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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 788 KB, 1280x720, desert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10551718 No.10551718 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10538432

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10551752

Just finished aiyoku no eustia, looking for anything relatively similar.

Tried koiken otome 'cause of fripside but I find it meh...

Any sugg?

>> No.10551757

Finished Danganronpa. Had a lot of fun considering how retarded everything about this was. But seriously, this game could have used way more genuinely likeable characters. Except for Sakura and maybe Kyoko everyone was an annoying asshole in one way or another.

>> No.10551762

Eustia is kind of unique so, no.

>> No.10551770

Well, anything medieval-ish then?

Partial eng much appreciated, if not, whatever.

>> No.10551783

>Well, anything medieval-ish then?
Kyonyuu Fantasy and its sequel.

>> No.10551789

Bleh, nukige.

>> No.10551795

Just start Kitto, sumiwataru asairo yori mo,

I don't know why I left it sitting around on my hard drive for so long, this is good. Loving the writing.

>> No.10551796

They actually have a pretty strong story but whatever.

>> No.10551804

well, wanted a bit of plot instead of only PLOT though but thanks for the advice

>> No.10551797

what's wrong with nukige?

>> No.10551805

Little Witch Parfait

It's about loli lesbians having to take care of a magical shop in a medieval setting

>> No.10551806 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, confessions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, after a guy from the last thread said this was funny I started it without knowing anything about it. Damn you hit the ground running.

Also there is a bokuko for those who like them, like me. Hopefully the other heroines are just good.

>> No.10551807

Nothing it's just not something you should recommend to someone looking for a story.

>> No.10551810

why is your picture so white

are you racist

>> No.10551811

You just activated my trapcard or something. The name might be unfortunate but if you want a good story in a medieval setting these games are awesome.

>> No.10551816
File: 145 KB, 1200x900, ev_208l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so heartwarming overall.

>> No.10551817

Rarely a nukige looking game can have a good plot, that's the case with Kyonyuu Fantasy

Dea ex Machina has like 100 ero scenes but it also has an excellent plot, writing and some incredily badass fight scenes.
And Extravaganza or Mugen Renkan.
And let's not talk about Harukuru and its wall of sex scenes before it genres-shit.

>> No.10551819
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x576, confessions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, after a guy from the last thread said this was funny I started it without knowing anything about it. Damn you hit the ground running.

Also there is a bokuko for those who like them, like me. Hopefully the other heroines are just good.

To my shame I didn't remember to crop.

>> No.10551821


>> No.10551846
File: 72 KB, 213x252, 1356504880945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading anything at the moment. I feel like I can't find any worthwhile VNs anymore that are translated and I don't know Japanese. I've had to drop four out of five previous VNs that I've started because they've been too boring or the characters not likable.

Just gotta keep trying I guess.

>> No.10551856

Ressive isn't well executed like, e.g., Lover Able, though.
Hayase Yuu is still at Hooksoft anyway.

>> No.10551864
File: 124 KB, 430x500, 14896263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Re-read something you liked a lot, then. I didn't know it could be as enjoyable as it was until I tried for myself. Right now I'm re-reading Muv Luv and it's still got that fresh feeling.

>> No.10551912

What do mean by not well executed? poor pacing or just pointless scenes?

>> No.10551994

Yeah already done that, kinda. It was fun to watch someone streaming their first read through MLA.

>> No.10552281

It's enjoyable for me at least because I have an awful memory and forget most of what happened after a year or two.

>> No.10552375
File: 387 KB, 1280x720, gri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is teaching me so much

>> No.10552430
File: 370 KB, 900x1158, 29210337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only they could rewrite the whole VN into something good.

>> No.10552433

I find Lover Able boring pretty quickly, so if this is even worse than that's a bummer.

>> No.10552447

maybe he just really liked lover able and doesn't like this because it's too different

i bet you never thought of that huh

>> No.10552465

Why has there been so much discussion about rewrite recently? I never even bothered to finish the common route personally.

>> No.10552478

>Why has there been so much discussion about rewrite recently?
It got translated.

Personally, I liked it, but not nearly as much as Romeo's other works.

>> No.10552489

Still no Hapymaher?

>> No.10552493

Sit your ass down and wait with the rest of us, boy.

>> No.10552494

>It got translated.
Ah, I bet /vg/ is unbrowsable now.

>Personally, I liked it
How so? I got way too bored of the hijinks and none of the foreshadowing kept me interested.

>> No.10552531
File: 88 KB, 512x512, 1338615316720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could try to be a bit more patient with the new VNs you read and a bit more tolerant of characters that do seem terrible at first; they usually end up becoming pretty okay later on. I know how you feel, though.

I hope you find something you'll enjoy soon.

>> No.10552537

I hope he doesn't. Fuck him and his family. You're okay though.

>> No.10552551
File: 129 KB, 320x460, c755916package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, that's it, no more NTR for me, not for a long fucking time.
I thought I was pretty tolerant to the genre, but this... I can't fap to this, I can't even have a hard on to this God fucking Venus while Mary is watching dammnit, and thank the elder evils that there's at least a good end.
I can handle women becoming whores two rapes after, I can handle stupid plots and moronic leads. but having the heroine costantly moping and crying feeling like shit for almost every goddamn NTR scene it's too damn much and having long labulabu scenes in between that show how hard she's trying...
I'm off this train, from now on only plain rape with an evil lead and pure love, I'm too ronery for this.

>> No.10552557

I, too, prefer simply straight rape.

>> No.10552558

>Ah, I bet /vg/ is unbrowsable now.
How is that different from normal?

>How so? I got way too bored of the hijinks and none of the foreshadowing kept me interested.
The chuuni bits were fun. The fights almost reminded me of FSN in a way. The character interactions were interesting, but mostly in retrospect. I personally enjoyed the humor, though I can understand how not everyone would.

