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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 69 KB, 720x960, islamiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10555208 No.10555208 [Reply] [Original]

;_; Can any drawfag make an Islamic Miku based in this cosplay?

>> No.10555213

back to le /i/ fag

>> No.10555217

thanks you, bastard.

>> No.10555221

What has the world come to when my Miku straps on a burka nad goes alah akbar boom

>> No.10555249

ask yourself this question:

"is the world any but normal now a days?"

>> No.10555260
File: 68 KB, 500x447, 136181511673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask yourself this question:
"What is normal?"

>> No.10555265

Here OP. If anyone can help, the thread is on >>/i/402284

>> No.10555268

I've seen quite a few muslim weeaboos on the Internet.

It's to be expected because there are a lot of muslims in general. % wise the number of weeaboos are probably small, but in raw numbers they are increasing.

Islam really has hardly any history in Japan so there's no innate connection as far as culture. It had much more of a history in China.

>> No.10555298

kill islam wife fire

>> No.10555301

I was actually thinking of drawing something based on this because I thought it was really cute. I guess this post has persuaded me to actually open photoshop to draw it.

>> No.10555314

Cute doggie.

>> No.10555630

Japanese invade a lot of Muslim countries in South East Asia during WW2

>> No.10555816 [DELETED] 

i hope she knows that she's going to be shot in the head for liking western things.

unless she lives in a secular state like malaysia, which in that case, no biggie.

>> No.10555855
File: 314 KB, 1000x1500, tell_us_about_islam__by_nayzak-d4m8f8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This DeviantART person has a whole series of educational Islam anime drawings.

A couple of other DeviantART users have made similar pictures, it's really weird.

>> No.10555861
File: 215 KB, 1280x960, 06f253cea63d086de5772af9abf61f71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey!

>> No.10555912

Cute. I'm totally fine with Muslims as long as they're not protesting around Google buildings to get an anti-Islam video taken down from Youtube or whatever.

>> No.10555930
File: 359 KB, 1500x1100, if_you_want_to_be_fair____by_nayzak-d5otqn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think her point is to educate people from the other side of things. "This is what Islam actually teaches."
I guess it's a good idea that someone is trying to teach people in an accessible way, but still, what the fuck.

>> No.10555950

They're fucking annoying

Every time I watch a video from some middle eastern shithole I hear 20 of them or so repeat allahu akbar for 10 minutes straight.

>> No.10555953


Should muslim women have frilly burkas? I think they would be cuter with more frills~

>> No.10555956

I took that photo!

>> No.10555966

It's often used as an expression of distress, like "Oh my god."
Considering they live in a middle eastern shithole with bombs exploding all around them 24/7, they have plenty of reason to say it.

>> No.10555964

No bullying ok

>> No.10555970

Yeah, they're really wasting their potential for being moe.

>> No.10555984

But if that was the case they should be used to it

>> No.10555985

Her art style reminds me of Shiwasu no Okina

>> No.10556001
File: 47 KB, 599x472, 526380_536695366353587_2046345953_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Muslim girls they say this Malaysian girl looks like a certain popular Korean celebrity

>> No.10556004

Prove it.

>> No.10556009


>> No.10556011
File: 38 KB, 322x480, 535818_535472879820454_2128600890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she got upset and denied it when they said it (Even though they were only trying to compliment her)

>> No.10556020

It must be so great consummating your marriage in a culture that enforces wearing a burqa or a chadri.

There's just something exciting about deflowering someone so pure and private.

>> No.10558234

This is somehow cuter than normal cosplay.

>> No.10558723


I will forever now start spelling Islamic as Islamiku.

>> No.10558743

Would it be possible to marry an islamic girl being a non-islamic myself?

>> No.10558749


It's because it's a loli. And a brown girl at that.

>> No.10558751

I know what you mean. I was at the train station a few years ago and there was a qt3.14 Muslim girl dressed all in black and she was the first girl I ever wanted to walk up to and talk with and say 'Hello I know I'm a dirty infidel but I really want to go out with you'. But of course I sperged out and didn't.

>> No.10558764

muslims are shit. get out.

>> No.10558756

Strictly speaking, you're supposed to convert to Islam.

