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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 256x256, 1362182453164[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10559339 No.10559339 [Reply] [Original]

Did you do your reps yet?

>> No.10559355

No, I'm having a hard time committing lately.

>> No.10559398

Yup! I've yet to miss a day, and I started over a month ago.

..That's kind of a lie. Twice, I missed a day, so I adjusted the settings in Anki to make it so the next day started in the middle of the afternoon, giving me time to do my reps in the morning. I did the reps again after the new day started, then adjusted the settings back to what they were before. So I have missed days, but I always made up for them in full.

>> No.10559921

is there anything else special about ~ざま other than it is similar to ~や否や? it wasn't in the grammar dictionaries unfortunately so my notes for it is basically nothing other than 'add it to stem form'

>> No.10560378
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>> No.10560485

How do I stop writing?
I'm like 1.5k words in and I'm getting tired of writing. One card takes me 30-40 seconds on average. New cards take up to 2 minutes.
But if I don't write, I get paranoid that I won't memorize properly.
Should I stop writing?

>> No.10560496

Just stop. It's a waste of time unless you're planning to move to Japan and get a job or something.

>I get paranoid that I won't memorize properly.
That's why we have SRS, right? The worst thing that could happen is that your daily workload increases.

>> No.10560512

Yes. I started a vocab deck not even a week ago after doing nothing but trying unsuccessfully to read manga and VNs. I'm not ready yet.

>> No.10560520

Thanks, I have an idea. I'll do half of my reps normally, and half without writing. I'll mark the other half with that star button and see if the retention is any worse. I think I'll decide then.

>> No.10560539

Yes, I did my Kanji reps.
I'm at Kanji 610 from rtk1

>> No.10560578

They haven't reset yet, so i'm just playing a VN instead.

>> No.10560590

My Japanese is not even good enough to do anki..

Where did you guys start before you were good enough for anki?

I can't even get hiragana vowels remembered.. Im obviously going about it wrong..

>> No.10560595


I started using anki from day 1, to help with hiragana

just go download a hiragana/katakana anki deck and begin, then worry about creating/finding good kanji/vocab decks.

>> No.10560606

You can't be good or bad for Anki. Just do your reps daily and write them or whatever works for you.

>> No.10560609

Did realkana.com before going over to Anki.

>> No.10560611

I uploaded this for you: http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Kana%20Trainer.swf

>> No.10560610


Thanks - my understanding is that anki shows you cards to test on what you have learnt - but I haven't even learnt anything yet - I don't know where to start.

Apologies if I've got it all wrong - perhaps I wasn't using the wrong deck.

>> No.10560613


*was using the wrong deck

>> No.10560621



I'm fairly new to /jp/ and was worried you guys would just be elitist and put my down (like most boards are to "newfags")

Thanks for proving me wrong

>> No.10560622

Be careful, you just got lucky this time.

>> No.10560633


>> No.10560634

did 68 today

>> No.10560639

You're not Derek, I don't trust you

>> No.10560688

It's virus

>> No.10560982


>> No.10560991

Why is eazy e not here? I can't take it easy without him.

>> No.10561090


gabe me a fuggin birus

>> No.10562129
File: 1 KB, 217x35, 6161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting slow. Fuck you /jp/ for making me sidetrack off the task all the time.

>> No.10562147
File: 49 KB, 517x372, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're racking up. Soon it'll reach one thousand.

>> No.10562963

Damn. I neglected them for a long time too and it piled up to over 2000. Eventually I stopped being a lazy fuck and caught up again. Never again will I miss my reps.

>> No.10563337

I wanted to get back into it, I'm not gonna lie. But I don't quite know how to manage the task now that it's piled up like this. When it was in small chunks, it was easier because your workload was so well defined. Now it's just a mess.

How did you caught back up to them, exactly?

>> No.10563438
File: 56 KB, 673x362, ss (2013-03-04 at 03.18.30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just brute-forced my way through them, I guess. I got a little motivation back again and simply decided to catch up once and for all, so I turned off new cards and cleared like 200~ reviews a day for a while. As the total number of reviews due started dwindling, I got even more motivation and started doing more reps. Eventually I had days where I was doing like 600 and caught up surprisingly quickly. Probably not the ideal way of doing it in terms of how SRS should work, but even with a ton of reps a day over a short period of time, it seems to have worked for me. I guess it helped that I was still exposed to the language even when I wasn't doing reps, so I didn't have to relearn that many cards, and those I had to relearn were like 10 times easier to learn compared to the first time. I could also remember a good amount of them very well, so it ended up maturing a bunch of cards as well.

>> No.10563516
File: 556 KB, 1200x1705, Lunatic_Banquet_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep up with the language every day when I'm masturbating. I always come up to doujinshi like this where I can recognize certain (very basic, but still) things in some pages, and it feels pretty good to just be able to recognize a kanji and pronounce it in a sentence, and kinda guess what it means.

Then I ejaculate, and am forced to remind myself how much of a sad lazy prick I am. But still, I think it's worth it, if just for those moments where you're able to read even a single speech bubble.

Maybe it won't be so hard. Maybe I can get back into my reps.

>> No.10564188

Do you immediately go through all the words you have added for the day from your readings or do you slowly go through them over several days?

For me, for any new words I come across while reading my LN that happen to be in the coreplus deck, I unsuspend them or add them to my extra vocab deck if it isn't in the coreplus deck. Then I slowly go through the words I've added/unsuspended over several days.

It may be better to simply go through them immediately but I'm not sure.

>> No.10564952
File: 161 KB, 500x500, 120-1824B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I bought this so I can get off autism bux.

It's hard to find opportunities to practice keigo.

>> No.10565038
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>> No.10565108


The hell is that with Yakumo-sama? is that Maribel?

>> No.10565212 [DELETED] 

I do my reps on bed while listening to ero hypnosis and experiencing hands free orgasms

>> No.10565324
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>> No.10565803
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>> No.10565816
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>> No.10569731

I've been procrastinating on jp instead of doing todays reps.

>> No.10569743

I updated to Anki 2 mobile and I'm sad.
>have to put all decks into one anki package
>the number of new cards/day and max reviews/day are the same for all decks

>> No.10570324
File: 8 KB, 292x91, Eazy E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reached 5000 words yesterday. This is going fast.