It's flawed in a lot of ways, but I'd still say it was my favorite Key work after Clannad.

>> No.10552568

>having the heroine costantly moping and crying feeling like shit for almost every goddamn NTR scene it's too damn much and having long labulabu scenes in between that show how hard she's trying...
Was there at least an end where she became totally corrupted? Because that would make it pretty hot. But shoving how guilty the girl feels in your face doesn't sound very appealing to me if there's no payoff and she stays like that forever.

>> No.10552581

Yeah, the fight with the T-Rex in Terra was really awesome.

>> No.10552584

The best NTR is when the heroine is just a slut or the main character is a wuss. What you described just took it to another level, a level I have not played and never will.

>How is that different from normal?
I don't know, I have never been, I thought it was like here but instead they talk about the same couple of games ad infinitum.

I guess it depends on tastes, most of the jokes fell flat. They only thing I remember enjoying were the voices.

I guess it isn't my cup of tea, I didn't like Clannad and I never even tried to play Little Busters.

>> No.10552601

>They only thing I remember enjoying were the voices.
Yes, the voices and the soundtrack were both outstanding. Hoshi Souichirou makes a great madman.

>I guess it isn't my cup of tea, I didn't like Clannad and I never even tried to play Little Busters.
Well, it's pretty different from either of those. It might as well not even be a Key game, really. But yeah, it seems to be kind of polarizing.

>> No.10552602

Not really, only one end where she totally lose her sanity and still manages to save the mc ( long story short, most of this shit is her trying to save his life ), however having betrayed her feelings she knows that even if it's over, it's far too late for them as he now has got another person, so she rapes him unconcious and leaves forever erasing his memories of her.

>> No.10552609

`You have thoroughly scared me off this game, what a roller coaster it must have been. I guess I am not a true NTR fan because I can't deal with those kind of emotions.

>> No.10552607

I've always done at least the common route and one character route. If the VN or none of the characters are interesting after that, what's the point?

Last four I dropped were Little Busters, Ever17, Hoshimemo and Rewrite. I know the two first ones have a good true route but I can't be bothered to wade through a river of shit to get there.

>> No.10552648

Huh, sounds weird.
>most of this shit is her trying to save his life
I don't like that. You know, when the girl is only having sex with someone else for the protag's sake or something. Or at least, after awhile she begins to like it and does it for fun. Hell, I think I prefer the rape + magic chinpo combo over that. Having her think of him to the very end isn't very fappable to me. I mean, the whole reason I like NTR is for the betrayal and falling out of love with/not caring anymore about the protagonist. I was planning on reading it but this game doesn't sound like me cup of tea.

>> No.10554074

No releases to look forward to this month ... Well except for Lovesick puppies that got delayed.
Was there anything good released in February, or do I have to look in my backlog?

>> No.10554104

I'm hoping that hapymaher will be good but I haven't downloaded it yet

>> No.10554214

I am enjoying ラヴレッシブ rioght now but it sucks about lovesick puppies. I played and enjoyed the trial of it too. One of the main reasons why I usually don't play trials is because of delays.

>> No.10554236

Yeah, I was looking forward to that too, but then I played the trial and I don't know anymore. I don't like how the textbox is moving around, the writing was really slow and and the characters and interface was shit. I just know that I won't finish it.
If it gets more positive comments on EGS I might pick it up anyway.

>> No.10554252

Oh, that one looks fun. I'll give it a shot as I wait for puppies. Thanks.

>> No.10554258
File: 81 KB, 960x720, ukBBAsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the voices and the soundtrack were both outstanding
>voices [...] outstanding

Excuse me for a moment, please. Are you talking about Rewrite? I'm not sure how anyone can say the voices were outstanding when the game, save for the heroines and a select few side characters, was mostly unvoiced. Yeah, a few of the characters that were voiced were done so very well but it was the ones that were unvoiced that made a bigger impression. Just seemed really cheap. Add to that the amount of sprites per character were low and even less side-character even had one. So, yeah, I wasn't too happy about that.

I'm not the only one that thought this, am I?

>> No.10554283

I felt the writing was slow too, scenes dragged on too much, and nothing in the trial had much of an impact on me. Maybe things pick up later in the game but it is on the don't read list for now. I didn't like how there was ero in the trial either.

>> No.10554291

Not having all of the characters voiced doesn't mean the voicework wasn't good. I haven't actually read rewrite, but I would would not consider something like Subahibi, which had only one voiced male character, to have bad voice acting, especially with Sayana Shin's performance as Mamiya. Of course, I still haven't read Rewrite, so I can't comment on that.

>> No.10554307


I wasn't saying it was bad, just "incomplete", if that makes any sense. An annoying "incomplete" so I'm a bit offended by it. Also, I'm not sure if one being made by Key makes a difference, since that's part of the reason it felt cheap.

>> No.10554327

Finished Reika route in Akatsugi no Goei.

Looking at a walkthrough there seems to be no true route or anything for the game so I was wondering how does the first game connect to the sequel. Should I play all the routes or are there routes that aren't really worth playing unless I really like the heroine? What about the fandisk?

>> No.10554328

That sort of thing doesn't really bother me. Hell, I play completely unvoiced games pretty often. There were a couple of characters that I agree should have been voiced, but that's Key for you. The voice work that's there is for the most part very well done.

>>10554291 brings up Subahibi, and if anything, the lack of male voices in that game bothered me more than Rewrite's unvoiced side characters.

What do you want to bet there will eventually be a console release that adds voices for all the side characters?

>> No.10554330

Kaoru 'route' is the canon route for the first game.

>> No.10554332


>Hell, I play completely unvoiced games pretty often.

So do I. I'm just saying this particular case bothered me. I mean, consider how Muv Luv has nearly every single line voiced, besides most of Takeru's. And, again, it's Key being cheap that bothers me.

