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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 555 KB, 806x648, らくえん_2013-01-26_18-23-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10487324 No.10487324 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10475516

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10487337
File: 836 KB, 810x632, 俺たちに翼はない~AfterStory~_2013-02-14_06-41-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing: Oretsuba After Story, but I'm almost done with that. I think I'm going to play 2nd Love, Kurox3, or Hello World next
Looking forward to: Reminiscence
Finished: White Album 2, Rakuen

>> No.10487426
File: 170 KB, 640x400, ALCG0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Kichikuou after a long time. Last time I played it, I stopped somewhere in the middle for no apparent reason.

>> No.10487429

What is this, France Rance?

>> No.10487432

Koiken otome.

I don't really have an opinion yet except for feeling bad for the protagonist for being so powerless.

>> No.10487441

Are you me? Playing that too, also still at the start.

But damn the interface is sexy. It has the smoothest animations out of all the eroge I've played. I don't even bother skipping the eyecatches.

>> No.10487445

No kidding huh. And yes the interface is delicious indeed.

>> No.10487453

Just king of Leazas Rance.

>> No.10487528

The writing in Rakuen was so good.
Too bad it seems like the writer didn't do anything else and disappeared from the scene

>> No.10487534


Reposting because the interview of Masada is really interesting

>> No.10487538


Is this translated?

>> No.10487543

Does it say there it is? No? Then it's not.

>> No.10487545

Of course not. The general rule is that if you have to ask then it isn't translated.

>> No.10487566
File: 189 KB, 600x800, Dorothy.Woodstock.full.1160572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, i've got a problem, did anybody read Sekien no Inganock? im at the part when Kia meets Dorothy and at that point character voices just stop. Is it some kind of a bug, error or whatever the shit? how can i fix it, or does it fix itself later on? Im pissed a little couse i really like that VN and not hearing the voices is just wrong
(couldn't find the answer on google)

pic related, its Dorothy

>> No.10487580

Did you download the full voice version?

>> No.10487581

You fix it by downloading the Full Voice version of the game instead of the original, partially voiced one.

>> No.10487588
File: 113 KB, 500x640, c20130214_kkkvita_14_cs1w1_500x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice interview 4 new side scenarios seem really nice, especially Ryuumei's. Also Shirou lookng as nice as usual, save for the head.

>> No.10487596

Ok didnt know about the full voice version, downloaded it a while back thanks ^^

>> No.10487651

I like how both Dies Irae and KKK end with Rea and Ren's marriage.

>> No.10487922

Finished Makina's and Amane's routes in Grisaia. The game took way to long to start going. It would've benefited a lot from a tighter script.

>> No.10488087

I hoped the common route would enver end since you kind of can tell what will follow.
It's also so fucking hilarious.

>> No.10488136

I still reread random skits of the common route at times.

>> No.10488176

I got tired of the common route.
It was fun to read at the start but then it never seemed to end and the jokes were all the same thing. I was trying my hardest to not ctrl through near the end.

Yuuji's anecdotes was entertaining though. I missed it when I entered the respective heroine routes.

>> No.10488778

Just finished the first Kara no Shoujo.
And the true end was every bit as depressing as the anon in the last thread told me. At least being Shuugo wasn't so much suffering this time.

That aside, they did leave some stuff leading in to the sequel. I'll get around to reading it in due time.
Has anyone here managed to get far in the second game? Any Impressions?

>> No.10488823

is tamamo even captureable? she's fuck a flaming lesbian I don't even thing she has a route or its probably forced

>> No.10488839

She has a sub-route.

>> No.10488849

so what its not even a real route? should I even bother?

>> No.10488870

If you want to. I personally don't particularly fancy the idea of lesbians falling in love with men.

>> No.10488882

is the route even you know, real or is it just tacked on?

>> No.10488890

Don't know, I haven't read her route yet.

>> No.10488954

>She has a sub-route.
She's a main heroine. And not really lesbian at all.

>> No.10488983

that scene on the train was pretty gay

>> No.10488999

Are you sure? From what i have seen she seems like a dyke.

>> No.10489020
File: 180 KB, 800x600, prich_ex 2013-02-14 16-30-08-024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Asurana have an H-Scene?

>> No.10489030

It's not that she is a lesbian, it's just that she knows how to appreciate Shirasaki's physical traits.

>> No.10489032

that's pretty gay

>> No.10489043

It's like you guys have no reading comprehension at all or something.

>> No.10489050

What do you mean?

>> No.10489055

well from what I've seen she's pretty much full lesbian, over protective of her rights, hates her old style family, and wants to protect and be around shirasaki.

Typical womans lib lesbian if you ask me and pretty gay, ruined my valentines day

>> No.10489058

why does she even have a route she abandoned cock she shouldn't get a second chance at it

>> No.10489183
File: 219 KB, 1296x733, sdsfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just be over here playing my yuri games, then

>> No.10489191

I don't hate yuri I just hate when the tease you with characters like this and then BAM they were gay the whole time lol can't have

>> No.10489204

What are you even talking about.

>> No.10489209

I don't think I've every ran into a character that I thought was a heroine but it turned out you couldn't get her because she was gay in my entire life. Maybe that teacher in Sekai Seifuku Kanojo, but I knew from the beginning that she didn't have a route.