>> No.10572765
File: 8 KB, 283x93, ss (2013-03-06 at 01.46.22).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many distractions. Today was a slow day.

>> No.10572780 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 264x112, ,kdnajksdna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is nothing but suffering.

>> No.10572817
File: 6 KB, 283x89, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using anki in japanese

>> No.10573029

what's a good ratio for new cards/maximum reviews?
I'm currently doing 35 new cards, with 150 review max.

>> No.10573079

who gives a shit

>> No.10573248

i hope one day i can answer my cards as fast as you super fast anki answering dude

>> No.10574120

>have to put all decks into one anki package
yes, but you can create subdecks within a deck

>>the number of new cards/day and max reviews/day are the same for all decks


>> No.10574153

My first and second decks share the values or max reviews/new cards. Don't know why
Third deck is independent of them.

>> No.10574173

Found the solution.
Edit the decks in Anki computer client. Your decks most likely belong to default options group. You have to make each have it's own group. (Yeah, kind of obnoxious)

>> No.10574328

So a guy told me in the other thread to read VNs without any help besides a "quick dictionary lookup" does that include jisho because I find the kanji by radicals function really helpful but it might be a crutch, so I need some help here.

>> No.10574352
File: 5 KB, 513x152, rps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished them right before I saw this thread.

>> No.10574359

No, I've failed to do them yesterday and I think I won't do them today either... It sucks to be an underachiever, depressed faggot who actually has enough free time to learn Japanese...

>> No.10574363

Shut up and do them.

>> No.10574368
File: 61 KB, 592x650, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished.

>> No.10574404
File: 428 KB, 801x2664, anki-stats-2013-03-06@10-29-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing reps for four months now, never thought I could continue doing it. Reviews are getting pretty hard now and I don't learn that many new cards because of that.

>> No.10574431


>> No.10574437
File: 3 KB, 330x178, don't respond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait until it only takes me 2 hours to do them all.

>> No.10574465

You shouldn't do all of these at the same time. Focus on one first.

>> No.10574473
File: 4 KB, 556x85, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only see these extremely common expressions in kanji form in anki cards. Gonna assume I don't have to bother.

>> No.10574505

I'm not sure if you guys can help, but is there a site where I can learn some words and phrases in the Kansai dialect?

>> No.10574534

I'll do them later when I'll have to take a crap. God bless Anki droid.

>> No.10574536

I spend most of my time on vocabulary. It only takes me maybe 20minutes for grammar/kanji.

>> No.10574575

I recently deleted all of my SRS decks (RTK, Core6k, sentences from native media, and a few more) I did daily for god knows how long. It pretty much killed all my motivation to do anything else in the language. Now I just read, read and read some more. I don't regret it one bit, I have made great progress thanks to it and most importantly, no more stale as fuck reviews.

I did start a new monolingual sentence (from native media) deck though. The transition to J-J was piss easy, I wish I had done it a year ago...

>> No.10574582

wats a good vocab set for level 3s?

>> No.10574584

>Now I just read, read and read some more
You know, this is actually what any competent linguist would advise you to do. SRS is good for learning kanji because you can't really learn them by just reading, but for the language itself, lots and lots of reading and listening is the way to go.

>> No.10574586

i'm thinking of reading some mishima, but i can't find any downloads for his stuff. anything i can order is in english.

>> No.10574587

Do you still add words from what you're reading?

>> No.10574593

Did you check Aozora?

>> No.10575218

How many words were you at before you quit?

>> No.10575245
File: 972 B, 207x27, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty slow today. Don't know if I should do some grammar exercises or go read something.

>> No.10575272

Does anyone else feel like "Damn, this is going to take forever to read" when only seeing a paragraph?

>> No.10575279

Yeah. Sucks being shit at grammar and you can't skim over text. I've gotten a lot better these past 3 months though.

>> No.10575412
File: 7 KB, 261x91, today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was kinda slow as well. Can't help myself from checking threads I have open when I see new posts pop up.

>> No.10575419
File: 7 KB, 274x93, today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops. that was just one deck.

>> No.10575529

I'm experimenting with using anki for college class materials. So far it's working well. It works much better than traditional studying when I want to just memorize shit.

>> No.10575533
File: 48 KB, 538x738, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577433

What are you reading that makes you feel like this?

>> No.10578231

It doesn't depend on what I read. It's just like I think it's going to take ma a long time to recognize those Kanji or understand the text in general?

>> No.10580242
File: 7 KB, 267x80, ss (2013-03-07 at 08.47.38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished them. Feeling pretty eager today, so I think I'll do some extra new cards now.

>> No.10581252

I can't take it anymore. I've been using Anki for almost 2 years now and it's fucking killing me. I've gone through all of Heisig Vol. 1 and like 1000 J-E sentences. I always fail the same shit. My decks are starting to pile up, I want to flip a table now. Any other way to study shit efficiently?

Lately the only thing I've been doing is immersion. Not any formal study at all, just watching shit, not understanding shit, looking up a couple words, and never seeing them again. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere.

Fuck this whole language thing.

>> No.10581272

Stop adding new cards if you can't learn your current cards. Manually review cards you keep missing or WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN 50 FUCKING TIMES YOU BITCH!

>> No.10581313

>1000 J-E sentences.
How are these presented? Like, how are these cards presented when you're studying them?

I'm not sure what you want to do, but for me, my vocabulary deck only has the compound on the front and nothing else. I used to have an accompanying sentence on the front but it was really bad for me. Really bad.

>I always fail the same shit
What is considered "fail" for you?
What are you failing? The reading? The definition? Both? Please explain with more detail. You might be marking yourself harder than you should be or something but I don't know.

Are you reading stuff everyday? It doesn't have to be much. Maybe a small paragraph. You have to read. I don't see you mentioning grammar anywhere so I suppose you did it already and have a strong grasp so just reading more will make you get used to the language.

>> No.10581340

Stop being so lazy. Drop the kanji decks and start doing 1000 sentences / vocab words PER MONTH. Also, force yourself to read japanese websites, manga or whatever.

>> No.10581376

you would think that if he knows what he fails it he'd write it down and stick it to the screen or something

I did it

>> No.10581457
File: 15 KB, 908x195, card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm reading every day. It's mostly lyrics and various things I come across online. It's a pain though, I have to stop all the time because I doubt if I'm reading the kanji and understanding the sentences correctly.