Thank you for sharing your opinion with me, though. I did want to know what others thought about the matter.

>> No.10554360

>And, again, it's Key being cheap that bothers me.
Can't disagree with that. Voices aside, there were some characters that needed tachi-e really badly that didn't get them. The newspaper club girl in particular.

>> No.10554362
File: 263 KB, 458x640, c20110930_ws_09_cs1w1_458x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The newspaper club girl in particular.

We are definitely in agreement there. Completely unforgivable.

>> No.10554370

talking about this stuff reminds me how fall key has fallen and that makes me sad that they would have released Yukine's "not up to standards" quality if clannad had been released now

instead, only the writers get to know the most interesting girl's route

>> No.10554383
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, kud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh. I just finished Kud route. What the fuck just happened?

Yes I know about the world not being real.

>> No.10554384
File: 269 KB, 750x975, 22556703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also annoyed me a lot, I don't really mind lack of voices or sprites for non-major characters but when it's a big company like Key it's just inexcusable.

Sure they had a good lineup of Seiyuu with Chiwa, Eri and HanaKana but I wouldn't call it outstanding, if anything it's the just due to the fact it's non-h that they could get people like that. The lack of sprites was just appalling though, especially Inoue not having a sprite even though they went and showed her in the ending.

My problem with Rewrite was that Romeo's routes were incredibly weak compared to the others and the fact there was so much stuff left unexplained or just not touched on. As much as I say Rewrite is terrible though I did enjoy the SakuyaBeingAwesome route and Lucia's, so I can't say that it's completely terrible, I just feel like there's a lot of wasted potential especially with it being from Key.

>> No.10554394
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x576, lightnovels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story of my fucking life

>> No.10554400

I always wondered if Japs actually understood those or if I'm just an idiot.

>> No.10554404
File: 313 KB, 646x508, 1355451271990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reverse google search
>Find a site with Feb 2013 VN releases
>Look for the girl in the picture
>Find two girls that look extremely similar to her before finding the right game

>> No.10554427
File: 182 KB, 1024x572, wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha! Wow. This has some great sprites

>> No.10554438
File: 917 KB, 1024x576, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny faces the game. Seriously though, out of all the games I have tried this month this is the only one that kept my interest.

>> No.10554445
File: 56 KB, 640x360, boku_ga_tenshi_ni_natta_wake_cg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of:
>僕が天使になった理由(わけ) LOVE SONG OF THE ANGELS

Not sure where to place this in my backlog. Still have stuff like Monobeno that I haven't even installed yet.

>> No.10554472

it came out like 2 days ago, and torrent has probably been up even shorter, I don't think anyone's gotten to it

the 28th was a big release day

>> No.10554478

It's by the writer of Deardrops if that helps. I expect an entertaining enough read, but nothing exceptional. At least the art looks better this time.

>> No.10554494

Well, I'm downloading the torrent. I'll see how the score goes on vndb in a couple weeks before I install it.

>> No.10554498

I looked in the hcg and it seems to have gangbang.

>> No.10554502

You should probably check out EGS for that

>> No.10554507

The "heroines" aren't actually the MC's love interests right? Sure hopes it's not NTR.

>> No.10554512

Cool, don't know about the jp sites for these, just got into reading in moon.

>> No.10554534
File: 325 KB, 1280x960, bokuten_0228-1280x960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an English only peasant so I can't comment on the writing, a sample of the songs in it was uploaded though and it all sounds pretty great, but I guess that's to be expected with an Overdrive game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YfrC2seJSU

>> No.10554556

Once you get a jap proxy and EGS you never use vndb again. EGS is just too useful as it shows VAs, writers, many opinions per game, and a better scoring system.

>> No.10554563

Proxy? I connect just fine without any.

>> No.10554567

EGS randomly bans foreign IPs, so some people need proxies.

>> No.10554591

Recently finished "Yume Miru Kusuri" and "Saya No Uta". Not sure what I'll play next maybe something more normal.

>> No.10554601 [DELETED] 

ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban e faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban me faggot ban

>> No.10554608

Wow, that's what Inoue looks like? She's cuter than half the main heroines.

I didn't realize that Kotori was voiced by Chiwa Saito. She was Hitagi/Homura in my mind.

>> No.10554611

Da Capo is fairly normal.

>> No.10554624

Why are the girls in Flyable Heart so CUTE and PURE?! God my heart.

>> No.10554650

Is there something more like "Yume Miru Kusuri" in terms of characters but without the sheer oddity of "Saya No Uta"?

>> No.10554786

Why do you type like that

>> No.10554809

Art looks really good.

>> No.10554831

>My problem with Rewrite was that Romeo's routes were incredibly weak compared to the others
This is the worst opinion ever.
The english fandom is pretty incredible, I can't believe their favorite route really ended up being Shizuru's

>> No.10554836

Grisaia every days

>> No.10554845
File: 1 KB, 425x34, ntr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10554846

I thought it was standard English to put the name of a work in quotations like that. Is that not the case where you are?

>> No.10554849

No, standard is having it italicized or underlined, but here, you can't do either. Just don't bother.

>> No.10554853

Makes it easy to cross off my list, then.

>> No.10554854

It's NTR towards one of the guys MC is helping with love. It's only 1 CG, then it looks like he makes her his bitch for life, collar included.

>> No.10554861

That's good, I thought this month was going to become more empty than it already is for a moment.

>> No.10554863

Sweet. Playing ASAP.

>> No.10554865

Sorry,I'd been told this was acceptable formatting but if not I'll stop it. Getting back to my question;Are there any VN's with characters as interesting as in Yume Miru Kusuri?

>> No.10554871

Assuming that you're asking for translated games, I would say maybe Cross Channel if you're fine with it being a really bad localization, or Symphonic Rain if you're fine with there not being any ero and having a completely different atmosphere.
If you can read Japanese, I would personally say Cross Channel or 素晴らしき日々.
Also, you're probably more likely to get recommendations for translated VNs in the threads on /vg/

>> No.10554877

Thanks,I'll look into those. My Japanese isn't good enough for non translated VN's yet still working on Anki and reps.

