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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 64 KB, 459x600, fa9d80fb0196c48f98c1b40a72b95f3b873a0146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10544193 No.10544193 [Reply] [Original]

NEET lifestyle thread!

I hope you guys are taking it easy.

>> No.10544216
File: 94 KB, 600x800, 1302839476556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute image dude.

>> No.10544235
File: 141 KB, 850x680, dba2e208d436dff16e22ddf49a3333cb20c73b56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys deal with getting the Serial Experiments Lain opening song stuck in your head?
Is there any technique you use to stop yourself from humming it?

>> No.10544334


I haven't been able to stop singing Wheels on the Bus for days. I really have no idea why, it's not a very good song but I can't stop.

>> No.10544343

>it's not a very good song

There's something really funny to me that you'd say this about a children's folk song.

>> No.10544353

Whenever that happens I just bash my head into the wall to make it stop. It works.

>> No.10544361

I tried this but I realized I was just bashing my head to the beat of the song.

>> No.10544378


It's a wonder you're still alive, Anonymous.

>> No.10545096

watching this now
feelin like on a trip
feelin wired

>> No.10545101

None that I know.
Thanks for remind me of it by the way, asshole

>> No.10545135

The ED is better.

>> No.10545292
File: 58 KB, 192x192, 1358124111192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I'm listening to any good music I always get into when no one is around. Nothing wrong with losing yourself to the music. Then people get home kill your mood because it's too loud, they don't like it, and they complain.

>> No.10545300

My grandma's bringing home a Pizza.

I think I'm going to play Tomb Raider.

>> No.10545329


I wear headphones for this purpose. The sound is more intimate as well. It's like I'm wrapped up in it.

>> No.10545336

All this talk of pizza on /jp/ tody has made me want one.
What 3-4 toppings should I get?

>> No.10545340

I'm going to get pizza on Friday.

>> No.10545345


Pepperoni and Olives. Dunno how you like your pizzas so the last two are your call.

>> No.10545352
File: 210 KB, 619x473, 1294305698779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a job for one week. Today I got fired.
You can't.

>> No.10545363

Where and why?

>> No.10545366

All I did is sleep and now my head hurts and I haven't eaten all day aside from some cereal. Just like everyday.

>> No.10545371


+Hamburger and Jalapeño

^had this today.

>> No.10545374

blog time, fucking ban me I don't care no one else I can talk about my problems with

Today I found out that my bank account was over-drafted when I was sure it had several thousand in it. On top of that my car got a flat tire so I can't even get to the bank in order to drain my fucking IRS so I can have enough to repair my car and pay my rent which is due Friday. Just got done crying for an hour or so, my father accused me of spending my money on drugs as well. Recently this past year I've been trying to hard to better myself and I've been working so hard and then life just shits all over you anyways.

>> No.10545379

A boring office/sorting job for scanning documents. Because I doze off - and made some serious mistakes sorting the documents.

It wasn't a half bad job though. Made worth equal to 1000 dollars in my 8 days of employment.

>> No.10545380

Do you want an online friend to talk to?

>> No.10545385

I do. I want a friend. I'm not him but I still do.

>> No.10545391

I said to myself I wouldn't drink coffee today, but then I cracked and drank 3 really quick and now I feel twitchy and uncomfortable.

>> No.10545396

I'm ok now, the crying was pretty cathartic and I am going to face my life head-on without fear or running away. My resolve is renewed. I just wish my problems were an actual person because I'm angry enough to kill that person with my bare hands right now. That's the level of energy I'm going to put into fixing this. Then maybe I can take it easy.

>> No.10545397

That's what you get for trying.

>> No.10545399

your money management is out of whack somehow when you manage to dig yourself out of this one i'd live like a monk for a while

>> No.10545400

>my bank account was over-drafted when I was sure it had several thousand in it

How does that even happen?

>> No.10545401

On friday night I may go to either Pizza Hut or the usual buffet.

I usually get a large white mozzarella with garlic and ham. Simple but tasty.

>> No.10545405

Would you be okay with me not having anything to talk about? Or me getting scared of you at times? and someway to talk that you prefer?

Ah okay that's fine. Good luck man

>> No.10545411

He probably thought he had saved it up over several months, and that the $10 and $20 there for stupid shit wouldn't add up to the point that they did. But of course, somebody took it.

Pizza Hut are good people, I used to have an axe to grind with them for reasons that are long since forgotten, but the big loud nigger in charge of the other obese loud niggers there gives me free shit there all the time, becuase I asked if I could scrounge "out back" once.

>> No.10545415
File: 74 KB, 500x383, tumblr_m6rl7tORcH1qhqy46o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I botched another job interview on Monday because I didn't make it to their office in time.

The day after that I woke up at 2 and ate some rice balls. Then I took a nap for the rest of the day.

>> No.10545420

Don't you have your landlord's number? Just call them and explain the situation.
Just take it easy and ignore your dad. Bad shit happens but if you can kvercome all of it you'll be able to look back and realize what you can do if you want to. Just concentrate on what you want, fuck everyone, and deal with whatever setbacks arise. You can do it, these situations aren't terribly uncommon.

>> No.10545426

This thread got me in the mood for pizza now and I haven't eaten anything besides a small pack of those natures valley bars. Had a powerful as shit energy drink a few hours ago and I came down a lot by now so I'm not that hungry. Will probably get hungry later but I can wait for the sake of my own body. It's more rewarding when you make yourself wait for good food anyways. I go through cycles of not eating much at all and stuffing myself on fridays and saturdays.

>> No.10545429

I always choose pizza hut over dominoes but I've seen a lot of those dominoes commercials that say they've changed their ways and to try their new pizza and everything, has anyone done that? did they actually change anything? I might consider giving them another go if its worth it

>> No.10545434

Still too traumatized to try dominos again, also not worth the money on the gamble.