My cards are usually like the one in the picture. If there's an accompanying English translation I'll throw that in, but I don't often write my own translation if I get what it's saying. I don't like adding cards at all though, it takes time and I usually don't want to pause what I'm doing, open Anki, type in the sentence, copy and paste the definitions, etc.

A failed card is when I both can't read/understand a kanji and don't know the sentence meaning as a whole. If it's just one of those I check the answer and click on the shortest interval. I used to be much harder on myself but that was dreadful.

>> No.10581472

Yeah I know but damn it's always such a pain to do. I TRY to find interesting things, but as long as I'm always typing in words into the dictionary or putting that stuff into Anki, it's not fun. And without doing that it just stays noise.

Honestly I probably just need a huge fucking slap in the face and then start enduring.

>> No.10581533

Are you doing vocabulary too? Or only sentences and kanji?

So after 2 years you can't even read Japanese? Stop being lazy. Why are you even learning Japanese if you don't have stuff you enjoy?

>> No.10581579

I have stuff I enjoy, I just lose that enjoyment when I'm always stopping to put stuff in Anki.

I don't have a word deck. I find new words in the sentences I read, and I add the entire sentence. I don't see the benefit of taking the word out of it's context.

>> No.10581667

>I find new words in the sentences I read, and I add the entire sentence.

There's your problem. You should just grind words through the coreplus deck. Every word comes with a sentence.

>> No.10581732


You're giving up too easily. Pratice is pain, but necessary. You can study the language for 10+ but it won't help you if you don't start to put your theory into praxis. Next time you read something, make it a VN and hook it with jparser, that makes the whole dictionary thing much easier. And don't stop just because you don't understand a word/sentence, keep going.

Sooner or later, everything will fall into its place.

>> No.10582411
File: 57 KB, 1122x805, 1326830759892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583226

dafug is shinwaratsusoreyoko?

>> No.10583232

I think most of us are past kana.

>> No.10583245

Probably just random kana to practise


>> No.10583267
File: 971 B, 198x28, 6153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 cards away from 6000 words. Feeling the progress. Manga feels easy as shit to read now.

>> No.10583277

What are some optimal numbers? 100 new cards/150 reviews isn't feeling effective. Maybe 50/250?
Vocab, not kanji.

>> No.10583290

I just have maximum reviews per day set to 9999. Do 50 new cards a day. Boils down to around 60-120 minutes depending on speed/retention/amount of reviews a day.

>> No.10583342

How the fuck do you do 100 new 150 review. If default settings you'll get 100 reviews on day two, a bit more on day three, and around 180 on day 4, and it'll grow to a fuck ton until you have more than 700 reviews due a day. But you'd have your review limit and everything will just fuck up.

>> No.10583366
File: 364 KB, 1812x1298, eazy says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583389

Over the course of the years I have been informally "teaching" myself japanese and can make out simple characters and phrases now and then.

Is it possible for me to pick this up and start learning more?

Or do I have to take some kind of preliminary course first?

>> No.10583393

Like most other things, It's fully possible to self-teach.

But I don't feel like saying all this shit YET AGAIN, so just search the archive. Should be simple to find something.

>> No.10583447

I can recommend the load_balancer addon for Anki, which does a damn fine job evening out those load spikes Anki occasionally likes to produce. So, instead of having 400 reviews due one day, you'll end up with something closer to 150 to 200 over three days. It isn't completely perfect, though. It often reschedules new vocabulary one or two days later, which might be just a bit too long.

>> No.10583533

You can change the settings so it doesn't do that
(i.e. only allow it to schedule things earlier than planned, not later)

>> No.10583862


>wu tang

bitch, do you think i'm a nigger or something?

>> No.10585863

>Lupe Fiasco
You're a faggot.

>> No.10586629

God, some words just don't stick no matter what you do. I had to go the brute force method for 構成, writing it down 50 times while repeating it in my head. The meaning and the word wouldn't connect at all.

Why does brain malfunction sometimes?

>> No.10586632


>> No.10586736

Mnemonics didn't help you?

Kana only words I gotta use them and it really helps. Brute forcing it will only get me so far.

>> No.10586764

>kana only words

Give me an example of one of your mnemonics.

>> No.10586774
File: 1 KB, 207x21, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer listening to Grouper while I do my reviews.

>> No.10586793

Is there anything in particular?

>> No.10586797

i would also like to know

any given verb you know would probably do

>> No.10586799


>> No.10586819

Well, mnemonics are a kind of personal tool. For me, even extremely loose associations are good enough to jog the memory. For example, 従兄弟 doesn't pronounce like you'd expect you to, but the 行 radical at the very beginning looks like an イ for イトコ, and that works for me.

>> No.10586830

Not that guy. but I do mnemonics for every word I learn. For example nori, I think of riding Norah Jones, like a whore. For ireru, I think of inserting my penis into Norah Jones' rear. For kumi, I think of cumming into a whole group of people at once. For tateru, I think of Dave Tate erecting his huge penis.

>> No.10587017

it's not even written in kanji most of the time

>> No.10587025
File: 8 KB, 279x96, ss (2013-03-09 at 03.52.59).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing early feels good.

>> No.10587066

>most of the time
Oh then it's not worth learning right? Even though that implies that it is written in kanji some of the time.

>> No.10587093

I really want to. But I can't concentrate for more than 15 minutes straight. Anki tells me I do 1-2 hours a day. But actually I spend four hours. I just get distracted.

>> No.10587114

If you use linux try "kanatest" for practicing the kanas.

>> No.10587124

That's why I love having to use public transportation 5 days a week.

>> No.10587723

I'm not >>10587093 but I wouldn't ever use my phone on public. It would be stolen in a matter of seconds.

>> No.10588138

Not him but, I just come up with stupid shit like: びしょびしょ - When bisexuals shower they get SOAKED.

>> No.10588565

I haven't done my reps in over a year and haven't been here to 4chan in months.

I HAVE learned Japanese through other means, though.

>> No.10588605

Anyone have some recommendations for easy manga to read?

>> No.10588627

Any shounen

>> No.10588634


>> No.10588664

>I HAVE learned Japanese through other means, though.
does it involve a ton of reading? then more reading?

