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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10549472 No.10549472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

JYJ will appear at the iconic Tokyo Dome for the first time in four years, CJeS Entertainment announced on Monday.

"It is a meaningful event for them for many reasons, and we will announce further information this week", the agency said.

It's a long-awaited comeback for the group after it was forced to suspend its activities in Japan in the midst of a legal battle over an exclusive contract with SM Entertainment.

The group only managed to sign with Japanese agency AVEX after an injunction was issued against SM. But it was later forced to stop yet again after disputes with AVEX.

In that matter, a Japanese court ruled last month that the Japanese agency could not claim exclusive management rights over the stars and should pay 7.8 billion won ($7.2 million) to JYJ's Korean agency.

Since the group still enjoys much popularity among Japanese fans, it will likely have a successful comeback in the country.

I'm so excited for this, after all that's happened to them, they finally deserve something good to happen. Hope this goes great.

>> No.10549476
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I would honestly dump my waifu for Hero.

>> No.10549487

Always Keep the Faith anyone?

>> No.10549490
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>> No.10549494

These 3 niggas were hold MAXU-KNOW back.

>> No.10549496

tvxq sucks m8, jyj is where its at

>> No.10549506
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More like the corporate slaves who are forced to do everything SM tells them to do. They have zero artistic freedom. JYJ were so brave and smart for suing that nazi company and getting away from them.

This song is so great

>> No.10549514

why are they so popular in japan when japan produces much better music?

>> No.10549538

MFW the best JYJ song out there is the one with Kanye
Jaejoong's last song was basically J-Rock

>> No.10549548

because theyre pandering to otaku low life scums, they even look like japs

>> No.10549601

i'd suck his dick and i'm a straight dude

>> No.10549623

the one in the center is the prettiest

>> No.10549642

>the one in the middle is the pretty one

>> No.10549661

Yfw they have Touhou in the name

Touhoushinki5 is still the best.

>> No.10549662

there's no talent here, they're just pretty boys who make money for being pretty

just like justin bieber in the west, or that jonas brothers thing, remember how big they were 5 years ago? where are they now? same thing awaits these people too

>> No.10549671

Jaejoong looks weird
Yoochun is ugly like a dog
Junsu is fat

TVXQ got the better (and more loyal to the people who madecthem famous) members in the end.

I hope Jaejoong goes on another drunk rampage.

>> No.10549681

They have been around for 10+ years.

Madonna has been around for decades without talent as well same with Ayumi Hamasaki, Britney, and Gackt.

>> No.10549683

You clearly can't lump them with the rest of the Hallyu wave.

They are still above par with J-Pop standards

>> No.10549723

Ayumu Hamasaki (I am is a masterpiece) and Gackt are both very talented artists. Gackt influenced an entire generation of people and every Final Fantasy game ever since FFVII. You can't deny this.

>> No.10549728
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>Jaejoong looks weird
he's the prettiest man in asia m8

>> No.10549727 [DELETED] 


>> No.10549740

CJeS Entertainment is run by a gangster. The CEO, Baek Chang Joo who is known to have connections to Korean organized crime. He went to jail before for threatening to reveal personal information about an actor if he didn't sign with him. This is the kind of company JYJ is working for.

Also, he's dating Song Jihyo of Running Man if anyone besides me watches that show.

>> No.10549745

Dude, you can't say that, they're all extremely talented artists, and they produce their own music. They sued their own company, why? Because they couldn't express themselves artistically and had no freedom at all. JYJ is easily the most talented Hallyu wave group. Also, they collaborated with Kanye West on one track. You may or may not like Kanye, but the fact that they worked with him shows that they're being noticed and/or respected by western artists as well.

>> No.10549754

How do you know all this?

>> No.10549765

Common knowledge

>> No.10549767


The gangster thing is a pretty well known fact.

>> No.10549772

lel, fuck you. That's not Tegoshi Yuya.

>> No.10549775

I disagree. They sued the company because they were greedy and wanted a bigger slice of the pie. They wanted to market their own line of skin care products, which goes against some clause of their contract.

And artistic freedom? We're talking about SM-drones here, not GDragon.

>> No.10549784


Take your edgy hipster somewhere else

>> No.10549808

Nice comeback, dude.

Let's listen to some "artistic freedom".


Oh look, a ballad that tries to tell a story. How original. This isn't a 2AM ripoff at all.


This is bonamana level garbage, with worse dancing.


Absolute garbage song and video. They tried to get away with terrible lyrics by using English.

Face it. JYJ is garbage without SM telling them what to sing and how to sing it.

Look up H.O.T., a 90s sment group, the three lowest paid members left sment to make their own group, jtL. And we all know how well that turned out for them.

>> No.10549815

teddy park and yg are the ones that carry him, he would be nothing without them

>> No.10549824

He wrote Lies and Haru Haru which pretty much made Big Bang.

And he's written a couple of good songs recently with TOP which include Love Song, Bad Boy and Fantastic Baby.

>> No.10549825

JYJ can't be the new jtL, because they're a lot more successful than jtL ever was :)

>> No.10549835

Haru Haru - Daishi Dance
Bad Boy - Choice 37

idk about other stuff

and he might write the lyrics but every english part is written by teddy park

>> No.10549833



50 ft. of shit




50 ft. of shit


>> No.10549842

wow from all the stories sm sound like such bastards

kpop is shady business i think ill just stick to my jpop instead

>> No.10549843

Daishi Dance produced the song, GD wrote it.

