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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10479450 No.10479450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do our tastes in girls must also change along with our growth? I've realized it ever since I was young that I am into lolis and prebuscent girls. I never liked MILFs like my "peers", I've always liked cute petite girls. Will we ever live to see a revised law about this?

>> No.10479457

Probably not, the hate towards you is just something you have to live with as shitty as it sounds. Nothing is ever going to change. Just always be yourself and don't let anyone change that.

>> No.10479460

you are fucked for life pedoboy

>> No.10479465

As much as it sucks, the chance of the law changing is little next to none. Our only hope is for loli cybords or androids in the future. Until then, hold on your life as long as possible.

>> No.10479464

I can relate to that OP. I was the same way. Though I guess I can still be attracted to younger girls. Almost 2 years ago I met a girl and she was only a junior in high school. It was a real live trap. I am even attracted to that girl in the "I see a Pedo" photo in that thread yesturday. It is just natural, but I am not sure it is right. When you see a 25 year old with an 18 year old than it seems wrong.

>> No.10479471

I feel like we've had this thread every fucking week for the last six months.

>> No.10479475

8-10 best age

>> No.10479476

when I was like 13, I kept downloading real CP off fserves and fapping to it

now I grew out of that, and I no longer deal with this 3D pig digusting shit and only do proper 2D loli

wonder what was wrong with me back then

>> No.10479477

Because we did

del del del del del del

>> No.10479481


>> No.10479484
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Well and I feel like can't have any good thread without edgy kids posting shit, nothing against you, nigga. You're okay.

Fuck OP I know that feel. Yet again you have to be open for new stuff and don't clink to your likings all the time.
I was always interested in girls that are smaller then me and thin as fuck. Someday that slightly chubby girl at school starts talking to me. We get along well, yet I don't feel anything for her. She confessed me her love later, couldn't answer it because "hurr durr I want mah loli girls". Shit continued like that for 4 months until I gave up and got together with her.

Man she was the best thing ever happend to me. Too bad she got drunk and fucked her cousing.

>> No.10479505

10 million threads about this.
The female can be attractive from ages 5-40's

>> No.10479500

This isn't a good thread, and they are becoming more repetitive than touhou imagedumps, go talk about your feels somewhere else you shitstain

>> No.10479509

>touhou imagedumbs
>loli feels

What else is there to discuss in the otaku culture ?

>> No.10479511

People think of sex when they hear "CP", but that's bullshit. There's nothing wrong with you as long as you only watch the videos where some exhibitionist 9 years old loli does naked stuff in front of a webcam.

>> No.10479512

Of course you wouldn't known, /a/bomination

>> No.10479516

>You will never marry a pure loli ;_;

>> No.10479521

>more repetitive than touhou imagedumps
Hahaha, no.

It's impossible to talk about this IRL. It's impossible to talk about this on the internet. /jp/ is the last bastion, like it or not

>> No.10479523

When are you guys gonna realize little girls will never like you back? You actually disgust them most of the time.

>> No.10479527

>never been to /a/

Guess again.

>> No.10479529

I'd be willing to be buried alive if I could revive three days later and spend my whole life with a loli.

I'm not sure if I'd be willing to spend my whole life with a loli and THEN be buried alive, though. The fear would prevent me from enjoying my life.

>> No.10479531

but I've only ever seen vids where they were actually getting fucked

>> No.10479533

This is why I absolutely love /jp/.

>> No.10479538

Being buried alive is suffocation. Not really much worse than hanging if you don't have claustrophobia.
Being burned alive, now that's painful. I rate that pretty high on the most painful ways to die list I have.

>> No.10479534

Yeah sure, I'm having a grate laff right now dude

>> No.10479536

Doesn't matter if she's unconscious.

>> No.10479539


But that's wrong, little girls in general are responsive and will like you if you're a good person. I just want to hug and protect them!