>> No.10588715

Mind posting some download links for the raws?
I'm not good with google so please don't bully.

>> No.10588755

"Yotsubato raw" on Google.
Also get this: http://www.livingjapanese.com/2013/01/the-yotsubato-reading-pack-available-now.html

>> No.10588976
File: 7 KB, 271x87, 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm twice as slow during weekends because of procrastination.

>> No.10589062

My reviews keep resetting to 28 a day, no matter what I set them to. Anyone know why?

>> No.10589077

Anki 2 has maximum daily review. Maybe it's set to 28?

>> No.10589271
File: 163 KB, 640x360, fuckmylife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done my reps in like 20 days and also, i tried to to tear out my tooth that hurt me so much last night with a small metal pin and a dental floss without knowing that it wouldn't grow back, fortunately i wasn't able to take it out but i also got my tooth crooked as a result. The doctor said i would have to use some kind of braces in order to fix my crooked tooth though. Fuck, i don't know if i have the strength to keep doing my reps, in fact, i don't think i even have the strength to do anything at all. Fuck, why did this had to happen? why? I don't think i'll be the same ever again...

>> No.10589347

> without knowing that it wouldn't grow back
What the fuck dude?

>> No.10589378

shitty parents man, they never told me.

>> No.10589468

I think most people don't need to be told that humans cannot regenerate body parts.

>> No.10589558

I have it set to 500 actually, but every day 28 reviews are waiting for me.

>> No.10589566

What decks you you guys prefer using?

Also, is it stupid that I'm making my own Heisig Kanji deck (where I have the kanji first and then try to translate it) rather than using this one? https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/2582505257

>> No.10589579


What are you, 12?

>> No.10589588
File: 167 KB, 666x440, KILLCAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me now

>> No.10589598


My parents neither, but there are things you learn by simply existing.

>> No.10589603

Not until you do your reps

>> No.10589774

I finally finished a LN volume. At first when I started reading it I was literally reading slower than a retarded snail. Now I go at decent pace, though, no where near my English reading speed yet. It is nice to see that I am making progress in reading speed. I had to check the translation now and then since I'm still getting used to it all. Added a ton of vocab too, maybe 700-800.

>> No.10589807

Which VN is really easy to read?

>> No.10589957

I wish i had knew this before fucking up my teeth. Fuck, i'll never be the same ever again ;_;

>> No.10590020

what are you doing in /jp/

>> No.10590245

It is unnecessary, yes. Using the premade one will save you time.

>> No.10590249

Neat. Thanks.

>> No.10590271

>Which VN is really easy to read?
Some random nukige or a moege like Flyable Hearts? You should ask in the VN thread.

>> No.10592022


Is there one that shows the kanji, which you then need to remember the English meaning for?

The one I found does the opposite.

>> No.10592054

You can edit the card layout yourself.

>> No.10592515


There're 2000, though. Is there anyway to flip them all at once?

>> No.10592559

Just get CorePlus, it's better.

Go into the deck, Study Now, Edit and Cards...

Change Front and Back template to what's in the pastebin and save.


>> No.10592576

Some Anki terminology. Each piece of information, such as an English meaning, kanji and so on, is a field. A note is a collection of fields, while a card is generated from notes. Ultimately what you see when you do reps are cards. What you need to do is edit the note type of the deck you downloaded and add a card to the note type that presents the kanji on the front and English on the back. That will automatically generate an additional card for each of the 2000 notes in the deck.

Hopefully that helps when it comes to navigating Anki's UI.

>> No.10592687

sentence on the front?

>> No.10593475
File: 8 KB, 302x90, repz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10593546

Hey, I'm on like Kanji 1830 (meaning), and I have a question, would you recommend sentence reps? Do they help? Or Just reading alone? Also, how much immersion do you do? Do you like the AJATT method?

>> No.10593556

Just grind vocab/grammar and read manga or whatever.

>Also, how much immersion do you do?
I read for around 1-4 hours a day after doing my reps. Sometimes I watch an anime movie or something with jap subtitles.

>> No.10593561

what website do you get Japanese subs
>yes I've tried google

>> No.10593566


>> No.10593567

is there an rtk deck w/ furigana available

>> No.10593572

use sentence/vocab decks for that

>> No.10593617


>> No.10593865


any anime worth watching nowadays?

>> No.10593871

Yes. Download something you're interested in.

>> No.10594004

Stein's gate was interesting

>> No.10594008

Madoka, if you haven't seen it. I fucking loved that show. Homura is the best, but Madoka herself turned out to be a bro too.

>> No.10594089

How do i make VLC display Japanese subtitles?
all i get are squares.

>> No.10594113

Download MPC

>> No.10597036
File: 7 KB, 272x97, >DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10597068

Anyone tried SLY yet?

>> No.10597077

Do it in another thread you faggot.

>> No.10602469
File: 7 KB, 267x80, fagg0t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10602517
File: 7 KB, 274x96, ss (2013-03-12 at 09.13.33).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I'm so tired. I even fell asleep twice during my reps, so today was really slow. Hopefully that doesn't mean I won't remember shit tomorrow.

>> No.10602593

are you all geniuses? i can't handle anything more than 30 vocab words/day and you're all doing more than 100 vocab words/day from these shots and still maintaining high correct percentages

>> No.10602602

I'm >>10602469 and I only do 50 new cards a day.

And also I almost never use the "Again" button when it comes to Young cards after going through them once when they're completely new.

It's funny because pressing "Hard" doesn't affect the percentage at all in Anki. It still registers it as 100%.

>> No.10602799

Only falsNEETs have the willpower to do something like this.

>> No.10603194

>stop it unless you're planning to move to japan
to think that you only get to learn languages to move away from your country, you really are mean, anon. One can even just learn a language because they feel like doing it.

>> No.10603207 [DELETED] 

>Should I stop writing?

You should at least stop with making the same post again and again.

>> No.10603209

Doing written Japanese is still a waste of time though, as the majority of the people here that learn the language do it only to play japanese porn games.

>> No.10603285

I do it so that I can pick up some fine grills.

>> No.10603790
File: 16 KB, 517x439, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started doing my reps again today, it was satisfying. I hope it goes well from now on!