My sister however claims it's still bad but just in a different way, take that for what you will.

>> No.10545438

You are correct. When it comes to economics and accounting, I know enough to run a whole fucking company. The weirdest thing though is that I find my own finances so uninteresting that I make stupid fucking decisions with money all the time. Maybe I'm autismal as fuck.

>> No.10545444

speaking of pizza,

why does Japan love pizza hut so fucking much? seriously you whip out a slice of pizza hut pizza and they get a huge hard on

>> No.10545446

I want to say I would be OK with that, but I think my feelings would be hurt if you didn't try to talk to me. I'm pretty sensitive, sorry...

>> No.10545448

Professional cleaners homes are usually disaster areas, mechanics usually drive beaters, and the cobbler's wife goes barefoot.

>> No.10545450

I had a coffee chat with some family friends and future co-workers. I'm already missing being able to wear sweatpants and a hoody for weeks on end. Even back in college I never got used to dress shirts, suits and all that jazz.

>> No.10545453

[source needed]

>> No.10545454

I go pretty late at night when almost no one is there. If people are little loud working there, I don't mind. Yes they are also almost always niggers working there, it really is true. I don't care though, I'm just there to shove a bunch of cheap filling pizza down my throat.

>> No.10545459

Source is your're are mom.

>> No.10545462

>you are are

>> No.10545465

My usual clothing is just T-shirt and jean shorts all the time. If it's cold and I gotta go out regular jeans. All I need.

>> No.10545470

you're are retarded

>> No.10545472

you'we'yur retarded

>> No.10545474
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Konata with natural eye/hair colour looking down is very out of place.

>> No.10545475

I always never liked Dominoes. From when I was little to the chances I got recently to try their pizza they changed a little bit but it's still garbage. Don't know how that place is so popular when most areas probably have so much better local places around. .

>> No.10545478

I've been wearing the same pair of jeans every day for a year now... There are a few holes in the crotch are that I suspect are pretty visible when I sit down but I really don't give a fuck.

>> No.10545489

Agreed. Between the two, I'd choose Pizza Hut over Dominoes, but neither are really very good.

>> No.10545493

I know nobody cares and those that would already know, but it's worthwhile to go out and get a well fitted suit (if you have to wear one) and not just something off the rack, as it won't be such a pain in the ass to move around in.

The same goes for dress shirts, just picking something up at walmart tends to result in such an awkward fit and uncomfortable material that it can get hard to even concentrate on what you're doing.

It's not really as expensive or time consuming as it might seem.

>> No.10545494

>There are a few holes in the crotch
What the fuck. This happens to me too whenever I wear jeans for too long. Why the fuck does it always tear in the crotch? It's not like I have some godzilla sized package or anything

>> No.10545496

Besides being more comfy it makes economic sense too in terms of time and money saved. Putting it all on, worrying about ruining the pricey frills and dry cleaning are a pain.

>> No.10545500

I always get papjohn's
I get spinach alfredo w/tomatoes and thin crust.

>> No.10545503


I do that and I'm not even a NEET

>> No.10545506

As a person with a godzilla sized package, I can confirm that my jeans never tear in that area.

>> No.10545511

Crotch sweat is scary shit, between being acidic as fuck, you've also got bacteria eating away at it.
It's also an area exposed to the most friction at least the between the legs part.

>> No.10545512

They're probably just obese anon.

>> No.10545513
File: 39 KB, 380x285, 1332483374802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah well. That's okay

>> No.10545520

I don't even like the tailor modified ones. I just feel having to wear them is an unnecessary pain. I never really cared for the maintaining perfect outward appearances thing. The wrinkle and stain resistant ones I like better though.

>> No.10545526

I don't give a fuck about my appearance either, but it's a sad reality of this world that you will be judged on your looks and how well you take care of yourself.

>> No.10545529

Well, I didn't say you'd love it or anything, but it's just somewhat less of a pain in the ass to wear in practical terms, and usually made of a nicer feeling stretch of fabric.

But whatever gets the job done, personally I feel too "naked", to the point of discomfort, without a jacket or overshirt and undershirt on despite not leaving my house due to being conditioned towards wearing that sort of thing.

>> No.10545540


What would you talk about? What do you like being talked to about?

>> No.10545546

...Yeah... my parents even told me not to wear my Timex either. So what if it's cheap and beat up from hiking? It's still more functional than the prissy Swiss analog shit they insist I wear.

>> No.10545559

>It's still more functional than the prissy Swiss analog shit they insist I wear.

Do you have no appreciation for aesthetics? I bet your timex is digital too.

>> No.10545568
File: 646 KB, 640x360, 1356704515293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way.

It's gotten to the point where anything with buttons just feels like a pain to wear. If it doesn't just slip on, it's like "why am I bothering with this shit?"

And don't get me started on neckties.

>> No.10545574

One of those enormous monstrous things too, no doubt.

It's amusing that people seem to have a problem accepting that they're selling an image as well and not just their labor.

>> No.10545580

It's not about selling anything. It's just about looking good and elegant.

>> No.10545582


It's amusing that you have no situational awareness. Do you even know where you are, you putz?

>> No.10545583

If one was hoping to come across as elegant, why would they need to concern themselves with the time?

>> No.10545584

>What would you talk about?
I'm not too sure, probably just stuff I've heard on the internet like news or stuff I found funny

>What do you like being talked to about?
Anything I guess, but not in detail. I'm no good at things like this

>> No.10545588

Who's talking about their job in a NEET thread, again?

>> No.10545592
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x2000, Skagen-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear a watch like this, it's the nicest looking one I've ever found.

>> No.10545596


I think their image is the least of their concerns. You can put lipstick on a Sudo but... well, you know how it goes.