If she's from a more modern family, however, they probably won't care, especially if you're one of the People of the Book (Jews, Christians).

>> No.10558768

When marrying outside Islam, Muslim men may marry Christian or Jewish women but not other women of other faiths. Muslim women, on the other hand, are not allowed to marry outside of Islam at all and in Iran she can be sentenced to whipping for pursuing a relationship with a non-Muslim. However, if the non-Muslim in question converts to Islam, then a wedding becomes possible.

>> No.10558790
File: 205 KB, 535x713, muslim gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>converts to Islam

Is that expensive/painful? As long as I they don't cho my dick off, I think it can be done.
I had a Indonesian online friend who was also an otaku, and she said they had pretty big cons in her city. Although it was pretty dissapointing when she said most girls her age didn't wear the traditional muslim outfit anymore.

>> No.10559650

Amateur hijab porn is awesome. Just the act of deflowering something so pure...

>> No.10559656

I think all you need to do is partake in some sort of baptism. Nothing that hurts.

>> No.10559664

1. Find some tr00 muslims
2. Recite the sha'hadah

Congrats you are now a muslim

>> No.10559668

Forgot to mention you need the tr00 Muslims to witness you recitimg

>> No.10559678

This. Islam is violent and contradiction. Look how all these muslims make the original Jap content into muslim atire and shit. How disgusting and opressive, just like the Islamic faith.

>> No.10559695

btw, beyond all for this, are muslims friendly if you socialize witht he properly

I hear form a friend of mine who has a buddy of Islam religion that they can be very polite at you as long as you don't taunt them of their religion

>> No.10559703


I think every one will bully you if you tried to insult them, religiously or not.

>> No.10559707

like, if you ever you say "I enjoy pork" at them they cango ballistic at you?

>> No.10559717

It's either in ignorance of what Islam is that they become your friend or they are doing it to lower your guard until they can eventuall conqure you at the right time. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer when it comes to Muslims.

>> No.10559718
File: 296 KB, 272x389, ____Muslim_Lolita_____by_sugar_noor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to post pictures of cute muslim weeaboos in this thread now

>> No.10559722

Islam has ruined my country, please do what you can to prevent it from ruining yours

>> No.10559730
File: 110 KB, 528x848, tumblr_miph7px4lq1rj62reo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10559728


Depend, they maybe talk back and said that they enjoy marrying little girl just to insult you.

>> No.10559743

Go fuck your self. Take your islam shit and ruin some other board besides /jp/and some other country besides Japan.

>> No.10559737


Why do you care so much about your country?

If you died no body will remember you.

>> No.10559738
File: 220 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mabup7r9Gq1r3e1qbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10559751

Why do these people wearing towels on their head while taking photos of themselves doing weaboo things make me laugh?

>> No.10559753
File: 188 KB, 1169x1570, 1355643490105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being this nighlistic.

>> No.10559756


Behead anyone who insult our touhous.

>> No.10559757


>> No.10559761


Welcome to /jp.

>> No.10559763
File: 99 KB, 375x500, 4673715345_894c85ba39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not muslim, I just think it's cute seeing how they try to dress in Japanese styles while still following all the rules of islamic dress codes.

>> No.10559771
File: 503 KB, 432x576, tumblr_m86yi826s31rcjzryo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10559772


Is that Suigintou cosplay?

>> No.10559767

I have nothing against Muslims, I even like them compared to jews, but only dislike their massive immigration into Europe.

>> No.10559778


Europe is a shit country anyway.

>> No.10559782
File: 509 KB, 340x620, tumblr_mcxqssyT701ql6fc4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is just a generic goth-loli dress.

>> No.10559788


I didn't said anything about America.

>> No.10559784

Europe is not a country, nor is America.

>> No.10559791

I bet you'll think it's cute when they have an honor killing with your "cute" islamic weeboo girl when they start daing outside of their religion. You realize if Islam becomes established in Japan than any kind of product of otaku media will be destroyed an put under shari law. It's people like you are so naive to let the wave of muslims conqure everything you live comfrotably with. Uou call yourself otaku? You make me sick.

>> No.10559796


No body in here care about Japan.

