not how gambling works.

You lost the bet so you have to deal with It

>> No.10566692

Isn't all metal for babies?

I've yet to find anyone over the age of 17 who likes metal.

>> No.10566690

Gay as HELL. This ain't real metal d00d.

>> No.10566691
File: 26 KB, 376x370, That ain't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get It.
Is this some kind of mash-up or is there real group of little girls singing along with growling men?

Other than that, kind of creative. Not radical enough, thoogh

>> No.10566703

Disgusting. I can't handle jpopish things that well in general though.

>> No.10566704

True metal died in the 90's. Now all you get is groaning and neckbeard playing sloppy

>> No.10566708

To be fair, there's a fair lot of different kinds of metal. More often than not, metal is not equal to metal, If you know what I mean.

And I know some pretty manly men still listening to some of It.

>> No.10566715


>> No.10566719


You sure are something unique.

>> No.10566720

No, it's one of those "Japan is so cool xD" gimmicks for foreigners and weeaboos.

>> No.10566725

I love Slipknot.

>> No.10566738

I love listening to Babymetal.

I play their music at work. I normally play it late near closing when it's only I and the other two closers, but when the other people start getting all annoying, Babymetal and Perfume get cranked.

>> No.10566742

Listening to high pitched girl music at work is pretty homosexual, dude.

>> No.10566752

Well I suppose some grown-ups still listen to metal and attend gigs and they're often the ones making the music, but overall it's very juvenile music.

It's like adults watching My Little Pony. It's still a kids' show.

>> No.10566766


Oh I don't care. Half of my coworkers hate jpop/rock. The other half either really like it, or are indifferent.

Last night at work, some customers were asking me about the song OP posted. . . till the chorus.

They could not tell that the singers were singing in moonspeak. . . and that it was little girls singing.

They looked at me strangely and then took their food to their table.

I was all like FUCK THAT, and proceeded to play Perfume - Sweet Donuts.

That is a typical playlist late at night at the pizza hut where I work.

>> No.10566772


Interesting concept of ''some''.

You should check the metal archives.

>> No.10566777

>juvenile music

What sub-genre of metal are we talking about now? Stuff like metalcore would probably be more suitable to your descriptions.

>> No.10566781

> it's very juvenile music

how so?

>> No.10566793

Sure is /mu/ in here. Guess we'll all start sharing feels soon, huh?

Babymetal is decent, but nothing too special, which is a shame. Some sort of Denpa + Metal would be pretty neat to listen to, if it was done right.


>> No.10566795

I go to Pizza Hut late at night all the time and there is always loud music being played by the co-workers when not many other customers in the place. It would be great to eat Pizza Hut on a late weekend night to jpop stuff.

>> No.10566819
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Well it's only on sundays that customers can hear my glorious collection of korean and jap pop/rock.

on saturdays the lobby is closed at 10 PM. So from then till whenever I leave (sometimes a little after 1 AM) I got all sorts of music cranked.

I do sometimes do requests for my friends that come in.

oh god that capcha right now

>> No.10566831

I'm usually there only Fridays or Saturday nights occasionally when I can just pig out on pizza without feeling bad for it. Sounds like an interesting job.

>> No.10566873
File: 1001 KB, 1920x1080, babymetal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Babymetal and hadn't heard this track yet so thank you OP! Heavy metal is cool and all, but it gets so boring without cute little girls to look at.

Headbanger is still my favorite, though.

>> No.10566884

I wonder how many elitist trumetal fans out there has gotten offended and butthurt by the existence of this band.

>> No.10566897

elitist trumetal fans LOVE cute japanese girls

>> No.10566898


>elitist trumetal

There is no such thing.

>> No.10566901

That's a really ignorant generalization. For every style of music the most trite and one-dimensional artists bubble to the top, but there's always great artists to be found if you dig.

Here are a few examples which hopefully have enough pretense to intimidate you into accepting that they are "good". I don't think you'll like them because you most likely don't have the desire or will to stomach "difficult" entertainment media.

