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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10543399 No.10543399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone here who's gone into something near a depression because you aren't Japanese and never will be?

>> No.10543401

No. Because I'm not a pathetic dweeb.

>> No.10543405

being a part of japanese society must be pretty shitty, so no

>> No.10543408

Cute cat, thanks OP.

>> No.10543412

the fact that someone would ask that depresses me

>> No.10543423

every day is spent in lament that i was not born japanese

>> No.10543428


>> No.10543439
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>> No.10543444

But I don't want to be Japanese.

I'm entirely fine with just going to Japan as a gaijin.

If I were to choose, I'd much rather be born British. The country's gone to shit in the past couple decades, but damn if I still don't romanticize the fuck out of it.

>> No.10543453

Was a weeb in my early teenage years, made a conscious decision to stop being such a retard and pretty much banned everything that had to do with japan in my life.

Started taking up Japanese lessons some years later just for the use of knowing another language.
>Take a trip to japan with a friend
All. Of. The. Feels.
Everybody was so fucking nice and polite, and it's like the things there has so much quality, it seems like they put everything they can into everything they do and make and it just has a charm to it.
I'm sure people who are born and raised there hasn't had it easy and all but I really respect the way they live and I'm kind of sad about the fact that I will always look like a foreign try hard weeaboo if I decide to move there and adapt the culture.

>> No.10543458

I just feel bad that I'm black at times.
There's times where I'm just plain racist to myself

>> No.10543462

I dont wan to be a person with small dick ,cant gain muscle and suicidal at age 30

>> No.10543467

Japan is like #1 anti-NEET country. Enormous work hours and everything is expensive. Dunno if you can get spergdollars either.

>> No.10543468

>tfw will never be a cute little asian girl wearing a school uniform

>> No.10543474

No because being an otaku is SHAMEFUR DISPRAY there and every normal person there finds them literally disgusting. Not to mention all the standardized tests and competition in schools and for jobs

>> No.10543476

No, but I'm depressed because I'm not spoiled american kid who gets money by being lazy.

>> No.10543477
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Yeah, but because I got timed out on /ota/ again and I can't be Japanese.

>> No.10543479

>Everybody was so fucking nice and polite, and it's like the things there has so much quality, it seems like they put everything they can into everything they do and make and it just has a charm to it.
Sound the nerd alarm!
Young man, this world is reserved for strong personalities. Why would you polish a sidewalk stone when you could put all that effort and love into your lady? A day consists of 24 hours. You have to prioritize.

>> No.10543480

Yes, being an otaku in japan must really suck, you can't buy anything loli-related there without fearing being arrest and shipping takes months and a fortune.

>> No.10543495


>All. Of. The. Feels.

you are worse than a weeaboo

>> No.10543549

Proud Caucasian here.

>> No.10543551

it could be worse
you could be a nigger

>> No.10543554

Not really. I like the country, its culture, and its cartoons, but god damn they are ugly as fuck. I'm not good-looking by any means, but I'm glad to have been born a pure Aryan. Asians look like aliens or something.

>> No.10543565

Not really.

Would have been nice to live there a few years as a kid to learn the language but it's no big loss.

>> No.10543567 [DELETED] 
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How is this thread still here?

I wonder how fucked up in the head the janitor must be for this picture to piss him off so much that he can't even read this text.

He probably goes cross-eyed, and struggles intensely to move the cursor on the delete button. The stress from the ordeal is so great that he forgets he's letting go yet another weeaboo troll thread.

>> No.10543599
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This. I would have lived there in the late 80s/early 90s. That was when Japan was at its best, since then it has been on the decline in absolutely everything.

I actually never wanted to be Japanase but I greatly enjoy their pop-culture and that sense of comfort you get by trying to belong to a culture. There is a lot of nostalgia involved because I grew up watching awesome 80s/90s anime, but then you look back at your life and where you live and it's nothing like it.

The other thing I enjoy and I find a lot in Japan or Japanese media, is simply people enjoying their life. People go out, they don't stay at home. Like those hot summer days spent with your high school friends near the river and not having to care about anything. Where I live it's pretty cold all year around and when it's not there's probably a shit weather like raining. The people here seem pretty cold. Not like I am any different, being asocial and having difficulty to interact with other people and all that jazz.


>> No.10543620

I think they're cool for still regarding handcraft higher than most other countries. In the Western world artisans are usually treated like shit and so none of them put effort in anything they do.

>> No.10543623 [DELETED] 

Isn't there ota now for people like you who want to regurgitate the same shitty animu and touhou images and have the same threads with stagnating topics every day for years?

>> No.10543635

Mah Finnish bro.

>> No.10543639 [DELETED] 
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Fucking epic.

Tell me about how you wish you were Japanese

>> No.10543640
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I agree with you for the most part. Japanese school culture in particular seems to be superior to Western school culture, even if the schools and teaching are worse. No schools where I live have decent clubs or sitting on the roof or any of that. Schoolchildren are supposed to take drugs and keep off the grass, not risk their lives on rooftops or do non-sports activities after school.

As for the 80s/90s part, I'd like to have been in the West around then, but still with an interest in Japanese cartoons and games. Reading up on the history of otaku fandom in the West, it sounds like it must have been pretty fun. You go to your university's sci-fi club and one of your friends tells you he got Akira on Laserdisc. You all watch it and then discuss it on the club's BBS, and someone writes a review in the club fanzine. That sort of thing just sounds cool, even though it was probably boring or the same as clubs today.

