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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10471204 No.10471204 [Reply] [Original]

What do Japanese themselves think about the global enthusiasm towards them?
I mean I'd be fucking proud of my country if there were similar amount of love of it.

>> No.10471207

they don't care because the only people who go nuts for japan are undesirables, poor smelly nerds that post on imageboards all day

>> No.10471211

So you\re Japanese I see

>> No.10471218

Eh Japan is one of those countries that just has a very favorable image in the west. Aside from people who work in the auto industry of course.

obsession is another issue entirely.

>> No.10471242
File: 68 KB, 500x333, 化け物.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean particularly otakus and other weeaboos.

>> No.10471262

They also blame the West for piracy of their cartoons

>> No.10471278

Well that is reasonable right?

>> No.10471310

>global enthusiasm
That ended at least half a decade ago.

Outside of the weeaboos and people with yellow fever Japan is largely unpopular. Their technology lead dwindled down to nothing, their entertainment became more and more insular, and the country is now known for it's xenophobia, overworking, and arrogance(regarding things like whaling, territorial disputes, or the real or perceived historical revisionism).

It's particularly noticeable on the internet, where every time Japan is mentioned in any context people flock to bash it and make fun of all the delusional Japanophiles(who are nowhere to be found outside of the middle and high school demographics).

I'm personally absolutely okay with this.

>> No.10471342

Yeah, it's all Korea now.
Unfortunate, because all their women look like my asshole without any makeup.
At least other Asians can look like women without makeup for the most part.

>> No.10471352


I refuse to believe people like this are actually from /jp/
Everything about the way they think and post is just so disgusting and normie it really depresses me to think they're even here
Oh well

>> No.10471358

> the country is now known for it's xenophobia,

That is only amongst people who have no knowledge of anything, in other words same people who think communism is bad.
Only very, very smal percent of Japan is xenophobic.

>> No.10471370

That's because they're crossboarders, silly.

>> No.10471403
File: 32 KB, 301x317, 1358957783737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you like that marx dick in your butt?

>> No.10471407

I'm not saying that's what I believe, I'm saying that's what people in general believe.
Well, actually, the people who have no knowledge of anything might be the only who still view Japan favorably.

The wave of entitled westerners who went to Japan without knowing shit about the culture and got burned because the Japanese didn't line up to suck their dicks, which spread their whining around along with the advent of blogging, did a good job of putting the idea that Japanese are extremely xenophobic in the head of an averagely informed person.

Particularly conflated with actual reports about Japanese being racist fucks to some people(hint: not White westerners).

>> No.10471429

so much bugurt

>> No.10471446

Great post.

>> No.10471548

It's a pretty strange feeling when you come into contact with people who adore your country and have many silly misconceptions about it. I'm pretty sure it's the same for the Japanese. Also, >>10471207 is pretty much right on the spot. I've never met a weeaboo who wasn't an unpleasant person in many aspects.

The only reason why I deal with this bullshit is because of VNs. Sometimes I imagine how it is to just read them without any correspondence with other people who share my interest. No one would miss me anyway and it sure would be better for my mental health. But somehow, I always find my way back.

>> No.10471557

Nobody here knows what they're talking about. Japan doesn't really have all that much global enthusiasm towards them. The anime/manga industry is a very small part of the country as a whole, and not many Japanese know about weeaboos because weeaboos are usually too poor or young to visit Japan out of interest. You're all seeing the world from a really sheltered point of view, which it should be because you're on /jp/, but don't talk like you know shit.

>> No.10471566

Communism IS bad. But of course you won't think so, because you are a NEET scumbag who would rather die than put effort into work for even a day.

>> No.10471573 [DELETED] 

Good luck, please slave away for my benefits.

>> No.10471665

God bless the murrica.

>> No.10471679

you brought it on yourself
why did you mention communism in an unrelated thread anyway?

>> No.10471684

>Aside from people who work in the auto industry of course.
Why? Rivalry?

>> No.10471693

Democracy is WORSE.

>> No.10471699

I get the feeling you're not smart enough to debate this.

>> No.10471702

Complete bullshit. Normals don't think that about Japan. They don't hate it nor care too much about it. They know about Japan's weirdness more than anything, but they knew it back when Japan was cool. Nowadays the interest in Japan dwindled and stuff like gangam style probably hit the nail in the coffin of Japan as something popular among normals. The "weird, quirky asian pal" is Korea now. The Japan hate you see on the internet comes from the same people who like it but are aware of all the twelve-year-olds and con-goers who like it too. I take it you're a /pol/ browser. The xenophobia and the revisionism you mention don't even reach these people. I take it you're a /pol/ browser.