>> No.10489227

whats he face from noble works can't remember her name, the daughter of the lingerie place

>> No.10489245

Please be a troll. I don't want to believe someone can be this stupid.

>> No.10489249

she was pretty gay she liked seeing girls in their underwear

>> No.10489430

No, and don't remember me.

>> No.10489705

I don't want to keep playing.

>> No.10489973 [DELETED] 

Fuck, finished Senri route and I'm sad because of Kana. I probably should've played her route last or something because it feels pretty terrible to go for Senri after.

I'm pretty sure the people going on about yuri are either trolling or they for some reason have heavy duty yuri goggles on for some reason.

>> No.10489977
File: 362 KB, 1278x720, p1245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, finished Senri route and I'm sad because of Kana. I probably should've played her route last or something because it feels pretty terrible to go for Senri after.

I'm pretty sure the people going on about yuri are either trolling or they for some reason have heavy duty yuri goggles on.

>> No.10490024
File: 317 KB, 1284x724, tamamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did Senri first and it still felt terrible because I know Kana has the best personality.

Have a piece of a normal H scene in Tamamo's route.

>> No.10490028

Is 世界感 the same as 雰囲気? I saw a lot of these tags in EGS.

>> No.10490064

Waiting so damn warmly for pastel chime 3

>> No.10490103

Do you mean 世界観?

>> No.10490137

Anyone know the AGTH/ITH code for CROSS†CHANNEL 復刻版?

>> No.10490182
File: 169 KB, 1280x800, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There seems to be 4 non-bad endings and to see the latter 3 you need to complete the first one, which I just did and found it quite to be a disappointment, few deaths, few h-scenes, and no Touko whatsoever.

Guess the real deal will start only from the second time you play the game.

>> No.10490229

Has anyone played any of the Memories Off games?
I noticed that there were quite a few games in the series and was wondering if it was worth investing my time into, or maybe if there was one noticeably better than the others.

>> No.10490420
File: 143 KB, 800x600, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Jabberwocky I in Subahibi after spending what was probably way too long intermittently reading while getting distracted by other releases and I have to say, this is probably one of the best written scripts I've read in an eroge so far. I almost don't want to finish the last couple chapters just so I can have more to read when I pretend not to have to worry about exams and shit.
On a side note though, is there any reason Takuji's VA said "私" instead of "ボク" at this point or was it just someone fucking up and not catching it? Not that it really matters or anything.

>> No.10490457
File: 108 KB, 799x601, 私.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember him using 私 on a few occasions when giving his grand speeches. Probably just a mistake.

>> No.10490534

His VA is a she, dude.

>> No.10490542

Everyone knows that. The character is still a he.

>> No.10490556

I hope it will show up today.

>> No.10490564

Speaking of Pastel Chime 3, the brands that are known for VNs with gameplay are Alice Soft, Eushully, and SofthouseChara, right? I've hated every gameplay VN I've tried, but they've all been turn-based strategy games or SRPGs. So I've been wanting to try a VN whose gameplay isn't in those genres, and hopefully pretty simple.

>> No.10490573

They're the most famous brands for it, yes. But there's also companies like ninetail, escu;de and Lilian from the top of my head.

>> No.10490574

You missed Giga

>> No.10490576

Alice Soft - SLG&SRPG
Eushully - TRPG
Softhouse Chara - All kinds of SLG
Ninetails - Territory SLG
Dualtails - Territory SLG
Gesen18 - Territory SLG
Escu:de - ???
Debo no Su (Studio E.go) - SRPG
Eternal - SRPG

>> No.10490578

I got a weekend off in Osaka, a wallet full of Japanese yen and I want to find a place to buy VN's

Does such a store exist in Osaka?

>> No.10490580

What about Tenco

>> No.10490584

Tenco only has one game.

Giga isn't really a gameplay company. Their only gameplay eroge are the Baldr series and the Dual Savior series. (And the defunct Variable Geo series.)

>> No.10490586

Yeah but they're a fairly new company and already have a sequel in the works.

>> No.10490592

Thanks, I'll check out their games. I'm thinking of Akatoki because I watched some videos on youtube and it looked pretty fun. Not sure if there is a word for that type of gameplay or not, I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to those things.

>> No.10490594

Lilian(Pajamas soft& Pencil) - ???
KISS - Custom Raising Sim

>> No.10490609

Just finished playing demonion and I hated it. I'm going to play maou to odore: code arcana now and hope it has a happier atmosphere.

>> No.10490614

Nine-tail is more like card battlan & RPGs

also forgot Yatagarasu too which has some varied gameplay games.

>> No.10490634

Go to Nipponbashi (also known as den-den town). Its like the Akihabara of Osaka, though smaller. Wander a bit and there should be something

>> No.10490640
File: 19 KB, 483x163, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this happen when I try to install princess kiss? I've never encountered something like this before and I can't find anything on the internet about it. Has this happened to any of you before?

>> No.10490642

Your ISO is corrupt?

>> No.10490643

I thought that was it too at first so I downloaded another one from a different source but I still get it. I don't think the source files are corrupt either since no one else has mentioned this.

>> No.10490647

Your antivirus might be interfering with it.
Did you try copying that exe manually?