>> No.10555111

Both of you should really give it a try. The game's main route is cliche'd but I really had a lot of fun reading it. Also, it has one awesome protagonist.You should check out the reviews on egs, so you'll have a better idea of what kind of game it is.

>> No.10555186

Anyone else playing Lovely Cation's trial?
For some reason they aren't calling my name.

>> No.10555197

Maybe you picked a bad name.

>> No.10555202

I'd guess they aren't going to call you affectionate nicknames and shit as soon as they meet you.

>> No.10555216

I guess, but they should at least voice the whole sentence by replacing your name with anata or kimi. That's how KanoTsuku did it.
It pretty weird suddenly getting silence in the middle of the sentence whenever you name appears.

>> No.10555282 [DELETED] 

This MC seems to be stuck in the wrong VN - a little too clear-headed for this sort of sappy romance. Well may be they will shape him down into more emo one as it goes on.

>> No.10555284
File: 119 KB, 1040x614, Justsayno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This MC seems to be stuck in the wrong VN - a little too clear-headed for this sort of sappy romance. Well may be they will shape him down into more emo one as it goes on.

>> No.10555415 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 1305x797, 1361914272081940000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently doing Mari's route in WA2

>> No.10555433
File: 255 KB, 1288x773, mari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently doing mari's route

>> No.10555543

ITT Overrated Shit.

>> No.10555544

> a little too clear-headed for this sort of sappy romance

I enjoy characters like that if they are played well for humor. I think I'll pick this up since I'm not reading anything at the moment.

>> No.10555576

yoooo what the fuck you can't just throw in ntr without warning

>> No.10555596
File: 161 KB, 844x644, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never get around to playing all these. I keep downloading more and more shit that looks interesting, and it's starting to add up.

>> No.10555605


Well it's not really much of a spoiler to say he's either broken or depressed by that certain event in the past (first 200 lines or so hints it). So he doesn't really hold back on some of cliche like "oh, I won't tell girl A this guy likes girl B even though A is about confess", sort of no-bar hold. It doesn't mean he isn't considerate, he still feels guilt trips here and there. So far it doesn't look like much humour is in.

>> No.10555650

Are all the girls in there older 20s like her in the second part? I really hope so.

>> No.10555668
File: 72 KB, 367x474, everyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ends

>> No.10555682


>> No.10555723
File: 354 KB, 800x600, capture_007_03022013_191125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking brilliant.

>> No.10555752

I always lose it the moment uninstall chorus starts playing.

>> No.10555773


>This is the worst opinion ever.

I hope you have something to back that up.

>> No.10555786
File: 88 KB, 803x730, SkeletonWaiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for Hapymaher

>> No.10555791

God damn it son I told you to sit your ass down and wait.

>> No.10555828


>> No.10555844

Pannyas are too cute.

>> No.10555875

From what eroge is the wall poster in the room from? It looks familiar I can't remember it.
I know the one on the right is Twinkle Crusaders.

>> No.10555899


>> No.10555911

Apparently Breasts Explorer sold around 40000 units.

>> No.10555928


I thought the industry was in trouble.

>> No.10555982

That was 2011 and it was ranked #5 in the sales ranking

5.  1773 24,420 4.  2011年05月27日 カミカゼ☆エクスプローラー! クロシェット

>> No.10555988


So the industry is still in trouble?

>> No.10555999

Wasn't it always in trouble? People have always pirated

>> No.10556003
File: 898 KB, 1024x576, 1306643516073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one approve of our moe oppai overlords

>> No.10556015

Viva Breasts
Le loli fanno shifo!!!

>> No.10556025

why is the purple haired girl look so angry

>> No.10556033

Cause she doesn't have a route.

>> No.10556029

Please type in understandable languages

>> No.10556030

Because she has no route

>> No.10556036

I see, what a pitiful girl.

>> No.10556044

Can someone upload the new Pastel Chime 3 patch?

>> No.10556061

This website is your friend, learn to use it already.

>> No.10556069

where is the best oppai of the game?

>> No.10556082

In your heart.

>> No.10556088

Whoa they actually mirrored the patch this time.
They never mirrored 1.01 or Rance Quest Magnum's patches.
I guess Alicesoft allows mirroring of their patches again.

>> No.10556094

I'm a boy.

>> No.10556095
File: 333 KB, 1280x720, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In another game.

>> No.10556100


>> No.10556102

I don't have oppai.

>> No.10556111

What beautiful bazoongas, truly fit for a mother candidate.

>> No.10556116

It's ok.

>> No.10556120

It's really not, I wish I was born a girl.

>> No.10556146

Everyone here feels the same

>> No.10556151

If you put on weight you can have boobs.

>> No.10556158

You crazy?
You want to have boobs?
Piss sitting?
Attracted to males?
Menstrual cycles?

Fuck this shit, I'm happy I was born a male
I just wish I could have stopped puberty when I was teenager.

>> No.10556162
File: 347 KB, 656x518, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who's read Sayonara wo Oshiete, what was the significance of Nozomi (the literary girl, for those who can't remember)?

Given that she was a brain, perhaps the protagonist came across her strolling through the hospital? If so, what did she even represent? The rest of the girls' roles were fairly obvious, eg. Koyori and her arrows symbolizing the protagonist's inability to accept himself and then there's the whole thing with his childhood goals, but I can't pin down Nozomi.

>> No.10556173

Owaru Sekai is a kusoge, just uninstall the thing.

>> No.10556181

it's quite decent and by far not the worst thing there.