>> No.10479541

Not my case. I'm not bad looking and the lolis seem to notice that something is "wrong" with me, so they always want to spend time with me and shit. It's like they have a sixth sense.

I don't usually meet lolis, though. My cousins live far away.

>> No.10479549

Makes me happy to know that I made someone laugh.

No seriously. I've never been on /a/

>> No.10479550
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Unfortunately for you, your preferred girl is easily manipulated, so there are laws to protect their ignorance/innocence.

>> No.10479551

You all should stop being a neet and run for presidency to correct this very important issue. I will vote whoever you are. You have all /jp/'s votes.

>> No.10479555

>protect innocence
>literally every alcohol product is advertising itself toward the young generation
>they have their first time drunk and will not remember it

>> No.10479557

The best way to die is having a huge ass rock (the size of a tall building) crush your head without you even noticing it.

Being turned into a butterfly and eaten by a spider is the absolute worst.

>> No.10479562


Shit, don't even try to think of that. That's kind the level of getting eaten to death by millions of cockroaches.

>> No.10479568


it has nothing to do with 'manipulation'

anyone can be manipulated, not just children. there are some children who would be more informed and responsible about sex than some adults.

sociopaths tend to be manipulative but are allowed to have sex with other people anyway

it's because it's a taboo

>> No.10479578

>downloading real CP
I get the urge to do that sometimes, either I go to exhentai and fap it off to toddlercon or I DL some junior idol crap.

>> No.10479574

the girl on the right appears to have a sizeable erection despite her tsundere demeanor

>> No.10479576


Speaking of this, which country has the lowest age of consent again? Somewhere in Asia? How do you find and hook up with lolis anyway? I have no loli relatives anymore. They are all grown up.

>> No.10479581


She's either a futa or a trap. Left girl is the best though, no arguing with that.

>> No.10479580

They are manipulated in a lot of ways by soccer moms and greedy fucks. Why is sex such a big deal? It would be "manipulation" out of pure love, not greed.

Also, most people who would want to fuck a kid are pedophiles. Most pedophiles don't want to manipulate them. Very few girls would actually be tricked and ""raped"".

Let's make chocolate illegal. Some sick fucks may give it to their dogs and kill them. Who cares about people who love chocolate? THINK OF THE DOGS.

>> No.10479583

Why's it OK to manipulate children into going to the dentist, or eating foods they dislike, but it's not OK to manipulate them into sex?

>> No.10479592

Average humanity morals.

>> No.10479589

I like how the only answer you can come up with towards someone who is stating a plausible fact is some /a/b/v/ catch-phrase.

>> No.10479591

Most <16 teenagers are more easily manipulated than most adults, be it physically, mentally, emotionally.

>> No.10479593

I still do it now and then, I just use Share EX2.. there's tons of it

but the quality is always so shit that I end up bored and go back to watching hentai

>> No.10479596

The lowest age of consent? Some third world shithole. If you don't like shitholes, you can go to some almost third world shithole like Mexico (12) or to a first world shithole like Spain (13).

You can't fuck white prepubescent children anywhere, sorry. No, you can't even be their friend if you are not a blood relative.

>> No.10479600

lel ur a gud troller

>> No.10479601

Yeah I would never try trick anyone, what's the fun in that is both people don't fully want to? Nothing is good about forcing someone to do what they don't want to. Sex is such a big deal because people have been brainwashed into thinking it's anything more than that.

>> No.10479605

Who would want to fuck prepubescent girls anyway? Those are for cuddling. Puberty and later is where it is at.

>> No.10479606

I wish Ephebophilia is at least allowed. The girls around those ages can properly think for themselves in this day of age. Their minds are more developed and more mature compared to lolis. At least this make it happen, I beg you future.

>> No.10479608


Feel free to answer the question. Since it's a 'troll post' it should be really easy.

>> No.10479609

>Most pedophiles don't want to manipulate them

Pedophiles can't be scumbags, just because you're one?