>> No.10471713

Japanese cars suck though. They're boring, bland, appliances that are becoming more and more expensive due to the value of the yen.

If you want to buy the former glory of a Japanese car you should buy a Hyundai. This isn't the 1980s anymore, Japanese cars are garbage. If you want proof, drive a Camry or an Accord back to back with any of the competitors and you'll see how terrible they are.

>> No.10471715

>I take it you're a /pol/ browser. The xenophobia and the revisionism you mention don't even reach these people. I take it you're a /pol/ browser.

I obviously didn't mean to write the same sentence twice. Sorry about that.

>> No.10471717

Weeabooism is nowadays more near the autist and asperger audience whereas Kpop is normals.

>> No.10471728

I already mentioned it in another thread, but this pretty much sums up why Kpop is shit to me:

>> No.10471734

No-one listens to kpop in the west besides korean weeaboos. The few korean groups that tried their luck abroad failed to impress. Normal people's opinion about Kpop is the same as the one they had about Jpop 10 or so years ago: it's there, it's insanely popular in their countries so it must be good. Now excuse me while I go back to listening to Justin Timberland.

>> No.10471740

I don't get it.

>> No.10471742

No, I never visited /pol/ or any of its ilk.

But I do get outside of 4chan often and browse news websites, more or less popular blogs, and sometimes aggregator websites like redit and such, and yeah, that's pretty much how it is. Even amongst the utter normals on facebook Japan is known at least for the whaling and karoshi, and the xenophobia is pretty commonly known, too.

Oh, I absolutely agree that a lot of people talking shit about Japan are tsundere about it(see: /jp/), but that doesn't mean they're the only ones - it's the status quo now.

>> No.10471747 [DELETED] 

>Surprise bars

I'm quoting crossboard scum.

>> No.10471749

Kpop is pretty big amongst the teenage/young adult online gamer population, and those are pretty much normals these days.

I personally feel it's more widely accepted than jpop ever was.

>> No.10471750 [DELETED] 

Check your white male privilige, cis scum.

>> No.10471752 [DELETED] 

lol epic XD

>> No.10471754

I think so too, JPOP was considered something as 'lol so radumb xD' while it seems that people raise Kpop to almost general pop music level.

>> No.10471756

Shit song, shit video. Everything about seems geared toward normals. I hate it. If you like it, I'm sorry.

>> No.10471758


>> No.10471760

>Kpop is pretty big amongst the teenage/young adult online gamer population, and those are pretty much normals these days.

The kpop-listening gamer of today is the Jpop-listening gamer of five or so years ago. They're part of a very specific clique. Just because gaming is more popular nowadays doesn't mean you'll be catching normals associating with the deeper aspects of the core communities.

>> No.10471766

People who listened to jpop pretty much always stemmed from anime fans.

Not the case with the kpop ones.

Plus, kpop simply has much more appeal for western listeners than jpop, both in the style of music, as well as the way the girls are made to look.

>> No.10471776


Kpop in the west is for hipsters and normals. They never cared about Jpop.

>> No.10471787

K-Pop is marketed to the world unlike J-Pop. The Koreans know how much the world loves their cheap shitty products so they show off their cheap shitty women as well.

They're marketing geniuses.

>> No.10471795

I hate to use this term, but back in the day I met enough people that listened to Jpop and didn't care about anime to make me believe both aren't necessarily related. Sure, they threw around titles the same way a secondary throws around touhou names, but they didn't watch any of it.

The kpop fad's stepping stone isn't anime but other things, like gangam style, starcraft and assorted music-unrelated media where Korea has a sphere of influence.

>Plus, kpop simply has much more appeal for western listeners than jpop, both in the style of music, as well as the way the girls are made to look.

Subjective as it is and as un-normal as I am, I beg to differ. The lyrics can never be good because Korean, in all honesty, sounds like someone trying to spit on you. The women look as good as in Jpop, which in turn look as good as in western pop. Yet Jpop faded away from normals' minds quickly enough. Why is this? Because no-one is going to bother listening to music with lyrics they don't understand.

Make no mistake about it. The Kpop fad hits the same audience and will fade just the same as Jpop did. You're welcome to shove it in my face how wrong I am in ten years' time, but at that point I'm convinced the next "big thing" among "normals" is Vietnamese pop and people in korean culture boards will be discussing it the same way we today discuss Kpop in the otaku culture board.

