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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10520510 No.10520510 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ i am trying to sound more manly when talking in japanese. how should i end my sentences in japanese to sound more manly like how marisa says daze?

>> No.10520513


>> No.10520517

Dameda..zenzen dameda

>> No.10520520

Yukari so lovely...

>> No.10520523


>> No.10520529
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Try to talk like Jotaro OP, yare yare daze~

>> No.10520549
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>> No.10520550

da zo, da ze
Marisa shouldn't do that, she'll sound manly, not cute.

>> No.10520559

Take a page out of the WESTERN book, and tack on a "yeah" like a mobster.

In other words a MANLY and THROATY "un" (うん).

>> No.10520561

Get lung cancer.
Cough after every sentence.

Deep voices are manly as fuck.

>> No.10520566

I tense the back of my throat and intentionally add a rasp to my voice and draw out consonants.

So I don't say "Hello", I say "HelLlLlo".

Makes bitches moist.

>> No.10520567

vocaroo this

>> No.10520572

Don't say anything, just glare or glance around before saying "Dameda", roll your shoulders back in a confident gesture that says "Don't fuck with me, I'm all limbered up to kick you ass."

>> No.10520574


>> No.10520582

speak in 北海道-便

>> No.10520589

Using "da" or "darou" tends to sound more masculine or blunt.

Go play Yakuza and learn to speak like a gangster.

>> No.10520602

i don't think that's the right ben

>> No.10520627

don't ever refer to yourself as "boku"

only betafags who don't get pussy call themselves boku.

>> No.10520632 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10520633
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>> No.10520636 [DELETED] 

Boku is beta as hell you fucking nerd.

>> No.10520640
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You too /r9k/ nerd.

>> No.10520645 [DELETED] 
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I guess I've hurt your feelings. Do you perhaps refer to yourself with "boku"? I'm sorry you're afflicted with the beta disease.

Good luck with your recovery.

>> No.10520649
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Your mother have hurt my feelings.

>> No.10520650


Can I call myself "atashi"?

>> No.10520654

atashi is girlier than watashi.

ore and watashi are your only choices, depending on the situation. but, since you're a filthy gaijin, them nips won't mind if you're constantly using informal speak- so stick with ore and make bitches wet 24/7.

trust me, i get all kinds of anime pussy.

>> No.10520660

you can "atai" too

>> No.10520664

Always use ore to refer to yourself, and kisama/teme to refer to others
use da ze a lot
smoke 40 cigarettes a day

>> No.10520666

atai is also girly, even though it's one of the most informal self words.

>> No.10520691
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You wanna sound like a man?
Then become a man! you fuckin homo!

>> No.10520693


How about "Anonymous-pyon"?

>> No.10520711

Refer to yourself in third person. Add -tan, -chan or perhaps "-pyon" like >>10520693 suggested for best results.

>> No.10520737

to sound more manly you only need to spit everytime you finish a sentence

>> No.10520745 [DELETED] 

Fuck off faggot enabler.

>> No.10520739

In my opinion as a guy who saw this post on the main page and doesn't post on /jp/, most gay men are more man than you skinny virgin neckbeards will ever be

>> No.10520765

More important than using sentence ending particles, you should use ねぇ instead of ない

>> No.10520772

Jokes on you, I'm fat!

>> No.10520775

And I'm not Finnish bro who made that snowman.

>> No.10520800

sickest burn

>> No.10520812

Referring to yourself as boku when you are obviously calm and in control of the situation is a good idea.

>> No.10520853

you let a woman "hurt your feelings"? and you call yourself a man?

>> No.10520867


Your mother is a man.

>> No.10520883

i know you're angry at yourself now, but lashing out like this after such a sick burn won't improve your e-reputation anymore.

>> No.10520889
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Your mother is angry at herserlf.

>> No.10520913
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>> No.10520938
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>> No.10521035
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