Heaven In Her Arms, a "screamo" band if you will, they play post-rock with stylistic leans from depressive black metal. THEY'RE EVEN JAPANESE #wow #whoa

Ultralyd, a sludgy noise rock band that draws heavy influence from free-jazz and no-wave punk.

Skullflower, This track is doom metal buried under layers of droning psychedelic feedback.

this has been a really unsolicited post i hope you like it okay bye

PS: I'd also like to say that Babymetal owns and you are super jaded and tryhard if you can't appreciate unique (but admittedly gimmicky) acts.

>> No.10566904
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Yes, we do.

>> No.10566916

Fuck off, Tokike.

>> No.10566922

I tried to get into black metal earlier this year. I just couldn't enjoy it much. Strangely I get in the mood to occasionally but whenever I do it just doesn't work out for me, same goes for death metal.

>> No.10566931

Dude, you don't have to justify yourself.

Just accept that your music is for people younger than you, but so what? I watch cartoons for 10-year-olds and I don't have to justify it as "oh but they have adult appeal because..." whatever.

This seriously upsets me. Please don't pretend metal is art music, because it's not. What you should be arguing is that it IS teenagers' music, but so what?

>> No.10566954

What the fuck is this shit? This isn't listenable at all.
The producers should've taken a page from QueenAdreena or Jack Off Jill (not metal, but both make good use of high, cutesy voices with a rough, gritty sound) before they tried to mix metal with J-Pop.
Those girls are super cute, though. I guess that's the main selling point.

>> No.10566973
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Yeah, half the point of black metal is that it's damn near inaccessable. If all else fails, listen to some Immortal.

>> No.10566972

I'll bite.

What do you consider art music? Do you mean academic music? Are you familiar with Stockhausen? Xenakis? or any other composer in that vein?

>> No.10566982

Heh, IHBT.

Back in the day the only people that played metal were classically trained. So if classical guitar is not an art to you then yeah, you're right.

>> No.10566997

> Back in the day

Tokiko pls go

>> No.10567024

I'm not Tokike, you fucking faggot. Just admit you lost.

>> No.10567044

as if anyone on /jp/ knows shit about music

this is trve weaboo metal


>> No.10567075

brutal death strongest

>> No.10567085

why the fuck dont you have pure holocaust?

>> No.10567144
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Truth be told, i didn't really like that album.

>> No.10567223

>baby metal
I'm kind of surprised that nobody write the "don't sexualize little girls" post yet.

>> No.10567399


>> No.10567412
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>real player

>> No.10567593

>Denpa + Metal

You're late.


>> No.10567689

mah nigga

>> No.10568794

Where's this from? And don't say Kamidori, she doesn't look like that there.

>> No.10568963

this confuses my wiener. I'm too use to my metal being falsetto power metal songs about knights and dragons and shit.

>> No.10568971 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10569041

It's good, but not great. At least they keep time unlike a lot of metal bands.

>> No.10569061


I think you're confusing metal with dubstep.

>> No.10569078



>> No.10569177

Tell that to USAO. ;-;

>> No.10569221

/g/ and Kamidori dude

>> No.10575045
File: 24 KB, 480x348, Marty Friedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he does.

>> No.10575063


And yeah, Momoka > Arin > (Akari >) Kanako > Shiori > Reni.

>> No.10575074

I always tear up a bit after he finishes playing the solo in Ikuze Kaito Shoujo.

;_; It's just so beautiful...

>> No.10575124

Fucking Marty Friedman.

>> No.10575132


Too bad that show sucked.

>> No.10575194


What's the name of the second song?

>> No.10575206

see >>10575074

If I'm not mistaken, it was Momokuro's first major single. Here, have the MV, from back when Akari hadn't left:

>> No.10575226


Yeah, that's it. Thanks a bunch, Anonymous.

>> No.10575253


I'm so dumb, the name was in the first video's description.

>> No.10575563 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10575570 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10576667 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10576743

Even though I like to listen to them, their music is minimalistic, simple and not really metal.
From a musical point of view, they suck. But they are entertaining. And the youngest of the girls, can't remember her name, is pretty cute.

>> No.10581421

no bully pls
