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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.09 MB, 2480x3493, 1338074406612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10516339 No.10516339 [Reply] [Original]

What headphones does /jp/ use to listen to their glorious Touhou music?
Personally I'm using some M50'S, and although I love them, I'm considering upgrading to LCD-2s. What I'd like to know though is how much of an improvement will they be for just Touhou music? If the difference won't be all that big then I'd rather just stick with my M50's.

>> No.10516354

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but are you just using "Touhou music" just so you can post this on /jp/? If you're looking for better headphones, you should check the /g/ archives, plus they have image guides, if I'm not mistaken. It'll probably be more helpful than here, and more on-topic.

But to answer your question anyway, I use Sennheiser HD 650s. I use the O2+ODAC combo with it. I don't know too much about other headphones so I can't say anything about anything else but I'm satisfied with what I have.

>> No.10516370

I used Touhou music because that's all I listen to. I posted it here since /jp/ will more than likely have a better grasp at what that is otherwise I would have brought it to /g/.

>> No.10516371

You should expand your tastes.

>> No.10516383

No need. There are a variety of circles that use different styles when it comes to Touhou music.

>> No.10516388

They're shit though.

>> No.10516394

I disagree.

>> No.10516400

You really should expand your tastes. If you like electronic music, there are thousands of amateur and professional artists out there releasing tunes every day. Same story if jazz, instrumental, or folk is your thing.

>> No.10516411

No you don't. You only think you do.

>> No.10516412
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I use these babies. Rarely for touhou music, though.

>> No.10516416

please don't shitpost with miko onegai

>> No.10516418

I use speakers, a Marantz amplifier and a subwoofer. Headphones are poor substitutes.

>> No.10516474
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I'm poor, so I use Sennheiser HD 558 with Xonar U3. I don't listen to touhou music, though.

>> No.10516477

Sennheiser HD 201
Best poor NEET headset i had so far.
20 bucks is nice for what it does.
Of course I never experienced HiGH quality sound so I wouldn't know what I am missing

>> No.10516524
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AKG K-701 and Xonar Essence STX

Perfect for all those delicious piano and violin arranges.

>> No.10516531
File: 809 KB, 2329x2149, sennheiser_hd-25-1_ii_professional_headphones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HD 25-1 II here. I have HD 598 + Xonar Essence ST at home but I just moved out for college and can't enjoy open headphones since I have a roommate now. I will have to invest in fiio e17 or something since the sound coming out of my laptop is shit atm.

>> No.10516535

listen my otaku band

>> No.10516544
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Dude, you don't have to qualify yourself as TOUHOU MUSIC-ONLY audio listener to post a headphones thread on /jp/. AoC said headphone threads are fine on /q/, so headphone threads are fine.

I recommend the Sennheiser HD line. Pick the highest number to match your budget.

>> No.10516556
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I got a pair of Coloud whatever as gift from my brother.

They are okay. I had better though. But no money for a new pair.

>> No.10516625
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I use these headphones. I like them and they are very soft.

It seems Reimu likes them too.

>> No.10516742
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Room with me, I'll treat you nice.

>> No.10517053
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I have been using a pair of Sennheisers 280 pro for a couple of years now and now noticing the wear starting to form. The cushion around the ears especially is tearing apart.

Any idea what to get to replace them? I always use headphones on my computer. I never liked the material that the headphones have as a lot of dirt and oil and form on them and it is hard to clean them off.

I do love the excellent quality that the sennheisers give though. Are there any sennheisers with a kind of non-leather or similar fabric?

If not, what would be a good substitute for a sennheiser headphone?

>> No.10517078
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I use these, but I think I'll upgrade to a better AKG pair soon.

>> No.10517079

Monoprice's Kicker HP541 debrands.

>> No.10517109
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i use the same ones
they are pretty great

>> No.10517114

Beets by Dr.Pepper

>> No.10517172

I only listen to Touhou music anymore. But it's all from the NSEN stream because there is too much for me to download to only find out I don't like it.

>> No.10517198
File: 540 KB, 2880x1668, akg-k701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rock with Mio.

>> No.10517220


>> No.10517243

m50 r gud n cheep

>> No.10517282
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K701 & m50s

>> No.10517309
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>> No.10517350

>anything with 2hus.jpg is /jp/ related

way to go janiturd

>> No.10517352

Headphones have always been related to /jp/.

>> No.10517360


youre cute, why dont you go back to /q/

>> No.10517368

You can replace the pads on those real easy. At least, replacing the pads on 215s was hilariously easy.

I use AD900s, they're nice.