>> No.10603812


I agre

>> No.10605167

Do you guys do RTK before using anki for kanji+vocab?

Kanji first and then grammar, right?

>> No.10605179

No, I didn't do RTK. No, kanji, grammar and vocab concurrently.

>> No.10605176

we have nothing to do all day so

>> No.10605181

I find that learning words is much easier when you already know kanji. I started doing vocabulary after some 1000 kanji, and have difficulties mostly with words containing unknown kanji.

>> No.10605188

Did kanji after basic grammar with a Kanjidamage deck, learning only the chinese reading, a keyword and radicals, and it's been working fine. Doing kanji and vocab simultaneously seems like it would be harder, but doable.

>> No.10605213

Well that sounds frustrating as balls.
I've been trying to do that, but I always end up getting frustrated and confused. On-yomi? Kun-yomi?! I learned a few vocab with kana and didn't have any problems, so this is just frustrating.

>> No.10605274 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 283x99, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanji first and then grammar, right?
Yes. I did KD beforehand though.

>> No.10605282
File: 8 KB, 283x99, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanji first and then grammar, right?
Yes. I went for KD instead of RTK though.

>> No.10605342

Yeah even if the kanjii meanings have shit all to do with the word it's still easier to link them to the definition than if you're just seeing squiggles.

>> No.10605386

I looked at KD and clicked the first kanji, and I had no idea what I was looking at.

>> No.10605409

I tried reading the tutorial for using the site and I felt overwhelmed with information. Also, they don't really offer any way to track your progress, just a back and a forward button. Are you really supposed to take in all that and draw these kanji out on pen and paper until you them down?

I understand that you have to put in some effort in order to learn a language, but lacking some features in a website like this just makes for busywork.

>> No.10605437 [DELETED] 

How do you study words? From Japanese to English or from English to Japanese? If from English to Japanese then do you write it also?

>> No.10605452

So i decided that i will finally learn the language and memorized hiragana and katakana. Now that i am confident that i got them down i am very confused as how to proceed, after reading alot of deferent opinions i decided to ask directly. What is the deference about the meaning of kanji and actually seeing a kanji and reading it as a japanese word? do i have to learn the meanings before i learn what they mean in japanese?

>> No.10605469

You don't use the website. You use the anki deck.

>> No.10605471

Basically most kanji have a most common meaning, which will help you with words you've never seen before. Otherwise they'll just be a complete blank wall. You don't have to learn the meanings to pick up words but it makes it a whole lot easier.

>> No.10605477

Does the Anki deck explain anything?

>> No.10605486

What's there to explain that http://kanjidamage.com/howto doesn't?

>> No.10605487

It has the same facts as the kanji on website. And if you don't understand the layout, check the howto.

The reason why I decided to pick KD up is partly because I was following a guide, but also because I felt that memorizing mneomonics was just a waste of time.

>> No.10605515

What is it with these fucking core whatever vocab decks? How in the hell is 横書き one of the 2000 most used words in your language? God damn it.

>> No.10605527

You'll be surpised when you actually start reading more story driven things that focus more on writing.

Anything within the JLPT5-JLPT1 words is worth learning no matter how obscure they may seem to be.

Then there's stuff like 菊 which may be worth suspending though.

>> No.10606905 [DELETED] 

I have been using moege to extract commonly used words and now I am out of words, what can I do to learn some more useful vocab?

>> No.10606910

I have been using moege to extract commonly used words and now I am out of words, what can I do to learn some more useful vocab?

>> No.10606954
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 4971650005850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll see it all the time if you frequent a Japanese supermarket.

>> No.10606974



>> No.10606984
File: 88 KB, 544x483, 1363046525401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the time that I was dedicating to practicing Japanese each day and I just replaced it with online work.

I think it was a good trade. I'll never learn Japanese, but I can make enough money to pay people to translate things for me if I want to. Best of both worlds.

>> No.10607014

Are there any particular manga or VNs that /jp/ recommends for beginner reading? I've built a mid-elementary basis of grammar and work on vocab & kanji every day with cards. What's a premier go-to for "in the wild"? Manga is preferred I guess since VNs are harder to obtain, but if there's a pretty good not-to-difficult VN that's great too.

>> No.10607029

Commonly suggested are yotsuba and Azumanga

>> No.10607052

Why would it not be one of Japan's more commonly used words? Considering it's a country that for hundreds of years wrote vertically, and continues to do so, but more recently has also started writing certain things horizontally.

So really, it makes perfect sense.

>> No.10607904

Well there's so much shit on each kanji page, so it's really overwhelming

>> No.10607909

And the first kanji has other kanji that i haven't learned you

>> No.10607921

The first manga I read was Welcome to the NHK. I guess it's not especially simple or anything, but because I had already seen the anime I found it easy to follow.
So that would be my suggestion; just pick something with a story that you already know.

>> No.10609346

Why are there no mnemonics for the kun readings...?

>> No.10611475
File: 8 KB, 287x100, ss (2013-03-14 at 06.34.42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done for today.

>> No.10611503
File: 8 KB, 300x104, vocabday104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10612880

It's actually possible to Japanese and make money.

>> No.10613886
File: 7 KB, 270x87, vocabday105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4000 cards mature.

>> No.10615762

I was wondering if anyone here knew how to move Kanji up in Anki so I could review them early. I have a bunch of new kanji that I've learnt since starting to learn vocabulary but I want to move the Kanji up in my KanjiDamage deck. Any help would be much appreciated.

>> No.10615827
File: 1 KB, 215x59, KD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished up my KD deck. How many did
you do today anons?

>> No.10616011

The way i find myself most comfortable learning2moon: pick a vn with fairly simple writing, write any jouyou kanji i don't remember having met before together with the word i found the kanji in (in case of jukugo, i circle the onyomi of said kanji in said word). Not everything that is acquired subconsciously goes away, and actually writing kanji seems to make me remember them better (regardless of actually wanting to learn how to write them, for example i don't). At this rate i hope to say goodbye to Anki 5ever and ever, that shit simply isn't for me.

>> No.10617142
File: 7 KB, 338x95, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only three days left. Then the pain will temporarily be over.

>> No.10619945
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Anybody here?

