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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 459x650, dan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10500511 No.10500511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's this thing on Danbooru about? Is there some kind of trick or purpose to this?

>> No.10500522

The guy is "upgrading" the site and so I guess he's doing a clean start.

>> No.10500528

it's danbooru 2


I wish the fonts were smaller, feels too big

>> No.10500529

>breasts that are larger than three heads
Wasn't this just larger than the head at some point or am I imagining things?

>> No.10500557

motherfuckers broke the loli/shota displaying script again.

>> No.10500563

Motherfuckers broke everything.
Danbooru 2 is a work in progress, please wait warmly.

>> No.10500572

So what's actually besides breaking things? I notice pools for many things I look at like Touhou Tag Dream are gone...

>> No.10500587

It's still there. But they did move the list of pools from the top of the picture to the side. Thank god, having the picture shunted to the bottom by a list of pools was horrible.

>> No.10500625

if it was, then they did well to fix it. breasts larger than heads are far too common for that

>> No.10501775

Gelbooru needs an upgrade.

>> No.10502321

Can you no longer see deleted posts? That's horse shit.

>> No.10502340

There was also a problem where pools and other things are now case-sensitive, where previously they weren't. Tag subscriptions are acting strange, and they forgot to change a lot of "uploader:" tags to "user:".

Waiting warmly for the project to be abandoned and reverted back to oldbooru.

>> No.10502387

It's just them re-enforcing their facist uploading rules.

>> No.10502395

Click-thru licences and contracts are legally meaningless (FOR YOU) federally and in all but like two states.*

For THEM? Well, the thing serves as a disclaimer or a confession. Anything legally-stupid people say sticks. To them. Like glue, even if they change it, as long as there was some reliable record of an old version someplace. Among other things, on 4chan this is one of the many, many reasons you don't want people who are basically still /b/tards making official, capcoded posts etc.

*In the supposed rest of the world, everything just all depends on the whims of the family, cult and/or bureaucratic kleptocracy in charge of the particular country, so who knows.

>> No.10502413

Why did they decided to change anyway?

>> No.10502455

The site's layout

Gelbooru was already upgraded to not accept toddlercon.

Note Danbooru still accepts it, but not giant breasts.

>> No.10502464

I know it's the site layout, but why?

>> No.10502466

I don't give a shit about the subscriptions because I use their ATOM feed for free.

>> No.10502482


>> No.10502520

Aren't we on WEB3.0 yet?

>> No.10502605

Web2.0 was so good that once we hit web3.0 we went straight into web4.0/2.

Scientists are still trying to figure out where we're at technically.

>> No.10502743

Anyway, enforcing those rules would be a pain

At least they just make you wait instead of charging you $10 or whatever

>> No.10502749

I don't mind the layout, actually. It doesn't look that much different from the old one.

>> No.10502814
File: 229 KB, 828x531, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also changed the object layout or something, now all my bookmarks saved on a certain page are gone. And m-my arrangement!

>> No.10502823

Sankaku Channel is better. Prove me wrong without addressing the godawful journalism section.

>> No.10502845

That is really bad. I'm done with danbooru. I don't need to bee using site that only shows mod-approved content. I like freedom.

>> No.10502857

Why don't they just add golden showers to prohibited content? They almost never approve it anyway because the fools who paid always vote it down immediately.

>> No.10502942

I've permitted cookies but this *still* comes up every time.

It's the most stupid click-through thing ever. I'm guessing it's triggered by a JavaScript redirect on page load, so that thing happens where you see the post you want for a short while, it pops up, you agree, then you have to hit back because it doesn't seem to redirect back to the page you were last on.

>> No.10502955

Does SC even link to the source?

>> No.10502960


>> No.10502964

This has fucked up my way of browsing the site. Fuck this and fuck them.

>> No.10502981

I like that the copyright/character/etc. tags are separated instead of just color-coded, but everything else is awful.

They haven't even done that much, but it seems most of the changes were for the worse.

>> No.10503138

who gives a damn I use gelbooru

>> No.10503197

over half of the things uploaded to danbooru don't go to gelbooru. the danbooru uploader bot is broken or pretty laggy.

>> No.10503699

post script please?

yeah, we cant see that. its over, danbo is for touhou pic only...

>> No.10503772

what script? the one that broke and no longer works?


>> No.10503808

I find myself uploading stuff to gelbooru now instead of danbooru or both. The only reason I upload to danbooru first is when I want a faster translation of something.