Why don't you want to appreciate the best of both worlds, anon?

>> No.10517384

I've been here since the split and we've always had headphone threads.

>> No.10517396

Can I replace them with a different material? I briefly looked up ear pads for the 280 but I dont seem to see any that has a different material than the default

>> No.10517404

I know people do velour pads (one of the beyer ones?) for the V6es, and they're a similar shape...

You'd assume so, but no guarantees. It can also change the sound.

>> No.10517406

I use Sennheiser Momentum headphones for Touhou music. For everything else I use my iPhone earbuds.

>> No.10517433

I bought a pair of headphones in walmart for 15$. I think 15-20$ is the perfect price range, the 10$ ones always break too easily and the 40$ ones last the same as the 20$ ones.

>> No.10517468

Stop shitting this thread up. If it's off-topic, it will be deleted accordingly. What harm will one thread, about headphones of all things, do? None. So stop with the backseat moderation.

I just recently got a pair of HD 598s in the mail. They have more detail than I expected, and clarity is no problem if the recording is high quality. What I don't like however is that they're not as "lush" or "warm" as they were advertised to be; I don't know if burn-in is a myth or not, but maybe the sound will become smoother over time. Anyway, I enjoy them.

>> No.10517796

Heh, actually, they sound a lot warmer already.

>> No.10517956

Fischer Audio FA-003's. Good.

>> No.10518351

Oh, it's rare to see someone with the original FA-003s. Good that you enjoy them.

>> No.10520962
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Ultrasone HFI-580. Got them after my HD280's broke. Compared to the 280s they have a very clear/"in your face" sound. It's interesting, but highs can be stringent. I wouldn't label them as an upgrade, just different. Overall I do miss the 280s; while individual pieces of the music are more clear overall coherency is lost somewhat and it's harder to get lost in a song. I guess they could be described as being analytical. In the future I'll be aiming for something more mellow; I think the senn 650's would be perfect.

>> No.10520970

>not using intra auricular phones

>> No.10520977

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10520985

They are often overlooked when people consider headphones, which is a shame since they are quite nice.

>> No.10521001

I use sony mdr-v6's.
They're pretty good though I'm probably gonna get some pads for them

>> No.10521048
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>> No.10521055

Where do you all get the money for these headphones? Thought it was hard being NEET, I only have a $20 in ear pair of headphones ;_;

>> No.10521077

You poor, gullible soul. Did you really think /jp/ mostly consisted of NEETs? Not even close.

You will be poor until the moment you commit suicide, unlike all the well-adjusted people on this board that can afford $500 headphones.

>> No.10521088

mdr v6

>> No.10521100

Autism bux dude, pick up a pair of m50s or ad700s for 100bux.

>> No.10521102


What would you say the primary group of this board is? In education? Working or other?

>> No.10521112

Money from my dead father. You sure are unlucky.

>> No.10521113

Education, working, and other, in that order.

>> No.10521125

I'll assume other is where the NEETs and hikiomoris are right?

(Sorry for questions) Do you think the majority is in University and above or highschool?

>> No.10521130

You can work and attend school as a shut in.

>> No.10521132

I'm not liking how you are starting to sound. Not going to answer any more questions. Please never talk like that again.

>> No.10521139

What was wrong with my speech?

>> No.10521145

If you need to ask these questions, you do not belong here.

>> No.10521150
File: 16 KB, 600x400, A4Tech HS-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 worth of beautiful sound for less than $20 (I did my research). However, everything else about them (especially build quality) is shit, so be prepared to keep buying them at a rate of 1 pair/year.

>> No.10521153 [DELETED] 
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my sides have left the solar system!

>> No.10521156

I've been here for about a year, I just feel disconnected sometimes and have never been able to understand jokes well

>> No.10521165

Lurk forever.

>> No.10521187

Anon knows what's up.

>> No.10521188 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10521564

There's so much wrong in this post. Please kill yourself.

>> No.10522608
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Well well, a headphone thread on /jp/. 70% of the music I listed to are also Touhou arrangements.

- AKG K550 at home
- Superlux HD668b with velour at work
- Sennheiser HD25-1 II on-the-go

Using Fiio E07k for wherever I am. I really want that ODAC+O2 but I can't buy them easily from where I live. It hurts to live in SE Asia.

>> No.10522620

So you two still disagree.

>> No.10522621

I don't get what the fuck he's on about either. I think he's on drugs.

>> No.10522627

When I heard the K550 at a store, I thought they sounded empty and weak. Was my source just shit?