>> No.10559801

All otaku media comes from and depends on Japan. What do you say now?

>> No.10559806

That's fine, I'll find something else to occupy my time with.

>> No.10559812
File: 563 KB, 447x598, VNamfI0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about any of that but I like looking at pictures of them because I think they look silly and they look like they are having a fun time.

>> No.10559821


Protip : no body in here care about Japan.

>> No.10559825

Why don't you get out noe then.

>> No.10559828

I know, but mah otaku media.

>> No.10559838
File: 87 KB, 398x600, 1340952049244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me.

>> No.10559858
File: 48 KB, 500x670, 1358080226568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't gotta do shit.

>> No.10559932

/jp/ reminds me of radical islam in some ways.

>> No.10559961

That actually isn't that bad considering her religious restrictions.

>> No.10559964
File: 55 KB, 480x270, 1nj6w_480x270_1w55ij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from Malaysia and I can say quite alot of people around here are 'otaku' or so they claimed to be but whatever.

I asked them few general question about Japan and they don't know jack shit...fucking jekyll and hyde.

I even asked them to do AIUEO in kana but no...they can't

I thought these people suppose to atleast know a little bit about Japanese other than Cosplay and Anime/Manga?

I don't tripfag often so heres an apology

>> No.10560010

This nigga right here knows how to take it easy

>> No.10560014


otaku = like anime/manga + related things?

i think a lot of SEA countries are like that

>> No.10560017

>There's just something exciting about deflowering someone so pure and private.
In Morocco and probably a lot of other places, young people just have anal sex so the hymen stays intact.

>> No.10560018
File: 178 KB, 895x960, 563364_546457762051404_937993379_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslim are like jew but worst. GET THE FUCK OFF

>> No.10560032

i'd like to see her do porn

islamic porn

>> No.10560039

jews are the absolute worst. they killed jesus christ. fuck you!

>> No.10560182
File: 226 KB, 938x1500, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



ALSO I can't tell if half the thread is serious, poe's law comes to life, holy shit (if asked yes I am actually new here I thought I'd take a stroll through some of the boards)

will try to pump out a proper miku in hijab now (is that what I'm meant to be doing? it is, isn't it.) but no promises

>> No.10560185

As someone who was born into a muslim family in a country where 80% of the citizens are muslims, I can confidently say that they're the worst kind of religious people. Islam is the worst 'no fun allowed' religion in the world and I long for the day where they're wiped out from this planet.

Inb4 "hurr so edgy". Just know this: consider you're lucky not being born into a muslim society.

>> No.10560187


>> No.10560189


>> No.10560191

It's Islamiku!

>> No.10560248
File: 144 KB, 800x600, 1347297240193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10560270
File: 228 KB, 1095x730, did_you_know__04_by_nayzak-d5s6x53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is just stupid

>> No.10560284


>> No.10560285
File: 307 KB, 1024x756, is_co_existence_possible__an_islamic_response__1_by_nayzak-d51zybk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wich religiongal wud u fug?

>> No.10560293

Under what is regarded as being "Muslim" the first point technically not wrong.

The second point is hugely debatable though.

>> No.10560297

well, actually you are very edgy. From what I can tell, it depends essentially of your family background. Personally, I also grew into a muslim family and my mother was very faithful, despite that I was able to draw, watch anime and such without having to keep it a secret. My mother even enjoyed shows such as pokemon.

In my case they just showed me that people throughout the world may not have the same point of view concerning what's acceptable and thus to be cautious (because I could access to the internet).

Right now i'm still fidel to the principle I was taught and enjoying my hobbies.

>> No.10560299

so islam was the first religion?? what about Greek mythology? Norse mythology? Shintoism ??

>> No.10560307

Or, you know, Judaism and Christianity.

Also, Shinto is younger than Islam.

>> No.10560311

Not the the first religion. but in fact it was the first religion "practiced". 5 prayers per day, to say and admit the chaada, to fast during a whole month, to go on a pilgrimage to Mekkah once in your lifetime (if you are able to do it), to give alms.

>> No.10560316

There's a Superman religion?