>> No.10545598

I almost never need to clean anything unless it somehow gets very dirty. I change my shirt a couple times a week and I wear the same pair of shorts every day only changing it every once in while.

I only get shit from my mother. I don't exactly look that bad but I'm not perfect and I don't ever go out of way to impress anyone so she gets pissed at how much I don't care and complains that people will look down on me or something for not looking the absolute best I can constantly. I mean if you go out of your way to judge some random person to the smallest details you must be a real dick and I shouldn't care what anyone else thinks of the way I look anyways.

>> No.10545602

>Do you have no appreciation for aesthetics?
No I don't actually. Yes. It is digital and has a large clear display. It's easy-to-use and you don't have to worry about damaging it. It's also more functional and cost-effective. A watch is a watch. As far as I'm concerned, there's no major functional differences between a $50 and $5000 one. I don't care if they are 2 seconds more accurate and have diamonds on it or some shit.

>> No.10545607

That's a rather hideous watch, the SS silver cord band is sort of novel looking though, should you ever want to put on the Reich.

>> No.10545609


That guy's right, this is why you have no friends.

>> No.10545624
File: 25 KB, 153x208, 1272560649319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend refereed me to a job a few days ago. It sounds simple enough, just staying at home and being tech support. Problem is they want one year experience, and I've never worked or gone to college ever. Friend says that won't be a problem but I doubt that. Should I even bother?

>> No.10545625

I never understood what the purpose of those were. Guessing it's just along the lines of proving you can afford the extra ornament.

>> No.10545628

I like Pizza Hut stuffed crust with bacon, sausage, and jalepanos.

>> No.10545629


>> No.10545632

I always never liked the way any watches looked. If I ever want to see the time I'll just check my cellphone. Just a small bracelet can look nice though, I used to have one but it's kept getting unlatched and loose somehow and I haven't got it fixed in forever. Probably not even gonna bother.

>> No.10545633

They only ask for experience now becuase everyone and their mom has a throw away degree in something. It's basically a pointless filter, and as long as you have someone with an in, or are able to otherwise ace the interview then it's a non issue. Your friend is right.

>> No.10545635

I either like a classic deep dish cheese or sometimes I may also get ham on it. I like to keep it simple.

>> No.10545636

Companies always consider those who don't clear the bar. The listed requirements are generally an ideal.

>I only get shit from my mother.
Other people will judge you, but they won't give you shit, because they're not you're mother. And even if you shouldn't have to give a shit, sometimes you need to.

>> No.10545646

The only reason I wear a watch is becuase I don't have a cell phone or other gizmo with the time on it.

That said, it's just a subdued seiko not a mountain of plastic with 80 functions or 10,000 diamonds on it. Pretty much exactly what you'd think of as a cartoonish character of a men's wristwatch.

>> No.10545648

oh my fucking god i didn't even type that "you're" ironically

posting in /jp/ is going to be the end of me

>> No.10545650

I want to be a QA tester

how do I get job?

>> No.10545653

$5k wristwatches?

Fuck I hate the very notion of jewellery. You can find some pretty damn good looking watches, complete with shiny blue dial and 3 little windows for date & etc whatever bullshit, without spending multiple months' rent & utilities level money on it.

>> No.10545660

epic bro lmao us /jp/ers XD

>> No.10545656

the people who buy those sorts of things have enough money that they aren't worrying about rent and utilities

>> No.10545657

Your interview shouldn't be as bad then. My interviewers were all from my alma mater and one made it pretty clear that he was my sponsor's underling. It was comfy enough I didn't sperg out.

>> No.10545664
File: 27 KB, 238x329, 1293820109001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a good deed;
Kill a NEET.

>> No.10545662

I guess it could be worse, I could always end up like you.

>> No.10545669

will you have butt sex with me before you eat my weiner?

>> No.10545670
File: 120 KB, 450x338, 2341253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a good deed.
Eat a squid.

>> No.10545676

Well then they should be buying goodwill and influence* over human beings. If you're Mr. Bigshot then don't fuck around.

(* Positive influence, not negative influence like certain webmasters. Negative attention is a bad thing, not a good thing.)

>> No.10545679

You already hit rock bottom by unironically posting in this thread.

>> No.10545683

Is that better or worse than ironically posting in the thread?

>> No.10545680

Jewelery doesn't have to be that expensive and isn't for everyone. All I have one earring (a small gold one with a gem that shines light blue or pink depending on lighting with a slight golden shine to it, never found anything like it again) and a necklace that never remove. I got the necklace from some antique shop.

>> No.10545691

These threads are a scourge, though I don't think you'd understand since you just came here last month.

>> No.10545692

I love squid. A buffet I go often has the hugest fried squid you will ever eat. Eating huge fried squid is as fun as eating crab which the place also has. I'm in seafood heaven there.

>> No.10545695

It's worth noting that actual money makes disparaging remarks about the people who think a $10,000 watch is a status symbol. Afterall if anyone with the money can go and get the exact same thing, it's not really so special. The sort of yuppie who beggars himself for something like that does it just to show he can afford it, but the people he'd like to notice this won't care.

In the end it's just a way to thumb your nose at the peasant rabble around you, becuase you're not as big and important as you'd like to be, but you're still richer than the unwashed masses.

>> No.10545698

I've almost certainly been here around longer than you.

Please answer my question, though.

>> No.10545702

Skagens aren't nice watches.

>> No.10545703

>posting in /jp/ is going to be the end of me
doesn't sound like it because you're still in awe that you're here or something.

>> No.10545710

It was a joke. I was not in actual awe, just expressing my mild surprise that I had managed to make that typo.

How long have you been around?