>> No.10549849

is /jp/ your main board

>> No.10549856

SM CEO is biased towards SNSD and they get all sorts of stuff (Plus half of SNSD is related to very rich people) since they are money makers since BoA and TVXQ's decline.

>> No.10549867
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sooyoung is my favorite and she speaks fluent japanese and debuted in japan

she's a 10/10 goddess

>> No.10549873


>> No.10549874

She is also from a rich family that owns prime real estate in Seoul an all around nice girl (I like Jessica and Krystal more though)

>> No.10549883

Speaking of GD

He and SNSD Jessica won an award for being faahionable everyone said Jessica shouldn't have won because her style is girly but GD really is not fashionable at all I wish he would tone down what he wears.

>> No.10549892

Sooyoung and Siwon was an open secret that EVERYONE knew
Jessica is a rich slut and has always been linked to guys even before her debut (There are photos of her kissing debuted idols when she was still a trainee)
Sooyoung dated Siwon but he dumped her recently
Sooyoung is actually a huge bitch and a huge narcissist
Krystal is apparently worse than Jessica and I gues that their parents are big rich people (apparently a share holder in Samsung or something like that) so if either act up, SM doesn't do anything about it. People say that Jessica can actually be nice, but she is one of those people that chooses who she is and isn't nice to, so it depends. Krystal apparently back talks to teachers and is rude to staff
Donghae and Jessica were fuck buddies for awhile. just fuck buddies though, nothing more.
2PM has fucked Tiffany, Jessica, and (maybe?) Yoona. Jessica never really liked taecyeon even though he liked her, pretty much used for sex, Yoona liked him, he liked Tiffany, Yoona doesn't like tiffany because of it. Jessica doesn't hate Tiffany because Jessica don't care.
Jessica has dated all members of dbsk except changmin (?)
Eunhyuk is currently dating or apparently dated IU (this one was on P.O.K, and I forgot to put it in the previous post)

i believe in all of this because only a couple of weeks after someone wrote this that picture of eunhyuk and iu was leaked

>> No.10549893

>I wish he would tone down what he wears.
you mean his stylists?

also their styles are nothing and theyre very forgettable, they dont have a unique or memorable style of their own, its because they change what they wear everywhere they go, never wearing anything similar

thats not how you build your own style

>> No.10549895

Don't make uniformed people think Jessica is some type of whore! She is a good girl (I'm not saying virgin but people like to make it out like she a mega slut).

“I think rather than being over-friendly at first, having a cold first impression and slowly making them realize that I’m not that cold is better.”

-Jessica Jung

>> No.10549902

his style is shit, it's meant to be as ridiculous and memorable as possible, but ironically wearing OTT outfits all the time just makes one's style that much more forgettable

trying to go all out every fucking time you dress will lead to nothing you wear being memorable

it just blends into one big, poorly coordinated, and overly colorful stew that is completely unremarkable because it looked like shit in the first place and you do it so often that it's not even notable anymore, laugh at me, but i' ma fashion expert

>> No.10549904

forgot your trip m8

>> No.10549906
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Jessica looks nice when she dresses herself.

>> No.10549908

Just what are you implying?

>> No.10549916
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>> No.10549923

i thought that you're Girls' Generation's !JessicacCc

did you come here from /mu/?

>> No.10549926

Nope but I think i'm the only person who posts Jessica on /jp/ (I have been doing it for 3 years) since Jessica is my idol and role model.

>> No.10549945

why did she change her jawline?

>> No.10549957
File: 78 KB, 708x960, jessica+coming+step_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to think she just lost weight but if she had surgery that's okay too she was probably self concious because people online tell her she doesn't look as good as her sister.

>> No.10549969

I thought that everyone who posted on /jp/ (except people into j-idols) shared the 3D is PD philosophy, are you even into VNs or Touhou?

>> No.10549982
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come to our kshit threads on /mu/ sometimes we have them 24/7


>> No.10550002

I like every subject posted except Onaholes and if makes you feel better I am not sexually attracted to her I like her as a person

Ill be there~

>> No.10550015

Actually ill just lurk since the posters seem scary.

>> No.10550042

is Right.

According to your scale.
They are well below standard.

No dumb ass, you are clearly mistaken.
Their agencys pay the producers (West) for making 1 sond (the beat). FYI: Kanye produces beats for no less then $230k-$300K. Kanye dont give a fuck about these gooks he only in it for the money and he got that nigga baby comin too.

Also these dudes ain't talent. They been trained since teenagers to be dancers. Plus they also use plastic surgery. So they are more of manufactured goods. JGirls fall for these womanly looking types.

>> No.10550097

this is true if i was trained for 10 years i wouldve been just as good, but i didnt have the right connections, didnt know the right people, dont have rich parents etc

also kanye pretty much sold them leftovers from his 808s&h album its hilarious

>> No.10550101

based knows what's up/voice of reason bro

wish you'd visit us on /mu/ sometimes

>> No.10550114

Will do.

Based niggas know whats up!

>> No.10550144


in case you're interested, anyways i'm going to bed, i don't even remember what am i doing on /jp/

>> No.10550160

>nigger speak
>wigger speak

Fuck it /jp/ has turned to shit.

>> No.10550168


>> No.10550172

haven't been on /jp/ since may 2012, is nsj still terrorizing you guys?

>> No.10550179

One janitor was removed. Others remain.

>> No.10550202

ah, i thought there was only one. thanks for replying, and keep saging. never change /jp/.

>> No.10550252

>nigger speak
Please dont insult Arcueid

>> No.10550302

is that Sion?