>> No.10471802

Not exactly discuss. The better word for it is "address". We hardly talk about kpop except in thread like these. For now.

>> No.10471809

>We hardly talk about kpop except in thread like these. For now.
What makes you think that will change?

>> No.10471812


>> No.10471813

> because you are a NEET scumbag who would rather die than put effort into work for even a day.
I hope you realize that if you lived in a communist country, you'd most likely work quite a bit more than you do right now.
Educate yourself.

>> No.10471844
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>in other words same people who think communism is bad.
Just look how happy China and North Korea are!
I'm European and my country was Communist until 1989, things are still fucked up because of that.

>> No.10471866

>Their technology lead dwindled down to nothing
ahahaha oh ok dude, corea must be leading the world right? fuck off
>Japanese cars suck though. They're boring, bland
>japanese cars are garbage
>you should buy a Hyundai
suuure i must trust some random coreaboo, corean cars are of inferior quality
>xenophobia is pretty commonly known
nice bullshit buddy, people don't know about that. they think japan is the land of all weaboo stuff but not xenophobia.
>Kpop is pretty big
no one listens to k-pop you faglord, most "hardcore gamers" listen to the latest negro music. kpop is disgusting, devoid of all creativity and obsessed to enter the american market and they never will.
>gangam style
>Korea has a sphere of influence
cheap and shitty products HAHAHAHAHAAHA

time to report this disgusting pro-corea thread.

>> No.10471873

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>> No.10471884

The only reason 4chan and some other internet sites think the Japanese are xenophobic is because some butthurt weeaboos were sad when they weren't welcomed with open arms when they visited Japan.

>> No.10471885

Gangnam Style was the only K-Pop song that's gotten popular, K-pop is most likely never going to take off.

>> No.10471900


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>> No.10471919


>> No.10471933

K-Pop a shit
I hope it stays shit

>> No.10471938

It has taken off, those stupid girl bands are very popular.

>> No.10471972
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1351789676784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked how some KPOP girl bands had that "cute but cool" image at first. For example this song:

But now everything is geared towards generic American market, look at this shit:

Also compare the views between the two

>> No.10471979

No they aren't. Just because a kpop band showed up on letterman doesn't mean they're the shit. Donkeys that can speak have gone on letterman.

Epic sadfrog bro

>> No.10471986

Stop spouting bullshit about Korea having cultural influence because of Gangnam Style.

It's like saying Moldova had a cultural influence on the world because of the Numa Numa song

>> No.10472074

Is there any denpa-esque kpop? I have yet to hear any kpop I really like yet.

>> No.10472086

But it does have influence because it's a music video. Not only that but it's the most viewed video on Youtube. Along side the fact that it's clearly Korean. Did you know where Numa Numa came from at first? I didn't.

>> No.10472117

1)For Roly Poly you didn't add the official video and thats why the views are low.

2)2NE1 is the most popular KPOP group for American girls because of their tough image while SNSD's fandom has always been mainly young girls and older men (Though they became the national girl group and the only extremely sucessful girl group from Korea in 2009 with Gee)

>> No.10472128

>Clearly Korean

Have you not seen the "What language is GS in?" searches? Nobody knows shit about Korea except they make nice phones.

>> No.10472137

Kora HAS influence whether you believe it or not

>> No.10472139

Okay, besides clueless nig nogs and the like everybody assumes that it's Korean or Japanese. I hope.

>> No.10472161
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some japanese are proud of japan and some are not. But I think they are mostly pretty ignorant about global enthusiasm towards them.

>> No.10472238

>butthurt weeaboos were sad when they weren't welcomed with open arms when they visited Japan.
>butthurt weeaboos

>> No.10472260

>delusional Japanophiles
>(who are nowhere to be found outside of the middle and high school demographics)


Why is it unpopular?

Their technology i good

tgeir games ar not insular

the country is not xenophibic overworking or arrogance

they are noticable on the internet


>> No.10472268

>gdp from 1990

awesome, come back to me when you have relevant information

>> No.10472272
File: 27 KB, 504x127, proof that japan loves the us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10472278

Yes, that was my point.

>> No.10472290

Because The Japanese wouldn't have anything better to do than browse American site where people masturbate to 2D pictures and cum everytime they hear anything from Japan.

>> No.10472302



>> No.10472503

no they dont

>> No.10472558

Most of your opinions are highly ill-informed (myth that Japan is highly xenophobic which is largely untrue for anyone born in the last 4-5 decades), and none of them matter. You're not knowledgeable people, nor are any of your important, so stop discussing this.