>> No.10620029
File: 7 KB, 272x91, ss (2013-03-16 at 10.21.50).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent some time fixing some stuff on my decks and testing it, so the 135 minutes is probably closer to 110 or so. Still slower than I'd like, though.

>> No.10621286

What is the difference between ならく and じごく?

>> No.10624866

Someone please explain me the meaning of 破瓜

>> No.10624907

I started playing an MMO and I haven't done my reps in 2 months

I want to kill myself

>> No.10624948

I've just recently went back to my reps after a break of a few months.

At first I couldn't recall about 1/3 of the cards, as expected. But after seeing them again just once, I'm now simply blazing through them. It's like my brain needed the break to purge all the unnecessary shit and leave just the correct wires.

You've most probably lost nothing. Except the time that you could have used to learn more, of course.

>> No.10625233

Brain cancer has been making it harder and harder to each day.

But you know, this isn't my personal blog.

>> No.10626546

I know what you mean anon. I have been doing other things such us watching YT videos, playing video games, watch anime, ect. FUCK, why wasn't i born Japanese? It would have save me a lot of time and be able to do other things, but instead i have to waste 3 or 4 hours of my time just so i can finish my decks. FUCK ;_;

>> No.10626697

Wow. Good luck dude.

>> No.10628352
File: 7 KB, 309x80, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it. i'm not adding another damn card until this shit is less than 200 reps a day. i just want to read.

almost at the point of just uninstalling anki and just reading all day instead of doing anki all day.

>> No.10631160
File: 1 KB, 267x91, KD_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, how do you do it? I finally finish this much, but still, what motivates you to do that much? Please tell me.

>> No.10631198

Not him, but, if you're serious about learning a language you just do it.

I used to grind shit for 10 hours+ in the beginning because I wanted to play eroge so badly. I guess it's also because I'm kind of a perfectionist, I didn't want to remain a peasant otaku. I just wanted to reach the higher levels. That's what really motivated me during my vocab grinds.

>> No.10631587

>choosing Korean over Mandarin

>> No.10631598
File: 8 KB, 375x100, vocabday108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's painful doing your reps when you've only had 3 hours of sleep.

>> No.10631627

Should I get an integrated approach to intermediate japanese or Tobira?
I've used both Genki textbooks before, but I've heard that Tobira is better so I'm wondering which one to get.

>> No.10632519
File: 462 KB, 801x2664, anki-stats-2013-03-18@23-59-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocabulary is my BITCH.

If only Kanji were also so easy.

>> No.10632615

Hi, /jp/. I've got a quick question.

I've been doing one of the Kanjidamage anki decks - an older one that hasn't been updated in a while (all the numbers are off by one because of the addition of "To hella do", and some of the definitions are wrong.)

I've gotten about 1100-1200 kanji in since last summer. The thing is, all I've been memorizing are the meanings, not the on/kunyomi or the jukugo.

So I'm wondering - is it worthwhile to keep doing the Kanjidamage deck the way I'm doing it until I finish, or should I just quit right now and go to Core 3000/Core 6000 and start learning on/kunyomi and jukugo?

>> No.10632672
File: 473 KB, 801x2664, anki-stats-2013-03-19@01-01-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bleehh, much less glamorous.

About the weird holes, that's due to how I kinda-sorta haven't been keeping up, in a way. So far, I have done my daily reps every single day, but I've occasionally had to change when the next 'day' started, sometimes making it as late as 8PM. However, 8PM is the latest it's ever gotten, and I've always made up for it. The graphic shows holes and really tall bars due to the fact that it records WHEN you've studied, and places bars based upon whenever each day is set to begin, not whether or not you managed to study before the next 'day' began.

Point being, I haven't REALLY had a net loss in studying. I've kept up, somewhat shakily, but it's something. I've yet to lose a day.


Knowing the meanings will help you figure out what a word means, but you'll have no way of knowing how it's pronounced. I'd strongly recommend learning the onyomi; vocabulary study should pick up the kunyomi for you.

>> No.10632687


Okay then. Starting tomorrow night, I'll try to install the latest version of Anki and find a newer KD deck to use. I guess I should also probably start Core 6000.

>> No.10632746

on readings may help but you will still need to deal with rendaku/irregular readings

>> No.10632756


Oh yeah, and another thing, if you come across kanji in a word you don't know in manga or a VN or something, knowing the onyomi will allow you to type the kanji into your computer and figure out what it means SO much more easily than trying to find the kanji by matching radicals or even using one of those sites/programs that allow you to draw in the kanji.

>> No.10632856
File: 1 KB, 215x33, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just starting learning, doing rtk and kd at the same time

>> No.10632866

If you use a text hooker, that's irrelevant.

>> No.10632974

Finished RTK1 recently but my review deck is only up to around 1500.

>> No.10632999

I can't get into RTK or Kanji Damage. I'm still learning grammar and vocabulary though. Am I trying to rush things by trying to get into Kanji before grammar? I still read hiragana and katakana slowly, and I still can't figure out kunyomi and onyomi. I'm a bit depressed I can't get the hang of any of this.

>> No.10633016
File: 95 KB, 756x606, vocab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started this deck three years ago, probably know a few thousand more words though, since this doesn't include low level vocabulary.

Just been going through the shared 四字熟語 deck lately, there's about 3300 in there.

>> No.10633024

>Am I trying to rush things by trying to get into Kanji before grammar?
Not really. Need to learn both and the order doesn't matter.

>> No.10633042

I guess I just need to find something that suits me. I just want the kanji, definition, stroke order, and readings.

>> No.10633044 [DELETED] 

How long do you intend to use Anki? Shouldn't you be using the language instead of cramming through flashcards? I never used flashcards to learn English.

>> No.10633055

Find your own pace. I found randomly grinding kanji with RTK pretty boring. Now I just learn kanji that I read somewhere. That way I already know which words use the kanji and why I learn it.

The way I would do it is grind vocabulary at a high pace until you have about 2000. If you know a lot of Japanese already, you can do that in a month. At the same time, do some easy grammar if you want, but you don't really need grammar.

Then when you are around 2k words, you can easily read stuff like yotsuba and learn kanji and grammar from there. Then just continue to grind vocab at a slower pace, unsuspend kanji you find in manga or VNs and find Japanese stuff you enjoy reading. There is also a website from NHK that has easy to read Japanese news. I read an article from there every day for some time.

