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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 113 KB, 1200x850, Wikipedia_SNES_PAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10537975 No.10537975 [Reply] [Original]

So just ordered a SNES (pal version, pic related). So I was just wondering what are /jp/s essentials for SNES.

>> No.10538005

the essentials are:

fuck off to /v/

>> No.10538026

Some games and a controller.

>> No.10538029

Will Super Famicom games work on there? Because Tokimeki Memorial 1

>> No.10538035

you deserve a brofist for this one

>> No.10538040

Yes because I'm going to mod it.

>> No.10538046

I don't know ask /v/

>> No.10538048

Star Fox

>> No.10538049

It's a PAL console, so no. An NA console will play Jap games with some minor modification.

>> No.10538054
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>> No.10538072


People here actually grew up with one of those?

>> No.10538083

What are you implying? My parents bought one at launch.

>> No.10538078

I had an NES, then a Genesis with Sega TV, and then SNES.

>> No.10538093
File: 112 KB, 1018x838, rudranohihou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rudra no hihou

>> No.10538095


You must be 40 years old.

>> No.10538097

i did

>> No.10538102

If I were 40, it would have been me buying one at launch, not them.

>> No.10538103

I don't know. Gamecube was the only Nintendo console I owned.

>> No.10538121
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I got an emulator for that. And I bet my brother still has one of the original consoles (not pal version, though)

Great system.


>> No.10538132

I feel all nostalgiac when I see these old systems even though I didn't have any of them.

>> No.10538134


>I got an emulator for that.

I have no image macro to express how stupid you are.

>> No.10538143

are you the kind of person who makes the distinction between emulation and 'support framework' or whatever it is that wine was.

>> No.10538149
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>pal version

>> No.10538153


>> No.10538154

Usa version is the ugliest piece of shit I've ever seen.

>> No.10538164

Are you seriously claiming hardware aesthetics makes up for crippled framerates?

>> No.10538168
File: 147 KB, 493x700, musha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a Genny fan (pic related), but let me see what I can do...

Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, and Soul Blazer
Pocky & Rocky
Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu III (especially if you have a friend or can find someone to netplay with. Seiken Densetsu III + beer and salsa are responsible for some of my fondest memories)
SimCity (best version of the original. sunk untold hours into this port as a kid)
Live A Live
Magical Pop'n
the first two SMTs
PEOPLE SAY THE UNIVERSE IS A STAR OCEAN (make sure to play on BSNES or the game will break a few hours in and you'll get mad)
Umihara Kawase

And of course, the obvious Nintendo games, like Yoshi's Island, Star Fox, Super Metroid, and so on.

>> No.10538178

I still remember when I was in high school, when we'd have one hour free we'd go to a friend's house and play Mario Kart.
Sweet memories ;_;

>> No.10538186
File: 13 KB, 320x288, 1357902006223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing Mario Kart again after seeing the GameCenter CX Asia Special. Forgot how fucking fun it is, and how the music sticks with you long after you're finished.

How I yearn for the polish of the 90's again.

>> No.10538212

He could always get a Japanese one. I'm fond of my orange-swirl Dreamcast.

>> No.10538232

Isnt there a 60hz/50hz switch mod.

>> No.10538267

mario kart.

/jp/ related. SHMUPs i guess? Paradious?

Seconding Rudra for learning kana and awesome BGM

>> No.10538273

Shaq Fu

>> No.10538274

I finally got the equipment I needed to play my Super Famicom on my monitor, I grabbed Mother 2, only to find I can't find my power adapter any where... why does life suck so much

>> No.10538329

Not all otaku are kids.

>> No.10538392

Yes and I'm only 23. Are you underage or something?

>> No.10538704


/jp/ is for old people. You must have got lost on your way to /a/.

>> No.10538711
File: 157 KB, 600x600, super famicom1338840035382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you DIP SHIT!!

>> No.10538713 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10538716

Maybe he was expecting that you grew up with VIC-20 or C64

>> No.10538719

My family was too poor and not in USA (Czechoslovakia and Panama) in the 1980s

>> No.10538725

My dad had one of those.

>> No.10538728


Well, SNES came after those. You don't stop growing. It wasn't my first console but it wasn't my last so it is part of growing up.

>> No.10538734

I think I have regressed.

>> No.10538745


Everyone does. It's okay. People only try to act grown up from like 13 until their mid 20s.

>> No.10538749

My first "computer" was a Vic-20. Yes, I am 40.

>> No.10538764

Grandpa, how did you find your way onto /jp/ again!

>> No.10538768


>> No.10538773

I don't know. I thought I was emailing your Aunt Margie. Is it time for my soup yet?

>> No.10538803
File: 147 KB, 641x500, newchap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erathbound makes me happy

does it also makes you happy ?

>> No.10538805

My first computers were a BBC Micro, an Acorn something, and some IBM PC knock-off that ran DOS, and I'm only 21.

In retrospect I'm glad my family were poor and didn't know dick about computers.

>> No.10538827

Seiken Densetsu 2 & 3
Final Fantasy 6
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Super Mario All-Stars
Mega Man X
Super Castlevania 4
Super Metroid
Contra 3
R-Type 3
Gradius 3

>> No.10538829

>my sides are now in orbit
XD hahaha op n1 m8
us gamers man, us gamers

>> No.10538837


No one here said gamers did they? What are you going on about?

>> No.10538842

Zelda: A Link to the Past
Super Mario RPG
Final Fantasy 6
Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2 (Yoshi's Island)
Mario Kart

>pal version

>> No.10538851


Don't bother him, you will only tickle his autism induced passive-aggressive fit even more.

>> No.10538893

>tfw americunts complaining

>> No.10539189

Yes. I got one when it was new. Spent many hours on it.

>> No.10540107

Famicom Detective Club Part II The Girl who Stands Behind.
Fire Emblem - Monshou no Nazo
Fire Emblem - Seisen no Keifu
Dragon Quest V
Panel de Pon
Shin Megami Tensei II
UFO Kamen Yakisoban

>> No.10540110

Hourai Gakuen no Bouken

Sorely overlooked RPG.

>> No.10540325

brofist right in the face you mean

>> No.10542482

Any good shmups for snes?

>> No.10542500

UN squadron is my favorite.
Also known as Area 88.
Fuck awesome music, different planes/weapons to buy, good game play.
Can't ask for much more out of an SNES shmup.

>> No.10542507


This guy, he knows what he's talking about.


>> No.10542539


These guys get it. Also get all the Donkey Kong Countrys, 2 is the best IMO

>> No.10542546


This guy doesn't get it.

>> No.10542549

Fuck man, I thought I was the only one who loved the fuck out of that game.

That game is the fucking shit. The battleship level is so awesome.

On topic...
U.N. Squadron, Super Metroid, DKC 2, and Turtles in Time Man...

You're set.

>> No.10542612


>> No.10542747

Terranigma, OP.


>> No.10542832
File: 28 KB, 170x133, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Ghouls n Ghosts
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
Demon's Crest
Mega Man X
Yoshi's Island
Kirby Super Star
Lost Vikings (both)
Rock n Roll racing
Tales of Phantasia
Clock Tower

Umihara Kawase but only if you're hard as hell

>> No.10542935

Call the Pawn Stars for that.

>> No.10545193

your age barometer is off. I'm 22 and I grew up with a snes as my first console.