>> No.10543656 [DELETED] 

Tell me about your 'ironic' feels 'bro'. It's okay as long as it's 'ironic', right? It's fine being in a cesspit of shit as long as everyone is just pretending to actually cover themselves in feces.

>> No.10543661 [DELETED] 


do u have real autism

what a giant child lolz

>> No.10543662 [DELETED] 

e/b/in :-D

>> No.10543665 [DELETED] 

Last time I checked it was an autistic trait to react with panic to everything (this thread) that's not within your comfort zone (stagnating touhou shit).

>> No.10543676 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10543720

Sometimes I get depressed about Japs not just speaking English like normal people.

>> No.10543724

How about oyu learn their language instead

>> No.10543735


It's not a language it's a bunch of cave man scribbles. They should get a normal human alphabet.

>> No.10543742

No, I wouldn't have lasted a day in a Japanese high school. The only reason I made it through high school was because I started smoking a ton of weed, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that in Japan. America is a pretty good place for lazy idiots like me.

>> No.10543747

I'm Japanese, but it's not as amazing as you think or as terrible as the naysayers think it is.

I'm glad to be a dual national dual speaker of languages, really. I get the best of both worlds. Though, on the other hand, I also see the flaws in both cultures clearer than those that just grew up in one. I'll never truly feel at home anywhere.

>> No.10543776

As a filthy immigrant myself, I understand that feeling. For the people in your country of origin you're a stranger and for the people in the country that you live in you're an immigrant, even if you lived here your whole life. You're never truly at home.

>> No.10543784

Only if you're of a different ethnicity or speak with an accent.

>> No.10543816

How do you feel about Abe?

>> No.10543818
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No, I'm in a severe depression because my life is a pile of unpleasant, miserable shit and always will be.

Also, living in Japan would be awful UNLESS you were NEET. Or maybe a badass Yakuza.

I'd be an alcoholic if I didn't live with my parents.

>> No.10543834

I recommend reading Third Culture Kids: The Experience of Growing Up Among Worlds. It really made me feel like I wasn't alone.

He hasn't really done anything yet, but everyone is feeling hopeful so stocks and exchange rates and stuff is getting better. I have no idea how it'll actually end, but I hope he does well.

I'm personally socially left leaning, to be honest, but the Japanese DPJ is retarded and doesn't know how to do the job it wants to. Not to say the LDP is an exemplary one, but at least it knows how to get what it intends to do done.

>> No.10543840


I don't want you to be sad!

>> No.10543861

With new governments in Japan, SK and China, do you think there's any hope to reset some of the disastrous developments of 2012 in the region?
It was like everyone was at each others throat.

>> No.10543894

I'm no political expert and I don't think /jp/ is the place to do this.

/int/ has plenty of people willing to talk about that.

But my short answer is, "probably not"

>> No.10543909

I've visited a few times, its a nice place with nice people, but 90% of people there are working themself to death, they get up at 7am get a train to work, work till lunch, drink alcohol through lunch, get late train home.

Nobody knew how to take it easy.

>> No.10543919


>> No.10543926

>you can't buy anything loli-related there without fearing being arrest


>> No.10543934


I agree with everything. Just the pictures of 70's/80's Japan make my heart flutter. Deliciously unique feeling in them.

>> No.10543938

I keep telling these guys not to be sarcastic on /jp/, but nobody listens!!

>> No.10543943


Do you mean the poster I replied? Sorry I have aspergers, I don't really understand.

>> No.10543952

I was being sarcastic too. It's a form of English humor.

>> No.10543954

The English don't have humor.

>> No.10543958

No, the English don't have good humor. Even African's have a form of humor.

>> No.10543961

I was making a joke.

>> No.10543964


I don't really get it but okay.

>> No.10543964,1 [INTERNAL] 

seal of approval

>> No.10544433

Taking it easy is synonymous for humiliation, poverty and barbarism.

Take a look at /jp/. Look at all the /pol/ spam, pedophilia discussion, rape talk and general misanthropia.
You can talk about vocal minorities but the average Joe doesn't care - he lives by the idea "if you tolerate it, you support it". The average Joe is also a masterful doppelganger, and he only gets better with age. It's the norm.

This place is very heterogenous. Naive individuals who lean towards genuine autism will always be five steps behind, and it's one of the reasons why the easily bored snakes seem to enjoy their company.
Try to read neo-Warosu without feeling disgusted or look at all the smut disability-san gets. Look at the Cudder threads.

When an adult man says that he's bored, beware. There is no such thing as "Okay, at that time I was X, but I...". There is no such thing as "I don't know why, but that guy...".
I have literally never received any kind of punishment for my behavior towards others. I don't create drama to treat my boredom. If you do, I'm glad that you're hanging out here at the holy trinity of /jp/, Warosu and /ota/.

This post needs to be written every once in a while.

>> No.10544441

durr the english invented sarcasm

>> No.10544626


Do you have a disorder of some kind?

>> No.10545398

I'm half brit and half chinese. I don't belong anywhere ;_;

>> No.10545406

Hey weeb! Kill yourself.

>> No.10545413

faggot op

>> No.10545708
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I know that feel.


Ultimately though I've gone into depression because I'am not rich and never will be.

>> No.10545716

Is that an album cover?

>> No.10545754 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10545754,1 [INTERNAL] 


find me a rich Japanese woman and I would consider moving there