>> No.10490655

It doesn't seem to be the antivirus but for some reason I could launch the game directly from the disc. I can't save but I guess I can play it like this from start to finish.

>> No.10490660

You can just copy the whole thing to the harddisk and it will run.

>> No.10490662

I just did and it works now. Thanks.

>> No.10490685 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 798x596, I cried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing: Clannad ~After Story~
Looking forward to: Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~, Da Capo, Shuffle!
Finished: Clannad

This is the first VN I've played properly and I think it's fantastic - I love the soundtrack, characters and story.

>> No.10490691


Getchu ranking is out.
Hatsuyuki first as expected, pretty terrible ranking in general

>> No.10490700

The end is like the anime?

>> No.10490699

Well 2012 is a shit year for eroge.

>> No.10490702

Remember, that's only sales.

>> No.10490708

No, that's the popularity ranking

>> No.10490706

On the subject of gameplay VNs, one I never hear anyone talking about is Shojo to Maou to Tactics.

Of course, that might be because it's not that good, though from the point of view of someone who hasn't played it (like myself) it looks like a decent SRPG that doesn't take itself very seriously.

>> No.10490709

No that's for votes.

Here's getchu's sales ranking for 2012

>> No.10490710

>Clannad ~After Story~
is it the FD?

>> No.10490714

If we are talking about gameplay, do doujin rpgs count?
There are quite a few I liked

>> No.10490719

new game is being written by Tanaka Romeo, but it's "pop and casual" by his own admission
might be harmless fun

>> No.10490720

Holy fuck.

>> No.10490721

The anime is like the end

>> No.10490736

I don't think so, after you finish collecting seven orbs a new option opens in the menu for After Story.

I haven't seen the anime yet, I wanted to finish playing the games first. But that CG was the end of Kotomi's path.

>> No.10490750

Lol at Romeo saying there is no chance he will crash his company this time
Looks like it will really be pretty casual, should be fun.
And not before 2014 I guess

>> No.10490752
File: 300 KB, 600x850, 1360929770962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How crazy will she be?

>> No.10490766

What are you talking about, look at those pure eyes, there's no way she'll be crazy!

Because it wasn't very good, though it's not too bad either. Could've been better in any case.

>> No.10490767

Oh, same artist as Cross Channel.

>> No.10490773

>crash his company this time
What is that referring to? Did Cross Channel flop?

>> No.10490778

Cross Channel originally flopped but it got a popularity revival later (mostly thank to Nasu actually).

But he is just referring to the Romeo curse, basically most of the time after he makes a game, the company he is in crash. Well it's just a joke with the fandom.

>> No.10490782

June will be pretty cool

>> No.10490793

Fuck yeah, Pastel Chime 3 is out.

>> No.10490837

waiting for ssg. file

>> No.10490849

Well at least they got the first place right

>> No.10490854

No Neon. This list is bullshit.

>> No.10490883

why do you expect niche recognition in a popularity context?

>> No.10490949

Shimizu Ai strong!

>> No.10491036

Yeah, between that and Totono, June is looking promising. Anything else interesting coming out this summer?

>> No.10491046

I think it's going to have a horrible drm that makes the game unpiratable. The USD stick might function as a hardware dongle for example.

>> No.10491065

No such thing. Anyway, hardware dongles are traditionally pretty easy to crack.

>> No.10491069

Raidy III was unpiratable.
Or maybe it was just too hard to crack and nobody wanted to bother since you have to be online all the time.

>> No.10491082

Well, yeah, practically unpiratable is different from actually unpiratable. But I don't think we'll have that problem with a N+ game. Probably.

>> No.10491088

>Raidy III was unpiratable
Whoa, this game isn't leaked yet?
I don't even see it on share.

>> No.10491120

It won't ever be leaked. The only way you can play it is to buy it since they only released a physical edition with online DRM (I think the same one was used in diablo III)

>> No.10491159

Is there any specific order for Chocolat Curio? More in the 'leave this heroine for last' like Rikako sense.

>> No.10491171

I'm not sure we should be expecting Totono to come out in June, since Nitroplus have been hella slow with their releases lately. Though the website opening in April may imply otherwise.

>> No.10491181

There isnt a specific order but Kanako Normal unlocks a hidden route which unlocks Kanako true.

However imo with ragards to playing relative routes sequentially Misato, Tachibana/Mako/Suzu, Midori, Kanako series.

Generally, I think in terms of quality Kanako T = Midori > Suzu > Misato > Hidden Route = Mako > Tachibana. So Id put Suzu between Mako and Tachibana

>> No.10491180

6/28 is the release date according to Getchu. That's not to say it won't slip, though.

>> No.10491183

Leaves Midori - Kanako for last

>> No.10491187

Oay, thanks. Suspected Kanako would be the mainer heroine just like Rikako was in 2nd brew but damn doing more routes in between kind of feels tiring. Should be good at least.

>> No.10491211

So how is いろとりどりのヒカリ?

>> No.10491216

Yeah, I somehow missed that. But my point still stands.

>> No.10491217

Based on the few reviews I read it's just more of the same, if you liked Sekai go for it

>> No.10491223

Then do you know how Sekai is? I've never played it.