>> No.10556188
File: 799 KB, 1024x576, 2013-03-02-183303_1024x576_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a bunch of unopened Moeka mails from the day before, that were cleared when Moeka sent her d-mail that caused her to never come to the lab.
Shouldn’t that have triggered Message of Oblivion (忘却のメッセージ in the original)?

>> No.10556194

The anime is realy better.

>> No.10556197
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>> No.10556319 [SPOILER] 
File: 345 KB, 600x850, badforwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished ヤバい!-復讐・闇サイト-, pretty straight foward nukige though the whole gimmick with the comments was intriguing for a while, I actually got more intrested in the whole mistery.
In the end I kinda felt bad for Misuzu, I mean all of them three were bad, but Misuzu actually had her reasons for being such a bitch, and incest IS disgusting to the general people, let alone to someone raped by her own father, it was personal to her.
Ayano was concentrated evil and selfishness, and Rina was... I can't actually describe how despiteful she was, these two deserved everything they got and more.

>> No.10556356
File: 253 KB, 960x656, maia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At last.

>> No.10556371

Is dat some gothic lolita that isn't kuudere ?

>> No.10556418

So why were people looking forward to this?

>> No.10556423

I like the meteor tits and the writer isn't too bad
And this month is terribly empty so it helps

>> No.10556432

It has an interesting sounding premise. Who knows if it'll actually be worth anything.

In my case, I'm pretty much playing it for Maia.

>> No.10556437


Has no one here played the trial?

>> No.10556447

I rarely play trials.

>> No.10556487

I dropped the trial as I found the writing to be long winded and, well, boring. It looks like a game that picks up steam as it goes on so I am gonna wait for reactions be fore I play it.

>> No.10557042

The girl sounds like Tamiyasu. lol.

>> No.10557095

Having to put your eroge boxes in storage because you have over 1900. That's taking it to a whole new level.

>> No.10557179

Hm, I guess the achievement will come later then.
What I don’t get about that guide is why True end comes before Mayuri end which is in the ‘leftover’ column for getting all achievements/tips/cg. You don’t have to do all routes before true end?

>> No.10557182
File: 566 KB, 1024x576, Unknown 2013-03-02 16-16-46-91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game has seriously a high level of effects and production values.

>> No.10557189

Indeed. The entire game is CGs.

>> No.10557270

I'm expect yandere in this VN.

>> No.10557280

ファタモルガーナの館 is out in DLsite.
For those who don't know it has a 90+ in egs for some reason, now to see if the hype was right

>> No.10557284

Forgot the link

>> No.10557308
File: 613 KB, 640x480, real subtle ryukishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just finished Season 1 of Rose Guns Days and I quite liked it.
First half seemed cliche, boring and happy-go-lucky with the characters being all one dimensional and the mc being a full Gary Stu but by the end it started being a good mafia story.

Also the CGs are weird as fuck and I wished there were more facial expressions.

>> No.10557343

oh god, It's already translated?
I thought they would got 2 or 3 years to finish it

>> No.10557348

There is also this that is out.
The review there http://blog.livedoor.jp/muko650/archives/51857623.html make it looks pretty cool but there is no trial anywhere.
Well it's only 1000 yens so maybe it's worth the jump.

>> No.10557368

Oh there is a trial there

>> No.10557381

Season 1 was already translated a month ago.
It's really good but it takes a while for it to get off the ground but it has all that Ryukishi charm to it and I swear he's gotten better at writing.

Music is really damn good though I wish they had more variety in some spots. I swear I kept hearing the same music in some moody parts though when it goes for that special scene it has fucking awesome one scene music that just feels glorious.

>> No.10557399
File: 153 KB, 800x600, RJ111899_img_smp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art is great

>> No.10557544

Thank fucking god trials exist.
I could only stand it for less than 10 minutes, the writing is horrible, been a while since I was so repulsed by something

>> No.10557900

Can anyone recommend me a good dating sim? I've looked online a bit but all the stuff I've found is from stuff like myanimelist and I'm not sure if they're actually good or 'Naruto is best everrr' kind of good

>> No.10557932

Tokimeki Memorial series, but only the first and second girl-intended versions are translated.
Amagami, Kimikiss, those aren't translated.
Love Plus is on the DS and does have a full translation patch.

>> No.10558179

wait in moshiraba yo ucan get NTR'd by a girl?

>> No.10558248
File: 616 KB, 1024x576, 「桐ノ小島!!」.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a troublesome last name. It so long it sounds like people are calling him by his full name (though that is a full 9 syllables).

>> No.10558281

Not really.

>> No.10558853

Holy shit the protag of love x aggressive is dense.

Also the heroines are great so far, Ryou is my favorite.

>> No.10558876

>Holy shit

>> No.10558902

Jesus Christ. Back tracking in YU-NO is so painful.

Also, why does Takuya act like nothing happens when he travels back in time? Is this ever explained?

>> No.10558907

Kakyuusei, 2 if you ignore Tamaki, Doukyuusei 1/2.

>> No.10559175

Little Busters!'s character routes are mostly shit, I'll give you that. But if you didn't like the common route nor its characters, VNs aren't really for you.

>> No.10559396
File: 131 KB, 1366x768, Seine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the trial route for Seine in Lovely Cation 2.

So far I don't see how the stats influence your chance with the heroines, but I suppose the game hasn't gotten to the part where they actually matter.

I wish the devs would expand the game fully into the dating sims genre, and introduce job system to earn money in order to buy your items, since taking them for free is rather convenient. Hopefully they will also introduce the feature where you can influence your girlfriend's hairstyle and clothing through conversation, kinda Love Plus-like.

One thing that I find surprisingly pleasant is this scene where the heroine appears to be walking down the hallway while talking with you. It is simple yet adds a sense of realism to the game.

>> No.10559445

What I don't get is why you are not discussing this in /vg/.

>> No.10559452

>So far I don't see how the stats influence your chance with the heroines

If it's like the first, then they don't, because it isn't a dating sim. You're set onto a single girl's route within the first week, so stats are irrelevant.