>> No.10522633


pls don't do this.
I have paranoia issues over /jp/ existing as a conspiracy and this really doesn't help

>> No.10522635

AKG K77. Cheap, great quality.

>> No.10522645

I'm NEET and have $270 headphones and $600 speakers. Depressionbucks are a cool thing.

>> No.10522640
File: 69 KB, 750x530, sennheiser-hd-598-headphones-earcup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need velour pads, soundstage, neutrality, and bass

>> No.10522670 [DELETED] 


Maybe, but I woudn't think of the source too much. The K550 is easy to drive and easy to adapt with any source. It probably just wasn't your kind of phone.

I still like it the best out of my headphones though.

>> No.10522677


Maybe, but I woudn't think of the source too much. The K550 is easy to drive and easy to adapt with any source. It probably just wasn't your kind of phone.

I still like it the best out of my headphones though.

>> No.10522704

jesus bro, I feel dumb for paying $20

and man, fuck speakers

>> No.10522707

My thread is actually still alive. Neat.
It's a shame nobody has gave me any info regarding the LCD-2s but oh well, that's to be expected I guess considering they're £600 headphones.

>> No.10522709
File: 43 KB, 610x384, m-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently using these (V-MODA Crossfade M-80). Pretty pleased with 'em, would recommend.
I also have the ATH-M50 but I don't like them very much.

Sound signature: fun, relatively balanced with a slight emphasis on bass. Suitable for pretty much all genres.
Misc. details: for portable use, on-ear, detachable kevlar remote/mic cable, comes with hard case and extra Anroid-compatible cable

It also has customizable metal plates, which I really should be taking advantage of...

>> No.10522772


Not going to lie: if you're going to jump ship from M50 to LCD-2 just to listen to doujin music, it can be said that you have more money than sense. Better be prepared on investing for larger hard drives (for flacs) and expensive amps/DAC on the quest for 'sound quality'.

>> No.10522779

I've already got 6TB's of space.
No amps or nothing though.

>> No.10522795

Bose ae2. Not the greatest but not terrible either and hey they were free so cant really complain.

>> No.10522830

Yeah, Bose gets a bad rap but AE2 is all right. Like you said, nothing fantastic but not that bad either.

>> No.10522856

I have these too. Very happy with them.

>> No.10522898


I sure hope you know what you're buying, not just because somebody told you that the LCD-2 is 'the best fucking headphone ever'.

You'd probably do better with a similar set-up as >>10516354. HD650 with ODAC and O2. Feel free to move up to LCD-2 (and a matching amp) when you feel you've become an full-fledged 'audio enthusiast' (e.g. not just listening to doujin music).

Hey, I enjoy Touhou music too, very much so, but it doesn't mean that I'd spend big bucks on phones just to listen to Astroemeria Records' dubstep, Albert of Joytoy's screamo or 3L doing that high pitched voice.

>> No.10522912

>Why don't you want to appreciate the best of both worlds, anon?

No full-body bass effect and proper stereo image makes me hate headphones.

Nothing like feeling the kick drum in my gut and being surrounded by music instead of hearing it inside my head.

Anyway, I live alone in a concrete/masonry appartment so noise is not an issue.

>> No.10522926

Im using Shure srh 840s & Superlux 668b , though i want to upgrade to the new Audio technica ad900x or the Sony mdr-r1s. Probably need better amps though , since all i have is just fiio e6 & e7.

>> No.10522937

Get an O2. Never have to buy another amp again.

>> No.10522944

I'm not a music connoisseur in the slightest so even my AD-700 and the MDR-V6 was gifted are probably wasted on me, but what's your assessment on the production level featured on most doujin music?

>> No.10522955

Not him, but except for a couple of mega-circles, instrumental is pretty shit. Oh, and Crow's Claw have good production (for metal).

Even Ogata's albums that have audible distortion FFS, that kills it for me.

>> No.10522963

I've listened to the 650s. I didn't like them as much as the M50's. However this could have easily been because of the lack of an amp. The 650s apparently benefit quite a bit from one.
If that combo would be a considerable improvement over my M50's I might consider going for that instead of the LCD-2s. One thing I'd like to know though, how comfortable are the 650s? This is extremely important. The main reason I want to change from my m50s actually has nothing to do with the sound. I love them as far as sound quality goes. They are so uncomfortable though that I can't wear them for as long as I'd like and that is why I want a change.
I've thought of velor pads, but apparently they wreck the sound.

>> No.10522964

>but what's your assessment on the production level featured on most doujin music?

Mostly mediocre.