Also the jewish one has an x over it? Haha

>> No.10560335

I kind of agree with him. Even my dad used to be a muslim but once he left his home country he wisened up and now thinks Islam is a scourge.

>> No.10560338
File: 17 KB, 187x250, 1362225744236s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10560355
File: 208 KB, 850x1175, take two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks exactly how we should've expected it to look :l
would've liked to grill OP on what they actually envisioned but not sure whether they evacuated thread ages ago. Oh well, interesting exercise, and hope OP likes This Drawing That Is Exactly The Same As The First One I Did, Except White, We're Not Racist Here

was gonna attempt to contribute to the """discussion""" but then everything I said reeked of social justice, and also taking 4chan seriously, that was my bad
Thread got better since I left though. Sup to the muslim and muslim-related, I did a bit of google-fu and figured hair outside of hijab was okay but do say if it's not.

Thank you!
And thanks to anyone else who appreciates these, I suppose.
(Poster above me has already defeated me and taken my crown though.)

>> No.10560356

ITT: Bill O'Reilly pretends to be part of /jp/.

>> No.10560389
File: 152 KB, 690x510, 34dcca40ccc64d61007964d9b71920c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't find this cute you have no soul :(

>> No.10560423
File: 288 KB, 480x640, Snapshot_20130303_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me want to give it a try, never really bothered to imagin those type of cloth but it was cool. Sorry for the poor quality and bad skill

>> No.10560526

Islamiku a cute.

>> No.10560534

I like it and the previous one. Please enjoy your stay in /jp/ and try not to get discouraged before developing a good mental filter. As with many boards, there is good discussions when you filter out all the junk.

>> No.10560535
File: 269 KB, 850x1175, miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10560754

Why would you care about racism here?

Why would you ever state something like that?

I bet you have a tumbler and twitter account that you use on a regular basis huh?

>> No.10560761

May I ask what were you a regular at before you decided to come here?

>> No.10560819

Sure becuase all they will tell you is the smae lyign shit all the time.

muslim women are nothing but abused shitty wifes who claim they still love their shitty husband (in this case muslim and the muslim society) despite still getting fucked with.

muslim women are ass backwards

>> No.10560833

Whos fault is that? They never act peaceful. They always fight with one another. They always have a reason to never stop fighting.

>> No.10560842

Why would she get upset by a compliment? Is she fucking idiot?

>> No.10560852

Being a shitty nigger is worse not better.

>> No.10560864

Good they are fucking retarded and served no purpose other than for the men to enforce their dominance on them.

>> No.10560882

key word here being "try" and they fail hard at it.

It is fucking insulting and disgusting to see them even attempt this shit

>> No.10560891

They are also coming in to american in huge fucking masses. goes to show how shitty of a country is when everyone that lived there wants to move anywhere else

>> No.10560902

You are just saying that to argue with him and trying have a moot point but you would be just as enraged.

Have you not see what they are doing and continue to do in the UK? Its horrible and it pains me to see my brothers slowly getting taken over by mudbloods

>> No.10562049

No mualims are worse. That anon is right. You can opress jews and for the first time in 2000 years we see a huge influx of jews. converting to christianity and by doing so no longer having any claim on the holy land. Jews aren't all bad. It's just the elite jews thare put in charge of running the banks and controling some parts of hollywood to push for war on the middle east. Muslims will always want to wage war. They have to since it is esentual to islam. The Quran says all must be forced under islam for world peace, where as the bible says christians will have to suffer and die/ be murdered in the end.

>> No.10562106

The Torah says the same shit.

The Quran says to live in peace with People of the Book. It still has the usual shit about religious propagation, conversion, and being a dick to everyone, but it's far more peaceful than the Torah or the Bible.