>> No.10559468

fuck airman

>> No.10559516

>I wish the devs would expand the game fully into the dating sims genre
I wish some company would make a full dating sim. The most recently-made one I played was... Tokimemo 4, I think? Which I believe was released sometime in 2009/10. Some otome games have dating sim "elements", but not many that are full ones with stat raising etc. And well, they're otome games.

>> No.10559531

they were never a popular genre to begin with

>> No.10559535

I'll become a millionaire and open a company that revives the dating sim genre. Believe in me

>> No.10559548

I just don't like these kind of hybrid dating sim/visual novel game like Amagami, where stats don't matter and all you have to do is bumping into the heroine as many times as possible, with some little gimmicks (i.e. conversation system) in between.

I haven't played Lovely Cation 1 yet so I'm not sure if the system is similar to Lovely Cation 2, but what I'm seeing with this trial is a half-polished dating sim system that can actually be really good if they add a few more elements to it.
That doesn't mean I'm not gonna play it. It's just disappointing to see it could be so much more. Hopefully they will have the guts to implement changes. I don't think it would hurt the sales much, would it?

>> No.10559550

Let's hope this game is a success and inspires tons of copycats.

It's too bad elf messed up Kakyuusei 2, we'd probably still have dating sims.

>> No.10559554

Yeah, and it's just my luck I ended up loving them. I don't even know why. I like raising sims too so maybe it has something to do with stats.
I'll be counting on you.

>> No.10559568

>I just don't like these kind of hybrid dating sim/visual novel game like Amagami, where stats don't matter and all you have to do is bumping into the heroine as many times as possible, with some little gimmicks (i.e. conversation system) in between.
I hate that. Honestly I'd rather have a normal VN than that. Somehow it just feels half-assed. Like I would rather them go all-out in one direction or another. I never played Lovely Caution 1 but I'm planning on playing Lovely Caution 2, I guess I'll see how I like it.

>> No.10559572

Didn't the first Kakyuusei have NTR in it, what was wrong with 2? I haven't played either yet.

>> No.10559579

It's 2 you're talking about.
In a way, it revolutionizes the entire industry by telling the companies to not fuck with their fans.

>> No.10559578

It's not a dating game without at least a little NTR.

>> No.10559598

Whoops, must have gotten them mixed up. I just remember someone here talking about how in a childhood friend's route she had been dating another guy and called out his name during sex or something along those lines. Although I actually like NTR, having it in a non-nukige might feel a bit weird.
I suppose it adds some realism.

>> No.10559607

I don't want the revolution it brought.
It turned all the heroines into kissless virgins that only have eyes for the protagonists while turning all the male side characters into harmless asexual beings that never gets a girl.

There's something wrong when even prostitutes, succubus or married women are virgins.

>> No.10559669

deal with it, I like the attention these games make me feel wanted, it's a good feeling

>> No.10559677

>There's something wrong when even prostitutes, succubus or married women are virgins.
There is nothing I hate more than when an older woman is a virgin. I like pure girls just fine, but I go after those archetypes of heroines for someone who is sexually experienced. Not to mention a lot of time it really breaks immersion.
On a similar note, something I like about older games are the designs of some heroines. You don't really see the "sexy" type of design outside of nukige. I mean make-up wearing, showy clothing, etc. Whereas I have seen quite a few of those in older eroge.

>> No.10559915

Was that really the reason all of the heroines became virgins? I thought it was just because men would prefer women who hasn't had sex with other people. Opposed to what reality is like, anyway.

I think having non-virgin heroines in places like moeges would ruin things, though I agree with your second point of succubuses and whatnot being virgins.

>> No.10559928

Not him, but I definitely don't think that the heroines in, say, your average highschool moege should be non-virgins or anything like that. I just wish developers wouldn't feel the need to make EVERY girl a virgin, even succubi and the like as you two mentioned. Even though pure wish fulfillment with a harem of untouched girls lusting over you and only you is nice once in awhile.

>> No.10559957

Having a slut like you a lot, to the point where she only has eyes for you after awhile, would be fun in a normal moege. Sort of like knowing lust but not love, I know I am on the wrong side of the argument though.

>> No.10559986

I feel like I've seen this done a couple times before, not in a VN though. Probably in manga (or maybe I'm crazy). There's something appealing about that. Teaching a slut how to love... or something.

>> No.10559996


It was a VN, actually. Don't remeber what it was called, though the slut in question was asscoiated with angels for some reason.

>> No.10560132

I hate NTR. Any company that has NTR can just die.

>> No.10560151 [DELETED] 

Tenshi-tachi no Gogo series?

>> No.10560159

Tenshi no Gogo?
That was pretty old though, and I don't remember it being romantic.

>> No.10560170

Out of curiosity, how long have you been guys playing eroge for anyway?

>> No.10560201

I think about 1.5 to 2 years, but I'm not completely sure. Either way, I started somewhat recently and didn't start reading untranslated until 6 or 7 months ago.

>> No.10560206

Shit, I think about 7 or 8 years.

>> No.10560212

I started playing vn's at about 11 (ever17/natsuiro sunadokei), avoided h-games until 8th grade, then played f/sn and tsukihime in 8th grade and am now 18 and now enough japanese to play some games but still use agth+ta for the occasional kanji that I don't know

>> No.10560225

I was playing hentai games(Seasons of Sakura, Runaway City, Three Sisters Story, Cobra Mission, Knights of Xentar, May Club, Nocturnal Illusion, DiviDead, True Love) during the early 2000's.
I remember downloading them from abandonware sites using dial up.

>> No.10560233

Ah the excitement of downloading 4-6Mb archives at the blazing speed of 5Kb/s.

>> No.10560330


Just over 5 years. I started with Utawarerumono when it got translated.