>> No.10503863

Tag categories are kinda messy.

You can search and view deleted things with a privileged account except there's no page numbers listed. You can add &page=# as a workaround and then the "previous page" button appears as well.

>> No.10503897

so basically you'll need a script to view them now, like the loli/shota stuff.

fucking jews.

>> No.10503953

I thought a script was always necessary to view deleted pictures, or at least for some cases. But actually it's worse because status:deleted has no page navigation barring that trick. loli/shota is as before.

>> No.10503956

Am i missing something here? With the old layout clicking on Pools allowed you to search for specific ones by typing in words at the top of the page. But i can't find any pools that way now. Searching for "Hot Legs" results in nothing and i know that pool exsists.

>> No.10503965

It's status:deleted like it always was.

>> No.10503971

You used to be able to at least see the thumbnails. Fucking cunts.

>> No.10503996

The searching is godawful and robotic. "legs" doesn't work, but "*legs" does. And for some stupid reason they use underscores instead of spaces.

>> No.10504032

geez, that's annoying and pointless. But thanks, at least that works for now.

>> No.10504384
File: 70 KB, 720x408, !eatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest shit so far in that year. Worked just fine the way it was. It's like when YouTube trolled by removing "sort by date". Next they'll replace PNG with BMP and demand JPEG compression below 50. Poitnless shit by scriptkids.

>> No.10504675
File: 13 KB, 552x114, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, should we move to gelbooru ?

>> No.10504685

Or you could just type leg

>> No.10504709

I'm not judging this until it's done.
But holy shit is it bad right now.

>> No.10504726

I hope danbooru gets fixed and everyone leaves gelbooru

>> No.10504881

My dream is to have a site that combines everything on pixiv, the boorus, and exhentai into one site, with the same quality of tagging as danbooru. If only people autistic enough to pull off something like that existed.

>> No.10504895

Has anyone noticed or had any problems with aliased tags, especially with new submissions?

>> No.10505004

I really wish there was a super comprehensive website to keep track of video games in the style of VGMDB so I could have a good way to track the games I own.

>> No.10505008

Like this but not a shit?

>> No.10505033

and no commenting or rating allowed!

>> No.10505036
File: 143 KB, 1902x991, dannybourough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should offer an option to change the default font size on the website

>> No.10505039

I don't like the way it doesn't show the exact number of posts each tag has. Hopefully a script will be made to fix that.

>> No.10505048

So what did this upgrade actually upgrade? All I'm seeing is removed stuff.

>> No.10505061

ctrl+ and ctrl-

>> No.10505066 [DELETED] 

It's a step towards both appealing more to a broader audience and making more more from people. Next, rape and abuse images will only be able to be viewed paid members. The normals will be pleased, and the site will get more money from those stupid dirty perverts.

>> No.10505073

It's a step towards both appealing to a broader audience and making more money. Next, rape and abuse images will only be able to be viewed by paid members. The normals will be pleased with this, and the site will get more money from those stupid dirty perverts.

>> No.10505078

yeah thats what i did but it makes the picture small too

>> No.10505081

>It's a step towards both appealing to a broader audience
How does this appeal to a broader audience?

I'm a normalfag and oh man I LOVE sites with shitty layouts and interfaces! Take my money!

>> No.10505089

Only members can see deleted posts now, which tend to include many things that normals would find offensive. Also, normals love simpler, bulkier interfaces that work well on smart phones.

>> No.10505098

>Only members can see deleted posts now
It was like that before.

>> No.10505101

Paid members, I mean.

>> No.10505114

It was like that before.

>> No.10505119

No, it wasn't. You could still see deleted images without being a paid member. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.10505133

What? Bullshit, since when?

>> No.10505139

You were able to see deleted posts with "status:deleted" or "status:any"
Not anymore though.

>> No.10505146

Right, right, but you couldn't actually see the images past the thumbnails.

>> No.10505149

I could, but I'm not sure whether that was thanks to a script or not.

>> No.10505166

That would be beautiful.

>> No.10505180

i'm a paid danbooru member

>> No.10505189

Give me your login :) We can share your account.

>> No.10505194

I'm pretty sure you could without the extension or priv'd account but only for some of them. banned_artist is one exception, I don't remember if the extension allowed that.

Not a lot that I can see. Moving the pool list is about the only welcome change I found.
