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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 262 KB, 700x1187, Haruka_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10538845 No.10538845 [Reply] [Original]

Saw this when I was searching for cute pictures on an a certain website

>There are several angry pixiv artists on twitter and 2ch that complain about people taking their art without permission, edit them, and sometimes put watermarks on them. Even if they get credit, they didn’t ask for permission. And I’m sure you wouldn’t want your art to be edited, because that gives a negative impression towards the original artwork (Or so some illustrators think)

>There was one thread on 2ch that started a small movement to have Pixiv’s regulations, making it only accessible to people inside Asia, until the US site was opened.

>Though there are very few people who do ask for permission, even if there’s a language barrier, the illustrators will try to communicate back to the person.

Pic unrelated

>> No.10538864

Who steals art from pixiv and puts their own watermark on them? Deviantart?

>> No.10538870
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>> No.10538872

Which website was that? This will determine how seriously I'm going to take it. (The choice is between "LOL Japan" or "LOL [website X]".)

>> No.10538875

Now the artist will sue Moot.

Good work.

>> No.10538881

I'm not telling you because you guys will bully me for using it.

>> No.10538886

japanese are the jews of asia. everything they produce is stolen from the west basically, but every chance they get they say MUH COPYRIGHT MUH PERMISSIONS MUH ORIGINAL CHARACTER

>> No.10538891

Are they complaining about us/Tumblr/*boorus reuploading their images? Aren't they aware that they typically get more pageviews and whatnot because of this free advertisement? Also are they aware that the language barrier is the #1 reason why people just don't even bother with asking in the first place? Or that them deleting their works is what makes people think "I should reupload this somewhere as a mirror in case others want to look at it at some point". Why artists do that is beyond me. It's probably what caused me to start hoarding art and shit off Pixiv/etc, in case one day it gets deleted.

>> No.10538904

Go ahead, I have VPN endpoints in Japan and China.

>> No.10538979

About time I'm tired of people stealing art and using them so lossely (I saw someone using a whole bunch of fan art for her Ib fan game.

>> No.10538988

Brb, selling independent bands' music because it gets them free publicity.

>> No.10538995

Re-uploading works isn't really a problem. Most artists don't really mind if people share their work because that's what it was made for in the first place.

Uploading someone's work and putting your own watermark on it? That's an entirely different animal. If you're going to share an artists work, share their actual work; not your edit of their work.

>> No.10538996


When you upload a picture to the internet it is selling it?

You wouldn't download a car.

>> No.10539000


Watermarks are stupid. But if someone uses your work and turns it in to a wallpaper that's no reason to freak out. That means they like their work. Be flattered.

>> No.10539001


>> No.10539011

In reality, the artist themselves rarely care. It's the production companies, agents, studio executives, and lawyers who get all pissy about someone making a Wallpaper or gif from an anime.

Artists love their work being shared.

>> No.10539012
File: 10 KB, 500x400, Cube_root.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only sensible thing to come out of this fat faggot's mouth.

>> No.10539016


They probably want us to buy wallpaper. People that want money for things on the internet really annoy me.

>> No.10539019

Only western people steal art. Asia is pure and innocent. No one will steal your art there.

>> No.10539021

I'll assume it's the latter, then. Making a news story our of a troll thread on 2ch, sounds familiar.

>> No.10539031

no bullie

>> No.10539032

>People that want money for things on the internet really annoy me.

Things that are okay:
* Charging for physical products
* Charging for services that cost real time/money/effort (e.g. web hosting)
* Donations (fuck you moot)
* Pay-what-you-want (including $0)

Things that are never okay:
* Charging for 0s and 1s
* Premium services
* "Freemium" services
* Any sort of bonus/DLC/enhanced content
* Anything that gives someone an advantage for paying. If donating gets you anything in return, it's not a donation.

>> No.10539034 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 700x502, fuck you1350206081573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10539040


>> No.10539046

Youre going to fucking jail bro

>> No.10539041

Does translations count as edits?

>> No.10539044
File: 30 KB, 281x432, TsumugiAutism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this is anything more than a few xenophobes on 2ch
>implying pixiv even cares

>> No.10539050

Sorry sparky, but he's a fat hack.

If he had invented free software (he didn't) or still made regular contributions to software (he doesn't), I'd like him, but as an activist hippie he can rot in hell.

rms, original author of gcc, author of a project that inspired better projects, founder of an organization that inspired better organizations. That's what I respect him for, nothing else.

>> No.10539056 [DELETED] 

your a bully!

>> No.10539063

As a teenage artist in the 90s and 2000s, the only thing that ever seemed to matter was that someone wouldn't give you credit. It was kind of a given that people would redistribute your kawaii Slayers fan art for free.

If anything I'd say people now have it better than ever. Watermarks are way more rare, and every aggregation site like Danbooru credits the artist. There are even sites to find the original Pixiv page. This isn't out of begrudging obligation or anything, this is how people find artists they like.