>> No.10479611

Many moralfags think the average human is stupid and hate religions.

Why are they still brainwashed? I don't get it.

>> No.10479614

Use Tor and be careful.

>Share EX2
You are going to jail.

>> No.10479617

We've dealt with the cocksuckers in due time. When are we gonna deal with the surge of pedophiliac /pol/ rejects who think they're in good company?

>> No.10479621

I remember reading that it's legal to view child porn, just not to download it, because otherwise FBI agents and other people who have to view CP 'cause of their line of work would get arrested.

>> No.10479623

Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.10479625

You can't be serious.

>> No.10479626

If you're imaginative you can try reading stories. Even if most are fake, imagining the things play out in your mind and idealising the characters can be exciting.

>> No.10479630

It'll take longer because they can backtrack and say they'll talking about "lolis", also there is a history of real pedophilia on this board so they can make a flimsy stand on that basis as well.

Personally I have nothing against 3D fucking normies, since they give birth to people who are useful. But this really isn't the place for them to talk about it.

>> No.10479627


This post is a heap of retarded crossboarder sentiment.

Scurry back to /v/ or wherever you came from.

>> No.10479629

I'd want to cuddle with a loli whenever I visit a relative or they visit me but I'm always afraid she might tell it to them or casually let it out.

>> No.10479632

What's your family like? Would she think it's weird if you just asked her for a hug?

>> No.10479634

>It'll take longer because they can backtrack and say they'll talking about "lolis"

It's the same thought process that led /a/ to blogshitposting and "improving" their life. They're doing it for their waifus!

>> No.10479635


this is the place to talk about whatever i got the feels like, tosser. the jannie can't stop me 'n' neither can you.

love, shite poster

>> No.10479637

Find one who blackmails you over it, even if you have to engineer the situation for it to happen. They're smart enough to keep their trap shut until the well goes dry.

>> No.10479638

No, I don't want it to happen. I'd also love to see a future where gays are hated again. Those traitors managed to be socially accepted and became "that former bullied kid who becomes a bully after a weaker kid appears".

>> No.10479639
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If we don't marry lolis they will grow up, get an 'education' and become part of the workforce instead of sucking your dick all day.

>> No.10479640

Whenever people talk about "lolis" here it is about 3D most of the time. It's just used as a cover word. If you aren't new here you should know that by now.

>> No.10479644


conscious dental care will prevent unnecessary pain(cavities etc) on the part of the child.

>foods they don't like
Eating healthily is in the best interest of the child. Fatass parents who let their children raise their risk for diseases like diabetes are shitty, unresposible people.

>> No.10479648

Yes, just because I'm sick of watching you discuss and pity-jerk each other off it totally means I'm a normie /v/tard. At least you took the time to try and act like a /jp/er. Too bad that effort goes to waste when you can't stop being who you are.

>> No.10479647

Hahaha who's new here? I never refer to the 3D version when talking about loli.

>> No.10479653

Being a pedophile doesn't make you a scumbag. The average human, pedophile or not, isn't a scumbag.

At least that's what normies think. It's "the truth". Why shouldn't it be applied to pedophiles? Hell, they love children while normals "like" them at most.

>> No.10479651

I believe the context made that rather apparent, nonnativespeaker-chan.

>> No.10479649


Why have you been spamming all this #slaythegay rhetoric? Obviously no one takes it seriously since the tone is so tongue-in-cheek (almost like a parody of homophobes,) but you seem pretty sincere sometimes.

>> No.10479658
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>> No.10479660

Don't get me started on being manipulated by the dental industry all through my life by doing all this shit to my mouth that I didn't want done beyond cleaning. I wanna ruin and rip out the teeth people who ruined my teeth with their braces and other devices they put in my mouth and tooth extractions in the name of "making them look better" as they line their pockets with my parents money by tricking them into thinking it was all needed. The dental industry is one of the most terrible, abusive businesses out there and I'm not letting them touch my teeth beyond cleaning ever again. Now they want to extract more teeth from my mouth. Fuck that, they aren't doing anything else to me.