>> No.10564190

The Difference between Jew, Christian and Islam

>have most of the mighty photphets blood legacy
>think of themselves as the worthy and the most pure religion in the world
>everyone else is a scum of the Earth and must be annihilated
>we human are not worthy to pray to the One God so we pray to his Son so that he can deliver our prayer to the One God, Allah.
>I pray to the One Almighty God and no one else because he is the One God that we all human have to ackowledge to.
>Everything that have been said in the Holy Quran is logical enough to believe that whats right and whats wrong and what should be done and what should be avoided.
In religion core base. Jewish, Christanity and Islam is the same. In fact, we would all be serving the One God, Allah if it wasn't for the Jews and Christians to edit and make their own rules and regulations. Then Prophet Muhammad was sent by Allah 500 years later after Christianity was acknowledged to tell human to go back to the right path of serving the One God, Allah. Even Jesus Christ have foreseen that in the far future, a man name Muhammad will be sent by God to Spread his religion to serve Allah. Christianity at first was intended to tell the world to serve Allah. But when People Crucified Jesus Christ's Body(jesus's soul was already swapped with the body of the man who was throwing the spear of destiny and thus his soul was in heaven already so the guy who threw the spear literally kills himself and somehow after the death of Jesus, people all praise him and turns him and call him the son of God)

>> No.10564225

Ohgod, I know this kid.

>> No.10564226

what informative and unbiased posts!
thanks for these

>> No.10564229

Wait, different person.

>> No.10564234

>Have you not see what they are doing and continue to do in the UK? Its horrible and it pains me to see my brothers slowly getting taken over by mudbloods

Fuck the UK. Who cares what happens to a bunch of royal cocksuckers?

All the muslims are in London anyway, and the only good part of the UK is Scotland.

>> No.10564242

>Or, you know, Judaism and Christianity.

If you understand what they mean by Islam, what they're saying is less unreasonable.

Islam is the worship of the God of Abraham, so they say they're practicing the same religion that Abraham did (who of course predates Judaism and Christianity). They're obviously not saying that Mohammed lived thousands and thousands of years ago.

>> No.10564247

>jesus's soul was already swapped with the body of the man who was throwing the spear of destiny and thus his soul was in heaven already so the guy who threw the spear literally kills himself

>> No.10564277

Would you convert to Islam if you would be able to take a little girl to be your wife?

>> No.10564285

Only if I could take her back to the West and raise her as my daughter.

>> No.10564302

Would you still have sects with her?

>> No.10564389

Let's be frank on this,

Otaku Culture will NOT ever go along will religion, religion is just like the old Otaku Culture for a weak people in general. Religion is invented and that's the fact, and so does Otaku Culture. But there's many upside of Otaku Culture, while maybe majority already know this I'll say it anyway:

Otaku Culture is heavily based from modern people and aimed towards them, with the exact opposite that religion is heavily based from traditional people and aimed towards them, in other words, us.

Well-developed people that have been long with familiar & intimate with Otaku Culture can contribute better to the World and it's society than the rest people that have been long entranced with religion. It's a shame that currently this rarely happened outside Japan because the only people that have intimate Otaku Culture beside nihon-jin is mostly misguided, and then pops out this religion-centered weaboo try to show their asses.

Faith is for transient people? Faith is for transient people.

>> No.10564407

>Otaku Culture will NOT ever go along will religion

That's at odds with empirical evidence.

>> No.10564442

Raising your wife to be your daughter?
You're into some pretty kinky stuff, Anonymous.

>> No.10564462

fuck off

>> No.10564471

>Raising your wife to be your daughter?

I suppose that's better than raising your daughter to be your wife.

>> No.10565725

There's a term for that. It's called niwaka.

>> No.10572691

saving from 10!

>> No.10572729

that's cute

>> No.10574523

>ignore Islam is based on Christianity, which is based on Judaism which is based on Zoroastrianism.

>> No.10574694
File: 77 KB, 453x435, 1358849412312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised that there were Malaysians in /jp/

>> No.10574736

I can't believe there's a real muslim fatwah djihad terrorist crazy preacher on /jp/.

I bet he is spying on us to kill ZUN because he is portraying paganic religions in his work.

>> No.10574784

Malaysia is full of weaboos anyway

>> No.10574800

Are they called burkas?

I thought they were called hijabs.

>> No.10574821
File: 54 KB, 248x274, kogasa blush_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That wink


>> No.10574824
File: 67 KB, 237x217, Chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't argue that.

Captcha: that seaftle

>> No.10574828

That's a hijab, yes. Burqas and niqabs cover the face.

>> No.10576661 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 500x281, nigra - Copy (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