>> No.10491226

Incredibly boring and with a text that seem like it was written by a 12 years old girl.
But the setting was cool, too bad.
Try it and see for yourself, it's a love or hate type eroge.

>> No.10491335

It's a shame because there was that chapter in the common route that made me go "aw yeah things are picking up now", then a complete flatline until the final route spasm. The main emotion I had in the ending was "I'm glad it's over"

>> No.10491350

I liked MIo's route, mainly because I'm a sucker for her kind of drama, but yeah, a total bore with pretty art.

>> No.10491408

I presume the reason it doesn't get widely adapted is because of the inconvenience it causes to legit purchasers?

It sounds like it would be a good way to greatly decrease piracy from the developers standpoint.

>> No.10491432

My first thought upon seeing totono's USB thing was that it might be because many laptops don't have a DVD drive nowadays, could be totally wrong about this though.

>> No.10491448

That's almost certainly why they're doing it. Simply due to expense I doubt it'll have any sort of hardware-based DRM. And since Nitro+ programmers seemingly can't code their way out of a paper bag, it's unlikely there will be any trouble cracking it unless they license a DRM solution from someone more competent.

>> No.10491549

Can anyone post me the image of how Lady Ada looks like in Celenaria (or whatever game she was actually shown)? Can't find any cg on google save for hcg

>> No.10491595
File: 85 KB, 500x400, cele_chara10a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10491603

thanks, any ingame screenshot or something

>> No.10491775
File: 374 KB, 1366x768, partey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The characters in Pastel Chime 3 are pretty fun. I hope there is H for the fujoshi magician.

>> No.10491777

Why is that guy tied up?

>> No.10491783

this is Majikoi?

>> No.10491789


>> No.10491848

So, where should I start if I want to play some doujin games? Other than the famous titles like Higurashi/Tsukihime

>> No.10491904

This site lists and recommends already released as well as upcoming doujin games.

>> No.10491908

Himawari, Myth/Agni, Tokyo Alice, JQV, Mugen Yakou come to mind
you might want to look out for the resident guy who posts his impressions of doujin titles he thinks worthy

>> No.10492389

So all this talk or eroge drm has me spooked so I guess I'm going to have to buy all my eroge now.

Does tenso care if you ship eroge? their site says they don't allow "obscene material" what does that even mean?
Will customs arrest me?

>> No.10492465

How the hell does A connect with B?

>> No.10492520

shipping obscene material over state lines is illegal in the us, now what qualifies as that and if eroge is being rigorously checked for I don't know.

>> No.10493012

Looks like there's an anti-cheat protection in place.

>> No.10493168 [DELETED] 

supernova is FUCKED

>> No.10493171

You mean like ArtMoney doesn't work?

>> No.10493182

Yeah it just reverts the value.

>> No.10493299
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, Grisaia2 2013-02-16 01-56-49-66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is stressing my suspension of disbelief. This is the US military, not some backwards 3rd world shithole army. People getting diseases would end up costing them more money anyway.

>> No.10493346

I've been playing Steins;Gate, but I'm come at a point where I'm not sure what to do. The walkthrough I'm using says to "create save point" in Chapter 3 after that it mentions a text from Faris. What does it even mean? A literal save state? It seems like something simple, but I don't want to have to start all over from an oversight like this.

>> No.10493375

It's much closer to vietnam-era US army in many ways. Including the area they're fighting in and such. The author's probably read a lot about that war

I mean, time-wise, he'd have been in Iraq or something, not a jungle. It's obviously not "the real world"

>> No.10493454

I buy eroge through Tenso regularly and never had any problems. I'm in Europe though, so I don't know how the US customs handle eroge.

>> No.10493482

>This is stressing my suspension of disbelief.
Aren't you in for a treat

>> No.10493622
File: 339 KB, 1366x768, 無題.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, can't grind affection points. Better think twice about which characters to take with you on quests.

>> No.10493637

How is the gameplay? Especially compared to Alice Soft's other most popular games. Are the story and characters interesting?

>> No.10493678

Waiting for ssg file

>> No.10493680



>> No.10493682

Chinese have cracked it for sure.

>> No.10493689

It is literally just creating a new non-quick save at that point, before you make any more significant choices so you can go back to it later.

>> No.10493700
File: 20 KB, 315x274, 1359138234309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You REALY believe this?

>> No.10493701

>It won't ever be leaked.
There was another eroge last year that required a constant net connection. It doesn't come with the script file, instead every line is fetched from a central server.
That game was leaked early on even though it can't be cracked.

Not that anon but playing it right now too.
It's anime-ish and pretty fun but not being able to grind affection points is suffering. I like the protag and the heroines.

Also there's tons of attractive sub-characters, which are probably unfuckable. ;_;
I guess we'll have to wait for pascha3 C#.

>> No.10493706


これはbackup1 ^ backup2でも割り出せるのでecxとした場合、

eax = value ^ ecx
edx = ~eax & 0x0000FF00
edx |= eax >> 24 & 0xFF
edx <<= 8
edx |= eax & 0xFF
edx <<= 8
edx |= ~eax >> 16 & 0xFF

といった感じで、backup1 = edx、backup2 = edx ^ ecxが成り立ちます

>> No.10493707

EPIC reaction image.