>> No.10479666


I dont usually do any physical actions with anybody so it would come out unusual and therefore weird.


I see, the success of that happening is not in high probability though.

>> No.10479670

You can hide at my place, ain't no dentist ever even touched one of us, you'll be safe here.

>> No.10479675

I can talk about my loli feels whenever I want, bully, the janitor agreed so if you are disastified please go back to SA and let us /jp/ers share our feelings and stories

>> No.10479679

Sex: unharmful on its own to children, feels good, contraceptive use eliminates all risks. Illegal to 'manipulate' children into this.

but it's ok to tell children that they won't grow if they don't eat broccoli

i don't understand

>> No.10479680


>I see, the success of that happening is not in high probability though.

True, but I'd want at least that much as an insurance policy if I were considering acting on such a relationship. If she can't show proof that she understands how the relations will be seen by others and make a conscious effort to keep it from getting out, shit ain't safe enough for me. Hypothetically, of course.

>> No.10479682

>an adult loves them and wants to cuddle with them
Love is important. That adult is gonna love her more than her parents do, believe it or not.

>> No.10479686
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I find it hilarious how you guys go all edgy on each other.

Oh boy this board gives me the chuckles.

>> No.10479687

Is dental care really that bad in the united states? I've had no issues with dentists trying to trick me. I really needed braces because my teeth grew all wrong and I had a couple of cavities, but never once was I persuaded into getting more treatments. Money was never an issue because of public health care. I did hear some horror stories about how dentists chip away at wisdom teeth instead of really removing them just so they can do another procedure on you to remove them entirely, but those are generally rare stories.

>> No.10479695

Well, I can't relate to you. Never had a cavity because my mother made me eat healthy and brush my teeth.

Sorry dude, but when you want to fk a loli, you're doing it because you desire the pleasure. You don't care that the girl has developed little to no sex drive. It's a selfish act.

>> No.10479699
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>> No.10479703

Children can enjoy sex, faggot. I fucked bitches when I was a shota and it was fine.

>> No.10479705

It's common among people I know, but they never tried it on me due to being laughably poor. Normal health care isn't much better. I don't profit should fit in with one's health at all.

Not who you asked by the way.

>> No.10479706

From Northeast US, never had a problem with dental care. Can't say much for the shithole rest of the country.

>> No.10479707


>You don't care that the girl has developed little to no sex drive. It's a selfish act.

So? Being 'selfish' is illegal now?

The worst case scenario, if you remove all the bullshit stigma that tells children that they have been 'abused', is that the kid spends up to half an hour being bored.

>> No.10479714

Dental care doesn't always do shit, some people are born with what's called "soft teeth" which are teeth with little or no enamal, and they get cavities like crazy no matter how well they take care of teeth.

>> No.10479716

>because you desire the pleasure
Bullshit. I'd rather see the loli naked, kiss her whole body and make her feel good than do anything with my dick.

Love makes you want to have "sex", it's natural. And it's so damn easy to fall in love with a cute child.

>> No.10479716,1 [INTERNAL] 

hi my name is jannieboy

i loev big jew cock :)

>> No.10479716,2 [INTERNAL] 

I was in the same position about a year ago. Very slowly I started doing things that I wouldn't normally do, like sharing food with cousins, or changing diapers, or whatever. I don't think it'd be that odd if I asked for a hug now.

>> No.10479716,3 [INTERNAL] 

owned for lyfe noobs

>> No.10479716,4 [INTERNAL] 

/ghost/ - Shitposting Culture

>> No.10479716,5 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus christ, /jp/ a shit. Full of fucking normalfags and newfriends. This thread is current /b/ bad.

See you losers later, I'm off to /warosu/.