>> No.10472575

I've already said this in this thread, as well as several others. You're not going to dissuade them.

>> No.10472610


Easy it's for you to say behind the screen .

>> No.10472633


It depends on what do you want from your car.
They are pretty good if you want low consuptions (see Toyota).

>> No.10472658


I don't know about the USA but in Europe Japan is pretty popular, they are usually seen as intelligent hardworking people.

And nobody gives a damn thing about their territorial disputes apart Chinese and Koreans nowadays.

>> No.10472666


And, if any, Westerners usually prefer to root for Japan rather then for China.

>> No.10472686
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>same people who think communism is bad

WOAH. Pot calling the kettle ignorant.

>> No.10472696


Normals care far more about the past, Japan is remembered for the rape of Nanking and loses when put up against China.

>> No.10472704

Isn't Foxconn from Taiwan?
And it's not like sweatshops are necessarily bad.

>> No.10472707

Wtf this comic makes no sense.

>> No.10472713


I don't think most Europeans even know about it and I've never heard of it at school (in Italy).

Also people care a lot about the economic growth of China and the whole human rights issue.

>> No.10472715

It's an expression of sentiment, rather than argument.

>> No.10472722

>I'd be fucking proud of my country if there were similar amount of love of it.
>Not living in the USA
What's it like to not be in one of ~4 countries producing anything worth watching, playing, reading, or listening to and exporting that shit all over the world?

>> No.10472739

>What's it like to not be in one of ~4 countries producing anything worth watching, playing, reading, or listening to
>one of ~4 countries
Typical ignorant white youth.

>> No.10472744 [DELETED] 

I live in America, most "normies" here don't even know the names of all 50 states, let alone some slant-eyed gook country. The only people who give a fuck about whaling or xenophobia are faggot liberals and everyone hates them anyway.

>> No.10472747

But how come he is wearing sunglasses after he takes them off?

>> No.10472749 [DELETED] 

Speak when spoken to, subhuman.

>> No.10472750

Lick my boots, boy.

>> No.10472753 [DELETED] 

The only thing I'll be licking is your mother's mouthpussy while I'm fucking her next to your dead shitskin body, nerd.

>> No.10472759


name the 4 countries, please.

>> No.10472762


maybe because they stopped being communism after 1990? badass

>> No.10472768

I thought communism was about welfare and all that

Like the opposite of USA

>> No.10472769


There's only 3 pop culture superpowers: USA, UK, and Japan.

>> No.10472772
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You forgot Canada

>> No.10472773 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10472777


EU is the 4th.
European cinema is appreciated as well, at least if you have a decent cultural level.

>> No.10472778
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>> No.10472779

Is that before or after you wake up from your fantasy and go home to settle with fucking your nasty caveman mother after I've raped your sisters and sent you their heads in a box, cumstain faggot?

>> No.10472787
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>> No.10472788


Name some other countries that produce tons of shit that people around the world like that isn't just rock music, MMORPGS, or something that belongs in a film festival.

>> No.10472790

I was reminded of the Donkey Kong 64 rap

>> No.10472792
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>> No.10472794 [DELETED] 

Please go subhuman, nobody wants your kind here.

>> No.10472803

Take your own advice, and keep your bullshit on /pol/.

>> No.10472804

Oh damn, I made an oversight.

That comic is to be read left to right.

>> No.10472811 [DELETED] 

Keep your kind in Africa.

>> No.10472833

Looks like we're having a hell of a thread here.

>> No.10472853


Look m8 I'm Canadian and not even I believe that. We have some bands, a small handful of TV shows (Trailer Park Boys), small amount of video games (Bioware) but nothing on the level of the big 3.

Most of our talent leaves to live in the USA anyway because they can't make it here.

>> No.10472885

I mean, yeah, obviously we are just an extension of the U S A but we have pretty high quality art. For our size, I think we're doing pretty good. And I think the original point of the topic was about international influence rather than quantity.

>> No.10472920


Yeah of course for our size we do well. But to call us a pop culture superpower is a stretch.

I was actually surprised when I learned how many classic rock songs were Canadian that I always assumed were American.

>> No.10472954

We all know Canada doesn't actually exist. It's just a myth or something, or otherwise you would hear more about it.

>> No.10472962
File: 488 KB, 636x1470, 1353888717899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada is staunchest ally.

>> No.10473097

Has Korea beaten Japan in video games yet?