>> No.10493760

having a hard time finish it

>> No.10493768

>Also there's tons of attractive sub-characters, which are probably unfuckable. ;_;

Why, just to string us to buy the fandisk that will come after?

>> No.10493788

Or they might have wanted to make nice characters regardless of heroine status. Are you asking for writers to make a character shitty unless she has ero/a route?

>> No.10493865

HCG is out. Besides the 5 main heroine, only the principal, the mad doctor and some green haired girl have hscenes.

>> No.10493883


Well, not quite; but this is Alice soft and they've never been afraid to do so with plenty of girls you get to toy with (like collecting trophy). Just started it myself to see how it plays like


Thanks for the information

>> No.10493955
File: 341 KB, 1360x768, alicethemagicalconductor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing alice the magical conductor. The production quality is incredible.

>> No.10493959

What's BP used for?

>> No.10493974

How about you try to look at the goddamn status screen once before asking stupid questions?

>> No.10493983

Sorry, I didn't see the tabs...

>> No.10494007

I like her design but that pose made it look like the maribou trim on her gloves is funky armpit hair.

>> No.10494013

is your armit hair around your lower ribs?

>> No.10494016

There are so many good sub characters and yet so few get hscenes eh? What a pity.

>> No.10494110
File: 601 KB, 1280x720, sppr8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame it didn't sell very well.

>> No.10494123

Even the angelic Hotaru can't save Minori from being in red.

Guess everyone were expecting something like patches for h-scene, which completely out of the radar.

>> No.10494143
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, ev00_013a01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy yandere imouto can save them!

>> No.10494153

still working my way through KS. yeah, i'm slow.

3 out of 5 done, walking hand in hand with Lilly now, so to speak. saving Hana for last.

>> No.10494157

Waiting warmly for minori to go full nukige

>> No.10494158

It's their fault for putting out an all-ages game.
I really don't understand why eroge companies jumped on the all-ages bandwagon last year.
Did they really think not having hscenes would increase sales?

>> No.10494246


May be they wanted to do a port to consoles/portable, so they did the all-age version as preplan.

Looking at the sales (getchu list), the yandere imouto did save them so it's going to be quite contrasting to what they will release next.

>> No.10494274
File: 231 KB, 800x435, c756396package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picking it up, /jp/?

>> No.10494293

Sup /jp/

I recently started downloading a bunch of VNs, and with some of them I ran into a problem I had only encountered once before. The games check for the version of kernel32.dll that Windows is using, and since it's not Japanese, it won't allow me to play them.

Is there an easy fix for this, like simply downloading a JP kernel32 file, or changing some settings in Windows?

I'm on XP SP3 32-bit and using AppLocale. Installing the Japanese version of Windows or hex-editing to remove the checks is too much trouble for me.

>> No.10494330 [DELETED] 
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What are you supposed to do once the affection points cap?

>> No.10494339

Probably, I can't say the trial excited me but the doujin version has a pretty nice reputation and I want to see why

>> No.10494406
File: 390 KB, 1366x768, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend time with the character on a non-story event day.

>> No.10494410

Yeah, realized it after I hit my first non-story day.

So far with this pacing it doesn't feel like it will take too long to complete.

>> No.10494473

I guess I'll try Tokeijikake no Ley Line.
I didn't do the first one when it was released since it had a pretty bad reputation but the sequel seems to be pretty liked.

>> No.10494849

Moe team vs /jp/?

>> No.10494953

Does that guy rape your female members if you fail to defeat him? Kinda like the anti-NTR system in Oyako Rankan?

>> No.10494958

Yeah, absolutely. That, Natsuyuru, MLA:TE, and KKK's port are all I'm looking forward to this year thus far.

And Oretsuba PS3 if it has additional content.

>> No.10494959

I've looked over the hcg set and (unfortunately) there doesn't seem to be any ntr scenes.

>> No.10494985

Talking about it, what are you people expecting this year?

>> No.10495143


>> No.10495214

Not even with that teacher whose name they keep pronouncing wrong? I felt fairly certain there was going to be some NTR with the elf there.

>> No.10495227

Grisaia no Rakuen and Madou Koukaku are the ones I'm looking foward to most, Baldr Zero too to some degree

>> No.10495242

How much Japanese did you know before you attempted to read visual novels?

>> No.10495247

Continuing aventure in doujin game land I did the first chapter of ソラヘノキセキ, the trial actually contains the first 3 chapters (out of 5).
Well it wasn't very good, the plot has potential (it's about a bunch of kids who try to make sense of 2 criminal events that happened) but the flow is pretty bad, the focus is all over the place and the serious scenes really lack power.
It seems to have a nice reputation though so maybe it's just not for me, anyways I'm dropping it

At least the opening is fully animated so I'll give them points for trying (even though the opening was obviously made by tracing the second opening of Toradora heavily)

>> No.10495255

I couldn't even draw a kanji (ok well except maybe 一)

>> No.10495256

grammar and basic vocabulary

>> No.10495262

What is basic vocabulary?

>> No.10495267

At least 6000 words.

>> No.10495269

manko and penisu

>> No.10495274

Don't forget about the very important kimochii.

You can now read nukige.

>> No.10495275

Can we please not turn this into another "How do Japanese, ~uguu~" thread?