>> No.10523096
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Looks like no one here is using wireless headphones. Are wired headphones better than those wireless types. Tangled headphone wires is one of the worst things I've encounter in this world.

>> No.10523108

get a coiled wire

bam, problem solved

>> No.10523109

/mu/ has told me that my MDR-XB300s are super pleb

Is this true

Am I missing out on the true sounds of my girly girl anime songs and angry white boy minute long screaming sessions b/w distorted guitars and vacuum cleaners?

>> No.10523120

The problem here is i hate wires. Are wired headphones better than wireless in sound quality?

>> No.10523133

skullcandy in-ears, has nice bass, also nice sound direction for 3d games like hearing a spy decloak 😏

>> No.10523141


>> No.10523149

>Am I missing out on the true sounds of my girly girl anime songs and angry white boy minute long screaming sessions b/w distorted guitars and vacuum cleaners?

There's not really much to miss in that case.

>> No.10523150

I am a complete and absolute pleb when it comes to audio. I wish to completely change this around.

What do I need to purchase to become a real deal audiophile? Forgive me if this has already been answered, but I have only just begun to read the thread.

>> No.10523158

You can't afford to be a real deal audiophile. You want to be an audio enthusiast.

I'd recommend AD700s and an entry level ASUS soundcard as a start, or so. You could spend a lot more money, but that's silly if you're just starting out.

>> No.10523172

Please; money is no issue.

I fucking love music in all its forms, and I want to have the absolute best listening experience I can with a good pair of headphones.

Why do you recommend the AD700s? Why only an entry level soundcard? I wish to know all there is to know.

>> No.10523184

The same reason I wouldn't feed caviar to a starving man.

If you really want to go nuts something like the Sennheiser HD800s is the go. Presumably the O2+ODAC can power that, I don't know?

For more midrange, AKG Q/K701, Beyerdynamic 880, Audio-Technica AD900 are all nice choices.

>> No.10523196

I guess that makes sense.

I don't know a goddamn thing about all those names you listed to me, but it has given me a start into the door. I will go research them now.

Thank you.

>> No.10523199

I've heard good things about them. What don't you like about the M50's/how do they compare to the M-80's?

>> No.10523209

While we're asking retard's first audio questions, how much difference does the sound card and amp make?

>> No.10523210

sennheiser orpheus

this is a joke

>> No.10523240

Depends on the headphones and what you're comparing it to. Some phones (most ATs, for example) are quite easy to drive and don't care much, others (much of beyer's range) are very hard to drive and will probably need an amp to get acceptable levels.

Sources (DACs and such) seems to me to be a lot of conjecture and potentially snake oil. Obviously onboard sound is generally not great, but then people spending as much on a DAC as midrange headphones on a DAC is ridiculous. The combination mentioned in this thread is specifically designed to be transparent audio wise and reasonable affordable. Don't get me started on $400+ headphone tube amps.

>> No.10523294

Second poster here again, the HD 650 is great in terms of comfortability. The only other notable headphones I've had extended time with is the HD 598. Not only is the 650 more comfortable, it's also more snug. I can wear them for hours without fatigue unlike with the 598. I've fallen asleep with them on several times. It's also important to note I have an enormous as fuck head so finding comfortable headphones was a big thing for me, too.

>> No.10523614

After careful deliberation and a lot of research I barely understood, I have decided on purchasing the AD900 fuckerphones.

For a moderately cheap pricetag, they seem to be okay starters. Not super mega ultra heavy on the bass, but it still has a presence. Multiple user reviews have agreed they are comfy and have clear sound, as well. However, before I spend money willy-nilly, I noticed that they have AD1000s, as well.

Would those be more or less the exact same thing, but better? Do headphones just magically change intrinsically every subsequent number? User reviews and product descriptions basically say they are more or less the same. Would I be better served by simply getting those, instead?

Sorry to bother everyone with dumb as fuck questions.

I haven't even started on the sound cards.

>> No.10523783

I honestly have no idea about the 1000s. 900s are pretty well regarded for the price point. At the 1000's pricepoint I believe the Q701s become the popular contender.

>> No.10524066


Well, to be honest, you're going to have to exercise your capability to filter bullshit feedback with regards to headphones. People rarely diss the headphones they've bought, and every succeeding purchase, they try to justify the higher price tag.

>the bass of xxx now offers more rumbling! sweet!
>it might not have the bass extension of my previous headphones, but the bass is tighter so I'm starting to like this more.
>these headphones have no bass, but soundstage is wider and clarity is excellent! Definitely worth the buy!
All give praises to lack, existence, and presence of bass, and all are subjective.