>> No.10545713

Agreed. Old money tends to be more graceful and reserved. They are taught not to flaunt and generally use their money in more productive ways. New money and certain yuppies tend to showcase like crazy though.

>> No.10545714

Jokes are supposed to be funny.

>> No.10545722

I thought other people might also evince mild amusement at the fact that I had managed to unintentionally make common misspelling that is more commonly intentionally made in /jp/.

If you would be so kind, could you answer either of the questions I've directly asked you so far?

>> No.10545731

wow you are a really bad poster please stop

>> No.10545738

Only people who take every too seriously would actually give a shit if you made an error. Unless it was so bad that we can't even understand what you were trying to say, no one cares.

>> No.10545739

I've came to /jp/ in 2006 as a refugee from 7chan and Something Awful. I've been posting non stop since then.

Now apologize and stop making a fool of yourself.

>> No.10545742

And the other question?

I doubt anybody "really gives a shit about" most posts.

>> No.10545743

like the one I just made that ruined my sentence. *everything

>> No.10545744


>> No.10545749

Well obviously, you only reply to what you want to reply to.

>> No.10545761

All this talk of pizza earlier in the thread makes me wanna order one.

Too bad all the places are closed, it's too late

>> No.10545764

Pizza King delivers until 3.

>> No.10545769

Why don't you guys become idols and live off your royalties

>> No.10545775

I did, but then this sparkling asshole stole my act and ran off with my manager. But in the end I learned an important lesson about hard work.

>> No.10545776


How was it?

>> No.10545777

Is it me or does /jp/ have an total obsession with food? Topic always comes up. It's good because I also love talking about food. Everywhere around here closes pretty early too but if I'm getting delivery I usually like to eat earlier. The local place that stays open a bit later I like to eat in at. They have the best brick oven pizza.

>> No.10545781

It's probably becuase everyone here is morbidly obese.

>> No.10545787

B - But I'm not ..

>> No.10545788

No reason for those spoilers.

>> No.10545790

You can eat lots and not be obese

Don't have a iron metabolism? Too bad fatty

>> No.10545793


No matter how depressed I get, I will always get some enjoyment from eating food when I'm hungry.

Although not what I make myself. There's only so long I can eat plain rice.

>> No.10545795

I'm on the skinny side but still find myself obsessing over it. Fat people usually have the most disgusting taste in food anyways from what I've seen. Whenever I think of fat people I always think of those people need to get a million nasty topping on pizza or putting mayo on everything they eat for example.

>> No.10545796

Whatever you say, chubs.

Hm, I fail to see your point.

>> No.10545800



I bet you can't even enjoy processed foods

>> No.10545807

Well I don't eat much during the week but can eat so much in one sitting that people are actually impressed. I don't know if I really have a fast metabolism or whenever I do eat a lot most of it just passes through me because of the mass amounts I can eat at once.

>> No.10545809 [DELETED] 

Trolling and spoiler misuse are both grounds for bans, just so you know.

>> No.10545813

>They are taught
Maybe they're smart enough to figure it out without being taught.

>> No.10545815

Spoilers are obnoxious and make you look like a faggot.

>> No.10545818 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse the spoiler function.

>> No.10545819


>> No.10545821 [DELETED] 

I wish crossboarders would stop the spoiler abuse.

>> No.10545822

Didn't say I hated pizza there's just need to ruin something so simple and delicious with so many toppings. I love junk food though, I just hate when people do really strange, nasty things to their food.

>> No.10545828

I know exactly what you mean. Fat people tend to eat some weird combinations.

>> No.10545830

Just ignore them. There's no such rule.

>> No.10545833

This is a NEET thread, do you not expect crossboarders or something?

>> No.10545834

Eating just makes you fat. Rum + diet coke is 40 cals and 10 of them can last you most of the day.

>> No.10545843 [DELETED] 

"Misuse of these tags may result in a ban."

Global #3

Just because you post on some psuedo /b/ board doesn't mean we should all watch you make an idiot of yourself.

>> No.10545844

I'm not worried about it, stop using spoilers-sama can be so cute, but people are awfully touchy about their weight, surprisingly so.

>> No.10545856 [DELETED] 

Read >>10545843, subhuman /v/ermin.

>> No.10545863

What? I think you replied to the wrong post.

>> No.10545867

Your misinterpretation of the rules is pretty irrelevant.

>> No.10545868

Just report rulebreaking posts, no need to shit up the thread any worse than they already are. Alternatively, you can keep asking them to stop so they make a whole bunch of rulebreaking posts, and then report all of them.

>> No.10545870

>being an alcoholic

as a non wealthy NEET I cannot afford such a lifestyle

>> No.10545871

I hope you're still here.

It's because the pizza there isn't cheap and hastily made like it is here. It's quite the opposite actually. Pizza in Japan is made from healthier ingredients and better quality ones as well. That along with the advertising campaigns of most pizza places there have given it a reputation of being fancy. An american family would go to a fancy Italian restaurant for good food. A Japanese family would usually either order a pizza (the places are packed full on holidays) or go to KFC. As for why KFC, that's a different history lesson.

Funnily enough Pizza Hut is even bigger in China than in Japan. The name in Chinese translates roughly to "the customer must succeed", as in customers get good fortune for going there.

I wish I knew this much about some other topic.

>> No.10545881

One day you'll actually understand what is meant by misuse of the tags.

Though, as I recall your earlier incarnation of outing people who used the quote function incorrectly did in fact result in a ban

>> No.10545885

I-is this what they call a fast food otaku?

>> No.10545890

>A Japanese family would usually either order a pizza (the places are packed full on holidays) or go to KFC.
Only an American could think that pizza or KFC is something fancy in any corner of the world.

>> No.10545891

Please keep all trolling on /b/.