>> No.10495295
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Oh yeah the opening

>> No.10495373
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>all ages

>> No.10495707
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>> No.10495778


>> No.10495881

> naked Michiru with shark pouch on

I heartily approve.

>> No.10495884

Making good games could save them.

Which is why they're doomed.

>> No.10495891

They probably saw how well Rewrite did and were arrogant/stupid enough to assume they could pull it off too. It's Key, it was going to sell a kajillion copies regardless of adult content, and minori is never going to do numbers like that no matter what they do.

>> No.10495897

go away yumiko no one invited you to this party

>> No.10495919

You will never fuck your sword.

>> No.10496105

what untranslated VN do I have to finish to prove to myself that I can read them?

>> No.10496110
File: 912 KB, 800x600, 1245513783566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I already have...

>> No.10496163

Albatross and Muramasa

>> No.10496179

so everything else can't help me learn?


>> No.10496771

>They probably saw how well Rewrite did

Did Rewrite really do that well? The story was mediocre at best. Hinoue needs to art school to learn how to draw basic perspectives correctly. The music was pretty good but that doesn't exactly sell games. Frankly, I regret spending all that time reading the whole thing. Was it solely because of advertising and hype?

>> No.10496823

#11 of the year on Getchu.

Supipara didn't even enter the top 100.

>> No.10497141

Don't forget France Shoujo.

>> No.10497283

If I remember correctly Key said it sold over 100.000 units. I guess you can doubt the sincerity of the statement, but even though its reception wasn't anything particularly amazing it sold like hotcakes

>> No.10497367

France Shoujo has furigana for fucking everything and just spam a lot of prewar kanji in a boring way, it's not hard.

>> No.10497395

Calm down.

>> No.10497405

It is hard if you don't know more than the average 2k kanji. It's got 3k something in it. I wasn't implying it was hard to read otherwise though.

>> No.10497464
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>> No.10497514

Is it important to read Oretsuba prelude before going into the main game? I actually already read Haneda's prologue in the main game so I'm wondering if I should go back and read the prelude before going any further. However it's labeled as a side story on vndb so I really don't know what to do.

>> No.10497516

Finished Kara no Shoujo 2. That fucking ending. KnS 3 when?

>> No.10497520

Not really important but it's worth it to read for Watarai.

>> No.10497522

It's not "important" but it's a pretty nice addition.
Especially the Asuka's part is great to show how she really works.

>> No.10497543

So it's worth going through all the boring stuffs?
Because I'm not sure I want to continue

>> No.10497604

What was up with the third girl who had a story in prelude anyways? She was mentioned here and there in the main game too, was it just a device to write about Haneda from an outside point of view?

>> No.10497611

I'm pissed that she doesn't have a route. I like her better than that emo bipolar girl.

>> No.10497616
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>> No.10497651
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>> No.10497666

something you'll be familiar by the end

>> No.10497667

is erogedownloads seriously the ONLY place one can ddl vns?

>> No.10497683

No, you're just stupid.

>> No.10497698


I think it's worth getting to the true end, since it does bring some closure. It reeks of a sequel hook though.

>> No.10497759

So the second game wasn't the end then?

>> No.10497764

emulous not mean 模倣

>> No.10497891


It can be considered a proper conclusion to the first game as Reiji finds Touko's remains. But their baby was taken away by Naori who is currently on the run.

>> No.10498199

How is that a conclusion? You could do that in the first game too.
I really hate the way this series only offers bad endings. It makes the mechanics of the game and investigations feel completely pointless.

>> No.10498262
File: 95 KB, 800x600, sarr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some weeks ago I started playing Ever 17: The Out of Infinity.

Basically, you're stuck in an underwater theme park with some people. Kinda boring at first, but the game gets interesting after you finish a good route. Then you want to know everything about this game.

Seriously, Coco's route aka True route, is the best story you have ever read.

Not fucking with you.

>> No.10498263

I liked the sister brother one. Real touching.

>> No.10498506

I feel like I'm the only one in the world who didn't care for the true route. The "reveal" was unbelievably stupid and my suspension of disbelief couldn't keep up. And plot holes everywhere.

>> No.10498672

I thought the mirror scene and the Tsugumi scene were good but everything else was quite trite.
Still better than Remember11/12Riven/999/VLR though

>> No.10498766

Where do you guys get your VNs from? Do you download them? If so where from?

>> No.10498782

sukebei nyaa, Share, PD, anime-sharing, animebytes

>> No.10498785

New/semi-new stuff: nyaa.eu
Obscure/old Jap shit: Perfect Dark, Share, clubbox
Last resort: those download sites you find via Google
Last last resort: call my cousin in Area 11 and have him bring it over during Christmas

>> No.10498792
File: 85 KB, 798x599, midori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Misato/Sayaka/Mako/Suzu routes in Chocolat. I like it so far, it's well done and quite happy to read, the humor is good too.

So far, the only route that has disappointed me was Misato, not only you could see everything coming from a mile the moment she appeared, but also her last month was literally no events save for a sex scene and then one at the very end, which makes the transition from friends to lovers harder to swallow than in the rest of the routes.
Mako's was surprisingly good, I thought it'd be nothing but sex and her being dere and ara ara, but the last part of it was interesting. Sayaka's was good too, simple but effective.
Suzu's was better than these and makes me wish Maruto did an incest eroge with the little sister as his main heroine, seeing her suffering and a love triangle with the childhood friend.