>> No.10473190

Maybe in MMOs. Games like Blade and Soul and Archeage look like they show some promise.

I think it was just last year that Korea banned all online microtransactions so it looks like we're going to see an end to the tradition of soulless cash shop korean mmos. Unfortunately it seems like the western world is digging up that business practice.

>> No.10473216

Does Korea even make non MMO games? Does any country other than Japan and America make video games for consoles?

>> No.10473223

The anglosphere and a select few eastern european countries like Poland.

>> No.10473273

There will be a /ko/ board. It's inevitable.

>> No.10473295

>same people who think communism is bad.
you wouldn't be singing this if you actually lived through communism, forced to wait in super long lines every day to use your food stamps you were getting instead of money for barely any food, after forced work, no welfare, no way to be a neet.

>> No.10473365

and it will be the new /mlp/.

>> No.10473369

Where did you grow up?

>> No.10473413
File: 223 KB, 480x640, 1344267410661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossboarding scum get out of my /jp/.

>> No.10473489

They're pretty ignorent of the fact that everyone loves them, until they visit outside Japan and eve ln then when you try to talk to them about Japanese media than they say "Oh Acrtualry I lrike American T.V, movies, writers, and scenery ect. ect.". Bitches want that Ameri-kun white cock.

>> No.10473549

Didn't Korea took off because of their dramas (not like I enjoy them myself.)? Winter Sonata was a hit in Japan and spread through SE Asia.

>> No.10473555


their dramas are shit

jdramas > kdramas

>> No.10473572

Yes this is correct.

It wasn't until BoA that K-Pop became relevant outside of Korea. SNSD is now the leading group (They are not the most popular group in Korea but they are the most popular female group and are more marketable around the world)

>> No.10473574

Japanese can't act for shit

Kdramas > Jdramas

>> No.10473576

Crying incessantly over your dead mother does not equate to good acting, Koreaboo.

>> No.10473577
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Not so fast

>> No.10473581
File: 23 KB, 250x370, 1347938676748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take any Japanese TV shows/movies seriously because of that. Koreans are way better actors.

>> No.10473582


They are both horrible

Kdrama are usually about poor girls resisting and rich guy trying to date them or a super sad tear fest with no substance.

Jdrama are usually too silly and Japanese acting makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.10473586


good one bro

>> No.10473593


American dramas are by far the best

turn on HBO or Showtime

>> No.10473591


>jdrama are usually too silly

so you only watched densha otoko?

>> No.10473592

It's not like American or Latino dramas are any better.

Never seen Euro drama, but I'm guessing they're shit too. The world cannot into drama.

>> No.10473617

That story is shitty and unrealistic and I believe it was just a bored guy on the net.

>> No.10473633

I'm mostly comparing it to American soaps you see airing at noon.

>> No.10473825

i lol'd

>> No.10473838

No surprise such a thread devolved into astro-turfing koreans.

>> No.10473839

samefagging isn't funny, monkey man.

>> No.10473842

``J-Pop is sophisticated music for sophisticated individuals such as myself, unlike the mass produced garbage that is K-Pop''

>> No.10473843

What makes Korean culture popular now is because so many of them get the fuck out of their shitty peninsula for a number of reasons (mandatory draft, soul sucking lifestyle). I'd chalk it up why PSY and Gangnam Style got popular was because Korean FOBS showed it to their white friends.

>> No.10473852

If you had a Korean friend, or K-Pop interested Asian friend, as I do (I'm Asian) you would know everyone who's interested in that stuff (I'm not) hates that song and how played out it is and how stupid the whiteys are for putting it on repeat. The Pistachio ad was already groan inducing.

>> No.10473855

You are a little late, monkey.

>> No.10473859

It's because it appeals to normals, Japan has a pre-existing bias about any of its media to the mainstream.

>> No.10473860

Who are you kwuoting?

>> No.10473861

True, I am a crossboarder and I admittedly don't understand Japanese culture that well, but I like this board's atmosphere. Am I not welcome to express my views and bring a different perception from the majority of the userbase?

>> No.10473866


>> No.10473869
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Corea strong

>> No.10473873

1977 Toyota Celica, what a masterpiece of a car.

>> No.10473874

BoA, SNSD, Orange Caramel, After School doesn't appeal normals.

>> No.10473879

You are wrong.
I know you are a NEET that doesn't talk to "normal" people, or even cool people, so I won't fault you.
I will just let you know you are wrong, and you don't know what a hipster is.

>> No.10473880

What about Super Junior, 2PM or SHINEE?