>> No.10545897

You should probably just stop responding to them

>> No.10545894 [DELETED] 

I know, I just wish /v/tards weren't such fucking retards. I feel like I'm talking to children when I try to correct their behavior.

It's what you're doing, dumbass.

>> No.10545902

>I feel like I'm talking to children
oh ho

>> No.10545897,1 [INTERNAL] 

buttmad janitor is trying to silence us

>> No.10545901 [DELETED] 

Asking someone to stop spoiler misuse is not trolling. Responding to requests to stop spoiler misuse with spoilers is trolling.

>> No.10545906

You should really heed >>10545897-kun's advice.

Don't try to paint it as something it's not.

>> No.10545908

Wrong post this was directed at.

>> No.10545908,1 [INTERNAL] 

I like how the super autist is still going on about "spoiler abuse" when his posts always get deleted.

>> No.10545908,2 [INTERNAL] 

And the super autists replying back at him and effectively derailing the thread.

>> No.10545920

See >>10545901

You're trolling. Stop it or go to /b/.a

>> No.10545924

Stop derailing the thread with your trolling.

who NEET here?

>> No.10545929 [DELETED] 

your mom

>> No.10545932 [DELETED] 

My mom is a hardworking lady.

>> No.10545934

Nothing is being derailed here. Some guy is just spamming spoilers when being asked to stop.

>> No.10545943

Actually, somebody is throwing a temper tantrum over the fact that someone is using spoilers, despite being asked to stop. Which has slightly derailed the thread.

For now.

>> No.10545944

Do any of you NEETs help around the house or are you like sacks that consume food and excrete waste?

>> No.10545946

You only need to be able to prove you have a good eye for detail and the ability to write coherently about complicated things. Also you must love video games even when you play the same part 500 times over.

If the game has a multiplayer component you need to be able to work with others when attempting to recreate bugs and such.

If the game is like LoL or DotA with semi-regular updates and competitive play you need to be better than around 75% of the playerbase (usually). The idea is you have shit opinions until you're actually good at the game.

On top of those specific requirements you need a good eye for detail, the ability to play the same small window of a game hundreds of times if need be, as well as the ability to write coherently about complicated things.

Also experience is all that matters.

>> No.10545948

If I put up lewd wallscrolls will my little sisters stop trying to use my computer while I sleep during the day?

It's pissing me off

>> No.10545949

I'm trying to download a cartoon from a website, but the website says
>Could not connect to MySQL database: Too many connections

Googling has led me to believe they DISABLE ALL READ ACCESS TO THEIR DATABASE because they can't figure out any other way of making a backup without completely disabling MySQL. So like, for maybe hours at a time, this whole website stops working completely.

I just want a 4kb text file so I can download my cartoon ;_;

>> No.10545950
File: 546 KB, 827x1169, 33522760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the week I do the dishes, make dinner, and take care of the pets.

>> No.10545950,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is the janiturd fyi. Trying to undue the damage to this shit thread.

>> No.10545951

Why doesn't the person stop using spoilers then? They know what will happen, yet they continue to use them. This is just like those chains of greentext and people asking them to greentext. Ridiculous.

>> No.10545955

It's a battle of two autists, neither willing to back down.
Both believing that they are in the right.

>> No.10545958

Spoiler misuse and trolling both actually have things in line to stop them, though. Check the FAQ and rules.

>> No.10545963

Shove it up your ass, rulefag.

>> No.10545965

As does spamming, which in itself is a form of trolling.

>> No.10545967

Because unlike the greentext meme, the spoiler thing is just an excuse to complain. I said this back when the guy started spamming a few months ago, and I called pretty much all of this happening.
People don't complain about greentext just because it's misusing a feature. People complain because it's a retarded way of writing. Using spoilers to signal a beat or add supplementary information is useful and can be funny. If the same things could be said of greentext stories, we'd be okay with them.

Spoiler tags have been used this way since SA. Don't like it? Then get the fuck out.

>> No.10545970

I'm sorry, I fail to see how asking somebody to follow rules is not trolling. You making rulebreaking posts prompting me to ask you to stop is trolling.

Please stop using spoilers, and stop trolling.

>> No.10545973
File: 758 KB, 843x1200, 22258311_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take care of the dog and cats, sometimes wash the dishes, and do more physical stuff like lifting and carrying stuff around

>> No.10545975

A mod has already said that "spoiler abuse" refers to tricking people into reading actual spoilers, not using spoilers for punchlines or whatever.

Get the fuck out. The janitor needs to start banning you faggots for trolling.

>> No.10545977

You're still a sack of shit. :-)

>> No.10545980

I wasn't aware people on 4chan needed something that essentially functions like like training wheels attached to posts.

>> No.10545981

I clean up after myself and when it's warmer I also help with work outside.

You think your little sister using your pc is bad? Here I have some guy who is friends with my mother who doesn't have a computer and he refuses to get one. He uses it all the time and is always over my house at the most inconvenient times. Hate the guy.

>> No.10545982
File: 147 KB, 714x569, 1356829435535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10545984

"A mod" also said spoilered NSFW images on blue boards was alright. Everyone knows that's not the case.

>> No.10545988

Email moot with your strong opinions on the matter.
Until then, keep spamming, and making erroneous reports.

>> No.10545989

Please don't call people names. That's flaming and also against the rules.

>> No.10545990

Difference is, mods have since said the opposite.

The latest posts apply, that's common sense. People change their minds and rules change.

Post in question, by the way:

>> No.10545998

My porn is protected but I hate other people touching my computer

It's my personal space

>> No.10545999

Just stop using spoilers already.

>> No.10546003

Who gives a shit? Stop arguing.

>> No.10546007

Ask nicely, first.

>> No.10546009

Nothing would have been argued over if >>10545781 had just admitted his mistake and stopped using spoilers. Instead, he decided to use more of them, which causes people to ask him to stop.