If I have one complaint is that the routes are super short compared to partfait, I wish june wasn't done in the pick your event mode and was instead a straight VN the moment you decide you like the girl, would be better.

Now to Midori, she's awesome and my favourite of the bunch.

>> No.10498892

I just finished 殻ノ少女.

It was sad in an annoying way.

And I'm apparently too dumb so I had to use a walkthrough, which made it less fun. I don't even know if I want to play 虚 anymore.

>> No.10498975

>I liked the sister brother one. Real touching.
Wincest was promising in that one. I'm sure they fucked later after the game events.

As for E17 I never found the true route something exceptional or anything, I wonder if it's just me. It was nothing more than an end where everyone is well and happy. Ok but nothing special. Still there are a few things that was absurd though.
I liked its atmosphere and setting more than anything. Near future with interesting inventions and being trapped in the middle ocean and all. Lemu was fantastic as well.

>> No.10498978

so how many VNs actually work under linux? I'm guessing none.

>> No.10498987

Natively? The ones built under renpy, so a lot of the oelvns.

A lot of VNs can be run through WINE too.

>> No.10499000

Yea I figured, since no directx but doesn't WINE basically just emulate windows so don't problems come up?

>> No.10499019

Yes. Which is why the best option is to dual boot. The second best is to use a virtual machine.

>> No.10499025

You know you could get killed by evangelists for saying that. Either way, check the main db or a japanese db. They have fixes for most.

>> No.10499034

Wine is not an emulator, please stop tickling my autism

Yes, Wine supports DirectX, but that still doesn't mean everything is going to work perfectly

>> No.10499072

Well I was kind of just asking if anyone here has had some notable issues with it, that's all

"the db" sounds dubious.

>> No.10499255
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A comrade among us.

>> No.10499270
File: 243 KB, 1025x768, Oyako_Saya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start playing Oyako Rankan again after putting it off for a few month and got a Game Over because this faggot made Saya pregnant before I did.

Any tips on increasing/planning the heart level so that my heroines aren't being raped every night? I got around day 29th and Saya got blitzed by the village chief, Shinji, and the butler within 1 day.

>> No.10499275

You might as well not trust WINE then considering that it is hosted on the project's web site. Dual Boot or VM and safe yourself the trouble.

>> No.10499288

The general consensus is that the game is too hard. If you don't want to pull your hair out, use the walkthrough.

>> No.10499303

>Wine is not an emulator

Surprisingly many. The two big VN engines in Japan are NScripter and KiriKiri. NScripter has an open source implementation (ONScripter) where you can basically go into a VN's directory, run "onscripter", and play the game perfectly. I played Tsukihime, Saya no Uta, and both Monster Girl Quest games in Linux using onscripter.
Here is a pretty outdated list of games:

Most Ren'Py games have native Linux builds, but Ren'Py is primarily used by OELVN authors. With KiriKiri you're screwed, though a few VNs I've tried run okay in Wine.

>> No.10499332


>Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator")

>> No.10499360

Did you get both endings? Most of the characters have two endings.

>So far, the only route that has disappointed me was Misato
I liked Misato's route, the endings are hilarious.

>> No.10499397

>not using a walkthrough.

>> No.10499438

Zengyouji sure is living the good life. Being a rich otaku with a personal maid and all that.

>> No.10499459

Too bad there's no hscene with the maid. ;_;
I guess I'll just fap to Daiteikoku's emperor since they look similar.

>> No.10499510

>The name Wine initially was an acronym for WINdows Emulator.[6] Its meaning later shifted to the recursive backronym, Wine Is Not an Emulator in order to differentiate the software from other emulators.[7]

>> No.10499554

Yeah, it was changed because it's not really an emulator. The wikipedia page you that got that quote from explains it perfectly:

>The phrase "Wine Is Not an Emulator" is a reference to the fact that no processor code execution emulation occurs when running a Windows app under Wine.

>> No.10499624

You don't have to emulate a different instruction set in order to be an emulator.

DOSBox running on an x86 machine is still an emulator, for instance, since you're emulating a DOS environment. Same goes for Wine on Linux.

>> No.10499677

DOSBox is an emulator because it really does emulates the processor instructions. Wine does not. Just google for why Wine is not an emulator and you'll see a lot of answers. Anyway this is my last reply because this is going off topic.

>> No.10499713

I just bought a PSP, what translated eroges are available for it and which would you all recommend?

>> No.10499756

>Wine does not.

Yes it does. It emulates the Win32 API, so you're running the instructions you would run through a Windows function rather than, say, a native POSIX function. The machine level instructions are way different (Win32 is seriously fucking horrible, never ever learn it). It's the same with DOSbox.

>> No.10499839

Feel like the only things that get any discussion in this thread these days is to talk about stuffs that have nothing to do with VNs

>> No.10499856


>> No.10499895

Corpse party is the closest thing I could recommend.

>> No.10499905
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Still looking forward to the translation of this. I can't wait.

>> No.10499912

Many VNs don't really inspire much discussion unless you dig fairly deep into them. Most of the impressions we get in here are pretty clear cut. Rarely people may have questions, misunderstand something, or have an opinion way off the norm.
Backlog clearing does tend to generate some discussion though.