This is all very silly.

>> No.10539064


I agree. When I first got on the internet everything was free. I even uploaded my own content. I made money from it in real life but I put it online and never expected anything from it because the internet was made for sharing.

>> No.10539081

>every aggregation site like Danbooru credits the artist. There are even sites to find the original Pixiv page. This isn't out of begrudging obligation or anything, this is how people find artists they like.

In short, boorus aren't doing anything Google isn't doing.

>> No.10539112

But no one is profiting from these reuploads though, are they? I would understand artists getting angry from their doujinshis getting uploaded and they aren't getting any money from it, or if a design is straight-up stolen and used for profit and the original artist isn't notified or any of that, but that isn't happening is it? Putting watermarks on something doesn't instantly mean someone is profiting from it, they just want to advertise themselves. If the original artists are upset by this, they can prevent that by using ugly-ass watermarks themselves.

>> No.10539130

Artists only start to care if something is 100% copy/pasted and someone else claims they made it. But honestly, that only really happens on deviantArt and who the fuck still goes there and takes it seriously? Every respectable artist either has their own site or at least moved to Tumblr now. Before anyone says it, Tumblr is great for posting and finding original works if you ignore the feminists/genuinely stupid people (which is fairly easy).

>> No.10539137

>Putting watermarks on something doesn't instantly mean someone is profiting from it, they just want to advertise themselves.

Yes, it doesn't means they're profiting, they just want to.

You have to pay royalties for whatever you're using in an advertisement, you know.

>> No.10539146

>no one is profiting from these reuploads
That is meaningless to copyright law. "Copyright" means exactly what it says: right to copy.

Fiduciary gain is meaningless to copyright status. The difference is that if you make a profit from someone else's work without their permission, then you could face criminal charges as well as civil.

>> No.10539167

I've done some art myself (nothing fancy) and I don't mind if people use it or edit it. If I'm given credit, it's kosher. If not, I wont bitch. Hell, someone used one of my pics for a custom YGO card once. I don't even like YGO and I was flattered.

However, if you make one goddamn penny off anything I make, I will be on you like a fucking red wasp.

>> No.10539177


Yeah but, fuck copyright.

>> No.10539181 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 800x746, soviet raymoo1352699124108wwwwwwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck capitalism

>> No.10539186


You can make money without copyright. Fuck everyone that decided it was an artists job to make big money for corporations.

>> No.10539190 [DELETED] 

They treat the artists like shit too!

>> No.10539193
File: 65 KB, 467x700, 1358370354315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck both. Jewish ideas never did any good.

>> No.10539254

You can google the first sentence of the quoted text in OP.

>> No.10543171

Damn pirates

>> No.10544072 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 680x661, Moar Krabs hope poster finished copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10544856
File: 62 KB, 720x480, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a watermark if you get what I'm sayin...

>> No.10544866

I would be SO pissed if I had to browse pixiv with a japanese proxy.

>> No.10544876 [DELETED] 


>> No.10544880

Why are Japanese so fucking right wing? What the hell is wrong with them, they are worse than americans.

Going by their retarded logic, they're also stealing intellectual property when making "fan" works.

>> No.10544882
File: 41 KB, 300x225, ebaums world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10544888

>so fucking right wing
then they go and draw pictures of same sex couples and lewd poses, sometimes underage girls naked too.

>> No.10544895
File: 620 KB, 598x589, Token Tactician.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? no dumbass, japan is the exact opposite of this, if japan where anything like america, the industries that manage content and the like would shit their pants over things like comiket and doujin works. these guys are just a few people butthurt that they got their stuff theived. I jack art all the time and even edit it, I don't claim its my own though. how else am I supposed to make awesome /tg/ tokens?

>> No.10544904

True westies steal from japanese and render work to shit-force western levels.

U no like pantsu? U like no loli? Then GTFO!

>> No.10544906

That's the thing. They're hypocrites.

>> No.10544935

the most ironic thing is the pixiv tag for trace. like, they straight up just use other's work for a base. credits? lol what's that? it's okay for the parody ones but a lot of them are no parody.

>> No.10545013

But everything Stallman says makes a lot more sense than what 95% of other activist hippies say. He knows what freedom is really all about. He has an actual understanding of morality instead of just "lol I don't like it so it shouldn't happen"

>> No.10551288


>> No.10551289 [DELETED] 


>> No.10551291 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1400, 1333322762258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /q/ueers crying


>> No.10551324

I heard his hands are fucked up now, so he can't code anymore.

>> No.10551382

Danbooru had source fields before reverse image searching existed.

>> No.10551431

Too bad his autismality gnaws his credibility so much. He has made so many silly slips that few people value his actual message.

>> No.10551503
File: 10 KB, 303x276, 1319572146872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