>> No.10546010

Anti spoilerfag status = Told

>> No.10546011

>which causes me to ask him to stop

>> No.10546019 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10546014

Hi /v/-kun! You must not have read the other things in my post, I'll go into more detail for you though.

In Japan KFC and Pizza Hut are quite fancy. They're sit-in restaurants that serve a lot more variety of chicken/pizza than in the US or Europe. Both places are absolutely packed to the brim on holidays, especially Christmas, and require reservations in advance to get into. It isn't at all like the rundown holes in the wall these places tend to be in cities across western countries.

>> No.10546018

Remember when three or four people argued about this inane shit for three hundred posts and two hours?


>> No.10546022

Surely something good will come from your one man crusade.

>> No.10546023

Notice of the four replies to the post, only one was autistic enough to point out the spoiler. If he'd just stop pointing it out the guy using them wouldn't have any reason to post them. At this point it's just feeding the troll.

>> No.10546025



>> No.10546027

Are you certain it's just not someone talking to themselves?

>> No.10546028


get a load of this oldfag

>> No.10546029

Yes, of course

>> No.10546034

Spoilers and greentext always get the same response on /jp/. I don't know how you can even think nobody will say something about either.

>> No.10546035

I wish.

Easymodo will helpfully redirect you to the archive of your choice.

>> No.10546038

because i am crossposting inhuman scum

>> No.10546050

Been here long Paco?

>> No.10546044
File: 74 KB, 1024x768, duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of the fallacy where you try and group two things together to get people (esp. newbies) to support one cause because they support another?

"We hate Jews and ducks. We've always hated Jews and ducks. You hate both Jews and ducks too, right? Let's go kill some Jews and ducks!"

Pic related. It's a duck.

>> No.10546045

That makes the most sense.

>> No.10546046

Only if by "always" you meant "starting in 2012."

>> No.10546052

Yes, that's what I meant. So please stop.

>> No.10546059

At least I am aware of it, as opposed to most other crossboarding /v/shit.

>> No.10546056

Nazi Germany had a legitimate reason to kill the Jews. All the communists trying to screw Germany were kikes.

>> No.10546066

But I like ducks! They are fun to feed bread.

>> No.10546063

I wonder why people don't lurk anymore.

>> No.10546067

Even if at this point it's an elaborate joke or a way to string autists along for a hundred posts, the "stop abusing spoilers" thing is still shitty and should stop. If it had been around in 2010, it would have preemptively killed off some of /jp/'s better threads.

>> No.10546070
File: 70 KB, 1280x1024, duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, that's why I chose that example.

There's a legitimate reason to hate Jews, but ducks are cute. Then someone comes along and pretends in front of all the new recruits that Jews and ducks go together, that you hate ducks as much as Jews. You can't just hate Jews without hating ducks, you clearly haven't done your homework if that's the case.

>> No.10546073

If you want the 'spoiler thing' to stop, then stop misusing spoilers.

>> No.10546076

No inventive to, not only is the site more homogeneous than it has been in the past, but also there's more cases of someone gladly explaining any in joke that that not be understood, more often than not, solely to upset someone else.

Also, there are sites out there that try to explain everything wiki style, so as long as the poster in question frequents ED or whatever's popular these days they don't think they have to, since they're "in the know".

>> No.10546080

Do I have to say it again for the fifth time this year? There's nothing particularly wrong with "spoiler abuse," it's featured in various threads throughout the years that /jp/ has deemed quality. But now that somebody is insisting on derailing any thread where they think somebody is abusing spoilers, such threads won't be made anymore.

>> No.10546081

Because that would take patience and some self-control.

>> No.10546082

I still think /jp/ is different from the rest of 4chan, but yet, overall the site does seem to be very homogeneous.

>> No.10546083

I don't like ducks. They lack many of the features of birds that I admire, I don't like their beaks and I think their feet are dumb and their dicks are scary.

>> No.10546087

I don't know why you're expecting this guy to be reasonable.

>> No.10546089

Do you enjoy the taste of duck?

>> No.10546096

I like duck sauce but it has nothing to do with duck and I eat it with chicken.

>> No.10546091

>such threads won't be made anymore.

Why would anyone not want less shitposting?

>> No.10546095

Duck has ok meat, not one of my favorites at all though. I'm not a big fan of any bird meat.

>> No.10546097
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you shouldn't like about ducks is their dog-beaks.

>> No.10546098

What's the NEETest bird?

>> No.10546099

The threads weren't considered shitposting. The first time around it was well-received by almost all of /jp/. There weren't even any objectionable shitposts in it.

>> No.10546100

The dodo.

>> No.10546101

I haven't tasted.

>> No.10546105

Why is duck sauce called duck sauce anyways?

>> No.10546107

The chicken. Spineless, lazy and dormant cattle.

>> No.10546109

Yet they still have a job.

>> No.10546111

Chickens make the greatest pets.

>> No.10546112
File: 75 KB, 445x599, helmeted-hornbill01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10546116

Then Adam said to the chickens, "Why do you not fly?"
The chickens replied, "We'll do it tomorrow."

>> No.10546118

It's a greasier, darker meat than most other birds, has gamy taste to it. Which I actually like. My favorite game animal is deer meat though. It's my favorite kind of meat next to beef and lamb.

>> No.10546124
File: 68 KB, 600x600, meat_means_murder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True NEETs don't eat meat.

>> No.10546120

Pigeons. Annoying pests people feed for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.10546128

Why would NEETs care about murder?

>> No.10546130

What will people eat when they run out of animals? It won't be the working people. you know.

>> No.10546133

Yeah NEETS shouldn't care about anything like that. Just because you don't eat the meat doesn't mean something was saved from you not eating it anyways.