>> No.10473884


>> No.10473883

Girls Generation and now PSY do though.

>> No.10473887

I don't get it.

>> No.10473890

Girls Generation is SNSD.

>> No.10473891

Well too bad. I'm here to stay until I get bored.

>> No.10473893

30mil views and only one comment thanks to the Corean botnet.

>> No.10473895

Also, psy is pretty irrelevant except for that one song.

>> No.10473899

A lot of Asians (Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, etc) have an afinity for K-pop. I can't tell you how many times I've told my female AND male friends "I don't care" when they tell me about whatever is happening to their gay k-drama or k-pop group.
One of my Vietnamese friends even dedicates some time to covering dances of K-pop videos and dyed his hair to imitate them.
Pretty retarded.

>> No.10473906

The guy himself is irrelevent, but that song has made Korean language music more acceptable among the masses.

>> No.10473908

Uh, must be because other comments are disabled?

Why don't you pick up "Haru haru" and say it's full of botnet comments?

>> No.10473917

No, people liked korean music much before psy, but it was niche like j-pop.

>> No.10473918

I was introduced to BoA by some Asian friends of mine when I was in middle school.

I was introduced to SNSD, KARA, T-ara, SuJu, and SHINEE by some different Asian friends of mine from high school who I continued to talk with from time to time after graduation. Half of them were Starcraft players.

>> No.10473924

Also, if you think PSY is relevant in the greater scheme of things, you're an idiot.

>> No.10473932

This one? The comments are closed, there are none.

>> No.10473933

The only Korean performers I like are the ones who sing in Japanese too like BoA and Younha. Too bad the latter kinda fell off the radar.

>> No.10473944

Well we already know from recent surveys that Japan does like US.

>> No.10473950

The reverse is true, outside of the usual Japan bashing you see on the internet.

>> No.10473952

Oh, they must have closed recently then.
See this shit then:

Oh wait, Sungha must be promoted by ``botnet'' too:

>> No.10473954

Those both have tens of thousands of comments.

>> No.10473982

And what were you complaing about?

>> No.10474040

Might be related.

>I have read a few comments saying that I chose the worst 10 out of a 100 people, and that I am trying to make fun of these people. Not true at all. First off, I don't have the time to interview 100 people. It was hard enough to get 10 people to do the interview.
>Second, I made the video for a Japanese audience because I get a lot of Japanese friends asking me what Americans think of Japan. I would have been much happier to show Japanese people that Americans knew a lot about Japan.

>> No.10474081

No one likes Japan.

Just anime. And video games.

related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzmFQNvvU

>> No.10474085

I like Japan. Or rather, the Japan that once was.

>> No.10474089

Furthermore, you should read about what the former Mayor of Tokyo Shintaro Ishihara tried to do. It did not help relations with China.

>> No.10474094

exactly my point

Apart from certain media, they have nothing to be envious of. They are in many ways pitiable.

>> No.10474190

I love Japan. I also find the Japanese nightlife, the people, and the culture interesting. In short you're wrong.

>> No.10474294

How ignorant you are.

>> No.10474682


>> No.10474764

American detected

>> No.10475064


>> No.10475067



>> No.10475073

ITT americans fantasize what is it like to not have the entire world hate you.

>> No.10475090
File: 61 KB, 500x667, bladerunner_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see Tokyo some day, but I would probably be disappointed when it's not like stepping into a blade runner world.

>> No.10475112


Japan was North Korea, nobody liked it. We're the ones that civilized the country and made it likeable.

>> No.10475113


Also only peasants and mudslimes are butthurt over the US.

>> No.10477044


—Brought to you by the Internet, an American invention, on 4chan, an American-made message board also on his computer and keyboard that are likely from American companies.

>> No.10477886

All of which are based on Japanese, nerd.

>> No.10477939

Nope, only 4chan.

And BB forums already existed anyway.

>> No.10478767
File: 18 KB, 183x275, 1360516249522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna rub my dick here until I cum.

>> No.10478836

thats fatty

>> No.10481253

Best Korea has the nukes now. Say goodbye to your Kpop.

>> No.10481303

I would enjoy this too.
If you think that is fat than you're in fantasy land.

>> No.10481356

As long as the Jung Sisters get out of Korea before they shoot I won't mind. This is actually why I try not get attached to Korean stars since Jong Un could have a tantrum any day and destroy Seoul.

>> No.10481448

>If you think that is fat than you're in fantasy land.

You might be right. It could be aging-induced decrease in estrogen levels leading to weakened skin elasticity.