>> No.10560346

Same here, went throught the old ones some ten years ago, then sort of lost interest, then went back around when Tsukihime patch was released and learnt japanese a year or two after that

>> No.10560537

I started playing eroge seriously in 2006 or so?
It was back when Sharin no kuni, Aselia and Tsuyokiss were popular in hongfire

Early 00's if you count the Jast stuff like 3 sister stories, etc...

>> No.10560542

Tsukihime back in 2006 or so when the translation was released, untranslated stuff for about 4 years

>> No.10560567

On and off for about 10 years.

It all started with Kana Little Sister. I normally didn't care for drama or romance much, so it was a shock to me when I found myself emotionally involved with the characters. It was one of those things you wish you could experience for the first time again.

After that, I started downloading other random eroge from Hongfire. I was naive enough to think that they were all translated. One of them was Nursery Rhyme. I got frustrated because I didn't understand what was going on, so I just downloaded the save file and looked at the CGs. From then on, I would download random VNs that looked interesting to me. I just skipped the narrative and listen to the voiced dialogue. I pretty much learned all the kana from that. Eventually, I just gave up and started to read translated VNs exclusively.

I started reading untranslated VNs "for real" about a year ago.

>> No.10560681

A year ago. Two if you count English ones.

>> No.10560690

>After an accident, Tooru experienced lucid dreams every time he slept. Realizing that he’s in a dream all the time means that his body cannot rest, leading to him getting rest only when he collapsed from exhaustion.

>lucid dreams
>not getting rest
This shit is just plain inaccurate.

>> No.10560697

Mebbe he just made it up so he could get laid.

>> No.10560718

It's supposed to have a pretty good plot, definitely not a nukige.

>> No.10560716

Anyone played it yet?
It looks like a nukige based on the hcg.

>> No.10560720

It is rated a 5 and a 10 on VNDB

>> No.10560724

Both of these people probably didn't read it.
The guy who rated it a 5 for example did it on release day even though it was only available in Share 2 days ago

>> No.10560726

Why would you trust machine translation readers?

>> No.10560730

Why would you rate something you haven't read?

>> No.10560737

e-penis? vndb is full of people that votes for stuff without actually reading it.

>> No.10560743

You don't like any of the character designs.

>> No.10560749

So they bash the whole VN based on one aspect of it without knowing anything about the others. oh wow these people are morons.

>> No.10560752

I still remember when KS had something like a 9/10 aggregate score before it was even released.

>> No.10560771

It is a visual novel. When the only thing visual is the characters, character design is a big part. If the characters aren't appealing, you would be better off reading a normal novel where you are free to imagine the characters as whatever you want them to look as.

>> No.10560845

Why all VN share many voice actor? When I hear same voice actor I can't but help thinking of other characters she did. Do they not learn how to speak multiple tones?

>> No.10560879


A popular VA with a recognizable voice is an asset. Maybe you don't like hearing similar voices, but many (including myself) do, particularly when it's one of your favorites.

>> No.10560880
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, そうだ、我が愛しき娘.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people on /v/were somehow discussing Itazurakko and I decided to download it for a quick fap between bigger titles. I was expecting something similar to Illusion's games, not this much text and hnnng from having two daughters. As always, eroge and 3D optimization don't really go hand in hand and my PC still has slight troubles running this even on lowest settings with the cloth / hair physics bugging out once in a while.

Had me thinking though; are there any proper VNs with father protagonists? Not necessarily incest games or even eroge but something where cutesy interaction with your offspring plays a big part?

Only about 4 years. Started VNs when Umineko got it's TL patch for the first four arcs and moved onto eroge with YMK. Learned Japanese afterwards.
>This shit is just plain inaccurate.
Glad I'm not the only one who was bothered by that.

>> No.10560911

I've recognized voice actors for anime before, but I don't think I've ever recognized a voice actor for VNs. Unless it's Wakamoto since he seems to have only one voice.

>> No.10560939

Started with the Tsukihime English translation when it came out in 2006 since I'd never heard of visual novels before then. Started reading VNs in Japanese with the MuvLuv trilogy 3 years ago.

>> No.10560940

Is the neighbor fuckable?

>> No.10560949


>> No.10560947 [DELETED] 

I want to play Itazura so bad.

>> No.10560952

Haven't gotten to any H-scenes yet but it seems so.

>> No.10560957

The greatest thing about this game is that you can have your daughters fuck the fat otaku.

>> No.10560983 [DELETED] 

Stop making me want to play it more.

>> No.10560996

But did they enjoy it?

>> No.10561012

That's not great, that's awful!

>> No.10561035

To go back to ハピメア, it looks like the common opinion in Japan is that it has a pretty good plot.
Main complain is that there isn't enough CGs for its length and that one of the heroine only has a short route
But everything I saw seem to point to it being solid, I'll try it

>> No.10561050

85 on erogamescape with 23 votes. Seems promising.

>> No.10561401

I can see what you mean regarding the writing. It's very... wordy. Seems cool enough so far, though. I'll keep going with it.

For now I'm just assuming it's some sort of magic shit that doesn't work the same way as a real lucid dream.

>> No.10561423

Wait, that was a different anon on the earlier ones.

At least it's up now. Will check it out

>> No.10561439

I've been wondering recently if any VNs nowadays require vista or windows 7 to run or if XP will run everything you need.

It feels like DX10 is becoming more popular but maybe that's just me

>> No.10561444

To be honest I think only QLie and ApricoT's engine uses DirectX.
The rest are stuck in the last decade.

>> No.10561446

The new features of DX10 are pretty irrelevant for VNs. To answer your question, no, I haven't seen any that require Vista or higher yet.

>> No.10561450

None that I can think of.

Alicesoft did say they do not intend to have XP support for Rance 9 though.