>> No.10500026

Do you want us to go on an endless circlejerk like 2ch eroge boards or the /vg/ and /a/ vn threads?

>> No.10500033

wich majikoi fuk?

>> No.10500043

The blonde one. Blondes are good for fuck if you know what i mean.

>> No.10500124

The vast majority of VNs are either vacuous in discussable content (moege/nukige: my waifu is better than your waifu) or pretty clear cut and unambiguous that doesn't need much discussion (Muvluv alternative: omg, the feels were so good).

The ones that can generate endless discussions are episodic like Umineko where 3/4's of fun is to discuss far-fetched theories online anyway, or ambiguous ones where not everything is explained (can't think of one right now). These types of games don't come out very often, and even if one did, it'd have to be good enough that more than a couple of people read them.

>> No.10500130


Maybe he wants to see some decent posts like in the past? These threads have been absolute shit for the last few months. There's been a marked degrade in quality since October.

>> No.10500136

The normal posts seem just like normal. The only part that's gotten worse is that they've derailed to japanese discussion or metashit more easily. Speaking of which, lets stop this conversation.

>> No.10500138


What are some discussable games that's come out since then? I certainly can't think of any.

>> No.10500203

Started Grisaia 3 trial. Why aren't all all games in 720p? It's 2013 for Christ's sake.

>> No.10500248

>It's 2013 for Christ's sake.
Which is why 90% of everything that's not some half-price nukige is in 720p? You haven't been reading very many VNs in the last 2 years, have you?

>> No.10500291

My point is, there are some games that have no excuse for using a lower resolution. For example, Grisaia 2 and Mahoyo.

>> No.10500362
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Many of the games let you change the resolution. It just stretches it though, so it's a little blurry. But like that other anon said, most games are 720p nowadays.

>> No.10500409 [DELETED] 

Does anyone remembers Baldr Sky's fictional year?

>> No.10500425

Does anyone remember Baldr Sky's fictional year?

>> No.10501001

So rather then what VNs work through WINE what VNs don't work through WINE?

>> No.10501275

Try them and find out.

There is also onscripter for nscripter VNs.

>> No.10501497

Need more reviews and shit like this, seems like the only one who is doing his job is the doujin guy.

>> No.10501498

『グリザイアの楽園 -LE EDEN DE LA GRISAIA-』3/29から5/24に発売延期。

>> No.10501499


>> No.10501502

Pastel chime has been pretty damn enjoyable to play so far. Though the story is pretty predictable.


>> No.10501504

Maybe my Google-fu is weak, but I don't see anything announced on Rakuen's website or the few blogs that I dug around just now.
Is this on twitter?

Ah well, I'm kinda glad this might happen since I need some time to finish the previous series first and I don't want to be accidentally spoil in this thread.

>> No.10501510

Source is on Twitter but I can't post the link since 4chan thinks it's spam
So here

>> No.10501514

I always try to post my impression of games once I finish them, but sometimes I hesitate if the game is already very discussed here or if it was just some random moege or otoge or something. Also lately I haven't been reading much at all.
I kind of go through a cycle where first I'll do nothing but read VNs in my spare time, then I'll come to a sudden stop and read maybe 1-3 titles over several months. I'm at the latter stage right now. I still look over what's going to be released each month and download them, but I haven't got around to playing anything. I still have Daitoshokan, Shiro no Pikapika Ohoshi-sama, and Natsu no Owari no Nirvana sitting untouched on my hard drive from last month.

>> No.10501522

>Ah well, I'm kinda glad this might happen since I need some time to finish the previous series first and I don't want to be accidentally spoil in this thread.
Same here. Of all the places I've visited on 4chan, this thread is pretty much the only one that actually uses spoilers properly, but I still have been mildly spoiled a few times. So I'd prefer to read it as soon as it is released and avoid the thread, just to be extra safe. And I still have to read Meikyuu, goddamn I am such a procrastinator.

>> No.10501544

First Reminiscence now this.
I hope Madou Koukaku doesn't get delayed.

>> No.10501548

My next bet is on Baldr sky zero. It just feels so appropiate.

>> No.10501553


>> No.10501568
File: 419 KB, 1024x682, 1361177590240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it won't be a disaster like Suigetsu 2

>> No.10501574

This is actually good news for me. Now I can focus on exams without being torn into reading this all the time.

>> No.10501592

Not good for me though. Its original release date is during my Spring Break so I can take my time reading it.
This new release date is right before my final exams. I would have to wait 2 weeks to read it.

>> No.10501593

I doubt there is danger for Madou Koukau being delayed, Eushully is pretty good on keeping their dates and them always releasing their games on same month. trial should be out next this week too

>> No.10501616

So is Narahara Ittetsu still doing stuff at Nitro+? Is he just secretly working on some secret project that will be completed 2014 to never?

>> No.10501617

It's like they wanted to tell Reminiscence "You tried to get more sales by not going up against us? Too bad, fuck you"
Oh well, more time for the inevitable Eushully addiction. Speaking of which trial should be out this week.

>> No.10501642

New thread: >>10501640

>> No.10504471

Have some shame in regards to how new you are.