From the start I also did about 25 spoken sentences from the core deck every day. I found that really helps with listening comprehension and helps understand anime.

I found that to be quite enjoyable. You can start reading Japanese material really fast. But it's pretty hard and you will have to look up a lot at first.

>> No.10633063

As someone who speaks 3 languages, I feel like I should have an advantage when learning Japanese but it's amazing how different Japanese is. I've never had to WORK to learn a language before, I would just immerse myself and it'd come naturally over time. Japanese, with Kanji just feels like a huge, boring chore.

Hell, I learned English at the age of 7 or 8 playing video games with my French-English dictionary in front of me, looking up every word I didn't know. Slowly being able to understand everything in my video games was an amazing feeling.

But... fuck kanji. I can't wait until I'm done with this. I dread grinding this shit every single day.

>> No.10633094

That's because you were 7 or 8. You learn primary languages up until you're 15. After that it goes into the secondary language center of your brain instead of the primary language center and then it's far far harder to learn a language.

This has been well studied for years. There was a guy from the US who learned French later on in life, got into a traffic accident, and lost the ability to speak English. He can now only speak the secondary language of French.

We know there are two language centers in the brain and one is much better at learning than the other.

>> No.10633099

I'm Vietnamese and I spoke it a lot when I was a kid, but I completely forgot how to. I can understand some Vietnamese, but I won't be able to talk to someone in Vietnamese. I'd reply in English while they talk in Vietnamese, but even then I'd have trouble knowing what they are saying. I really hope this doesn't happen with Japanese.

>> No.10633103

[[citation required]]

>> No.10633107

That's a load of pseudoscience. I passed JLPT1 in two years and now am nearing what I feel is fluency after three. For Chinese people it's easier due to their natural head start (the people I know who are best at Japanese other than myself are all Chinese).

Children take like 8 years to become reasonably good at communication. They're slow as shit. Japanese kids screw around for like 14 years just learning kanji.

>> No.10633136

Forever. I wouldn't have accumulated the vocabulary I know now without it in such a short space of time.

I live in Japan so I use Japanese every day. I barely even use English except on /jp/.

>> No.10633798



Reading List:

>> No.10634696

Someone should make a kanjidamage-like vocab deck. I can only take so many instances of the words "establishment", "management" and "process" before my brain shorts out trying to remember them all, and that's without learning the nuances of each.

>> No.10634767

>"establishment", "management" and "process"

Why would you learn words like these?

>> No.10635417



Fuck these words and all words similar to them.

Also, how do you unsuspend a card? For some reason, I have the worst fucking trouble trying to remember 総, and after forgetting it for the umpteenth time, I was informed that it was a leech and was therefore suspended. I've come across other leeches since, but I adjusted it so that they're only tagged, not suspended. (Suspending leeches seems like an incredibly stupid or condescending idea. "Seems like you're having trouble with this one! It's okay, it's not as if you're using this program to LEARN this stuff, so we'll just get rid of it so you don't have to learn it. That'll fix the problem!") I'm not finding anywhere in the deck options or preferences or anything concerning suspended cards.

>> No.10635535

Open up the deck browser and you should see the category for suspended cards.

>> No.10635614
File: 7 KB, 299x86, vocabday109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was a pain.

>> No.10635683

Go on goo辞書 or Yahoo. Learn the actual definitions of these words instead of English synonyms. Now you know the differences and can remember them as separate words. Enjoy.

>> No.10635701

Multi-tiered cloud-oriented internet synergy paradigm-parallelized solutions.

>> No.10635863

I have been using a website (renshuu) + kanjidamage since I can get to them from anywhere. I might as well ask, what are the notable differences between that and flashcard software?

>> No.10635886

Also in the search for material I looked at Japanese webcomics. And with some of them I feel like I'm missing something because it seems like they use tiny characters to the point of being unreadable. How long does it take before you can actually read this stuff?

>> No.10635896

Where do I get decks from? Please. Thank you.

>> No.10635910


Example: http://imomushi656.web.fc2.com/kimiga1.html

I get to the second panel before there is an indecipherable blob.

>> No.10635924

It's just practice reading. If you read enough manga eith characters you can decipher, you'll eventually be able to read them

>> No.10635947

That's easy. The scans of Berserk were like twice as bad.
I guess it's really depends on how familiar you are with the kanji and compounds.

>> No.10635952


That's what I figure. Like how I can mostly guess the first blob in that panel based on the rest of the line, but when the blob is a standalone word or part of one it's harder to improvise. Curious how much this remains a problem as time goes on.

Well, I guess this is the same thing as dealing with bad handwriting.

>> No.10635954



>> No.10635980


That's the 6th panel. But it was more of a general statement than this specific example.

Bold is usually not so bad aside from sometimes when it runs into itself.

>> No.10635984



>> No.10635995

Please respond here (´・ω・` ) >>10635896

>> No.10636001

Yeah, sorry about that. I guess you see patterns in the text, kind of like how you can leave stuff out or modify the words in English to gibberish but still understand what it's supposed to mean.

参ったなあ これじゃ病室に迷惑だ

>> No.10636008

Oh and I just realized it was 完璧 and not 病室.

>> No.10636037

You also forgot 迷子

>> No.10637437

I found this
and I like it.
It has the simple stuff I want. Kanji, readings, definition, and has both kana and kanji. I can't get it to work in Anki though. Can someone guide me through how to properly import it?

>> No.10639041

Finished the monolingual ones now to slog through my bilingual cards. Think i'll take a few days and mono-linguify them when i get the time.

>> No.10639050


>> No.10639066

Do you people read actual Japanese-language games/comics/anime too, or do you just grind this shit and then go back to your fantranslated whatever-you're-into?

>> No.10639072

Hey guys, I got the "All Kanji for JLPT 4" from the shared deck, is that good? Do I have to memorize every single meaning of each Kanji in Japanese? Or the meaning in English is enough? Thanks.

>> No.10639075

Reading shonen mangas (kana translations of Kanji) and playing old games in Japanese is good training to learn more words and get more accustomed to the language. But you'll need Kanji sooner or later.

>> No.10639090

I only watch and read Japanese entertainment in Japanese, yes.

My Japanese is probably twice as good compared to what I knew 3 months ago.