>> No.10561464

The reason I ask if I'm stuck on an ubuntu machine and most of the VNs I want to play aren't working with WINE. I was thinking about setting up a virtual machine and wanted to know what windows OS I should install to get all encompassing support.

>> No.10561480

You should be fine with anything XP or newer, though avoid 64-bit Windows 8 because it has issues with a few games.

>> No.10561709

Yeah, I just went through the first hour or so and it definitely feel too wordy.
Or rather the writer takes a roundabout way to talk about anything and often repeat himself.
Other than that the story seems interesting so far and the characters aren't bad if unremarkable.
And holy fuck Aoyama actually use a different tone from the usual, she is still pretty bad but it actually feels like she is trying in it.

>> No.10561773

Did anyone play the Himanatsu trial(s)? I didn't yet, but I'm mildly interested in it mostly because the Oozora writer. Any similarities to that game?

>> No.10561820
File: 123 KB, 1296x758, thisisnoproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, her tone is quite different from her usual roles.

So far it's holding my interest but may be just a false sense of security.

>> No.10561841

I wonder, why the heck does Aoyama (and also Isshiki Hikaru) in every eroge nowadays? Do they work for free?

>> No.10561852

I read somewhere that eroge pays way better than anime, especially if it has rape and other dark scenes.

>> No.10561853

They're both quite popular, go look at the EGS comments of almost any major release with Aoyama in a lead role

>> No.10561880

I always wonder how male VAs get paid in comparison to female ones. It seems like there would be a smaller pool of them to choose from. I can recognize tons of male VAs because I hear the same ones so often, whereas I can only recognize a few females. I think I might have heard someone mention that they actually get paid more, but I can't remember the reason.

>> No.10561929

Looks like there are two decent scenario-ge this month, with Bokuten and Hapymaher. Not sure which one to go for first, but Bokuten has some intriguing comments on EGS

>> No.10562142

I really like the BGM in Hapymaher. I wish EGS had more information on the BGM composers like how they track writers.

>> No.10562373

Does anyone have a product key for Symphonic Rain?

>> No.10562379

I would guess it's because female VA's make more money with stuff like drama CD's and OST.

>> No.10562413

I assume they get paid more for all the moaning and slurpy noises as well.

>> No.10562459 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1034x630, はるまで、くるる。_2013-03-03_14-04-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question on Harumade Kururu. This might get answered later in the game, and if so then I'll wait to see it, but just in case I'm right after Fuyune's giant info dump. Question about the whole nano device that picks up memories thing. Why is Kazuki's inactive up until then? How did that happen? Then, how did it get turned back on? They might have directly covered it in the info dump, but I might have missed the explicit answer given the huge amount of information being thrown at me at once.

>> No.10562473

I believe that is all controlled by the same computer and there can only be one active at the same time, so it's quite self-explanatory.

>> No.10562569

Glanced over it again, I remembered them mentioning something to that extent intermittently, so it appears what you said is the case. Perhaps I just didn't think it was so simple.

>> No.10562618
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1306314857714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It looks like a nukige based on the hcg.

I really, really hope this was a joke. If so, it's a good one.

>> No.10562795

>she is still pretty bad
get the fuck out Moogy.

>> No.10562969 [DELETED] 
File: 585 KB, 646x508, itake nakanojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10562977
File: 112 KB, 640x480, おはよう.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on dude at least shake up your posts. I'm taking you to TGI Fridays.

>> No.10562979

Normally I hate these sort of posts, but this took me by surprise. Well played.

>> No.10562991

It isn't funny if you just copy and paste, you gotta shake it up.

>> No.10562992
File: 120 KB, 640x480, ice burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to be an inferior human being to me?

>> No.10562987

where is your facebook dude I wanna give you a LIKE

>> No.10563003

Close to five years. Untranslated stuff for three.

>Had me thinking though; are there any proper VNs with father protagonists?
Quite a few. Use vndb tags. Only one I've played is Musume Shimai, which is a pretty good nukige.

>> No.10563006


>> No.10563066

I'm not sure if I'm glad or not to see that this game still really bothers me. Memorable, clearly, but also really painful to be reminded of.

>> No.10563089

That reminds me, does itakano have a good end or not? I feel like I've seen people say that it does, it doesn't, it does but it's not actually "good", etc. I know I should just play it and find out myself but I want to know if I should be prepared to feel like shit in all the endings or not.

>> No.10563104

It does, but be prepared for some unpleasantness along the way. I mean, obviously. That's the type of game it is.

>> No.10563130

Yeah I mean I've played enough to get to an h-scene so I can kind of tell it's not the type to play if you want to stay in a good mood. But I'm glad to hear that there is at least a semi-good ending.

>> No.10563168

I'm not trying to be funny. I'm posting this because I feel depressed every time i wake up and see these threads and also as a reminder that i'll never know the language just so that i can play my glorious VNs along with my anime and manga. Fuck my life why wasn't i born Japanese ;_;

>> No.10563189

Why won't you ever know the language though? I'm assuming the vast majority of people in these threads had to learn it as a non-native, why can't you? I personally plan on starting when I have finished university. One more year to go.

>> No.10563195

It's almost a shame Itaike na Kanojo isn't a MILF game, so the two biggest autistic around here could be friends.

>> No.10563197

Why do you keep coming here then? Are you a masochist?

>> No.10563201


Are there any other games that feature a heroine that's bullied? I can think of Aeka from Yume Miru Kusuri, Koharu from WA2, and someone from Subahibi (I haven't played it, I know only from what I gleaned from posts here).

>> No.10563216

I'm more interested in bully-slut as heroine.

>> No.10563219

I started learning Japanese at 23. The whole thing about not being able to learn a language as an adult is nothing more than an excuse to be lazy.

>> No.10563233

Can you please stop shitting up these threads? I can't report you fast enough. Just because you can't be assed to get your sorry self to see a counselor doesn't mean you can whine here.

>> No.10563225

New thread