To be honest, a good starting point should be buying a MDR-V6 or M50, both considered great bang for your buck, and people LOVE comparing other headphones to these two; so if you listen to M50 and end up saying: 'man, too much bass', you're going to have a lot of suggestions on an alternative to M50 with deemphasized bass.

>Do headphones just magically change intrinsically every subsequent number
No, or not always. As examples, some people consider the Sennheiser HD598 a bad buy, because you can get a HD558 for considerably cheaper and remove a foam in the internal housings to get nearly the same performance as HD598. Or an MDR-7506 is the same as MDR-V6 with warranty. Or an XB700 puts too much emphasis on bass that the cheaper XB500 is a more acceptable buy. K701, Q701, and K702 are considered equivalent, as well as HD600 to HD650. The list goes on.

TL;DR Buy a good and famous bang for your buck headphone, tweak your preferences according to that headphone for your succeeding headphone purchase, or end up satisfied.

Welp, we're going to /g/ territory already.

>> No.10524126

I use DT880s.

>> No.10524156

Well, that just about did it for me. I'll probably purchase the M50, then. Every single user review I have read so far has gushed on about how excellent they are; and if it is as you say, then I simply can't go wrong.

I was also going to purchase the "O2+ODAC" thing people were talking about throughout the thread. Is this acceptable for babies first time? Is there some other alternative that is comparable and/or better without being extravagantly priced?

Also, do I need to buy a soundcard if I get the O2ODAC thingy?

>> No.10524172

Good monitor headphones in the sub-$100 pricerange? ;_;

>> No.10524224

You don't need an amp with M50, but you could use a DAC of some sort. You won't need to buy a soundcard if you get a DAC plugged in via USB, as I believe sound completely bypasses your soundcard that way.

If you end up getting a DAC, I would still recommend you consider getting the O2+ODAC combo or whatever DAC/amp config you want, just in case you decide to switch to other headphones that need an amp in the future.

>> No.10524286

There were multiple reasons I disliked the ATH-M50, mostly because they didn't suit my purposes:
1. Uncomfortable. People always gush over how soft and plush the pads are, but they turn hard and crack in less than a year. Hurt my ears like hell.
2. Too flat-sounding. The newer ones (white box) are surprisingly neutral. I felt there was a lack of bass, and I'm not even a basshead.
3. Impractical for portable use - too bulky. The cord especially contributes to this. No remote/mic for touchscreen device users.

The M-80s have a somewhat smaller soundstage (granted, they're on-ear as opposed to over-ear), but I think sound quality matches or exceeds the M50's.
They're slightly bassier -- enough for my tastes (electronic, rock, instrumentals, etc.). Otherwise, they're fairly balanced, meaning the mids aren't lacking.
I think they're a tad more comfortable, despite being on-ear.

>> No.10524327

>They're slightly bassier -- enough for my tastes (electronic, rock, instrumentals, etc.)

More bassy than the M50s? Good grief.

>> No.10524415

sony mdr-v6

>> No.10524965

I have a pair HD 202 but I don't use them that much. Currently I am more into IEMs, SHE3580 to be specific. Fun sound, and the bass is just perfect, not too emphasized. I definitely enjoy listening to music with them on more than hd202.

>> No.10529664

Because of this thread i remembered that i havent tried the Audio technica ESW-9 yet , and yesterday i listened to the esw-9. Well fuck , now i want one but im broke as hell so i cant really do anything but let that beautiful mids haunt me forever ;_;

>> No.10529684

I use ATH-M50s. I'm satisfied with them, mainly because I don't have the money to upgrade them, and doing so would probably mean that I would have to buy a DAC or amp as well.

>> No.10531391
File: 116 KB, 800x1000, b7eac97a3f4296ca9411c2d95a776640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently have an HD 558. They're really comfortable, in fact, they're the first, and only headphone to be comfortable on my ears. Still, I can't sleep with them because I sleep on the side, and I heard they're fragile; so far they resisted fairly well.
The foam mod is an improvement, but it has some minor drawbacks as well, I don't know proper audiophile lingo to describe it, though.

I will upgrade in the moderately-distanced future, and I figured that I might as well ask my fellow /jp/ers a couple of questions:
HD600/650, BD880 or K701 ?

Also I only have a shitty audio chipster.

usb soundcard or dac+amp ? Or an internal soundcard like the adlib ones?
Or both?

is E10 worth it, and if yes in which cases?
Or should it be disregarded and only higher quality dac/amp should be considered being bought?

>> No.10531423 [DELETED] 

The only reason to be audiofeel :

>> No.10534300
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