>> No.10639091

for example: 下
Do I have to know every single one of these? した,しも,もと,さげる,さがる,くだる,くだり,くだす,くださる,おろす,おりる

Or knowing in English that it means below, down, give, inferior, low and descend is enough?

>> No.10639098


You don't need to memorize the readings
You don't need to memorize an arbitrarily assigned English "meaning"

Instead, learn the readings and meanings of the actual WORDS that are written with that character.

>> No.10639103

I got the Anki "All Kanji for JLPT 4" and that's what I get for each Kanji, I'll just copy paste you the screen I get right now:

On Reading : カ,ゲ
On Romari : ka,ge
Kun Reading : した,しも,もと,さげる,さがる,くだる,くだり,くだす,くださる,おろす,おりる
Kun Romari : shita,shimo,moto,sageru,sagaru,kudaru,kudari,kudasu,kudasaru,orosu,oriru

When I flip the card, I get this:

below, down, descend, give, low, inferior,

I'm confused as hell.

>> No.10639108

Looks like kanjidamage might work for you better.

>> No.10639109


I can't think of a worse way to study Japanese.

Get a more relevant deck I suppose?

>> No.10639113

If you're going to be drilling the kanji I'd reccommend https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/3711455699
There are pluses and minuses to learning conceptual meanings of kanji first, I'm in favor of it because it allows you to decode WTF bricks of kanjii you've never seen before but it will take you a month or two to run through it unless you go full retard(some people pullit off in 2 weeks)

>> No.10639115

He's saying that you don't have to do what you're doing at all. He's saying instead of learning every single kanji by itself you should (in his opinion) just learn the words that use 下 instead of 下 itself. For example, don't write down/study 下 means down/below and is read as カ、ゲ or した. Instead write down/study 地下鉄 means subway and is read らかてつ and XXXが下手 means that XXX is untalented/poor and is read XXXが へた. etc until you have all the words that use that Kanji.

>> No.10639146

I'm curious while on the topic of kanji, is there a website or program where you can enter a particular kanji and have words associated with it appear? I'd like to use something like it as a test for my kanji revision.

>> No.10639150


>> No.10639172


Thank you for the replies, I think I will try kanjidamage.

>> No.10639187

Ah, I didn't realise you could actually search for words containing a particular kanji. Is it worth just writing down most/all of the common words for each kanji?

>> No.10639199

Nah, personally I'd say to just write down the words you come across in your japanese media of choice, but if you go the dictionary source route, it'd probably be a waste to do more than one word per reading of the kanji.

>> No.10639231

You sure that's good? It has only English meanings, nothing in Japanese.

>> No.10639264

exactly, it's a starting block to familiarize you with the stroke order and structure of the words. It'll let you read right off the bat even though you won't know how to pronounce things, through their conceptual meaning. It's a delay of a month or so, but its a good way of easing you in and helps you grow faster later.

>> No.10639421

Is there a way to put https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AscWM0WNU3s4dFMwR2hPbzN4Um9WTEU0MHI2b3NwNmc&hl=en#gid=0 into Anki or something similar? The way it's laid out seems to suggest so.

>> No.10639439

Make a note type for it that can take all the fields, and then a deck. Now download it as comma separated values (.csv), then remove the first line and import it into Anki by defining the separator to be a comma.

>> No.10639489

I see, thanks.

>> No.10639526

For some reason no notes are being added and when I open the .cvs file there's a bunch of question marks which is odd since opening it as a spreadsheet shows everything just fine.

>> No.10639564

Are you using notepad to open it or something, because that would explain the question marks at least. I tried downloading it and noticed it has UNIX style newlines (\n) instead of Windows style (\r\n), while Anki might be assuming Windows style. You are probably seeing question marks because your text viewer isn't decoding it right. The file is encoded in UTF-8.

I suggest you download Notepad++, which should have no problems decoding it correctly, as well as being able to convert newline styles easily.

>> No.10639614

Sorry, I'm totally shit when it comes to stuff like this. After trying out Notepad++ it doesn't seem like I can save a file in the .csv format.

>> No.10639653

on the google docs site click file-->download as-->csv

>> No.10639669

Yeah but then when I try to save it after using it in Notepad++ I can't do that.

>> No.10639670

Oh, that doesn't matter. CSV isn't any different from a plain text file when it comes to encoding. Just pick "All files" as filetype, or even .txt. It doesn't matter. Just make sure you convert the newlines with Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Windows format. Then remove the first line, since the fields are defined in the Anki import dialog rather than by the first line like in a CSV file.

>> No.10639730

Ah thanks, but still no luck. I just noticed that some of the meanings are separated by commas where there are more than one. For example "1st, first of the month". Will I just have to manually delete all those and try again?

>> No.10639761

Ah, you're right. That's gonna mess up stuff. I checked what other formats Google offered, and the plain text one is perfect for this, so try that one instead. The fields are separated by tabs this time, so the commas shouldn't be an issue now.

>> No.10639787

On another note, isn't the spreadsheet you're trying to import just the 400 first notes of Core2k?

>> No.10639828

Yeah it is, however this is just the first 400 as I didn't want to totally overwhelm myself. ;_;

>> No.10639848

In that case it might be easier to just download a shared Core2k deck and suspend all but the first 400 notes.

>> No.10639853

Wait, what.

>> No.10640040
File: 7 KB, 307x89, vocabday110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was supposed to write a bit on my essay that's due on Tuesday, looks like much of that didn't happen.

>> No.10640100

Are those the number of days you have been at it?

>> No.10640115


>> No.10642162
File: 1 KB, 146x130, dAdadadad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I would rather shoot myself than open this deck.

It's probably somewhere in the 10,000 region by now.

>> No.10642615

>learn the readings and meanings of the actual WORDS that are written with that character

Yeah, don't learn the kanji 一, learn the word 一. Don't learn the kanji 字, learn the word 字. Repeat for every kanji... oh wait, it's the same exact fucking thing.

>> No.10645531


>> No.10645767

Retard of the year award goes to you.

>> No.10646321

How the fuck do I set "hard" to 1 day maximum? I don't want to stay two days without studying a card.

>> No.10646356

Alright guys I set the maximum review interval to 1 day, will that be too much work in a 2k kanji deck? What do y'all use?

>> No.10647380