>> No.10546139

Our NEET meat is probably littered with tons of stuff that would make people sick and we probably would taste disgusting too.

>> No.10546134


>> No.10546137

Niggers and Muslims.

>> No.10546140

Just like how if you download child porn, you "aren't" abusing innocent children?

You sick fuck.

>> No.10546141

There are enough ranches that you aren't going to run out of animals. If they ran low, they can just breed some more.

>> No.10546142


Hey, if either of you are still here, I'd be willing to chat with both of you. I don't have an IM right now, but once I get paid and can afford a laptop I'll be sure to log in as much as possible. Email me until then.

Sorry for off-topic, but I'm in Japan and day time here is night time in America.

>> No.10546145
File: 458 KB, 814x1000, cirno gets frog eated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youkai. Time to get our own back on those fuckers.

>> No.10546148

You should be nicer to plants.
They're much less violent and destructive than animals, and their hobbies include making oxygen and taking it easy.

>> No.10546146
File: 139 KB, 561x370, themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in Japan and day time here is night time in America.

I learned something today!

>> No.10546147

Tofu turned out to be terrible nutricion wise in addition to tasting like nothing.

>> No.10546151

What's the NEETest plant?

>> No.10546154

Did you know plants even die when they are killed!

>> No.10546156
File: 504 KB, 898x755, venusFlyTrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10546157

The penis cactus.

>> No.10546161

This is why I'm a fruitarianist. Unless those seeds or fruit fell off the plant naturally, I'm not going to eat them. That's like cutting off someone's arm and eating it.

>> No.10546162


>> No.10546163

Hot peppers, they can taste good in many ways but also burn everything that they get eaten by. If you eat to much of them, you'll end up hurting yourself.

>> No.10546167

Not sure I follow your analogy here.

>> No.10546168

rafflesia arnoldii.

>> No.10546169


>> No.10546170

I'll eat anything at all but it has to have been killed first! I am always scavenging the road for animals that have gotten hit by cars and proceed to eat them right then and there with my hands only so that I am being as natural as possible.

>> No.10546183

Fortunately cars occur frequently in nature, so you should be okay.

>> No.10546200
File: 641 KB, 1024x1400, 1344336711831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked extra hard today so that you cute NEETs can enjoy the welfare my tax dollars contributed to.

Please accept my money and have a great day!

>> No.10546210

Human stomach's aren't made for that. You aren't a vulture.

>> No.10546215

> You aren't a vulture.

Don't listen to him, Anon. You can be whatever you want.

>> No.10546213
File: 1.02 MB, 1366x768, 1360134696003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it. I'm now officialy not a NEET. I'm working with my dad now.

Guys, seriously, enjoy your NEET lifes, you don't now what you have until you lose it.
Excuse me while I kill myself.

>> No.10546214

Let's not jump to hasty conclusions now.

>> No.10546226

Thanks anon-kun, you are sugoooooooooi~!

>> No.10546229

Please don't feed the normals.

>> No.10546233

You know you are going to get most of that tax money refunded anyway.

>> No.10546241

What would /jp/ be like in a Lord of the Flies type of situation? Say we all got on the same plane to the /jp/ Manor and we crashed on some desert island. What would happen?

>> No.10546249

I would stay away from everyone attacking everyone who strayed off into my woods until all the other kids decide to gang up and murder me

>> No.10546245

Yes I see wild cars all the time. They can be quite dangerous though. When you walking through the forest you should always be on guard because you'll never know when a car might sneak up on you. I heard they only eat this specific liquid though and kill everything just to kill though. You can usually fend them of with some branches but if you run into one of those school bus species or these ones called monster trucks, it's all over.

>> No.10546253

>gang up and murder me

This is /jp/ we're talking about. Why would we murder a perfectly good rapee?

>> No.10546254


I dunno. If it was just a big desert with no food or clean water I'd kill myself when we ran out of supplies.

>> No.10546255

I'm pretty good henchman material.

>> No.10546261

>I'd kill myself when we ran out of supplies.

You wouldn't do shit. You'd cry like a baby with the rest of us.

>> No.10546266

Break off into small bands, and then prey on those who first couldn't find a group, then those groups weaker than your own.

Shortly after someone would try to establish some kind of order, but unless they were stronger than any other meaningful group, it would be unlikely to succeed. Either way, after the by the first winter, assuming it lasts that long, all that would be left is alpha autists and the yes men who seemed most loyal.

>> No.10546273

I drove my grandfather's motorcycle down to the Subway on the corner for some cookies and now that I'm back and eating them I realize they aren't fully cooked. They crumble when I pick them up, and the middle is still gritty from the sugar. It's like eating cookie dough.

I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.10546274

This makes me wonder: would the autists triumph, with our knowledge and skill, or would the neurotypicals triumph, with their charisma and teamwork?

After all, we may have engineers, survival experts, and railfans amongst us, but we'd probably just shuffle around awkwardly and then freak out because we had to drink water out of something other than our favorite K-On! glass.

>> No.10546281

You'd have to rape my corpse then!

>> No.10546288

> freak out because we had to drink water out of something other than our favorite K-On! glass.

You are understimating the adaptative powers of the TRUNEET, kid.

>> No.10546289

In the end, the most aggressive and well suited to combat would be the ones to call the shots, so it falls on their whims as to whether any real improvement should be made, or if the intellectuals should be butchered off and everyone else gets their stone age on.

Social skills and charisma are only useful to a person who would otherwise be worthwhile in following. Although a particularly adept but otherwise useful individual could likely use the skill to blend into a strong group for their own protection, but would likely attempt to hide they are doing so, or capable of doing so.

If you were attacked once, who would you be more keen to listen to, the reasonable normie who says if we all carefully take turns keeping watch over our crops we'll be back to the middle ages in a few months, or the mecha autist who has already started to crush in people's heads and made clothes out of them?

>> No.10546285

Are you kidding me cookies taste the best like that! Whenever I get a cookie like that I'm the happiest person in the world, especially if it's purely a sugar cookie.

>> No.10546287

I would FUCK every /jp/sie up. If a group of you tried something on me, none of you would escape alive.

>> No.10546290


I want cookie dough now. Mail it to me if you won't eat it, you fat fuck.

>> No.10546292

If you're ``adaptative'' then you're a neurotypical, normalscum.

>> No.10546295


>the reasonable normie who says if we all carefully take turns keeping watch over our crops we'll be back to the middle ages in a few months, or the mecha autist who has already started to crush in people's heads and made clothes out of them?

Smooth cognitive reversal here, normie.

>> No.10546296

It didn' taste that good, maybe it's just me. I'm going to have to eat a bowl of cereal to get my dessert fix.

>> No.10546298

It's not my fault you are used to live like a king

>> No.10546300

>Although a particularly adept (at social matters) but otherwise useLESS individual...


>> No.10546310

Well I see how the sugar would create too much of a good texture but I love cookie dough. I always keep cereal around, frosted flakes or cinnamon toast crunch.

>> No.10546311

Honestly, Hagvarr the autist king seems the better option when opposed by Fred the guy with pie in the sky dreams of herding cats.

>> No.10546312


>> No.10546316

No no, silly. You're only allowed to absolve yourself of direct responsibility when the masses do the same thing.

>> No.10546319

I disagree. Hagvarr the autist sounds like an annoying sperglord an I'd punch the shit out of him, Fred on the other hand is probably pleasant company

>> No.10546324

I simply don't care, no argument you make can make me change how much I don't care.

>> No.10546329

Well, assuming the goal is survival in a situation where extraction is unlikely and resources are extremely limited, I'd take Hagvarr who'd at least see us fed, instead of Fred who's hard work would end up feeding the opposition.

Pleasant conversation is a nice thing to have around though, I guess.

>> No.10546331

You scratch them bitches way too much.

>> No.10546353

This was the NEET thread?

>> No.10546355

No this was the pizza and spoilers thread.
The NEET thread is in the archive.

>> No.10546364

We're all food NEETS here.

>> No.10546367

That's just becuase everyone here is fat .

>> No.10546376
File: 846 KB, 1280x1024, Untitledee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dramatic music plays*

>> No.10546392

Please stop spoiler misuse.

>> No.10546396

Please stop abusing my dick, nerd.

>> No.10546398

here we go again!

>> No.10546471

Do you ever have days where you are forced out into the world and it gives you a huge appreciation for your hobbies when you get to retreat back?

I had one today

>> No.10546478

Anyone want to make a VN together?

>> No.10546480

Should I play ff3 or 5 first

>> No.10546493

Yes but usually if isn't something I'm forced to do out of the house it's like a mini adventure to me.

>> No.10546543

I'm underweight, and I expect the average /jp/er to be so as well.

>> No.10546545
File: 391 KB, 600x600, 1360563384597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any #grimy #slimy $NEETs$ who be holdin it down on the street everyday?

u sellin hard candy? u sellin green? u sellin lean? wat u sell on the corner

>> No.10546551

He's saying you should suck some cute NEET dicks.

>> No.10546582

Since more people use the spoiler function for punchlines and such than actual spoilers, I don't even think twice about looking at them most of the time. This has caused me to look at legitimate spoilers a few times before.

>> No.10546616

You seem to have the wrong idea about us NEETs, >>10546545. I think I speak for many of the participants in the NEET thread when I say that my social and physical deficiencies (not to mention my lack of common sense and "street smarts") preclude me from working as a drug dealer. Also, I think working as a drug dealer would render me non-NEET.

>> No.10546674


3 is the worst in the series

>> No.10546670

Don't blame them for your lack of common sense

>> No.10546671
File: 832 KB, 2009x1422, vast_expanse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10547000

Just finished Dredd. I liked it a lot.

>> No.10547108

We'll eat Sudo first. He can probably feed us for a work week. !bar, 'Hagvarr', that PTSD Bosnia guy - I'm positive we're not the only /jp/sies who've had military training and have perhaps even seen real action too. It'd be interesting to hunt with a killer autist platoon.

>> No.10547509

Is anyone in here a hikikomori?

>> No.10547610

Why haven't you become a begger NEET?

>> No.10547889

Is begging an employment?

>> No.10548317

NEET are neurotypical, mostly

assburger wannabees should kill themselves out of /jp/

>> No.10548352

I'm smoking marijuana right now.

>> No.10548378


>> No.10548497

seriosly spoiler make you look like a normal.

>> No.10548530

I recently became NEET. It is pretty awesome. Though, I have run out of games to play. Any recommendations on games I can play on an emulator?

>> No.10548715

I'm really into emulating nintendo DS games, here's an interesting list you can look at.


>> No.10548791

Why are crossboarders so afraid of posting in a thread that's hit the bump limit?

>> No.10548845

They don't care. That's why normals are the worst of the worst, they are only a few steps above furries.

>> No.10548847

You're literally retarded

>> No.10548852

What do I win?

>> No.10548856

pretty much

>> No.10548865

Guess we're splitting the prize. You can have it all if it's just dragon dildos.

>> No.10548868

and you're literally a normalfaggot crossboarding (most likely tertiary) retard

>> No.10548884

Who gave you permission to respond to me?

>> No.10548918

Suck it.

>> No.10549237

Men can't be idols.

>> No.10549590
File: 284 KB, 600x688, 1359582335616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /jp/ was all little girls?

>> No.10549705


>> No.10551011

